Org. Theory Chapter 9 Questions

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In a platform organization, BLANK make more consistent, impartial, and faster decisions.

Algorithmic systems

In big data analytics, computer scientists use BLANK data.


BLANK refers to technologies, skills, and processes for reaching and examining massive, complex sets of data that traditional data processing application cannot handle to uncover hidden patterns and correlations.

Big data analytics

Thanks to digital technology that can tie companies together into a seamless information flow, BLANK has become a major trend.


The internet used to be dependent on BLANK for its supply go information, but now it can also obtain it from BLANK, which is how we derived the name "the Internet of Things".

People; connected devices

Which of the following statements about capital assets in pipe and platform organizations is true?

Pipe organizations focus on increasing capital assets to gain competitive advantage, while platform organizations actually minimize the need for capital assets.

BLANK are people who are at the center of an information network. These are people who are sought out for their knowledge and information.


The same of an organization's information, experience, understanding, relationships, process, innovations, and discovers is known as:

Intellectual capital

Which of the following technology tools provides a private means for members of an organization to share information and keep track of what's happening within the organization?


Which of the following provides the best example of internal business intelligence?

Jamie is reviewing sales data on a seasonal "limited time offer" menu item to determine whether to make it a permanent menu item available at all times

Which of the following facilitates one-to-many interactions among members?

Maker platforms

How has digital IT led to decentralization?

Managers in varied business divisions or offices now have the information they need to make important decisions quickly rather than waiting for decisions from headquarters

Which of the following about big data analytics in business is true?

Managers who believe in what data analytics indicates or predicts sometimes clash with those mangers who put their faith in historical information and manager experience.

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence applications in organizations suggests adjustments to organization design, such as decentralizing authority to employees doing BLANK work.

Non routine

An AI coaching program that applies insights from the behavioral sciences to advice managers to take certain actions, such as asking employees more questions or seeking input from colleagues, is using a concept known as:

Nudge management

You own a chain of 12 fast-casual restaurants in the Midwest. You've heard a lot about big data analytics, and you know that an analysis of big data on your customers could help you operate your organization more efficiently. However, you realize that collecting and analyzing enough data to be useful will be time consuming and expensive. What is your best option for taking advantage of big data?

Outsource to a data intermediary that can collect data for other similar organizations and analyze the combined data

Within a nation-wide construction company, Jeanette, who works out of the Phoenix office, has been assigned to work on a job in Dallas because the company's nearest office in Houston is overwhelmed with work. She's having trouble location a reliable concrete supplier in that region, so she reaches out to Shelley, her friend and colleague who works in the St. Louis office, for help. Shelley introduces Jeanette to Juan, who holds the same position as Jeanette in the Houston office, because he can provide her with the names of several local suppliers. What role does Juan play in this social network?

Peripheral player

As the president of small publishing company, you've become very aware over the last few years that your organization must transition to producing digital products or you will not survive. Your book-loving employees have many talents but they lack the technical skills the organization will need to make this transition. What should you do in terms of managing human resources?

Provide ongoing training for existing employees to develop their technology skills while also bringing in new digital talent

Artificial intelligence algorithms have been criticized for containing subtle biases, which could be overcome if AI developments would address:

Racial and gender differences

Due to the impact of digital IT, a growing number of organizations are:

Smaller in size

A valuable technique enabled by IT is called BLANK analysis, which can help managers learn about informational relationships and network structures within an organization.

Social network

A BLANK system collects data from sales, purchases from suppliers, and inventory changes and stores them in a data base.

Transaction processing

T/F: Even platform organizations need a hierarchical structure for some aspects of the core business


T/F: If an organization does not have the resources to collect and analyze big data, it can outsource the process of use data intermediaries


T/F: Perhaps one of the greatest outcomes of digital IT is its potential to improve coordination, communication, and collaboration across


T/F: Peripheral players have the fewest number of connections and operate on the boundaries of a network


You are the CEO of a major restaurant conglomerate that owns several national restaurant chains. Several years ago, you invested in AI to monitor service employees' performance, and since then you have seen an increase in hourly sales and a decrease in employee theft. These promising results ahem motivated you to expand the use of AI into your organization, but first you would like to create a new chief artificial intelligence officer role. What is the main reason you'd like to create this role?

You need someone to manager AI from a strategic standpoint and recommend uses for this impressive tool

With the ability to make decisions equal to or better than human beings, computer-based artificial intelligence is being rapidly adopted for:

core manufacturing and management functions

Researchers have states that one of the most significant ways digital IT has impacted today's organization is by improving:

horizontal coordination and collaboration

This morning you received some bad news at your advertising and PR firm, which is considered one of the best in the city. The account manager working with your best client has resigned to due to a serious illness, and you're going to have to replace her with someone new. The client has been difficult to work with and you're nervous about changing account managers so suddenly. It could jeopardize the account and send your client running to your closet competitor. Which knowledge management strategy should you use to facilitate the transition?

Assemble your team of people, including the former account manager, who've been working on the account for a meeting where they can share knowledge with the new account manager.

Which of the following would be an example of an exchange platform organization?


A form of outsourcing is to use BLANK firms that collect data from multiple organizations and analyze the combined data for them.

Data intermediaries

T/F: Artificial intelligence is already widely used in core manufacturing operations but has not been used for non core departments, such as HR or accounting


The package delivery company you work for uses AI algorithms to monitor everything from the drivers' time spent at each stop to safety measures such as seatbelt use. As the district manager, you are well aware that drivers resent this kind of close scrutiny of their every move. Yet you support the use of AI to monitor behavior. What is the primary benefit you see?

AI algorithms have demonstrated a significant payoff for your organization

You've just landed a new job as chief artificial intelligence officer for a global corporation using AI. The CEO has already given you an important mandate: eliminate obvious biases in the organization's AI algorithms. Of the following, which step should you take to follow this directive?

Assemble a diverse team of employees to develop and revise the algorithms

Within a nation-wide construction company, Jeanette, who works out of the Phoenix office, has been assigned to work on a job in Dallas because the company's nearest office in Houston is overwhelmed with work. She's having trouble locating a reliable concrete supplier in that region, so she reached out to Shelley, her friend and colleague who works in the St. Louis office, for help. Shelley introduces Jeanette to Juan, who works in the Houston office, because he can provide her with the names of several local suppliers. What role does Shelley play in this social network?


Which of the following approaches to data analytics organizations structure ensures a critical mass of analysts who can obtain the necessary data and develop the necessary expertise to efficiently test and use the data?

Centralized approach

Which of the following represents the elements of big data function?

Collect massive data, use all data, use messy data, adopt a new mindset, chose the appropriate organization structure.

As you lead your organization through a technological transition, you want to make sure your employees have the right skills and right mindset to function in a digitally driven organization. Which of the following skills and mindset characteristics do you most want to encourage in employees?

Communication and networking skills so they can engage in cross-functional collaborations

As the president of a small publishing company, you've seen plenty of signs over the last few years that your organization must transition to producing digital products or you will not survive. Your book-loving employees are resistant, but you know you must lead them through this transition. Of the following actions you could take, which one is the most recommended by change management consultants?

Create a corporate culture that values agility, collaboration, and risk-taking

As the CEO of a massive, multinational conglomerate, you see tremendous potential in using big data to enhance performance in many divisions and business units within your organization, but it's challenging to create a workable system. On the one hand, you have to factor in the many different sources of data, language variations, and differing- sometimes conflicting- needs and priorities across all divisions. On the other hand, you're certain that there will be a lot of crossover, in that data from some parts of the organization can benefit other parts. What is your best option for taking advantage of big data?

Create a hybrid data analytics unit by establishing small data analytics unit within each division, which then report up to a centralized unit at headquarters that coordinates, assets, and aggregates data.

As the production manager for Snowbound, a company that makes ski and snowboarding equipment, you have struggled with the dramatic seasonal fluctuations in production that your organization faces every year. Production is at its peak in spring and summer in preparation for the fall and winter winter selling seasons, but then you drop way back in fall and winter. That means you have to either hire seasonal help, meaning you're training a whole new crew every year, or you're paying year-round employees to stand idle during the slow season. Recently, you've realized that digital It could help solve your dilemma. Which of the following options should you choose?

Create a network structure in which your outsource some of your production during the peak season

BLANK means searching out go analyzing data from multiple sources across the enterprise, and increasingly from outside sources as well, to identify patterns and relationships that might be significant.

Data mining

The use of huge databases that combine all of a company's data and allow users to access the data directly, create reports, and obtain responses to what-if questions is referred to as:

Data warehousing

T/F: Data mining software is designed to print out data from the government sector, particularly from census reports.


T/F: One of the major advantages to using artificial intelligence algorithms for decision making is that they are completely unbiased and consistent.


T/F: One of the risks associated with using a centralized approach to data analytics is that innovative solutions may not be shared across all unit boundaries and critical mass on organization-wide problems and opportunities may not be achieved.


T/F: Tacit knowledge is formal, systematic knowledge that can be written down and passed on to others


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