Peripheral Nervous System

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What is the ninth cranial nerve (IX)?


Which cranial nerve supplies motor fibers to the pharynx (throat) that promote swallowing and saliva production; carries sensory impulses from the taste buds of the posterior tongue and from pressure receptors of the carotid artery?

Glossopharyngeal Nerve

Which cranial nerve involves sensory; carries impulses for the sense of smell?

Olfactory Nerve

Which cranial nerves are purely sensory?

Olfactory, Optic, and Vestibulocochlear

What is the second cranial nerve (II)?


Which cranial nerve involves sensory; carries impulses for vision?

Optic Nerve

What controls homeostasis and body at 'rest & digest'; rapid and vigorous response to situations that threaten?


What wraps groups of fibers; it's a courser connective tissue wrapping; forms fascicles (bundles)?


What consists of nerves and scattered groups of neuronal cell bodies (ganglia) found outside the CNS?

Peripheral Nervous System

What were the spinal nerves & nerve plexuses named for?

The region of the cord from which they arise.

What is the fifth cranial nerve (V)?


Which cranial nerve conducts sensory impulses from the skin of the face and mucosa of the nose and mouth; also contains motor fibers that activate the chewing muscle?

Trigeminal Nerve

What is the fourth cranial nerve (IV)?


Which cranial nerve supplies motor fibers for one external eye muscle?

Trochlear Nerve

What are nerves carrying both sensory and motor fibers?

Mixed Nerves

What is the first cranial nerve (I)?


How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?

12 pairs

How many pairs of spinal nerves & nerve plexuses are there?

31 pairs

What is the grand total of nerves from both cranial and spinal cord regions?

43 pairs

What is the sixth cranial nerve (VI)?


Which cranial nerve supplies motor fibers to the lateral rectus muscle which rolls the eye laterally?

Abducens Nerve

What is the eleventh cranial nerve (XI)?


Which cranial nerve is mostly motor fibers that activate the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles?

Accessory Nerve

What are the purely sensory nerves called (Olfactory, Optic, and Vestibulocochlear)?

Acoustic Nerves

What is the motor subdivision of the PNS that controls body activities automatically?

Autonomic Nervous System

Which nervous system's neurons control cardiac muscle, smooth muscles and glands; provides stability to internal environment; constant 'fine tuning' of internal environment?

Autonomic Nervous System

Spinal Nerve Plexus: Brachial

C5-C7 & T1

Give some examples of parasympathetic.

Digest, defecate, diuresis.

What are smaller; serve the skin and muscles of the posterior body trunk?

Dorsal Rami

What do spinal nerves divide into?

Dorsal and Ventral Rami (branches)

What is a delicate protective connective tissue that wraps each neuron fiber?


What are all the fascicles bound together by a tough fibrous sheath; forms cord-like nerve?


Give some examples of sympathetic.

Exercise, excitement, emergency, embarrassment.

What is the seventh cranial nerve (VII)?


Which cranial nerve activates the muscles of facial expression and the lacrimal (gland for each eye) and salivary glands; carries sensory impulses from the taste buds of the anterior tongue?

Facial Nerve

What is the twelfth cranial nerve (XII)?


Which cranial nerve motor fibers control tongue movements; sensory fibers carry impulses from the tongue?

Hypoglossal Nerve

What is another name for the autonomic nervous system?

Involuntary Nervous System

Spinal Nerve Plexus: Lumbar


Spinal Nerve Plexus: Sacral

L4-L5 & S1-S4

What does damage to a spinal nerve or either rami (dorsal or ventral) result in?

Loss of sensation and flaccid paralysis of the area of the body served.

Are ventral nerves mainly sensory or mainly motor?

Mainly motor

Are dorsal nerves mainly sensory or mainly motor?

Mainly sensory

What are most cranial nerves?

Mixed Nerves

What are nerves that carry impulses away from the CNS; carry only motor fibers?

Motor (Efferent) Nerves

What is a bundle of neuron fibers found outside the CNS?


What are wrapped in protective tissue coverings within a nerve?

Nerve Fibers (processes)

Spinal Nerve Plexus: Intercostal

No Plexus Formed

What is the third cranial nerve (III)?


Which cranial nerve supplies motor fibers to 4 of the 6 muscles that direct the eyeball, motor fibers to the eyelid, motor fibers to the internal eye muscles controlling lense shape and pupil size?

Oculomotor Nerve

What saying is used to memorize the order of the cranial nerves?

Oh, oh, oh, to touch and feel very good velvet, ah!

Spinal Nerve Plexus: Cervical

Phrenic Nerve (C1-C4)

What are complex networks of nerves that serve the motor and sensory needs of the limbs?


What are nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS only?

Sensory (Afferent) Nerves

What is part of the PNS that is associated with voluntary control of body movements through the skeletal muscles?

Somatic Nervous System

What controls body's responses to a threat and 'fight or flight'?


What are the two parts of the Autonomic Nervous System?

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

What is the tenth cranial nerve (X)?


Which cranial nerve fibers carry sensory impulses from and motor impulses to the pharynx, larynx, and the abdominal and thoracic nervous system; most motor fibers are parasympathetic fibers that promote digestive activity and help regulate heart activity?

Vagus Nerve

Which pair of cranial nerves extends to the thoracic and abdominal cavities?

Vagus Nerves

What form the intercostal nerves which supply the muscles between the ribs and the skin and the muscles of the anterior and lateral trunk.

Ventral Rami T1-T12

What form plexuses?

Ventral Rami of ALL OTHER Spinal Nerves

What is the eighth cranial nerve (VIII)?


Which cranial nerve is purely sensory; vestibular branch transmits impulses for the sense of balance, while the cochlear branch transmits impulses for the sense of hearing?

Vestibulocochlear Nerve

Do rami contain both motor and sensory fibers?


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