Performance Appraisal

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horns effect

-some negative aspects of the employee's performance to influence the assessment to such an extent that other levels of job


a narrative appraisal of job performance

performance appraisal

actual performance, not intent, is evaluated. } Let employees know the level of their job performance as well as any expectations the organization may have of them. } Generate information for salary adjustments, promotions, transfers, disciplinary actions, and terminations.

self appraisals

an appraisal of performance by the employee

peer review

assessment of work performance carried out by peers

what is the sandwich effect for giving feedback

be positive give an opportunity to learn give encouragement

management by objectives

employee and management agree on goals of performance to be reached

central tendency effect

most of their employees as "average"

are performance appraisals subjective or objective


halo effect

one or two positive aspects of the assessment or behavior unduly influence all other aspects of performance

trait rating scales

rates an individual against some standard

behaviorally anchored rating scale

rates desired job expectations on a scale of importance to the position


rates the performance against a set list of desirable job behaviors

job dimension scales

rates the performance on job requirements

recency effect

recent issues weighed more heavily than past performance

positives of a self appraisal

self growth and self awareness

who should conduct the appraisal

that employees direct supervisor

why is it good to use various sources and types of information when performing an appraisal

the appraisal is more accurate

elements of effective feedback

timely balanced specific

example of STAR AR

} (ST) When Employee Y asked questions off-topic, } (A) you looked at your phone several times(R) which came across as if you were disinterested and diminished their trust in your help. } (A) Next time, if you are concerned with the time or schedule, then affirm your interest as well as your respect for everyone's time, and suggest scheduling a separate meeting to discuss the new topic } (R) which will address the time factor while maintaining the client's trust.

example of STAR

} (ST) When you explained policies and procedures to Department X } (A) you were thorough and easy to understand } (R) which allowed them to grasp the topic and encouraged them to ask more questions.

coaching and feedback

} 1:1 interaction to address specific developmental issues and receive feedback on strengths and opportunities } Provides support and guidance } Informal day to day performance appraisal } This is like a mentor that happens everyday or most days to help give you feedback or for you to ask questions

performance appraisal

} A method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated. } How well employees perform the duties of their job as delineated by their job description } One of the most personally charged responsibilities that one has as a peer and/or as a manager } Can increase productivity and retention } When done well, has the potential to promote continuous development, support career choices and foster professional success } When not done well, has the potential to demotivate and discourage

effective coaching

} Be specific } Be descriptive --not evaluative - about what was wrong with the work performance } Be aware of biases } Give direct feedback to behavior that needs changed } Be sensitive } Ensure employee understood feedback

peer review process

} Characteristic of shared governance culture, professional autonomy } Considerations: • Selection, number and mix of reviewers (LPN, RN, techs, Aids, patients, doctors, pt/ot, etc.) • Anonymity • Does the peer review affect compensation (i.e. merit raise?) } Education and preparation of staff • Is this my role? • How will it be used? • How to provide feedback - positive and negative

effective appraisals

} Conducted in a private setting } Standards and behaviors that will serve as the basis for the appraisal are known. } Expectations are clearly communicated } In addition to duties of the job description, the employee should have input into establishing goals (appraisal + analysis) } Advanced notice of 2-3 days of scheduled appraisal should be given } Avoid surprises.

effective appraisals

} Employee strengths, Areas of improvement, Encouragement } If several problems - Pick only major ones } Focus on performance not personal characteristics } Plan collegial seating arrangement • Eye level } May need to plan for return discussion

what is the STAR approach

} Helps focus attention on behaviors that got them to their current level of performance } Can be used to reinforce good performance as well as to help people improve } Can be used to give feedback verbally or in writing

motivating employees

} If employees believe that the appraisal is based on their job description rather than on whether the manager approves of them personally, they are more likely to view the appraisal as relevant. } The employee must believe that the appraisal is based on a standard to which other employees in the same classification are held accountable. } The employee should have some input into developing the standards or goals on which their performance is judged. } Everyone should be equally evaluated

appropriate evaluation materials

} Job description -- gives objective data or expectations assessed-TRAIT RATING SCALE } Medical record - review documentation } Employee's self-evaluation } Peer review

peer review

} Peers rather than supervisors carry out monitoring and assessment of a peer } Can help with staff retention through professional development for both evaluator and person whose performance is being reviewed - but it has to be done right!

goal setting

} Promotes professional growth } Enhancement to retention/satisfying work environment } Measurable and specific

what does the STAR approach mean

} S - Situation } T - Task (what you need to do) } A - Action (how to correct) } R - Result (provide feedback)

effective appraisal

} Seek input from the employee throughout the interview } Be deliberate in clarifying that the appraisal is being conducted to promote development and not to satisfy regulatory or organizational requirements } Prepare sufficient material to offer specific examples; avoid vague generalities - both positive and negative } Gather data from appropriate sources and over entire appraisal period } Obtain signature (indicates that the material was reviewed; does not indicate agreement with contents)

pitfalls in performance appraisals

} Subjectivity } Tendency to be too lenient } Appraisal based on intent vs performance } Inadequate information to provide specific examples (poor record keeping)

self appraisal

} Summary of one's work • introspective; done independently of manager's appraisal • create a portfolio } keep a record of everything you've done in a separate folder (CEU's, volunteering, how many times you came in when they asked, etc.) • goals and action plan to accomplish the goals

360 degree evaluation

} The 360-degree evaluation includes an assessment by all individuals within the sphere of influence of the individual being appraised. } Ask everyone from different disciplinaries to see what they think of your work


} To give developmental feedback, follow the same plan as positive feedback - STAR - plus: } An alternative Action (A)—what the person might have said or done instead. } The expected enhanced Result (R)—why the alternative action might be more effective.

performance appraisal

} Using a formal system of performance review reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the appraisal's subjectivity. } Performance appraisal should be objective not subjective } Used to help strengthen you and for growth } Should be objective, systematic and formalized as much as possible. } Can be used to determine staff education and training needs } Includes suggestions for growth in performance appraisals as well as recognitions of employee accomplishments } Because of past experiences, performance appraisal interviews are highly charged, emotional events for most employees.

Matthew effect

} when employees receive the same appraisal results, year after year

drawbacks of peer review

• Nurse can feel uncomfortable evaluating peers • Time consuming • Training required -- appropriate feedback - specific; constructive; offers solutions

drawbacks of a self appraisal

• undervalue yourself or inflate productivity • need for validation feedback, • feel uncomfortable in self appraisal

where can you find sources to help with performance appraisal

◦ Peers/Coworkers ◦ Nursing Care Plans ◦ Patients ◦ Personal observation

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