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(adj) ____ decisions and actions are sensible and based on good judgment / Example: It's _____ to check whether the flight times have changed before you leave for the airport.


(adj) _____ clothes fit your body very closely, especially in a way that is uncomfortable / Example: My shoes were so _____ that I could hardly walk.


(adj) _____________ equipment, such as computers and televisions, uses electricity that has passed through computer chips, transistors etc / Example: The recent development of the __________ ballast switches on a new era in lighting technology.


(adj) a ______ situation, system, way of treating people, or judgment seems reasonable, acceptable, and right / Example: All we are asking for is a _____ wage.


(adj) a _______ feeling, desire etc is one that you really feel,not fake, not one you pretend to feel / Example: She is very ______ and friendly.


(adj) a _______ ticket, document, or agreement is legally or officially acceptable / Example: Your return ticket is ________ for three months.


(adj) a ________ country or system of government consists of a group of states which control their own affairs, but which are also controlled by a single national government which makes decisions on foreign affairs, defence etc / Example: Switzerland is a _________ republic.


(adj) a ________ situation, problem, accident etc is extremely bad or dangerous / Example: _______ crimes have increased dramatically.


(adj) a person, building, tree etc that is ______ is a greater height than normal / Example: This tree grows ____ very quickly.


(adj) a room, house, desk etc that is ____ is neatly arranged with everything in the right place / Example: Ellen's room is always neat and ____ .


(adj) a statement or piece of information that is _____ is correct and based on true facts / Example: His ideas have now been proved ______ .


(adj) able or likely to harm or kill you / Example: Some of these prisoners are extremely ____________ .


(adj) about or relating to science, or using its methods / Example: We believe in investing in _______ research.


(adj) actual,definite and specific / Example: What does that mean in _________ terms?


(adj) adding to or replacing something / Example: The report showed ________ evidence about the way the business was run.


(adj) affecting or including the whole world / Example: We are taking a _______ view of our business.


(adj) affecting the air, land, or water on Earth / Example: _____________ issues, like pollution, directly affect people's lives.


(adj) all of a group, period of time, amount etc / Example: I can't believe you ate _____ pizza! Now we don't have anything else to eat.


(adj) all of something / Example: You have your _____ life ahead of you!


(adj) always supporting your friends, principles, country etc / Example: The army has remained _____ to the government.


(adj) an ___________ event, decision, problem etc has a big effect or influence on people's lives or on events in the future / Example: The accident taught him an ____________ lesson.


(adj) an ____________ person has a high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly / Example: Sontag was once famously described as the most ______________ woman in America.


(adj) annoyed because of delays, someone else's mistakes etc / Example: We are growing _________ with the lack of results.


(adj) arriving, happening, or done after the time that was expected, agreed, or arranged / Example: Sorry I'm ______ - I overslept.


(adj) at or near the back of something, especially a vehicle / Example: Knock at the _____ entrance.


(adj) beautiful or attractive / Example: You look _____ in that dress.


(adj) beautiful, attractive, or graceful / Example: She's a very ______ woman, everyone around her adored her.


(adj) being the second of two people or things, or the last in a list just mentioned / Example: In the ________ case, buyers pay a 15% commission.


(adj) belonging to or relating to people, especially as opposed to machines or animals / Example: There are many different cell types in the _________ body.


(adj) belonging to the present time / Example: I don't like the colors in Renaissance paintings. I think, ____ art is better.


(adj) below the surface of an area of water, or able to be used there / Example: I love swimming ________ .


(adj) below the surface of the earth / Example: The office's parking garage is ______________ .


(adj) big and very impressive / Example: New Yorkers build on a _______ scale.


(adj) big in size, amount, or number / Example: Los Angeles is the second __________ est city in the US.


(adj) causing harm / Example: The creation of the Premier League is therefore irrelevant and potentially ________ .


(adj) certain to happen and impossible to avoid / Example: A crisis seems ___________ since there are many problems in this company .


(adj) clearly known, seen, or stated / Example: You need to tell me a _____ holiday date so I can buy a plane ticket.


(adj) coming before all the other things or people in a series / Example: The ________ time I flew on a plane I was really nervous.


(adj) connected with God and religion / Example: In Islam, only the Qur'an is considered _____ .


(adj) connected with knowledge of how machines work / Example: Our staff will be available to give you _____ support.


(adj) considered separately from other people or things in the same group / Example: Each ____________ is different from another.


(adj) containing as much or as many things or people as possible, so there is no space left / Example: The class is _______ , but you can register for next term.


(adj) continuing for only a limited period of time / Example: I'm living with my parents, but it's only ________ .


(adj) costing a lot of money / Example: Petrol is becoming more and more __________ .


(adj) covered in or full of water or another liquid / Example: I've washed your shirt but it's still _____


(adj) describing or relating to only the main features or parts of something, not the details / Example: I skimmed through it to get a _______ impression of the text.


(adj) different from what is usual or normal / Example: It's not _______ to feel very angry in a situation like this.


(adj) directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered / Example: What you asked is not ________ to this position?


(adj) done without any other people, actions, processes etc coming between / Example: I'm not in __________ contact with them.


(adj) easily affected or damaged by something such as a substance or temperature / Example: Wetlands are environmentally _______ areas.


(adj) easy to recognize because of bein seen, met, heard before / Example: The voice on the phone sounded _______ .


(adj) easy to use or suiting your plans well / Example: When would be a ____ time to meet?.


(adj) especially British English suffering from a disease or not feeling well / Example: I was feeling ____ that day and decided to stay at home.


(adj) extremely big, and much bigger than other things of the same type / Example: It was as if they had landed on an alien planet, his fear that of awakening the denizens, ____________ and menacing.


(adj) extremely good or of very high quality / Example: Second-hand computers can be __________ value.


(adj) extremely important and necessary / Example: A good diet is ___________ for everyone.


(adj) extremely important and necessary for something to succeed or exist / Example: The work she does is absolutely ______ .


(adj) extremely important or necessary/ Example: Her work has been _____to the project's success.


(adj) extremely large / Example: The government will have to borrow ______ amounts of money.


(adj) extremely large in size, amount, or degree / Example: These shoes make my feet look ______ .


(adj) extremely severe in a way that causes harm or damage / Example: Their son had been injured in a _______ accident.


(adj) extremely small / Example: The baby has ____ feet.


(adj) extremely unattractive and unpleasant to look at / Example: Nick's dog is so ________ .


(adj) fair and sensible / Example: Be __________ - you can't expect her to do all the work on her own!


(adj) feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something / Example: All the staff are __________ about the project.


(adj) feeling surprised and upset by something very unexpected and unpleasant / Example: I was deeply _____ed by Jo's death.


(adj) feeling that something has happened in the way that you want / Example: They have plenty of _____ customers.


(adj) feeling that you want or need a drink / Example: He is working in the garden and he is very _______ .


(adj) feeling that you want to thank someone because of something kind that they have done, or showing this feeling / Example: I am very __________ to all those who took the trouble to write to me.


(adj) feeling unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had / Example: Why are you so ________ of her boyfriend?


(adj) feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that you have done something wrong / Example: It was his _________ shame that made him offer to help.


(adj) firm, stiff, and difficult to press down, break, or cut / Example: After months without rain, the ground was too _______ to plant.


(adj) flat and level / Example: There are ______ lines on the page of my note-book.


(adj) frightened of something, or nervous about something / Example: At first, he was really ______ .


(adj) from or relating to a country that is not your own / Example: Can you speak any _________ languages?


(adj) funny and enjoyable / Example: The film has some really __________ moments.


(adj) giving you pleasure / Example: Games can make learning more ___________ .


(adj) going far down from the top or from the surface / Example: The swimming pool has a _______ end and a shallow end for kids.


(adj) happening at the beginning / Example: My _________ reaction was because of my anger.


(adj) happening every hour, every week, every month etc, usually with the same amount of time in between / Example: The company holds ______ meetings with employees.


(adj) happening in or relating to the countryside, not the city / Example: Compared to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara is _______ .


(adj) happening or continuing for only a little time or for less time than usual / Example: Winter is coming and the days are getting _____er.


(adj) happening or doing something often / Example: Her headaches are becoming less _________ .


(adj) happening or done at once and without delay / Example: Our _________ response to her mail solved the problem.


(adj) happening or done every day / Example: The store is open ____ from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


(adj) happening or existing before, but not now / Example: Their farm has been reduced to half its _______ size.


(adj) happening or existing now / Example: In the past I worked with a very strict boss however my _____ boss gives me much more freedom.


(adj) happening regularly or all the time / Example: He kept in _________ contact with his family while he was in Australia.


(adj) happening slowly over a long period of time / Example: There has been a ______________ change in climate.


(adj) happening, done, or existing most of the time or in most situations / Example: Make a cheese sauce in the _______ way.


(adj) having a higher position, level, or rank / Example: White men hold most of the jobs in _____ management.


(adj) having a job that you are paid for / Example: Many ______ women rely on relatives for childcare.


(adj) having a low rank in an organization or profession / Example: There are several people __________ to me


(adj) having a very thin edge or point that can cut things easily / Example: Make sure you use a good _____ knife.


(adj) having an empty space inside / Example: There was a ________ in the pipe.


(adj) having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life / Example: It's a lovely house and we've been very ________ here.


(adj) having happened or started only a short time ago / Example: Irving's most _______ book


(adj) having lived or existed for only a short time; not fully developed / Example: He's _____ er than me.


(adj) having no mistakes / Example: If my calculations are __________ , we're about ten miles from London.


(adj) having nothing inside / Example: After the graduation ceremony, everyone left. The school almost _______.


(adj) having the colour of blood / Example: We painted the door bright ______ .


(adj) having the colour of butter or the middle part of an egg / Example: They were wearing bright _____ coats because of the rain.


(adj) having the colour of grass or leaves / Example: Raw coffee beans are _________ in colour.


(adj) having the colour of milk, salt, or snow / Example: Alex bought a ________ horse .


(adj) having the same value, purpose, job etc as a person or thing of a different kind / Example: I had no dollars, but offered him an __________ amount of sterling.


(adj) helping you to do or get what you want / Example: A little Japanese can be really _______ .


(adj) if something is _____, there is only a small distance between its two opposite sides or surfaces / Example: She's only wearing a ____ summer jacket


(adj) if something is ______ , there is a large distance or a larger distance than usual between its two opposite surfaces or sides / Example: If you want a ______er blanket, there are more here in the closet.


(adj) if something is _________ , you are allowed to do it or have to do it by law / Example: What the company has done is perfectly ._______


(adj) if there are ________ things, there are several different types of that thing / Example: The jacket is available in __________ colours.


(adj) if you are _________ , you are prepared for what you are going to do / Example: When the doorbell rang he was _________ and waiting.


(adj) if you are lost, you do not know where you are and are unable to find your way somewhere / Example: 'Are you ____?' the driver asked.


(adj) in a higher position than something else / Example: There is an _________ age limit for becoming a pilot.


(adj) in or from the east of a country or area / Example: Cities in the _____ part of Turkey like Mardin and Urfa are usually very hot in summer.


(adj) in or from the west of a country or area / Example: I want to go to ________ countries.


(adj) in the first part of a period of time, event, or process / Example: In his ______ thirties, he directed his first film.


(adj) intended or planned / Example: This was a ____ attempt by them to trick us.


(adj) involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people, by hitting them, shooting them etc / Example: Thirty-one people have been injured in __________ incidents throughout the day.


(adj) involving two or more people or groups, or owned or shared by them / Example: The two ministers have issued a ______ statement.


(adj) joined or closely connected by feelings, aims etc / Example: The two countries were _______ against a common enemy.


(adj) judging and dealing with situations in a practical way according to what is actually possible rather than what you would like to happen / Example: It's just not _________ to expect a promotion so soon.


(adj) kind and careful in the way you behave or do things, so that you do not hurt or damage anyone or anything / Example: Arthur was a very ________ , caring person.


(adj) knowing, noticing or realizing something / Example: I was very ____________ of the fact that I had to make a good impression.


(adj) known about by many people in many places/ Example: The Eiffel Tower is a ________ landmark


(adj) known about by only a few people and kept hidden from others / Example: They kept their relationship ____ from their parents.


(adj) large in size, amount, or degree / Example: Fire has caused ________ damage to the island's forests.


(adj) last in a series of actions, events, parts of a story etc / Example: Stone is filming the _________ instalment of his Vietnam trilogy.


(adj) likely to happen or exist at a time after the present / Example: We are now more able to predict _________ patterns of climate change.


(adj) living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by people / Example: They traveled across the ______ country.


(adj) low in temperature, but not cold, often in a way that feels pleasant / Example: In these hot summer days, I like swimming in a_______ swimming pool.


(adj) made of wood / Example: They bought a ______ table.


(adj) made or done officially or publicly / Example: There is no _________ structure for negotiating pay increases.


(adj) making a lot of noise / Example: The book fell to the floor with a _____ bang.


(adj) making something or someone look more attractive/ Example: She put some ____ objects to make it more stylish.


(adj) making you feel pleased and happy, especially because you have got what you wanted/ Example: It can be very ______ to work in the garden.


(adj) making you feel that you want to sleep or rest/ Example: We've all had a long _____ day.


(adj) making you feel very happy / Example: We had a _______ time in Spain.


(adj) making you laugh / Example: Do you remember any ________ stories about work?


(adj) measuring a great length from one end to the other / Example: It is a _______ way to travel to work.


(adj) measuring a large distance from one side to the other / Example: As he ran toward me, his face broke into a ____ grin.


(adj) measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top / Example: The camp was surrounded by a ______ fence.


(adj) measuring only a short distance from the top to the bottom / Example: You can swim in the _______ sea.


(adj) morally wrong / Example: It's ____________ to be rich while people are starving and homeless.


(adj) more of something, in addition to the usual or standard amount or number / Example: Allow _________ time for your journey.


(adj) most recent or nearest to the present time / Example: Interest in golf has grown quickly in the _______ ten years.


(adj) moving or able to move quickly / Example: He's one of the _______ est runners in the world.


(adj) needing electricity to work, produced by electricity, or used for carrying electricity / Example: Playing _____ guitar is a bit different from classical guitar.


(adj) no longer alive / Example: After the plane crash they found some _____ bodies underwater.


(adj) not allowed by the law / Example: They were involved in _______ activities.


(adj) not as important as something else / Example: Writing was always _______ to spending time with my family.


(adj) not correct, and not based on true facts / Example: Your calculations must be _____ .


(adj) not different, particularly alike / Example: He sits in the ___ chair every night.


(adj) not difficult to do, and not needing much effort / Example: Teacher gave us an ____ essay question so nobody get a bad result.


(adj) not directly caused by something / Example: Losing weight is an ____________ result of smoking cigarettes.


(adj) not firmly fixed where it should be; able to become separated from something / Example: One of my buttons is _____ .


(adj) not guilty of a crime / Example: Nobody would believe that I was ______________ .


(adj) not happy, especially because something unpleasant has happened / Example: Dad looked _____ .


(adj) not honest and likely to lie or do something illegal/ Example: They admitted that there were ____ officers in the police force.


(adj) not in danger of being harmed, lost, or stolen/ Example: She doesn't feel _______ in the house on her own.


(adj) not known about / Example: For some _________ reason, Mark quit his job and moved to Greece.


(adj) not liking work and physical activity, or not making any effort to do anything / Example: He felt too ______ to get out of bed.


(adj) not living with your husband, wife, or sexual partner anymore / Example: We've been _________ for six months.


(adj) not physically strong / Example: The illness left her feeling ___ .


(adj) not related to or not affected by something else / Example: They are two ______ documents.


(adj) not true or correct / Example: He was caught after giving _____ information to the police.


(adj) not useful or effective in any way / Example: The doctor concluded that further treatment would be _________ .


(adj) of a high standard or quality / Example: My French is ____ than my Spanish.


(adj) on the inside or close to the centre of something / Example: My wallet is in the ________ breast pocket of my jacket.


(adj) pleasantly dry, firm and easily broken/ Example: He stepped carefully through the ________ deep snow.


(adj) pleased and happy about something / Example: I'm really ______ I don't have to go back there again.


(adj) pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90° with a flat surface / Example: In some places the cliff was almost _________ , and much too dangerous to climb.


(adj) prepared to do something, or having no reason to not want to do it / Example: How much are they _____ to pay?


(adj) providing useful help in making a situation better or easier / Example: Thank you for your advice; it's been very __________ .


(adj) reasonable, practical, and showing good judgment / Example: She seems very ______ .


(adj) relating to a particular region or area / Example: _______ and labour market affects our economy


(adj) relating to industry or the people working in it / Example: ____________ production has risen by 0.5% since November.


(adj) relating to or belonging to a king or queen / Example: The British ______ family is respected by English people.


(adj) relating to the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a society/ Example: Two families had many ____ differences but they lived in harmony.


(adj) relating to the most basic and important parts of something / Example: We have to deal with the ___________ cause of the problem.


(adj) relating to the particular area you live in, or the area you are talking about / Example: Polzeath is our __________ beach, but there are better surfing beaches.


(adj) relating to the past / Example: It is important to look at the novel in its _____ context.


(adj) relating to the physical activity of sex / Example: They should be very harsh on _____ abuse.


(adj) relating to towns and cities / Example: We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 _________ areas.


(adj) relating to trade, industry, and the management of money / Example: Situation of some countries are really bad due to the global _____ crisis.


(adj) relating to women or girls / Example: Over half of the workers are __________ .


(adj) relating to your feelings or how you control them / Example: She provided ___________ support at a very difficult time for me.


(adj) relaxed and friendly without being restricted by rules of correct behaviour / Example: The atmosphere at work is fairly ___________ .


(adj) satisfactory or acceptable / Example: 'We're meeting at 8.30.' 'Okay, ______ .'


(adj) showing strong feelings of love / Example: 'Tom always sends me red roses on my birthday.' 'How ________ !'


(adj) slightly hot, especially in a pleasant way / Example: The house was lovely and ____ .


(adj) slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way / Example: clean the leather with a _______ cloth.


(adj) small, or smaller than usual, in amount, level, or value / Example: In May, the price of cocoa fell to its _____est level since 1975-76.


(adj) smooth and bright / Example: Her hair was thick and _____.


(adj) smooth and level, without raised or hollow areas, and not sloping or curving / Example: The countryside near there is _______ as a pancake


(adj) someone who is _____ has a lot of money and valuable possessions / Example: He thought this was the easiest way to get _______ .


(adj) someone who is ____________ has something bad happen to them / Example: When we entered the room, the teacher was shouting at some ___________ student.


(adj) someone who is generous is willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure / Example: She's always very _________ to the kids.


(adj) someone who is honest always tells the truth and does not cheat or steal / Example: He was a hard-working _________ man.


(adj) someone's __________ aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future / Example: Climbing Everest is the ________ challenge.


(adj) something that is ________ has a high temperature - used about weather, places, food, drink, or objects/ Example: It's so ____ in here. Can I open the window?


(adj) something that is __________ makes you admire it because it is very good, large, important etc / Example: He has an _____________ way of telling a story .


(adj) something that is ____________ cannot happen or be done / Example: It's ______________ to be right about these things.


(adj) something that is free does not cost you any money / Example: There's a special _______ gift with this month's magazine.


(adj) something that is real exists and is important / Example: We need to solve the ________ problems of unemployment and poverty.


(adj) something that is visible can be seen / Example: The outline of the mountains was clearly ________ .


(adj) speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people / Example: I didn't mean to be ______ , but I had to leave early.


(adj) successful or achieving the result that you want / Example: This drug is _____ at preventing heart attacks.


(adj) sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect / Example: We are _________ next year's profits will be higher.


(adj) tasting of or containing salt / Example: Infants show pleasure as sweetness is increased and displeasure with slightly _____ , acidic, or bitter liquids.


(adj) the _________ person or thing is the one that wins or makes you win a competition or game / Example: The _____ design came from an architect in Glasgow.


(adj) the best or most suitable that something could possibly be / Example: The gym offers an _______ opportunity for youngsters to get training.


(adj) the same in size, number, amount, value etc as something else / Example: Both candidates received an _________ number of votes.


(adj) things that are ______ are connected in some way / Example: Police now believe that the three crimes could be _______ .


(adj) to get or achieve something that will be permanent, especially after a lot of effort / Example: Boyd's goal ______ed his team's place in the Cup Final.


(adj) unable to understand or think clearly about what someone is saying or what is happening / Example: I'm totally ____________ . Could you explain that again?


(adj) unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened / Example: She was deeply __________ about her loss.


(adj) unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk to / Example: Don't you get ________ being on your own all day?


(adj) unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem, or about something bad that might happen / Example: She gave me a ____ look.


(adj) unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise / Example: She has made __________ progress.


(adj) unusually good and special / Example: This is a __________ opportunity to study these rare creatures.


(adj) very big in size or in amount / Example: You should see their new villa with 2 swimming pools, it is ____ .


(adj) very cruel, bad, or harmful/ Example: In the film, people were fighting against an _____ monster.


(adj) very great in degree / Example: _________ poverty still exists in many rural areas.


(adj) very large in amount or degree / Example: The news came as possibly the _________ est shock of my life.


(adj) very silly or unreasonable / Example: I look __________ in this dress.


(adj) very strange or not sensible / Example: You're going out in all this snow! Are you ___?


(adj) very surprising, upsetting, and difficult to believe / Example: The anger in his face was _____ing.


(adj) very unkind, making someone suffer or feel unhappy / Example: Many people think hunting is ____ to animals.


(adj) very unusual or surprising / Example: It's __________ that he should make exactly the same mistake again.


(adj) wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much / Example: He told me that he was ______ to help.


(adj) wanting to eat something / Example: If you get __________ , there's some cold chicken in the fridge.


(adj) wanting to know about something / Example: I was _____ about his life in India.


(adj) weighing too much because you have too much flesh on your body / Example: You'll get _____ if you eat all that chocolate.


(adj) willing to do anything to change a very bad situation, and not caring about danger / Example: Time was running out and we were getting _________ .


(adj) within a particular country / Example: The _________ affairs of this country runs perfectly.


(adj) working well and not wasting time or energy / Example: Email is a quick and _____ way of contacting people.


(adj) worried / Example: I am very ____that class sizes seem to be growing.


(adj) worth a lot of money / Example: Their most __________ belongings were locked in a safe in the bedroom.


(adj) your left side is the side of your body that contains your heart / Example : She raised her _______ hand.


(adj)far from towns or other places where people live / Example: It was a _________ village with no electricity.


(adj.) complete and total; definite /Example: Everything went wrong; the party was an _____ disaster.


(adj.) having the necessary means or skill to do something /Example: She is ______ to swim fast.


(adj.) left and no longer wanted, used or needed /Example: There was an ______ supermarket trolley in the middle of the road.


(adj.) not having the skill, or knowledge, etc. to do something; incapable /Example: In rush hours, many people are______ to find a free seat in metro.


(adj.) not in a place; away /Example: Love was totally ______ from his childhood.


(adv) In a way that produces much noise / Example: He was talking so ______ .


(adv) a word meaning at any time; used mostly in questions, negatives, comparisons, or sentences with 'if' / Example: I don't think I've _________ been here before.


(adv) after a long time, or after a lot of things have happened / Example: He _____________ escaped and made his way back to England.


(adv) almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important / Example: _________ all the children come to school by bus.


(adv) approximately; near in time,number, etc... /Example: It costs _____ 10 dollars.


(adv) at what time / Example: ____ are we leaving?


(adv) for all future time / Example: I wanted that moment to last _______ .


(adv) for this reason / Example: She didn't study hard, _______ they failed her.


(adv) happening or done every week / Example: The magazine is published ______ .


(adv) if two or more people do something ______ , they do it with each other / Example: We've very much enjoyed working _____.


(adv) if you do something ________, you do it without other people knowing / Example: They started meeting ______ .


(adv) in a lot of different places or by a lot of people / Example: Organic food is now _____ available.


(adv) in a successful or satisfactory way / Example: James reads quite _____ for his age.


(adv) in a way that is not firm or tight / Example: She fastened the belt ______ around her waist.


(adv) in a way that shows that you are sad / Example: Peter shook his head ______ .


(adv) in a way that shows that you are sad / Example: Peter shook his head ______ .


(adv) in or into a container or other closed space so as to be completely covered or surrounded / Example: I sent the money ________ an envelope addressed to Ann.


(adv) in or to which place / Example: _______ are you going?


(adv) in this place / Example: What are you doing ________ ?


(adv) into or inside a building / Example: Let's go _________ s and have something to eat.


(adv) moving or pointing towards a higher position/ Example: Pointing __________ , he showed us the bird.


(adv) not correctly or in a way that is not based on facts / Example: Matthew was _____ diagnosed as having a brain tumour.


(adv) not liking changes or new ideas / Example: He was _______________ dressed in a dark business suit.


(adv) on or during the day before today / Example: What did you do _____ ?


(adv) quite or to a satisfactory degree, but not completely / Example: The car is in _______ good condition.


(adv) soon / Example: Ms Jones will be back _______ .


(adv) suddenly and by a large amount / Example: Prices have risen _______ over the last few months.


(adv) surrounding or on all sides of something or someone / Example: Gather ______ ! I have an important announcement to make.


(adv) to the degree that is necessary or wanted / Example: I studied ______ to pass the exam.


(adv) towards a higher place or position/ Example: We walked slowly ______ the hill.


(adv) towards a place or position that is in front of you / Example: She leaned __________ and kissed me.


(adv) towards or on an upper floor in a building / Example: I went ____________ and had a shower.


(adv) used in negative statements and questions to talk about whether something that was expected has happened / Example: I haven't asked him ______


(adv) used to ask or talk about the reason for something / Example: _____ do we have to take all these tests?


(adv) used to emphasize a statement or answer / Example: The blood tests prove that Vince is _________ the father.


(adv) used to emphasize an adjective, adverb, or phrase / Example: The fishing industry is _______ important to the area.


(adv) used to emphasize something that is unexpected or surprising in what you are saying / Example: Most companies have suffered a drop in their profits, ______ very large companies.


(adv) used to say what is done, when you have just said that a particular thing is not done / Example: Geoff didn't study law. __________ , he decided to become an actor.


(adv) used when you are talking about what actually happened or is true, rather than what people might wrongly think / Example: Why don't you tell us what _____ happened?


(adv) very badly / Example: I'm _____ sorry to have kept you waiting.


(adv) very badly or to a great degree / Example: The town was _____ damaged in the war.


(adv) very important and needing to be dealt with immediately / Example: He was in ________ need of medical attention.


(adv) very much or to a great degree / Example: Something was ______ wrong.


(adv) when someone or something is safe from danger or harm / Example: We were able to watch the lions in complete ______ .

upside down

(adv) with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top / Example: To get the plant out of the pot, turn it _______ ______ and give it a gentle knock.


(adv.) completely or totally /Example: You're ______ right.


(adv.) to or in a foreign country /Example: We usually go _____ for a week in May.


(aux. v ) used with past participles to form perfect tenses / Example: 'I hope you _______ read the instructions.' 'Yes, of course I _______ .'


(con) except if / Example: _________ you call , I will leave the terminal.


(conj) during the time that something is happening/ Example: They arrived ____ we were having dinner.


(conj) every time that a particular thing happens / Example: Larry always blames me _____ anything goes wrong.


(conj) to or at any place, position, or situation / Example: Children will play ____ they happen to be.


(conj) used to say that although something is true of one thing, it is not true of another / Example: The old system was fairly complicated _____ the new system is really very simple.


(conj) used when talking about a choice you have to make or about something that is not certain / Example: Maurice asked me ______ I needed any help.


(det) any or all of the things that are wanted, needed, or possible / Example: Help yourself to ____ you want.


(det) used when speaking or writing to one or more people to show that something belongs to them or is connected with them / Example: Could you move _____ car ,please?


(det.) the position in a competition or scale that comes after the one that is the best, most successful etc / Example: They climbed to _____ place in the League.


(modal) used to emphasize that something will definitely happen, or that you are determined that something ______ happen / Example: I said you could go, and so you ______ .


(modal) used to make future tenses / Example: I ______ be in Bodrum tomorrow.


(modal) used to say what someone intended to do or expected to happen / Example: They said they _____ meet us at 10.30 at the station.


(n) Saturday and Sunday, especially considered as time when you do not work / Example: Are you doing anything nice this _____ ?


(n) a belief in one or more gods / Example: The U.S. Constitution promises freedom of ________ .


(n) a board with buttons marked with letters or numbers that are pressed to put information into a computer or other machine / Example: She is really good at using those __________ s.


(n) a book in which you write down the things that happen to you each day / Example: Inge wrote details of their conversation in his _____.


(n) a book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings in the same language, or another language / Example: Use your _____ to look up any words you don't understand


(n) a building for keeping a car in, usually next to or attached to a house / Example: I'll just go and put the car in the _______ .


(n) a building or part of a building where you can buy things, food, or services / Example: Her brother runs a _____ in Chester.


(n) a building that someone lives in, especially one that has more than one level and is intended to be used by one family / Example: Why don't you all come over to our _________ for coffee?


(n) a building where people pay to stay and eat meals / Example: I've booked the flights and the _______ .


(n) a business or company, especially a small one / Example: She works for an electronics ________ .


(n) a car and driver that you pay to take you somewhere / Example: They sent me home in a ____ .


(n) a careful examination of a situation or process / Example: She sent us her _______ of the research.


(n) a change or changes made to a system or organization in order to improve it / Example: The government announced a programme of economic ______ .


(n) a change that is caused by an event, action etc/ Example: My parents' divorce had a big _______ on me.


(n) a child / Example: She'd always loved animals since she was a little _________ .


(n) a choice or judgment that you make after a period of discussion or thought / Example: Do you ever wonder if you made the right _______ ?


(n) a coloured liquid that you use for writing, printing, or drawing / Example: I can't use the printer because it is out of _______ .


(n) a coloured or white part that a plant or tree produces before fruit or seeds / Example: Come and smell the _______s.


(n) a common illness that makes you feel very tired and weak, gives you a sore throat, and makes you cough and have to clear your nose a lot / Example: Steven's still in bed with _______ .


(n) a complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working etc / Example: In the last ten years there has been a _________ in education.


(n) a connection between two or more things / Example:There is no ________ between them anymore.


(n) a copy of a film or television programme, or a series of events, recorded on videotape / Example: Let's stay at home and watch a ________ .


(n) a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different / Example: This song has a lot of __________ .


(n) a cover for the open part of a pot, box, or other container / Example: Close the ______ of that jar .


(n) a curved container for eating or serving food from ; food that is prepared in a particular way as part of a meal/ Example: She placed a large _____ in front of me.


(n) a curved piece of metal or plastic that you use for hanging things on / Example: Tom hung his coat on the _______ behind the door.


(n) a decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance of something / Example: There has been a _________ in the standard of living and the most important reason can be economic crisis.


(n) a decrease in the size, price, or amount of something, or the act of decreasing something / Example: The company promised they would make no staff _________s for at least two years.


(n) a description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have now/ Example: The weather ______ is good for tomorrow.


(n) a difference between people, ideas, situations, things etc that are being compared / Example: While there are similarities in the two cultures, there are also great __________ s.


(n) a difference between similar things, or a change from the usual amount or form of something / Example: There are ________ among these samples.


(n) a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill / Example: I've never missed a day's work because of _________ .


(n) a disease that affects a particular part of your body and is caused by bacteria or a virus / Example: The baby had an ear __________ .


(n) a door or space through which you can leave a public room, building etc / Example: Two men were blocking her _______ .


(n) a door, gate etc that you go through to enter a place / Example: Bridget made a dramatic _________ into the room.


(n) a drop of salty liquid that comes out of your eye when you are crying / Example: She came home in _____s.


(n) a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens / Example: The Minister has ______________ for the National Health Service.


(n) a farm animal that is kept for its wool and its meat / Example: ______ were on the hillside.


(n) a fault in someone's character or in a system, organization, design etc / Example: His ______ got him into a trouble .


(n) a feeling about something / Example: Afterwards, I felt a great _____ of relief.


(n) a feeling of admiring someone or what they do, especially because of their personal qualities, knowledge, or skills / Example: I have the greatest ________ for Jane's work.


(n) a feeling of being sure,certain of your ability to do things well / Example: He's a good student, but he has no _____.


(n) a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying, or painful has ended or has not happened / Example: I felt a ________ and happiness.


(n) a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction / Example: The kids were screaming with ________ .


(n) a feeling of happiness or pleasure / Example: She got great ______ from helping people to learn.


(n) a feeling of worry about something important/ Example: He has lost a lot of weight recently. I have _____s about his health.


(n) a female child / Example: Both boys and ____ s can apply to join the choir.


(n) a food that consists of small white or brown grains that you boil in water until they become soft enough to eat / Example: Serve with plain boiled _____ .


(n) a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out whether they are suitable for a job, course of study etc / Example: Try to predict the questions you might get in your job ___________ .


(n) a formal meeting of representatives of different groups, countries etc, to discuss ideas, make decisions etc / Example: Jiang won a place on several committees at the Communist Party's August 1973 ___________ .

ice cream

(n) a frozen sweet food made of milk, cream, and sugar, with fruit, nuts, chocolate etc / Example: Mr Garner loves eating ____ _________ every summer.


(n) a fruit with a hard yellow skin and sour juice / Example: Add a few drops of _______ juice.


(n) a girl or woman that you are having a romantic relationship with / Example: He's never had a ________ .


(n) a group of countries that are all controlled by one ruler or government / Example: The emperor Claudius ruled a large ________ stretching from Persia to Britain.


(n) a group of events or actions that are planned to happen one after the other / Example: This autumn the BBC will be showing a _____ of French films.


(n) a group of people organized to work together for a specifiv purpose,for example in military service / Example: The protests were stopped by government ________ s.


(n) a group of people that are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions, or to give advice / Example: The report was issued by the Advisory ________ on Science and Technology.


(n) a group of people who are related to each other, especially a mother, a father, and their children / Example: This house isn't big enough for a ________ of seven.


(n) a group of people who play a game or sport together against another group / Example: Bobby Charlton was in the _____ that won the World Cup.


(n) a group of people working together as part of a larger group / Example: The man is in the hospital's intensive care ________ .


(n) a group of sports teams or players who play games against each other to see who is best / Example: He makes his football ________ presentation tomorrow.


(n) a group of words that usually contains a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete idea. Example: Delete the last ______ .


(n) a guess of what a size, value, amount, etc might be/ Example: We just need an __________ of the number of people who will come.


(n) a holiday, or time spent not working / Example: We're planning a _________ in Europe.


(n) a hot brown drink made by pouring boiling water onto the dried leaves from a particular Asian bush, or a cup of this drink / Example: I'd like two _____s and a piece of chocolate cake, please.


(n) a journey in a plane or space vehicle, or the plane or vehicle that is making the journey / Example: There are only three ________ s a day to Logan Airport from Heathrow.


(n) a large amount of money, property etc that a person or country owns / Example: The country's ___ comes from its oil.


(n) a large area of a country or of the world, usually without exact limits / Example: The ________ s of the Northeast were affected badly due to storm.


(n) a large area of land that is covered with trees / Example: Much of Scandinavia is covered in dense __________ .


(n) a large area of water surrounded by land / Example: We spend summers at the _______ .


(n) a large area that is different from other areas around it in some way / Example: San Francisco and Tokyo are both located in earthquake ____ s.


(n) a large bag made of strong strong cloth or strong paper to carry things / Example: He was carrying his _____ slowly.


(n) a large boat used for carrying people or goods across the sea / Example:We are waiting for that big _____ to go to Holland.


(n) a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment / Example: They are building a new _______ .


(n) a large container for storing liquid or gas / Example: The ______ carries the dangferous chemicals.


(n) a large female animal that is kept on farms and used to produce milk or meat / Example: They keep ____s for milk.


(n) a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business, politics, or science, especially for several days / Example: Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace ____________ in Geneva.


(n) a large group of people who are together in one place / Example: A large _____ came together to wait for the princess.


(n) a large mass of land surrounded by sea / Example: We travelled across the ____.


(n) a large organization that has a particular kind of work or purpose / Example: The scandal threatened to undermine the __________ of the presidency.


(n) a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, shaped like a cupboard, used for keeping food and drink cool / Example: A _______ hold food at a suitable degree.


(n) a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, used for keeping food and drinks cool / Example: I had been saving up to buy a cooker and ________ and Brian's mum and dad gave us some of the furniture.


(n) a large piece of equipment for cooking food on or in / Example: Electric ____s use electricity to cook food.


(n) a large piece of thin cloth that you put on a bed to lie on or lie under / Example: I'll go and find you some clean _____s and blankets.


(n) a large quantity of something that is carried by a vehicle, person etc / Example: The lorry transported its ______.


(n) a large strong animal that people ride and use for pulling heavy things / Example: Lee had never ridden a _______ before.


(n) a large vehicle for carrying heavy goods/ Example: It's expected as many as 150,000 _____ies will use the terminal every year.


(n) a large, hot, dry area of land with very few plants/ Example: The Sahara ____ is the 3rd largest in the world.


(n) a line of things or people next to each other / Example: They asked children to stand in a _____ .


(n) a line that gradually bends or turns like part of a circle / Example: Customers seem to like the car's _________ s and angles.


(n) a liquid obtained from petroleum, used mainly for producing power in the engines of cars, trucks etc / Example: At _________ stations it is illegal for customers to pump more than 10 gallons a minute.


(n) a long flat narrow board attached to a wall or in a frame or cupboard, used for putting things on / Example: Put it back on the top _____.


(n) a long talk on a particular subject that someone gives to a group of people, especially to students in a university / Example: He regularly gives __________ s on modern French literature.


(n) a long thin mark on a piece of paper, the ground, or another surface / Example: Draw a straight ______ across the top of the page.


(n) a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth / Example: I'm looking for a needle and ______ .


(n) a loud sound and the energy produced by something such as a bomb bursting into small pieces / Example: Several people were injured in a bomb __________ .


(n) a machine or tool that does a special job / Example: A pager is a small, electronic _____ for sending messages but it is no more in use.


(n) a machine that takes people and goods from one level to another in a building / Example: We'll have to take the _________ , she lives on the 10th floor.


(n) a machine with an engine that is used to take people or things from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck / Example: Have you locked your __________ ?


(n) a male parent / Example: Andrew was very excited about becoming a ________ .


(n) a male spirit or being who is believed by some religions to control the world or part of it, or who represents a particular quality / Example: Zeus was one of the most well-known Greek ______ s.


(n) a man / Example: Dave's a nice ______ when you get to know him.


(n) a man of high rank in the nobility (=people of high social class), or somebody who has been given the title 'lord' as an honour / Example: The _____ showed his power.


(n) a man who is loved for doing something very brave / Example: You saved my life. You are my _______ .


(n) a man who rules a country because he is from a royal family / Example: On 2 December Henry VI was crowned _________ .


(n) a man who serves food and drink at the tables in a restaurant / Example: He'd been a ______ for twenty years


(n) a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions / Example: Clifford, a former congressman, is now an __________ for a large charity.


(n) a mark that has a special design and shows the legal or official authority of a person or organization / Example: The document carried the ______ of the governor's office.


(n) a marriage ceremony, especially one with a religious service / Example: She's busy planning her daughter's _____ .


(n) a measure of how hot or cold a place or thing is/ Example: The _________ of the water was just right for swimming.


(n) a medicine or medical treatment that makes an illness go away or make someone helathy again / Example: There is still no _____ for AIDS.


(n) a member of a committee that controls an organization or institution / Example: Another _______ came into Russells Hall.


(n) a member of the Senate or a senate / Example: _____s accepted to work with us.


(n) a member of your family / Example: Her boyfriend is a _______ of mine.


(n) a metal blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon / Example: Some young people are carrying __________ s to defend themselves.


(n) a metal weapon which shoots bullets or shells / Example: Two policemen were killed in a _____ battle.


(n) a method or set of principles that you use to solve a problem or to make sure that something is successful / Example: We're still searching for a peace __________ .


(n) a method that you use to do or achieve something / Example: There are several different ____ s we can tackle this problem.


(n) a mistake / Eaxmple: There must be an ________ in our calculations.


(n) a mixture of raw vegetables, especially lettuce, cucumber, and tomato / Example: Would you like some ______ with your pasta?


(n) a narrow road in the countryside / Example: That idiot changed ________ s without signaling.


(n) a natural white mineral that is added to food to make it taste better or to preserve it / Example: This might need some ____ and pepper.


(n) a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax / Example: The _______ was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.


(n) a net of thin threads made by a spider to catch insects / Example: He watched a spider spinning its ____ .


(n) a new business activity that involves taking risks/ Example: Be careful about business ___________ s.


(n) a new event or piece of news that changes a situation / Example: The nurse will do some tests to check on your child's _____ to see everything is going well.


(n) a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order / Example: Forests control the water _____ and take away harmful carbon dioxide.


(n) a number representing an amount, especially an official number / Example: Government _________ s minimize the problem.


(n) a pain in your head / Example: If you have a _______ , you should take some aspirin.


(n) a part of an area of activity, especially of business, trade etc / Example: The country is making efforts to expand such economic ______s as tourism and information technology.


(n) a part of an organization such as a school, business, or government that deals with a particular area of work / Example: He's the manager of the marketing _____.


(n) a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical / Example: Air bags are a standard _____________ in most new cars.


(n) a part where one or more pieces of string, rope, cloth etc have been tied or twisted together/ Example: I can see the tied ________ from our yacht .


(n) a particular day of the month or year, especially shown by a number / Example: The ________ on the letter was 30th August 1962.


(n) a particular level of quality that a product, material etc has / Example: The best _______ s of tea are expensive.


(n) a particular place, especially in relation to other areas, buildings etc / Example: His apartment is in a really good ________ .


(n) a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police, the army etc / Example: He was still wearing his school ___________ .


(n) a particular type of something that exists in many different varieties / Example: The bicycle is an environment-friendly _______ of transport.


(n) a particular type of welcome for someone, or a particular type of reaction to their ideas, work etc / Example: She was giving a _______ after her baby was born.


(n) a performance given by musicians or singers / Example: We were going to a classical music __________ in Bath Abbey.


(n) a performance, sports competition, party etc at which people gather together to watch or take part in something / Example: The conference was an important social _________ .


(n) a period of 10 years / Example: Crime in the city has increased during the past _____.


(n) a period of 24 hours / Example: We spent three ______ s in Paris.


(n) a period of about 365 days or 12 months, measured from any particular time / Example: I arrived here two _____ s ago.


(n) a period of seven days and nights, usually measured in Britain from Monday to Sunday and in the US from Sunday to Saturday / Example: Letters were delivered twice a ____ only.


(n) a period of time in a year during which a particular activity takes place, or during which something usually happens / Example: The racing _____ starts in June.


(n) a period of time in which someone is taught a particular skill, for example how to play a musical instrument or drive a car / Example: She's started her__________ s.


(n) a period of time used for a particular activity, especially by a group of people / Example: Every training ____ starts with a series of exercises.


(n) a person or animal that has won something / Example: Five lucky ____s will each receive a signed copy of the album.


(n) a person who cuts, washes, and arranges people's hair in particular styles / Exaple: I have a ____________ 's appointment this afternoon.


(n) a person, company, or organization that employs people / Example: The shoe factory is the largest _________ in this area.


(n) a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc / Example: That company is our _______ .


(n) a phrase or sentence that says exactly what a word, phrase, or idea means / Example: If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can check the ____ from a dictionary.


(n) a piece of cloth with a coloured pattern or picture on it that represents a country or organization / Example: Children waving _______ s greeted the Turkish leader.


(n) a piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms / Example: I have to wear a _____ and tie to work.


(n) a piece of clothing that you wear on your hand in order to protect it or keep it warm / Example: Always wear ________ s when gardening.


(n) a piece of clothing that you wear on your head/ Example: Maria was wearing a beautiful new ____ .


(n) a piece of electrical equipment that you use for making clothes flat and smooth Example: He needs an ________ becuase his shirts don't look flat enough.


(n) a piece of electronic equipment shaped like a box with a screen, on which you can watch programmes / Example: Lucy turned on the _______ to watch the evening news.


(n) a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of water, gas etc from a pipe or container / Example: She went into the bathroom and turned on the ____s.


(n) a piece of furniture like a table, usually with drawers in it, that you sit at to write and work / Example: Marie was sitting at her ____ .


(n) a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs / Example: The food was served on long _____s.


(n) a piece of information that is known to be true/ Example: The book is full of ______ s about the World Cup.


(n) a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger / Example: why don't you wear______ your engagement ring ?


(n) a piece of land completely surrounded by water / Example: It's a small _________ , barely twenty miles long.


(n) a piece of material that hangs down to cover a window, stage, etc / Example: Please draw the _____, I can't sleep when there is sunlight in the room.


(n) a piece of paper or another material that is attached to something and gives information about it / Example: ________ s on clothes should be removed for kids with sensitive skin.


(n) a piece of paper that you are given which shows that you have paid for something / Example: Keep your _______ in case you want to bring it back.


(n) a piece of work that must be done / Example: She gave our ________ today.


(n) a place on the Internet where you can find information about something, especially a particular organization / Example: For more information on weight loss and healthy eating, visit our ____ .


(n) a place to live, considered as one of the basic needs of life / Example: They are in need of food and _____ .


(n) a place where a lot of people go for holidays / Example: Lagoon Reef is one of the best ______ hotels.


(n) a place where children are taught / Example: His mother always used to pick him up from _____.


(n) a place where you can buy and eat a meal / Example: We went to a little Italian _________ near Leicester Square.


(n) a place where you can sit, especially one in a vehicle or one from which you watch a performance, sports event etc / Example: I was in the back _____ and Jo was driving.


(n) a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it / Example: The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on _____.


(n) a plan or desire to do something / Example: They went into town with the ______ of visiting the library.


(n) a plan or suggestion for a possible course of action, especially one that you think of suddenly / Example: You should talk to Ken - he always has good ______ s.


(n) a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food / Example: A heavy rain and storm damaged the ____s in the field.


(n) a plant that is eaten raw or cooked, such as a cabbage, a carrot, or peas / Example: You should eat ______________ s.


(n) a polite or formal demand for something / Example: They have made an urgent _________ for international help.


(n) a polite word for a man, used especially when talking to or about a man you do not know / Example: Could you serve this __________ please, Miss Bath?


(n) a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc / Example: This election has serious___________ s for the future of U.S. democracy.


(n) a powder that is made by crushing wheat or other grain and that is used for making bread, cakes etc / Example: Add _______ , seasoned salt, pepper and garlic.


(n) a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane etc / Example: How much are _____ s for the concert?


(n) a product that is brought from one country into another so that it can be sold there, or the business of doing this / Example: They __________ tea .


(n) a question you ask in order to get information / Example: We're getting a lot of _____________ ies about our new London-Rio service.


(n) a racing, a competition or a situation in which two or more people or groups are competing with each other / Example: They decided to hold a ________ to see who could write the best song.


(n) a reduction in the usual price of something / Example: On special days like Mother's Day you can buy many things for a cheaper price because shops ______s.


(n) a refusal to accept new ideas or changes / Example: The no-smoking policy was introduced with little ________ from staff.


(n) a relationship between friends / Example: The ___________ between father and youth deepened.


(n) a religious ceremony for burying or cremating someone who has died / Example: The _________ will be held at St. Martin's Church.


(n) a room or building containing books that can be looked at or borrowed / Example: You should see her father's _______. There are a lot of different kinds of books in it.


(n) a round object made of gold and jewels that a king or queen wears on their head/ Example: The Queen's ____ was made of gold.


(n) a series of lessons in a particular subject / Example: Andy's doing a one-year journalism _________ .


(n) a set of names, numbers etc, usually written one below the other, for example so that you can remember or check them / Example: Make a _____ of all the things you have to do.


(n) a set of papers, records etc that contain information about a particular person or subject / Example: The FBI keeps _______ s on previous White House employees.


(n) a set of questions, exercises, or practical activities to measure someone's skill, ability, or knowledge / Example: We have a _____ on irregular verbs tomorrow.


(n) a shelter consisting of a sheet of cloth supported by poles and ropes, used especially for camping / Example: We looked for a spot where we could pitch our ____


(n) a short piece of writing about a particular subject by a student as part of a course of study / Example: He wrote an ______ on modern Japanese literature.


(n) a show of paintings, photographs, or other objects that people can go to see / Example: The museum is staging an __________ of Picasso's work.


(n) a simple drawing or plan that shows exactly where something is, what something looks like, or how something works / Example: The _____ shows how this machine works.


(n) a single group of letters that are used together with a particular meaning / Example: Write an essay of about five hundred ______ .


(n) a single thing, especially one thing in a list, group, or set of things / Example: The store is having a sale on furniture and household ______ s.


(n) a situation in which someone is injured or killed by a gun / Example: His brother was killed in a ______ incident last year.


(n) a situation in which you win a battle, game, election, or dispute / Example: The court's decision represents a _______ for all women.


(n) a situation or time that is extremely dangerous or difficult/ Example: The country now faces an economic ________ .


(n) a small case, often made of leather, that you carry in your pocket, for holding paper money, bank cards etc / Example: I lost my _____ .


(n) a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings / Example: Don't forget to bring __________ repellent


(n) a small flat piece of plastic or metal which is used for storing computer or electronic information / Example: Each player chooses a coloured _______ and places it on the board in the space marked 'go'.


(n) a small hard object produced by plants, from which a new plant of the same kind grows / Example: Sow the _____s one inch deep in the soil.


(n) a small house in the country / Example: We're staying in a holiday _______ in Dorset.


(n) a small part or amount of something that is examined in order to find out something about the whole / Example: I'd like to see some ____ s of your work.


(n) a small round container, usually with a handle, that you use to drink tea, coffee etc / Example: A ____of tea and something to eat can help you feel better.


(n) a small round hard piece of medicine which you swallow / Example: She took a couple of headache _____s.


(n) a small specially shaped piece of metal that you put into a lock and turn in order to lock or unlock a door, start a car etc / Example: A bunch of ____ s hung from his belt.


(n) a small tool used in work such as science or medicine / Example: The army is an __________ of the government.


(n) a smooth steady movement of liquid, gas, or electricity / Example: I tied a towel round his leg to try to control the ______ of blood.


(n) a soft silver-white metal that is often used to cover and protect iron and steel. It is a chemical element: symbol Sn / Example: I couldn't cut the ____ easily.


(n) a soft sweet food made from fruit juice / Example: He paid his sister $ 3 to give her ________ juice to him.


(n) a space between two objects or two parts of an object, especially because something is missing / Example: The neighbors' dog got in through a _______ on the door.


(n) a space or an area of glass in the wall of a building or vehicle that lets in light / Example: Do you mind if I open the ____ ?


(n) a special part of a piece of equipment or a system which makes it possible to do something / Example: They are building a new sports ______ in the campus.


(n) a special room or building in which a scientist does tests or prepares substances / Example: You can send the blood sample to our __________ for analysis.


(n) a special set of movements performed to a particular type of music / Example: The waltz is an easy ________ to learn.


(n) a special way of doing something / Example: There are various _______s for dealing with industrial pollution.


(n) a specific fact, idea, person, or thing that is used to explain or support a general idea, or to show what is typical of a larger group / Example: Can anyone give me an __________ of a transitive verb?


(n) a spoken or written test of knowledge, especially an important one / Example: At the end of each level, there's an ________ .


(n) a spoken or written test of knowledge, especially an important one / Example: The __________ results will be announced in September.


(n) a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something / Example: We have strict _____ for deciding which students will receive a scholarship.


(n) a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want / Example: Your ______s don't scare me.


(n) a statement telling someone what they must do/ Example: He had specific __________ s to check everyone's identity cards.


(n) a sticky substance used for joining things together / Example: Put a ________ on both sides and hold them.


(n) a strong feeling of dislike, annoyance, or disapproval / Example: Joan looked at him with _________ .


(n) a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eagerness to be involved in it / Example: Gillian and Darren greeted the speakers with great _________ .


(n) a strong feeling of shock and fear / Example: Staff watched in ________ while he was trying to kill himself.


(n) a strong feeling of trust or confidence in someone or something / Example: Have ____ in me. I won't let you down.


(n) a strong hope or wish / Example: I have no _____ to have children. It is too much responsibility for me.


(n) a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger / Example: He tried hard to keep his _____s under control.


(n) a strong, usually blue, cotton cloth / Example: She loves wearing blue ________ when it is a casual day at work.


(n) a structure made of wood, metal etc that surrounds a piece of land / Example: Close the fence, cows might run away.


(n) a structure made of wood, metal, plastic etc that surrounds something such as a picture or window, and holds it in place / Example: They removed the picture from its wooden _______ .


(n) a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people / Example: We should raise the _______ of discrimination with the council.


(n) a substance consisting of very small pieces of rocks and minerals, that forms beaches and deserts / Example: I have ______ in my shoe.


(n) a substance such as air, which is not solid or liquid, and usually cannot be seen / Example: The explosion was caused by a ______ leak from the water heater.


(n) a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy / Example: Coal is one of the cheapest _____ s.


(n) a substance that is not a solid or a gas, for example water or milk / Example: Add a little more _______ to the sauce.


(n) a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering / Example: The earthquake in 1999 was the biggest _____ Turkey had.


(n) a supermarket / Example: I went downtown, picked up my __________ es , and came back home.


(n) a system for talking to somebody else over long distances, using wires or radio; a machine used for this/ Example: The _______ rang just as I was leaving.


(n) a system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by the people of a particular country or area / Example: How many __________ s do you speak?


(n) a system that allows you to send and receive messages by computer / Example: It's usually best to contact him by _________ .


(n) a test, especially a scientific one, that you do in order to learn something or discover if something is true/ Example: They're conducting ______s on hamster to test the effects of the drug.


(n) a thick cooked liquid that is served with food to give it a particular taste / Example: Add some _______ to the pasta.


(n) a thick sweet substance made from boiled fruit and sugar, eaten especially on bread / Example: I really dislike eating________ for breakfast .


(n) a thick, yellowish-white liquid that is taken from milk / Example: I like eating strawberries with _____.


(n) a thin paper cover in which you put and send a letter / Example: She tore open the ________ and excitedly read the letter.


(n) a time of rest from work, school etc / Example: The school ________ s start tomorrow.


(n) a tool for cutting paper, cloth etc, made of two sharp blades fastened together in the middle, with holes for your finger and thumb / Example: She cut her long dress with ___________ .


(n) a tool with a heavy metal part on a long handle, used for hitting nails into wood / Example: Henry hit his finger with a __________ while he was trying to hang the photo on the wall.


(n) a tool you use for picking up and eating food, with a handle and three or four points / Example: Put the knives and _______ s on the table.


(n) a transparent solid substance used for making windows, bottles etc / Example: Bow-tie pins of enamel and sapphires sparkled behind ______ set into black walls.


(n) a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1,000 metres / Example: You need to walk a __________ every day in order to lose wieght.


(n) a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54 centimetres. There are 12 inches in a foot / Example: Rainfall here is under 15 ________ es a year.


(n) a unit for measuring length, equal to three feet or 0.91 metres / Example: There is a bus stop a few hundred ______ up the road.


(n) a unit for measuring temperature. It can be shown as a symbol after a number / Example: heat the oven again to 425 ________ s.


(n) a unit for measuring time. There are 60 minutes in one _______ , and 24 ________ s in one day / Example: The interview will last about two ________ s.


(n) a unit for measuring weight, equal to 1,000 grams / Example: I want to buy a __________ of this.


(n) a valuable soft yellow metal that is used to make coins, jewellery etc. It is a chemical element: symbol Au / Example: She wears her ______ ring all the time


(n) a vehicle used especially for carrying goods, which is smaller than a truck and has a roof and usually no windows at the sides / Example: I am planning to buy a _______ for my company .


(n) a very common plant with thin leaves that covers the ground in fields and gardens and is often eaten by animals / Example: She enjoyed the feel of _________ under her feet.


(n) a very hard, transparent stone that is extremely valuable and is often used in jewellery/ Example: He gave her a ____ ring for their 25th anniversary.


(n) a very large amount of money Example: My first painting sold for £25, a small _______ then for an art student.


(n) a very small living thing that causes infectious illnesses / Example: We are studying to end this _____ .


(n) a very small town in the countryside / Example: She left her _________ in the north of Thailand and went to live in Bangkok


(n) a very strong dislike for someone or something / Example: She had a lot of _______ all men around her.


(n) a way from one place to another / Example: We weren't sure about which ____ we should take.


(n) a way in which two or more people or things are not like each other / Example: I can't tell the _____ between the twins; they look nearly the same.


(n) a way of thinking about something that seems correct and reasonable, or a set of sensible reasons for doing something / Example: The _______ behind this statement is faulty.


(n) a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behaviour and obey rules / Example: The book gives parents advice on _____________ .


(n) a woman of a particular type or age / Example: The young _________ at reception seemed unhappy.


(n) a word or expression with a particular meaning / Example: It is a thecnical _____ that I don't understand.


(n) a world or an area of space that is different from the one we are in / Example: The particles go off into baby __________ s that branch off from our ________ .


(n) a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or attack / Example: She was taken to hospital with serious head __________ ies .


(n) a written or printed message that is usually put in an envelope and sent by mail / Example: Bart's writing a ________ to his parents.


(n) a written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need / Example: Colleges have to provide a written _______ on the progress of each student during the year.


(n) a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something / Example: Roger never turns down an _________ to dinner.


(n) according to some religion,it is a place where bad people go when they die, / Example: He will go to ______ because he is a bad person.


(n) all people of about the same age / Example: Like most of my __________ , I had never known a war.


(n) all the people who live together in one house / Example: A growing number of _________ s have at least one computer.


(n) all the things that happened in the past, especially the political, social, or economic development of a nation / Example: Throughout ________ the achievements of women have been largely ignored.


(n) all the words that someone knows or uses/ Example: Teachers were impressed by his _________ .


(n) an act of firing a gun / Example: He pulled out his rifle and fired three ____s.


(n) an act of leaving a place, especially at the start of a journey / Example: I saw Simon shortly before his ___________ for Russia.


(n) an activity in which you make something using a lot of skill, especially with your hands/ Example: A painter only becomes a true painter by practicing his _____.


(n) an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules / Example: We used to love playing _____ s like chess or backgammon.


(n) an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time / Example: Susan's __________ are reading, cooking, and drama.


(n) an adult female person / Example: I was talking to a _____ I met on the flight.


(n) an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics, that helps both sides involved/ Example: They made a _______ to sell the land to a real estate developer.


(n) an alcoholic drink made from grapes, or a type of this drink / Example: She loves drinking _____ .


(n) an alphabetical list of names, subjects etc at the back of a book, with the numbers of the pages where they can be found / Example: The changing size of an infant's head is considered an __________ of brain growth.


(n) an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose / Example: The ______ was set up to try to save the cathedral.


(n) an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc / Example: I had to take out a ______ to buy my car.


(n) an amount of money that you have not spent, or an amount of something that you have not used/ Example: The new engines will lead to _____s in fuel.


(n) an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc and that is used to pay for public services / Example: He already pays 40% ____ on his income.


(n) an amount of money that you pay to do something or that you pay to a professional person for their work / Example: You can use the gym and pool for a _______ of £35 a month.


(n) an amount or piece of a material or substance that covers a surface or that is between two other things / Example: The moon was shining through a thin ___________ of cloud.


(n) an animal that lives in water, and uses its fins and tail to swim / Example: Over 1,500 different species of _______ inhabit the waters around the reef.


(n) an area made by something or someone that is stopping the light / Example: It was hot, and we decided to walk in the ______ of the wall


(n) an area of countryside or land of a particular type, used especially when talking about its appearance / Example: The castle controls the _________ for miles around.


(n) an area of ground, especially when used for farming or building / Example: We own this huge ________.


(n) an area of land in the country, especially one where crops are grown or animals feed on grass / Example: Keith has a degree in engineering, but couldn't find a job in his ___________ .


(n) an area of land that is controlled by its own government, president, king etc / Example: Have you ever worked in a foreign ________ ?


(n) an area of land that is higher than the land around it, like a mountain but smaller / Example: Their house is on a ______ overlooking the sea.


(n) an area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals / Example: Joe worked on the _____ all his life.


(n) an area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it/ Example: They are living on that ___________ .


(n) an area where there is no light from the sun so it is darker/ Example: I prefer to sit in the ______ .


(n) an arrangement which you make so that a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc is kept for you at a particular time in the future / Example: Customers are advised to make seat _________ s well in advance.


(n) an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money, especially regularly, and they pay the costs if something bad happens, for example if you become ill or your car is damaged / Example: Your father took out _________ to cover the mortgage.


(n) an attempt to do something/ Example: In spite of England's _____s, they lost the match.


(n) an attitude that shows you think that someone or their behaviour, ideas etc are bad or not suitable / Example: Clarissa shook her head in _______, it was clear that she didn't like my idea.


(n) an educational institution at the highest level, where you study for a degree / Example: She's at Cambridge __________ .


(n) an empty space in something solid / Example: I began digging a _____ for the plant.


(n) an event, especially one that is unusual, important, or violent / Example: Roads were closed because of a major ____________ .


(n) an example of a particular kind of situation / Example: They came across many _____________ s of discrimination.


(n) an experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting / Example: The children were having so much _______ , I hated to call them inside.


(n) an idea or principle/ Example: He could not understand the film's central ____.


(n) an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something about life or the world, especially an idea that has not yet been proved to be true / Example: There's a ______ that Kennedy was killed by the CIA.


(n) an idea, action, feeling, or fact that someone thinks, does, says, or talks about, or that happens / Example: People say _____s they don't mean when they are angry.


(n) an illness or a medical condition in which you have a very high temperature / Example: Andy has a _______ and won't be coming into work today.


(n) an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant / Example: She suffers from a rare ____________ of the brain.


(n) an increase in amount, number, or size / Example: We've seen a huge ________ in the number of businesses using the Web.


(n) an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, and thoughts / Example: Children quickly get bored by adult ________ .


(n) an injury to your body that is made by a weapon such as a knife or a bullet / Example: A nurse cleaned and bandaged the _____ .


(n) an object at the end of a pipe that you turn to control the flow of water Example: I washed my fingers off on a ______ beside the Boston ferns.


(n) an object that produces light by using electricity, oil, or gas / Example: Why is this ________ not giving enough light?


(n) an object that you use to protect yourself against rain or hot sun. It consists of a circular folding frame covered in cloth / Example: It started to rain, so Tricia stopped to put up her ___________ .


(n) an occasion when there are performances of many films, plays, pieces of music etc, usually happening in the same place every year / Example: The school choir, which has taken part in the _______ since 1980, is rehearsing every day.


(n) an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially over a long distance / Example: Walking through historic New Almaden is a __________ into the past.


(n) an official agreement between two or more people, stating what each will do / Example: Tyler has agreed a seven-year _________ with a Hollywood studio.


(n) an official document giving you permission to own or do something for a period of time / Example: He was arrested for driving without a _________ .


(n) an official instruction that says how things must be done or what is allowed, especially in a game, organization, or job / Example: Under the _____ s, the company must publish its annual accounts.


(n) an official list of names of people, companies etc, or a book that has this list / Example: Police want a national ________ of DNA samples.


(n) an official plan or system / Example: The money will be used for teacher training _____s.


(n) an official rule or order / Example: There seems to be so many rules and __________s these days.


(n) an organization that has a particular purpose such as scientific or educational work, or the building where this organization is based / Example: The Kaff__________ offers scholarships to many students.


(n) an oval object produced by a female chicken, that you eat as food / Example: I will buy some _____s to make a cake.


(n) an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be dealt with immediately / Example: Many people panic and don't know what to do in an _____.


(n) an upright flat structure made of stone or brick, that divides one area from another or surrounds an area / Example: The house is surrounded by high ____s.


(n) animal skin that has been treated to preserve it, and is used for making shoes, bags etc / Example: The inside of the bag was lined with soft __________ .


(n) any substance that makes things dirty, such as mud or dust / Example: You should have seen the __________on that car!


(n) any written material / Example: This _____ is about the life of Mark Twain.


(n) anything that lives but is not a plant / Example: We should respect all living ____.


(n) behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically / Example: There is too much __________ on TV these days.


(n) being unsuccessful in achieving or doing something / Example: Successful people often aren't very good at dealing with _________ .


(n) books, plays, poems etc that people think are important and good / Example: He has read many of the major works of __________ .


(n) cloth or thread made from the white hair of the plant / Example: For summer, fine __________ is more comfortable.


(n) damage, injury, or trouble caused by someone's actions or by an event / Example: Our children deserve protection from ______ .


(n) discussion of a particular subject that often continues for a long time and in which people express different opinions / Example: The new drug has become the subject of heated ________ within the medical profession.


(n) easy to do ,the ability to feel relaxed or behave in a natural relaxed way / Example: Gary passed his exam with _____. He didn't study till early morning.


(n) facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc / Example: We have received ___________ that Grant may have left the country.


(n) facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true / Example: At present we have no __________ of life on other planets.


(n) failure to win or succeed / Example: Our team ____ed the champion and became number 1.


(n) father / Example: She lives with her mom and ______.


(n) good things that happen to you by chance / Example: You're not having much _____ today, are you?


(n) great happiness and pleasure / Example: I didn't exactly jump for _______ .


(n) hard to do, understand, or deal with / Example: Was the exam very ______________ ?


(n) harm or injury/ Example: Luckily, the fire didn't do much _________ .


(n) having less of it than you used to have or not having someone you had/ Example: I am so sorry for the _________ of our great singer .


(n) hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire / Example: ________ s came out of the windows of the building.


(n) how large, important, or serious something is, especially something such as a problem or injury / Example: Seeing the _________ of his injuries, he's lucky to be alive.


(n) how tall someone or something is / Example: Sam's about the same ________ as his sister now.


(n) if someone or something has a _____ to do or become a particular thing, they are likely to do or become it / Example: Greg's ______ to be critical made him unpopular with his co-workers.


(n) if something bad that has happened is your _________ , you should be blamed for it, because you made a mistake or failed to do something / Example: I didn't sleep well that night, but it was my own _________ .


(n) if you have an _________ in something or someone, you want to know or learn more about them / Example: I'd recommend this book to anyone who has an _________ in jazz.


(n) illegal activities in general / Example: New laws have been introduced to fight _____.


(n) information about something that is written down or stored on computer, film etc so that it can be looked at in the future / Example: According to official _______s, five people were killed last year near that road junction.


(n) information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true / Example: I've heard all sorts of _______ s about him and his secretary.


(n) information or facts / Example: The research involves collecting ______ from two random samples.


(n) knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and proving facts / Example: Many leading scientists do not consider that ______ can give absolutely reliable knowledge.


(n) knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this / Example: He had no previous ______________ of managing a farm.


(n) land that is outside cities and towns / Example: The best way to explore the ____ is on foot.


(n) large objects such as chairs, tables, beds, and cupboards / Example: I can't think of a single piece of _________ in my house that I bought new.


(n) money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month / Example: The average ______ for a teacher is $39,000 a year.


(n) money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work / Example: He earns a good _____ .


(n) narrow plastic material covered with a special magnetic substance, on which you can record sounds, pictures, or computer information / Example: We've got the film on _____.


(n) new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things that are based on modern knowledge about science and computers / Example: Modern ________ makes moving money around much easier than it used to be.


(n) on the day that is happening now / Example: I couldn't go shopping yesterday so I'll have to go ______ .


(n) one of several things that affect or cause a situation / Example: The rise in crime is because of social and economic ________ s.


(n) one of the different types of a person or thing that belong to the same group / Example: The flowers attract several different _________ s of insects.


(n) one of the five movable parts at the end of your foot / Example: He stubbed his _____


(n) one of the flat green parts of a plant that are joined to its stem or branches / Example: Add a few ________ s of fresh basil to the salad.


(n) one of the foods that you use to make a particular food or dish / Example: The food is home-cooked using fresh _____________ s.


(n) one of the four long thin parts on your hand, not including your thumb / Example: The woman had a ring on her ______ , so I assumed she was married.


(n) one of the light soft things that cover a bird's body / Example: The kitten had a _________ cushion.


(n) one of the long parts of your body that your feet are joined to, or a similar part on an animal or insect / Example: She fell and broke her _______ .


(n) one of the organs on either side of your head that you hear with / Example: The child whispered something in her mother's ____.


(n) one of the parents of your mother or father / Example: My _______________ s live in Sussex.


(n) one of the parts of a bird's or insect's body that it uses for flying / Example: The bird flapped its ____s .


(n) one of the parts that something such as an object or place is divided into / Example: I finished the last _______ of my project.


(n) one of the round things under a car, bus, bicycle etc that turns when it moves / Example: The car slid sideways, its rear ______ s spinning.


(n) one of the two parts of the body that you use to see with / Example: There were tears in her _______ s as she listened to the story.


(n) one of the two parts on each side of your body between the top of your leg and your waist / Example: She stood there with her hands on her _______ s looking at him.


(n) one of the two soft parts around your mouth where your skin is redder or darker / Example: She had big eyes and full ______ s


(n) one part or feature of a whole system, plan, piece of work etc, especially one that is basic or important / Example: Honesty is a vital ________ of her success.


(n) part of a play during which there is no change in time or place / Example: I'm not into the club ______


(n) part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing / Example: There is no direct ___________ to her own childhood in the novel.


(n) physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy and become stronger / Example: Try to fit some regular ___________ into your daily routine.


(n) plays as a form of entertainment / Example: Yeats' plays are great poetry but they are not good _____


(n) political freedom from control by the government of another country / Example: Nigeria gained _____________ from Britain in 1960.


(n) power that is used to provide heat, operate machines etc / Example: The water is heated using _________ from the sun.


(n) respect and admiration for someone or something / Example: Burt had high ________ for his old law professor, Dr. Finch


(n) serious arguement,disagreement / Example: The Government was in ____ with the unions over pay.


(n) serious study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or test new ideas / Example: Gould was helped in his ___________es by his instructors.


(n) several people or things that are all together in the same place / Example: He was surrounded by a _________ of admirers.


(n) shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people / Example: What did people do for _____ at home before TV was invented?


(n) small things that you wear for decoration, such as rings or necklaces / Example: She wears a lot of gold __________ .


(n) someone at a party, meal etc who has invited the guests and who provides the food, drink etc / Example: Our _______ greeted us at the door.


(n) someone who buys and uses products and services / Example: These price cuts are good news for ____.


(n) someone who comes to visit a place or a person / Example: Times Square attracts more than 30 million _________ s annually.


(n) someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject, gained as a result of training or experience / Example: He's a world __________ on marine mammals.


(n) someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered / Example: The ________ was sent to a hospital.


(n) someone who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions for someone else / Example: Japan has refused to send a _________ to the talks in Geneva.


(n) someone who hates you and wants to harm you/ Example: She made many _____ies because of her selfish behaviours.


(n) someone who is invited to an event or special occasion / Example: Among the invited ________ s were Jerry Brown and Elihu Harris.


(n) someone who likes a particular sport or performing art very much, or who admires a famous person / Example: Groups of football _____ s began walking towards the stadium.


(n) someone who lives or stays in a particular place / Example: ________ s of Glacier Bay are unhappy about the pollution caused by cruise ships.


(n) someone who reads books, or who reads in a particular way / Example: I've always been a good _______ .


(n) someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened / Example: Police are talking to the _______ of this crime.


(n) someone who steals things from another person or place / Example: ______es broke into the offices and stole some computer equipment.


(n) someone who tells the actors in a film or play what to do/ Example: Alfred Hitchcock is a famous film _____.


(n) someone who works in an office typing letters, keeping records, answering telephone calls, arranging meetings etc / Example: My _______ will fax you all the details.


(n) someone who works on a ship / Example: Six British _____s drowned.


(n) someone who works or is trained in science / Example: They're all ______s really, plus businessmen.


(n) someone who writes books, stories etc, especially as a job / Example: She's one of my favourite ______ s.


(n) someone who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio / Example: She worked as a _________ on the New York Times.


(n) someone who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time with / Example: One of her closest ________ s died at the weekend.


(n) someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court / Example: If you are charged with breaking the law, you will need to get a _________ .


(n) someone whose job is to design or build roads, bridges, machines etc / Example: He trained as a computer __________ .


(n) someone whose job is to prepare text, film, etc by deciding what to include and making mistakes correct / Example: An ____ should be very careful because finding little mistakes is an important part of the job.


(n) someone whose job is to protect a place or person / Example: There were two security _______ s on duty outside the building.


(n) someone whose job is to teach, especially in a school / Example: The ______ sent him to the principal's office.


(n) someone whose job is to tell jokes, sing etc in order to entertain people / Example: Sinatra is one of the top ___________ s of all time.


(n) someone whose job is to treat people's teeth / Example: I'm going to the ______ this afternoon to get a check of my teeth.


(n) someone's _____ is the person they are having a sexual relationship with but who they are not married to / Example: He killed his wife's _____.


(n) someone's female child / Example: She's got two _________ s and one son.


(n) something or someone that is not included in a general statement or does not follow a rule or pattern / Example: It's been cold, but today's an ____________ .


(n) something pretty that you put in a place or on top of something to make it look attractive / Example: The building was very plain with hardly any ________ at all.


(n) something such as useful land, or minerals such as oil or coal, that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth / Example: Canada's vast mineral _______ s


(n) something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective / Example: One _____of living in the country is the lack of public transport.


(n) something that grows on a plant, tree, or bush, can be eaten as a food, contains seeds or a stone, and is usually sweet / Example: Try to eat a lot of fresh ________ .


(n) something that happens or exists because of something that happened before / Example: High unemployment is a direct ________ of the crisis.


(n) something that is done as a reaction to something that has happened or been said / Example: The law was passed in _______ to public pressure.


(n) something that is done by people in a particular society because it is traditional / Example: The guide offers information on local _________ s.


(n) something that is popular or thought to be good at a particular time / Example: Long hair is back in ______ for men.


(n) something that makes you feel very proud / Example: Over 100 players competed for the _______ of representing the county in the National Finals.


(n) something that provides information and helps you to form an opinion or make a decision / Example: The user's ______ is not clear enough. I don't understand this.


(n) something that someone needs or asks for / Example: The refugees' main ____________ s are food and shelter.


(n) something that you are trying to achieve, such as a total, an amount, or a time / Example: Higher degrees in English are a _____ for foreign students.


(n) something that you do for someone in order to help them or be kind to them / Example: Could you do me a __________ and tell Kelly I can't make it?


(n) something that you do regularly or usually, often without thinking about it / Example: She has a _______ of playing with her hair when she's nervous.


(n) something that you feel or do because of something that has happened or been said / Example: What was Jeff's _________ when you told him about the job?


(n) something that you get because you have done something good or helpful or have worked hard / Example: The school has a system of ________ s and punishments to encourage good behaviour.


(n) something that you give someone, for example to thank them or because you like them, especially on a special occasion / Example: The earrings were a ______ from my aunt.


(n) something that you hope to achieve in the future / Example: Your ______ as a parent is to help your child become an independent adult.


(n) something that you say or do to make people laugh, especially a funny story or trick / Example: I couldn't go out with someone for a ________ , could you?


(n) something that you say when you express an opinion or say what you have noticed / Example: Unfortunately, a local journalist heard the ________ .


(n) something that you wear to cover your feet, made of leather or some other strong material / Example: I sat down and took off my ______s and socks.


(n) special attention or importance / Example: In Japan there is a lot of __________ on politeness.


(n) story that is told using sound and moving pictures, shown at a cinema or on television / Example: Have you seen any good ______ s recently?


(n) the ability or power to make someone or something do what you want or make something happen in the way you want / Example: He lost ____ of the vehicle.


(n) the ability to deal with dangerous or difficult situations without being frightened / Example: Sue showed great ___________ throughout her illness.


(n) the ability to learn, understand, and think about things / Example: To be good at the game, you need a reasonable level of ___________ .


(n) the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do/ Example: Lt. Carlos was not obeying orders. He acted on his own _________ .


(n) the ability to see / Example: She suffered temporary loss of _________ after a car accident.


(n) the act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them / Example: I've offered to paint the kitchen in ___________ for a week's accommodation.


(n) the act of going into something / Example: It was dark and their _________ into the camp had gone unnoticed.


(n) the act of increasing the area of activity, group of people, etc. that is affected by something / Example: The city is building an ____________ to the subway line.


(n) the act of protecting something or someone from attack / Example: Apples and carrots particularly strengthen the body's _____ in the winter months.


(n) the act of realizing and accepting that something is true or important / Example: Don's _______ of the importance of Suzy in his life


(n) the act of taking part in an activity or event, or the way in which you take part in it / Example: School officials say they welcome parental ___________ .


(n) the activity of preparing food so that it is ready to eat, usually by heating it / Example: My mother does all the _______ . She is always in the kitchen.


(n) the activity of riding a bicycle / Example: Unlike the motor car, _________ creates no pollution and it is good for health.


(n) the activity or skill of making or repairing clothes or decorating cloth with a needle and thread / Example: Imogen picked up her _____ kit.


(n) the activity or skill of understanding written words / Example: _______ is a good way of imagination.


(n) the activity or sport of going for walks, especially in the countryside or mountains / Example: We went _____ in the forest.


(n) the amount of money that something is worth / Example: The ________ of the house is very high.


(n) the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something / Example: I offered to pay the ________ of the taxi.


(n) the amount of money that you spend on something / Example: He borrowed £150,000 and used the money for legal ____________ s.


(n) the amount of sound produced by a television, radio etc / Example: Can you turn the ________ up?


(n) the amount or degree of something, compared to another amount or degree / Example: Inflation fell to its lowest _______ in 30 years.


(n) the area just inside the door of a house or other building, that leads to other rooms / Example: We left our coats in the _______ .


(n) the area of land next to a house, where there are flowers, grass, and other plants, and often a place for people to sit / Example: Grace brought us some flowers from her _________ .


(n) the back part of your foot / Example: Using the _____ of your foot, step into shape.


(n) the basic unit for measuring liquid in the metric system / Example:You need to drink 2 ______ of water.


(n) the business of selling and sending goods to other countries / Example: The US is Scotland's second largest _________ market after France.


(n) the careful choice of a particular person or thing from a group of similar people or things / Example: The judges have made their final ______ .


(n) the child of your son or daughter / Example: I was the fifth __________ .


(n) the clear liquid without colour, smell, or taste that falls as rain and that is used for drinking, washing etc / Example: There's _____ all over the bathroom floor.


(n) the condition of having a paid job / Example: She was offered _________ in the sales office.


(n) the daughter of your son or daughter / Example: In late December, Jane Cheever brought his first ___________ , two week old, to visit.


(n) the day between Friday and Sunday / Example: We went for a picnic on _______ .


(n) the day between Tuesday and Thursday / Example: We can go on _______ .


(n) the day between Wednesday and Friday / Example: I went to Edinburgh on ________ .


(n) the differences within a group, set of actions etc that make it interesting / Example: I really like the __________ the store has to offer.


(n) the direction from which the sun rises, and which is on the right if you are facing north / Example: The sun rises in the _____ and sets in the west.


(n) the direction towards which the sun goes down, and which is on the left if you are facing north / Example: A wind blew from the ____ .


(n) the distance from one side of something to the other / Example: What's the _____ of the desk?


(n) the distance from the top surface of something such as a river or hole to the bottom of it / Example: The lake reaches a maximum _____ of 292 metres.


(n) the early part of the night between the end of the day and the time you go to bed / Example: I do most of my studying in the _________ .


(n) the edge of the raised path at the side of the road/ Example: A boy is pushing a his scooter towards the _____.


(n) the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something / Example: We need to analyze the _________ on climate change.


(n) the end of something, especially something pointed / Example: He kissed the ____ of her nose.


(n) the energy from the Sun, a flame, a lamp etc that allows you to see things / Example: We saw a flash of _______ .


(n) the fact of being unable to do something / Example: Alcoholism can result in an ____________ to cope.


(n) the feeling of being excited / Example: The children were filled with __________ at the thought of visiting Disneyland.


(n) the feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink when you put it in your mouth / Example: The medicine had a bitter _____ .


(n) the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad is going to happen / Example: She has a _____ of flying, she can't get on a plane.


(n) the feeling you have when you are embarrassed / Example: Her behaviour has caused great _____to her family.


(n) the feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarrassed / Example: He felt a deep sense of _____ .


(n) the flat surface that you stand on inside a building / Example: They only dragged her more roughly, so that her knees scraped along the rough cement ______ .


(n) the form that a book, newspaper, magazine etc is produced in / Example: Wilson owns a rare 1853 _________ of the poetry collection.


(n) the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are / Example: I felt like hitting him in the __________ .


(n) the general condition of your body and how ________ you are / Example: I'm worried about my husband's _________ .


(n) the greatest or least amount, number, speed etc that is allowed / Example: There's no age _________ for applicants.


(n) the group of people who govern a country or state / Example: The _____________ is planning further cuts in public spending.


(n) the hard central part of a fruit such as an apple/ Example: Remove the ________ s, and bake the apples for 40 minutes.


(n) the hard outer part that covers and protects an egg, nut, or seed / Example: Never buy eggs with cracked ____s.


(n) the hard pointed thing that grows, usually in pairs, on the heads of animals such as cows and goats / Example: The bull hit them with his ________ .


(n) the hard substance that forms the main surface of the Earth / Example: To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid ______ .


(n) the heat something produces, or when you feel warm / Example: The children huddled closely together for _____ .


(n) the house, apartment, or place where you live/ Example: They have a beautiful _____ in California.


(n) the information or ideas that are talked about in a book, speech, film, etc/ Example: The _____ of the article was questionable.


(n) the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience / Example: He did not have much ___________ of American history.


(n) the inner part or inside of something / Example: We need to check the __________ parts of this machine.


(n) the joint that bends in the middle of your leg / Example: Lucy had a bandage round her __________ .


(n) the joint where your arm bends / Example: His shot had hurt the shoulder joint, and... came out between the shoulder and _______ .


(n) the large area of salty water that covers much of the Earth's surface / Example: Jay ran into the ____.


(n) the large-scale production of goods or of substances such as coal and steel / Example: This type of software is widely used in __________ .


(n) the last part of a period of time, event, activity, or story / Example: Weather is expected to get colder by the _______ of the year.


(n) the liquid that comes from fruit and vegetables, or a drink that is made from this / Example: A Coke and a tomato ________ , please.


(n) the look on someone's face showing what they feel or think / Example: I decided to go to the meeting as an _________ of support.


(n) the machinery in a vehicle such as a car, truck, or bicycle that you use to go comfortably at different speeds / Example: Any cyclist can climb a difficult hill; you just change ________ .


(n) the main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or the evening / Example: What time do you usually have ___________ ?


(n) the man that a woman is married to / Example: Have you met my _________ Roy?


(n) the management of money by governments, large organizations etc / Example: They arrested Russian _______ minister.


(n) the mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head / Example: Her _____ was short and dark.


(n) the material that trees are made of / Example: Put some more _____ on the fire.


(n) the measurement of how long something is from one end to the other / Example: We measured the _________ and width of the living room.


(n) the money that you earn from your work or that you receive from investments, the government etc/ Example: People on higher ___________ s should pay more tax.


(n) the name given to a particular book, painting, play etc / Example: The ____ of this play is 'Othello'.


(n) the narrow part in the middle of the human body / Example: The skirt was too big around the _____ .


(n) the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services / Example: Hopefully, with the electric cars the ____ for petrol will go down.


(n) the network of computer systems that allows computer users around the world to exchange information / Example: These ads are published on the ________ .


(n) the number of points that each team or player has won in a game or competition / Example: The final ______ was Southampton two, Leeds United nil.


(n) the official in control of a court, who decides how criminals should be punished / Example: The trial ______ goes over the number of years to be spent in prison.


(n) the official system for providing something, especially something that everyone in a country needs to have, or the official organization that provides it / Example: Workers in the emergency _______s are forbidden from striking.


(n) the opinion or feeling you have about someone or something because of the way they seem / Example: When we looked around the school we got a very good __________ .


(n) the opinion people have of a person, organization, product etc, or the way a person, organization etc seems to be to the public / Example: The princess tried to project an __________ of herself as serious and hardworking.


(n) the organ in your chest which pumps blood through your body / Example: Her cheeks were hot and her _______ was pounding.


(n) the part of a building,road,bridge that is under the ground and supports it / Example: The earthquake shook the _________ s of the house.


(n) the part of a fence or outside wall that you can open and close so that you can enter or leave a place / Example: We went through the ______ into the orchard.


(n) the part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground and gets water from the soil / Example: These plants produce a number of thin ______ s.


(n) the part of a suit that covers the top part of your body / Example: Gene has to wear a __________ and tie to work.


(n) the part of a television or computer where the picture or information appears / Example: He went on staring at the TV ____.


(n) the part of an object that is furthest from its centre / Example: Keep away from the _____ of the pool, you may slide and fall in.


(n) the part of your body at the end of your arm, including your fingers and thumb, that you use to hold things / Example: He has a tattoo on his _______ .


(n) the part of your body that you stand on and walk on / Example: I dropped a glass earlier, so don't walk around in bare ________ .


(n) the part of your body where your hand joins your arm / Example: She had a gold watch on her ______ .


(n) the part of your hand that is shaped like a thick short finger and helps you to hold things / Example: She held the coin carefully between finger and ______ .


(n) the part that sticks out at the back of an animal's body, and that it can move / Example: The dog wagged its _____ .


(n) the particular taste of a food or drink / Example: Which ________ do you want - chocolate or vanilla?


(n) the passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes that go down to your lungs and stomach / Example: The singer complained of a sore _______ after Wednesday's show.


(n) the people and things that are around you in your life, for example the buildings you use, the people you live or work with, and the general situation you are in / Example: The company failed to provide a safe ________ for its workers.


(n) the period of time between two events, activities etc / Example: He left the room, returning after a short ___________ with a message.


(n) the period of time when someone is alive / Example: Learning goes on throughout ______ .


(n) the period of time when someone is young, especially the period when someone is a teenager/ Example: Many of these people had used drugs in their ______ .


(n) the person who directs or controls a group, organization, country etc / Example: These products are firmly established as the market ________ s.


(n) the physical activity that two people do together in order to produce babies, or for pleasure / Example: All you see on TV is ____ and violence these days.


(n) the place in the ground where a dead body is buried / Example: At the head of the __________ there was a small wooden cross.


(n) the place where God is believed to live and where good people are believed to go when they die / Example: He believed that he and his wife would one day be together again in _________ .


(n) the place where a judge decides if someone is guilty of a crime / Example: If they don't pay you can take them to ____.


(n) the place where you pay or are served in a shop, bank, restaurant etc / Example: He was trying to understand if the girl behind the __________ remembered him.


(n) the planet that we live on / Example: Alaska is one of the coldest places on _____.


(n) the point at which two lines or edges meet / Example: There was a television in the _____ of the room.


(n) the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed / Example: The refugees believe that their lives are in _________ .


(n) the possibility that something bad, unpleasant, or dangerous may happen / Example: Skiers always face the _____ of serious injury.


(n) the power to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks, without using direct force or orders / Example: As a scientist, his _________ was immense.


(n) the process of changing something in order to improve it by correcting it or including new information or ideas / Example: The judge wants to see a ___________ of the procedures.


(n) the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, college, or university / Example: A good can _____ provide a good job.


(n) the purpose that something has, or the job that someone or something does / Example: In your new job you will perform different __________ s.


(n) the quality of being important / Example: I agree about the _________ of these offers.


(n) the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult / Example: Yuri shows great __________ to learn English.


(n) the reasons you give for why something happened or why you did something / Example: Can you think of any _________ for this failure?


(n) the regular paid work that you do for an employer / Example: It was the first paid ________ I ever had.


(n) the result of an action or situation, especially a bad result / Example: She has to accept the ____s of her actions.


(n) the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone / Example: People here like their _______ and privacy.


(n) the room where you prepare and cook food / Example: Sam went into the ___________ to make a pot of tea.


(n) the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences, or the study or use of these rules / Example: Check your spelling and _________ .


(n) the season after autumn and before spring, when the weather is coldest / Example: Soon it will be _____ .


(n) the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice that are eaten as food / Example: Last year's ________ harvest was the biggest ever.


(n) the situation, events, opinions or information that are related to something and that help you to understand it / Example: To understand what these changes will mean, it is necessary to look at them in _______ .


(n) the sixth month of the year, between May and July / Example: My birthday is in ______ .


(n) the smaller and more important of the two parts of the government with the power to make laws, in countries such as the US, Australia, and France / Example: The _____ approved the bill.


(n) the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones / Example: His _______ was red and covered in sores.


(n) the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body / Example: Take some _____ and cotton stockings with you. It is cold up in the hills.


(n) the sounds that you make when you speak, or the ability to make these sounds / Example: He recognized her _________ instantly.


(n) the sport or activity of travelling in or directing a small boat with sails / Example: Bud has invited us to go _____ this weekend.


(n) the state of being happy / Example: We want our children to have the chance of ___________ .


(n) the state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements / Example: He claims he is not really interested in ________ .


(n) the state of being prepared to do something / Example: He has shown no ______ to stay.


(n) the state of feeling sad / Example: She realized Beth's deep ______ .


(n) the state that something is in, especially how good or bad its physical state is / Example: The car has been renewed and is in excellent _________ .


(n) the structure that covers or forms the top of a building, vehicle, tent etc / Example: They finally found the cat up on the _______ .


(n) the study of the countries, oceans, rivers, mountains, cities etc of the world / Example: It is a remote country with difficult communications, climate and ____________ .


(n) the surface of the Earth / Example: The leaves were slowly falling to the _________ .


(n) the system by which people are judged in courts of law and criminals are punished / Example: The killers will be brought to ___________ .


(n) the thick soft hair that covers the bodies of some animals, such as cats, dogs, and rabbits / Example: Lady Yolanda was swathed in elegant _____ s.


(n) the thing that is measured in minutes, hours, days, years etc using clocks / Example: Einstein changed the way we think about space and ____ .


(n) the tools, machines etc that you need to do a particular job or activity / Example: The laboratory has all the latest _________ .


(n) the top part of your body that has your face at the front and is supported by your neck / Example: Alan fell asleep as soon as he put his ________ on the pillow.


(n) the type of person you are, your character, your typical behaviour etc / Example: Why don't you look after ________ ? You look tired.


(n) the use of money to get a profit or to make a business activity successful, or the money that is used / Example: We plan to buy some property as an ___________ .


(n) the way in which something is planned and made / Example: Microsoft is a world leader in software _____.


(n) the way in which two people or two groups feel about each other and behave towards each other / Example: I have quite a good _________ with my parents.


(n) the way something or someone moves, faces, or is aimed / Example: Which _____________ did they go in ?


(n) the whole system of rules that people in a particular country or area must obey / Example: The officials should obey the ________ .


(n) the woman that a man is married to / Example: Have you met my _____ ?


(n) the work or profession of a teacher / Example: Mrs Ward had many years of experience in _______ .


(n) things that are done to keep a person, building, or country safe from danger or crime / Example: The trial was held under tight _______ .


(n) things that people and animals eat, such as vegetables or meat / Example: The restaurant serves good _________ at affordable prices.


(n) to fasten things together or hold them in a particular position using a piece of string, rope etc/ Example: _____ this label to your suitcase.


(n) to make something happen at a later time than originally / Example: We had to _____ the wedding because I needed an operation.


(n) to move from side to side in the air or make something move this way Example: Look at those sea _____ s.


(n) to show respect and love for a god, especially by praying in a religious building / Example: They all _____ the same god.


(n) two people who are married or having a romantic relationship / Example: A young __________ with a baby have just moved into the house next door.


(n) uncontrolled flames, light, and heat that destroy and damage things / Example: The house was completely destroyed by ______ .


(n) very strong thick string, made by twisting together many thinner strings / Example: They tied a ______ around my waist and pulled me up.


(n) warmth or the quality of being hot / Example: Insulating the attic is a good way to reduce _____ loss.


(n) water that has frozen into a solid state / Example: Would you like some _____ in your drink?


(n) what actually happens or is true, not what is imagined or thought / Example: I think the government has lost touch with ________ .


(n) what you think or believe about something / Example: What's your _________ on the subject?


(n) what you think or hope will happen / Example: For some time he lived with the _________ that he was going to die.


(n) when people vote to choose someone for an official position / Example: The Labour Party won the 2001 _____ by a huge majority.


(n) when something is taken away from, out of, or off the place where it is / Example: The ________ of this section is necessary.


(n) when something separates or is separate / Example: My husband and I are considering a _______ .


(n) when there is fighting between two or more countries or between opposing groups within a country, involving large numbers of soldiers and weapons / Example: He served as a pilot during the ___ .


(n) when there is not enough of something, or none of it / Example: Too many teachers are treated with a ______ of respect.


(n) when you do not understand what is happening or what something means because it is not clear / Example: There was some __________ as to if we had won or lost.


(n) when you encourage someone or something, or the things that give them confidence to do/ Example: Children need lots of _____ from their parents.


(n) when you say firmly that you will not do, give, or accept something / Example: His ________ to pay his debth got him into even more trouble.


(n) when you sell something / Example: Harvey gets a $50 commission every time he makes a _____


(n) when you stop working, usually because of your age / Example: He became a keen golfer after his _______ from politics.


(n) when you tell someone that you are happy because they have achieved something or because something nice has happened to them / Example: ____ on doing a great job.


(n) why something happens, or why someone does something / Example: People give different ________s for wanting to change jobs.


(n) words that have been written or printed / Example: What does the ______ on the back say?


(n) work that a student at school is asked to do at home / Example: For ___________ , finish the exercise on page 14.


(n) work, especially physical work / Example: Many women do hard manual _______ .


(n) your opinion or ideas about something, or your attitude towards it / Example: The Administration's ______ changed as the war started.


(n)how heavy something is when you measure it / Example: The average _______ of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds.


(n)someone, especially in the past, who was paid to clean someone's house, cook for them, answer the door etc, and who often lived in the house / Example: Many young girls became domestic _______s.


(n)the size or level of something, or the amount that something is happening / Example: We couldn't find the ______ of the problem.


(n.) the fact that somebody/something is able to do something /Example: Last night, we watched a little girl with great musical ______ in the talent show.


(n.) when you are away from a place /Example: The letter arrived during his _____ .


(n.) wrong or bad use of something /Example: He was arrested due to his _____ of power.

get sth away

(ph. v) to give something to someone because you do not want or need it for yourself / Example: I ______ most of my books _______ when I left college.

fall over

(phr) to fall onto the ground or to fall from an upright position / Example: Tommy _____ _______ and cut his knee badly.


(prep) a word used especially in letters or speeches to introduce the subject you are writing or talking about / Example: ________ your recent inquiry, I have brought a copy of our new brochure.


(prep) before a certain period of time has passed / Example: We should have the test results back _____ 24 hours.


(prep) below or at a lower level than something, or covered by something / Example: Wendy had hidden the box _______ her bed.


(prep) directly under another object or covered by it / Example: He got out of the car and looked ___________ .


(prep) if something happens ________ a particular time, it continues and then stops at that time / Example: ______ recently, Anna worked as a teacher in Japan.


(prep) not having something, especially something that is basic or necessary / Example: After the storm we were ______ electricity for five days.


(prep) similar to something else, or happening in the same way / Example: Her hair is dark brown _______ mine.


(prep) used to mean 'on' or 'onto' / Example: We are completely dependent _______ your help.


(prep) used to say that two or more people or things are together in the same place / Example: I saw Bob in town ____ his girlfriend.


(prep.) in or to a higher place than /Example: The sound came from the room _____ , so he went upstairs to check.


(prep.) used to say that something happens or is true even though something else might have prevented it / Example: _______ all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.


(pro) each thing or all things / Example: You look upset. Is _____ all right?


(pro) every person / Example: Send my best wishes to __________ in the family.


(pro) exactly or about 50% (½) of an amount, time, distance, number etc / Example: Over _____ of the children live in one-parent families.


(pro) in or to every place / Example: I've looked ___________ but I can't find the map.


(pro) used to refer to a man, boy, or male animal that has already been mentioned or is already known about / Example: 'Where's Paul?' ' _____ 's gone to the cinema.'


(pron) the object form of 'who', used especially in formal speech or writing / Example: She called her sister, _____ she hadn't spoken to in 20 years.


(pron) used by the person speaking or writing to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people / Example: 'Did you go into the supermarket?' 'No, ____ didn't.'


(pron) used to ask for information or for someone's opinion / Example: _____ subjects did you enjoy most?


(pron) used to ask or talk about one or more members of a group of people or things, when you are uncertain about it or about them / Example: _____ book are you looking for?


(pron) used to ask or talk about which person is involved, or what the name of a person is / Example: _____ locked the door?


(pron) used to refer to a person or group of people when speaking or writing to them / Example: Hi, Kelly. How are ____ ?


(pron) used to say that it does not matter who does something, is in a particular place etc / Example: When you're done with the book, just give it to Kristin or Shelley or _____ .


(pron) used to show that the woman or girl who does something is affected by her own action / Example: She cut _________ on some broken glass.


(pron) used when speaking or writing to one or more people to refer to something that belongs to them or is connected with them / Example: This is our room, and _____ is just across the hall.


(pron)used to ask which person or people a particular thing belongs to / Example: ______ keys are those?


(pron.) a number of people or things that is more than a few, but not a lot / Example: _______ people have volunteered to go.


(pron.) used to refer to a person, thing, idea etc that has already been mentioned or is already known about / Example: 'You never cared about me.' ' ______ 's not true.'


(pron.) used to refer to a person, thing, idea etc that has just been mentioned or to something that has just happened / Example: We must make sure _____ doesn't happen again.


(pron.) used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal that has already been mentioned or is already known about / Example: You could always ask Beth - ____ 's got plenty of money.


(pron.) used to refer to two or more people or things that have already been mentioned or are already known about / Example: Bob and Sue said _____ wouldn't be able to come.


(pron.) used to refer to two or more people or things that have already been mentioned or are already known about / Example: Has anyone seen my keys? I can't find ______ anywhere.


(v) a period of time when you are not doing anything tiring and you can relax or sleep / Example: You look exhausted! Why don't you take a _____ ?


(v) a thin pointed piece of metal that you push and turn in order to fasten pieces of metal or wood together / Example: Fix the frame in position and tighten the _____s.


(v) an activity or situation _____________ s something, that thing is part of it or a result of it / Example:This play ___________ so much work.


(v) an attempt to find someone or something / Example: They are ________ ing for survivors.

get on

(v) enter a bus, plane, or train/ Example: He is always the first person to get on the service bus in the morning.


(v) if a container or place _____ s, or if you ______ it, enough of something goes into it to make it full / Example: He poured her a drink, then ______ ed his own glass.


(v) if a liquid or something wet freezes or is frozen, it becomes hard and solid because the temperature is very cold / Example: The lake had ______ overnight.


(v) if a person or a thing is _______ ed in a mirror, glass, or water, you can see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water / Example: She could see her face _______ ed in the car's windshield.


(v) if a piece of clothing _____ s you, it is the right size for your body / Example: I know this dress is going to _____ you like a glove


(v) if a wound or a broken bone ______ s or is _____ ed, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again / Example: It took three months for my arm to ____ properly.


(v) if an animal or plant ___________ s, or ___________ s itself, it produces young plants or animals / Example: The turtles return to the coast to __________ .


(v) if one thing __________ s another, the second thing is part of the first / Example: His job _____________ s looking after under-21 teams.


(v) if someone in authority __________ s a rule, punishment, tax etc, they force people to accept it/ Example: The court can __________ a fine.


(v) if someone tells you something, they communicate information, a story, their feelings etc to you / Example: I wish someone _____ me the meeting was canceled.


(v) if something ______ s, especially something round, or if you _____ it, it moves along a surface by turning over and over / Example: One of the eggs _____ ed off the table.


(v) if something ___s to be true, there are things that make people think it is true / Example: Ann didn't ______ very pleased.


(v) if something that happens is a ______ , you did not expect it, and it makes you feel very surprised, and usually upset / Example: The news of his death came as a great ____ to everyone.


(v) if two things ______ , they are connected in some way / Example: These results don't _______ .


(v) if you _______ in a place, you have your home there/ Example: They ______ ed in Holland for ten years.


(v) if you __________ someone to another person, you tell them each other's names for the first time / Example: Have you two been ______________ ed? Tom, this is Greg.


(v) if you ___________ something, or if it ___________ s, it becomes bigger in amount, number, or degree / Example: The population ____________ ed a lot in the first half of the century.


(v) if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose/ Example: I'll show you which room you can _______ .


(v) o ask someone to come to a party, wedding, meal etc / Example: Who should we _______ to the party?


(v) something or someone upwards into the air / Example: Sophie _______ ed the phone before the second ring.


(v) the form that something has, for example round, square, triangular etc / Example: You can recognize a tree by the ______ of its leaves.


(v) the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past / Example: Judge Kelso has a ______ for being strict but fair.


(v) the possesions and money that someone owns when they die / Example: The property is part of the deceased's _______ .


(v) to advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject / Example: Doctors strongly ________ that fathers should be present at their baby's birth.


(v) to allow someone to do something / Example: I can't come out tonight - my dad won't _______ me go.


(v) to amuse or interest people in a way that gives them pleasure / Example: She ___________ ed the children with stories, songs and drama.


(v) to announce something publicly or officially/ Example: Scientists have ____ed that this meat is safe to eat.


(v) to answer someone by saying or writing something / Example: 'Did you see Simon today?' 'Of course, ' Nathalie _______ied with a smile.


(v) to appear or come out from somewhere / Example: A figure _____ed from the shadows.


(v) to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc to be kept for you to use at a particular time in the future / Example: Do you have to ______ tickets in advance?


(v) to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post / Example: Lyn ______ some pictures of the wedding.


(v) to ask for information or advice from someone because it is their job to know something / Example: If symptoms continue, ___________ a doctor without delay.


(v) to be brave enough to do something that is risky or that you are afraid to do - used especially in questions or negative sentences / Example: He wanted to ask her out for a dinner, but he didn't ________ .


(v) to be doing or to become a part of an activity / Example: Only 10% of American adults _________ in regular exercise.

consist of

(v) to be formed or made from two or more things or people / Example: This dessert ____ fruit and cream.


(v) to be given something / Example: All the children will ______ a small gift.


(v) to be in a position in which your body is flat on the floor, on a bed etc / Example: He was _________ ing on the bed.


(v) to be slowly destroyed by a natural chemical process, or to make something do this / Example: Sugar makes your teeth ____.Brush your teeth everyday.


(v) to be the best or most successful in a competition, game, election etc / Example: Who do you think will _____ the final cup?

look forward to

(v) to be thinking with pleasure about something that is going to happen (because you expect to enjoy it)/ Example: I'm _____ing _____ _ the weekend.


(v) to become a member of an organization, society, or group / Example: You can enjoy a sport without _______ ing a club or belonging to a team.


(v) to become impossible to see any longer / Example: The sun ________________ed behind a cloud.


(v) to become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become larger / Example: Sydney's population ___________ ed quickly in the 1960s.


(v) to become less or go down to a lower level, or to make something do this / Example: The population of this town has ____d from 15000 to 10000.


(v) to behave in a particular way or show a particular emotion because of something that has happened or been said / Example: How did Wilson ________ to your idea?


(v) to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc by laying or pressing one part over another / Example: ________ the paper along the dotted line.


(v) to break or to make something break, either so that it gets lines on its surface, or so that it breaks into pieces / Example: Don't put boiling water in the glass or it will _______ .


(v) to break suddenşy from inside, or to make something burst, into small pieces, usually with a loud noise and in a way that causes damage / Example: Far sooner than anyone thought possible, the Russians __________ ed an atomic bomb.


(v) to build something such as a house, bridge, road etc / Example: There are plans to __________ a new road bridge across the river.


(v) to buy shares, property, or goods because you hope that the value will increase and you can make a profit / Example: I've got a few thousand dollars I'm looking to ___________ .


(v) to calculate the total number of things or people in a group / Example: I was amazed at the number of plants - I ____________ ed 147.


(v) to carefully put something down somewhere / Example: She ____ the gun on the floor.


(v) to change the appearance, form, or purpose of something/ Example: They _________ ed the extra bedroom into an office.


(v) to chase animals and birds in order to kill or catch them / Example: Wolves tend to _______ other animals in groups


(v) to choose someone for an official position by voting / Example: In 2008, Obama was _____ed the president of the USA.


(v) to choose something after thinking about several possibilities / Example: The offer was very good ,so she ____ed to take the job.


(v) to choose something or someone by thinking carefully about which is the best/ Example: He was ______ed for the national team.


(v) to clean something using water and a type of soap / Example: It's your turn to _____ the dishes.


(v) to come from or be developed from something / Example: The name 'Adrianna' _____s from Latin.


(v) to come together and form a group, or to make people do this / Example: Thousands of people ________ ed outside the embassy.


(v) to complete the last part of something that you are doing / Example: You can't go anywhere until you've __________ ed your homework.


(v) to continue for a longer period of time, or to make something last longer / Example: Management have agreed to __________ the deadline.


(v) to continue to be in the same state or condition/ Example: Please _______ seated until all the lights are on.


(v) to cook something in hot fat or oil, or to be cooked in hot fat or oil / Example: _______ the potatoes, covered, for about 20 minutes.


(v) to cover a place with water, or to become covered with water / Example: Towns and cities all over the country have been ______ ed.


(v) to cut off hair very close to the skin, especially from the face, using a razor / Example: He didn't _____ed for days.


(v) to damage something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be used or repaired / Example: The school was completely ________ ed by fire.


(v) to deliberately kill or injure someone using a gun / Example: Police _____ one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.


(v) to deliberately not include something / Example: The judges decided to _________ evidence which had been unfairly gained.


(v) to dislike something very much / Example: It's the kind of movie you will probably _______ .


(v) to do a job that you are paid for / Example: Many young people in the area have never ____ed.


(v) to do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done / Example: The students_________ ed quietly to her question.


(v) to do something or go somewhere more quickly than usual, especially because there is not much time / Example: We'll have to ________ , otherwise we'll miss the start.


(v) to do the things that are necessary to complete a job / Example: He _________d the situation very well.


(v) to end an argument or solve a disagreement / Example: Rodman met with Kreeger to ______ .


(v) to end something such as a meeting,speech, or piece of writing by doing or saying one last thing / Example: The concert ____ed with a firework display.


(v) to experience a particular physical _________ ing or emotion / Example: You can never tell what he's ______ ing.


(v) to experience something unpleasant / Example: They ____________ ed serious problems when two members of the team were injured.


(v) to fasten something, usually with a key, so that other people cannot open it, or to be fastened like this / Example: I can't get this drawer to ________ .


(v) to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it / Example: Don't do anything you might ________ .


(v) to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty / Example: Barnet was desperate for money to ________ his financial problems.


(v) to find out the facts about something / Example: Investigators are still trying to __________ the cause of the fire.


(v) to find someone or something, either by accident or because you were looking for them / Example: They came to California hoping to _____ gold.


(v) to find the exact position of something / Example: We couldn't __________ the source of the radio signal.


(v) to fix something that is damaged, broken, split, or not working properly / Example: Where can I get my shoes ________ed?


(v) to forgive someone for doing something that is not seriously wrong, such as being rude or careless / Example: I'll ________ you this time, but don't be late again.


(v) to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like / Example: __________ that you have just won a million pounds.


(v) to form a twisted or curved shape, or to make something do this / Example: Mary was busy ________ ing her hair.


(v) to gain knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught / Example: What's the best way to ________ a language?


(v) to get better after an illness, accident, shock etc / Example: After a few days of fever, she began to _________ .


(v) to get pleasure from something / Example: Sandra ________ s her job in the city.


(v) to give an acceptable explanation for something that other people think is unreasonable/ Example: I don't know how they will_________ those ticket prices.


(v) to give food to a person or animal / Example: Have you _______ the cat?


(v) to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in / Example: City employees cannot __________ to political campaigns.


(v) to give someone a disease / Example: People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still ________ others.


(v) to give someone food or drink, especially as part of a meal or in a restaurant, bar etc / Example:He ______ us immediately as soon as we sat around the table.


(v) to give someone something or allow them to have something that they have asked for, especially formal or legal permission to do something / Example: Britain could _________ Spain's request.


(v) to give someone the courage or confidence to do something / Example: I want to thank everyone who has _____________ ed and supported me.


(v) to give someone the official right to do or have something / Example: Full-time employees are __________ ed to receive health insurance.


(v) to give something to someone in exchange for money / Example: If you offer him another hundred, I think he'll ____- .


(v) to give special attention to one particular person or thing, or to make people do this / Example: He needs to ________ more on his career.


(v) to go and get something or someone and bring them back / Example: Shannon went upstairs to _________ some blankets.


(v) to go and spend time in a place or with someone, especially for pleasure or interest / Example: Eric went to Seattle to _______ his cousins.


(v) to go around a place where you have never been in order to find out what is there / Example: The best way to _______ the countryside is on foot.


(v) to go away from a place or a person / Example: My baby gets upset when I _______ the room.


(v) to go or come back to a place where you were before / Example: It was forty five minutes before she ________ ed.


(v) to go or come into a place / Example: Few reporters dared to _______ the war zone.


(v) to go or stretch from one side of something such as a road, river, room etc to the other / Example: He ________ ed the Black Sea on a small boat.


(v) to go, walk, drive etc behind or after someone else / Example: Tom's already gone out to Rome and his wife and children will _________ shortly.


(v) to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this / Example: Dancing helps _____ balance and coordination.


(v) to happen or be present in a particular situation or place / Example: The file no longer ______s, I deleted it by mistake yesterday.


(v) to have a desire for something / Example: What do you _____ for your birthday?


(v) to have a particular opinion or to believe that something is true / Example: He didn't _____ anyone would believe him.


(v) to have a particular weight / Example: The young birds ____ only a few grams.


(v) to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places etc from the past / Example: I _______ you two couldn't stand each other at first!


(v) to have a strong feeling of affection for someone, combined with sexual attraction / Example: He was the only man she has ever ____ed.


(v) to have an accident in a car, plane etc by violently hitting something else / Example: The jet _________ ed after take-off.


(v) to have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour / Example: What have I done to ________ this?


(v) to have information about something / Example: There are instructions telling you everything you need to _______ .


(v) to have or express a different opinion from someone else / Example: He is tolerant of those who _______________ with him.


(v) to have or include within its volume or area / Example: This product ____s only natural ingredients.


(v) to have or use something with other people / Example: We don't have enough books, so you'll have to _____ .


(v) to have something in your hand, hands, or arms/ Example: Could you _____ my bag for me?


(v) to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose / Example: I _______ to spend the night there.


(v) to hit a door or window with your closed hand to attract the attention of the people inside / Example: We _________ ed at the door but there was no one there.


(v) to hit something with your foot / Example: The police _________ ed the door down.

look for

(v) to hope for something; to expect something / Example: We will be _____ing ____ an improvement in your work this term.


(v) to hurt yourself or someone else, for example in an accident or an attack / Example: Angus _________ ed his leg playing rugby.


(v) to increase in amount, size, number, or strength/ Example: Support for Mr Thompson is _________ ing.


(v) to increase in number, amount, or value / Example: Sales ______ by 20% over the Christmas period.


(v) to injure yourself or someone else / Example: Put that thing down - you might _______ someone with it.


(v) to join together the two sides of a coat, shirt, bag etc so that it is closed / Example: Please _____ your safety belt for take-off.


(v) to join two or more things together / Example: The railway link would __________ Felixstowe with Fishguard.


(v) to keep something or continue to have something / Example: You have the right to ________ your goods.


(v) to know and understand something, or suddenly begin to understand it / Example: I suddenly ______ed that the boy was crying.


(v) to know that a sound is being made, using your ears / Example: Did anyone see or _______ anything last night?


(v) to know the meaning of what someone is telling you, or the language that they speak / Example: I'm sorry, I don't _________ . Can you explain that again?


(v) to know who someone is or what something is, because you have seen, heard, experienced, or learned about them in the past / Example: It was malaria, but Dr Lee hadn't __________ed the symptoms.

get off

(v) to leave a bus, plane, or train/ Example: They got off the train immediately when a fire started.


(v) to leave a place when someone is trying to catch you or stop you, or when there is a dangerous situation / Example: He broke down the locked door and __________ ed.


(v) to let someone borrow money or something that belongs to you for a short time / Example: I _______ my CD player to Dave and I haven't got it back yet.


(v) to let someone go free, after having kept them somewhere / Example: Police arrested several men, who were later _________ed.


(v) to let someone have something as a present, or to provide something for someone / Example: What did Bob _________ you for your birthday?


(v) to like or want something, or want to do something / Example: ________ a quick drink, Emma?


(v) to limit or control the size, amount, or range of something / Example: They __________ the access of internet during the day.


(v) to look after someone or something / Example: Sofia was in the bedroom _____ing to her son.


(v) to look at someone or something for a period of time, paying attention to what is happening / Example: We sat and _____ ed the sunset.


(v) to look at someone or something very carefully, especially to try to discover something/ Example: She picked up the knife and ______ed it closely to find some clue.


(v) to look at written words and understand what they mean / Example: I can't ____ your writing.


(v) to make a connection between two or more things or people / Example: A love of nature _______ s the two poets.


(v) to make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips / Example: Adam _______ ed happily on his way to work.


(v) to make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt, frightened, excited etc / Example: After the first few shots, people started _____ing.


(v) to make a person or animal die / Example: Murray held a gun to his head and threatened to ______ him.


(v) to make a problem or subject easy to notice so that people pay attention to it / Example: Your résumé should ________ your skills and achievements.


(v) to make an object such as a ball move quickly through the air by pushing your hand forward quickly and letting the object go / Example: He ______ the ball away .


(v) to make certain that something is done or happens will happen properly / Example: Please _____ that you turn off all the lights before you go out.


(v) to make clothing out of wool, using two knitting needles / Example: My grandmother taught me how to _________ .


(v) to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need / Example: If there's anything I can do to ______ , just give me a call.


(v) to make known something that was previously secret or unknown / Example: The magazine ________ed that the famous couple got married.


(v) to make someone feel admiration and respect / Example: We were very _________ ed by the standard of work.


(v) to make someone feel afraid / Example: Don't stand so near the edge! You're __________ ing me.


(v) to make someone feel annoyed or impatient, especially by doing something many times or for a long period of time / Example: It really ___________ s me when he doesn't help around the house.


(v) to make someone feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable, especially in front of other people/ Example: He didn't want to _____________ her by asking questions.


(v) to make someone feel certain that something is true / Example: Her arguments didn't __________ everyone, but changes were made.


(v) to make someone feel frightened / Example: Loud noises can _____ animals or birds.


(v) to make someone feel happy, interested, or eager / Example: His playing is technically brilliant, but it doesn't _________ me.


(v) to make someone feel pleased by doing what they want / Example: Nothing I did would ever ______ my father.


(v) to make someone feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand / Example: I understand the text but the diagrams are ________ ing me.


(v) to make someone feel unhappy because something they hoped for did not happen or was not as good as they expected / Example: We don't want to ____the fans but we don't plan to give a concert in your city this year.


(v) to make someone feel very unhappy / Example: The thought of taking the exam again ___________ ed him.


(v) to make someone or something safe from danger, harm, or destruction / Example: He _____ that little girl from that fire .


(v) to make someone remember something that they must do / Example: The girls had to be _________ ed about their chores.


(v) to make something better, or to become better/ Example: You could use the money for ___________ ing your home.


(v) to make something exist that did not exist before / Example: Some people believe the universe was ___________ ed by a big explosion.


(v) to make something return to its former state or condition / Example: They ________ed the team's trust after winning this match.


(v) to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is / Example: I couldn't sleep for three days - I'm not ___________ ing.


(v) to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price / Example: The governor announced a new plan to ________ crime.


(v) to make sounds with your voice, usually while you are smiling, because you think something is funny / Example: 'I didn't know what I was doing, ' she said, ________ ing at the memory.


(v) to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples / Example: Let me give an example to ____________ the point.


(v) to make, design, or think of a new type of thing/ Example: Alexander Graham Bell ___________ ed the telephone in 1876.


(v) to move earth, snow etc, or to make a hole in the ground, using a spade or your hands / Example: This bird _________s a small hole in the sand to bury their eggs.


(v) to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other / Example: 'How did you get here?' 'We _____ed.'


(v) to move from one place or position to another, or make something do this / Example: Joe listened, ______ ing uncomfortably from one foot to another.


(v) to move or bend your body in a particular direction / Example: They were _______ ing forward, facing each other.


(v) to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower position / Example: Big drops of rain were ______ing from the sky.


(v) to move or go with someone or something from one place to another/ Example: Barney _____ us to the airport.


(v) to move suddenly from side to side or up and down / Example: She _____ him to wake him up.


(v) to move very quickly, by moving your legs more quickly than when you walk / Example: I ______ down the stairs as fast as I could.


(v) to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere very soon / Example: Mona _______ ed down the corridor.


(v) to need something / Example: Campbell's broken leg will probably ________ surgery.


(v) to not remember facts, information, or people or things from the past / Example: What happened that day will never be __________ .


(v) to not stop happening, existing, or doing something / Example: Sheila ____________ ed to work after she had her baby.


(v) to not succeed in achieving something / Example: Dad's business ______ed after just three years .


(v) to notice or examine someone or something, using your eyes / Example: The moment we _____ the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.


(v) to obtain or achieve something you want or need / Example: They _______ ed control of selling goods to Europe again.


(v) to offend someone by saying or doing something they think is rude / Example: Nobody _________ s my family and gets away with it!


(v) to officially and legally control a country and make all the decisions about taxes, laws, public services etc / Example: The party have been _________ ing for seven months.


(v) to officially speak or take action for another person or group of people / Example: Mr Kobayashi was chosen to _________ the company at the conference.


(v) to officially tell someone about something or give them information / Example: They decided to __________ the police


(v) to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored / Example: Alan stretched and ____ ed.


(v) to paint the inside of a room, put special paper on the walls etc / Example: The bathroom is ___________ ed in green and yellow.


(v) to pause before saying or doing something because you are nervous or not sure / Example: Kay __________ d for a moment and then said 'yes'.


(v) to pay attention to what someone is saying or to a sound that you can hear / Example: ________ ! There's a strange noise in the engine.


(v) to pay money to borrow something for a short period of time / Example: They _____ a car to travel around.


(v) to pay no attention to something that you have been told or that you know about / Example: You can't _________ the fact that many criminals never go to prison.


(v) to pay someone to work for you / Example: The factory ________ s over 2,000 people.


(v) to perform a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts / Example: We are ______________ ing a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.


(v) to prepare food for eating by using heat / Example: _________ the sauce over a low heat for ten minutes.


(v) to press something so hard that it breaks or is damaged / Example: Two people were _______ ed to death while they were trying to escape.


(v) to produce a new book, article, poem etc / Example: He ______ some very famous books.


(v) to produce bright light / Example: The sun was ____ing.


(v) to produce or cause something / Example: The program would _________ a lot of new jobs.


(v) to produce tears from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt / Example: The little boy fell over and started to _____.


(v) to promise to do something or to promise that something will happen / Example: I _________ you'll love this film.


(v) to push yourself up into the air, or over or away from something etc, using your legs / Example: How high can you _______ ?


(v) to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that it is ready to be used / Example: Security cameras have been _________ ed in the city centre.


(v) to put food in your mouth and chew and swallow it / Example: She can ______ like a horse and never put on weight.


(v) to put or keep something or someone in a place where they cannot easily be seen or found / Example: She ________ her diary under her bed .


(v) to put paper or cloth over something to cover it/ Example: The present was beautifully _____ ed in gold paper.


(v) to put something in a position so that the top part is fixed or supported, and the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground / Example: Philip _______ his coat on a hook behind the door.


(v) to put something inside or into something else / Example: Please ___________ the card before you open the hotel room door.


(v) to put something over something else, in order to protect or hide it / Example: The boy was ashamed ,so he ____his face with his hands.


(v) to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do / Example: You can ______some extra cash by selling something on the internet.


(v) to receive something that someone gives you or sends you / Example: What did you ________ for Christmas?


(v) to recognize and correctly name someone or something / Example: The police took fingerprints and _____________ ed the body.


(v) to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something / Example: Sarah _______ ed her brother's offer of help.


(v) to regularly pay money to live in a house or room that belongs to someone else, or to use something that belongs to someone else / Example: Most students _______ rooms in their second year.


(v) to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past / Example: You don't happen to ______ his name, do you?


(v) to repair something that is broken or not working properly / Example: Ellis was able to quickly find and ______ the problem.


(v) to rest or do something that is enjoyable, especially after you have been working / Example: What Robyn needed was a drink to ______ her.


(v) to risk money or possessions on the result of something such as a card game or a race, when you do not know for certain what the result will be / Example: Their religion forbids them to drink or ________


(v) to rub your skin with your nails because it feels uncomfortable / Example: John _____ed his head.


(v) to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm / Example: They _______ ed two people by helicopter.


(v) to say exactly what something means, or what someone or something is like / Example: Our company clearly ____ its workers' duties in the contracts.


(v) to say firmly and often that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true / Example: His friends ________ ed he had no connection with the accident.


(v) to say firmly that you will not do something that someone has asked you to do / Example: She asked him to leave, but he ________ed.


(v) to say or write something again / Example: Can you ________ your question?


(v) to say that you will cause someone harm or trouble if they do not do what you want / Example: He is ________ing us with his gun.


(v) to say things to someone as part of a conversation / Example: I could hear Sarah and Andy _____ing in the next room.


(v) to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them / Example: The police asked her to _______ the man.


(v) to see that a problem exists and try to deal with it or control it / Example: First, they must ____their addiction.


(v) to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time, or to make something shine in this way / Example: Lightning ______ ed overhead.


(v) to show or prove something clearly / Example: The study ____________ s the link between poverty and education.


(v) to show or say that something is definitely true / Example: New evidence has __________ ed the first witness's story.


(v) to show something in a public place so that people can go to see it / Example: Her paintings have been _________ ed all over the world.


(v) to show something that is usually covered or hidden / Example: Our bodies need to be _____ed to sunlight in order to make vitamin D.


(v) to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true / Example: Research _____________ s that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.


(v) to show which person or party you want, or whether you support a plan, by marking a piece of paper, raising your hand etc / Example: In 1918 British women got the right to ________ .


(v) to sit on an animal, especially a horse, and make it move along / Example: She learned to ______ when she was seven.


(v) to speak or say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your voice / Example: You don't have to _____ , no one can hear us.


(v) to spoil or destroy something completely / Example: All this mud's going to ______ my shoes.


(v) to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a long time / Example: He _____ed this restaurant 50 years ago and it is still a very popular place.


(v) to start doing something instead of another person, or start being used instead of another thing / Example: Lectures have ________ed the old tutorial system.


(v) to start something, usually something big or important / Example: The organization has ___________ ed a campaign to raise $150,000.


(v) to start to feel ____ed, or make someone feel ____ed / Example: I was very ____ed after that chaotic day.


(v) to stay in a particular state, condition, or position, or to make someone or something do this/ Example: We walked around the fire to _______ warm.


(v) to stay or move on the surface of a liquid without sinking / Example: She spent the afternoon _________ ing on her back in the pool.


(v) to stay somewhere or not do something until something else happens, someone arrives etc / Example: Would you mind _____ing outside?


(v) to steal money or property from a person, bank etc / Example: They killed four policemen while ______ ing a bank.


(v) to stop being angry with someone and stop blaming them, although they have done something wrong / Example: I've tried to ________ him for what he said.


(v) to stop having a particular attitude, quality, ability etc, or to gradually have less of it / Example: I've _____ my appetite.


(v) to stop living and become dead / Example: He lived a wonderful life and _______d in 1985 at the age of 76.


(v) to stop sleeping, or to make someone stop sleeping / Example: When she _____ , the sun was shining.


(v) to stop someone from continuing what they are saying or doing by suddenly speaking to them, making a noise etc / Example: Sorry to ________ , but I need to ask you to come downstairs.


(v) to stop taking part in an activity, belonging to an organization etc, or to make someone do this / Example: She _______ from the competition.


(v) to stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age / Example: He was forced to _______ early because of poor health.


(v) to stop yourself from having something that you like very much or doing something that you want to do / Example: She can never ________ buying new shoes.


(v) to strongly suggest that someone does something / Example: I got a note from Moira _______ ing me to get in touch.


(v) to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation / Example: He ________ ed quite well as manager while still directing the team.


(v) to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down onto the floor / Example:She ____ed with exhaustion.


(v) to suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, often repeatedly / Example: I think I'm getting a cold or flu - I've been _________ ing and sneezing all day.


(v) to suggest that something is true, without saying this directly / Example: Are you _______ing that I am fat ?


(v) to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person / Example: The morning mail has just been ________ ed.


(v) to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement / Example: Two men _________ ed her and pushed her to the ground.


(v) to talk about something with someone and tell each other your ideas or opinions / Example: We _____ed the advantages ad disadvantages of buying a bigger house.


(v) to teach a child at a school, college, or university / Example: The Ormerod School __________ s handicapped children.


(v) to tell or show what you are feeling or thinking by using words, looks, or actions / Example: Parents have __________ ed their concerns about their children's safety.


(v) to tell someone about something in a way that is clear or easy to understand / Example: He carefully _______ ed the procedure.


(v) to tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it / Example: 'Be careful, the rocks are slippery, ' Alex ____ ed.


(v) to tell someone that you are pleased and grateful for something they have done, or to be polite about it / Example: I haven't had a chance to _____ him yet.

look at

(v) to think about a subject carefully so that you can make a decision about it / Example: Management is _____ing ____ ways of cutting costs.


(v) to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision / Example: I seriously ___________ ed changing career.


(v) to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc / Example: I ______ how James is getting on.


(v) to think or suppose something / Example: The police ________ that whoever killed Dad was with him earlier that day.


(v) to think someone or something is unpleasant and not like them / Example: I ___________ being the centre of attention.


(v) to think that someone or their behaviour, ideas etc are bad or wrong / Example: I knew my parents would ________________, but I went to that rock concert anyway.


(v) to think that something will happen because it seems likely or has been planned / Example: Tom didn't _____ to get a very high score from his Maths test but he is the best in class and very happy.


(v) to touch someone or something quickly and hard with your hand, a stick etc / Example: He _____ his friend and ran away.


(v) to touch someone with your lips as a greeting, to show them love, or as part of a sexual relationship / Example: Georgina took him in her arms and ________ ed him on the lips.


(v) to translate spoken words from one language into another / Example: They spoke good Spanish, and promised to _________ for me.


(v) to travel by plane / Example: Maurice is nervous about ________ ing, so he usually travels overland.


(v) to travel on or across an area of water in a boat or ship / Example: Three tall ships _____ ed past.


(v) to travel or move to a place that is away from where you are or where you live / Example: There's nothing more we can do here. Let's _____ home.

rely on

(v) to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do / Example: Many working women _______ ___ relatives to help take care of their children.


(v) to try to achieve or get something / Example: Do you think the president will _____ re-election?


(v) to try to answer a question or form an opinion when you are not sure whether you will be correct/ Example: I'd say he's around 50, but I'm only __________ ing.


(v) to try to deal with a difficult problem / Example: There is more than one way to ______ the problem.


(v) to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem / Example: The study ________ s the impact of violent TV programming on children.


(v) to try to stop or prevent someone from leaving a place or to prevent something from spreading / Example: He was ____ed to a prison cell for several days.


(v) to turn your eyes towards something, so that you can see it / Example: If you _________ carefully you can see that the painting represents a human figure.


(v) to use a needle and thread to make or repair clothes or to fasten something such as a button to them / Example: I learned to _____ at school.


(v) to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone / Example: He ___________ ed his energies to writing films.


(v) to walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose / Example: I'll _____ around the mall for half an hour.


(v) to want something to happen or be true and to believe that it is possible or likely / Example: We ______ that more women will decide to join the course.


(v) to want to do something / Example: If you _____ go to London, you should save up.


(v) used to greet someone who has just arrived / Example: ______ to London!


(v) when something _________ s, there is an event, especially one that is not planned / Example: It's impossible to guess what will ________ next.


(v) when something such as money or skills are not used in a way that is effective, useful, or sensible / Example: Stop ______ing my time!


(v.) to give up completely, to leave behind /Example: People often simply ____ their pets when they go abroad.


(v.) to suck up or take in /Example: Trees ____ carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

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