Night by Elie Wiesel

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Where does the train finally stop?


Why did it taste like corpses after the young boy was hanged?

He couldn't stop thinking about the boy and he just seen someone been hanged

Why does Elie's father give him the knife and spoon? What does this reveal about their relationship?

He gives it to him so that he can trade, sell or use it as self defense. An inheritance. It shows that they care about each other

How does Elie react when Franek beats his father?

He gives up his gold crown and teaches his father how to march

Why can't Elie weep at his father's death?

He had not tears left to cry

Why is Elie reluctant to pray as he marches toward the crematory pit?

He was angry. He didn't want to sanctify his name to the master of the universe because he was making him suffer. He started to pray when he was near the crematoria

Why is the "sad - eyed angel" hanged?

He was found possessing fire arms with 2 other inmates and was accused of sabotage

Why is Elie summoned to the dentist?

He was going to get his gold tooth extracted

Why do you think Elie "found the soup excellent" after he saw the first hanging at Buna?

He was happy that he survived another day. He appreciated his food more

How does Elie's experiences of Rosh Hashanah show how he has changed?

He was not as devout he was mad at god and questioning his religion

Why does Elie go to the hospital? Why does he decide to leave before he was healed?

His foot was swollen because of the cold. He left early because another prisoner in the hospital said that the Germans were going to kill all the patients

At the beginning of the book, what is most important to young Elie?

His religion and his studies.

Compare how other boys treat their fathers with Elie's treatment of his father?

Other boys would stray away from their father's so they wouldn't have to deal with them anymore others killed them for their food but Elie always helped and took care of his father

Why does Elie's father tell Elie that the gypsy's blow did not hurt him?

So that Elie doesn't react badly or in a way that could cause him his life

Why did the people of Sighet refuse to believe Moshe's terrible stories?

The Jews didn't think that it was possible for that to happen and the soldiers were nice to them.

How does Madame Schachter's nightmare about a fire come true?

The Jews see the smoke and the flames from the crematoria

What is "selection" in the concentration camps?

The SS would examine the prisoners and if they were in very bad shape and weren't useful anymore they would be killed

Describe how Elie and the others are loaded onto the train.

The cars had 80 people in each one. Were given bread and some water. A person was put in charge of a car and if someone escaped the person in charge would be shot

What final gift does Juliek give to the "audience of dying and dead men"?

The song by Beethoven that he wasn't allowed to play before

How do people's feelings toward Moshe change after he returns to Sighet?

They didn't believe him and they stopped liking him

What happens to the foreign Jews of Sighet?

They were expelled and taken by the Hungarian police in crammed cattle cars, forced to do manual labor and were shot by the Gestapo police

Give examples of how Jews gradually lose their freedom after the German soldiers arrive in Sighet?

They were expelled from Sighet, couldn't leave their homes for 3 days, had to wear the yellow star, weren't allowed to go to restaurants or cafes, couldn't travel by rail, couldn't go to the synagogue, couldn't be out after 6 o clock in the evening, had to give away their valuables, and they were forced to live in ghettos

Describe the relationship between Elie and Moshe the Beadle?

They would talk about their faith together. He was Elie teacher

Describe the ghettos

We're surrounded by barbed wire, had a police force, had a welfare agency, had a labor committee, had a health agency, had a government apparatus, separated the Jews from everyone else. Were ruled by delusion. There were 2 of them in Sighet

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