Nursing research chapters

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5 steps of EBP

1. asking an answerable question 2. searching for relevant research-based evidence 3. appraising and synthesizing the evidence 4. integrating evidence with other factors 5. assessing effeciveness of actions

Quantative study steps

1. formulating and delimiting the problem 2. reviewing related literature 3/ undertaking clinical fieldwork 4. defining framework and conceptual definition 5. formulating hypotheses 6. selecting a research design

Quantative study steps

13. collecting the data 14. preparing data for analysis 15. analyzing data 16. interpreting data 17. communictaing findings 18. putting evidence into practuce

Quantative study steps

7. developing protocols for the intervention 8. identifying the population 9. designing the sampling plan 10. specifying methods to measure variables 11. developing methods to safeguard rights 12. reviewing and finilizing the research plan


A ______________ is a bond or connection between variables. Cause-and-effect (causal) ___________ Associative (correlational) ____________


A brief description of a study, located at the beginning of a report


A criterion for evaluating integrity and trustworthiness in qualitative studies, referring to the confidence in the truth of the data; analogous to internal validity and quantitative research


A critical appraisal that analyzes both weaknesses and strengths of a research report


A quality criterion referring to the degree to which the inference made in a study are accurate and well offended; in measurement, the degree to which an instrument measures what is it intended to measure

Journal article

A report appearing in professional journals such as research and nursing


A sham or pseudo intervention sometimes used as a control group condition

Statistical significance

A term indicating that the results from an analysis of sample data are unlikely to have been caused by chance, at a specified level of probability

Confounding variable

A variable that is extraneous to the research question and that confounds understanding of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables; confounding variables can be controlled in the research design in through statistical procedures

Statistical test

An analytical tool that estimates the probability that obtained results from a sample reflect true population values

Problem statement

An articulation about the problem and the need for a conducted study

Research problem

An enigmatic, perplexing, or troubling situation


An important concept in quantitative research, involving having certain features of the study established by chance rather than design or personal preference


Any influence that distorts the results of the study and undermines validity

5 steps of EBP

Ask questions that reflect uncertainties in clinical practice. Search for and assemble evidence. Appraise and synthesize evidence. Integrate evidence with other sources. Assess effectiveness of decision or advice.

paradigm cases

Benner's approach consists of three processes: searching for __________________, thematic analysis, and analysis of exemplars 292 pc

constructivist grounded theory

Charmaz's ______________________ emerged recently, emphasizing interpretive asapects in which the grounded theory is constructed from relationships between the researcher and participants 196


Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Boolean operators

Databases allow for the use of ________________, which helps to delimit or expand a search •AND (delimits a search) •OR (expands a search) •NOT (narrows a search)

evidence hierarchy

EBP involves evaluating evidence to determine best evidence; often an ____________________ is used to rank study findings according to the strength of evidence provided, but different _____________ are appropriate for different types of questions

Phenomenological research

Focuses on the lived experiences of humans

hermeneutic circle

Gadamer, another phenomenologist described the the interpretive process as a circular relationship, the ________________---, where one understands the whole of a text, e.g. interview transcript, in terms of its parts and the parts in terms of the whole 188

emergent fit

Glaser discussed hte evolution of grounded theories through the process of ______________ to prevent invidivudal substantive theories from being respected little islands of knowledge; generating grounded theory does not necessarily require discoveing all new categoreis or ignoring ones previously identified in the literature 287 ef


In qualitative studies, the researcher's critical self-reflection about his or her own biases, preferences, and preconceptions


In research, a conclusion drawn from the study evidence, taking into account the methods used to generate that evidence

P value

In statistical testing, the probability that the obtained results are due to chance alone; the probability of a type one error

Statement of Purpose: Qualitative Studies

Indicates the following: Nature of the inquiry Through the use of verbs such as explore, describe, understand, discover... The key concept or phenomenon The group, community, or setting under study

individual change

MIC is an index of ________________, not group differences; experts warn that it is inappropriate to interpret mean differences in relation to the MIC 271


P-Population I-intervention/influence C- comparative intervention O- outcome S- setting


P-Population I-intervention/influence C- comparative intervention O- outcome T- Time

components of qualitative evidence

PICO (T) P-Population I-intervention/influence C- comparative intervention O- outcome T- Time

Directional hypothesis

Predicts the direction of a relationship Example: older patients are more likely to fall than younger patients

Nondirectional hypothesis

Predicts the existence of a relationship, not its direction Example: older patients differ from younger ones with respect to their risk of falling)

Research aims or objectives

Specific accomplishments to be achieved by conducting the study

Research hypothesis

States the actual prediction of a relationship


The degree of confidence qualitative researchers have in their data and analysis, most often assessed using that criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, and authenticity

Scientific merit

The degree to which a study is methodologically and conceptually sound


The extent to which a measurement is free from measurement error; more broadly, the extent to which scores for people who have not changed are the same for repeated measurements


The extent to which qualitative findings can be transferred to other settings or groups; analogous to generalizability


The organization of a research report into four main sections: the introduction, method, results, and discussion sections


The process of preventing those involved in the study (participants, intervention agents, data collectors, or healthcare providers) from having information that could lead to a bias, particularity information about which treatment group a participant is in; also called masking


The researcher's predictions about relationships among variables

Statement of purpose

The researcher's summary of the overall study goal


The results of the analysis of research data

Level of significance

The risk of making a type one error in a statistical analysis, with the criterion (Alpha) established by the researcher before hand

Research questions

The specific queries the researcher wants to answer in addressing the research problem


The use of multiple methods to collect and interpret data about a phenomenon to converge on an accurate representation of reality

causal hypothesis

To support a ________________: demonstrate a statistical relationship temporal precedence ("cause precedes effect") elimination of alternative explanations


________ means probability level; i.e. .05= 5 times out of 100 would have a spurious result and 95/100 would have similar results 62

physical setting (participant observation)

__________ asks where questions, what are the main features of the setting 207

phase 2 clinical trial

___________ is a pilot test of treatment effectivemess; researchers see if the intervention is feasible and acceptable and holds promise; this phase is designed as a small-scale experiment or quasi-experiment218 p2

qualitative resarch

___________ is associated with constructivist inquiry

clinical nursing research

___________ is research on problems relating to clinical practice


___________ studies focus on identifying what causes health problems in order to help prevent harm or treat them

3 data collection methods for nurse researchers

___________: self-reports, observations, biophysiological measures

clinical trials

____________ are experimental research in the medical field


____________ are seldom deterministic; they only increase the likelihood that an effect will occur

descriptive research

____________ are studies that summarize the status of a phenomena

activities (participant observation)

____________ asks what questiosnn; what is going on, what are the participants doing 207

participants (participant observation)

____________ asks who questions; who is present and what are their characteristics 207


____________ correlational relationship

phase 1 clinical trial

____________ is designed to establish safety, tolerance, and dose with a simple design; the focus is on developing the best treatment 217 p1

empirical evidence

____________ is evidence collected by way of hte human senses


____________ is the independent variable that must precede an effect (outcome)


____________ isi an important aspect of trustworthiness; ____________ is achieved to the extent that the research methods inspire confidence that the results are truthful and accurate; _________________ in a qualitative study can be enhanced in several ways, but one strategy, triangulation, has implications for the design of all studies, including quantitative ones


____________ means a cause must precede an effect in time; i.e. lung cancer after smoking

unhypothesized significant reuslts

____________ occur when: exploring relationships that were not considered during the design of the study obtaining results opposite to those hypotehsized 268


____________ refers to the process of identifying and holding in abeyance preconceived beliefs and opinions about the phenomenon under study; researchers strive to ________________ out presuppositions in an effort t oconfront the data in pure form 188


_____________ A characteristic or quality that takes on different values Examples: Blood type, Weight, Length of stay in hospital Used almost exclusively in quantitative research

Ethnographic research

_____________ Focuses on the patterns and lifeways of a cultural group


_____________ Qualitative studies: Findings often organized according to major themes, processes, or categories identified in the analysis Almost always includes raw data—quotes directly from study participants

observational studies

_____________ are non experimental research in medical research


_____________ are the *gold standard* because they come closer than any other design to meeting the criteria for inferring causal relationships


_____________ are values derived from large, representative samples 241

frequency and duration (participant observation)

_____________ ask when questions, when did the activity begin and end? is the activity a recurring one 207

process (participant observation)

_____________ asks how questions; how is the activity organized? how does it unfold 207

barriers to EBN

_____________ fall into one of three categories: quality and nature of the research; characteristics of nurses; and organizational factors


_____________ for a continuous variable can be completely described in terms of the shape of the distribution, central tendency, and variability 257

purposive sampling

_____________ guide sresearchers in selecting data sources that maximize information richness 211

analysis bias

_____________ include: type I error type II error 265

phase 4 clinical trial

_____________ involve studies of the effectiveness of an intervention in the general population; the emphasis in effeciveness studies is on the external validity of an intervention that has demonstrated efficacy under controlled conditions 218 p4

data sturation

_____________ involves sampling until no new information is obtained and redundancy is achieved 201

clinical nursing research

_____________ is research designed to guide nursing practice; ________________ typically begins with questions stemming from practice problems--problems you may have already encountered

translational research

_____________ is rresearch on how findings from studies can best be translated into practice


_____________ is sometimes used to avoid biases stemming from participants or researehc agents awareness of study hypotheses or research status

cross-cultural lvalidity

_____________ is the degree to which the components of a translated or culturally adapted measure perform adequately and equivalently relative to their performance on the original instrument

quantitative research

_____________ is the type of research most closely allied with positivism

evidence-based practice

_____________ is: •Starts with a clinical question •Broader than RU •Integrates research findings with other factors


_____________ means there must be an association between the presumed cause and the effect; i.e. an association between smoking and cancer

in vivo

_____________ measurements are those performed directly within or on living organisms, such as blood pressure and body temperature measurement


_____________ or sham drug used to promote blindness in studies

ordinal measurement

_____________ ranks people on an attribute; i.e. ADL capability; the numbers ignify incremental ability to perform ADLs independently, but they do not tell us how much greater one level is than another; as with nominal measures, the mathematic operations with _____________ are restricted 228


_____________ refers to the accuracy and consistency of information obtained in a study; the term is most often associated with the methods used to measure variables

biophysiologic measures

_____________ to assess important clinical values in studies rather than reports or observations, blood pressure, weight

systematic review

_____________ types include: meta-analyses and meta-syntheses

randomization/ random assignment

_____________ with participants allocated to experimental and control groups at random to make the groups comparable at the outset

sample size

_____________, the number of study participants, is a major concern in quantiative research; there is no simple formula to determine how big a sample should be, but larger is usually better than smaller


_____________, the process of reflecting critically on the self and of scrutinizing personal values that could affect data collection and interpretation, is an important tool in qualitative research


_____________- is a lifelong resource regardless of your institution's access to databases

in vitro

_____________-- measures data are gathered from participants by extracting biophysiologic material from them and subjecting it to analysis by laboratory technicians

Tradition evidence

_____________: based on customs and trends, follow the way it has always been done (We don't want to be stuck in the old mindset of "we've always done it this way". We want to change with the times and new evidence that emerges showing better ways that we can do things in clinical practice); not good for research

Data set

_____________: the entirety of data gathered for all study participants

Quantitative research

______________ Focused on gathering empirical evidence Objective methods used Information is quantitative (numeric)

Qualitative research

______________ Focused on understanding the human experience as it is lived Subjective methods used Information is qualitative (narrative/descriptive)

qualitative data

______________ analyses challenges: 1. no universal rules for analyzing 2. enourmours amount of work needed 3. requries creativity and strong inductive skills; proficient in discerning pattersn and waving them into a whole 4. reducing data for reporting purposes 277 qd

background questions

______________ are *foundational questions* about a clinical issue, such as what is cancer cachexia (progressive body wasting), and what is its pathophysiology

systematic reviews

______________ are a cornerstone of EBP and have assumed increasing importance; _____________ rigorously integrate research information on a topic so that conclusions about the state of evidence can be reached


______________ are designed to illuminate underlying causes of phenomena

producers of nursing research

______________ are nurses who actively design and undertake studies


______________ are studies designed to illuminate the underlying causes of phenomena

research questions

______________ are, in some cases, direct rewordings of statements of purpose, phrased interrogatively rather than declaratively

controlling subject characteristics

______________ can be done with: homogenity matching statistical procedures randomization (most effective)

minimal important change

______________ cannot legitimately be used to interpret group means or differences in means; however, the ____________ can be used to ascertain whether each person in a sample has or has not achieved a change greater than the ___________________ and then a responder analysis can be undertaken to compare the percentage of people meeing the threshold in different study groups 276

confidence intervals

______________ communicate information about how precise the study results are; nurse researchers will increasingly report ___________ information in the years ahead because of its value for interpreting study results and assess their utility for nursing practice 266


______________ describes: interpretation of the results, linking with previous study results Implications for nursing practice and for further research Study limitations

quota sampling

______________ divides the population into homogenous strata to ensure representation of the subgroups of the sample; within each stratum, people are sampled by convenience

evaluation research

______________ focuses on developing useful information about a program or policy- information that decision makers need on whether to adopt, modify, or abandon the program 218 er

narrative analysis

______________ focuses on story as the object of inquiry to understand how individuals make sense of events in their lives; the underlying premise of _____________ is that people most effectively make sense of their world- and communicate meanings- by narrating stories; ______________ asks why did the story get told that way 191


______________ in a measurement context is the degree to which an instrument is measuring the construct it purports to measure

evidence-based practice

______________ in an organizational context invovles many of the same steps as individual _______________ efforts but is more formalized and must take organizational factors into account

data management

______________ in qualitative research is reductionist in nature: it involves converting masses of data into smaller, more manageale segments 280 dm

Sources of Research Problems

______________ include: Clinical experience Nursing literature Social issues Theory Suggestions from external sources

measurement bias

______________ include: social desirability bias acquiescence bias naysayers bias extreme response bias recall/memory bias reactivity observer bias 265

photo elicitation

______________ interviews which are guided and stimulated by photographic images, sometimes using photos that participants themselves take (photovoice) 211

qualitative content analysis

______________ involves analyzing the content of narrative data to identify prominet themes and patterns among the themes; _________________ involves breaking down data into smaller units, coding and naming the units according to the content the represent, and grouping coded material based on share concepts 282 qca


______________ is a more complex concept that broadly concerns the soundness of the study's evidence; like reliability, ______________ is an important criterion for evaluating methods used to measure variables; in this context, ______________ is whether methods are really measuring the concepts they're supposed to measure

positivist paradigm

______________ is a reflection of a broad cultural movement (modernism) that emphasizes the rational and scientific

criterion validity

______________ is assessed with different statistical methods depending on the measurement level of hte focal measure and the criterion; when both are dichotomous, sensitivity and specificity are usually caluclated 258

evidence-based practice

______________ is based on: customer needs/wishes practitioner's skills/experience scientific evidence

qualitative data

______________ is narrative information collected by a study


______________ is repeating of studies in different clinical settings to ensure that the findings are robust

feminist research

______________ is similar to critical theory research, but the focus is on gender domination and discrimination within society; similar to critical researchers, __________________ seek to establish collaborative and nonexplorative relationships with their informants and to conduct research that is transformative 192

nursing research

______________ is systematic inquiry designed to develop trustworthy evidence about issues of importance to nurses and theri clients


______________ is the ability of a measure to correctly identify a case, that is, to correctly screen in or diagnose a condition; a measure's ___________________ is its rate of yielding true positives 250


______________ is the extent to which qualitative findings can be transferred to other settings

data/ datum

______________ is the information collected during the course of a study, it may take form of numeric values or narrative information

grounded theory

______________ is typically done with samples of about 20-30 people, using theoretical sampling; the goal in a ________________ is to select informants who best contribute to the evolving theory 202


______________ is what would have happened to the same people simultaneously exposed and not exposed to a causal factor; a good research design for cause-probing questions entails finding a good approximation to the idealized ___________________


______________ means considering all elements or aspects of the issue; very comprehensive

informed consent

______________ means that participants have adequate information about the study, comprehend the information, and have the power of free choice, enabling them to consent or decline participation voluntarily


______________ means that the study methods were sufficiently rigorous that the evidence can be trusted

results section

______________ presents the findings that were obtained by analyzing the study data; the text presents a narrative summary of key findings, often accompanied by more detailed tables 62

quality improvement

______________ projects are efforts ongoing in health care settings as an assessment, conducted of a patient care problem for hte purpose of improving patient care through peer analysis, intervention, resolution of the problem, and follow-up


______________ provides Description of: Central phenomena, concepts, or variables Study purpose, research questions, or hypotheses Review of literature Theoretical/conceptual framework Study significance, need for study

primary studies

______________ published in journals are not pre-appraised for quality and use in practice


______________ questions ask: in (population), what is the effect of (IV) on (DV)

null hypotheses

______________ state that there is no relationship between the independent and dependent variables

quality improvement/risk data

______________ such as medication error reports, can be used to assess practices and determine the need for practice changes

operational definition

______________ the operations a researcher must perform to measure the concept and collect the desired information Individual's pain rating on 0 to 10 numeric rating scale, with 0 indicating no pain, & 10 indicating the worst possible pain

delphi surveys

______________ were developed as a tool for short-term forecasting; this technique involves a spanel of experts who are asked to complete several rounds of questionnaires focusing on their judgements about a topic of interest; multiple iterations are used to achieve consensus 222 ds

event sampling

______________, researchers select integral events to observe; ___________________ requires researchers to either know when events will occur or wait for their occurrence

sampling error

______________- is the difference between population values and sample values

grounded theory

______________-- researchers try to account for people's actions by focusing the the main concern that their behavior is designed to resolve; the manner in which they resolve this main concern is the core variable 196

Null hypothesis

______________: Expresses the absence of a relationship (used only in statistical testing) Example: older patients are just as likely as younger patients to fall

Categorical variable

______________: represent distinct groups Examples- marital status, gender

nonexperimental research

_______________ Data collected without an intervention or the introduction of treatments Called observational research in medical research

self reports

_______________ a method of collecting data by interviews and questionnaires


_______________ about hte real world are valid to the extent that researchers have made good decisions in selecting proxies and have controlled sources of bias 260

logistic regression

_______________ analyzes the relationships between multiple independent variables an a nominal-level outcome; it is simimlar to multiple regression, although it employes a different statistical estimation procedure; __________________ transforms the probability of an event occurring into its odds 249

research utilization (RU)

_______________ and EBP are overlapping concepts that concern efforts to use research as a basis for clinical decisions, but ___________ starts with a research based innovation that gets evaluated for possible use in practice

inferential statistics

_______________ are based on the laws of probability, provide a means for drawing inferences about a population, given data from a sample; _______________ are used to test research hypotheses 238


_______________ are broad categories that represent units of cultural knowledge; during this first level of analysis, ethnographers identify relational patterns among terms in teh ___________________ that are used by members of the culture 282 d

confirming cases

_______________ are cases that fit researcher's conceptualizations and strengthen credibility 200

qualitative data

_______________ are derived from narrative materials, susch as transcrips from auditaped interviews or participant's observers field notes 277 qd

primary sources

_______________ are descriptions of a study written by the researchers who conducted them

level III codes/ theoretical constructs

_______________ are hte most abstract codes; collapsing level II codes aids in identifying ________________ 285 L3


_______________ are never proved or disproved Statistical ______________ testing cannot provide absolute proof Only probabilistic information supports an inference that a ______________ is probably correct (or not) _____________ are supported, or not, by the study data

disconfirming cases

_______________ are new cases that do no t fit and serve to challenge reseracher's interpretations 200

consumers of nursing research

_______________ are nurses who read research reports to keep up-to-date on findings that may affect their practice

parametic tests

_______________ are ones that focus on population parameters and involve certain assumptions about variables in the analysis, notably the assumption that they are normally distributed in the population 242

nursing sensitive outcomes

_______________ are patient outcomes that improve if there is greater quality or quantity of nursing care 220 n

threats to validity

_______________ are reasons that an inference could be wrong; a key function of quantaitive research design is to rule out _________________

exploratory designs

_______________ are sequential MM designs, with qualitative data being collected first; the design has as its central premise the need for initial in-depth exploration of a concept; usually, the first phase focuses on exploration or a poorly understood phenomenon, and the second is focused on measuring/ classifying it 216 exp


_______________ are slightly more complex abstractions, often deliberately invented


_______________ are summarized in the results section of a research article; researchers present their interpretations of hte _____________ in the discussion section; researchers are seldom totally objective, though, so you should develop your own interpretations 260

research methods

_______________ are techniques researchers use to structure a study and to gather and analyze relevant information

research questions

_______________ are the specific queries researchers want to answer

descriptive statistics

_______________ are used to synthesize and describe data 229

exploratory research

_______________ begins with a phenomenon of interest; but rather than simply describing it, _____________ examine the nature of the phenomeon, the manner in which it is manifested, and other factors to which it is related


_______________ broadly concerns the soundness of the study's evidence that is, whether the findings are convincing and well grounded


_______________ can be used to test the significance of the difference between group means 258

analysis of variance (ANOVA)

_______________ can be used to test the significance of the difference between group means; ________________ is used when there are three or more groups 258

process analysis

_______________ describes the process by which a program gets implemented and how it functions in practice 225 pr

clinical practice guidelines

_______________ distill a body of evidence into a usable form; unlike systematic reviews, _______________ give specific recommendations for evidence-based decision making e.g. American Academy of Family Physicians

care bundles

_______________ encompass a set of interventions to treat or prevent a specific cluster of symptoms

external validity

_______________ generalizability of the results is affected by sampling; inferences about hte extent to which the study results correspond to truth in the real world must take sampling decisions and sampling problems into account 264

Preappraised evidence

_______________ has been selected from primary studies and evaluated for use by clinicians

sample size adequacy

_______________ in a qualitative study is difficult to evaluate because the main criterion is information redundancy, which consumers cannot judge 201


_______________ in a quantitative study concerns the extent to which the findings can be applied to other groups and settings

threats to internal valildity

_______________ include: temporal ambiguity selection history maturation mortality/ attrition

time sampling

_______________ involves selecting time periods during which obervations will occur; _____________ may be selected systematically or at random

quantitative research

_______________ involves the collection and analysis of numeric information; ____________ is typically conducted with the traditional scientific method

purposive sampling

_______________ involves using researchers' knowledge about the population to handpick sample members


_______________ is a paradigm often associated with MM research, provides a basis for a position that has been stated as the dictatorship of the research question; ______________ researchers consider that it is the research question that should drive the design of the inquiry; they reject a forced choice between the traditional postpositiivst and constructivist apprcoaches to research 214

minimal risk

_______________ is a risk expected to be no greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during routine procedures; when risks are not ________________, researchers must proceed with caution to reduce risks and maximize benefits

embedded design

_______________ is a term sometimes used in nursing studies; an _____________ is a design in which a second type of data is totally subservient to the other type of data 216 em

test-retest reliability

_______________ is adminsitering a measure twice in a short period to see if it yields consistent scores


_______________ is an integral part of doing and critiquing research; an _______________ is an conclusion drawn from the study evidence using logical reasoning and taking into account the methods used to generate that evidence

empirical evidence

_______________ is associated with the scientific method, researchers in both traditions gather and analyze evidence gathered _________, that is, through their senses

participatory action research (PAR)

_______________ is based on the view that the production of knowledge can be used to exert power; _________________ researchers typically work with groups or communities that are vulnerable to the cnotrol or oppressio nof a dominant group 192

content validity

_______________ is defined as the extent to which an instrument's content adequately captures the construct--that is, whether a composite instrument has an appropriate sample of items for the construct being measured

phase 1 clinical trial

_______________ is designed to finalize features of the intervention 225 p1

human cooperation

_______________ is essential in both quantative and qualitative research; research must encourage people to participate in the study and to speak candidly

benchmarking data

_______________ is information on issues such as the rates of using various procedures or rates of clinical problems

observational bias

_______________ is possible reactivity when the observer is conspicuous and the observations are vulnerable to _________________; ________________ cannot be eliminated, but they can be minimized through careful observer training and assessment


_______________ is systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to answer questions and solve problems; the ultimate goal is to gain knowledge that would be useful for many people

target population

_______________ is the entire population of interest

criterion validity

_______________ is the extent to which scores on a measure are a good reflection of a gold standard

sampling interval

_______________ is the fixed distance between selected cases

ratio measrurement

_______________ is the highest level; _____________, unliek interval scales, have meaningful zero and provide information about hte absolute magnitude of the attribute; many physical measures, such as weight, are _____________________ 228


_______________ is the instrument's ability to identify a case correctly (i.e. rate of yileding true positives) 258

evidence-based practice

_______________ is the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values

unit of analysis

_______________ is the most basic entity on which the analysis focuses

simple random sampling

_______________ is the most basic probability sampling; in ______________, researchers establish a sampling frame, a list of population elements; elements are numbered and then a table of random numbers are used to draw a random sample of the desired size

historical research

_______________ is the systematic collection and critical evaluation of data relating to past occurrences; _______________ relies primarily on qualitative data but can sometimes involve statistical analyses of quantitative data; nurses have used _________________ to examine phenomena in both the recent and more distant past 190

evidence-base practice (EBP)

_______________ is the use of the best evidence in making patient care decisions; such evidence typically comes from research conducted by nurses and other health care professionals

logistic regression

_______________ is used in lieu of multiple regression when the outcome is dichotomous 258

interrater reliability

_______________ is used to assess the extent to which two independent raters or observers assign the same score in measuring an attibute; the ratings are dichotomous classifications (e.g. presence vs absence of infusion phlebitis); if ratings are continuous scores, a __________________ is usually used 250


_______________ means being extremely thorough, exhaustive, and accurate


_______________ means false

in vitro

_______________ measures include chemical measures, microbiologic measures, and cytologic or histologic measures

survey research

_______________ obtain quantitaitve information about the prevalence, distribution, and interrelations of variables within a population; political opinion polls ar eexamples; _______________ data are used primarily to gather information from nonclinical populations 220 sr

nonsigificant resuls

_______________ provide no evidence of the truth or falsity of the hypothesis 267


_______________ provides a framework for studying the meanings, patterns, and lifeways of culture in a holistic fashion


_______________ refer to specific clinical end results of patient care 220 o


_______________ refers to the accuracy of information obtained in a study

adequacy (qualitative sampling)

_______________ refers to the sufficiency and quality of data the sample yielded; an ______________ sample provides data without thin spots 203

grounded theory

_______________ seeks to describe and understand key social psychological processes that occur in a social setting

descriptive phenomenology

_______________ seeks to describe lived experiences, researchers strive to bracket out preconceived views and to intuit the essence of the phenomenon by remaining open to meanings attributed to it by those who have experienced it 195

confounding variables

_______________ the relationship cannot be explained as being caused by a third variable; i.e. smokers living in urban environments

descriptive theory

_______________ thoroughly describes a phenomenon

hypothesis testing

_______________ through statistical tests enables researchers to make objective decisions about relationships between variables 258

convenience sampling

_______________ uses the most readily available or convenient people

appropriateness (qualitative sampling)

_______________- concerns the methods used to select a sample; an ____________ sample results from the selection of participants who can best supply information that meets the stud's conceptual requirements 203

mixed methods research

_______________-- has numerous advantages, including complementarity of quantitative and qualitative data and the practicality of using methods that best address a question; ________________ has many applications, including the development and tesing of instruments, theories, and interventions 225


_______________: A predicted answer to the research question Should almost always involve two or more variables

Research questions

_______________: Are sometimes direct rewordings of statements of purpose, worded as questions Are sometimes used to clarify or lend specificity to the purpose statement In quantitative studies, typically pose queries about the relationships among variables

Statement of Purpose: Quantitative Studies

_______________: Identifies key study variables Identifies possible relationships among variables Indicates the population of interest Suggests, through use of verbs, the nature of the inquiry (e.g., to test..., to compare..., to evaluate...)

independent variable

_______________: the presumed cause of a dependent variable

grounded theory

________________ Seeks to understand key social, psychological processes To develop a theory

Assembled information

________________ (e.g. quality improvement data): while quality improvement reports or pain reassessment reports are *helpful in recognizing occurrence trends, it doesn't lead to a solution*


________________ are abstractions of particular aspects of human behavior or characteristics

field notes

________________ are broader and more interpretive that represent the observer's efforts to record information and to synthesize and understand the data 207

unstructured interview

________________ are conversational discussions on the topic of interest 211

level I codes/ in vivo codes

________________ are derived directly from the langauge of the substantive area; they have vivid imagery and grab 285 L1

case studies

________________ are in-depth investigations of a single entity or smaller nunmber of entities; the entitiy may be an individual, family, institution, or social unit; ______________ researchers attempt to understand issues that are important to the circumstances of the focal entity 190

descriptive qualitative studies

________________ are not embedded in a disciplinary tradition; such studies may be referred to as qualitative studies, naturalistic inquiries, or qualitative content analyses 196

descriptive field notes

________________ are objective descriptions of events and conversations that were observed 207

Statistical software

________________ are specialized computer programs which help you to collect, organize, analyze, interpret and statistically design data. There are two main statistical techniques which help in statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics

paradigm cases

________________ are strong instances of concerns or ways of being in the world; ________________ are used early in the analytic process as strategy for gaining understanding 285 pc

randomized control trials (RCT)

________________ are the "gold standard" for intervention studies because they yield the most persuasive evidence about the effects of an intervention

foreground questions

________________ are those that *can be answered based on current best research evidence* on diagnosing, assessing, or treating patients or on understanding the meaning or prognosis of their health problems

clinical trials

________________ are trials designed to assess hte effeciveness of clinical interventions, often involve a series of phases 225 ct

semistructured interviews

________________ are used when researchers have a lsit of topics or broad questions that must be covered in an interview 204

substatnive themes

________________ ask, what is the pattern of evidence

outcomes (participant observation)

________________ asks why questions; why is the activity happening? What did not happen and why? 207

Person's r

________________ can be used to test whether a correlation is significantly different from zero 258

external validity

________________ concerns inferences about generalizability, whether findings holed true over variations in people, conditions, and settings

construct validity

________________ concerns the extent to which a measure is truly measuring the target construct and is often assessed using hypotehsis testing procedures; both bivariate and multivariate statistical tests are appropriate in assessments of a new measure's _______________________ 251

correlation coefficients

________________ describe the direction and magnitude of a relationship between two variables and range from -1 through 0 to 1 257

probability sampling

________________ designs, which involve the random selection of elements from the population, yield more representative samples than nonprobability designs and permit estimates of the magnitude of sampling error

nonparametric tests

________________ do not estimate parameters and involve less restrictive assumptions about the distribution's shape 242

reflective field notes

________________ document researchers' personal experiences, reflections, and progress in the field 207

interpretive phenomenology (hermeneutics)

________________ focuses on interpreting the meaning of experiences rather than just describing them 196

narrative analysis

________________ focuses on story in studies in which the prupose is to determine how individuals make sense of events in their lives 196

clinical significance

________________ for group-level results is often inferred on the basis of such statistics as effect size indexes, confidence intervals, and number needed to treat; however, _____________ is most often discussed in terms of individual patients, especially whether they have achieved a cinically meaningful change 276

critical theory

________________ has been applied in several discipliens but has played an essentially importnat role in ethnography 191

cultural theories

________________ include ideational theories, which suggest that cultural conditions stem from mental activity and ideas, and materialistic theories which view material conditions as the source of cultural development

effect size

________________ indexes are estimates of the magnitude of effects of an I component on an O component in PCIO questions; _____________ is important because with large samples, even minscule ____________ can be statistically significant 246

quasi-experiments/ trials without randomization

________________ involve an intervention but lack a comparison group or randomization; strong _______________ designs introduce controls to compensate for these missing components


________________ involve aspects of clnical managment and decision making 219 p

focus group interviews

________________ involve groups of 5-10 people whose opinions and experiences are solicited simultaneously; the interviewer (or moderator) guides the discussion using a topic guide 204


________________ involves assigning numbers to represent the amount of an attribute is present in a person or object

maximum variation sampling

________________ involves deliberately selecting cases with a wide range of variation on dimensions of interest; ____________ is often the sampling mode of choice in qualitative research because it is useful in illuminating the scope of a phenomenon and in identifying important patterns across variations 200

research control

________________ involves holding constant influences on the outcome variable so that the true relationship between the independent and outcome variables can be understood


________________ involves making sense of study results and examining their implications

phase 2 clinical trial

________________ involves seeking preliminary evidence of efficacy and opportunities for refinements 225 p2


________________ involves selecting a portion of the population to represent the population

consecutive sampling

________________ involves taking all of the people from an accessible population who meet the eligibility criteria over a specific time interval or for a specificed sample size

systematic sampling

________________ involves the selection of every kth case from a list, such as every 10th person on a patient list; ________________ can be done so that essentially a random sample is drawn

substantive coding

________________ involves: open coding and then substantive coding 292 sc

core category/ core variable

________________ is a pattern of behavior that is relevant and/or problematic for study participants 286 cc


________________ is a selection bias that occurs after the study unfolds; groups initially equivalent can lose comparability because of ___________________, and differential group composition, rather than the independent variable, could be the cause of any group differences


________________ is an entire aggregate of cases


________________ is an important electornic database for nurses; it covers references to hundreds of nursing and allied health journals as well as to books and dissertations

statistical reliability

________________ is assessed by computing coefficients that range from .00-1.00; higher values indicate greater ________________

interrater reliability

________________ is assessing whether two raters or observers independently assign similar scores

quality improvement

________________ is defined as an assessment, conducted of a patient care problem for the purpose of improving patient care through peer analysis, intervention, resolution of the problem, and follow-up

history threat

________________ is external events that could affect outcomes

Empirical evidence

________________ is information received by the researcher's observation of patterns and behaviors (not influenced by personal beliefs or hunches)

quantitative data

________________ is numeric values collected by a study

nursing research

________________ is systematic inquiry undertaken to develop evidence on problems of importance to nurses

statistical power

________________ is the ability to detect true relationships among variables

statistical power

________________ is the capacity to detect true relationships and affects the statistical conclusion validity; the most straightforward way to achieve ______________ is to use a large enough sample

evidence-based practice

________________ is the conscientious use of current best evidence in making clinical decisions about patient care; it is a clinical problem-solving strategy that de-emphasizes decision making based on custom and emphasizes the integration of research evidence with clinical expertise and patient preferences

construct validity

________________ is the degree to which evidence about a measure's scores in relation to other variables support the inference that the construct has been well represented

nonresponse bias/ response bias

________________ is the difference between participants and those who declined to participate

face validity

________________ is the extent to which a measure looks like it is measuring the target construct

nominal measurement

________________ is the lowest lvel, involves using numbers simply to categorize attributes; gender is an example of a _____________________; the numbers used do not have quantitative meaning and cannot be treated mathematically; i.e. it makes no sense to compute a sample's average gender 228


________________ is the most effective method for controlling subject characteristics because it controls all possible confounding variables without researchers having to identify them

absolute risk

________________ is the proportion of people who experienced an undesirable outcome in each group 236

expectation bias

________________ is the risk that knowledge can influence study outcomes


________________ is the threat that arises from attrition in groups being compared; if different kinds of people remain in the study in one group versus another, then these differences, rather than the independent variable, could account for group differences in outcomes

concurrent validity

________________ is the type of criterion validity assessed when the measurements of hte criterion and the focal insturment occur at the same time

constant comparison

________________ is used to develop and refine theoretically relevant concepts and categories; categories elicited from the data are __________________ with data obtained earlier so that commonalities and variations can be detected 189

cohen's kappa

________________ is used to estimate interrater reliability when the ratings of two independent raters are dichotomous, the index used to estimate internal consistency is coefficeint alpha; reliability coefficients of .8 or higher are desirable 258

research control

________________ is used to hold constant outside influences on the dependent variable so that the relationship between the independent and dependent variables can be better understood

manifest content

________________ is what the text actually says, in purely descriptive studies, qualitative researchers may focus mainly on summarizing the __________________ communicated in the text 282 mc

biologic plausibility

________________ means evidence from basic physiologic studies indicate a causal pathway is credible

full disclosure

________________ means that the researcher has fully described the study, the person's right to refuse participation, and potential risks and benefits; the right to self-determination and _________________ are two elements that informed consent is based on


________________ means two variables, describes the relationship between two variables 234


________________ of results through either internal or external sources is another approach in a credibility assessment 276

selective approach

________________ pulls out key statements and phrases 292 sa

best evidence

________________ refers to research findings that are methodologically appropriate, rigorous, and clinically relevant for answering pressing questions

face validity

________________ refers to whether the instrument looks like it is measuring the target construct; it is helpful for a measure to have _________________ if other types of validity have also been demonstrated

explanatory research

________________ seeks to understand the underlying causes or full nature of a phenomenon

inclusion criteria

________________ state that a person should be included as a member of the population

quantitative researchers

________________ strive to control external factors that could affect study outcomes and subject characteristics that are extraneous to the research question

empirical evidence

________________ supporting research hypotheses never constitutes proof of their veractiy; hypothesis testing is probabilitic; there is always a probability that observed relationships resulted from chance- that is, a type I error has occurred 267

conceptual definition

________________ the abstract or theoretical meaning of a concept being studied Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing whenever he says it does." (Margo McCaffrey, 1968)


________________ the researcher manipulates the independent variable by introducing an __________________

critical ethnography

________________ uses the principles of critical theory in the study of cultures 196

outcomes research

________________, a subset of health services research, comprises efforts to understand the end results of particular health care practices and to assess the effectiveness of health care services; ________________ represents a response to the increasing demand from policy makers and the public to justify health care practices in terms of improved outcomes and cost 219 or


________________, called trials without randomization, involve interventions but lack randomization, the signature of a true experiment

Scope of the problem

________________- how big a problem is it, and how many people are affected?


________________- involves the performance of some good and the protection of participants from physical and psychological harm and exploitation


________________- means both strands occuring in one simultaneous phase 225


________________- what is the nature of the problem, or the context of the situation, that readers need to understand?

Components of a Problem Statement

________________: - Identification of the problem - Background - Scope - Consequences - Knowledge gaps - Proposed solution

Simple hypothesis

________________: Predicts relationship between two variables (one independent variable and one dependent variable)

IMRAD format

________________: •Title and abstract •Introduction •Method •Results And •Discussion •References


________________: The findings are presented in this section Quantitative studies: Descriptive information (e.g., description of subjects) __________ of statistical analyses Names of statistical tests Value of calculated statistics Level of statistical significance (index of how probable it is that the findings are reliable)

theory building and testing

________________: a theory gains acceptance as it escapes disconfirmation, and the use of multiple methods provides opportunity for potential disconfirmation of the theory; if the theory can survive these assaults, it can provide a stronger context for the organization of clinical and intellectual work 214 t

Continuous variable

________________: can take on an unlimited number of values between the lowest and highest point Examples- height, weight

instrument development

________________: nurse researchers sometimes gather qualitative data as the basis for developing formal instruments- that is, for generating and wording the questions on quantitative scales that are subsequently subjected to rigorous testing 214 id

Authority evidence

________________: people with expertise and power influence opinions and behavior; not good for research

roles of nurses in researech

________________: producers of research and consumers of research


________________: qualitative reports are written in a conversational style, making them more inviting

intervention development

________________: qualitative research is also playing a nimportant role in the development of promising nursing interventions that are then rigorously tested for efficiency 214 ivd


________________: the authors of research articles use research terms that may seem esoteric

data/ datum

________________: the pieces of information researchers collect in a study Quantitative researchers collect numeric ___________ Qualitative researchers collect narrative ____________

dependenet variable/ outcome variable

________________: the presumed effect of an independent variable; often referred to as the outcome variable or outcome

Clinical experience, intuition

________________: using an insight or gut feeling; personal experience doesn't always translate to the broader clinical world; not good for research

personal diaries

_________________ are a standard data source in historical resarch; it is also possible to generate new data for a study by asking participants to maintain a ____________ over a specified period 205

level of significance (alpha)

_________________ are analogus to the CI values, an alpha of 0.05= 95% CI, and an alpha of 0.01= 99% CI 241

journal articles

_________________ are descriptions of studies published in professional journals

case studies

_________________ are intensive investigations of a single entity or small number of entities, such as individuals, groups, families, or communities 196

closed-ended/ fixed-alternative questions

_________________ are ones in which the response options are prespecified; the options may range from a simple yes or no to complex expressions of opinions

peer reviewers

_________________ are other researchers who make recommendations about acceptance of or revisions to the manuscript

self report/ patient repored outcome

_________________ are participants' responses to researchers questions, such as an interview; in nursing studies, ________________ are the most common data collection approach

explanatory designs

_________________ are sequential designs with quantative data collected in the first phase, followed by qualitative data collected in the second phase; either the quantative or qualitative strand can be given stronger priority; in __________________, qualitative data from the first phase are used to build on or explain the quantitative data from the initial phase 216 ex

in-depth interviews

_________________ are the most widely used method of collecting data for qualitative studies. Self-reports in qualitative studies include completely unstructured interviews, which are conversational discussion on the topic of interest; semi structured/ focused interviews, using a broad topic guide; focus group interviews, which involve discussions with small groups; diaries, in which respondents are asked to maintain daily records about some aspects of their lives; and photo elicitation interviews, which are guided and stimulated by photographic images, sometimes using photos that participants themselves take 211

research questions

_________________ are the specific queries researchers want to answer in addressing the research problem

statistical tests

_________________ are used to test hypotheses and to evaluate the reliability of the findings

6 research situations for MM

_________________ are: 1. concepts are new and poorly understood, and there is a need for qualitative exploration before more formal, structured methods can be used 2. neither a qualitative nor a quantitative approach, by itself, is adequate in addressing the complexity of the research problem 3. the findings from one approach can be greatly enhanced with a second source of data 4. the quantitative resutls are puzzling and difficult to interpret, and qualitative data can help to explain the results 5. a particular theoretical perspective might require both quantitative and qualitative data 6. a multiphase project is needed to attain key objectives, such as the development and assortment of an intervention 214

scope of the problem

_________________ asks: how big a problem is it, and how many people are affected?

proposed solution

_________________ asks: how will the new study contribute to the solution of the problem?

knowledge gaps

_________________ asks: what information about the problem is lacking?

consequences of the problem

_________________ asks: what is the cost of not fixing the problem?


_________________ asks: what is the nature of the problem, or the context of the situation, that readers need to understand?

problem identification

_________________ asks: what is wrong with the current situation?

terminally ill

_________________ can seldom expect to benefit personally from research, and thus the risk/benefit ratio must be carefully assessed


_________________ comes from internal and external sources, and the concept of replication is an important issue in both cases; interpretations are aided by considering prior resaerch on the topic; interpreters examine whether results are congruent with other studies 265

test-retest reliability

_________________ conerns the stability of a measure, and is assessed by making two separate measuremenst of the same people, often 1-2 weeks apart, and then testing the extent to which the two tests are consistent 249

correlation coefficient

_________________ describes the intensity and direction of a relationship; a _________________- indicates how perfect a relationship is 235

stratified random sampling

_________________ divides the population into homogeneous subgroups from which elements are selected at random

maturation threat

_________________ does not refer only to developmental changes but to any change that occurs as a function of time

maximum variation sampling

_________________ entails purposely selecting diverse cases on key traits 211

convenience sampling

_________________ entails selecting the most conveniently available people as participants; the problem with _______________ is that people who are readily available might be atypical of the population

survey research

_________________ examines people's characteristics, behaviors, intentions, and opinions by asking them to answer questions; ______________ can be adminsitered through personal interviews, telephone interviews, or self-adminsitered questionnaires 225 sr

quantitative research

_________________ findings are based on empirical evidence and strive for generalizability beyond a single setting or situation

critical ethnography

_________________ focuses on raising consciousness in the hope of effecting social change; ________________ attempt to increase the political dimensions of cultural research and undermine oppressive systems 192


_________________ focuses on the lived experiences of humans and is an approach to gaining insight into what the life experiences of people are like and what they mean


_________________ for an organizational project include both pressing clinical problems (problem focused) and existing knowledge (knowledge focused)

nominal measurement

_________________ hte classification of attributes into mutually exclusive categories 257


_________________ in qualitative research encompasses several different dimensions, including credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability, and authenticity

advantages of mixed methods design

_________________ include: complementarity practicality enhanced validity 214

retrospective designs (case-control designs)

_________________ involve collecting data about an outcome in the present and then looking back in time for possible causes

clinical significance at individual level

_________________ involve establish a benchmark is a threshold that designates a score on a measure that would be considered clinically important; with an established benchmark for clinical significance, each person in a study can be classified as having or not having a score or change score that is clinically significant 270

photo elicitation

_________________ involves an interview guided by photographic images; this procedure, most ofte used in ethnographics and participatory action resarch, can help to promote a collaborative discussion 205


_________________ involves assigning numbers to represent the amount of an attribute present in a person, using a set of rules; researchers strive to use measures that have good rules that minimize _______________ errors

point estimation

_________________ involves calculating a single statistic to estimate the parameter 239

interrater reliability

_________________ involves having two or more observers indepdently apply the measure with the same sample group to see if scores are consistent across raters

construct validity

_________________ involves inferences from the particulars of a study to compare the m to higher order constructs 264

absolute risk reduction

_________________ is a comparison of the two risks, computed by subtracting the AR for the exposed group from the AR for the unexposed group 236

theoretical sampling

_________________ is a method used in grounded theory studies and involves decisions about where to find data to develop an emerging theory optimally 200


_________________ is a technique for integrating quantitative research findings statistically; in essence, _________________ treats the findings from a study as one piece of information; the findings from multiple studies on the same topic are combined and then all of the information is analyzed statistically in a manner similar to that in a usual study


_________________ is an aproach to understanding people's everyday life experiences 187

internal consistency

_________________ is assessing whether there is consistency across items in a composite scale in measuring a trait

posttest data/ outcome data

_________________ is information collected on the outcome after an intervention is implemented

pretest data/ baseline data

_________________ is information collected on the outcome before an intervention is implemented

nonprobability sampling

_________________ is less likely than probability sampling to produce representative samples, and yet most research samples in nursing and other disciplines are ________________

content validity

_________________ is relevant for composite measures, suc has multi-item scales; the issue is whether the content of the items adequately reflects the construct of interest; ________________ usually relies on expert ratings of each item 250


_________________ is the branch of psychology concerned with the theory and methods of psychological measurements


_________________ is the degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure

internal validity

_________________ is the extent to which it can be inferred that the independent variable is causing the outcome; RCTs tend to have high ________________ because randomization enables resarchers to rule out competing explanations for group differences


_________________ is the extent to which scores on a measure are consistent across repeated measurements if the trait itself has not changed; the types include: test-retest, interrater, and internal consistency 249


_________________ is the measurement property that concerns the degree to which an instrument is measuring what it purports to measure; like reliability, ____________________- has several aspects; unlike reliability, it is challenging to establish 250


_________________ is the process of selecting elements from a population

sampling interval

_________________ is the standard distance between selected elements

ethnonursing resarch

_________________ is the study and analysis of the local or indigenous people's viewpoints, beliefs, and practices about nursing care and processes of designated cultures 187

sampling bias

_________________ is the systematic over-represesntation or under-representation of a population segment in terms of key characteristics

research utilization (RU)

_________________ is the use of findings from studies in a practical application that is unrelated to the original research; in _____________, the emphasis is on translating new knowledge into real-world applications

outcomes research

_________________ is undertaken to document the quality and effectiveness of health care and nursing services; a model of health care quality encompasses several broad concepts, including structure, process, and outcomes; efforts have been made to identify nursing sensitive outcomes 225 or

parameter estimation

_________________ is used widely to estimate a population pamameter-e.g. a mean, a proportion, or a difference in means between two groups 239

Spearman's rho

_________________ is usually the correlation coefficient used when variables are measured on an ordinal scale 257

evidence appraisals

_________________ may lead you to differnet courses of actions; it may suggest that usua lcare is hte best strategy; or it could suggest a promising clinical action


_________________ medical subject headings; MEDLINE uses a controlled vocabulary called ______________- to index articles

symmetric distribution

_________________ occurs if, when folded over, the two halves of a frequecny polygon would be superimposed 230

selective coding

_________________ occurs in which only variables relating to a core category are coded 292 sc

interval estimation

_________________ of a parameter provides a wide range of values within which the parameter has a specified probability of lying 239

theoretical codes

_________________ provide insights into how substantive codes relate ot each other; ___________________ help grounded theorists to weave the broken pieces of data back together again 296 tc

interval estimation

_________________ provides a range of values, a confidence interval, between which the population is expected to fall, at a specified probability 257

point estimation

_________________ provides a single value of a population estimate (e.g. a mean) 257

research reviews

_________________ rely primarily on findings in research reports

vulnerable groups

_________________ require additional protection; these people may be vulnerable because they are not able to make an informed decision about study participation, because of diminished authonomy, or because their circumstances heighten the risk for harm

exclusion criteria

_________________ states that a person should not be included as a member of the population

constructivist grounded theory

_________________ the developed grounded theory is seen as an interpretation; the data collected and analyzed are acknowledged to be constructed from shared experiences and relationships between the researcher and the participants; data and analyses are viewed as social constructs 189

grounded theory

_________________ tries to account for people's actions form the perspective of those involved189


_________________ typically work with a small sample of people (often 10 or fewer) who meet the criterion of having lived the experience under study 211

Ethnographic research

_________________ want to understand the worldview, their customs and nerve

basic social process

_________________, an example of a core variable 189


_________________, broadly speaking, is the extent to which scores are free from measurement error; ______________ also can be defined as the extent to which scores for people who have not changed are the same for repeated measurements; absence of variation and replication are important to ______________


_________________, the extent to which qualitative findings can be transferred to other settings, as another aspect of trustrowthiness of a study

predictive validity

_________________, the focal measure is tested against a criterion that is measured in the future


_________________, the use of multiple sources to draw conclusions about the truth, is on approach to enhancing credibility

social cognitive theory

_________________, which is sometimes called self-efficacy theory, offers an explanation of human behavior using the concepts of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and incentives

acquiescence response set bias

_________________- is a tendency to agree with statements regardless of their content by some people; the opposite tendency for other people to disagree with statements independently of the question content is less common

systematic sampling

_________________- is the selection fo every kth case from a list; by dividing the population size by the desired sample size, the researcher establishes the sampling interval


_________________: Is articulated almost exclusively in quantitative (not qualitative) studies Is tested through statistical procedures

hypothesis generation

_________________: in depth qualitative studies are often fertile with insights about constructs or relationships among them; these insights then can be tested and confirmed with larger samples in qualitative studies 214 h

extreme response set bias

__________________ a tendency to consistently express extreme attitudes, leading to distortions because extreme responses may be unrelated to the trait being measured


__________________ are brief descriptions of situations to which respondents are asked to react

research hypotheses

__________________ are statements of expected relationships between variables

characteristics of qualitaitve designs

__________________ are: flexible, capable of adjusting to what is learned during data collection often involves triangulating various data collection strategies tends to be holistic, strivign for an understanding of the whole requires researchers to become intesnely involved and reflexive and can require a lot of time benefits from ongoing data analysis to guide subsequent strategies 184

observational methods

__________________ can be used to gather such information as patient's conditions, verbal communcation, nonverbal communication, activities, and environmentla conditions

open coding

__________________ captures what is going on in the data 292 oc


__________________ causal relationship

grand theories/ macrotheories

__________________ claim to explain large segments of human experience; in nursing, there are ________________ that offer explanations of the whole of nursing and that characterize the nature and mission of nursing practice, as distinct from other disciplines

pretest-posttest design

__________________ collect data both before the intervention (at baseline) and after it


__________________ imposes a duty on researchers to minimize harm and maximize benefits; human research should be intended to produce benefits for participants or, more typically, for others

nonexperimental/ obervational studies

__________________ include descriptive research (studies that summarize the status of a phenomena) and correlational studies (examine relationships among variables but involve no intervention)

4 factors affecting readability of journal articles

__________________ include: compactness jargon objectivity statistical information

sampling biases

__________________ include: sampling error volunteer bias nonresponse bias 265

research design biases

__________________ include: expectation bias hawthorne effect contamination of treatments noncompliance bias selection bias attrition bias history bias 265

nonprobability sampling

__________________ includes convience, quota, consecutive, and purposive sampling; _________________ is convenient and economical; a major disadvantage is potential for bias

credibility assessments

__________________ involve an assessment of study rigor through an analysis of validity threats and biases that could undermine the accuracy of the results 275

experiments/ RCTs

__________________ involve an intervention, control, and randomization

focus group interviews

__________________ involve dicussions with small groups about the topic of interest 211

intrepreting study results

__________________ involves attending to six considerations: credibility and accuracy of results precision of the estimate of effects magnitude of effects and importance of results meaning of results, especially with regard to causality generalizability of the results implications of the results for nursing practice, theory develpoment, or further research 260

construct validity

__________________ involves inferences from the particulars of the study to the higher order constructs they are intended to represent; if studies contain _______________ errors, the evidence could be misleading

evidence-based practice (EBP)

__________________ involves integrating integrating research evidence into clinical decision making; ___________________ encourages clinicans to think critically about clinical practice and to challenge the status quo when it conflicts with best evidence 260

simple random sampling

__________________ involves the random selection of elements from a sampling frame that enumerates all the elements


__________________ is a common sampling approach in whihch a subsample of the participants in one strand also participates in the other 225


__________________ is a feature that allows people to search for topics using your own keywwords rather than subject headings used in databases

phase 3 clinical trial

__________________ is a full experimetnal test of treatment efficacy 225 p3

sampling frame

__________________ is a list of population elements

consecutive sampling

__________________ is a nonprobability sampling method that involves recruiting all people from an accessible population over a specific time interval or for a specified sample size

knowledge translation (KT)

__________________ is a term that is often associated with the efforts to enhance systematic change in clinical practice

knowledge translation (KT)

__________________ is a term used primarily about system wide efforts to effect systematic change in clinical practice or policies

intervention research

__________________ is a term used to refer to a distinctive process of planning, developing, testing, and disseminating interveintions 225 ir

intervention research

__________________ is increasingly used by nurse researchers to describe an approach distinguished by a distinctive process of planning, developing, and testing interventions-especially complex interventions 218 ir

descriptive phenomenology

__________________ is interested in the question, What do we know as persons? _________________ insist on the careful portrayl of orginary conscious experience of everyday life; a depiction of things as people experience them; these things include hearing, seeing, believing, feeling, remembering, deciding, and evaluating 187

construct validity

__________________ is the extent to which an instrument adequately measures the targeted construct, as assessed mainly by testing hypotheses

content validity

__________________ is the extent to which an instrument's content adequately captures the construct


__________________ is the extent to which scores for people who have not changed are the same for repeated measurements; a ____________ measure minimizes measurement error


__________________ is the highest minus hte lowest score in a distribution; the chief virtue of the _______________ is ease of computation; because it is based only on two scores, however, the ____________ is unstable; from sample to sample drawn from a population, the _____________ can fluctuate greatly 232


__________________ is the number that occurs most frequently in a distribution; the _________________ identifies the most popular value 231


__________________ is the process of reflecting critically on the self and of analyzing and noting personal values that could affect data collection and implementation

evidence-based practice

__________________ is the process of shared decision-making between practitioner, patient, and others significant to them based on research evidence, the patient's experiences and preferences, clinical expertise or know-how, and other available robust sources of info

sampling bias

__________________ is the systematic overrepresentation or underrepresentation of some segment of the population


__________________ is the use of multiple sources or referents to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth; in a quantitative study, this might mean having two ways to measure an outcome, to assess whether results are consistent


__________________ is the way a group of people live- the patterns of human activity and the values and norms that give activity significance 185

open coding

__________________ is used in the first stage of constant comparison, captures what is going on in the data; _______________ may be the actual words participants used; through ___________________, data are broken down, and their similiarities and differences are examined 285 oc

analysis of variance

__________________ is used to test mean group differences of three or more groups; _______________ sorts out the variability of an outcome variable into two components: variability due to the independent variable, and variability due to all other sources 244

repeated measures ANOVA

__________________ is used when data are collected at multiple time points 258

full disclosure

__________________ means that researchers have fully described to prospective participants their rights and the costs and benefits of the study; when _______________ poses the risk of biased results, researchers sometimes use concealment or deception

feminist research

__________________ methods typically include in-depth interactive and collaborative individual or group interviews that offer the possibility of reciprocally educational encounters; __________________ seek to negotiate the meanings of the results with those participating in the study and to be self-reflective about what they themselves are learning 192

interval measurement

__________________ occurs when researchers can rank people on an attribute and specify teh distance between them; most psychological scales and tests yield ____________________; many statistical procedures require ________________ 228

directional hypotheses

__________________ predict the direction of a relationship between two variables

research hypotheses

__________________ predict the existence of relationships between two variables


__________________ present participants with a set of cards on which statements are written; participants are asked to sort the cards along a specified dimension, such as most helpful/ least helpful

informed consent

__________________ procedures, which provide prospective participants with information needed to make a reasoned decision abotu participation normally involve signing a consent form


__________________ questions ask in (population), does (IV) cause or increase risk of (DV)


__________________ questions ask: in (population), does (IV) affect or increase risk of (DV)

evidence hierarchies

__________________ rank evidence sources according to the strength of evidence they provide, and in most cases, RCTs are near the top of these hierarchies


__________________ research means that investigators progress through a series of steps according to a prespecified plan


__________________ seek to discover the essence and meaning of a phenomenon as it is experienced by people, mainly through in-depth interviews with people who have had the relevant experience 195

clinical trials

__________________ test clinical interventions; _______________ are undertaken to evaluate an innovative therapy or drug are often divided into a series of phases 217 ct

qualitative researchers

__________________ typically select articulate and reflective informants with certain types of experience in an emergent way, capitalizing on early learning to guide subsequent sampling decisions 211

theme analysis

__________________ uncovers cultural themes 292 ta

semistructured interviews

__________________ use a broad topic guide to discuss the topic of interest 211

schematic models/ conceptual maps

__________________ visually represent relationships among phenomena and are used in both quantitative and qualitative research

eligibility criteria

__________________, including both inclusion and exclusion criteria, are used to define population characteristics

typical case sampling

__________________- involves the selection of participants who illustrate or highlight what is typical or average 200


__________________- is a principle that is believed to be true without verification

Knowledge gaps

__________________- what information about the problem is lacking?

Consequences of the problem

__________________- what is the cost of not fixing the problem?


__________________-, the most secure means of protecting confidentiality, occurs when the researcher cannot link participants to their data


__________________-means one variable 234


__________________: Suggests the predicted relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable Must contain terms that indicate a relationship (e.g., more than, different from, associated with)


__________________: authors compress a lot of information into a small space; interesting, personalized aspects of the investigation cannot be reported, and only a handful of supporting quotes may be inlcuded

phenomological studies

__________________: focus on experience; lived experience; meaning; essence

grounded theory

__________________: focus on processes; social structures; social interactions

Proposed solution

__________________: how will the new study contribute to the solution of the problem?

statistical information

__________________: in quantitative reports, numbers and symbols may intimidate readers who do not have statistical training

Disciplined research

__________________: the best method of acquiring reliable knowledge; using scientific methods.

bibliographic databases

___________________ are accessed by computer; most _______________ can be accessed through user-friendly software with menu-driven systems and on-screen support so that minimal instruction is needed to retrieve articles

quality improvement projects

___________________ are designed to improve practices in a specific organization; they often use a model called plan-do-study-act; or plan-do-check-act 225 qi

randomly assigned groups

___________________ are expected to be comparable, on average, with respect to an infinite number of biologic, psychological, and social traits at the outset of the study

data/ datum

___________________ are the pieces of information gathered in a study; in quantitative studies, researchers identify and define their variables and then collect relevant _______________ from subjects

multivariate statistics

___________________ are used in nursing research to untangle complex relationships among three or more variables 258

methodoligc themes

___________________ ask, what methods have been used to address the question

critical theory

___________________ calls for inquriies that foster enlightened self-knowledge and sociopolical action; _________________ often triangulate methods and emphasize multiple perspectives on problems; _________________ typically interact with participants in ways that emphasize their expertise 191

external validity

___________________ concerns inferences about whether relationships found for study participants might hold true for different people and settings; _____________ is critical to EBP because it is important to generalize evidence from controlled research settings to real-world practice settings

internal validity

___________________ concerns inferences that the outcomes were caused by the independent variable, rather than by extraneous factors

internal consistency reliability

___________________ concerns the extent to which the various compoents of a multicomponent measure (e.g. items on a psychoscial scale) are consistnetly measuring the same attribute; if a psychosocial scale includes several subscales, a coefficient is computed for each subscale separately 250

statistical conclusion validity

___________________ concerns the strength of evidence that a relationship exists between two variables; a threat is low statiscal power (the ability to detect true relationships among variables)

correlational studies

___________________ examine relationships among variables but involve no intervention


___________________ has to do with how closely concepts fit with incidents they represent, which is related to how thoroughly constant comparison was done 292 f

code of ethics

___________________ have been developed in response to human right violations; most disciplines, such as medicine and nuring have established their own ________________

theoretical codes

___________________ in which the relationships among the substantive codes are conteptualized 292 tc

four concepts central to nursing models

___________________ include: human beings, environment, health, and nursing

effect size

___________________ indexes summarize hte strength of the effect on an independent variable on an outcome variable 258


___________________ involve collecting data multiple times over an extended period; such designs are useful for studying changes over time and for establishing the sequencing of phenomena, which is a criterion for inferring causality

longitudinal designs

___________________ involve data collection at two or more times over an extended period; in nursing, _______________ are often follow-up studies of clinical populations

self report/ patient repored outcome

___________________ involve directly questioning study participants and are the most widely used method of collecting data for nursing studies

probability sampling

___________________ involves random selection of elements from a population; with _______________, each element in the population has an equal, independent chance of being selected

criterion sampling

___________________ involves studying cases who meet a predetermined criterion of importance 200


___________________ is a critical appraisal of the strengths and limitations of a study, often to assess the worth of the evidence for nursign practice

google scholar

___________________ is a popular bibliographic search engine; _____________ includes articles in journals from scholarly publishes in all disciplines and also includes books, technical reports, and other documents


___________________ is achieved to the extent that the methods engender confidence in the truth of the data and in the researchers' interpretation

qualitative research

___________________ is almost always nonexperimental; the goal is to develop a rich understanding of a phenomenon as it exists and as it is constructed by individuals within their own context 184

maturation threat

___________________ is changes due to the passage of time

Phenomenological research

___________________ is concerned with the lived experiences of humans; ___________________ is an approach to thinking about what life experiences of people are like and what they mean


___________________ is distinct from a quantative meta-analysis; a _________________ is used in qualitative studies and is less about reducing information and more about interpreting it

construct validity

___________________ is evaluated using hypothesis testing procedures, so statistical tests such as those described (e.g. person's r, t-tests) are appropriate 259

selection threat

___________________ is if a preexisting group causes differences


___________________ is the most effective way to control participants' characteristics; a critical advantage of _______________, compared with other control strategies, is that it controls all possible sources of extraneous variation, without any conscious decision about which variables should be controlled

temporal amiguity

___________________ is uncertantity about whether the presumed cause preceded the outcome

quantitative data/ studies

___________________ researchers collect primarily __________________, information in numeric form, and analyzed statistically

economic/cost analysis

___________________ seek to determine whether the monetary costs of a program are outweighed by benefits 225 e/c

hermeneutic circle

___________________ signifies a methological process in which, to reach understanding, there is continual movement between the parts nad the whole of the text being analyzed; to interpret a text, researchers cannnot separate themselves from the meanings of the text and must strive to understand possibilities that the text can reveal 284 hc

directional hypotheses

___________________ specifies the expected direction of the relationship between variables


___________________ state researchers' expectations about relationships between study variables; ______________________ are predictions of the relationships researchers expect to observe in the study data


___________________ the second step in descriptive phenomenology, occurs when researchers remain open to the meanings attributed to the phenomenon by those who have experienced it 188

holistic approach

___________________ views text as a whole 292 ha

Middle-range theories

___________________, compared to grand theories, are more specific and more amenable to empirical testing

feminist research

___________________, like critical research, aims at being transformative, but the focus is on how gender domination and discrimination shape women's lives 196

Ethnographic research

___________________, the primary research tradition in anthropology, provides a framework for studying the patterns and life ways of a defined cultural group in a holistic fashion

analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

___________________, which combines features of ANOVA and multiple regression, is used to control confounding variables statistically, that is, to equalize groups being compared 248

null hypotheses

___________________- express the absence of a relationship, this type of hypotheses is subject to statistical testing

types of pre-appraised evidence

___________________: systematic reviews clinical practice guidelines


___________________: qualitative data are sometimes used to explicate the meaning of quantitative descriptions or relationships; quantitative methods demonstrate that variables are systematically related but fail to explain why they are related 215 e


___________________: quantitative researchers tend to avoid any impression of subjectivity, so they tell their research stories in a way that makes them sound impersonal; most quantative research articles are written in the passive voice, making them less lively

questionnaire/interview advantages

___________________: questionnaires are less costly than interviews and offer the possibility of anonymity, but interviews yield higher response rates and are suitable for a wider variety of people

standard deviation

___________________: the most widely used variability index is the _______________________, like the mean, the ______________ is calculated based on every value in a distribution; the ________________ summarizes the average amount of deviation of values from the mean 233

systematic review

____________________ are at the pinnacle of all evidence hierarchies

mortality threat

____________________ are effects attributable to attrition

generalizability/transferability themes

____________________ ask, to what population does the evidence apply?

evaluation research

____________________ assesses the effectiveness of a program, policy, or procedure to assist decision makers in choosing a course of action; ______________ answer a variety of questions 225 er

componential analysis

____________________ compares and contrasts terms in a domain 292 ca

analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

____________________ controls confounding variables (called covariates) before testing whether group mean differences are statistically significant 258


____________________ includes the right to fair treatment and the right to privacy; in the US, privacy has become a major issue because of the Privacy Rule regulations that resulted from HIPAA

interpretivie phenomenology/ hermeneutics

____________________ interprets and understands- not just describes- human experiences; _________________ is a basic characteristic of human experience; ______________ refers to the art and philosophy of interpreting the meaning of an object, such as a text or work of art 188

cross-sectional designs

____________________ involve the collection of data at one time period

secondary analysis

____________________ involve the use of existing data from a previous or ongoing study to test new hypothese or answer questions that were not initally envisioned; __________________ are often based on quantitaive data from a larger data set, but ________________ of data from qualitative studies have also been undertaken 221 sa

health service sresearch

____________________ is the broad interdisciplinary field that studies how organizational structures and processes, health technologies, social factors, and personal behaviors affect access to health car,e the cost and quality of health care, and, ultimately, people's health and well-being 219 hsr

Linkert scale

____________________ present respondents with a series of items; each item is scored and then summed into a composite score

participatory action research (PAR)

____________________ produces knowledge through close collaboration with groups that are vulnerable to control or oppression by a dominant culture; in _____________, a goal is to develop processes that can motivate people and generate community solidarity 196

computer-assisted qualitative data analysis softwar

____________________ removes the work of cutting and pasting pages of narrative material; these programs permit an entire data set to be entered onto the computer and coded; text corresponding to specified codes can then be retrieved 280 caq

grounded theory

____________________ researchers generate conceptual categories and integrate them into a substantive theory, grounded in data 189

taxonomic analysis

____________________ selects key domains and constructs taxonomies 292 ta

inferential statistics

____________________, based on laws of probability, allow researchers to make inferences about population parameters based on a sample 257

purposive sampling

____________________, participants are handpicked to be included in the sample based on the researcher's knowledge about the population


____________________, the collection of information without participant's knowledge

ancestry approach

____________________, where citations from relevant studies are used to track down earlier research on which the studies are based


____________________, withholding information or providing false information

severely ill/ physically disabled people

____________________: for patients who are very ill or undergoing certain treatments (e.g. mechanical ventilation), it might be necessary to assess their ability to make reasoned decisions about study participation

randomized control trials (RCT)

_____________________ are the best possible designs for illuminating causal relationships

Middle-range theories

_____________________ do not describe large segments of the human experience; rather they are specific to certain phenomena

qualitative analysis

_____________________ is a challenging, labor intensitive activity with few fixed rules 292 qa

basic social process

_____________________ is a core category that evolves over time in two or more phases; all ____________ are core categories, but not all core categories are _________________ 286 bsp

multiple regression analysis

_____________________ is a method for understanding the effect of two or more predictor variables on a continuous dependent variables 258

participant observation

_____________________ is characterized by prolonged periods of social interaction between researchers and participants 206

critical theory

_____________________ is concenred with a critique of sciet and with envisioning new possibilities; ________________ science is action oriented; its aim is to make people aware of contradictions and disparities in socia lpractices become inspired to change them 191


_____________________ is often defined as an abstract generalization that explains how phenomena are interrelated; as classically defined, theories consist of two or more concepts and a set of propositions that form a logically interrelated system, providing a mechanism for deducing hypotheses


_____________________ is the insturment's ability to identify noncases correctly (i.e. rate of true negatives) 259


_____________________ is the measure's ability to correctly identify noncases, that is, to screen out those without the condition; _________________ is an instrument's rate of yielding true negatives 250

respect for human dignity

_____________________ is the second ethical principle in the Belmont report; this includes the right to self-determination and right to full disclosure


_____________________ means one strand occurign prior to and informing the second strand 225

institutionalized people

_____________________ nurses often conduct studies with hospitalized or __________________ (prisoners) who might feel their care would be jepordized by failure to cooperate

Complex hypothesis

______________________ Predicts relationship between two or more independent variables and two or more dependent variables

narrative materials

______________________ are usually not linear; for example, paragraphs from transcribed interviews may contain elements relating to three or four different categories 279 nm

grand theories/ macrotheories

______________________ attempt to describe large segments of the human experience


______________________ is the description and interpretation of a culture and cultural behavior 185

criterion validity

______________________ is the extent to which the scores on a measure are a good reflection of a gold standard, i.e. a criterion considered an ideal measure of the construct

retrieved references

______________________ must be screened for relevance, and then pertinent information can be abstracted and encoded for subsequent analysis; studies must also be critiqued to assess the strength of evidence in existing research

extreme deviant case sampling

______________________ provides opportuniteis for learning from the most unusual and extreme informants (outstanding successes and notable failures) 200

qualitative studies

______________________ typically rely on small nonprobability samples; _______________ avoid random samples because they are not the best method of selecting people who are knowledgeable, articulate, reflective, and willing to talk at length with researchers 198

prospective/ cohort designs

______________________, researchers begin with a possible cause and then subsequently collect data about outcomes

sysbolic interaction

______________________- focuses on hte manner in which people make sense of socia linteractions 189

ethnographic studies

______________________: focus on culture; roles; lifeways; cultural behavior

systematic review

_______________________ are at the pinnacle of the hierarchy because the strongest evidence comes from careful syntheses of multiple studies

descriptive statistics

_______________________ are used to summarize and describe quantative data 257

secondary sources

_______________________ documents are descriptions of studies prepared by someone else; literature reviews are _____________________; recent reviews are a good place to start because they offer overviews and valuable bibliographies

substantive codes

_______________________ in which the empirical substance of the topic is conceptualized 292 sc

respect for human dignity

_______________________ involves the participants' right to self-determination, which includes participants' right to participate in a study voluntarily

domain analysis

_______________________ is done to identify domains or units of culutrla knowledge 292 da

feminist research

_______________________ seek to understand how gender and a gendered social order have shaped women's lives; the aim is to facilitate change in ways relevant to ending women's unequal social position 192

Roy's adaptation model

_______________________, in this model, humans are viewed as biopsychosocial adaptive systems who cope with environmental change through the process of adaptation

nondirectional hypothesis

________________________ predict the existence of relationships not their direction between two variables

social desirability response set bias

________________________, a tendency to misrepresent attitudes or traits by giving answers consistent with prevailing social views

schematic models/ conceptual maps

________________________- are graphic representations of phenomena and their interrelationships using symbols or diagrams and a minimal use of words

mentially/ emotionally disabled people

________________________: individuals whose diability makes it impossible for them to make informed decisions also cannot legally provide informed consent; in such cases, researchers should obtain consent of the legal guardian

statistical models

_________________________ are equations that mathematically express relationships among a set of variables and that are tested statistically

log/ field diary

a ____________ is a daily record of events and comparisons 207

problem statement

a _____________ articulates a problem and an argument that explains the need for a study

p value

a _____________ in hypothesis testing offers information that is importnat, i.e. whether the null hypothesis is probably false, but is incomplete 266

interview schedule

a _____________ is the name for the collection instrument when questions are asked orally face-to-face or by telephone

detailed approach

a ______________ analyzes every sentence 292 da


a ______________ is a connection between phenomena; for example, researchers repeatedly have found that there is a ________________ between frequency of turning bedridden patients and incidence of pressure ulcers


a ______________ or pseudointervention presumed to have no therapeutic value is given to control groups in RCT

category system

a ______________ represents a method of recording in a systematic way the behaviors and events of interest that transpire within a setting; is used in structured observation

discussion section

a ______________ that presents the researcher's grasp of study limitations demonstrates to readers that the authors were aware of limitations and took them into account when interpreting the findings 64

Likert scale

a _______________ consists of several declarative statements that express a viewpoint on a topic; respondents are asked to indicate how much they agree or disagree with the statements

nondirectional hypothesis

a _______________ does not stipulate the directions of the relationship, e.g. older vs younger

research problem

a _______________ is a perplexing or troubling situation that a researcher wants to address through disciplined inquiry

larger sample

a _______________ is likely to be needed with maximum variation sampling than with typical case sampling

control group

a _______________ is not given the intervention in RCTs


a _______________ is the entire group of interest; a _____________ is an entire aggregation of elements


a _______________ is the specific location for the research--it could be an entire community or an institution

type 2 error

a _______________ occurs when a null hypothesis is wrongly accepted; false negative 258


a ________________ is a connection between variables; quantitative researchers study the _______________ between independent variables and outcome variables


a ________________ is a device that assigns a numeric score to people along a continuum, like a scale for measuring weight; social psychological _______________ differentiate people with different attitudes, perceptions, and psychological traits


a ________________ is a distortion or influence that results in an error in inference; ______________ can be caused by various actors, including participants' lack of candor, researchers' preconceptions, or faulty methods of collecting data


a ________________ is a worldview , a general perspective on the world's complexities; disciplined inquiry in nursing has two broad _____________, the positivist and the constructivist


a ________________ is all the individuals or objects with common defining characteristics; the __________ to be studied must be identified


a ________________ is an abstract entity that brings meaning and identity to a current experience and its variant manifestations; as such, a theme captures and unifies the nature or basis of the experience into a meaningful whole 281 t

research problem

a ________________ is an enigmatic or troubling condition; the solution of a _____________ is the goal by gathering relevant data


a ________________ is an explanation of some aspect of reality; in a _______________, concepts are knitted together into a coherent system to describe or explain some aspect of the world


a ________________ is an influence that produces a distortion in the study results; in quantiative studies, research control is an approach to addressing bias

systematic review

a ________________ is not just a literature review; a __________________ is in itself a methodical, scholarly inquiry that follows many of the same steps as those for other studies


a ________________ is the name for the collection instrument when respondents complete the instrumetn themselves

nonsignificant result

a ________________ means that any observed difference or relationship could have been the result of chance 242


a ________________ states predicted relationships between two or more variables--that is, the anticipated association between independent and dependent variables


a ________________- is the conceptual underpinning of a study; not every study is based on a theory or model, but every study has a ______________

conceptual definition

a _________________ describes the abstract meaning of a concept being studied

unimodial distribution

a _________________ has one peak 231

operational definition

a _________________ indicates what the researchers specifically must do to measure the concept and collect needed information

crossover design

a _________________ involves exposing people to more than one treatment; such studies are true experiments only if people are randomly assigned to different orderings of treatment

secondary sources

a _________________ is a description of a study by another person; literature reviews should rely mostly on primary source material


a _________________ is a subset of population elements, in research elements are usually humans; researchers work with _______________ rather than populations for practical reasons


a _________________ is a symbolic comparison, using figurative language to evoke a visual analogy; ______________ can be expressive tools for qualitative analysts, but then they can run the risk of supplanting creative insight with hackneyed cliche masquerading as profundity 281 m

crosstabs table

a _________________ is a two-dimensional freqeuncy distribution in which the frequency of two variables are crosstabulated 234


a _________________ is an abstract generalization that systematically explains relationships among phenomena


a _________________ is an association between two variables, that is, a tendency for variation in one variable to be related to variation in another

cautious outlook

a _________________ is appropriate in drawing conclusions about the credibility and meaning of study results 275

normal distribution/ bell shaped curve

a _________________ is symmetric, unimodial, and not too peaked 257

type 1 error

a _________________ occurs if a null hypothesis is wrongly rejected; false positive 258

knowledge-focused trigger

a _________________, is akin to RU; the _____________ might be a new clinical guideline or a research article discussed in a journal club; with ______________, the clinical relevance of the research might need to be addressed

reinforcement theory

a _________________, posits that behavior that is reinforced tends ot be repeated and learned; the proposition lends itself to hypothesis generation r

process analysis

a _________________- is often undertaken to obtain descriptive information about the process by which a program gets implemented and how it actually functions 218 pa

consent form

a __________________ documents voluntary and informed participation in a study

conceptual definition

a __________________ is the theoretical meaning of a concept; researchers need to conceptually define even seemingly straightforward terms


a __________________ is what would happen to people if they were exposed to a causal influence and were simultaneously not exposed to it

statement of purpose

a __________________, which summarizes the overall study goal, identifies the key concepts (variables) and the study group or population; _________________ often communicate through choice of verbs and other key terms, aspects of the study design or research tradition

multimodial distribution

a ___________________ has two or more peaks, two or more values of high frequency 231

frequency distribution

a ___________________ is an arrangement of values from loewst to highest and a count or percentage of how many times each value occurred 229

primary sources

a ___________________ is the original description of a study prepared by the researcher who conducted

visual analogue scale

a ___________________ is used to measure subjective experiences along a 100 mm line designated a bipolar continuum

nonequivalent control group

a ___________________ pretest-posttest design involves comparing two or more groups of people before and after implementing an intervention

conceptual model

a ____________________ deals with abstractions (concepts) that are assembled because of their relevance to a common theme; ______________ provide a perspective on interrelated phenomena, but they are more loosely structured than theories and do not link concepts in a logical deductive system

representative sample

a _____________________ is one whose characteristics closely approximate those of the population

crosstabs table

a ______________________ is a two-dimensional frequency distribution in which the frequencies of two nonimal or oridnal level variables are crosstabulated 257


a ______________________ is the conceptual underpinning of a study, including an overall rationale and conceptual defintiions of key concepts; in qualitative studies, the ______________ often springs from distinct research traditions

descriptive theory

a _______________________ accounts for and thoroughly describes a phenomenon; __________________ are inductive, observation-based abstractions that describe or classify characteristics of individuals, groups, or situations by summarizing their commonalities


a basic study design issue is whether or not researchers will introduce an ___________________ and test its effects; this is the distinction between experimental and nonexperimetnal research

conceptual description

a controversey in grounded theory concerns whether to follow the original Glasser and Strauss procedures or to use procedures by Strauss and Corbin; Glauser argued that the latter approach does not result in grounded theories but rather in _________________ 196

positive relationship

a correlation between 0-1; greater values in one variable tend to be associated with greater values in another variable 235


a d of .2 or less is considered _________________


a d of .5 is considered ____________________


a d of .8 or greater is considered _________________


a descriptive index from a sample is called a ______________ 229


a distribution with two peakes is _____________________ 231


a distribution's shape can be _________________ with more htan one peak 257


a distribution's shape can be _________________ with one peak/ one high value of frequency 257


a distribution's shape can be symmetric or _________________, with one tail longer than the other 257

coding scheme

a first step in analzing qualitative data is to organize and index the mateirals for easy retrieval, typically by coding the content of the data according to a ___________________ that involves devising descriptive or abstract categories 292 cs

d statistic

a frequently used effect size index is the ______________, which summarizes the magnitude of differences in two means, such as the difference between intervention and control group means on an outcome 246

phase 3 clinical trial

a full experimental test of the intervention- an RCT with random assignment to treatment conditions; the objective is to develop evidence about the treatment's efficacy-i.e. whether hte intervention is more effcacious than usual care or another alterenative 218 p3


a generous money incentive or _________ could encourage the participation of groups may be considered coercive because incentives can be seen as a form of pressure

study limitations

a good discussion section should point out ____________________; reserachers are in the best position to detect and assess sampling deficiences, practical contraints, data quality problems, and so on, and it is a professional responsiblity to alert readers to these difficulties 272

consensus panel

a group of health care experts is sometimes called a __________________ that are used to obtain a benchmark for health outcomes 271

mixed methods research

a growing tend in nursing research is planned collection and integration of quantitaitve and qualitative data within a single study or coordinated clusters of studies 213


a key criterion in assessing a sample in a quantitative study is its __________________, the extent to which the sample is similar to the population and avoids bias

nonexperimental research

a key distinction in quantitative studies is between experimental research, in which researchers actively intervene to test an intervention or therapy, and _______________ in which researchers collect data about existing phenomenon without intervening

experimental research

a key distinction in quantitative studies is between ________________, in which researchers actively intervene to test an intervention or therapy, and nonexperimental research in which researchers collect data about existing phenomenon without intervening


a measure's _______________ is not proved or established but rather is supported to a greater or lesser extent by evidence


a method of collecting data by watching and recording people's behavior


a method of controlling variables is ________________, which involves consciously forming comparable groups; ________________ has some drawbacks, however; to ______________ effectively, researchers must know what the relevant confounders are; also, after 2-3 variables it becomes difficult to match


a parametric test for testing differences in two groups means is called a _________________ 242

independent variable

a presumed cause of a scenario is the ________________


a pretest posttest design allows researchers to see if changes in pain were ______________ by the massage because only some people received it, providing an important comparison

basic social process

a prominent type of core variable is called a ________________ that explains the process of resolving the problem 196


a promise of ________________ is a pledge that any information participants provide will not be publicly reported in a manner that identifies them and will not be made accessible to others


a research ________________ is an objecive assessment of a study's strengths and limitation; ______________ usually conclude with the reviewer's summary of the study's merits, recommendations regarding the value of the evidence, and suggestions about improving the study or report

literature review

a research ______________________ is a written summary of the state of evidence on a researc hproblem


a researcher's job concerns efforts to eliminate, reduce, or control _______________ or detect and understand them; as a reader of research reports, look out for _________________ and consider them into your assessment about the credibility of the results 264

descriptive research

a second broad class of nonexperimental studies is __________________; the purpose of _____________________ is to observe, describe, and docuemnt aspects of a situation

normal distribution/ bell-shaped curve

a special distribution called the ________________ is symmetric, unimodal , and not very peaked, many human attributes (e.g. height, intelligence) approximate a ____________________ 231

operationalizing clinical significance

a third approach to _________________- is based on distributional characteristics of a measure; most often, the MIC using this approach is set to a threshold of .5 sd, one half a standard deviation on a distribution of baseline scores 271


a true _____________ is characterized by: interventions control and randomization

repeated measures ANOVA

a type of ANOVA, called the _______________, can be used when the means being compared are means at different points in time 244

autoethnography/insider research

a type of ethnography that involves self-scrutiny (including scrutiny of groups or cultures to which researchers themselves belong) is called _______________________; ________________ has several advantages, including ease of recruitment and the ability to get candid data based on preestablished trust; the drawback is that an insider may haev biases about certain issues or may be so sntrenched in culture that valuable data get overlooked 187

visual analog scale

a type of scale that can be used to measure subjective experiences such as pain or fatigue is the ____________; the ______________ is a straight line, and the ends are the extreme limits of the sensation being measured; traditionally 100 mm in length

transtheoetical model

according to the _______________, the five stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance t

Roy's adaptation model

according to the _________________, within the human system, there are four subsystems: physiologic/ physical; self concept/ group identity; role function; and interdependence; these subsystems capture adaptive modes that provide mechanisms for coping with environmental stimuli and change

theory of planned behavior

according to the ___________________, behavior that is volitional is determined by people's intention to perform that behavior; intentions, in turn are affected by attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control tpi

qualitative self report methods

advantages: allows them to gather a lot of detailed information targeted on research topic negative: takes a lot of time, resources, and skills to gather and analyze the information 206

coding scheme

after a _____________ has been developed, data are read in their entirety nad corded for correspondence to the categories- a task that is seldom easy; researchers may have difficulty deciding the most appropriate code; it sometimes takes several readings of the material to grasp nuances 279 cs


an _______________ involves drawing conclusions based on limited information, using logical reasoning; interpreting research findings entails making multiple ________________ 260

emic perspective

an _______________ refers to the way members of the culture regard the world-the insider's view; the ______________ is the local concepts or means of expression used by members of the group under study to characterize experiences 186


an _______________ represents the difference between what actually did happen with the exposure and what would have happened without it

operational definition

an _______________ specifies how the variable will be measured


an _________________ is a conclusion drawn from the study evidence, taking into account the methods used to generate that evidence


an _________________ of the evidence involves such considerations as the validity of study findings, their clinical importance, the magnitude and precision of effects, associated costs and risks, and utility in a particular clinical situation


an __________________ is the basic unit of a population, usually humans in research

associative/ functional relationship

an __________________ variables are related in a noncausal way

intervention protocol

an _____________________ for the study must be developed, specifying exactly what the intervention will entail and what the alternative condition will be

operationalizing clinical significance

an approach to _________________ is to underake a study to determine what patients themselves think is a minimally important change on a focal measure; developers of multi-item scales use this approach to estimate MIC as part of psychometric of the instrument 271

study credibility

an assessment of ___________ can involve various approaches, one of which involves an evaluation of hte degree of congruence between abstrant constructs or idealized methods on the one hand and the proxies actually used on the other 275

grand theories/ macrotheories

an example of a _______________ is Parse's Humanbecoming Paradigm

Roy's adaptation model

an example of a model of nursing used by researchers is ________________________-

Belmont report

an important code of ethics was adopted by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral research; called the __________________; this document also provided a guideline for many guidelines adopted by disciplines in the US


an important concept of external validity is ______________; multisite studies are powerful because generalizability of the results can be enhanced if the results are _____________ in several sites


an underlying assumption of ___________________ is that every human group eventually evolves a culture that guides the member's view of hte world and the way they structure their experiences 186


analysis of qualitative research typically involves a search for critical _______________ or categories

rating scale

another approach to structured observations is a _________________, an instrument that requires observers to rate phenomena along a descriptive continuum; ______________ can be used as an extension of checklists, in which the observer records not only the occurrence of some behavior, but also some qualitative aspect of it


another bias-reducing strategy is called ______________, which is used in some quantitative studies to prevent biases from stemming people's awareness; ____________ involves concealing information from participants, data collectors, or care providers to enhance objectivity

sampling confirming/disconfirming cases

another important strategy is _______________- involves selecting cases that enrich and challenge the resarcher's conceptualizations 211

relative risk

another risk index is known as _______________; the _____________ is the estimated proportion of the original risk of an adverse outcome that persists when people are exposed to the intervention 236


article organization format stands for: introduction method results and discussion

level II codes

as researchers constantly compare new level I codes with previously identified ones, they condence them into broader __________________ 285 L2

ethical dilemmas

because research has not always been conducted ethically and because of genuine _______________-- that researchers face in designing studies that are both ethical and rigorous, codes of ethics have been developed to guide researchers

code of ethics

because research has not always been conducted ethically and because of genuine ethical dilemmas that researchers face in designing studies that are both ethical and rigorous, ___________________ have been developed to guide researchers

implementation potential

before an EBP-based guideline or protocol an be tested, there should be an assessment of its ________________, which includes the issues of transferability, feasibility, and the cost-benefit ratio of implementing a new practice in a clinical setting

conceptual files

before the advent of software for qualitative data management, analysts used _______________ to organize their data; this approach involves creating a physical file for each category and then cutting out and inserting all the materials relating to that category into the file; researchers then retrieve the content on a particular topic by reviewing the applicable file folder 280 cf

journal articles

both quantitative and qualitative researchers disseminate their findings, most often by publishing reports of their research as _________________, which concisely describe what researchers did and what they found

professional journals

both quantitative and qualitative researchers disseminate their findings, most often by publishing their research reports in _____________________

clinical significance

broadly speaking, ______________ is defined as the practical importance of research results in terms of whether they have genuine, palpable effects on the daily lives of patients or on the heath decisions made on their behalf 269

clinical significance

broadly speaking, _____________________ refers to the importance of reserach results-i.e., whether the effects are genuine and palpable in the daily lives of patients or in the management of their health; ___________________ has not received great attention in nursing research 276

data alanysis

by contrast, qualitative ________________ is constructionist: it involves putting segments together into meaningful conceptual patterns; various approaches to ________________ exist 280 da


by introducing an __________________, experimenters consciously vary the independent variable and observe its effect on the outcome

intervention fidelity

careful researchers pay attention to _____________, that is, they monitor whether an intervention is faithfully delivered in accordance with its plan and that the intended treatment was actually received

intervention fidelity

careful reserachers attend to ___________________, whether the intervention was properly implemented and actually received


category systems are the basis for constructing a _________________, the instrument observers use to record observations; the ________________ is usually formatted with a lsit of behaviors from the category system and space for tallying the frequency or duration

hermeneutic circle

central to analyzing data in a hermeneutic study is the notion of the ________________________, which signifies a process in which there is continual movement between the parts and the whole of the text under analysis 292 hc


comparative/alternative intervention, comparative/alternative tool or procedure

mutual shaping

concept that states everything influences everything else, in the here and now 185

conceptual model

concepts are also the basic elements of __________________, but concepts are not linked in a logically ordered, deductive system


concepts are the building blocks of _______________, which are systematic explanations of some aspect of hte real world

qualitative research

constructivist researchers emphasize understnading human experience as it is lived through the collection and analysis of subjective, narrative materials using flexible procedures; this paradigm is associated with ______________

qualitative research

constructivist studies are heavily focused on understanding the human experience as it is lived, through the careful collection and analysis of ______________ materials that are narrative nad subjective

confounding/ extraneous variables

contamining factors, often called __________________; when undertaking a study, the ______________ must be held constant; it must somehow be handled so that in the context of the study, it is not related to the independent variable or the outcome

content validity index

content validation relies on expert ratings of each item, an the ratings are used to compute an index called the _________________ 250

correlation matrix

correlation coefficients are often reported in tables displaying a __________________, in which every variable is diaplayed in both a row and column, and coefficients are displayed at the intersections 235

negative/inverse relationship

correlation coefficients between 0 and -1 express a ________________; when two variables are ___________________, higher values on one variable are associated with lower values in the second 235


correlational studies are susceptible to faulty interpretation because groups being compared have formed through ____________________; a researcher doing a correlational study cannot assume that groups being compared were similar before the occurrence of the independent variable

conceptual files

creating ___________________ is cumbersome, labor-intensive, particularly when segments of hte narratives have multiple codes; resarchers must also provide enough context that the cut-up material can be understood, and so it is often necessary to include material preeceding or following the relevant material 280 cf

inferring causality

criteria for _____________ include: 1. cause must precede an effect 2. there must be a detectable relationship between a cause and effect 3. the relationship between the two does not reflect the influence of a third/ confounding variable


critical research precept is that _____________ does not prove causation; the finding that two variables are related offers no evidence suggesting which of the two variables, if either, caused the other 267

historical research

data for ____________________ are usually in the form of written records: diaries, letters, newspaper, medical docuements, etc; ________________ is usually interpretative; ______________ try to describe what happened and also how and why it happened 190

biophysiologic measures

data may be derived from ___________________, which include in vivo measurements, in vitro measurements; _______________ have the advantage of being objective, accurate, and precise


data sometimes are collected from participants at a single point in time, called _______________________


definitions and operationalizations of clinical significance for individuals typically involve a _______________ or thresthold to designate a meaningful amount of change; this ___________________ is often called a minimal important change (MIC), which is a value for the amount of change score points on a measure that an individual patient must achieve to be classified as having a clinically important change 276


direct _____________ of people's behaviors and characteristics can be used for certain questions in studies


disciplined inquiry in nursing is conducted mainly within two broad ____________, worldviews with underlying assumptions about reality: the positivist _____________ and the constructivist ________________

ratio measurement

distinguished from interval measurement by having a rational zero point 257


do measures of the research variables are good operationalization of constructs


during the interpretive process, a research must ask to what, groups, environments, and conditions can the results be applied; in intepreting a study's _________________, it is useful to cosider proxies 269


early analysis in qualitative research leads to refinements in sampling and data collection until ______________ (redundancy of information) is achieved

randomized controlled trial

early in the EBP movement, there was a strong bias favoring evidence from a type of study called a _________________; ______________ are well-suited for drawing conclusions about hte effects of health care interventions

systematic reviews

emphases of nursing research include EBP projects, replications of research, research integration through _______________, expanded dissemination efforts, and a focus on clinical significance of research results


ethnographers are continually looking for ___________- in the behavior and thoughts of participants, comparing one pattern agaisnt another, and analyzing manny pattenrs simultaneously 282 p

key informants

ethnographers enlist the help of _________________ to help them understand and interpret the events and activities being observed 186

descriptive questions

ethnographers generally ask ________________________ about cultures when conducting research

key informants

ethnographers often begin with a big net approach; howeever, they usually rely heavily on a smaller number of ________________, who are knowledgeable about the culture and serve as the researcher's main link to the inside 201

focused ethnography

ethnographers sometimes focus on more nanrrowly defined cultures in a _________________; ___________________ are studies of small units in a group or culture 186

tacit knowledge

ethnographers strive to acqurie an emic perspective of a culture to reveal ____________________-- information about the culture that is so deeply embedded in cultural experiences that members do not talk about it or may not even be consciously aware of it 186

participant observation

ethnographers typically use a strategy called ___________________ in which they make observations of the culture under study while participating in its activities 186

participant observation

ethnographhy focuses on the culture of a group of people and relies on extensive fieldwork that usually includes ______________ and in-depth interviews with key informants; ethnographers strive to acquire an emic perspective of culture rather than an etic perspective 195


ethnographic research sometimes concerns broadly defined cultures in what is called a _____________________ 186

key informants

ethnographres make numberous sampling decisions, including not only whom to sample but what to sample; decision making is aided by _____________ who serve as guides and interpreters of culture 211


ethnograpphies typically involve extensive __________________, which is the process by which the ethnographer comes to understand a culture 185

economic/cost analysis

evaluations may include a ________________ to assess whether program benefits outweigh monetary costs 218 e/c

peripheral effects

even if the evidence is judged to be valid and the magnitude of _______________ is sizable, benefits and costs may be important in guiding decisions

clinical practice guidelines

evidence-based __________________ combine an appraisal of research evidence with specific recommendations for clinical decisions

raw data

excerpts from the _____________ (the actual words of participants) are presented to support and provide a rich description of thematic analysis 63

institutional review board

external review of the ethical aspects of a study by human subjects comittee or _______________________ is highly desirable and is often required by universities and organizations form which participants are recruited

statistically significant

findings that are __________________ have a high probability of being real

internal consistency

for ________________, replication involves people's responses to multiple items during a single administration; asking a question in several different ways to see if they get the same answer


for continuous variables, the ____________ is usually reported; of the three indexes, the ____________ is most stable: if repeated samples were drawn from a population, the means would fluctuate less than the modes or medians; because of its stability, the ______________ usually is the best estimate of a population central tendency 232

Spearman's rho

for correlations between variables measured on an ordinal scale, researchers use an index called ____________________ 235

mixed methods research

for many research purpooses, ________________ are adventagous; ________________ involves the collection, analysis, and integration of both quantitative and qualitative data within a study or series of studies, often with an overarching goal of achieving both discovery and verification 225


for quantitative researchers, _______________________, having certain features of the study established by chance, is a powerful tool to eliminate bias


for quantitative researchers, a powerful tool for eliminating bias involves ____________________, having certain features of the study established by chance rather than by researcher preference; this allows there are no systemic biases in the makeup of the sample

intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)

for test-retest reliability, the preferred index is the __________________ 258

frequency polygon

frequency data can be displayed graphically in a _________________; in such a graph, scoress typically are on the horizontal line, and counts or percentrages are on the vertical line; distributions can be described by thier shapes 230


given the complexity of phenomena, it is practical to use whatever methodological tools are best suited to addressing pressing research questions 214

process questions

grounded theory researchers are likely to ask ______________ when conducing research

core variable

grounded theory researchers seek to identify a main concern or problem and then understand the behavior designed to resolve it- the ______________________ 189

theoretical sampling

grounded theory researchers typically use _________________ in which sampling decisions are guided in an ongoing fashion by the emerging theory; samples of 20-30 people are typical 211

constant comparison

grounded theory uses ____________________, a method that involves comparing elements present in one data source (e.g. one interview) with those in another 285 cc

constant comparison

grounded theory uses _____________________: categories elicited from the data are constantly compared with data obtained earlier 196

constant comparison

grounded theory uses teh _____________________ method of data analysis, a method that involves comparing elements present in one data source with those in another 292 cc

CONSORT guidelines

guidelines called the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials or ___________________ have been adopted by medical nad nursing journals to help readers track study participants; ____________________ flow charts, when avabilable, should be scrutinized in interpreting study results 263

conceptual integration

high-quality research requires ___________________, one aspect of which is having a defensible theoretical rationale for the study

conceptual integration

high-quality studies typically achieve a high level of ____________________; this happens when the research questions fit the chosen methods, when the questions are consistent with existing evidence, and when there is a plausible conceptual rationale for expected outcomes-including a rationale for any hypotheses or interventions


hypotheses are never ________________; rather they are supported or rejected


hypotheses are never ________________; they are accepted or rejected, supported or not supported by the data

statistical tests

hypothesis testing helps researchers make objective decisions about whether results are likely to reflect differences or hypothesized effects; researchers use _______________________ in the hopes of rejecting the null hypothesis 240


if a child is at least 7 years of age, the child's __________________- or affirmative agreement to participate should be acquired in addition to parental consent

mobile positioning

if a researcher follows a person around to observe behaviors, it is called ________________ 207

multiple positioning

if a researcher moves around to observe behaviors in different locations, it is called _________________ 207

stistically significant

if a researcher reports that results are ________________, it means the findings are probably true and replicable with a new sample 62

single positioning

if a researcher stays in one area to observe activities in a location, it is called _________________ 207

negative skew

if hte longer tail points to hte left it has a _________________; age at death is _________________ 231

control group

in RCT the experimenter introduces controls into the study, including devising an approximation of a counterfactual-usually a ______________ group that does not receive the intervention


in RCT, the experimenter assigns participants to a control or experimental condition on a random basis


in RCT, the experimenter does something to participants by manipulating the independent variable

temporal ambiguity

in RCTs researchers create the independent variable and then observe the outcome, so establishing a ______________ sequence is not a problem; in correlational studies it may be unclear whether the independent variable is preceded by the dependent variable

crossover design

in ______________, people are exposed to more than one experimental condition in random order and serve as their own controls; __________________ are inappropriate if there is a risk of carryover effects

delayed treatment

in _______________ a control group members are wait-listed and exposed to the intervention at a later point

open coding

in _______________, data are broken down into parts and concepts idnetified for interpreted meaning of the raw data 288 oc

poster session

in _______________, many researchers simultaneously present visual displays summarizing their studies, and conference attendees walk around the room looking at displays

axial coding

in _______________, the analyst codes for context; here, the analyst is locating and linking action-interaction within a framework of subconcepts that give it meaning and enable it to explain what interactions are occurring, and why and what consequences, real or anticipated, are happening 288 ax

phase 4 clinical trial

in _______________, the researcher forucses on generalized effectiveness and evidence about cost and benefits 225 p4

qualitative data/ studies

in ________________, research collect primarily __________________, that is, narrative descriptions; narrative data can be obtained by conversing with participants, by making notes about their behavior in naturalistic settings, or by obtaining narrative records, such as diaries

quota sampling

in ________________, researchers identify population strata and figure out how many people are needed from each stratum; by using information about the population, researchers can ensure that diverse segments are represented in the sample

stratified random sampling

in ________________, the population is first divided into two or more strata, from which elements are randomly selected

phenological studies

in ________________, there are very small groups of participants, often 10 or fewer 202

theme analysis

in _________________, cultural themes are uncovered; domains are connected in cultural ___________________ which help to provide a holsitc view of the culture being studied; the discovery of cultural meaning is the outcome 282 ta


in _________________-, the main data source is in depth conversations; ______________ usually inolve a small number of participants, often 10 or fewer; ____________ share insights in rich, vivid reports that describe key themes 187

test-retest reliability

in __________________, replication takes the form of administering a measure to the same people on two occasions

experimental research

in __________________, researchers actively introduce an intervention or treatment--most often, to address therapy questions Called clinical trials in medical research

focused coding

in __________________, the analysis is directed torward identifying the most significant initial codes, which are then theoretically coded 289 fc

nonexperimental research

in ___________________, researchers are bystanders-they collect data without introducing treatments Called observational research in medical research

taxonomic analysis

in ____________________, ethnographers decide how many domains the analysis will encompass; after making this decision, a ____________________- a system of classifying and organizing terms- is developed to illustrate the internal organization of a domain 282 ta

frequency distribution

in ____________________, numberic values are ordered from lowest to highest, together with a count of the number of times each value was obtained 257

selective coding

in ____________________, researchers code only those data that are related to the core category 286 sc

cross-sectional designs

in _____________________, data are collected at one point in time; _____________________ are economical, but they pose problems for inferring changes over time; the amount of social and technology change that characterizes our society makes it questionable to assume differences in behaviors or characteristics of different age groups are through time rather than cohort differences

componential analysis

in _____________________, multiple relationshisp among terms in the domains are examined; the ethnographer analyzes data for similarities and differences among cultural terms in a domain 282 ca

nonprobability sampling

in _____________________, researchers select elements by nonrandom methods in which every element does not have a chance to be included

inital coding

in _____________________, the pieces of data are studied so the researcher can learn what hte participants view as problematic 289 ic

van Manen's approach

in ______________________, which involves efforts to grasp the essential meaning of the experience being studied, researchers search for themes using a holstic approach, a selective approach, or a detailed approach 292 vma

ethographic analysis

in _______________________, analysis begins as the researcher enters the field; one analytic approach is Spradely's method, which involves four levels of analsis: domain analysis; taxonomic analysis; componential analysis; and a theme unalysis 292 ea

charmaz's constructivist grounded theorey

in _______________________, coding can be word by word, line by line, or indicent by incident; initial coding leads to focused coding, which is then followed by theoretical coding 293 ccgt


in a MM study, researchers can examine causal effects in a quantitative component but can shed light on causal _________________ in a qualitative component 214

attention control condition

in a ________________, the control group gets attention but no the intervention's active ingredients

time-series design

in a _________________, outcome data are collected over a period of time before and after the intervention, usually for a single group

risk/benefit assessment

in a _________________, the potential benefits of the study to individual participants and to society are weighted against the costs to individuals

2 standard deviations

in a normal distribution, 95% of values fall within ______________________ above and below the mean 257

study participants/ informants

in a qualitative study, the people cooperating in the study are called ______________________

subjects/ study participants

in a quantitative study, the people being studied are called __________________

theoretical framework

in a study based on a theory, the framework is called a _________________

conceptual framework

in a study that has its roots in a conceptual model, the framework may be called the __________________

assymetric/ skewed distribution

in an _______________, the peak is off center, an one tail is longer than the other 230

oral presentation

in an __________________, researchers are typically allotted 10-20 minutes to describe key features of their study to an audience


in analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), the confounding variables being controlled are called __________________; ANCOVA tests the significance of differences between group means on an outcome after removing the effect of ____________________ 248

qualitative research

in attempting to describe phenomena, _________________ undertaking in-depth studies reveal patterns and process suggesting causal interpretations 185

retrospective design

in correlational studies with a ________________, an effect (outcome) observed in the present is linked to a potential cause that occurred in the past

thick description (qualitative sampling)

in critiquing a report, you should assess whehter the resercher provided a _______________ of the sample and the study context so that someone interested in transferring the findings could make an informed decision 203

test statistic

in hypothesis testing, researchers use study data to compute a ________________; for every _________________, there is a theoretical sampling distribution, similar to the sampling distribution of means; hypothesis testing uses theoretical distributions to establish probable and improbable values for the _______________, which are used to accept or reject the null hypothesis 241


in interpreting a study, readers must consider how ______________ it is that the actual sample reflects the recuited sample, the accessible population, the target population, and the population construct 262

clinical trials

in medical and epidemiological research experimental studies are usually called _________________

observational studies

in medical and epidemiological research nonexperimental inquiries are called _________________

predictor variables

in multiple regression, outcome variables are coninuous variables; independent variables, often called _____________, are either continuous variables or dichotomous nominal level variables, such as male/ female 248

follow-up studies

in nursing resarch, __________________ are often follow-up studies of clinical populations, undertake to assess subsequent status of people with a specified condition or who never received an intervention

longitudinal designs

in nursing, _______________ are often follow-up studies of clinical populations

written review

in preparing a _________________, it is important to organize materials coherently; preparation of an outline is recommended; the reviewers role is to point out what has been studied, how adequate and dependable the studies are, and what gaps exist in the body of research


in qualitative research, _______________ are often supplemented by direct observation in naturalistic settings. one type of unstructured observation is participant observation, in which the researcher gains entree into a social group and participates to varying degrees in its functioning while making in-depth observations of studies and events; maintaining logs of daily events and field notes of the experiences and interpretations are the major data collection methods for observational research 211

results section

in qualitative studies researchers organize the ________________ according to major themes, processes, or categories that were identified in the data. excerpts from the raw data are presented to support and provide a rich description of the thematic analysis 63

confidence intervals

in quantative studies, statistical results are in the form of p values, effect sizes, and CIs, to which researchers and consumers must attach meaning; questions about meaning of statistical results reflect a desire to interpret causal connections 266


in quantitaive studies, results that support hte researcher's hypothesis are described as _______________; a careful analysis of study results involves evaluating whether, in addition to being statistically ____________, the effects are large and clinically important 266

organizing framework or interpretive tool

in quantitative and qualitative studies, researchers use a theory or model as an _________________________

confounding variables

in quantitative research, efforts are made to control factors extraneous to research questions called ________________


in quantitative studies, concepts are called _______________; a ______________ is a characteristic or quality that takes on different values (i.e. varies from one person or object to another)


in quantitative studies, concepts are usually called ________________; a _____________ is something that varies; weight, anxiety, and fatigue are all _____________, they vary from one person to another

power analysis

in quantitative studies, researchers can use a ___________________ to estimate sample size needs; large samples are preferable because they enhance statistical conclusion validity and tend to be more representative, but even large samples do not guarantee representitiveness

results section

in quantitative studies, the _____________ includes: the names of statistical tests used the value of the calculated statistic statistical significance 62


in quasi-experimental studies, it cannot be assumed that the experimental and comparison groups are equivalent at the outset

comparison group

in quasi-experiments, the term ________________ is used in lieu of control group to refer to the group against which outcomes in the treatment group are evaluated

goals of models/ theories

in research, the ____________________ are how to make findings meaningful, to integrate knowledge into coherent systems, to stimulate new research, and to explain phenomena and relationships among them


in searching a bibliographic database, users can do a _______________ search that looks for terms in text fields of a database record or can search according to the subject heading codes themselves

no change

in some cases, ________________ over tiem could be clinically significant if it means that a group with a progressive disease has not deteriorated 269

gain entree

in some cases, when conducing a qualitative study, researchers may have access to the selected site; but in others, they need to ______________ it; ________________ typically involves negotiations with gatekeepers who have the authority to permit entry

substantive theories

in some qualitative research traditions, the researcher strivces to suspend previously held _____________________ of the specific phenomena under study, but each tradition has rich theoretical underpinnings

content validity index

in terms of content validity, expert ratings of scale items are used to compute a ____________________258

test statistic

in testing hypotheses, researchers compute a ______________ and then see if the statistic falls beyond a critical region on the theoretical distribution; the value of any ___________________ indicates whether the null hypothesis is improbable 258

institutional review board

in the US, the comittee that reviews research plans before conducing human research is called the ______________________; before undertaking the study, researchers must submit research plans to the _______________ and must also undergo formal _________ training

constructivist paradigm/ naturalistic paradigm

in the _____________, it is assumed that reality is not a fixed entity but is rather a construction of human minds--and thus, truth is a composite of multiple constructions of reality

discussion section

in the _____________, the researcher presents conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings, i.e., what the results mean, why things turned out the way they did, how findings fit with other evidence, and how results can be used in practice 63

holistic approach

in the ________________, researchers view the text as a whole and try to capture its meanings 284 ha

positivist paradigm

in the ___________________, it is assumed that there is an objective reality and that natural phenomena are regular and orderly

glaserian method

in the ___________________, open codes begin with level I codes, which are collapsed into a higher level of abstraction i nlevel II codes; level II codes are then used to formulate level III codes, which are thoretical constructs; through constant comparison the researcher compares concepts emerging from the data with similar concepts from existing theory or research to see which parts have emergent fit with the theory being generalized 292 gm

detailed approach

in the ____________________, researchers analyze every sentence; once themes have been identified, they become the objects of interpretation through follow-up interviews with participants 284 da

selective approach

in the ______________________, researchers pull out statements that seem essential to the experience under study 284 sa

theory-based interventions

in the classical use of theory, researchers test hypotheses deduced from an existing theory; an emerging trend is testing _________________________

cocharne collaboration

in the evidence based practice movement the ________________ was developed throughout the world to help providers make good decisions by preparing and disseminating systematic reviews of effects of health care interventions

study limitations

in their discussions of study results, researchers should themselves point out known __________________, but readers should draw their own conclusions about the rigor of the study and about the plausibility of alternative explanations for the results 276

constancy of conditions

in well-controlled quantitative research, steps are taken to achieve ________________ so that researchers can be confident that outcomes reflect the effect of the independent variable and not the study context

central tendency

indexees of _______________ represent average or typical value of a set of scores 257


indexes of ______________, how spread out the data are includ ethe range and standard deviation 257

central tendency

indexes of _________________ indicate what is typical; there are three indexes of ____________: the mode, median, and mean 231

interval measurement

indicating not only people's rank order but also the distance between them 257


inference and _________________ in inextricably linked; to be careful interpreters, readers must search for evidence that the desired inferences are in fact ________________; part of this process involves considering alternative competing hypotheses about the credibility and meaning of results 264

nonresearch references

information in ________________ (e.g. opinion articles, case reports) may broaden understnading of a problem but has limited utility in summarizing evidence

quantitative research

information that is numeric information that results from some type of formal measurement and that is analyzed statistically

coefficient alpha/ cornbach's alpha

internal consistnecy, a widely reported aspect of reliability, is estimated by an index called ____________________; is a psychosocial scale includes several subscales, a _____________________ is calculated for each subscale separately 250

clinical significance

interpretation of a study involves coming to conclusions about the ________________ of the evidence and its applicability

positive results

interpreting statistical results is easiest when hypotheses are supported, i.e. when there are _____________ 266


interval and ratio level measures are often called ___________________ 257


intervention, influence, or exposure


intervention/ influence/ exposure- what are the interventions or therapies of interest; or what are the potentially hamful influences/ exposures of concern

topic guide

interviewers may use a written ______________ to ensure that all question areas are addressed 204


issues sometimes concern whose ________________ on clinical significance is relevvant; sometimes, clnicians' perspecive is key because of implications for health management (e.g. regarding choelsterol levels); for other outcomes, the patient's view is what matters (e.g. quality of life) 269

clinical relevance

it is important to appraise evidence in terms of its ______________ for the clinical situation at hand--that is, for your patient in a specific clinical setting

qualitative data

it is often difficult to critique the decisions that researchers make in collecting _________________ because details about those decisions are seldom spelled out; in particular, there is scant information about participant observation 208

mixed methods research

key decisions in designing an ______________ study involve how to sequence the components and which strand will be given priority 225

bibliographic databases

key resources for a research literature search are the __________________ that can be searched electronically; for nurses, CINAHL and MEDLINE databases are especially useful


lack of __________________ can be a threat to validity; is it an intervention or awareness of an intervention that resulted in benefits


legally and ethically, ___________________ do not have the competence to give informed consent, and so the consent of children's parents or guardians should be obtained


length of time for data collection: typically long, many months or yearse 204

eligibility criteria

like quantitative reseracher,s qualitative researchers identify _______________ for their studies; although they do not specify an explicit population to who results could be generalized, they do establish the kinds of people who are eligible to participate in their research 199

meaning units

literature on content analysis often refers to __________________; _______________ is the smallest segment of text that contains a recognizable piece of information 282 mu


longitudnial studies are typically expensive, time consuming, and subject to risk of ______________________ (loss of participants over time), but yield valuable information about time-related phenomena

log/ field diary

maintaining _____________ of daily events and _______________ of the experiences and interpretations are the major data collection methods for observational research 211

correlation does not prove causation

making casual inferences in correlational studies is risky; a basic research dictum is that _____________________

measurement error

many factors contribute to _______________, including personal states, response set biases, and situational factors (e.g. temperature, lighting)


many nursing studies concern the rigorous development and testing of formal instruments to screen, ______________, and assess patients and to measure clinical outcomes


many qualitative researchers use the principle of ________________, which occurs when participants' accounts about their experiences become redundant, such that no new information can be gleaned by further data collection

purposive sampling

many qualitative studies evole to a _________________ strategy in which researchers deliberately choose the cases or types of cases that will best contribute to the study 200

statement of purpose

many researchers articulate their research goals as a ________________; the _________________ establishes the general direction of the inquiry and captures the study's substance

organizing structure

many researchers who cite a theory or model as their framework are not directly testing the theory, but may use the theory to provide an ____________________

abstract coding schemes

many studies, such as those designed to develop a theory, are more likely to involve the development of _________________________; in creating ____________________, researchers break data into segments, clisely examine them, and compare them to other segments to uncover the meaning of phenomena; important concepts that emerge from existing data are then given a label 278 acs

minimal important change (MIC)

measurement experts use the term ______________ because the focus is on individual change scores, not differences between groups 270

95% CI

most often the ________________ is reported, which indicates that there is a 95% probability that the true ppulation value lies between the upepr nad lower confidence limits 258

multivariate statistics

most quantitative nursing studies rely on _____________ that involve the analysis of three or more variables simultaneously; the use of sophisticated analysis of analytic methods has resulted in greater rigor in nursing studies, but it can be challenging for those without statistical training to understand research reports 247

inferential statistics

most research questions are about parameters; resarchers calculate statistics to estimate parameteres and use _________________ to make inferences about the population 229


no single study can ever definitively answer a research question; the _____________ of any single study makes it important to understand and critique researchers' methods when evaluating evidence

shared theories

nonnursing models used by nurse researchers are referred to as _______________________

mixed methods research

notation for ________________ often designates priority- all capital letters for the dominant strand and all lowercase letters for the nondominant strand-and sequence; an arrow is used for sequential designs and a + is used for concurrent designs 225

accepted or rejected

null hypothesis are ________________ based on sample data 240

anthropormoic measures

nurse researchers also use ___________, such as BMI and waste circumference

methodologic studies

nurse researchers have undertaken many ___________________, which focus on the development, validation, and assessment of methodologic tools or strategies 222 222 ms

evidence-base practice (EBP)

nurses in various settings are adopting a ________________ that incorporates research findings into their decisions and interactions with clients

ethnonursing research

nurses refer to their ethnographic studies as ____________________ 195


observational methods are techniques for acquiring data through the direct ______________ of phenomena

cohort design

observational studies with a _________________ or prospective design, start with a presumed cause and then go forward to the presumed effect


of __________________ integrate evidence form multiple experimetnal studies and are at the pinnacle of evidence hierarchies for questions relating to causes

pilot test

once an evidence-based protocol or guideline has been developed and deemed worthy of implementation, the EBP team can move forward with a _______________ of the innovation and an assessment of the outcomes prior to widespread adoption

pilot test

once the EBP product has been developed, the next step is to ______________ it, give it a trial run, and evaluate the outcome to determine if it is effective

inmplications of results

once you have reached cnoclusions about credibility, percisision, importance, meaning, and generalizability of the results; the researcher should think about ________________, future research or how should results be used in nursing practice; if results have limited credibility or importance, they may be of little utility to practice 269

pretest-posttest design

one experiential design to help identify outcomes is a _____________, which involves observing the outcome (pain levels) before and after the intervention

Glaser nad Strauss method

one grounded theory approach is the _____________________, in which there are two broad types of codes: substantive codes and theortical codes 292 GS

risk/benefit assessment

one strategy that researchers use to protect participants is to conduct a _________________; such a ___________ is designed to evaluate whether the benefits of participating in a study are in line with the cost

participant observation

one type of unstructured observation is _______________________, in which the researcher gains entree into a social group and participates to varying degrees in its functioning while making in-depth observations of studies and events 211

known-group validity

one widely used hypothesis testing approach to construct validity is sometimes called _____________________, which tests hypotheses about a measure's ability to discriminate between two or more groups known to differ with regard to the construct of interest




outcomes- what are the outcomes or consequences in which we are interested


pain, fatigue, and obesity are abstractions of human characteristics; these abstractions are called ____________________ or _________________


paradigm cases and thematic analysis can be enhanced by _________________ that illuminate aspects of a paradigm case or theme 285 e

ethical dilemmas

participant's rights and study quality are put in direct conflict with research questions, posing ____________ for researchers


people who have a stake in the intervention, including potential beneficiaries of hte intervention and families, advoates, community leaders, healthcare staff 219 s


phenomenoligists assume there is a n_______________, an essential structure that can be undestood, much as ethnographers assume cultures exist; ________________ is what makes a phenomenon what it is, and without which, it would not be what it is 187

reflexive journal

phenomeonological researchers often maintain a _________________- in their efforts to bracket findings 188

meaning questions

phenomonologists tend to ask ________________ when conducting research


population intervention outcomes


population or patients


population/ patients- what are the characteristics of the patients or people


populations consist of subpopulations, or ____________; _______________ are mutually exclusive segments of a population based on specific characteristics

probalistic evidence

postpositivists also appreciate the barriers to knowing reality with certainty and therefore seek _______________, i.e. learning what the true state of a phenomeon probably is


privacy can be maintained through _________________, wherein not even researchers know participants' identities)

confidentiality procedures

privacy can be maintained through __________________ that safeguard participant data

particular examplars

purposive sampling implies an intent to choose _____________ or types of people who can best enhance the researcher's understanding of the phenomenon 200


qualitaitve researchers typically do not plan to make group _____________________ because the intent is to thoroughly describe or explain a phenomenon; yet, patterns emerging in the data sometimes suggest illuminating comparisons 184

research settings

qualitaitve researchesr usually collect their data in naturalistic settings; they may deliberately study phenomena in a various natrural contexts, especially in ethnographic research 184

emergent design

qualitative research involves an __________________ that develops in the field as the study unfolds; qualitative studies can either be cross-sectional or longitudinal 195

latent content

qualitative researchers also analyze what the text talks about, which involves interpretation of the meaning of its _____________________; interpretations vary in depth and level of abstraction and are usually the basis for themes 282 lc

snowball sampling

qualitative researchers also use ___________________ asking early informants to make referrals; a weakness of this approach is that the eventual sample might be restricted to a small network of acquaintances 199

emergent design

qualitative researchers design as they do; qualitative stuides use an _______________________ that evolves as researchers make ongoing decisions about their data needs based on what they have already learned; an _________________ supports the researcher's desire to have the inquiry reflect the realities and viewpoints of those under study-realities and viewpoints that are not known at the outset 183

intervention, control, blinding

qualitative researchers do not conceputalize their studies as having independent and dependent variables and rarely control the people or enviornment under study; blinding is rarely used by qualitative researchers 184

snowball sampling

qualitative researchers may start with convenience or ____________ sampling but usually rely on purpose sampling to guide researchers in selecting data sources that maximize information richness 211

volunteer/convenience sample

qualitative researchers often begin with a ________________; _______________ are often used when researchers want participants to come forward and identify themselves 199

time frames

qualitiatve research, like quantitative research can be cross-sectional, with one data collection point, or longitudinal, with multiple data collection points designed to observe teh evolution of a phenomenon 185

appraising EBP

quality of evidence magnitude of effects precision of estimates of effects evidence of side effects cost relevance to clinical situation


quantitative and qualitative approaches are complementary; by using mixed methods, researcherse can possibly avoid the limitations of a single approach 214

statistical analysees

quantitative data are analyzed through ________________ which include some simple procedures (e.g. computing an average) as well as more complex sophisticated methods

research questions

quantitative resarchers begin by identifying an interesting research problem and formulating ________________; they identify what hte study variables are; in developing _______________, nurse researchers must attend to substantive issues, theoretical issues, clinical issues, methodologic issues, and ethical issues

sampling plan

quantitative researchers develop a ____________________ that specifies in advance how participants will be selected and how many to include

emergent design

quantitative researchers do not collect data before finalizing their research design; qualitative researchers, by contrast, use an __________________ that materializes during data collection

empirical evidence

quantitative researchers gather ________________, evidence that is rooted in objective reality and gathered directly or indirectly through the senses rather than through personal beliefs or hunches; ________________ for quantative study is gathered systematically, using formal instruments to collect needed information


quantitative researchers make _______________ to provide an interpretive context; sometimes the same people are ____________ at different points in time, but often different people are compared


quantitative researchers must deal with problems of _____________; to study a phenomenon scientists must measure it, that is, attach numeric values that express quantity


quantitative researchers strive to go beyond the specifics of a research situation; the ability to generalize research findings to individuals other than those who took part in the study is referred to as __________________

literature review

quantitative researchers typically strive to understand what is already known about a topic by undertaking a thorough __________________ before any data are collected


quantitative researchers use objective methods designed to control the research situation with the goal of minimizing ___________ and maximizing validity

scientific merit

quantitative researchers use several criteria to assess the quality of a study, sometimes referred to as its _______________; two especially important criteria are reliability and validity

change scores

recent research focuses on clinical significance of __________________ for individual patients, e.g. a change from baseline measurement t oa follow-up measurement 269

historical research

relationships between events and ideas, between people and organizations, are explroed and interpreted within their historical context and within the context of new viewpoints about what is historically significant 190

correlation methods

relationships between two variables can be descsribed by ___________________; the ______________ question is: to what extent are two variables related to each other 235

type 1 error

resarchers make a _________________ by rejecting a null hypothesis that is true 240

ethical constraints

reseaerch with human beings is guided by _________-- that sometimes interfere with research goals; ____________ often confront researchers, regardless of paradigms or methods


research can be undertaken in a variety of _____________ (the types of place where information is gathered), like in hospitals, homes, or other community settings

clinical significance

research findings increasingly must meet the test of being clinically significant, and patients have taken center stage in efforts to define ___________________

critical theory

research is sometimes conducted within an ideological perspective; _______________ is concerned with a critique of existing social structures; critical researchers conduct studies in collaboration with participants in an effort to foster self-knowledge and transformation 196

level of significance

research reports indicate the ___________________, which is an index of how probable it is that the findings are reliable 62

respone rates

research should ideally report the ______________ and possible nonresponse bias


researchers begin a study with a ______________ that defines the broad boundaries of the inquiry, but the boundaries are not cast in stone; they are made sufficiently flexible that the question can be modified as new information makes it relevant to do so


researchers begin with _______________ and then devise ways to operationalize them; the __________________ are linked to actual research strategies in a series of approximations; the better the _________________, the more credible the results are likely to be 262

power analysis

researchers can estimate how large their samples should be for testing hypothesis through ______________

CONSORT guidelines

researchers can facilitate interpretations by carefully documenting methodologic decisions and the outcomes of those decisions, e.g. using ______________ to document participant flow 276

mutual regression

researchers can improve theiri prediction of an outcome by performing a ______________ in which several independent variables are included in the analysis 248

level of signifcange/ alpha level

researchers cnotrol the risk of making type 1 error by selecting a ______________________, which is hte probability that such an error will occur; the 0.05 level means that in only 5 out of 100 samples would the null hypothesis be rejected when it should have been accepted 258


researchers collect data from a _______________, which is a subset of the population

study aim

researchers communicate their __________________ in research articles as problem statements, statements of purpose, research questions, or hypotheses

level of significance (alpha)

researchers control the risk for a type 1 error by selecting a ________________, which is the probability of making a type 1 error; the two most frequently used ____________________ are 0.05 and 0.01 241


researchers delineate the intervention in formal ____________ that stipulate exactly what the treatment is


researchers have used the technique of asking participants to take photographs and interpret them, a method sometimes called ___________________ 205


researchers identify a broad ___________ of study, narrow the scope of the problem, and then identify research questions consistent with a paradigm of choice

concepts/ phenomena

researchers investigate ________________ which are abstractions inferred from people's behavior or characteristics

type 2 error

researchers make a ________________ when they say that the intervention did not have an effect, a false-negative conclusion 240


researchers may evaluate the ___________________ of written materials to see if participants if lower reading skills can comprehend them


researchers must decide if information about the study will be withheld from data collectors, study participants, or others through __________________ to minimize risk of expectation bias

implied consent

researchers often assume _____________________, i.e. the return of a completed questionnaire implise the person's consent to participate

minimally clinically importnat difference

researchers refer to conceptual threshold for clinical significance as a _____________________ 270

staistically significant

researchers reporting the results of hypothesis tests state whether their findings are ______________________; ______________ means that results are not likely to have been due to chance at some specified level of probabiltiy 241

confounding/ extraneous variables

researchers seek to control ___________________, variables that are outside the purpose of a specific study

multisite studies

researchers sometimes do ______________ because the use of _________________ offers a larger and often more diverse group of participants


researchers sometimes offer ________________ sensations after data collection to provide participants with more information or an opportunity to air complaints


researchers sometimes use the term ____________________, which also refers to an abstraction, but often one that is deliberately invented (or constructed)

eligibility criteria

researchers specify population characteristics through ___________________; researchers establish __________________ to determine whether a person qualifies as a member of hte population or should be excluded

statistical tests

researchers test their hypotheses and assess the probability that the results are using _______________; a ______________ helps to answer the question, Is the relationship between two items real and would it be likely to be observed from a new sample of the same population 62

unstructured interview

researchers use completely ______________ when they have no preconceived view of the information to be gathered; reserachers begin by asking a grand tour question and ask further questions based on guides to inital responses 204

consent form

researchers usually documed informed consent by having participants sign a ________________; this form includes information about the study purpose, specific expectations regarding participation, voluntary nature of participation, and costs and benefits

power analysis

researchers who conduct a ____________ to estimate how big a sample size they need to adequately test their hypotheses must estimate in advance how large the effect size will be- usually based on prior research or a pilot study 246


researchers who make specific predictions about answers to research questions pose ________________ that are then tested


researchers who reject the traditional scientific method believe that a major limitation is that it is _______________; that is, it reduces human experience to only the few concepts under investigation, and those concepts are defined in advance by researchers rather than emerging from the experiences of those under study

qualitative content analysis

researchers whose goal is qualitative description often say they used ________________ as their analytic method; ________________ can vary in terms of emphasis on manifest or latent contet 292 qca

statistically signifigant

resutls form hypothesis tests are either significant or nonsigificant; ___________________ means that the obtained results are not likely to be due to chance fluctuations at a given probabiltiy (p value) 258


reviews are usually _________, reviewers are not told researchers' names, and authors are not told reviewers' names

phenological studies

salient field issues: bracketing one's views, building rapport, encouraging candor, listening while preparing what to ask next, keeping on track, handling emotionallyp 204

grounded theory

salient field issues: building rapport, encouraing candor, listening while preparing what to ask next, keeping on track, handling emotionalityg 204


salient field issues: gaining entree, determining role, learning how to participate, encouraging candor, loss of objectivature, premature exit, reflexivitye 204

sampling error

sample statistics fluctuate and are unequal to a parameter because of _____________________; reserachers need to assess whether sample statistics are good estimates of population parameters 238

data saturation

samples in qualitative studeis are typically small and based on information needs; a guiding principle is _____________, which involves sampling to the point at which no new information is obtained and redundancy is achieved 211

mixed methods research

sampling in _____________ can involve the same or different people in the different components 225

response set biases

scales are susceptible to several common problems; however, many of which are referred to as _________________; the most important include: social desirability extreme acquiescence

response set biases

scales are versatile and powerful but are susceptible to __________________, the tendency of some people to respond to items in characteristics ways, indepdently of item content

phenomenological analysis

schools of phenomenology have developed different approaches to _____________________; the basi coutcome is the description of the essential nature of an experience, often through the identification of essential themes 283 pa



conceptual model

several _________________- for nursing have been used in research; the concepts central to _______________ are human beings, environment, health, and nursing


social physiological ______________ are self-report instruments for measuring characteristics like attiudes and psychological attributes

descriptive qualitative studies

soem qualitative studies do not have a formal name of fit into typology and are called _______________; __________________ tend to be eclectic in their designs and methods and are based on the general premises of constructivist inquiry 191

implementation potential/ environmental readiness

some EBP models involve a formal assessment of organizational "fit," often called ____________________; in assessing the implementation potential of an innovation, several issues should be considered, particularly the transferability of the innovation

Certificate of Confidentiality

some US researchers obtain a __________________ that protects them against the forced disclosure of confidential information through a court order


some qualitative analysists use _______________ or figurative comparisons to evoke a visual and symbolic analogy; additionally, analysts try to weave the thematic strands together into an integrated picture of hte phenomenon under investigation 292 m

grounded theories

some qualitative researchers seek to develop _________________, data-driven explanations to account for phenomena under study through inductive processes

purposive sampling

some researchers call thier sample _____________ because they purposely selected people who experienced the phenomenon of interest 200

intraclass correlation coefficient

some researchers use Person's r to correlate the scores at different times, but hte preferred index for test-retest reliability is the __________________, which can range in value from 0-1 249

open-ended questions

some structured instruments include ______________, which allow participants to respond to questions in their own words; when _________________ are included in questionaires, respondents must write out their responses


some studies involve multiple points of data collection and are called ____________________


some writers use the term ___________ to designate a method of representing phenomena with a minimal use of words, which conveys different meanings to people; two types used in research contexts are schematic and statistical _________________


sometimes ______________ are offered following data collection so that participants can ask questions or share concerns about the study

mixed methods research

specific __________ designs include the convergent design, explanatory design, and exploratory design 225

post hoc tests/ multiple comparison procedures

statistical analyses called __________________ are used to isolate the differences between group means that resulted in the rejection of the overall null hypothesis 244

odds ratio (OR)

statistical indexes that decribe the effects of exposure to risk factors or interventiosn provide useful information for clinical decisions; a widely reported risk index is the __________________, which is the ratio of the odds for an exposed versus unexposed group, with the odds reflecting the proportion of people with an adverse outcome relative to those without it 257

parameter estimation

statistical inference consists of two approaches: hypotehsis testing and _____________________, estimating a population value 257

level of measurement

statistical operations depend on a variable's ________________; there are four ________________, nomainal, ordinal, interval, and ratio 228

continuous variables

statistical procedures suitable for interval data are also appropriate for ratio-level data; variables with interval and ratio measruements are called _________________ 228

statistical conclusion validity

statistical tests are used to support inferences about whether a relationship exists; their level of support is called the _________________

psychometric assessments

statistics are used in ______________________ to quantify a measure's reliability and validity 258

finding studies on a topic

strategies for __________________ not only include the use of bibliographic tools but also include the ancestry approach (tracking down earlier studies cited in a reference list of a report) and the descendancy approach

axial coding

strauss and Corbin's method is an alternative grounded theory method whose outcome is a full conceptual description; this approach to grounded theroy analysis involves two types of coding: open and axial coding 293 ax

rating scales

structered observation observers may also use ________________ to rate phenomena along a dimension of interest (e.g. lethargic/energetic)


structured observations dictate what the observer should oberse, they often involve __________________, instruments based on category systems for recording the appearance, frequency, or duration of behaviors or events

sampling plan

structured observations often involve a ________________- for selecting the behaviors, events, and conditions to be observed; observational techniques are often essential but observational biases can reduce quality


structured self-report data are collected with a formal, written document called an __________________

questionnaire/ interview schedule

structured-self reports for quantitative studies involve a formal instrument- a _______________________ that may contain open-ended questions and close-ended questions

case-control design

studies may use a _____________________, that is, cases with a certain condition such as lung cancer are compared to controls without it; in designing a _________________, researchers try to identify controls who are as similar as possible to cases with regard to confounding variables


studies of ______________ examine the consequences of a disease or health problem, explore factors that can modify the prognosis, and examine when the consequences are most likely


studies with a ____________ purpose seek to identify effective treatments for improving or preventing health problems; such studies range from evaluations of highly specific treatments to complex multi component interventions designed to effect behavioral changes


study _____________ concerns the extent to which appropriate inferences can be made


techniques for controlling subject characteristics include _________________ deliberately making groups comparable on some extraneous variables


techniques for controlling subject characteristics include _________________ or restricting participants to reduce variability on confounding variables

stability/ reproducibility

test-retest reliability is sometimes called ______________, the extent to which scores can be reproduced on a repeated administration

standard error of the mean

the SD of the samplign distribution, called the _______________, can be estimaited using fromula that involves the SD and the sample size 238

pregnant women

the US govenrment has issued additional requirements governing research with ________________- and fetuses; these requirements reflect a desire to safeguard the _________________ and the fetus

method section

the _______ section describes what was done to answer the research questions; quantitative studies answer: research design, sampling plan, methods of measurement, study procedures, and data analysis methods; qualitative studies provide more info about research setting and context 61


the __________ is the outcome from the cause


the ___________ is the differenec between being exposed and not exposed to the causal factor

odds ratio

the ____________ is a widely reported risk index; the odds is the proportion of people with the adverse outcome relative to those without it 236


the ____________ is the point above which and below which 50% of the cases fall 257


the ____________ of care refers to broad organizational and administrative features 219 s

problem statement

the ______________ articulates the nature, context, and significance of a problem to be studied; __________________ typically include several components: problem identiication; background, scope, and consequences of the problem; knowledge gaps; and possible solutions to the problem


the ______________ includes: Research design Sampling plan Methods of measuring variables and collecting data Study procedures, including procedures to protect participants Analytic methods and procedures

research design

the ______________ is the overall plan for obtaining answers to the research questions; quantitative _____________, tend to be structured in controlled, with the goal of minimizing bias

chi-squared test

the ______________ is used to test hypothses about group differences in proprotions 258

introduction section

the _______________ acquaints readers with the resarch problem and its context; this section describes: the central phenomena, concepts, or variables under study the study purpose and research questions or hypothesis a review of related literature theoretical or conceptual framework signifiance and need for the study 61

Belmont report

the _______________ articulated three primary ethical principles on which standards of ethical research conduct are based: beneficence, respect for human dignity, and justice

constructivist paradigm/ naturalistic paradigm

the _______________ is a major alternative system for conducting nursing research; for _____________, reality is not a fixed entity but rather a construction of people participating in the research; reality exists within a context, and many constructions are possible

history threat

the _______________ is the occurrence of events concurrent with the independent variable that can affect the outcome; in RCTs, ______________ are not usually a problem because external evets are as likely to affect one RCT as another


the _______________ is the vaue that occurs most frequently 257

chi-squared (x2) test

the _______________ is used to test hypotheses about differences in proportions, as in a cross tab 245

scientific method

the _______________- involves using a set of ordely procedures to gehter information; quantitative researchers move in a systematic fashion from the defintiion of a problem to a solution


the _______________- is the distance between the highest and lowest scores 257


the ________________ equals the sum of all values divided by the number of participants, unlike hte median, the ____________ is affected by the value of every score; in research articles, the ______________ is often symbolized as M or X 232

observer/ participant

the ________________ first must gain entree into the social group under study; the second is to establish rapport and trust within that group 206

number needed to treat

the ________________ index estimates how many people would need to receive an intervention to prevent one undesirable outcome; ______________ is computed by dividing 1 by the ARR 236

central/ core category

the ________________ is a behavior or pattern that has relevance for participants, is sometimes a basic social process that involves an evolutionary process of coping or adaptation 292 cent

abstract section

the ________________ is a brief description of the study placed at the beginning of the article; readers can review an _____________ to judge whether to read the full report


the ________________ is a synopsis of the study

sampling plan

the ________________ is often one of the weakest aspects of quantitative studies


the ________________ is the location for the research; researchers sometimes engage in multi-_____________ studies

etic perspective

the ________________ is the outsider's interpretation of the cultures experiences-the words and concepts tehy use to refer to the same phenomena 186

research design

the ________________ is the overall plan for answering research questions; in quantitative studies, the resarch design designates whether there is an intervention, the nature of any comparisons, methods for controlling confounding variables, whether there will be blinding, and timing and location of data collection

null hypothesis

the _________________ in intepretation is that the results are wrong and evidence is flawed; the research hypothesis is that the evidence reflects teh truth 260

discussion section

the _________________ includes the following elements: an interpretation of the results clinical and research implications study limitations and ramifications for the believably of the results 63


the _________________ is the point in a distribution that divides scores in halff; the _______________ does not take into account individual values and is insensitive to extremes 232

ultimate goals

the _________________ of disciplined research, reardless of paradigm, is to answer questions and solve problems; both quantative and qualitative researchers seek to capture truth with regard to phenomena

selection threat (self-selection)

the _________________ reflects biases stemming from preexisting differences between groups; when people are not assigned randomly to groups, the groups being compared may not be equivalent; group differences in the outcome may be caused by extraneous factors rather than by the independnt variable

descendancy approach

the _________________, involves finding a pivotal early study and searching forward to find more recent studies that cited the key study

Health Promotion Model

the _________________, is a framework for explaining people's health-related behavior, such as compliance with a medical regimen; according to the model __________________ is influenced by a person's perception of a threat posed by a health problem as well as by the value associated with actions aimed at reducing the threat

transtheoetical model

the _________________, the core construct is stages of change, which conceptualizes a continuum of motivational readiness to change problem behavior t

minimally clinically importnat difference

the __________________ can be defined as the smallest difference in score domain of interest which patients perceive as beneficial and which would mandate in the absence of troublesome side effects and excessive cost, a change in the patient's management 270

Health Promotion Model

the __________________ focuses on explaining health-promoting behaviors, using a wellness orientation; according to hte model, health promotion entails activities toward developing resources that maintain or enhance a person's well-being

uncertainty in illness theory

the __________________ focuses on the concept of uncertainty- the inability of a person to determine the meaning of illness-related evidence; according to htis theory, people develop subjective appraisals to assist them in interpreting the experience of illness and treatment

hypotehsis testing process

the __________________ includes: 1. select a statistical test 2. specify the level of signifigance 3. compute a test statistic 4. determine the degrees of freedom 5. compare the test statistic to a theoretical value 242

statement of purpose

the __________________ is a summary of an overall goal; sometimes the words aim or objective are used in lieu of purpose

standard deviation

the __________________ is an index of how variable scores in a distribution are the _______________ represents the average of deviations from the mean an _______________ can be interpreted as the degree of error when we use a mean to describe a sample there are roughly three ______________ above and below the mean, and a fixed percentage of cases fall within certain distances from the mean 233

accessible population

the __________________ is hte portion of hte target population that is accessible to the researchers


the __________________ is the arithmetic average of all scores; the _______________ is the most stable index of central tendency 257

dependent/outcome variable

the __________________ is the behavior, characteristic, or outcome the researcher is interested in explaining, predicting, or affecting

independent variable

the __________________ is the presumed cause of or influence on the dependent variable; the __________________ corresponds to the I and C components of PICO

null hypothesis

the __________________ states that there is no relationship between the independent variable/ intervention and the dependent variable 240

participatory action research (PAR)

the __________________ tradition has as its starting point a concern for the powerlessness of the group under study; in _______________, researchers and participants collaborate in defining the problem, selecting research methods, analyzing the data, and deciding how the findings will be used; the aim of _________________ is to produce not only knowledge but also action, empowerment, and consciousness raising; in _________________ the methods are designed to faciliate collaboration that can motivate and generate community solidarity 192

qualitative research traditions

the ___________________ include: ethnography phenography grounded theory 185

time-series design

the ___________________ involves collecting data over an extended period of time and introducing the treatment during that period

theory of planned behavior

the ___________________, which is an extension of another theory called the theory of reasoned action, offers a framework for understanding people's behavior and its psychological determinants tpi

three main qualitative traditions

the ____________________ are: ethnography phenomenological grounded theory 201

maturation threat

the ____________________ arises form processes occuring as a result of time (e.g. growth, fatigue) rather than the independent variable

standard error of the mean/ standard deviation

the ____________________ indicates the degree of average error of a sample mean; the smaller the ________________, the more accurate are estimates of a population value 257

null hypothesis

the ____________________ is that no relationship exists between variables; rejection of the __________________ lends support to the research hypotehesis 258

nonequivalent control-group

the ____________________ pretest-posttest design involves a comparison group that was not created through randomization and the collection of pretreatment data from both groups to assess initial group equivalence


the ____________________, developed by the US library of medicine, is hte premier source for bibliographic coverage of biomedical literature; _______________ covers 5600 medical, nursing, and health journals

nonequivalent control group posttest only

the _____________________ design has a flaw, there is no information about initial equivalence

National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

the _____________________ established at the US National Institutes of Health in 1993, affirms the stature of nursing research in the US

problem identification approach

the _____________________ is likely to be clinically relevant and to have staff support if the problem is one that numerous nurses have encountered

grounded theory

the _____________________- tradition seeks to describe and understand key social psychological processes; the focus of most _______________ studies is on a developing social experience- the social and psychological phases that characterize a particular event or experience

sampling distribution of hte mean

the _______________________ is a theoretical distribution of the means of an infiinite number of same-sized samples drawn from a population; sampling distributions are the basis for inferential statistics 257

standard deviation

the ________________________ indicates how much on average, scores deviate from the mean 257


the actual analysis of data begins with a search for patterns and ______________, which involves discovery not only of commonalities across participants but also of natural variation in the data 292 t


the aim of most qualitative studies is to discover __________________ and to uncover multiple realities, not to generalize a population 199


the analysis of information from a literature search involves the identification of important _______________, regularities and patterns in the information


the assumption of ________________ refers to the positivist's beliefs that phenomena are not haphazard but rather have antecedent causes

intervention theory

the construct validity of the intervention is enhanced through efforts to develop an __________________ that clearly articulates what must be done to achieve desired outcomes; the intervention design, which emerges from the ________________ specifies what the clinical inputs should be 219 it

intervention theory

the construt validity of an emerging intervention is enhanced through efforts to develop an __________________ that articulates what must be done to achieve desired outcomes 225 it


the control group can undergo various conditions, including an alternative treatment, a ____________ or psudeo intervention, standard treatment, or wait-list (delayed treatment) condition

wait-list (delayed treatment)

the control group can undergo various conditiosn, including an alternative treatment, a placebo or psudeo intervention, standard treatment, or _______________ condition

history threat

the designs most likely to be affected by _________________ are one-group pretest-posttest designs and time-series designs

observer/ participant

the extent of the _______________ in a group is best thought as a continuum; at one extreme is complete immersion in the setting, with researchers assuming full participant status; at the other extreme is complete separation, with researchers as onlookers 206

statistical conclusion validity

the extent to which correct inferneces can be made about the existence of real group differences is affected by sampling decisions 264


the failure of data to support a _________________ forces researchers to analyze theory or previous research critically, to review study limitations, and to explore alternative explanations for the findings

central/ core category

the first step in integrating the findings is to decide on the ____________________, which is hte main construct in the research 288 cent

emergent design

the flow of activities in a qualitative study is more flexible and less linear than quantitative; qualitative studies typically involve an _________________- that evolves during data collection

case studies

the focus of ________________ is typically on understanding why an individual, thinks, behaves, or develops in a particular manner rather than what his status or actions are 190

interpretivie phenomenology/ hermeneutics

the goal of __________________ is to enter another's world and to discover teh understandings found there 188

competing explanations

the goal of a good quantiative research design is to rule out _________________

actual observations

the goal of grounded theory is to develop a conceptually dense understanding of a phenomenon that is grounded in ___________________

perfect relationship

the greatest of one variable correlates with the greatest of the other variable; the second greatest with the second greatest; and so on 235

case studies

the greatest strength of ______________ is the depth that is possible when a small number of entities is being invesitgated; ______________- researchers can gain an intimate knowledge of a person's feelings, actions, and intentions 190

absolute value

the higher the _______________________ of the coefficeint, the stronger the relationship 235

coefficeint alpha

the index used to estimate internal consistency is _________________; reliability coefficients of .8 or higher are desirable 258


the interpretation of quantitaitve research ________________, outcomes of statistical analyses, typically involves consideration of the credibility of the results, precision of estimates of effects, magnitude of effects, underlying meaning, generalizability, and implications for future research and nursing npractice 275

quantitative studies

the main design issue in _______________ is whether the research design provides the most valid, unbiased, and interpretable evidence possible; there is usually no other aspect of a __________________ that affects quality of evidence as much as research design

written research review

the major steps in preparing a _____________________ include formulating a question, devising a search strategy, searching and retrieving relevant sources, abstracting and encoding information, critiquing studies, analyzing and integrating the information, and preparing a written synthesis

Person's r

the most frequently used correlation coefficient is ______________________, used with continuous variables 257

Pearson's R

the most widely used correlation statistic is _________________, the product-moment correlation coefficient, which is computed with continuous measures 235

clinical signifiance at group level

the most widely used statistics for _______________ are effect size indecies, CI, and number needed to treat 269


the paradigm most often associated with MM research is _________________, which has as a major tenet, the dictatorship of the research question 225

methodologic decisions

the particulars of a study-especially the ____________________ made by researchers affect the inferences that can be made about the correspondence between study results and "truth in the real world" 275


the person who conducts the research is the ____________________

dependenet variable/ outcome variable

the presumed effect of a scenario is the _________________; the _________________- is the outcome that researchers want to understand, explain, or predict

power analysis

the probability of a type 2 error can be estimated through _____________________; _________________ is the ability of a statistical test to detect true relationships 241


the probability of comitting a type 2 error is related to ________________, the ability of a statical test to detect true relationships; the standard criterior for an acceptable level of power is 0.80 258

quality improvement

the purpose of __________________ is to improve practices and processes within a specific organization- not to generate new knowledge that can be generalized; ____________ does not typically involve translating best evidence into a protocol

quality improvement projects

the purpose of a _________________ is to improve practices and processes within a specific organization- not to generate knowledge that can be generalized beyond the specific context of the study 221 qi

convergent design/ triangulation design

the purpose of the ____________________ is to obtain different, but complementary, data about the central phenomenon under study- i.e. to triangulate data sources; the goal is to converge on the truth about a problem or phomenon by allowing the limitations of one approach be offset by the strengths of another cg/td

ordinal measurement

the ranking of people based on thier relative standing on an attribute 257


the related assumption of _______________ refers to the belief that phenomena result from prior causes and are not haphazard

sampling plan

the researcher's ______________ specifies how the sample will be selected and how many subjects there will be

vulnerable groups

the rights of __________________ need extra protections; _______________ may be incapable of giving fully informed consent or may be at high risk for unintended side effects

too small

the risk of getting it wrong increases when samples are ______________; researchers risk gathering data that will not support their hypotheses even when they are correct

multiple correlation coefficient

the squared _______________________ is an estimate of the proportion of variability in the outcome variable accounted for by the predictors 258

multiple correlation coefficient

the statistic used in multiple regression is the __________________, which is symbolized as R; ______________ does not have negative values, it ranges from 0-1, showing the strength of the relationship between several predictors and an outcome, but not direction 248

substantive codes

the stubstance of the topic under study is conceptualized through ____________________, there are two types: open and selective 285 sc

internal validity

the study's ______________________, the extent to which a causal inference can be made, is affected by sample comosition; any observed differences in outcomes could be caused by individual differences in the groups, e.g. differences in motivation to stay in the study, rather than by the intervention itself 264

control group

the term ________________ refers to a group of participants whose performance on an outcome is used to evaluate the performance of the experimental group on the same outcome

double blind

the term __________________ is widely used when more than one group is blinded (e.g. participants and interventionists); however, this term is ambiguous and does not clearly specific who was/ wasn't blinded

experimental group

the term control group refers to a group of participants whose performance on an outcome is used to evaluate the performance of the ________________, the group getting the intervention, on the same outcome


the terms ______________ and concept are sometimes used interchangeably, but a ____________ often refers to a more complex abstraction than a concept


the third principle articulated in the Belmont Report concerns ________________, which includes participants' right to fair treatment and their right to privacy

Belmont report

the three major ethical principles from the _______________ are incorporated into many guidelines: beneficence, respect for human dignity, and justice

coding scheme

the usual procedure for qualitative analysis is to create a ________________, based on a scrutiny of actual data, and then code data according to the categories in the ________________; developing a high quality _______________ involves a careful reading of hte data, with an eye to identify underlying concepts 278 cs


the word _________________ does not mean important / meaningful; it means that results are not likely to have been due to chance at some specific level of probability 242

symbolic interaction/ interactionism

theoretical underpining of grounded theory is a melding of sociological formulations, the most prominent of which is ______________________; the three underlying premises include (1) humans act toward things based on meanings that the things have for them, (2) the meaning of things is derived from human interactions, and (3) meanings are handled in, and modified through, and interpretive process

Middle-range theories

theories of relevance to researchers are often less abstract than grand theories; ____________________ attempt to explain phenomena such as stress, comfort, and health promotion


theories, conceptual frameworks, and models are not discovered; they are __________________; ______________ depends not only on observable evidence, but also on a theorist's ingenuity in pulling evidence together and making sense of it


therapy, prognosis, and etiology questions are ______________, and there is a hierarchy of designs for yielding best evidence for these questions

phenological analysis

there are numerous approaches to ____________________, including the descriptive methods of Colaizzi, Giorgi, and van Kaam, in which the goal is to find common pattenrs of experiences shared by particular instances 292 pa

reflect the truth

there is no such thing as a study whose resutls came out wrong if they _________________268

internal validity

threats to ______________ include: temporal ambiguity (uncertantity about whether the presumed cause preceded the outcome), selection (if a preexisting group causes differences), history (external events that could affect outcomes), maturation (changes due to the passage of time), and mortality (effects attributable to attrition)

randomization/ random assignment

through ____________________ every participant has an equal chance of being included in any group; if people are randomly assigned, there is no systematic bias in the groups with regard to attributes that may affect the dependent variable


through coding and analysis, grounded theory analysts document their ideas about data and emerging conceptual scheme in _____________; _____________ encourage researchers to reflect on and describe patterns in the data, relationships bewteen categories and emergent conceptualizations 296 m


through inductive reasoning, researchers identify ________________ and categories, which are used to build a rich description or theory of the phenomenon


time frame; time it takes to achieve the outcomes

developing data collection plan

to __________________: researchers must decide who will collect the data, how the data collectors will be trained, and what the circumstances for data collection will be

conceptual files

traditionally, researchers have organized their data by developing _________________, which are physical files in which coded excerpts of data for specific categories are placed; now, however, computer software is widely used to perform basic indexing functions and to facilitate data analysis 292 cf

phenological studies

two principles guide selection of a sample for a __________________, 1. all participants must have experienced the phenomoenon and 2. they must be able to articulate what it is like to have lived that experience 202

grounded theory

types of data: primarily individual interviews, sometimes group interviews, observation, diaries, documentsg 204


types of data: primarily observation and interviews, plus artifacts, documents, photographs, social network diagramse 204

phenological studies

types of data: primarly in-depth interviews, sometimes diaries, other written materialsp 204


unit of collection: cultural system data collection points: mainly longitudinale 204

grounded theory

unit of data collection: individuals data collection points: cross-sectional or longitudinal length of time for data collection: typically moderateg 204

phenological studies

unit of data collection: individuals data collection points: mainly cross-sectional lenght of time for data collection: typically moderatep 204

participant observation

unstructured observational data are often gathered through ______________; _______________ take part in the functioning of the group under study and strive to observe, ask questions, and record information within the contexts and structures that are relevant to group members 206

phenomenological analysis

van manen's approach to ______________ involves: 1. turning ot nature of lived experience 2. exploring hte experience as we live it 3. reflecting on essential themes 4. describing the phenomeon through the art of writing and rewriting 5. maintaing a strong relation to the phenomeon 6. balancing the research context by considering parts and whole 283 pa

cause and effect/ causal relationships

variables can be related to one another in different ways, including ___________________; within the positivist paradigm, natural phenomena are assumed to have antecedent causes that are discoverable

f ratio

variation between groups is contrasted with variation within groups to yield a __________________ statistic 244

Identify the problem

what is wrong with the current situation?

enhanced validity

when a hypothesis or model is supported by multiple and complementary types of data, researchers can be more confident about their inferences 214

positive skew

when a longre tail points to the right, the distribution has a _________________; personal income is ________________ 230

psychometric assessment

when a new measure is developed for psychology; researchers undertake a ________________, which involves an evaluation of the measure's measurement properties


when data are collected at the same time they are ________________ 215 c


when fingins from analyiss of qualitative data are consistent with results of statistical analyses, internal _________________ can be powerful and persuasive 265


when indexes such as averages and percentages are calculated with population data, they are __________________ 229

shared theories

when nonnursing models are appropriate to nursing inquiry, the theories are called ________________________


when randomization is not feasible, other methods of controlling extraneous characteristics can be used; one alternative is ________________, in which only people who are similar with respect to confounding variables are included in the study

Cohen's kappa

when ratings are dichotomyous classifications, the preferred index is __________________, whose values range from 0-1 250

study/ investigation

when researchers answer a question through disciplined research, they are doing a _______________


when researchers do not intervene by controlling the independent variable, the study is _________________, or observational

correlational research

when researchers study the effect of a cause they cannot manipulate, they undertake _________________ to examine relationships between variables


when the evidence is quantative, another consideration regarding EBP is how precise the __________________ of the effect is; research results provide only an _____________ of effects, and it is useful to understand not only the exact ___________ but also the range within which the actual effect probably lies

receiver operating characteristic curve

when the foal measure is continuous and the gold standard is dichotomous, researchers often use a statistical tool called a ______________________; a ________________ involves plotting each score on the focal measure against its sensitivity and specificity for correct classification 251

cause and effect/ causal relationship

when the independent variable causes or affects the outcome, the relationship is a _________________________


when two types of data are collected in different phases; in well-conceived ________________ designs, the analysis and interpretation in one phase informs the collection of data in the second 215 s

confidence interval

with interval estimation, researchers construct a ________________ around the point estimate; the ____________ around a sample mean establishes a range of values for the population value and probability of being right; by convention researchers use either a 95-99% ______________ 239

hypothesis testing

with statistical ____________________, researchers use objective criteria to decide whether hypotheses should be accepted or rejected 240

positivist paradigm

within the ________________, research activity is often aimed at understanding the underlying causes of natural phenomena

population data

without _______________, it cannot be asserted that the null hypothesis is or is not true; researchers must be content to say whether they are either probably true or probably false 240


•Brief description of major features of a study at the beginning of a journal article Single paragraph, about 100 to 150 words More detailed, with specific headings

nursing research

•Systematic inquiry •Acquire knowledge •Focuses on important issues to the nursing profession •Guides nursing practice


•Systematic inquiry •Acquire knowledge •Uses disciplined methods

Quantitative research

•_______________ is verifiable by observation or experience/ experimentation

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