Music Appreciation Final Exam Study Set

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Joseph Haydn's String Quartet, Op. 33, No 2., was nicknamed

"The Joke"

Jimi Hendrix's version of this song famously employed text painting

"The Star-Spangled Banner"

Bobbie Gentry described "Ode to Billie Joe" as a study in

"unconscious cruelty"

While 186,000 advance tickets to Woodstock were sold, approximately this number of concertgoers attended


A complete recitation of the Sunjata story can take (blank) hours


The "Sacrificial Dance" in part 2 of The Rite of Spring is in rondo form, best represented by

A B A' C A" C A"

Fredrick Stock, conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, asked Florence Price for permission to premiere her Symphony No. 1 at the 1933-34 Chicago World's Fair, which was named:

A Century of Progress


A set of only seven pitches that forms the basis for most Western music


A term that describes a melody that moves principally by small intervals


A way of making connections between closely related works and musical artists that share stylistic, formal, and cultural elements is to categorize the works by (blank)

The term "hot jazz" was used to describe the rhythmically interesting style associated with:

African American musicians

Dock Boggs developed a unique playing style on the banjo, based upon his observation of:

African Americans banjo players at dances

Jean Ritchie was an accomplished ballad singer, but she is best known for her role in popularizing the:

Appalachian dulcimer

Lesions is a chamber work for clarinet, horn, and cello commisioned for Ensemble Q of Queensland Conservatorium. It was written by which composer?

Catherine Likhuta

John Dowland struggled to obtain a position at the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England due to his:

Catholic faith

Many "good songs" were written about Lord Raimbaut of Orange by the "good and beautiful lady" named the:

Countess of Dia

Just as ragtime was becoming passe, a new style called (blank) burst onto the scene

Dixieland Jazz


During (blank), the musical performers vary material by creating music in the moment, rather than relying upon fixed pitches and rhythms

In the vida of the Countess of Dia, she is described as a beautiful nun who loved her Lord God


Like the composer of the musical scores for Star Wars, Wagner randomly paired themes with objects and ideas


True of False: A pulse is the most complex form of rhythm


True or False: "Lachrimae" is Latin for sadness


True or False: "Ode to Billie Joe" is a ballad that uses a simple melody as a vehicle for a joyful story


True or False: A raga performance is entirely improvised


True or False: As a boy, Haydn was taken to Habsburg, where he sang in a boys' choir and studied music


True or False: As a musician of the Classical era, Haydn enjoyed high social status


True or False: At its premier, The Rite of Spring was the sole ballet on the program and audience members loved the dancing and costumes


True or False: Barbara Strozzi's musical career was supported by Giulio Strozzi and included many public opera performances


True or False: Berloiz won the top honor for French composers, the Rome Prize, years after his death


True or False: Berloiz's Fantastical Symphony was entirely based upon his real-life relationship with Harriet Smithson


True or False: Cemil Bey was a virtuosic tanbur performer who wrote out his compositions using music notation


True or False: Clara Schumann's 1846 piano trip was dedicated to her husband's memory


True or False: Clara Wieck married on of her father's students, Robert Schumann, a famous pianist at the time


True or False: Compositions in the tradition of absolute music have descriptive titles


True or False: Even Adolf Hitler believed that Wagner's operas should not be produced


True or False: For most of history, a ballad has been some variety of a length song meant for dancing


True or False: Franz Schubert wrote many great works for public concert halls, and is now known as one of the greatest 19th century opera composers.


True or False: George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Elton John were all members of The Beatles


True or False: Haydn's Opus 33 quarters constituted his first publication


True or False: Hector Berlioz's obsession with Irish actress Harriet Smithson was unrequited for his entire life


True or False: Heterophonic texture occurs when each instrument plays variations on a different melody


True or False: Holst became wealthy as a trombone performer in the middle part of his career


True or False: Holst had a sincere interest in and passion for astrology, and this led to his creation of The Solar System Cycle


True or False: In 1612, having won international fame, John Dowland finally secured a position in the court of France


True or False: In 1761, Haydn won a desirable post with the Esterhazys, one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Vienna


True or False: In 1779, Haydn secured the right to accept outside commissions but not to publish his works


True or False: In Beethoven's time, concert programs typically included works from a variety of genres, yet featured music by only a single composer


True or False: In Schubert's music, the piano is always relegated to the background and does not have a prominent role


True or False: In polyphonic jazz all of the musicians play the same melody at the same time


True or False: John Williams was influenced by specific historical compositions, not by style more generally


True or False: Medieval music notation indicated melody and rhythm


True or False: Medieval notation clearly indicated how the instrumental accompaniment was to be played


True or False: Mussorgsky and his colleagues were known as "The Mighty Few"


True or False: Mussorgsky wrote Pictures at an Exhibition as a four-movement piano suite in just twenty days


True or False: Rhapsody in Blue does not incorporate elements from the European concert tradition


True or False: Richard Wagner was a world-famous performer by the time he was 17 years old


True or False: Schubert's "Elf King" is strophic, meaning that is each stanza of text has the same melody


True or False: String quartets were performed exclusively in public settings


True or False: Strozzi's volumes of vocal music included operatic works


True or False: Tablature is a map to the lute indicating the parts of the instrument, such as strings, tone hone, and bridge


True or False: The Beatles' song "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite" uses a real calliope organ, recorded in the studio, to reflect the theme of nostalgia and childhood memories


True or False: The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement in which African American artists sought to preserve white musical culture


True or False: The Heligenstadt Testament contributed to Beethoven's image as an archetypical Classical musician


True or False: The Ottoman Empire, founded in 1299, quickly gained and lost power


True or False: The Romantic era saw a declining interest in both the individual experience and the portrayal of heartbreak, illness, and personal struggle


True or False: The barroom music in the cantina scene in Star Wars relies heavily upon the unstable and irregular rhythms characteristics of ragtime music


True or False: The earliest operas performed in Florence were open to the public


True or False: The final song in Schubert's Lovely Maid of the Mill is "The Brook's Lullaby", which ends the cycle on a happy and upbeat note, as the Miller goes to sleep after all of his hard work


True or False: The secular songs of the troubadours of Aquitane were never written down and all lost due to the fact that they lived only in oral tradition


True or False: The songs of troubadours were written down in a way that preserved both their melodies and rhythms


True or False: The tanbur is a long-necked European lute


True or False: The text of the Sunjata story is maintained in writing by the jail caste, who are members of the nobility in West Africa


True or False: There are about five hundred ragas in use during a given era, and a musician can easily master them all with practice


True or False: There are many recordings of the Sunjata story in existence, because it is important to preserve it


True or False: Trobairitz were considered to be exceptionally poetic and were in high demand for public performances


True or False: Wagner reduced the size of the orchestra for The Ring of the Nibelungs in order to highlight characters with single instruments


True or False: Wagner used leitmotifs to communicate information to an audience that is not included in the libretto or onstage action


True or False: emotional expression in music is not subjective, because every listener will perceive the same emotional content


True or False: the chromatic pitch set includes most of the pitches used in Western music, but not all of them


True or False: the theme that represents Darth Vader displays many of the same characteristics as the Main Theme, but it is the major mode and uses simple harmonies


Ravi Shankar popularized North Indian music in Europe and the US and worked with which famous musician?

George Harrison

The Beatles' music was shaped by producer:

George Martin

Which of the following is not a technique used by Berlioz to tell the story in "March to the Scaffold"

He used quotation to remind the listener of beheadings during the French Revolution

How do we know what Berlioz's Fantastical Symphony is about?

He wrote and published a lengthy description

The letter to his brothers in which Beethoven reflected on the shame he felt regarding his affliction is known as the:

Heiligenstadt Testament

Bar lines

In notated music, measures are separated by:

Prior to pursuing a full-time music career, Jimi Hendrix briefly worked where?

In the US Army

Was Barbara Strozzi the illegitimate daughter of the poet Giulio Strozzi, a prominent figure in 17th century Venice?

It is likely that she was, but we cannot know for sure

The Beatles formed in which city in 1957?


Which of the following artists did NOT adapt Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition?

Ludwing van Beethoven


Monophonic, polyphonic, heterophonic, and homophonic are all terms that refer to a musical work's (blank)

Stravinsky's Intro to Part 2 of The Rite of Spring made heavy use of

None of the above

Anoushka Shankar is a renowned sitar player from which musical tradition?

North Indian


One of the characteristics of music is (blank), which concerns the contents of and interactions between various layers or voices in a musical work

The most famous bandleader of the 1920s was:

Paul Whiteman

Mussorgsky belonged to a progressive school of 19th century composers of which of these nationalities?


Beethoven transformed the symphony genre, with this symphony being his most famous:

Symphony No. 5


The (blank) is the first (and strongest) pulse in each measure of music


The Italian terms crescendo, decrescendo, forte, mezzo forte, and mezzo piano all refer to (blank) in music

Jimi Henrix found success with a band called:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience


The ability to recognize differences between voices (like your mother's vs your sister's) and between instruments, even if they are playing at the same pitch (like a flute vs a trombone) is due to variations in (blank)


The element of music that has to do with how pitches are begun, sustained, and released


The element of music that has to do with the loudness or softness


The interval between two different, adjacent pitches having the same note name is called a/an (blank)


The part of a musical work that you typically sing along with or that might get stuck in your head


The technique of assigning a unique theme to each character, object, place, and idea in a drama is the use of


The term (blank) refers to the distance between two pitches


The term that refers to the relative highness or lowness of a musical sound is (blank)


The way a musical work unfolds over time, or its (blank) typically relies upon repetition, variation, and contrast

A cyclical technique in music composition is one in which all parts of a large work are connected by shared material (eg the obsession melody that appears throughout Berlioz's Fantastical Symphony)


The Rite of Spring depicts pagan rituals and caused consternation among audience members at its 1913 premiere in Paris


True of False: During the 19th century, there was new interest in rural folk culture, folk stories, folk poetry, folk dances, and folk songs.


True of False: Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition constitutes an imaginary tour of an art show, with each painting captured in a movement


True of False: the term "fixed composition" refers to works in which the pitches and rhythms are identical between performances


True or False" The Rite of Spring does not tell a coherent story


True or False: "Flow, My Tears" was published in The Second Booke of Songs or Aryes


True or False: "I Must Sing" is the only trobairitz song to survive with its melody intact


True or False: "Murder ballads" were similar to true crime shows today, because they detailed the misdeeds of condemned criminals


True or False: "Samai Shad Araban" is an example of a saz semaisi and is named after its genre and makam


True or False: A canso was the highest form of song that the troubadours wrote. It was about the love of a knight for the lady he served


True or False: A fasil is a suite that includes 6-8 instrumental pieces, songs, and vocal instrumental improvisations, all in the same makam


True or False: A makam includes information on pitch, melodic motifs, ascending and descending melodic patterns, phrase endings, and tunings of individual pitches


True or False: A saz semaisi is the concluding piece in a fasil


True or False: A string quartet requires two violins, a viola, and a cello, each part being highly independent


True or False: After abandoning the study of law to study piano, Robert Schumann ultimately became a composer and music critic


True or False: As an accomplished African American musician and educator, Florence Price was forced to leave her home in Little Rock, Arkansas, due to the unbearable burden "Jim Crow" laws placed on her and the black community


True or False: Barbara Strozzi was the adopted daughter of poet Giulio Strozzi, a prominent figure in 17th century Venice


True or False: Berlioz wrote detailed narratives that described his Fantastical Symphony and made efforts to widely publicize this work


True or False: Beyonce's album Lemonade is a good example of a modern work that accomplishes the same purpose as a song cycle


True or False: Black and White Rag was a work that manipulated repetition and contrast by giving listeners familiar music each time the A section returned but preventing them from being bored by including contrasting material


True or False: Civilizations around the world have long used song as a vehicle for telling long stories, or "epics"


True or False: Clara Schuman was the daughter and star pupil of renowned Leipzig piano teacher Friederich Wieck


True or False: Clara Schumann ensured Robert Schumann's legacy by performing and promoting his music after his death in 1856


True or False: Clara Schumann's 1846 piano trio is considered by many to be her finest work and influenced Robert Schumann's first piano trio


True or False: Clara's 1846 piano trio was frequently included on concert programs and was performed at home by amateur musicians


True or False: Due to his rising fame, Haydn was able to renegotiate his contract with the Esterhazy family in 1779


True or False: Each of the unique melodic passages of a saz semaisi, which alternate with a refrain, is called a hane, or house


True or False: Fin a'mors concerned the suffering of unrequited love


True or False: George and Ira Gershwin became famous for writing Broadway musicals


True or False: Haydn was born to working-class parents in a remote Australian village but later became one of the most influential composers of his era


True or False: In 1612, John Dowland secured a position in the English court in spite of his Catholic religion


True or False: In 1637, Giulio Strozzi established the Accademia degli Unisoni, a gathering of educated citizens dedicated to discussion, debate, and music


True or False: In 1757, Haydn became music director for Count Morzin, writing music for and directing the Count's private orchestra


True or False: In 1790, following the death of Prince Nikolaus I, Haydn moved to Vienna to pursue a successful freelance career


True or False: In 19th century Europe, a debate took place about whether program music or absolute music was the superior type of instrumental music


True or False: In film, music that the characters can hear is called "source music", because of the source of sound being visible on screen


True or False: In the Beatles' album Sgt. Pepper's, many of the songs relate to childhood memories and feelings of nostalgia


True or False: John Dowland was a renowned lute performer and composer of viol consort music


True or False: Lesions is divided into four sections that represent stages in the grieving process: "Sadness", "Anxiety", "Denial", and "Acceptance"


True or False: Like Star Wars, Wagners the ring of the Nibelungs makes heavy use of themes that represent specific characters or ideas


True or False: Makam music is heterophonic


True or False: Makam music was influenced by varied traditions from regions across the Ottoman Empire. Influences came from Byzantine, Armenian, Arabic, Persian, and European music


True or False: Many elements of troubadour songs were not notated. Therefore, musicians today must employ ingenuity to reconstruct them in performance


True or False: Mars served as a model for John Williams's "Imperial March" theme in Star Wars


True or False: Mussorgsky and his musical colleagues were dedicated to developing an authentically Russian means of musical expression


True or False: Mussorgsky wrote Pictures at an Exhibition as a solo piano suite because he was not a skilled orchestrator


True or False: My Tears appeared in Strozzi's 17th volume, The Pleasures of Euterpe, the title which references the Greek Muse of Music


True or False: My tears is a cantata and includes passaged of unmetered recitative, metered arioso, and one short strophic aria


True or False: Paul Whiteman's 1924 Experiment in Modern Music concert was intended to demonstrate the potential of jazz as serious concert music


True or False: Rhapsody in Blue explores five themes in a single movement


True or False: Robert Schumann suffered from mental illness and attempted suicide


True or False: Schubert became so involved in small and intimate concerts that a special term, Schubertiade, was developed to describe a performance that featured only his music


True or False: Schubert did not set "Elf King" in a folk-like style, instead going to great lengths to capture the characters and events in the text by manipulating musical elements


True or False: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was the first rock album to receive a Grammy for Album of the Year


True or False: Some critics of Wagner's operas argue that we should no longer produce or listen to his operas because the composer's antisemitism is so repugnant that his art should be erased


True or False: String quartets were performed in domestic settings at dinners and social gatherings and by amateurs for their own amusement


True or False: Strozzi performed her own songs, accompanying herself on the lute


True or False: Strozzi published 8 volumes of vocal music, more than any other Venetian composer of her era


True or False: Strozzi's cantatas were extended solo works with dramatic, emotional content


True or False: Tablature indicates where fingers should be placed on the lute


True or False: Tanbur player Cemil Bey revolutionized performance techniques that can still be heard on his recordings


True or False: Technological advances that allowed for greater amplification contributed to the rise of rock concerts in the 1960s


True or False: The 12-bar blues form provides the structure for most blues compositions


True or False: The 1930s saw the increased prominence of African American performers and composers in the sphere of classical music


True or False: The Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" evokes a hallucinatory experience by means of compositional and production effects


True or False: The Beatles' album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was recorded in the studio over 700 hours using dozens of performers and instruments


True or False: The Countess of Did was a courtier and songwriter


True or False: The John Dowland song for lute titled "Flow, My Tears" reflects his specialty of writing sorrowful music


True or False: The first secular songs in the European tradition were recorded on manuscripts of velum


True or False: The history of concerts is tied to the history of capitalism


True or False: The layout of The Second Brooke of Songs or Ayres was designed to facilitate domestic performance, with the lute tablature and principal voice part notated on one side of a table and the additional voice part on another


True or False: The melody of "I Must Sing" is in bar form (A A B)


True or False: The organizers of Woodstock encountered delays as they tried to secure permits from local authorities to hold the festival


True or False: The term "string quartet" describes both the genre and the ensemble that plays it


True or False: The term "through-composed" indicates that each line of text has a unique melody and no music is repeated


True or False: Two performance of the same raga can sound quite different


True or False: When the Sunjata story is performed, if a mistake is made in telling the story, the witness must correct it


True or False: While in Chicago in the 1920s, Florence Price, an African American composer, published serious concert music, popular songs, church music, and educational pieces for piano students


True or False: Whiteman invited George Gershwin to compose a piano concerto that combined jazz with European concert music


True or False: Whiteman's strategy for 'selling' jazz to resistant white audiences included inviting prominent performers, conductors, and critics of classical music to his 1924 concert


True or False: Woodstock was held at a 600-acre dairy farm in upstate New York


true of false: In Dixieland Jazz, its difficult to tell which instrument has the "main" melody because all seem of equal importance



Wagner's "The Ring of the Nibelungs" derives from (blank) mythology


When pulses are organized into groups containing strong and weak beats, we refer to this as __________

The famous and influential poet who wrote the text to Schubert's "Elf King" was:

Wolfgang von Goethe

Woodstock was the largest music festival of the 1960s and took place against the backdrop of

a) Civil Rights and Women's Liberation movements b) Vietnam War c) Stonewall Riots d) recent assassinations of MLK Jr and Robert F. Kennedy *e) all of the above*

Which of these famous African American artists performed works composed by Florence Price?

a) Maria Anderson b) Margaret Bonds c) Roland Hayes d) Florence Price *e) all of the above*

Which of the following are conventions of the string quartet genre established by Haydn's Opus 33?

a) all 4 parts are important b) melodic motifs are passed from one part to another c) texture resembles a civilized conversation between intellectual equals d) all 4 parts are interesting *e) all of the above*

Instrumental music can communicate meaning with which of the following techniques?

a) mimesis b) quotation c) musical topics d) reliance on a descriptive text e) *all of the above*

A typical jail instrument is the:

a) ngoni b) balafon c) kora d) neo *e) all of the above*

Examples of Haydn's sense of humor found in Movement I of his String Quartet, Op. 33, No. 2, include:

a) out-of-place, periodic outburst from the first violin b) an overly-serious passage in the Development c) a false, minor-mode return of the Primary Theme d) an abrupt cadence in the Development *e) all of the above*

Barbara Strozzi gained a lofty reputation among Venice's artistic elite due to her involvement in the Accademia degli Unisoni, in which she:

a) presided over the meetings b) suggested debate topics c) performed as a singer d) judged forensic skill and awarded prized *e) all of the above*

Which of the following styles had an influence on Lemonade?

a) reggae b) hip-hop c) country d)rock & roll *e) all of the above*

While music director for the Esterhazy family, Haydn's duties included:

a) staging an opera and two concerts a week b) providing special performances for guests c) writing chamber music d) playing chamber music with the Prince *e) all of the above*

Clara Schumann did not write a great deal of music because she:

a) supported her family financially b) raised 7 children c) dedicated herself to ensuring Robert's legacy d) taught and performed *e) all of the above*

Schubert's songs were taken seriously as cultural expression because:

a) the German language was forced upon Austria b) Schubert was an ambassador for Germany and Austria c) Schubert championed formal art music d) fascination with the aristocracy led Schubert to write symphonies *e) none of the above*

"Pretty Polly" is an example of a ballad that is difficult to discuss in specific terms because:

a) there are so many versions being sung today b) many different versions have been recorded c) it was passed down through oral tradition d) it is a modern descendant of a much older British ball *e) all of the above*

"Music for music's sake" is referred to as:

absolute music

Barbara Strozzi was a gifted performer who wrote music for her own use. She performed at private gatherings known as:


The composer for Star Wars had been a session musician, so he:

already had a deep understanding of how music can shape the viewer's experience of drama

Sonata form evolved over time as composers experimented. By the 19th century, it contained which of the following elements?

an Exposition, a Development, and a Recapitulation, with an optional Coda

Hector Berlioz's Fantastical Symphony tells the story of a(n):

artist who falls in love, overdoses on drugs, and has hallucinations

The Rite of Spring was a


The famous opening of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue featured a glissando on what instrument?


A concept album is defined as a(n):

collection of songs that are all united by a theme or sound

A modern concept very similar to a dog cycle is a (blank), in which an artist releases a collection of recordings that accomplish the same purpose as a song cycle

concept album

In the European tradition, opera is a staged work of music theater that features:

costumes, sets, dramatic plots, props E. *all of the above* is correct

The troubadours of Aquitane were:

courtiers who wrote songs

In nineteenth century Vienna, intimate concerts might be hosted by a wealthy family in their living room to advertise their:

cultural and social standing

During Beethoven's years as a concert pianist, his career nearly ended due to this health concern:


Each of the pagans in Dowland's set titled Lachrimae opened with the same"

descending "tears" motif

Program music is always accompanied by a(n):

descriptive text

The Beatles' album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is an example of music intended for:

domestic listening

In a strophic song:

each stanza of the text is set to the same music

A raga is typically associated with a season, a time of day, and a/an:


Sgt. Pepper's is a concept album about a:

fictional Edwardian-era military band

Jimi Hendrix was the most influential guitar player of the 1960s due to:

his virtuosic playing and use of distortion and sound effects

The technique of mimesis can be defined as:

imitation of real-world sounds

Which of the following was Berlioz NOT known for?

inventing new string techniques

Which themes present in Schubert's Lovely Maid of the Mill were especially prevalent in the Romantic era?

love and suicide

The Turkish system of musical modes is called:


The Ottoman courts cultivated a rich musical tradition referred to as:

makam music

Before enrolling in the Paris Conservatory in 1826, Berlioz studied which field?


The songs of the early troubadours were spread by means of oral tradition when they were performed by:


A raga is a type of:


The representation of shepherds with a bagpipe-like drone is an example of what technique?

musical topic

The use of recognizable music to portray a typical scene, such as a storm scene or love scene is referred to as the use of:

musical topic

Movement 4 of Berlioz's Fantastical Symphony illustrates which of the following techniques?

musical topic, quotation, and mimesis

When a composer uses familiar musical styles or cliches to communicate to a listener, it is referred to as the use of:

musical topics

In a musical technique called "underscoring":

none of the above

The 12th century Provencal term "troubadour" refers to:

one who finds

Challenges to concert performances during Beethoven's time included all of the following except for:

overly hot concert halls

In the European tradition, instrumental music that claims to tell a specific story or to otherwise communicate extramusical information is referred to as:

program music

Holst's Mars march was extremely unusual because it was in

quintuple meter

In Berlioz's "Dream of a Witches' Sabbath" the incorporation of "Dies irae" is an example of:


The term "fin a'mors" translates as:

refined love

In Star Wars, the musical themes are effective because they:

represent specific characters or ideas

The theme that represents "Loge as fire" uses the following to represent fire:

rising and falling dynamic levels and pitches to represent the unpredictable nature of the fire spreading across the ground

The following are all regarded as periods in Beethoven's career, except for the:

romance period, in which he focused on the tragic lost love

In the Vienna of Schubert's time, music lovers supported an economy of small, in-home concerts known as:


Franz Joseph Haydn pioneered the:

string quartet

The standard form of the canso is:


Strozzi's cantatas typically addressed the topic of:

suffering caused by unrequited love

Ragtime is a style of music originally popularized by pianists and that features steady rhythms in the left hand and (blank) in the right

syncopated rhythms

When performed, a raga is paired with a pattern of beats. This is called a:


A sog cycle consists of about 8-20 songs that work together to

tell a story

The refrain of a saz semaisi is referred to as the:


What name did Berlioz give the melody that represents his protagonist's love interest?

the "obsession"

The first major music festival was called:

the Monterey International Pop Festival

Wotan's Farewell features one of the most significant powers of the leitmotif

the ability to foreshadow events yet to come

The final scene of The Valkyrie contains

the appearance of the Loge, the demigod of fire Wotan's spear a ring of fire Brunnhildes sleep e. *all of the above* is correct

John Williams

the composer who wrote the scores for the original Star Wars trilogy

Organicism is defined as:

the development of a large-scale work out of a single musical motif

Melodic Range

the distance between the highest and lowest pitches of a melody


the element of music that constitutes the temporal aspect of sound

Which of the following could have resulted in "Purple Haze" being banned from the airwaves?

the explicit references to drug use

Holst's work The Planets is an example of program music but he reversed the order of the movements "Mars" and "Mercury" because:

the music he composed for Mars made a better opener for the work

Which of these was the earliest musical presentation for which the public could buy tickets?

the operas at the St. Cassiano Theater in Venice

Which of the following is a theme addresses in Beyonce's Lemonade?

the struggles of African Americans


the term that refers to how fast of how slow a pulse occurs

Some of the musical characteristics of Star Wars "Main Theme" that tell us Luke Skywalker is a hero are:

the use of brass instruments, duple meter, steady tempo, major mode, and leaps to the upper tonic

Which characteristics of sound did Holts manipulate by utilizing women's voices in "Neptune"?


A female troubadour is referred to as:


"Unisoni" means "like-minded", but is also a pun on the musical term:


The biographies of troubadours emphasized their loves and were recorded in which of these?


The term "sweet jazz" was used to describe lively dance music primarily intended for

white consumers

"Opus" means:


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