Personality 9

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A defense mechanism based on the notion that sometimes we see in others those traits and desires that we find most upsetting in ourselves; We project our own unacceptable qualities onto others


A defense mechanism that involves generating acceptable reasons for outcomes that might otherwise be unacceptable; Goal is to reduce anxiety by coming up with an explanation

Reaction Formation

A defense mechanism that refers to an attempt to stifle the expression of an unacceptable urge; A person may continually display behavior that indicates the opposite impulse


A defense mechanism that refers to the channeling of unacceptable sexual or aggressive instincts into socially desired activities; The most adaptive human defense mechanism


A developmental process of wanting to become like the same-sex parent

A (Symbols)

A psychoanalyst interprets dreams by deciphering how the unacceptable impulses and urges are transformed by the unconscious into _____ in the dream A. Symbols B. Denial C. Fixations D. Insight

Dream analysis

A technique Freud taught for uncovering the unconscious material in a dream by interpreting the content of a dream


A theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy; A theory about the major components and mechanisms of personality, as well as a method for deliberately restricting personality


According to Erikson, if a developmental crisis is not successfully and adaptively resolved, personality development could become arrested and the person would continue to have a fixation on that crisis in development

Psychosexual stage theory

According to Freud, all people pass through a set of series of stages in personality development; At each of the first three stages, young children must face and resolve specific conflicts, which revolve around ways of obtaining a type of sexual gratification

D (Preconscious)

According to Freud, the vast number of memories, dreams, and thoughts that people could easily bring to mind if they desired comprises of the information stored in the ____ mind A. Subconscious B. Unconscious C. Superconscious D. Preconscious

B (Objective anxiety)

According to Sigmund Freud, _____ is fear A. Psychotic anxiety B. Objective anxiety C. Neurotic anxiety D. Moral anxiety

C (Thanatos)

According to Sigmund Freud, _____ refers to any urge to destroy, harm, or aggress against others or oneself A. Blindsight B. Eros C. Thanatos D. Libido

Penis envy

According to Sigmund Freud, a little girl blames her mother for the fact that she lacks a penis. She desires her father yet at the same time envies him for a penis, and this is called _______

Psychic Energy

According to Sigmund Freud, a source of energy within each person that motivates him or her to do one thing and not the other--The energy that motivates all of human activity

D (Genital stage)

According to Sigmund Freud, if the Oedipus or electra complex has been resolved, a person goes on to the next and final stage of psychosexual development, that is, the _______ A. Phallic stage B. Latency stage C. Anal stage D. Genital stage

B (Moral anxiety)

According to Sigmund Freud, people who punish themselves, who have low self-esteem, or who feel worthless and ashamed are suffering from ____ A. Psychotic anxiety B. Moral anxiety C. Objective anxiety D. Neurotic anxiety


According to Sigmund Freud, the ____ is the part of the mind that constrains the id to reality

Psychosexual stage

According to the ______ theory, children seek sexual gratification at each stage by investing libidinal energy in a specific body part

A (Transference)

An important step in most analyses is called ____, and during this stage a patient begins reacting to an analyst as if he or she were an important figure from the patient's own life A. Transference B. Resistance C. Denial D. Insight


An unconscious defense mechanism that involves avoiding the recognition that one has certain inappropriate urges or unacceptable feelings towards a specific other; These feelings then get displaced onto another person or object that is more appropriate or acceptable


Any information that a person is not presently aware of, but that could easily be retrieved and made conscious

A (Resistance)

As a patient's defenses are threatened by the probing psychoanalyst, the patient may unconsciously set up obstacles to progress, referring to the stage of psychoanalysis called ______ A. Resistance B. Transference C. Denial D. Insight


As therapist pokes at unconscious material, a patient typically feels threatened, and the forces that worked to repress a disturbing impulse or trauma now work to resist the psychoanalytic process

D (Free association)

By relaxing the censor that screens people's everyday thoughts, the technique of ____ allows potentially important material into conscious awareness A. Hypnosis B. Dream analysis C. Word association D. Free association

Moral anxiety

Caused by a conflict between the id or the ego and the superego


Considered to be the life instinct of Freud's theory-- Need-satisfying, life-sustaining, or pleasure-oriented urge

D (Scientific grounds)

Critics of Sigmund Freud's theory insist that without holding psychoanalysis up to scrutiny outsides, its merits cannot be fairly evaluated on ______ A. Theoretical beliefs B. Cultural domains C. Behavioral similarities D. Scientific grounds


Death instinct of Freud's theory--Refer to any urge to destroy, harm, or agrees against others or oneself

Objective anxiety

Fear occurs in response to some real, external threat to the person


Following an injury or stroke that damages the primary vision center in the brain, a person may lose some or all of his or her ability to see. In this type of blindness, the eye still brings information to the brain, but the brain center responsible for object recognition fails. Interesting capacity to make judgments about objects they cannot see

Oedipal conflict

For boys, the main conflict in Freud's phallic stage; It is a boy's unconscious wish to have his mother all to himself by eliminating the father

Castration anxiety

Freud argued that little boys come to believe that their fathers might make a preemptive Oedipal strike and take away their penis; It drives the little boy into giving up his sexual desire for his mother


Freud believed that strong innate forces provided all the energy in the psychic system

Wish fulfillment

If an urge from the id requires some external object or person, and that object or person is not available, the id may create a mental image of fantasy of that object or person to satisfy its needs

C (Fixation)

If children fault of fully resolve a conflict at a particular stage of development, they may get stuck in that stage, known as _____ A. Transference B. Blindsight C. Fixation D. Free association

D (Anxiety)

If the two competing forces of the id and the superego overwhelm the ego, then ____ is the result A. Happiness B. Guilt C. Please D. Anxiety

B (Rationalization)

In _____, the goal is to reduce anxiety by coming up with an explanation for an event that is easier to accept than the real reason A. Projection B. Rationalization C. Repression D. Sublimation

A (Displacement)

In ______, a threatening or an unacceptable impulse is channeled or redirected from its original source to a nonthreatening target A. Displacement B. Reaction formulation C. Repression D. Denial


In contrast to repression, a person in _____ insists that things are not the way they seem


In order to help a patient understand the unconscious dynamics of his or her situation, the psychoanalyst offers the patient ______ of the psychodynamic causes of the problems

Reality Principle

In psychoanalysis, it its the counterpart of the pleasure principle; Refers to guiding behavior according to the demands of reality and relies on the strengths of the ego to provide such guidance


In psychoanalysis, through many interpretations, a patient is gradually led to an understanding of the unconscious source of his or her problems

D (Wish fulfillment)

In the process of _____, something unavailable is conjured up and the image of it is temporarily satisfying A. Reaction formation B. Resistance C. Ego depletion D. Wish fulfillment

Neurotic anxiety

Occurs when there is a direct conflict between the id and the ego


One of the first defense mechanisms discussed by Freud, refers to the process of preventing unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or urges from reaching conscious awareness


One of the three levels of cognition that are of interest to personality psychologists; Making sense of, or explaining, various events in the world

Free association

Patients relax, let their minds wander, and then say whatever comes into their minds; Allows potentially important material into conscious awareness

C (Blindsight)

People who suffer from cortical blindness often display an interesting capacity to make judgements about objects they cannot see, known as ____ A. Fixation B. Projection C. Blindsight D. Identification


Psychoanalysts interpret dreams by deciphering how unacceptable impulses and urges are transformed by the unconscious into symbols in the dream

B (Psychotherapy)

Psychoanalytic ideas influence the practice of ______ even today A. Hypnotherapy B. Psychotherapy C. Behavior therapy D. Occupational therapy

B (Ego depletion)

Psychologist Roy Baumeister and his colleagues have subjected the basic notion of _____ to a series of experimental tests A. Projection B. Ego depletion C. Wish fulfillment D. Transference


Refers to the patient reacting to the analyst as if he or she were an important figure from the patient's own life

B (Castration anxiety)

Sigmund Freud argued that little boys come to believe that their fathers might make a preemptive strike by taking away the thing that is the root of the conflict, the boy's penis, resulting in the fear of losing his penis, known as ______ A. Resistance B. Castration anxiety C. Transference D. Anal fixation

Psychic energy

Sigmund Freud proposed a source of energy that is within each person and used the term _____ to refer to this wellspring of motivation

D (Unconscious motivations)

Sigmund Freud taught that most symptoms of mental illness are caused by _____ A. The preconscious awareness B. The superconscious C. Conscious beliefs D. Unconscious motivations

C (instincts)

Sigmund Freud's original theory of ____ was profoundly influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution A. Wish fulfillment B. Anxiety C. Instincts D. Unconscious motivations

Electra complex

Sigmund Freud's student Carl Jung termed the phallic stage the ___ for girls

Psychosexual stage theory

Sigmund Freud's theory of development is called the _______ because at each of the first three stages, young children must face and resolve specific conflicts that revolve around ways of obtaining a type of sexual gratification

Defense Mechanisms

Strategies for coping with anxiety and threats to self-esteem


That part of personality that internalizes the values, morals, and ideas of society; Makes us feel guilty, ashamed, or embarrassed when we do something wrong, and pride when we do something right; Sets moral goals and ideals of perfection and is the source of our judgments that something is good or bad


That part of the mind that contains all the thoughts, feelings, and images that a person is presently aware of

C (False consensus effect)

The _____ refers to the tendency many people have to assume that others are similar to them A. Reality principle B. Projective hypothesis C. False consensus effect D. Fundamental attribution error

D (Latency stage)

The ______ is a period where the child is going to school and learning the skills and abilities necessary to take on the role of an adult A. Phallic stage B. Oral stage C. Genital stage D. Latency stage

Pleasure principle

The desire for immediate gratification

Secondary Process Thinking

The development and devising of strategies for problem solving and obtaining satisfaction; Often this process takes into account the constraints of physical reality, about when and how to express some desire or urge

Defense mechanisms

The efforts people make to defend themselves from anxiety are known as __________

A (Secondary process thinking)

The ego engages in _____, which is the development of strategies for solving problems and obtaining satisfaction A. Secondary process thinking B. Subliminal thinking C. Primary process thinking D. Moral thinking

Penis envy

The female counterpart of castration anxiety, which occurs during the phallic stage of psychosexual development

Genital stage

The find stage in Freud's psychosexual stage theory of development; Begins around age 12 and lasts through one's adult life; The libido is focused on the genital; People reach the genital stage with full psychic energy if they have resolved the conflicts of the prior stages

Oral Stage

The first stage in Freud's psychosexual stages of development; Occurs during the initial 18 months after birth and the main sources of pleasure and tension reduction are the mouth, lips, and tongue. Adults who smoke or overeat might be fixated at this stage

Latency stage

The fourth stage in Freud's psychosexual stages of development; Occurs from around the age of 6 until puberty; Period of psychological rest; The latency period ends with the sexual awakening brought about by puberty

C (Make the unconscious conscious)

The goal of psychoanalysis is to ______ A. Make people aware of their superconscious B. Penetrate the preconscious mind C. Make the unconscious conscious D. Restrain the thought process

C (Primary process thinking)

The id operates with ___, which is thinking without logical rules of conscious thought or an anchor in reality A. Subliminal thinking B. Moral thinking C. Primary process thinking D. Secondary process thinking

Repetition compulsion

The idea that people recreate or repeat their interpersonal problems over and over with different people in their lives

Projective hypothesis

The idea that what a person "sees" in an ambiguous figure, such as an inkblot, reflects his or her personality

D (Projective hypothesis)

The idea that what a person sees in an ambiguous figure, such as an inkblot, represents his or her personality is called the ____ A. Reality principle B. Fundamental attribution principle C. Lexical hypothesis D. Projective hypothesis

Oedipus complex

The main conflict for a boy during the phallic stage, in which he unconsciously wishes to have his mother all to himself by eliminating the father, is what Sigmund Freud called the _____

D (Sublimation)

The most adaptive defense mechanism, according to Sigmund Freud, is _____ A. Reaction formation B. Displacement C. Projection D. Sublimation


The most primitive part of the human mind. Freud believed that it was something we are born with and is the source of all drives and urges


The notion of the phenomenon of ______ is that if people confronted with a difficult decision can put it out of their conscious mind for a period of time, then the unconscious mind will continue to deliberate on it outside of people's awareness, helping them to arrive at a sudden and correct decision sometime later


The notion that, when confronted with a decision, if a person can put it out of their conscious mind for a period of time, then the "unconscious mind" will continue to deliberate on it, leading to a sudden and correct decision later


The part of the mind about which the conscious mind has no awareness


The part of the mind that contains the id to reality. According to Freud, it develops within the first two or three years of life and operates according to the reality principle

A (Identification)

The process of a little boy wanting to become like his father is called _____ A. Identification B. Transference C. Sublimation D. Resistance

Motivated Unconscious

The psychoanalytic idea that information that is unconscious can actually motivate or influence subsequent behavior

Anal stage

The second stage in Freud's psychosexual stages of development; Typically occurs between the ages of 18 months and three years; The child obtains pleasure first from expelling feces and then, during toilet training, from retaining feces. Adults who are compulsive, overly neat, rigid, and never messy are, according to the psychoanalytic theory, likely to be fixed at the anal stage

False Consensus Effect

The tendency many people have to assume that others are similar to them; Thinking that many other people share your own traits, preferences, or motivation

B (Fundamental attribution effort)

The tendency to blame events outside one's control for failure but to accept responsibility for success refers to what psychologists call the _____ A. False consensus effect B. Fundamental attribution error C. Projective hypothesis D. Reality principle

Phallic stage

The third stage in Freud's psychosexual stages of development; occurs between the ages of 3 to 6 years where the child discovers that he has or she discovers that she does not have a penis; This stage also includes the awakening of sexual desire directed towards the parent of the opposite sex

Primary process thinking

Thinking without the logical rules of conscious thought or an anchor in reality

Manifest content

What the dream actually contains

Latent content

What the elements of the dream actually represent


When a patient's defenses are threatened by a probing psychoanalyst, the patient may unconsciously set up obstacles to progress; Signifies that important unconscious material is coming to the forefront; Becomes an integral part of the interpretations the analyst offers to the patient

Fundamental attribution error

When bad events happen to others, people have a tendency to attribute blame to some characteristic of the person, whereas when bad events happen to oneself, people have the tendency to blame the situation

Ego Depletion

When exertion of self-control results in a decrease of psychic energy


When the reality of a particular situation is extremely anxiety provoking, a person may insist that things are not the way they seem

Electra complex

Within the psychoanalytic theory of personality development, the female counterpart of the Oedipal complex

A (Insight)

______ refers to an intense emotional experience that accompanies the release of repressed material A. Insight B. Fixation C. Sublimation D. Blindsight


__________ is a method of psychotherapy, a technique for helping individuals who are experiencing a mental disorder or even relatively minor problems

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