Periods 1-6 Coverage

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Period Three (1754-1800) Shay's Rebellion

IMPORTANT****** Rebellion of farmers that demanded an end to foreclosures, imprisonments for debt, and paper currency. Long rebellion--several months--went on for so long because of the weak gocernment under the Articles of Confederation--felt as if the wealtht werent protecting the poor

Period Five (1844-1872) What were some tactics used by members of the abolitionist movement?

Moral arguments--incompatible with "natural rights" and "all men are created equal" Assissting slaves escapes--underground railroad Willingness to use violence--John Brown @ Harpers Ferry

Period 2 (1607-1754) Describe Triangle Trade

New Englanders manufactured and shipped rum to the west coast of Africa in exchange for slaves, the slaves were taken through The Middle Passage to the West Indies where they sold for molasses and money, the molasses would be sent to New England to make rum and start the entore system of trade all over again

Period Five (1844-1872) 2 Economies in America

North- manufactoring that relied on free labor South- agriculture (relied on slavery)

Period Five (1844-1872) Opposition to conscription persisted in both regions

North: MD newspapers were shut down by Lincoln, NYC Daft Riots-- "Rich man's war, but poor man's fight" South: Many farmers refused to fight (didn't want to leave farms) and would not allow slaves to fight

Period One (1492-1607) Where did the French settle?

Parts of Canada and the Ohio River valley

Period Three (1754-1800) 1763 Importance: Create the acronym PEEP: P= Pontiac's Rebellion E= End of 7 Years' War E= End of Salutary Neglect P= Proclamation Line of 1763

Past AP Exam asked a lot on these events!!

Period Six (1865-1898) Impacts of the Industrial Revolution

Price of goods decreased and workers' wages increased New goods and services emerges--sewing machines, sporting equipment, other household items Americans' standards of living improved HOWEVER, a gap grew between the rich and poor Business leaders sought to increase profits by consolidating businesses into: -Trusts: associated with monopolies -Holding companies--one company that owns stock in several other companies, thus controlling them

Period Three (1754-1800) British colonists expanded into native land. Pontiacs Rebellion lead to __________.

Proclamation Line of 1763. Britian made colonists not expand

Period Six (1865-1898) Because food is being produced so efficiently, there was a ____in food prices.

decrease. - Mechanized tractors, reapers, etc. allowed for less reliance on animals and allowed for faster cultivation of crops. - Grain elevators allowed for storing crops and transporting to RRs easy

Period Six (1865-1898) Lower class families relied on their children for wages, thus increasing child labor. There was a huge supply of workers, so their wages were _____.


Period Six (1865-1898) Marketing Advantages include:

mail order catalogs--appealed to middle-class families (SEARS)

Period Five (1844-1872) Vocab to know: Conscription


Period Three (1754-1800) How did Ben Franklin contribute to the independence movement?

Argued that America contributed significantly in the 7 Years' War though colonial taxes and men; co-writer of the Decleration of Independence, and gained the support of France during the war

Period Six (1865-1898) Unions, as a whole, sought to improve ____________ and _________________.

working conditions, wages

Period 2 (1607-1754) Harvard College and Yale College were established primarily to... A. Train lawyers and doctors B. Encourage scientific advances C. Ensure and adequate supply of ministers D. Prepare young men for political leadership


Period Five (1844-1872) Compromise of 1850

CA was added as a free state--(tips balance in favor of free states) Slave trade was abolished in DC Popular Sovereignty in Mexican Cession More strict fugitive slave law-- personal liberty laws in the North

Period 4 (1800-1848) Abolition: William Lloyd Garrison's "The Liberator"

Called for the immediate and uncompensated end to slavery

Period Six (1865-1898) Think of some examples of philanthropy

Carnegie gave money for 100s of libraries through the US (some still present today) Vanderbilt University- $1 million from Cornelius Vanderbilt to establish the school Creation of schools, libraries, etc. showed the Gospel of Wealth

Period Three (1754-1800) What led to British-French conflict, and what were the impacts?

Causes: - Expansion of British colonists into the interior of North America (Ohio Valley) - iroquois allied with the British

Period Three (1754-1800) Thomas Paine's Common Sense significance

Challenged King George the 3rd--claimed it was "common sense" to break away from the corrupt monarch - "a little island could not rule a larger continent"

Period Six (1865-1898) Why were individuals attracted to cities? What oppurtunities were there in cities?

Cities grew from factories and businesses for jobs, escape poverty, religious persecution (Jews in Russia fled to US), limiterd opppurtunities for social mobility--"rags to riches" in US--Haratio Alger stories highlighted the social mobility available in America

Period Three (1754-1800) Great Compromise

Combined the VA Plan (large state plan) that representation is by population, and the NJ Plan (small states plan) that wanted representation to be equal. CREATED A BICAMERAL LEGISLATURE. One based on population (House of Reps) and one based on equal representation (Senate)

Period 4 (1800-1848) Gibbons V. Ogden

Congress, NOT states can control interstate commerce

Period Three (1754-1800) Due to the A.O.C failing, the people called for a contitution which.......

Created a limited government that embodied federalism and seperation of powers

Period Three (1754-1800) What were some achievments of the Northwest Land Ordinance?

Created a process to admit new states (once population of 60,000 was reached), guarunteed freedom of religion and trial of jury (this was before the Bill of Rights), a portion of land sales went to fund education (16th square mile), slavery was abolished, protection of private property

Period One (1492-1607) Which of the following best describes the impact European colonization had on the western henisphere's native population? A. The native population was hughly respected in terms of territorial possessions and religious beliefs B. The europeans for the most part did not interact with the native population C. Spain was the only European country to successfully create alliances with the native population D. Native populations were often killed off or driven away from the Europeans.


Period One (1492-1607) Capitalism

Economic system based on private investment and possessions

Period Five (1844-1872) What were reasons for, and goals of the nativist movement that emerged during this time?

Emergence of nativism: - Anti-Catholic -Sought ti limit immigrants' political power -Know-Nothing Party developed which was an anti- immigrant anti-catholic group that sought to limit the power and influence of immigrants

Period Three (1754-1800) What was the message of George washingtons Farewell Address?

Encouraged national unity: -Warned against political parties -stay away from permanent foreign alliances US DID NOT LISTEN

Period 4 (1800-1848) How did slaves adapt to their circumstances and create a new culture?

Enslaved African Americans created communities and sought to protect their family structures and dignity - african americans developed ellaborate "surrogate" families so when blood families were divided there were others to take major family roles. -Slave music used to pass time (major is practicing religion)

Period Six (1865-1898) Gospel of Wealth

Essay written by Andrew Carnegie. -Promoted Social Darwinism -Wealth among the few was the natural and most efficient result of capitalism -Great wealth brought responsibility

Period 4 (1800-1848) Marbury V. Madison

Established the principle of judicial review

Period 4 (1800-1848) Jacksonian Democracy

Favor the "common man"

Period Three (1754-1800) Ratification of the Constitution had a group who advocated the Comstitution, the ________, and a group who favored the A.O.C, the anti-______.

Federalists Anti-federalists

Period Three (1754-1800) 3/5 Compromise

For the purpose of representation, 3/5 slaves would count as 1 person in the south (South gets more representation from having slaves)

Period Three (1754-1800) Impressment definition

Forced taking of soldiers into British navy

Period Five (1844-1872) Crop Lien System

Former slaves had difficulty acquiring land from high interest rates from the Crop Lien System

Period Six (1865-1898) Taylorism

Fredrick Taylor: focused on improving efficiency--timed tasks, specific tasks for workers

Period Five (1844-1872) Sharecropping

Freedmen worked on farms and exchanged labor for using land and housing Half of their crops were typically given to the land owner If cotton prices fell ( as they did in the 1870s), perpetual debt was common for most sharecroppers Most southern blacks were sharecroppers by 1890

Period One (1492-1607) Encomienda System

Gave the right to "command" or give indians to colonists in return for a promise to "Christianise" them. Key Concept: Roots of slavery

Period Three (1754-1800) Who began the two term presidency? Which President did not follow that trend years later?

George Washington FDR

Period Six (1865-1898) Similar to Utopian societies in Antebellum America, the Gilden Age held similar views in New York's Oneida Cumminty-practiced communal ownership, free love, and eugenics.

Good synthesis info

Period Six (1865-1898) How were new markets opened in Northe America after the Civil War?

Government provided money and land for the construction of RRs (Pacific Railway Acts) Impacts? Growth in farms, cities, and lumber yards

Period Six (1865-1898) Laissez-faire

Government would keep its "hands off" economically -very little government regulation of industries

Period Six (1865-1898) Political Machines: Provided jobs and services for constituents (voters), especiallt immigrants and the poor. How did Boss Tweed manage to presuade these poor people to vote for his liked political leaders?

He targeted poor areas and promised them jobs.

Period Six (1865-1898) Social Darwinism

"SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" Claimed it was inevitable for the wealthy to prosper

Period Six (1865-1898) Know the status of the Republicans and Democrats in the late 19th century

"Solid South"--voted Democratic North-voted mostly Republican Differences between the two parties: Tariffs-Republicans advocated raising tariffs, Democrats advocated lowering them Currency-Election f 1896--Republicans favored Gold Standard, Democrats favored Free Silver Reformers argued that greed and self-interest corrupted all levels of government Local levels-political machines Federal level--patronage and election of senators by state legistlatures

Period 2 (1607-1754) What does the saying, "City on a hill" mean?

(John Winthrup) Puritain's said this so that theyd be examples to everyone else

Period 2 (1607-1754) Navigation Acts

- Goal of the Navigation Acts was to enforce Mercantilism - Navigation Acts cut off colonial trade with others, tax goods to and from colonies, monopolize trade with colonies

Period Five (1844-1872) Describe Licoln's War goals as they evolve over time.

- Initially, the war was fought to PRESERVE the union - A WATERSHED event (look at that vocab word!) was the Emancipation Proclamation issued 9/22/1862 (changed the purpose of the war--kept European powers from siding with the south--many AA enlisted in the Union Army) - Gettysburg Address--referenced a "new birth of freedom"-- sought to ensure all men truly were equal

Period Three (1754-1800) Impacts of the expansion of slavery

-Antislavery sentiment began to grow -Emergence of sectionalism towards slavery ("necessary evil" and "positive good" claims)

Period Six (1865-1898) Labor vs. Management

-Battled over wages and working conditions -Local and national unions emerged to confront businesses Knights of Labor--Union made of skilled and unskilled workers, women and African Americans; downfall was the Haymarket Square Riot (an unidentified person threw dynamite which killed several people including police.) -----> didn't last long

Period Three (1754-1800) What united the colonists AGAINST the British?

-British taxes WITHOUT colonial representation (paying taxes to British rather than their own colonial taxes) -Parliament created taxes without colonial representation, stated they were "virtually" represented because Britian had their best interest in mind

Period Five (1844-1872) Impact of the 14th and 15th amendments on the Women's Rights Movement?

-Fredrick Douglass and others favored black suffrage PRIOR to women's suffrage -Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony feared women's suffrage would not be granted anytime soon

Period Three (1754-1800) Impact of the American Rev. and Decleration of Independence on the world?

-Inspired revolutions across the world (French Revolution, Haiti, Spanish Colonies in Mexico)

Period Six (1865-1898) Emergence of a distinctive middle class: Causes...

-New managerial workers in factories and clerical workers (male and female) - Increased education opportunities -Consumer culture will grow during this time. (Baseball, Vaudeville shows, etc.)

Period Five (1844-1872) What were some reasons for westward expansion?

-access to natural and mineral resources (California Gold Rush, Comstock Lode (silver, settlements built around resources) -Economic oppurtunities ("safety-valve" theory that one could always pack up amd movd out west to make money) -Religious Refuge (Mormans, led by Brigham Young, moved west to Utah to escape religious prosecution)

Period Six (1865-1898) People's (Populist) Party

-called for a stronger government role in the economic system Causes: Growth of corporate power, RRs high rates hurt farmers. economic instability--Panics of 1873 and 1893 hurt farmers Goals: Called for a stronger governmental role in the economic system, graduated income tax; inflation of currency (help farmers) "free silver"--> not using just gold to back up money Political reform-direct election of senators; government ownership of RRs, telephones, and telegraphs

Period Six (1865-1898) 1. The Grange (1860s) 2. Southern Farmers' Alliance 3. Colored Farmers's Alliance

1. sought to bring farmers together to share techniques - hoped to elect state legislatures favorable to their programs Key idea: another example of a union formed from the accessibility in communication 2. mostly local organization -established stores and banks; excluded blacks 3. mostly in the south to help southern black farmers

Period 4 (1800-1848) Transcendentalism

1830's movement that encouraged individuals to have communication with God and nature

Period One (1492-1607) Which of the following imperial powers origionally settled the Hudson River Valley? A. Holland B. England C. France D. Swedan E. Portugal


Period One (1492-1607) Hunter-gatherer economy

A nomadic way of life with no agriculture; focused on following food sources including animals and wild plants.

Period Six (1865-1898) Describe a political machine (and how it works)

A political machine is a Democratic Party machine in Taminy Hall.; It made sure people were elected by going poor communities promsing jobs. Problem: Not a Democratic system-- and someone not political controls a city--Why? Because the Boss makes money from stealing tax payer dollars.

Period Five (1844-1872) Kansas-Nebraska Act

Allowed for popular sovereignty in KS and NB--expectation was KS would be slave, NB would be free (Overturned the Missouri Comp. and helped lead to the creation of the Republican Party fromhow many people were mad)

Period 4 (1800-1848) Elaborate on some organizations that attempted to improve society an individual behavior

American Temperance Society was cofounded by Lyman Beecher which just happened To be Harriet Beecher Stowe's father (wrote Uncle Toms Cabain) Aligned with the abolitionist movement Dorothea Dix: sought to improve treatment for the mentally ill Horace Mann: "Father of Education" Shakers: practiced celibacy,; believed in sexual equality

Period 2 (1607-1754) Mercantilism

An economic system to increase a nations wealth by government regulation of all of the nations commercial interests

Period 2 (1607-1754) The major purpose of Englands mercantilist policy was to... A. Protect infant industries in Englands young colonies B. Increase Englands prosperity C. Discourage other European powers from colonizing North America D. Reduce the needs for an overseas empire


Period 2 (1607-1754) Which of the following beliefs was central to eighteenth century Deism? A. God gave the Bible to peole to guide good behavior B. God created a universe governed by natural law C. Christ is the Redeemer of the human race D. All humans are born into sin


Period 2 (1607-1754) Deism

Belief in a supreme being, specifically one who does not intervene in the universe

Period Three (1754-1800) Stamp Act Congress

Boycott against the stamp act Key idea: Colonists could successfully boycott taces and theh developed more resolve for their cause

Period Five (1844-1872) What were the social, economic, and political impacts of the Manifest Destiny and westward expansion?

Break down of the manifest destiny illistration with Columbia: pioneers walking side by side with Columbia who is bringing the light from their old civilization with them to the new territories. Notice Columbia stringing telegraph lines, notice the different modes of transportation, notice the NA being forced farther away Reasons Behind Manifest Destiny: -Spread US institutions and beliefs -Economic motives--access land Ways the US gained land: Mexican-American War: gained the Mexican Cession Negotiations: Gadsden Purchase and Oregon Territory

Period Three (1754-1800) Impacts of the French and Indian War?

Britain gained MASSIVE amounts of land, Britain was in debt, Salutary Neglect ends--Britain ends its "hands off" policy, Britain begins to collect taxes--Sugar Act (1764), Stamp Act (1765), etc.

Period 2 (1607-1754) In the seventeenth century, which of the following was true of slavery in British North America? A. It was prohibited only in Massachusetts and Conneticut B. Slaves officially accounted for more than 30% of the population C. The number of slaves rapidly increased in the last quarter of the century D. Most slaves lived on a plantation withe 50 or more slaves


Period One (1492-1607) The Duke of Baltimore established the colony of Maryland A. as an oppurtunity to invest in that colony's maritime industry B. in order to prevent France from seizing that territory C. as a haven for persecuted English Catholics D. for Quakers who had been evicted from Pennsylvania


Period One (1492-1607) The spread of maize corn from present-day Mexico into present-day American Southwest consequently... A. Transformed their environments from the invasive maize. B. Pushed indians to become predominately mobil C. Caused economic development, settlement, advanced irrigation, and social diversity among societies. D. Spread natives diseases


Period One (1492-1607) Which English colony was established by proprietors that also had investments in the slave trade and therefore introduced slavery to their colony? A. New york B. Pennsylvania C. Virginia D. The Carolinas E. Maryland


Period Five (1844-1872) Why did Reconstruction ultimately fail?

Determined Southern Resistance: "Redeemer" governments: -local and state governments ousted Republican governments - Often done through violence and intimidation (KKK: terrorized blacks and Republicans) North's waning resolve (waning: mentioned in the curriculum as decreased) : - Death of Charles Sumner in 1874 - Panic of 1873--tainted the Republican Party and many called for a smaller government (desire to rebuild the south decreases after the war)

Period Five (1844-1872) Briefly, explain reasons why the union won the Civil War. (This is screaming a short answer question!!)

Improvements in leadership and strategy: - Sherman and Grant - Anaconda Plan--blockade Key Victories: - Antietam-tie, strategic victory for the North (morale boost, kept Europe out of the war) - Gettysburg-- issuance of Gettysburg Address (Linc, says the war has a greater moral purpose now) Greater resources: - Larger population and significantly more factories -Destruction of the South's infrastructure (Sherman's "March to the Sea")

Period Five (1844-1872) How did a Republican congress post-Civil War affect A.A?

Increased political opportunities for blacks -Instead of victims, African Americans were taking political roles

Period Three (1754-1800) Decleration of Independence

Inspired by Enlightenment ideas--John Locke through his idea of "life, liberty, and property" formerly changed to "pursuit of happiness", and Thomas Paine's common sense

Period Six (1865-1898) Describe the internal migration of the industrial workforce

Internal migration--farmers moved to cities to work in factories

Period Three (1754-1800) How did foreign policy debates impact America donestically?

Jay's Treaty (1795) US Diplomat went over to get $ back for damaged ships (upset the south), Britain promised to leave posts (forts), one cause for the development of political parties Pinckney's Treaty (1795): treaty with spain, US granted navigation rights on the Mississippi River (Right of Deposit) in New Orleans--now allowed acess to the river

Period 4 (1800-1848) Market Recolution Impact

Manufactored goods became more organized Lowell Factory System: young, single women work in factories

Period Six (1865-1898) Management and financial structures were being redesigned: Emergence of Monopolies

Monopoly: a business sought to have sole control over an industy

Period Five (1844-1872) Arguments used to defend slavery:

Racial Doctines: African Americans, like Native Americans before, were seen as "savages" John C Calhoun argued slavery was a "positive good" Constitution--believes slavery protected states' right and slavery (slaves were deemed as propertyin Dred Scott, property cant be taken away)

Period Five (1844-1872) What impacts did the 13-15 amendments have on women and African Americans?

Reconstruction Amendments: 13th-abolished slavery 14th-born in US? You're a citizen! Now has equal protection under the law 15th-universal adult male suffreage

Period Three (1754-1800) Effects of the Constitution: Emergence of the Federalists (Hamilton) and Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson and Madison)

Relations between national government and states--Federalists favored a stronger national government, Democratic-Republicans favored a smaller government

Period Three (1754-1800) How did Enlightenment lead to the American Revolution?

Religion helped contribute to many Americans views of blessed liberty and the "right" to overcome

Period Three (1754-1800) Federalists peomised to include a Bill of Rights so that the Anti-Federalists would agree to a constitution. What did this Bill of Rights do?

Restrict the power of the federal government, and protect the rights of the people. (Protected: No Quartering of Truth, Freedom of speech, no search of property without documents.)

Period 4 (1800-1848) Market Revolution

Revolution in transportation, communication, and production of goods

Period Six (1865-1898) Migrants moved to rural and boomtown areas of the West--Why?

Seeking independence and self-sufficiency "Safety-valve_ theory that no matter how bad your life gets, you can travel west and acquire wealth Oppurtunities included: Biliding RRs, mining, famring, and ranching Impacts of migrations: Decimation of bison (almost goes extinct). conflict with Natives and Mexican Americans over land (Sand Creek Massacre (1864)--133 Natives, mostly women and children were killed

Period Five (1844-1872) Ways the 14th and 15th amendmenrs were restricted:

Segregation (Jim Crow Laws) Violence(KKK and White League: intimidated AA from voting) Local political tactics (Poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses) Although unsuccessful in the 180's, these amendments would be used in the 20th century to uphold civil rights (Essay about Reconstruction? BOOM! There's your synthesis point--connect this to the 1950's and 1960's Civil Rights Movement)

Period Five (1844-1872) Desribe the Free Soil Movement

Sought to keep slavery from expanding. Free Soil Slogan, "Free labor, free soil, free men." Focused their efforts on the land from the Mexican Cession (beleived slavery was incompatible with free labor)

Period Three (1754-1800) What were the colonists opinions towards the Stamp Act?

Strongly disliked. Posters from this time held a skull on the tax which taxed 50 commonly used items like newspaper, playing cards, and marriage licenses for example.

Period Six (1865-1898) Coxey's Army

Supporters of Ohio populist Jacob Coxey who in 1894 marched on Washington, demanded that the government create jobs for the unemployed; although this group had no effect whatsoever on policy, it did demonstrate the social and economic impact of the Panic of 1893.

Period 4 (1800-1848) What were the reasons for the development of political parties, and characteristics for each party?

THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SHORT ANSWER TO KNOW Federalist: favored a stronger centeal gov., supported by upper-class, merchants and bankers, and Pro-British, loose constructionists Democratic Republicans: states-rights, supported by the lower and middle classes, farmers, Pro-French, strict constructionists Both developed out of Hamilton's financial plan and the French Rev.

Period Six (1865-1898) The south began to industrialize:

Textile Factories began to appear in the south, but sharecropping and tenant farming remained throughout much of the South

Period One (1492-1607) Understand the attitudes of Europeans: Describe how the attitudes and actions of the French and Dutch differed from those of the Spanish?

The French and Dutch both had friendly relations with the Indians. The French prided themselves on adopting a more humane policy toward the Indians than Spain did. The Dutch came to trade, not to conquer and were determined to treat the indians more humanely, even thoigh conflict was not completely avoided.

Period One (1492-1607) Matrilleneal definition

The Indians's form of descent where kinshii is with the female line

Period One (1492-1607) Western hemisphere

The americas

Period Five (1844-1872) What was the immediate cause of the Civil War?

The election of 1860

Period Five (1844-1872) Why did the election of 1860 lead to secession by South Carolina ad other states?

The election of 1860 led to the emergence of sectional parties: -Republican Party emerged in the North (made up of Free Soilers and former Whigs) Lincoln's platform in 1860 was the NONEXTENSION of slavery (didnt want to ban it, but didnt like it) He does not win a single electoral vote in the south: -The south feels like they dont have a voice considering they didnt vote for the president--only northern votes elected Lincoln

Period Three (1754-1800) Push for equality dueinf the Rev. War: Abigail Adams' "Remember the Ladies"

The increases calls for greater political democracy rose without resolution

Period One (1492-1607) Periodization: In the later staged of the feudal era, powerful Western European nations such as Spain and Portugal were emerging, and they too were bent on expanding their political and economic advantages through colonization.

The rise of nation-states in Europe was a factor in stimulating explorations to the New World. (Nation-State: a sovereign state whose citizens are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent)

Period 4 (1800-1848) How did the Second Great Awakening impact America?

The second great awakening saught to inspire humans to achieve perfection: Charles G. Finney--massive sermons to convert individuals Utopian Societies: self-sufficient groups living together in 'perfect' societies

Period Six (1865-1898) How did the federal government encourage westward expansion? What were the impacts of this expansion on Natives?

The transcontinental RR--built by Irish and Chinese Discovery of mineral resources-mines-Comstock Lode (a city built strictly for mining) Government policies-Homestead Act, subsidies to RR companies

Period Three (1754-1800) How did the colonists justify their resistence?

They compared their rights to that of the British subjects. Rejected "virtual" representation--idea of Parliament acted in the best interest of all British subjects Idea of Enlightenment, "Life, liberty, and property" (John Loche)

Period Three (1754-1800) Frontier Cultures: Scots-Irish (Paxton Boys)

They massacured NA because they want their land

Period Three (1754-1800) Feared a strong centealized power like Britain, so there were very few government interactions in the Articles of Confederation. List some failures:

Trade: each state could place taxes on goods from other states--discouraged trade between states Finances: each state could coun its own $--differing values, hugh inflation in some states, also discouraged trade (many states had debt from Rev. war) Gov.: could not tax Foreign Relations: Britain--refused commercial treaties with US, Congress could not control commerce (sanctions against Britain) AND Spain cut off access to the Mississippi River (both countries soain and Britain armed indians against US) Internal Unrest: shays rebellion: MA farmers demanded debt relief, attacked court houses KEY IDEA: these challenges helped many americans realized a stronger government was needed!!!!!!!

Period 4 (1800-1848) True or false: By the mid to early 1800's slavery was essentially nonexistent in the North


Period Six (1865-1898) US government relations with Natives. Describe.

US often violated treaties, used military force (Wounded Knee-1890-300 Natives were killed (women and children) -Natives were moved to reservations (Loss of sovereignty) Assimilation Policy-Dawes Act (1887) sent native vhildren to boarding schools, had to speak english, native families were given individual plots of land Natives tried to keep autonomy by doing the Ghost Dance which was a ceremony in which Natives envisioned the return of buffalo and elimination of whites. They also practiced self-sustaining practices like farming

Period 4 (1800-1848) McCulloch V. Maryland

Upheld constituitionality of 2nd BUS, federal government given more power of states

Period Six (1865-1898) How did immigrants adapt to life in America?

Urban neighborhoods developed: sectioned by ethnicity, race, and class -Provided new cultural opportunities (Ex. China Town) Results: -Rise in nativism -APA--sought to limit immigrants and keep Catholics from holding office -Similar to the Known Nothing Party of 1840s and 1850s -Public schools only taught ENGLISH

Period Six (1865-1898) How did business leaders and the wealthy justify their wealthy?

Using Social Darwinism claiming they're big and strong and prospering.

Period Three (1754-1800) 1763 Importance: In essays, use the word "watershed" when referring to this year. What does "a watershed year" mean?

Watershed=turning point

Period Three (1754-1800) Republican Morherhood

Women were expected to raise children with good Republican values. This increased eduactional oppurtunities for women

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