Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

1. Ovary 2. Psoas major and iliac muscles

1. Label the structure the dashed white arrow is pointing at. 2. Label the structure positioned between the two thin arrows.

3. Iliopsoas muscle complex 4. Femoral nerve

3. Name the structure the three white arrows are positioned around. 4. Name the structure the open arrow is pointing at.

5. Anterior wall bladder reverberation 6. Ureteric valve

5. Name the artifact depicted by the open arrow. 6. Name the structure depicted by the white arrow.

7. Corpus luteum 8. Hemorrhagic corpus luteum

7. What is the thin arrow pointing at? 8. What is the thick arrow pointing at?

Thick ; thin

A partially filled bladder demonstrates its walls as _____________, whereas a distended bladder demonstrates _____________ walls.

Psoas and rectus abdominis

A transverse pelvic ultrasound demonstrates two abdominal and pelvic muscles:

Appear cylindrical

A uterus in a young girl would:


A uterus lying in a plane perpendicular to the ultrasound beam entering through a full bladder is labeled:

Linea abla

An imaginary line between the true and false pelvis:

Aka vesicouterine recess. Potential space between the uterus and the urinary bladder

Anterior cul-de-sac

Premature rupture of membranes and prepubertal virgins

Contraindications of TVS include:

On the opposite side


Fibrous tissue that replaces the corpus luteum

Corpora albicantia

Nabothian cysts

Cysts of the cervix are caused by occluded cervical glands and known as:

Internal os of the cervix

During an EV ultrasound, slight residual urine in the bladder will help identify the:


Echogenic ovarian foci, with or without shadowing, noted on an ovary may indicate the presence of:

Pelvic organs

External genitalia, urinary bladder, urethra, uterus, Fallopian tubes, vagina, ovaries, colon, and rectum are classified as:

Aka greater or major pelvis. Area superior to and anterior to the pelvic brim

False pelvis


Fat or smooth muscle are more ____________ than the skeletal muscles.

Hormone that stimulates growth and maturation of the ovarian Graafian follicle. The anterior pituitary gland secretes the hormone

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Degeneration and reabsorption of the follicle before maturity

Follicular atresia

Latin anatomical term referring to the portion of an organ opposite from its opening


Displaced ; acoustic

Gassy bowel can be _______________ away from the field of view by filling the urinary bladder, which provides an ______________ window into pelvic structures.


How many ounces of fluid should a hydrates patient usually drink to fill the urinary bladder?

Increase in size


Aka pelvic brim or linea terminalis. Inner surface of the public and ilium bones contains a bony ridge that serves as the line dividing the true and false pelvis

Iliopectinal line

Combination of the psoas major, psoas minor, and iliacus muscles

Iliopsoas muscle


In cases of venous congestion, veins may form pelvic ___________, which are readily identifiable by ultrasound.

On the same side


Wall reverberation

It is not uncommon to see anterior echoes (artifact) in the urinary bladder. They are:

1. False pelvis 2. True pelvis 3. Pelvic outlet 4. Linea Terminalis (pelvic inlet)

Label this image:

10. Fornices 11. Oviduct 12. Cervix 13. Fornix 14. Vagina 15. Hymen

Label this image:

16. Fundus 17. Corpus 18. Cervix

Label this image:

19. Anteflexed 20. Anteverted 21. Retroflexed 22. Retroverted

Label this image:

23. Intramural portion 24. Isthmic portion 25. Ampullary portion 26. Infundibulum

Label this image:

27. Fimbria 28. Site of ruptured follicle 29. Maturing follicle 30. Fallopian tube 31. Ovary 32. Follicular fluid 33. Corpus luteum 34. Developing follicles

Label this image:

5. Psoas major muscle 6. Psoas minor muscle

Label this image:

7. Vagina 8. Urinary bladder 9. Space of Retzius

Label this image:

Aka innominate line. Line drawn from the pubic crest to the arcuate line dividing the true and false pelvis

Linea terminalis

Midcycle pain often associated with ovulation

Mittelschmerz is:

9. Fallopian tube

Name the structure indicated by the arrow.


On both transabdominal and endovaginal ultrasound, the ovary may be identified by its characteristic "Swiss cheese" pattern of ______________ follicles against the low-amplitude gray if the ovarian cortex.

Uterine artery

One branch of the internal iliac artery is of importance to sonographer because it is accessible to Doppler evaluation using an endovaginal approach. It is the:

At right angles (perpendicular)


Volume calculation (length X width X height / 2 = volume in cm^3)

Ovaries should be measured using a:

Aka posterior cul-de-sac to the rectouterine recess. Potential space between the rectum and the uterus

Pouch of Douglas

Serous membrane enclosing an organ that often excretes lubricating serous fluid


Aka properitoneal space. Space between pubic symphysis and urinary bladder

Space of Retzius


T/F - The posterior wall of the vagina is longer than the anterior wall.


T/F - The upper end of the vagina attaches to the cervix.

Serosal (perimetrium), continuous with fascia; myometrium, smooth muscle and connective tissue; endometrium, mucosal

Th uterine layers are:

Hook with bulbous medial limb

The cross-sectional shape of the iliopsoas muscle appears on ultrasound as:

Between the urinary bladder and the symphysis pubis

The space of Retzius (peritoneal space) is located:

Endovaginal EVS

The technique offering the most direct assessment of pelvic anatomy is:


The ultrasound imaging method of choice for ovarian assessment is:

Thin-walled, 7 to 10 cm long, and produces a moderately hypoechoic pattern

The vagina is:

American institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) or American College of Radiology (ACR)

To obtain standard pelvic sonogram guidelines for sonographers, contact the website for the:

Aka lesser or minor pelvis. Portion of the pelvic cavity inferior and posterior to the pelvic brim

True pelvis

The uterine cavity, fundus, and myometrium

Visualization of the coronal plane in 3D imaging enables what to be viewed for an accurate diagnosis?

Intramural, isthmic, and ampullary

What are the three sections of the Fallopian tubes?

Protects reproductive and pelvic organs Directs pathway of fetal head during childbirth Weight breaking bridge between the spine and bones of lower limbs

What are three functions of the female bony pelvis?

Spectral Doppler, color Doppler, and power Doppler

What are three imaging techniques that may help diagnose ovarian torsion?

Coccyx, sacrum, two innominate bones

What bones comprise the pelvic skeleton?

Urinary jets

What can be seen with color Doppler or high gain in gray-scale imaging when the ureteral valve opens with a bonus of urine to the bladder?

A pelvic mass

What can bowel mimic, especially in the absence of peristalsis?

Depth of penetration

What is not a benefit of endovaginal ultrasound?


What is the largest portion of the uterus?

Labia Minora and labia majora

What make up the external genitalia?


What muscle is often obscured by bowel gas, but most likely to be seen with a very full urinary bladder?

A mucosal plug

What seals the uterus from bacteria during pregnancy and is generated in the glands of the mucosa of the endocervical canal?

Transabdominal TAS

What sonographic method uses lower-frequency transducers?

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