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-increase the risk of inherited disorders -are substances that prevent cell damage and destruction from free radicals. -stimulate iron and potassium production -ure cases of food poisoning

how to calculate total # of kcals

1. carbs x 4 kcal/gram 2.protein x 4 kcal/gram 3. fat x 9 kcal/gram add total = calories

Rank the following steps of the scientific method in order, beginning with the first step at the top.

1.observe 2.develop a question 3.test the question 4.analyze 5.form conclusions 6.share the results

which of the following is likely to contain phytochemicals?

1/2 cup raw broccolli


A participant or animal who does not receive the treatment being studied is a member of the _____ group.


A researcher is interested in investigating whether calcium can be absorbed as well in children with dairy allergies. To test this scientific question, the researcher should conduct a(n) _____.


All of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism

food energy

Carbs: 4 kcal/g Protein: 4 kcal/g Fat: 9 kcal/g Alcohol: 7 kcal/g


Chemicals in plant-based foods that are not nutrients but that have effects on the body.

which of the following substances is a nutrient that provides energy?


what is a food that is energy dense & nutrient dense?

NUTS, example- almonds


Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues. Source of energy

John likes to make oatmeal cookies. Each oatmeal cookie supplies about 105 kcal, 5 g fat, 13 g carbohydrate, and 2 g protein. Estimate the approximate percentages of total kilocalories in a cookie that are contributed by fat (yellow), carbohydrate (blue), and protein (orange) and fill in the pie chart according to your calculations. (Rounding the figures may be necessary to obtain 100%.) (To enter the percentages, click on the pencil icon in the upper left corner of each label, type in the number (do not include the percentage sign), click on the save icon in the upper left corner and drag the label to the appropriate place on the pie chart.)

There are about 9 kcal/g of fat, 4 kcal/g of carbohydrate, and 4 kcal/g of protein. Each cookie contains about 5 g fat, so multiply 5 g by 9 kcal/g to obtain the number of "fat kilocalories" (45 kcal). Each cookie has about 13 g carbohydrate, so multiply 13 g by 4 kcal/g to obtain the number of "carbohydrate kilocalories" (52 kcal). Each cookie contains about 2 g protein, so multiply 2 g by 4 kcal/g to obtain the number of "protein kilocalories" (8 kcal). To determine the approximate percentage of energy supplied by fat, divide the number of kcal from fat (45 kcal) by the total number of kcal in each cookie (105 kcal), move the decimal point two places to the right, and replace the decimal point with a percent symbol (approximately 43%). Follow the same procedures to determine the approximate percentages of energy supplied by carbohydrate and protein, except use 52÷105 for carbohydrate and 8÷105 for protein. Carbohydrate contributes about 50% and protein contributes about 7% of the calories in each cookie.

the placebo effect

When people report positive or negative reactions to a treatment even though they received the placebo, this is known as _____.

deficency disease

a disease caused by the lack of some essential or important element in the diet, usually a particular vitamin or mineral.

nutrient dense

a high ratio of nutrients to calories leafy greens, fat-free milk, eggs, orange juice etc...

The only time a specific nutrient can cure a health condition is when the condition is _____.

a nutrient deficiency disease


a way of testing a specific question

bomb calorimeter

an instrument that measures the heat energy released when foods are burned, thus providing an estimate of the potential energy of the foods


carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Nutrient Classifications

carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water

_____ require the nutrients in food to perform their metabolic activities.


Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water are all _____

classes of nutrients

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water are all _____ Multiple choice question.

classes of nutrients


compounds in foods, other than the six nutrients, that have biological activity in the body

Your _____ is your usual pattern of food choices.


these contain vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids or other plant products

dietary supplement

you can get all the nutrients the body requires by

eating health foods

Pastries, sugar-sweetened beverages, snack chips, and candies may be considered _____ foods.

empty calories

Which term describes a food or beverage that supplies a large amount of beneficial nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, in relation to its energy value?

energy dense

Which term describes the energy value of a food in relation to the food's weight?

energy density

A nutrient that cannot be made by the body or is not produced in great enough amounts to meet needs and therefore must be supplied by food is considered _____.


Physicians _____ if they select a product based on financial gain rather than effectiveness of treatment.

face a great deal of risk

what can influence your food choices

family and culture, friends, time and money, advertising

energy suppliers

fats, carbs, protein, alcohol (not a nutrient)


fluid balance, formation of certain chemical messangers, necessary for physical growth, maintenance and development.

functional foods

foods believed to have specific health benefits beyond their basic nutrients

best source of protein for the body

good carbs


harmful non-nutrient

Poor eating habits contribute to which two leading causes of death in the United States?

heart disease and cancer

energy dense/ empty calories

high in cal from unhealthy fats poor source of vitamins and minerals candy, little debbies, sodas etc..

wheat layers

inner-germ (health fats, vitamin E) outer-bran (fiber) middle-endosperm (starch)

why dont you need to include vitamin c and iron in your cal calculations?

iron and vitamin c are micronutrients that DO NOT PROVIDE CALORIES

The amount of energy in foods is reported as _____.



lack of proper nutrition

causes of malnutrition

low income, eating disorders, substance abuse, health issues, elderly

_____ are needed by our body in relatively large amounts on a daily basis



main source of energy for the body


maintenance of fluid balance, regulate body temp, elimination of wastes, transport substances and participate in many chemical reactions

_____ are involved in the regulation of fluid balance, whereas _____ are involved in the maintenance of immune function. Multiple choice question.

minerals ; vitamins

Life-sustaining chemicals found in foods are called


essential nutrients

nutrients necessary for normal body functioning that must be obtained from food- because the body can not make these


nutrition facts and recommended dietary practices were often based on intuition, common sense, conventional wisdom or (reports of personal experiences)


obesity, 51% of college students gain weight in their 1st year "freshman 15" average is 7.5 lbs

After a scientific question is tested once using the scientific method, _____

other researchers may conduct additional studies to examine the original scientific question

peer review

other researchers with appropriate knowledge will judge the scientific merit of the article

DIET is defines as

pattern of food choices

Anthocyanins, capsaicin, sulfur compounds, and caffeine are all examples of ___


When compared to plant foods, nutrient supplements do not contain a wide variety of _____.


_____ such as caffeine are nonnutrients made by plants that may have health benefits.


dietary supplements

products that supply one or more nutrients as a supplement to, not a substitute for, healthful foods -vitamin -mineral -herb -amino acid

In a research study, members of the treatment group _____. Multiple choice question.

receive the treatment


regulate body processes, maintain immune functions, protect against agents that can damage cellular components.

A personal characteristic that increases a person's chances of developing a disease is called

risk factor


source of energy (fats) , cellular development, physical growth, regulation of body processes and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

taking ________ can increase the risk of health related toxicity


When an athlete is paid to endorse a company's product, the information in the commercial is likely to be biased in favor of the product. Such an advertisement is known as a _____. Multiple choice question.


Infants, children, pregnant women, and older adults often need nutrient supplements _____.

to increase their nutrient intakes

foods that are bad for you contain

toxins, bacteria, viruses, microscopic animals that lead to food-borne illness

2 other forms of malnutrition

undernutrition and overnutrition


unit describing energy content of food

kilocalorie (kcal)

unit used to report energy content of food 1000 calories per kcal

health diet

variety of nutrient-dense foods


vitamins and minerals

nutrients in females

water 57% fat 25% carbs < 1 % minerals 5 % protein 13 % females have more fat due to child bearing

nutrients in men

water 62% fat 16% carbs < 1 % minerals 6 % protein 16 % males have more muscle/protein

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