Nervous and Endocrine System

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Teresa and Yuko are quizzing each other before their psychology exam on the physiology of the brain. Yuko asks Teresa to name the two parts of the brainstem. Teresa correctly names the hindbrain and the:


If one wanted to send a message to the body in the fastest way possible, which system would you choose?

Nervous system

Hormones are secreted into the blood by the _____ system.


_____ complexity has been shown to affect the rate of neurogenesis in monkeys, rodents, and birds.


Terry is riding his bicycle across a crosswalk when a car races toward him. Realizing that the car is not going to stop, Terry hits his brakes just in time. His heart is racing and it takes him about 15 minutes to fully recover from the experience. His response demonstrates the importance of the hormones _____ and _____ in the nervous system.

epinephrine; norepinephrine

Davis has an appointment to see Dr. Myers, who is a specialist at using brain imaging. Davis's non-invasive brain scan will involve lying in a scanner while electromagnetic signals track changes in his brain's blood flow and metabolic activity. Based on this information, it can be concluded that Davis will undergo a(n):


In a stressful situation, the sympathetic nervous system initiates the:

fight-or-flight response.

Henry has been involved in a motor vehicle accident. There has been significant damage to his hindbrain. It is likely that Henry is:

fighting for his life.

Henry is extremely skilled at mathematics and can perform very complex calculations in his head. His _____ is the area of the brain that allows Henry to do this.


An automatic reflex, such as a knee jerk or withdrawing a hand from a flame, involves:

spinal chord

Which structure is the conductor, or "master gland," of the hormone-producing system?

the pituitary gland

Some friends get a new video game in which they have to remember the locations of many hidden enemies and weapons. They each spend about three hours playing the game. Which statement is true?

All of them will have at least tiny structural changes in their brains.

Marcus lost his little finger in a fishing accident. If his brain demonstrates plasticity following the amputation, what is likely to occur?

Brain areas adjacent to those responsible for his little finger will take over different functions.

Benjamin and Sam are quizzing each other before their psychology exam on the physiology of the brain. Sam asks Benjamin to name the two parts of the brainstem. He correctly names the ____ and the midbrain.


Bailey's doctor has scheduled her for a scan to look only at her brain structure (soft tissue). In meeting with her the morning of the scan, her doctor explains to her that this will be a noninvasive procedure, during which Bailey will lie inside a magnetic tube and receive powerful but harmless magnetic fields to her brain. Bailey is scheduled to receive a(n):


Malik experienced a concussion and memory loss due to a football injury. When he arrived at the emergency department, the attending physician immediately ordered a neuroimaging technique called _____ to rule out any soft tissue damage to the brain.


A child touches his index finger to a hot pan. He pulls his finger away quickly, and a few seconds later begins to scream. Why is his screaming delayed in comparison to pulling away his finger?

The hand-withdrawal reflex involves only the spinal cord, but it takes time for the information about pain to reach the brain and produce an emotional response.

_____ includes sensory nerves and motor nerves.

The somatic nervous system

Salim is listening to his doctor while he is getting a brain scan with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The area of his brain MOST likely to be active is:

Wernicke's area.

Carrying too many things in a grocery store leads to a jar of pickles being dropped on the floor. As the glass breaks, the fear response is activated, the _____ gland has pumped epinephrine through the bloodstream.


Shane is terrified of snakes. As he is walking down the street, he sees a stick that looks somewhat like a snake. He is immediately frightened, even though he knows what he sees is only a stick. An area of the brain called the _____ is responsible for Shane's reaction.


In terms of heartbeat, digestion, and glandular functioning, the body is a fairly well-oiled machine that works even when one is asleep. This is possible because of the:

autonomic nervous system.

Bob does NOT have voluntary control over the _____; he does have voluntary control over the _____.

autonomic nervous system; somatic nervous system

Which action does the autonomic nervous system MOST directly control?

bladder contractions

A champion athlete loses his medal after officials discover that he has taken anabolic steroids, a synthetic version of the male sex hormone testosterone. Anabolic steroids, like other hormones, circulate through the _____ and act as chemical messengers in the ____. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

bloodstream; endocrine system

Jayden damaged his motor cortex in a car accident, but over time, part of his frontal lobe cortex began to coordinate some muscle movements. This is an example of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

brain plasticity.

Aimee can hit a golf ball in what looks like an effortless and smooth movement. The part of the hindbrain MOST associated with this highly coordinated motion is called the:


Ever since overcoming a brain disease, Kim has had trouble typing on the computer. Which of Kim's brain areas was MOST likely damaged?


Chelsea was hit in the back of the head by a falling tree branch. At the hospital she had difficulty coordinating her movements. The hospital physician concluded that Chelsea has likely experienced damage to her: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


One afternoon, a man stumbles into the emergency department, having great difficulty coordinating his movements. A physician performs a toxicology test and "rules out" intoxication. This leaves the physician to conclude that this man may have experienced damage to his:


What connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

corpus callosum

Jack is a split-brain patient and he is presented with a picture of a phone on the left side of a computer screen and a picture of a cake on the right side. If he were asked to draw the object he saw on the right side of the screen with his left hand, he: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

could not draw anything.

Phineas Gage was working on the railroad when an accidental explosion sent a three-foot tamping rod clear through his _____, illuminating their importance in defining _____ characteristics.

frontal lobes; personality

Dr. Snell studies the part of the brain that is active when people are lying. She asks half of her participants to tell the truth about an event from their childhoods and half to tell a lie about an event from their childhoods. She wants to use the least invasive method of brain imaging that will show activity in the brain. Which brain imaging technique should she employ in order to detect which brain areas are active when the participants are lying?

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

The chapter prologue tells the story of Asha, a woman who suffered a stroke. This story illustrates that the brain has a remarkable ability to gradually shift functions from damaged to undamaged areas, a phenomenon called: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

functional plasticity.

Patients with amnesia who cannot form new memories have experienced damage to the: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


A(n) _____ is a chemical messenger released by the endocrine glands that is carried through the bloodstream to target sites.


The main link between the endocrine system and the nervous system, which regulates the release of hormones by the pituitary gland, is the part of the brain known as the:


Paul Broca's patient had damage to a small part of the left frontal lobe and showed:

impairments in speech production but not in language comprehension.

According to the Maximizing Your Brain box in the textbook, research on rats has shown that exposure to an enriched environment:

increases the number and length of dendrites, enlarges the size of neurons, and produces more synaptic connections.

After a construction accident, James was left without the ability to comprehend and express language due to damage sustained in his:

left temporal lobe

Merces is looking at a figure in her psychology textbook that shows the cortex overlaying each hemisphere of the human brain. She notices that the cortex is separated into different sections. These sections of the cortex are called:


If researchers destroy or lesion the amygdala of a timid cat, it is likely that the cat will:

lose its timidity and fearfulness.

The _____ is responsible for heartbeat and breathing.


The brain area perhaps MOST crucial to life functions such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion is the _____.


Dr. York is a research psychologist who studies the generation of new neurons in the brain. In other words, he studies:


By utilizing brain scanning, cognitive neuroscientists can:

observe and identify brain activity associated with specific tasks.

The benefit of using functional neuroimaging techniques is that they allow researchers to:

observe dynamic activity in the brain as it happens during specific tasks.

Clarita fell off of a ladder and hit the back of her head, which caused partial blindness. She MOST likely suffered damage to her _____ lobe.


Having received a blow to his _____ lobe in a recent skiing accident, James has experienced vision deficits.


Ralph was involved in a bar fight and sustained a blow to the back of the head from a beer bottle. He was dazed and could not see for about two minutes. Which of his lobes was affected?


Estrogen and progesterone are simultaneously produced by which glands?


Which hormone is commonly referred to as the "cuddle" hormone?


Tyree is startled awake in the middle of the night by a loud noise. He sees that his cat has knocked over his bedside lamp. Knowing that, he begins to calm down and his heart stops racing. Which nervous system has been activated?

parasympathetic nervous system

After a police car with flashing lights and a blaring siren passes him and pulls over another driver for speeding, Jerry's heartbeat soon slows down, his blood pressure decreases, and he stops sweating so much. These calming physical reactions are MOST directly regulated by his: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

parasympathetic nervous system.

While hiking in the woods Marcy encountered a rattlesnake. After the snake scurried away Marcy's heart rate slowed down and her blood pressure decreased and she stop sweating. These calming physical reactions are MOST directly regulated by his:

parasympathetic nervous system.

Ignacio is trying to remember the names and functions of the lobes of the human brain. He reads in his book that the _____ lobes receive and process sensory information such as touch and temperature, but the _____ are largely responsible for hearing and language comprehension.

parietal; temporal

Samantha has just given birth to her first baby and has started breast-feeding. Samantha has her _____ gland to thank for producing prolactin and oxytocin to stimulate her milk production and for the let-down reflex. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Ten-year-old Leticia has grown three inches in the past year. Leticia has her _____ gland to thank for producing the growth hormone that triggered her jump in height.


Which gland is commonly referred to as the "master gland"?


Although only 13, Diego had a stroke in the left hemisphere in the motor cortex, which controls his right hand. After rehabilitation and exercise, he was able to control his right hand again. Brain scans revealed that Diego's motor control of the right hand was now being controlled by the motor cortex in the right hemisphere. This change demonstrates the _____ of the brain. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Sutherland has a niece who has suffered a brain injury. But, Sutherland knows that the girl has a good chance to recover because she is young. He knows that _____ will help her brain's ability to change function and structure in order to adapt to the environment. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


After Eduardo's serious skiing accident, doctors detected damage to his cerebellum. Eduardo is MOST likely to have trouble:

playing tennis, typing, and walking with a smooth gait.

A patient is injected with a low and harmless dose of a short-lived radioactive glucose. This technique is known as:

positron-emission tomography (PET).

A man has a stroke and is fine except for a lot of weakness in his left leg. The stroke occurred on the:

right side of his brain.

Nina was almost hit by a bus. However, she is okay and her parasympathetic system is responding accordingly. It is: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

slowing her heart rate and activating her digestion.

The _____ nervous system is to voluntary bodily functions as the autonomic nervous system is to involuntary bodily functions. Please type the correct answer in the following input field, and then select the submit answer button or press the enter key when finished.


When someone turns the pages of a book, uses a pen to take notes, or lifts an arm, these actions are possible because of the:

somatic nervous system.

Dr. Hoffmann studies the central nervous system. His work focuses on the brain and the other component of the central nervous system, which is the:

spinal cord.

Our reflexes such as pulling your hand away from a flame, are governed by the ____, while basic functions of motor skills and respiration are governed by the _____.

spinal cord; hindbrain

When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, what kinds of hormones are MOST likely being secreted into the bloodstream?

stress hormones including adrenaline

Luke's dad is playing hide-and-seek with him. As Luke is searching for his dad, his heart is racing and he feels nervous. When Luke finds his dad's hiding spot, his dad jumps out and looks scary, stimulating the _____ part of Luke's nervous system. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Rochelle has to walk down a dark alley to get to her house. One night, a cat knocks over a trash can as


A child staying with his grandparents wakes them up to say he heard a loud noise. As the grandparents investigate, they experience dry mouth, sweating, and racing hearts. Which nervous system has been activated?

sympathetic nervous system

Five-year-old Theresa is Christmas shopping with her mother and siblings. She looks around and realizes her mother is nowhere to be found. Theresa's _____ nervous system activates the fight-or-flight response. Theresa's mother finally comes around the corner, and Theresa is filled with relief, the result of the activation of the _____ part of her nervous system. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

Which part of the cerebral cortex deals with abstract thinking, planning, executive control, and judgment—the qualities that make us most human?

the frontal lobe

Which of the following refers to an individual whose assigned sex at birth does not correspond with their gender identity?


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