Name the logical fallacy

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Appeal to ignorance

"In 1950, when Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (Republican, Wisconsin), was asked about the fortieth name on a list of 81 names of people he claimed were communists working for the United States Department of State, he responded that 'I do not have much information on this except the general statement of the agency that there is nothing in the files to disprove his communist connections.'

argument from the consequence

. I do not believe in reincarnation because I would not like to come back as someone or something else.

Appeal to Authority

A commercial of drake drinking soda b/c it helps him work, so it will help you work better too

Appeal to fear

A mother tells her children not to leave the yard because there could be wild animals in the woods.

Ad Hominem

A parent who says that the teacher doesn't know how to teach because she graduated from a community college.

hasty generalization

Alissa has class with a football player who is a class clown. He disrupts the class and is failing. Alissa decides all football players are not serious students.


All banks are beside rivers. Therefore, the financial institution where I deposit my money is beside a river.

Guilt by Association

Elizabeth believes that immigration laws should be enforced and that everyone should follow a set process to immigrate to the United States. When she hears that Donald Trump advocates enforcing immigration laws, Elizabeth decides that she can't support immigration laws because she doesn't want to be associated with believing the same thing as Donald Trump.

begging the question

Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. After all, a healthy eating plan includes fruits and vegetables.

glittering generalization

Future belongs to those who believe


Grades are poor b/c of fighting, less fighting would mean better grades

Genetic Fallacy

He was born to Catholic parents and raised as a Catholic until his confirmation in 8th grade. Therefore, he is bound to want to defend some Catholic traditions and, therefore, cannot be taken seriously.

Tu quote

Helga: You should not be eating that... it has been scientifically proven that eating fat burgers are no good for your health. Hugh: You eat fat burgers all the time so that can't be true.

argument from the consequence

Hillary Clinton is not a criminal. I mean, if she were a criminal, then the American people have chosen a criminal to run in a presidential election.

Tu Quque

How can you argue your case for vegetarianism when you are enjoying that steak?"

ad misericordiam

I really deserve an "A" on this paper, professor. Not only did I study during my grandmother's funeral, but I also passed up the heart transplant surgery, even though that was the first matching donor in 3 years.

Appeal to Authority

I'm not going to let my children get the flu shot b/c my dad said its the gov way of positioning us. It must be true b/c my dad is smart

Slippery slope

If we allow gay marriage, the next thing we know, people will want to marry their dogs, or their cats, or what about their pigs?

Slippery slope

If we allow the children to choose the movie this time, they are going to expect to be able to choose the school they go to or the doctors they visit.

Slippery slope

If we donate all our money to the poor, the government will collapse

hypothesis to contrary

If you took that course on CD player repair right out of high school, you would be doing well and gainfully employed right now.

hypothesis to contrary

If you would have tried bagels you would have loved them

No true scottsman

If you're Christian you are kind and honest, that means you're not Christian

red herring

It is easy to say slavery was a terrible deed committed in the South, I think no one will deny that. However, factory production in the South was rising during this time, it would seem that b/c of this rise, it would only be a matter of time b/f slavery was made outdated by these new products

post hoc

Kevin's dog scratched his leg, and that night he had a fever. Kevin concluded that his dog must have infected him with something.

hasty generalization

Kevin's grandparents do not know how to use a computer. Kevin thinks that all older people must be computer illiterate.

begging the question

Killing people is wrong, so the death penalty is wrong.

false analogy

Making people register their own guns is like the Nazis making the Jews register with their government. This policy is crazy.

Irrelevant appeal to authority

Michael Jordan says frosted flakes is the best

ignoring the question

Molly: It is 3:00 in the morning, you are drunk, covered in lipstick, and your shirt is on backward! Would you care to explain yourself? Rick: I was out with the guys. Molly: And the lipstick? Rick: You look wonderful tonight, honey! Molly: (softening) You think so? I got my hair cut today!

Irrelevant appeal to authority

My 5th-grade teacher once told me that girls would go crazy for boys if they learn how to dance. Therefore, if you want to make the ladies go crazy for you, learn to dance.

Appeal to fear

My mom is this school's biggest donor, so you should really reconsider that C you gave me on my latest paper.

Non Sequitur

My refrigerator is acting up. I'd better read that book by Friday.

Genetic Fallacy

My sixth grade teacher, Mr. Harris, said that all women are bad drivers, so it must be true.

Appeal to ignorance

No one can actually prove that God exists; therefore God does not exist.


No sane person would believe that God is real. He is just and imaginary thing that people make up so that they can feel better about themselves.


P1. Lead poisoning can contribute to violent behavior. P2. Many inner city children have dangerous levels of lead in their blood. C. Therefore, violent crime in the inner city can be solved by curing the lead problem.

false analogy

People who have to have a cup of coffee every morning before they can function have no less a problem than alcoholics who have to have their alcohol each day to sustain them.

ignoring the question

Prsn: I'm I okay doctor? Dr.: Don't worry about it

Straw man

Smith doesn't want to spend more on defense budget, so he wants to leave the nation defenseless

Straw man

Student tells his professor that he thinks some of Donald Trump's positions have merit. Professor says he can't believe that the student believes in support racism.

hasty generalization

That $29 shirt at Marshall's is a great deal, therefore, everything at Marshall's is a great deal.

Non Sequitur

The bread was left out on the counter. Dad was the last person in the kitchen. Dad is the only one who could have left the bread on the counter.


The hot summer sun was scorching.

Appeal to Authority

The internet says that if you do yoga everyday, you'll live long. It has to be true b/c its on the internet


The priest told me I should have faith. I have faith that my son will do well in school this year. Therefore, the priest should be happy with me.


The teacher assisted me by helping me to complete the math problem.

red herring

When your mom gets your phone bill and you have gone over the limit, you begin talking to her about how hard your math class is and how well you did on a test today.

False Dilemma

You either like vegetables or you don't

sweeping generalization

You get what you pay for. Therefore, it is better to spend $200 on that t-shirt at that boutique shop than buy the same one at Marshall's for $29.

Appeal to fear

burn alive if you don't follow my rules

argument from the consequence

by installing a gov run by the ppl, stagnation of local econ will occur. This wille echo into a global scale, causing mass econ hysteria. We cannot allow for such an even to occur....

Guilt by Association

christa is thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Then she learns that many mass murderers were also vegetarians. So, she keeps eating meat.

Tu quote

had several affairs with prostitutes; therefore, sexual immorality is acceptable.

Appeal to Authority

little boy says that his friends should not go swimming in a river because his Mama said there were germs in the river.

Appeal to ignorance

moon's core is made out of ribs because no one has proven its not


santa is real and that is that

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