Question 46:Consider that you define an Unique Index over the attributes Name and Email of the Customer Entity.... Of the following records wouln't raise a Database Exception when trying to add it to the Entity? <Image> (John Smith, john@example.com, 555-3333) and (John, john.james@examle.com, 777-99999) (Join, john@example.com, 555-33333) and ( John James, john@excample.com, 777-99999) (John, john@example.com, 555-33333) and ( John James, john@example.com, 777-99999) (John, john@example.com, 555-33333) and (John, john.james@example.com, 777-99999)
(Join, john@example.com, 555-33333) and ( John James, john@excample.com, 777-99999)
Question 50:Inside the Preparation of Web Screen, the Destination statement... ... cannot be used. ... allows redirecting the user to a different Web Screen, without rendering the current Screen. ... renders the Current Screen and afterwards the users is redirected to the Destination Screen. ... prompts the user before redirecting to the Destination Web Screen.
.. allows redirecting the user to a different Web Screen, without rendering the current Screen.
Question 37:If you define a Unique Index over the attributes Name and Email of the Client Entity...<Image> ... a database exception will be thrown if you try to insert (John, john@example.com, 555-33333) and (John, john@example.com, 777-99999). ... a database exception will be thrown if you try to insert (John Smith, john@example.com, 555-33333) and (John, john, james@example.com, 777-99999). ... a database exception will be thrown if you try to insert (John, john@example.com, 555-33333) and (John, john, james@example.com, 777-99999). ... a database exception will be thrown if you try to insert (John, john@example.com, 555-33333) and (John James, john@example.com , 777-99999).
... a database exception will be thrown if you try to insert (John, john@example.com, 555-33333) and (John, john@example.com, 777-99999).
Question 30:A one-to-many relationship from Entity Publisher to Entity Book is created by ... ... adding an attribute to Entity Book of type Foreign Key. ... adding an attribute to Entity Publisher Identifier. ... adding an attribute to Entity Book of type Publisher Identifier. ... adding an attribute to Entity Publisher of type Foreign Key.
... adding an attribute to Entity Book of type Publisher Identifier.
Question 76:In OutSystems, the For Each statement ... allows defining a generic loop based on a boolean condition. ... cannot be used to iterate over an Aggregate output, when inside a Server Action. ... can be used in a Screen to display each item of a List. ... allows iterating through all the elements in a List.
... allows iterating through all the elements in a List.
Question 77:In OutSystems, the For Each statement ... allows defining a generic loop based on a boolean condition. ... cannot be used to iterate over an Aggregate output, when inside a Server Action. ... can be used in a Screen to display each item of a List. ... allows iterating through all the elements in a List.
... allows iterating through all the elements in a List.
Question 48:In Outsystems, the output parameters of a Consumed REST API Method cannot be mapped to... ... an Entity. ... an Aggregate. ... a Structure. ... a Basic Type.
... an Aggregate.
Question 39:In Outsystems, the email and Phone Number ... ... cannot be used as Session Variables data type. ... can be used as an attribute data type, but not as a Screen input Parameter's data type. ... are basic data type. ... cannot be used as a Static Entity attribute data type.
... are basic data type.
Question 69:In OutSystems, a Consumed REST API Method ... ... can be used in a Run Server Action. ... can be used in an Expression. ... cannot have more than one Input Parameter. ... cannot be used in a Preparation.
... can be used in a Run Server Action.
Question 63:In a Web Application, a Screen Action ... ... can terminate with End, Destination, Download or Raise Exception Statements. ... cannot have multiple termination statements. ... can have multiple termination statements, but none of them can be a Destination statement. ... must always terminate with an End statements.
... can terminate with End, Destination, Download or Raise Exception Statements.
Question 40:A one-to-one relationship from Entity A to Entity B is created by ... ... changing the Entity B identifier data type to <Entity A> Identifier. ... changing the id attribute of Entity B to not be an auto-number and assigning a value to it programmatically, when creating a new record. ... adding a new attribute to the Entity B with data type <Entity A> Identifier. ... adding a new attribute to the Entity A with data type <Entity B> Identifier.
... changing the Entity B identifier data type to <Entity A> Identifier.
Question 67:The Form's Valid property ... ... must be set explicitly using an Assign. ... is set to True only if the user fills all of the Form's mandatory input fields. ... is set to False when client-side validations fail. ... is set to False when one of the Form's input fields fails its validation.
... is set to False when one of the Form's input fields fails its validation.
Question 57:The Delete<Entity> Entity action ... ... must receive the SQL statement to delete the record as Input Parameter. ... must receive the Identifier of the record to be deleted as Input Parameter. ... must receive the Record to be deleted as Input Parameter. ... asks for confirmation before deleting the record.
... must receive the Identifier of the record to be deleted as Input Parameter.
Question 31:Setting the Expose Read Only property of an Entity to Yes will ... ... only expose the Get<Entity> Entity Action. ... prevent other modules from using the Entity Actions, but data can still be modified using SQL Queries. ... only allows other modules to query data using Aggregate. ... prevent other modules from modifying the Entity's data, but only if you also set the Public property to No.
... only expose the Get<Entity> Entity Action.
Question 10: Before iterating a non-empty List, the List.Current element contains... ... null. ... the last record of the List. ... the first record of the List. ... an empty record.
... the first record of the List.
Question 21:Before iterating a non-empty List, the List.Current element contains ... ... the first record of the list. ... null ... the last record of the List. ... an empty record.
... the first record of the list.
Question 35:In OutSystems, when importing a Database Entity from an Excel file ... ... you will need to manually specify each attribute's name, and match them to each column in the Excel file, in Name and Data Type. ... the Entity will be created with the attributes corresponding to the columns in the Excel file, but without any Entity Actions. ... the names in the first row in the Excel file will be used to automatically create the Entity's attribute names. ... the first row in the Excel file is used to create the Entity's attributes, but you need to specify the attribute's Data Types.
... the names in the first row in the Excel file will be used to automatically create the Entity's attribute names.
Question 45:A Static Entity is an Entity ... ...that can only hold basic data type values, excluding references to other Entities ... whose attribute data types are limited to basic data types or Static Entities' identifiers ... whose attributes must be always mandatory ... Used to define non-modifiable (constant) values with attributes limited to Id, Label, Order and Is_Active
... whose attribute data types are limited to basic data types or Static Entities' identifiers
Question 42:A static Entity is an Entity... ... whose attribute data types are limited to basic data types or references to other Static Entities. ... that can only hold basic data type values, excluding references to other Entities. ... used to define none-modifiable (constant) values with attributes limited to Id, Label, Order and Is_Active. .. whose attributes must be always mandatory.
... whose attribute data types are limited to basic data types or references to other Static Entities
Question 52:When using Server Side validations, to avoid storing invalid data (according to the application specification) in the Database... ... you should check the Form's Valid property to see if it is set to False, before storing the data. ... you should add an Exception Handler to handle invalid user input. ... you just need to ensure the "Save" Button's Validation property is set to "Server". ... you just need to ensure the Form's Validation property is set to "Server".
... you should check the Form's Valid property to see if it is set to False, before storing the data.
Question 14:In the following Aggregate...<Image> .... you cannot replace the existing sort Order.CustomerId because it is a reference attribute. .... you cannot add a sort by Customer.Name with Ascending order. ... you can only add a sort by Customer.Name if you remove the existing sort. .... you can also add a Dynamic Sort to the Aggregate.
.... you can also add a Dynamic Sort to the Aggregate.
Question 79:Consider the following Screen Action, which was set as the Destination of a 'SAVE' Button. When the user submits the valid Form named ProductForm, what is the final outcome of the Action? <Image> When updating an already existing Product, you will get an Exception. The CreateOrUpdate Action will commit the user changes in the Form to the database. There will be no changes to the database, as the CreateOrUpdateProduct.Action is not using the data from the Form. The CreateOrUpdate Action will commit the user changes in the Form to the database, only if the Validation Method of the Save Button is set to Server.
.There will be no changes to the database, as the CreateOrUpdateProduct.Action is not using the data from the Form.
Question 9: Considering Aggregates and SQL Queries, which of the following options is correct? A SQL Query needs to always have an Output Structure/ Entity defined. Hiding columns in an Aggregate influences its output. Everything that can be written in a SQL Query can also be defined in an Aggregate. Both SQL Queries and Aggregates support Bulk Inserts in the Database.
A SQL Query needs to always have an Output Structure/ Entity defined.
Question 80:Regarding Screen Actions in OutSystems, which of the following options is false? A Screen Action has access to the Screen Widget's runtime properties. A Screen Action can have multiple Output Parameters. A Screen Action can be used to download Binary Data. A Screen Action can be set as the On Click Destination of a Container.
A Screen Action can have multiple Output Parameters.
Question 74:Select the correct option regarding Sever Actions A Server Action can only have one Output Parameter, To indicate if the action worked as expected or not, you should use an Exception A Server Action can return multiple values in different Output Parameters, but limited to the OutSystems basic types. A Server Action can return multiple values in different Output Parameters, of any OutSystems data type A Server Action can only have Output Parameter. When more than one value needs to be returned, a Structure must be used.
A Server Action can return multiple values in different Output Parameters, of any OutSystems data type
Question 49:Select the correct option regarding Server Action. A Server Action can only have one Output Parameter. When more than one value needs to be returned, a Structure must be used ... A Server Action can return multiple values in different Output Parameters, but limited to the OutSystems basic types. A Server Action can only have one Output Parameter. To indicate if the action worked as expected or not, you should use an Exception. A Server Action can return multiple values in different Output Parameters, of any Outsystems data type
A Server Action can return multiple values in different Output Parameters, of any Outsystems data type
Question 47:The UserMovieRating Entity is dragged into an Aggregate that already has a Movie Entity. Considering this scenario, which of the following statements is correct? A With or Without type of John will be created between the Movie and UserMovieRating Entities, if UserMovieRaing.MovieId is non mandatory. A With type of John will be created between the Movie and UserMovieRating Entities, If UserMovieRating.MovieId is mandatory. A With type of John will be created between the Movie and UserMovieRating Entities, If UserMovieRating.MovieId is non mandatory. An Only With type of John will be created between the Movie and UserMovieRating Entities, if UserMovieRating.MovieId is non mandatory.
A With or Without type of John will be created between the Movie and UserMovieRating Entities, if UserMovieRaing.MovieId is non mandatory.
Question 5: In the following Aggreate<Image> A. ... if you choose Sort A->Z on the Customer.Name column, a second sort option is added to the Aggregate. In the results, the records with the same Date will appear ordered by Name. B. ... if you choose Sort A->Z on the Customer.Name column, a second sort option is added to the Aggregate. In the results, the records with the same Name will appear ordered by Date. C. ... if you choose Sort A->Z on the Customer.Name column, the previous sort option it replaced by this new sort option. D. ... you can't sort by the Customer.Name, because you already have the results sorted by an attribute of another Entity.
A. ... if you choose Sort A->Z on the Customer.Name column, a second sort option is added to the Aggregate. In the results, the records with the same Date will appear ordered by Name.
Question 4: Consider the following SQL Statement used in the Preparation of a Screen. Which of the following options is correct? <Image> A. The @SearchKeyword is an Input Parameter of the Query of type Text. B. The @SearchKeyword is an Input Parameter of the Screen of type Text. C.The @SearchKeyword is a Session Variable of type Text. D. The @SearchKeyword is a Local Variable of the Screen of type Text.
A. The @SearchKeyword is an Input Parameter of the Query of type Text.
Question 41:Consider that you need to change the database of your application, with the respective Data Model in the following image, to include the types of Products. A Product can only have one type. Example of types are books, music, movies, electronics. You are told by the project manager that the Product types don't change since last year. What is the best way to implement this change? Add an integer attribute, ProductType, to the Product Entity and set 1 for books, 2 for music, 3 for movies, 4 for electronics. Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, with 4 record, one of each type of Product. In addition, add an attribute to it of type Product Identifier. Add a Text attribute Product Type, to Product and set its values to "Books", "Music", "Movies", "Electronics". Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, with 4 records, one of each type of Product. In addition, add an attribute to Product of type ... ProductType Identifier.
Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, with 4 records, one of each type of Product. In addition, add an attribute to Product of type ... ProductType Identifier.
Question 43:Consider that you need to change that database of your application, with the respective Data Model in the following image,to include the types of Products. A Product can only have one type. Examples of types are: Books, Music, Movies, Electronics. You have been told by the project manager that the Product Types have not changed since last year. Which of the following is the best way to implement this change? Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, With 4 records, one for each type of Product. In addition, add an attribute to it of type Product Identifier. Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, With 4 records, one for each type of Product. In addition, add an attribute to Product of type ProductType Identifier. Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, to the Product Entity and set 1 for Books, 2 for Music, 3 for Movies, 4 for Electronics. Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, to Product and set its values to "Book", "Music", Movies" and "Electronics".
Add a new Static Entity, ProductType, With 4 records, one for each type of Product. In addition, add an attribute to Product of type ProductType Identifier.
Question 81:Consider the following two implementations (A&B) below, where the Assign statement is detailed on the right. The goal is to repeat the RunActionWithNumber statement multiple times bassed on ther value of the Number Input Parameter (e.g.10). Base on this scenario, select correct option. <Image> Both alternatives are possible, as long as the If and For Each conditions are set to Number >= 0. Alternative A is possible, as long as the If condition is set to Number >= 0 Alternative B is not possible, since the For Each always requires a List to iterate Alternative B is possible, since the For Each statement is the only statement that allows to create generic loops.
Alternative B is not possible, since the For Each always requires a List to iterate
Question 8: Consider the following Aggregate the shows all existing data from the MovieGender Entities in the Preview area. Which of the following options is correct?<Image> A. Changing the Join to With or Without, and swapping the Entities order in the Join, will yield the same result. B. Changing the Join to With or Without will return all existing Movies. C. Changing the Join to Only With will yield the same result. D. Changing the Join to Only With, and swapping the Entities order in the Join, will return all existing Movies.
B. Changing the Join to With or Without will return all existing Movies.
Question 1: How would you change the following Aggregate to return for each team the highest number of yards in the year and average number of touchdowns <Image> A. Create a Filter in the Aggregate with Max(Team, Yards), and group the results by Touchdowns B. Group the results by Team, and then apply the Max function to Yards and the Average function to Touchdowns C. Group the results by Year, apply the Max function to Touchdowns, and the Average function to Yards D. Sort the results by Yards and Touchdowns, and then group them by Team
B. Group the results by Team, and then apply the Max function to Yards and the Average function to Touchdowns
Question 2:In the following Aggregate, which of the following options is the best way to ignore the Orders that have been Canceled? <Image> A. Group By OrderStatus.Label and then Add a Group Filter with: OrderStatus.Label <> "Canceled" B. Add a Filter with: Order.OrderStatusId <> NullIdentifier() C. Add a Filter with: Order.OrderStatusId <> Entities.OrderStatus.Canceled D. Add a Filter with: OrderStatus <> "Canceled"
C. Add a Filter with: Order.OrderStatusId <> Entities.OrderStatus.Canceled
Question 6: Regarding the output of an Aggregate, which of the following options is correct? A. The Count property value is -1 if the Aggregate does not return records. B. The List.Length property can not be used to assess if the Aggregate does not return records. C. The List.Length property value is always less than or equal to the Count property value. D. The Count and List.Length properties always return the same value.
C. The List.Length property value is always less than or equal to the Count property value.
Data Modeling (26~47)
Chương mới ồi nha
Question 23:In the Aggregate, we want filter the results to only return contacts that have "John" anywhere in their AccountName. To achieve this result, what is the correct expression to put in the Filter of the Aggregate? Contact.AccountName = "%john%". Contact.AccountName like "%john%". Contact.AccountName = "john". Contact.AccountName like "john".
Contact.AccountName like "%john%".
Question 15:In the following Aggregate, we want to filter the results ton only return contacts that have 'John' anywhere in their name. To achieve this result, what is the correct expression to put in the Filter of the Aggregate? <Image> Contact.Name = "John" Contact.Name = "%John%" Contact.Name like " %John%" Contact.Name like "John"
Contact.Name like " %John%"
Question 26:Consider the following date model containing the Status Static Entity, and the Customer, Order, ShippingDetail, OrderProduct and Product Entities. Why is this date model WRONG? <Image> Contains an unnecessary one-to-one relationship Contains an attribute in the Order Entity that should not be there. Contains an unnecessary many-to-many relationship Contains an attribute in the Status Entity that should not be there
Contains an attribute in the Status Entity that should not be there
Question 16:Consider the Aggregate in the following screenshot. What would be the most computationally efficient way of obtaining the total price (including VAT) per Order? <Image> Create a calculated attribute ProductTotalWithVAT with the expression: Product.WholesalPrice = (1 + Product.VAT/100) * OrderProduct.Quantity. Then. Use a Sum aggregation function over that attribute. Product.WholesalePrice * (1+ Product.VAT/100)*OrderProduct.Quantity Create a Server Action (marked as a Function) that calculators and return the total price with VAT for that Order, based on the OrderId Input Parameter. The, add a calculated ProductTotalWithVAT to the Aggregate, using that Function.
Create a calculated attribute ProductTotalWithVAT with the expression: Product.WholesalPrice = (1 + Product.VAT/100) * OrderProduct.Quantity. Then. Use a Sum aggregation function over that attribute. Product.WholesalePrice * (1+ Product.VAT/100)*OrderProduct.Quantity
Question 3: Considering the following Aggregate, what will be the atrributes of the TopProducts.List.Current record? <Image> A. Three attributes corresponding to the three computed attributes in the Aggregate (Name, QuantitySum, and TotalPriceSum), plus the columns used to calculate these computed attributes (Product.Name, OrderItem.Quantity, and OrderItem.TotalPrice). B. The three computed attributes (Name, QuantitySum and TotalPriceSum) plus the four sources with all its attributes C. Seven attributes corresponding to the seven visible columns in the TopProducts Aggregate: Name, QuantitySum, TotalPriceSum, Quantity, Price,TotalPrice, and Label D. Three attributes that correspond to the computed attributes in the Aggregate: Name, QuantitySum and TotalPriceSum
D. Three attributes that correspond to the computed attributes in the Aggregate: Name, QuantitySum and TotalPriceSum
Question 59:What is correct?<Image> Product.Price > 0 and Product.QuantityInStock >= 0 ProductForm.Valid = False ProductForm.Record.Product.Price >= 0 and ProductForm.Record.Product.QuantityInStock >= 0 ProductForm.Valid = True
ProductForm.Valid = True
Question 34:The Id attribute in the Resource Entity has the Delete Reule property set to Ignore. Which of the following statements is true? <Image> Deleting a record from the ToDo Entity will leave the corresponding record in the Resource Entity. Deleting a record from the ToDo Deleting a record from the Resource Entity is only possible after deleting the corresponding record from the ToDo Entity. Deleting a record from the ToDo Entity is not possible if there is a Resource with the same Id in the Database.
Deleting a record from the ToDo Entity will leave the corresponding record in the Resource Entity.
Question 25:Which of the following Expressions is the best to correctly display the Customer Name, of all the Customers, in the Table Records? GetCustomer(OrderTable.List.Current.Customer.Id).Name GetOrders.List.Current.Customer.Name OrderTable.List.Current.Customer.Name GetCustomer(GetOrders.List.Current.Customer.Id).Name
Question 7: In the following scenario, what happens when the CompanyId Input Parameter of the CompanyDetail Screen has the Nulldentifier() value<Image> A. The Aggregate in the Preparation returns null. B. The Aggregate in the Preparation is skipped. C. The Aggregate in the Preparation throws a Database Exception at runtime. D. The Aggregate in the Preparation returns an empty List.
D. The Aggregate in the Preparation returns an empty List.
Question 36:When deleting a record from an Entity, it deletes all records of an Entity with foreign key references. In this case, what the Delete Rule in use? Protect? Delete? Ignore?
Question 54:In a Switch statement, which comment is NOT CORRECT? The first branch that the condition evaluates to True is executed. If no branch evaluates to True, the Otherwise branch is executed. The Otherwise branch must exist. Every branch that evaluates to True is executed.
Every branch that evaluates to True is executed.
Question 20:Considering Aggregates and SQL Queries, which of the following statements is true? All SQL Queries can be replaced by an Aggregate. Aggregates and SQL Queries have different output types. Everything that can be define in Aggregate can also be written in a SQL Query. Both SQL Queries and Aggregates are automatically optimized by the platform.
Everything that can be define in Aggregate can also be written in a SQL Query.
Question 27:Regarding Static Entities, what can you do at runtime? Change the Is_Active attribute of the Records to False. Only use the Ids of its Records. They only exist in memory and have no representation in the database. Fetch data. To create or edit records, you need to do it at design time. Fetch, Create and Update Records.
Fetch data. To create or edit records, you need to do it at design time.
Question 17:How would you change the following Aggregate to return, for each team, the highest the number of the touchdowns ever scored in a year and the average point score? <Image> Group the results by Year, apply the Max function to Touchdowns, and the Average function to Points. Group the results by Team, and the apply the max function to Touchdowns and the Average function to Points. Sort the result by Points and Touchdowns, and the Group them by Team. None
Group the results by Team, and the apply the max function to Touchdowns and the Average function to Points.
Logic and Integrations (48~84)
Học méo gì nhanh thế, chắc chưa? Chưa thì học lại phát nữa đi...Phần sau dài vl á
Question 56:When a Form is submitted, what are the built-in validations that Outsystems performs? If the data submitted by the user matches the data type of the variables associated with the respective Inputs. If the Mandatory fields are filled in and if the data submitted by the user matches the data type of the variables associated Inputs. If the Mandatory fields are filled in. If the data submitted by the user matches the data type of the Source Record of the Form.
If the Mandatory fields are filled in and if the data submitted by the user matches the data type of the variables associated Inputs.
Question 75:Consider the following Server Action, containing a Switch where the conditions are detailed on the connectors. Which of the following options is correct?<Image> If the value of GenderLetter is "Female", the Gender output value will be "Female" If the value of the GenderLetter is "M", the Gender output value will be "Male" The Gender output value will be either "Female" or "Male" None
If the value of the GenderLetter is "M", the Gender output value will be "Male"
Question 53:Consider the following Server Action, containing a Switch where the conditions are detailed on the connector. <Image> The Gender output value will be either "Female" or "Male". The Gender output value is always "Unknown". If the value of the GenderLetter is "M", the Gender output value will be "Male". If the value of GenderLetter is "Female", the Gender output value will be "Female".
If the value of the GenderLetter is "M", the Gender output value will be "Male".
Question 55:Which of the following statement about Exception Handlers is true? An Action flow can only raise exceptions if it has at least one Exception Handlers. The Preparation cannot have Exception Handlers. In each Action flow, the most specific Exception Handler will be used to handle the Exception. It is not possible to have more than one Exception Handler per Action flow
In each Action flow, the most specific Exception Handler will be used to handle the Exception.
Aggregates & SQL Queries (1~25)
Lật méo gì, title thôi, click cái khác đi
Question 28:Consider the following Entity Diagram. What is the data type of the Id attribute of the SnippingDetail Entity <Image> ShippingDetail Identifier Integer Order Identifier Long Integer
Order Identifier
Question 62:Consider the following Screen Action flow, that performs custom validations over data submitted from the ProductForm. Which condition should be set for the highlighted If statement? <Image> ProductForm.Valid = True. ProductForm.Record.Product.Price > 0 and ProductForm.Record.Product.QuantityInStock... Product.Price > 0 and Product.QuantityInStock >= 0. ProductForm.Valid = False
ProductForm.Valid = True.
Question 64:in OutSystems the Expression Widget... cannot contain JavaScript Code to be embedded in Web Pages can only contain static content to display to users cannot be used inside Link Widgets. can contain logic that is evaluated when performing server-side rendering
Question 64:in OutSystems the Expression Widget... cannot contain JavaScript Code to be embedded in Web Pages can only contain static content to display to users cannot be used inside Link Widgets. can contain logic that is evaluated when performing server-side rendering
Question 44:Considering the behavior implemented through the following Database Entities and Relatioships, select the correct option<Image> Referential integrity is guarantee between Order and Order Line, and Customers with Orders are not deletable Deleting an order deletes all associated Order Lines and referential integrity is only guaranteed between Orders and Customers Customers with Orders are not deletable and deleting an Order Line deletes the associated Order Deleting an Order leaves the associated Order History entries bot some Orders are not deletable.
Referential integrity is guarantee between Order and Order Line, and Customers with Orders are not deletable
Question 24:Select the correct option regarding the output of an Aggregate. Return -1 if there are no results. Thrown an Exception when there are no results. Return Null when there are no results. Return a List that is empty when there are no results.
Return a List that is empty when there are no results.
Question 13: Select the correct option regarding the output of an Aggregate Returns Null when there are no results. Returns a List that is empty when there are no results Throws an exception when there are no results Returns - 1 if there no results.
Returns a List that is empty when there are no results
Question 68:Regarding Screen Preparation and Server Actions, which of the following options is false? Server Actions do not have access to Site Properties. Screen Preparation has access to the Screen Input Parameters. Screen Preparation does not have access to Local Variables inside Screen Actions. Server Action have access to Session Variables.
Server Actions do not have access to Site Properties.
Question 60:Select the correct option regarding Server Actions. Setting the Function property to Yes requires the Server Action to have only one Output Parameter. All Server Actions must have at least one Input or Output Parameter. Setting the Public property to Yes requires the Server Action to have at least one Input or Output Parameter. It is not possible to set both Public and Function properties to Yes at the same time.
Setting the Function property to Yes requires the Server Action to have only one Output Parameter.
Question 73:Select the correct option regarding Sever Actions It is not possible to set both Public and Function properties to Yes at the same time. All Sever Actions must have at least one input or Output Parameter Setting the Function property to Yes requires the Server Action to have only one Output Parameter. Setting the Public property to Yes requires the Server Action to have at least one Input or Output Parameter
Setting the Function property to Yes requires the Server Action to have only one Output Parameter.
Question 22:To use a Table Records, you are absolutely required to: Have a Preparation on the Screen or Web Block containing the Table Records. Specify a Source Record List with the data to be displayed to the user in the Table Record. Specify a Source Record to be displayed to the user in the Table Records. Enclose the Table Records in a named Container.
Specify a Source Record List with the data to be displayed to the user in the Table Record.
UI Design
Sắp xong rồi, cố lên
Question 11: Considering the following Aggregate, which of the following options is correct<Image> The Aggregate returns Movies with Genre and with zero or more Comments. The Aggregate only returns Movies without Genre and at least one Comment. The Aggregate only returns Movies with Genre and at least one Comment. The Aggregate only returns Movies without Genre and at least one Comment.
The Aggregate returns Movies with Genre and with zero or more Comments.
Question 83:Consider the following Save Screen Action inside the MovieDetail Screen, defined in a module where the Global Exception Handlers is set to the OnException action. In a scenario where the CreateOrUpdateMovie Entity Action throws an Exception, which Exception Handled will handle the exception? <Image> None of the Exception Handlers flows above The AllExceptions Handler inside the Save Screen Action The DBExceptions Handler inside the OnException action The AllExceptions Handler inside the OnException action
The AllExceptions Handler inside the Save Screen Action
Question 33:Immediatelly after creating an Entity and its attributes, what is the expected behavior when using Boostrap Data from Excel. You cannot use the Boostrap Data from Excel . You are required to Publish the module first. The Boostrap Data from Excel will try to automatically map the Entity attributes with the existing headers, in the first row of the Excel file. You cannot use Boostrap Data from Excel, because the structue of the Entity is already defined. The Boostrap Data from Excel only works if all attributes match exactly the headers on the first row of the Excel file . Otherwise you get an error.
The Boostrap Data from Excel will try to automatically map the Entity attributes with the existing headers, in the first row of the Excel file.
Question 32:Immediately after creating an Entity and its attributes, what is the expected behavior when using the bootstrap Data from Excel? you cannot use the Bootstrap Data from Excel. You are required to Publish the module first. The Bootstrap data from Excel will try to automatically map the Entity attributes with the existing headers, in the first row of the Excel file. You cannot use the Bootstrap Data from Excel, because the structure of the Entity is already defined. The Bootstrap Data from Excel only works if all attributes match exactly the headers on the first row of the Excel file. Otherwise you get an error.
The Bootstrap data from Excel will try to automatically map the Entity attributes with the existing headers, in the first row of the Excel file.
Question 84:Consider the following screenshot that displays a Table Records to the show existing Movies, and the List Navigation to navigate through the different set of results. When the user clicks the Page 2 link, the Table Records updates the set of Movies but the List Navigation doesn't highlight Page 2. Which of the following option ex plains the problem? <Image> The On Notify Screen Action tied to the List Navigation is not refreshing the query that retrieves the list of Movies. The On Notify Screen Action tied to the List Navigation is not refreshing the Table Records that displays the list of Movies. The Submit method of the List Navigation Web Block is set to Navigate. The On Notify Screen Action tied to the List Navigation is not refreshing the List Navigation Web Block.
The On Notify Screen Action tied to the List Navigation is not refreshing the List Navigation Web Block.
Question 12: What is wrong with SQL Query <Image> An Input Parameter is missing The Output Structure should have the Product, but not the Product Sales. The Output Structure should have the Product Sales, but not the Product D. The output of a SQL Query can have either Entities or Structures, not both None
The Output Structure should have the Product Sales, but not the Product D. The output of a SQL Query can have either Entities or Structures, not both
Question 19:What is wrong with this SQL query? <Image> The output structure should have the Product, but not the Product Sales The syntax for referencing Database Entity attributes should be [EntityName].{AttributeName}. An Input Parameter is missing. The Output Structure should have the Product Sales, but not the Product.
The Output Structure should have the Product Sales, but not the Product.
Question 38:Immediately after creating an Entity and its attributes, what is the expected behavior when using the Bootstrap Data From Excel? You cannot use the bootstrap data from Excel. You are required to Publish the module first. The bootstrap will try to automatically map the Entity attributes with the existing headers, in the first row of the Excel file. The bootstrap only works all attributes match exactly the headers on the first row of the Excel file. Otherwise you get an error... You cannot use the bootstrap data from Excel, because the structure of the Entity is already defined.
The bootstrap will try to automatically map the Entity attributes with the existing headers, in the first row of the Excel file.
Question 61:If we have multiple Exception Handlers in an Action flow and an Exception is raised ... The execution is always moved to the Global Exception Handler. The execution is moved to the Exception Handler that is most specific to the Exception. The execution is moved to all Exception Handlers of the Action. A Switch statement is needed to select which Exception Handler will continue the execution.
The execution is moved to the Exception Handler that is most specific to the Exception.
Question 70:Consider the following ActionX where the Result Output Parameter and the Counter Local Variable have Integer data type. Both default values are 0. Which of the following options is the correct value for the Result Output Parameter, after the ActionX being computed? <Image> The value of the Result Output Parameter is 5. The value of the Result Output Parameter is 6. The value of the Result Output Parameter i s 7. The value of the Result Output Parameter is 3.
The value of the Result Output Parameter is 5.
Question 72:Consider the following ActionX where the Result Output Parameter and the Counter Local Variable have Integer data type. Both default values are 0. Which of the following options is the correct value for the Result Output Parameter, after the ActionX being computed. <Image> The value of the Result Output Parameter is 5. The value of the Result Output Parameter is 3. The value of the Result Output Parameter is 6 The value of the Result Output Parameter is 4
The value of the Result Output Parameter is 6
Question 78:Consider the following Screen Action, which was set as the Destination of a 'SAVE' Button. When the user submits the valid Form named ProductForm, what is the final outcome of the Action? <Image> When updating an already existing Product, you will get an Exception. The CreateOrUpdate Action will commit the user changes in the Form to the database. There will be no changes to the database, as the CreateOrUpdateProduct.Action is not using the data from the Form. The CreateOrUpdate Action will commit the user changes in the Form to the database, only if the Validation Method of the Save Button is set to Server.
There will be no changes to the database, as the CreateOrUpdateProduct.Action is not using the data from the Form.
Question 29:In Service Studio, how can you avoid duplicate records in a Database Entity? Using a Database View. Using a Database Trigger. Using Database Constraints. Using Unique Indexes.
Using Unique Indexes.
Question 51:Consider that a user navigates into a Web Screen then clicks on Button, set with the Submit method and the following Screen Action as Destination. In this scenario, when does the Preparation run? <Image> When the user accesses the Web Screen, but not when clicks on the Button. When the user accesses the Web Screen and when the user clicks on the Button. Never. When user clicks on the Button.
When the user accesses the Web Screen and when the user clicks on the Button.
Question 71:Consider that a user navigates to a Web Screen and then clicks on a Button, set with the Submit Method and the following Screen Actions as the Destination. In this scenario, when does the Preparation run? <Image> When the user accesses the Web Screen and when the user clicks on the Button. When the user accesses the Web Screen, but not when clicks on the Button. Only when the user clicks on the Button. Never.
When the user accesses the Web Screen and when the user clicks on the Button.
Question 58:Considering an Entry Point of a module, which option is correct? You can only have one Entry Pont in each UI Flow. You can have several Entry Points in the same UI Flow, with the Is Default property set to "Yes". You can have several Entry Points in the same UI Flow, as long as each one is connected to a Web Screen, or a Web Block... You can have several Entry Points in the same UI Flow, as long as each one is connected to a Web Screen.
You can have several Entry Points in the same UI Flow, as long as each one is connected to a Web Screen.
Question 66:When a Form is submitted, what are the built-in validations that OutSystems performs? he Mandatory fields are filed in and the data submitted by the user matches the data type of the variables associated with the Inputs. If the data submitted by the user matches the data type of the variables associated with the respective Inputs. be Mandatory fields are filed in be data submitted by the user matches the data type of the Source Record of the Form
he Mandatory fields are filed in and the data submitted by the user matches the data type of the variables associated with the Inputs.
Question 18:To use a Table Records you are absolutely required to... enclose the Table Records in a named Container specify a Source Record List with the data to be displayed to the user in the Table Records. specify a Source Record to be displayed to the user in the Table Records. have a Preparation on the Screen or Web Block containing the Table Records.
specify a Source Record List with the data to be displayed to the user in the Table Records.
Question 65:When using Server side validations to avoid stoning invalid data in the Database you should add an Exception Handler to handle invalid user input you just need to ensure the Form's Validation property is set to Server you just need to ensure the Save Button's Validation property is set to Server you should check the Form's Valid property to see if it is set to False before storing the data
you should check the Form's Valid property to see if it is set to False before storing the data