Organizational Behavior Chapter 4, 5 and 6

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Cutting the work hours of low performing employees is an example of __________.


According to Herzberg, once a state of no dissatisfaction has been reached,

further attempts to enhance motivation via the hygiene factors will be a waste of time.

Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about the degree to which similar tasks can be accomplished?


Flextime is a work schedule arrangement that

gives employees more personal control over the hours they work each day.

In a highly collectivist culture such as Japan, performance appraisals almost always need to be focused more on

group performance and feedback.

Participation occurs when employees

have a voice in decisions about their own work.

Porter and Lawler's extension of the expectancy model argues that

high levels of performance may lead to satisfaction.

Once we categorize someone as a high performer, we focus more on (and better remember) information related to her ___________ and disregard more of the information reflecting her _____________.

high performance, low performance

All of the following statements about the key outcomes expected to result from the psychological states detailed in the job characteristics theory are true EXCEPT

high profits for stockholders.

Telecommuting involves all of the following EXCEPT

higher pay for working under special conditions.

Intrapersonal value conflict occurs when ________________.​

highly ranked instrumental and terminal values contradict

Medical, psychological, and behavioral responses to stress are primarily

individual consequences.

Which type of value reflects how we want to accomplish what we want to accomplish?


All of the following statements regarding flextime are true EXCEPT

it is desirable for people who want to work part-time

The problems encountered when implementing job rotation in the workplace include all of the following EXCEPT

it is ineffective for training purposes

Which of the following is an example of a job design technique?

job enlargement

One of the earliest alternatives to job specialization used by managers was

job rotation.

The courts and Equal Employment Opportunity guidelines have mandated that performance measurements be based on

job-related criteria.

​A person who feels equitably treated is motivated to ________.

keep things the way they are

A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience is called


Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about how difficult a task can be accomplished?


The human resource approach to motivation assumes that

meaningful employee contributions are valuable to both the individuals and the organization.

According to Herzberg, _________ factors are intrinsic to the job and increase satisfaction.


A performance bonus is an example of _____________.

positive reinforcement

​According to David McClelland, the desire to control, influence, or be responsible for others is called a need for _______.


What term refers to the perceived fairness of the way the outcome was generated?

procedural fairness

What term refers to attributing our own characteristics to other people?


The critical psychological states of the job characteristics theory include all of the following EXCEPT

recognition for work outcomes.

Empowerment will enhance organizational effectiveness under all the following conditions except

renewed concentration of authority in the hands of top managers.

A(n) ____ is a set of expected behaviors associated with a particular position in a group or organization.


When a few employees are given a small reward to show that they are appreciated, the reward carries ____ value.


Goal specificity is defined as

the clarity and precision of a goal.

After encountering an exceptionally good cashier, we might see an average cashier and evaluate him as below average. This is an example of which of the following?

the contrast effect

Common dimensions of a person's life that are not tied specifically to work include all of the following EXCEPT

working hours

Which of the following is NOT a type of value? ​


Which type of value reflects what we want to accomplish?


Who developed the Existence-Relatedness-Growth (ERG) Theory?

Clay Alderfer

Which of the following is an example of distress?

Excessive pressure to perform

Which of the following statements is NOT true about continuous reinforcement?

It is frequently used by managers in organizational settings.

Which of the following is NOT true about the general adaptation syndrome model?

Prolonged exposure to stress results in a greater tolerance for future stress.

____ is the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts our beliefs.

Selective perception

The human relations approach to motivation includes all of the following EXCEPT

employees are motivated by only money.

Employees who find intrinsic value in their work are doing what is ____________.

important to them

According to the human relations approach, offering employees _____________ is the best way to enhance motivation in the workplace.

the illusion of self-direction

According to Maslow, if a previously satisfied lower-level need becomes deficient,

the individual returns to the lowest level that is now deficient.

Which type of reinforcement schedule is effective at motivating desirable behaviors, especially in the early stages of learning?


Which of the following is NOT part of the performance measurement process?

Rewarding the employee according to his or her performance

______________is defined as a heightened emotional and intellectual connection that an employee has for her job, organization, manager, or coworkers that, in turn, influences her to apply additional discretionary effort to his/her work

Employee engagement

Who developed scientific management?

Frederick Taylor

Which of the following is NOT one of the suggested steps for time management?

Impression management

Which of the following reasons explains why 360-degree feedback is very beneficial to managers?

It gives managers a much wider range of feedback than traditional performance appraisals do.

All of the following statements are true about MBO EXCEPT

It is the same as the 360-degree feedback system.

Which theory serves as the basis for job enrichment?

None of these

Which of the following statements about performance measurement with a developmental orientation is true?

Performance appraisals with a developmental orientation provide information for future performance improvement.

Which of the following is a basic cause of stress in organizations?

Physical demands

Which of the following ties a worker's earnings to the number of units produced?

Piecework program

Whose theory is the Hierarchy of Needs?​

Abraham Maslow

In which stage of the general adaptation syndrome do people wonder how to cope with stressors?


Which one of the following statements has been cited as a weakness of the job characteristics theory?

The role of individual differences frequently has not been supported by scientific research.

All of the following statements about the use of quality circles are true EXCEPT

The use of a question/answer period is important.

Which one of the following statements most clearly embodies continuance commitment?

"I work here because I don't have a choice."

According to Herzberg, _____________ happiness includes things such as pay, status, and working conditions that produce an acceptable work environment and whose absence leads to dissatisfaction.


Allowing an employee to spend part of their time working off-site, usually at home is called ____.

none of these

Organizations typically conduct performance appraisals

once a year.

What are the two types of affectivity?

positive and negative

Stressors are defined as

anything that induce stress.

What psychologist's work laid the foundation for the study of behavior modification?

B.F. Skinner

All of the following are signs of burnout except

Strenuous exercise

____ is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work.

Task identity

People with a strong need for affiliation most often work in jobs with

a lot of interpersonal contact.

​According to David McClelland, the desire for human companionship is called a need for _______.


Which of the following is a way to resolve cognitive dissonance?

all of these

Which of the following methods can be used to enhance individual performance at work?

all of these

​Engagement is enhanced when employees _______________.

all of these

According to the equity theory, inputs include all of the following EXCEPT

all of these are inputs

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that has the greatest influence on job satisfaction?

alma mater

The degree to which the job allows an individual substantial freedom and independence is called


What term refers to evaluating a person's characteristics through comparisons with other people we have recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics?

the contrast effect

Vertical job loading differs from job enlargement in that

the employee has more control over the job.

Job enlargement involves the process of horizontal job loading, meaning that

the employee is assigned more tasks to perform.

In order for social learning to take place,

the employee must possess the physical attributes needed to perform the job.

Performance is a function of motivation, ability, and ______.

the environment

People tend to associate beauty with other positive characteristics. This phenomenon is an example of which of the following?

the halo effect

What term refers to drawing a general impression about something or someone based on a single (typically good) characteristic?

the halo effect

The basic expectancy framework suggests that for motivated behavior to occur,

the positive valences should outweigh the negative valences of potential outcomes.

In the expectancy model of motivation, which term refers to the perceived value of a given reward or outcome?


Extrinsic work values are defined as _____________.

values related to the outcomes of the work

​Intrinsic work values are defined as _____________.

values related to the work itself

A _________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced after an unpredictable number of instances.


According to equity theory, people

want to be treated fairly.

​According to David McClelland, the desire to master complex tasks or to do things better or more efficiently is called a need for _______.


The ____ component of an attitude is derived from feelings that an individual has about another person or situation.


​Individual-organization value conflict occurs when ___________________.​

an employee's values conflict with the values of the organization

Which of the following statements about variable work schedules is true?

employees grow resentful and powerless

When a construction worker decides to work additional hours on a typical workday so that he can have a three-day weekend, he is likely taking advantage of a ____ program.

compressed workweek.

All of the following are steps in an individual's formation of equity perceptions EXCEPT

confronting the comparison other with any inequity.

__________ commitment is defined as staying with an organization because of perceived high costs involved with leaving.


The research of Edwin Locke assumes that behavior is a result of

conscious goals and intentions.

In its simplest form, reinforcement theory suggests that behavior is a function of


All of the following are benefits of telecommuting EXCEPT

employees miss the interaction of the workplace

Quality circles are an example of organizational attempts at


____________ workers do not perform close to their potential capability, lacking the emotional and motivational connections to their employer that drive discretionary effort.


____ is the set of forces that causes people to engage in one behavior rather than some alternative behavior.


__________ commitment is defined as feeling obliged to stay with an organization for moral or ethical reasons.


When a large-scale layoff is announced in Bill's company, all the workers including Bill begin to complain. According to attribution theory, we would evaluate Bill's behavior as exhibiting

high consensus

The ____ component of an attitude reflects how an individual expects to behave toward or in a situation.



is most frequently found among high achievers.

According to goal-setting theory, actual performance is determined by the interaction of

organizational support, goal-directed effort, and individual abilities.

The benefits of job sharing include all of the following EXCEPT

organizations are concerned about worker safety

The most significant shortcoming of the scientific management approach was that it

overstated the importance of money

Instrumentality refers to a person's perception of the probability that

performance will lead to certain outcomes.

According to the human resource approach, offering employees _____________ is the best way to enhance motivation in the workplace.


What is the primary use of performance appraisal information?

To provide job performance feedback

A person's confidence in his or her ability to organize and execute the courses of action necessary to accomplish a specific task is called ____________.


Our job satisfaction tends to ___________ over time, ______ when we change jobs or employers.

stay constant, even

What term refers to forming oversimplified beliefs about an individual or a group based on the idea that everyone in that particular group will behave the same way?


Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about how confident the person is that the task can be accomplished?


____________ is a general tendency of an individual to experience a particular mood or to react to things in a particular way or with certain emotions.


What is the likely impact of perquisites on the employees who receive them?

An elevated sense of status in the organization

Why are flexible reward systems becoming an increasingly popular form of compensation systems?

Employees value flexible reward systems and may develop strong loyalty and attachment to an employer who provides them.

In which stage of the general adaptation syndrome do people give up because they can no longer cope with the stressor?


____ theory assumes that people are motivated to work toward a goal if they want that goal and think they can achieve it.


The scientific management view of motivation includes all of the following EXCEPT

employees want to feel useful and important.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently upheld a decision regarding pay secrecy that states that

employers cannot enforce a rule that forbids employees from discussing their salaries.

Alternative work arrangements are intended to

enhance employee motivation and performance.

The degree to which the job activities give a person information about the effectiveness of performance is called


Goal specificity has been shown to be consistently related to ____


Based on Maslow's hierarchy, ____ needs are the most basic requirements that people possess.


According to Herzberg's dual-structure theory, motivation factors were often cited as the primary causes of

satisfaction and motivation.

A moderate degree of workload-related stress can

stimulate energy and motivation.

Smoking and alcohol abuse are ____ consequences of too much stress at work.


Self-efficacy, as it relates to goals, is the extent to which an individual

believes he or she can accomplish goals even if he or she failed to do so in the past.

​Alderfer's relatedness needs parallel Maslow's _________ needs.

belongingness and esteem

All of the following are true about employee benefits EXCEPT

providing employee benefits is easier for firms in the United States than for firms in other countries.

All of the following are direct organizational consequences of stress EXCEPT

accident proneness.

A _________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced each time that it occurs.


Organizations may benefit from allowing employee participation in all of the following areas except

corporate investment decisions.

People with a high need for power can be successful managers if they

curb their desires when they might interfere with organizational relationships.

Perceptions are ____________ to change once they are formed.


What term refers to the perceived fairness of the outcome received?

distributive fairness

A _________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced after a specified number of instances.


The problems with telecommuting include all of the following EXCEPT

have to be at work during core time

What term refers to employees' perceptions of organizational events, policies, and practices as being fair or not fair?

organizational fairness

If a hiring manager is interviewing someone who reminds him of himself when he was just starting out, he may assume that the candidate also shares his values, work ethic, and abilities. This is an example of what phenomenon?


One of the primary differences between attitudes and personality is that

attitudes are not as stable as personality attributes.

Who developed the Two-Factor Theory?

Frederick Herzberg

Work-life relationships that are separate from work include all of the following EXCEPT

career goals

Which of the following is NOT an example of a collateral program?

Shift work

The first widespread model of how individual work should be designed was

job specialization.

Which of the following best describes the current view of job enrichment?

Job enrichment has recently fallen into disfavor among managers.

All of the following are examples of an interpersonal demand stressor EXCEPT

Job security

Which of the following is NOT a relaxation technique for coping with work stress?

Making a "to do" list

Which of the following is true about 360-degree feedback?

Managers are likely to hear some personal comments on sensitive topics.

Which of the following distributes a portion of the company's profits to all employees at a predetermined rate?

Profit-sharing program

​An example of an intrinsic work value is _______________.​

challenging work

In exchange for employee contributions, an organization provides rewards such as pay and insurance benefits. These kinds of rewards are combined to create

compensation packages.

The choice of which behaviors to reward is a function of the

compensation system.

The organization's compensation structure should be which of the following?


No longer laughing at a coworker's inappropriate jokes so that he will stop telling them is an example of ____________.


Which of the following is most appropriate when a manager realizes he or she has been rewarding the wrong thing and wants to stop the behavior?


Plans in which employees can earn additional compensation in return for certain types of performance are called

incentive systems.

According to equity theory, which of the following ratios do people consider when deciding whether they are being treated equitably?

inputs : outcomes

A shortage of ______ factors will lower satisfaction and cause employees to focus on _______ factors, which will produce feelings of dissatisfaction if they are missing.

motivation, hygiene

The most difficult performance factor to manage is often


Motivated behavior begins with one or more


High-need achievers tend not to make good top managers because

top managers seldom receive immediate feedback.

Which two types of reinforcement are generally accepted as means for increasing the frequency of desired behavior?

positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement

Medical consequences of stress include all of the following EXCEPT

Accident proneness

One of the most popular methods for evaluating individual performance involves

graphic rating scales.

Which of the following is NOT a way to restore feelings of equity?

try to convince the comparison-other to reduce her inputs

Interpersonal value conflict occurs when ________________.​

two different people hold contradictory values

Two of the most important issues regarding how to conduct a performance appraisal are

who does the appraisal and the frequency of the appraisal.

Which of the following is the primary problem associated with the specialization of jobs?


__________ commitment is defined as positive emotional attachment to the organization and strong identification with its values and goals.


Psychological consequences of stress include all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following is NOT a healthy coping strategy for stress?


A $10 bonus for every fifth sale would be an example of which schedule of reinforcement?

Fixed interval

Task demands that are too low can cause a person to

become bored.

Usually, high work stress results in ____________ job performance.


_____________ refer(s) to manageable levels of stress for reasonable periods of time that generate positive emotions including satisfaction, excitement, and enjoyment.

Functional stress

In the job characteristics theory, which of the following is not a factor presumed to cause the emergence of psychological states?

Experienced responsibility

Equity theory provides several insights for managerial applications to everyday situations in the workplace. Which of the following statements is NOT true in this regard?

Formal and informal organizational rewards are equally observable to individuals when formulating equity perceptions.

____ is defined as the extent to which a person is interested in reaching a goal.

Goal commitment

Goal-setting theory has been tested in a variety of settings. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the findings of these studies?

Goals set for organizations as a whole are typically more effective than goals set for individual employees.

What can supervisors do to avoid measurement problems when they have only limited knowledge of the employee's performance?

Use a multiple-rater system

Herzberg's dual-structure theory was a response to the prevailing thinking that

job satisfaction ranged from satisfaction to dissatisfaction.

Behavioral consequences of organizational stress include all of the following EXCEPT

negative changes in attitudes

Which of the following best describes a reward system that involves employees in its design and administration?

Participative pay system

Removal of current or future unpleasant consequences to increase the likelihood that someone will repeat a behavior is called _____________.

negative reinforcement

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