PHA 317 Exam 1

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The thin film formed at interface is used to evaluate:

the suitability of a polymer for the purpose of locating drugs granule as well as for using it as a packaging material.

bromopheniramine works better than the original drugs because

the surface activity is increased and CMC is decreased die to bromo

Work sign convention: W is negative when

the system is doing some work e.g. expansion of compressed gases.

can't liquify something if

the temp stored at is higher than its critical temp

6. Digoxin is a poorly soluble drug. Therefore, its physical forms such as particle size would have a significant effect on its therapeutic outcomes.


In a medium of pH 5, atropine sulfate (a w eak basic drug) will dissolve more than in a medium of pH 10


The concept of heat capacity is valid only Is the heat absorbed or released by a system is not resulting into its change in phase.


The glass transition temp for an amorphous solid is the amid-point of the transition which the solid converts from glassy to rubber state.


can temperature exert greater influence on the solubility of a drug if the drug is a weak acid or base?


t/f The concept and rules of significant figures should be applied only when a mathematical operation involves an approximation in a measured quantity.


t/f adsorption can be physical or chemical



two different polymorphs stable at 2 different temperature ranges

any number divided by zero or infinitive is?


any number divided by zero or infinity is?


solve: 1000/infinity


Physical adsorption occurs due to:

van der Waals attractive forces

types of intermolecular bonds

van der waals

what is the polar surface area?

van der waals surface areas for polar atoms, oxygens, nitrogens, and attached hydrogen atoms

Clausius-Clapeyron equation for liquids establishes relationship between

vapor pressure and absolute pressure

Clasius-Clapeyron equation for liquids establishes relationship between

vapor pressure and absolute temperature

Clausius-Claperyron equation for liquids establishes relationship between:

vapor pressure and absolute temperature

Clausius-Clapeyron equation for liquids establishes relationship between:

vapor pressure and absolute temperature

daltons law deals with

vapor pressure and partial pressure

What is the significance of charcoal?

very efficient adsorbent

real gas law (3)

volume of gases is not negligible collision between particles is not perfectly elastic attraction and repulsion forces occur

The attractive forces present between ___________ molecules are called adhesive forces?


glass transition temperature

where it goes from being a hard solid into a softer solid

Work sign convention: W is positive when

work is being done on the system e.g. compression of expanded gases.

work =

work= force x distance or work = pressure x volume

abscissa =


log x^y =

y log x

logx^y =

y log x

ordinate =


The equilibrium constant of a reaction is known at 25 degrees C. Is it possible to determine the equilibrium constant of that reaction at 45 degrees C?


is branching more soluble?


If the work done by an isolated system is equal to the change in internal energy, then the energy gained or lost by the system is:


The entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero is equal to...


The concentration of urea in plasma and urine are 0.006 M and 0.345 M, respectively. Calculate the free energy in transporting 0.01 mole of urea from plasma to urine. Is this transport process spontaneous i.e. would it happen on its own? How many molecules of ATP would you burn for it?

ΔG=nRT x ln(C2/C1) the concentration as C1 from where the transport is being initiated ΔG = 25 calories.....nonspontaneous thus will not happen on its own. # of ATP molecules needed: (6.023x10^23)/(7500 calories) x 25 calories = 2.063 x 10^21 molecules of ATP

log y√ x =

(1/y) log x

convert F to C

(5X (F-32))/9

Relative Standard Deviation (RSD)?

(standard deviation) / (mean) x 100

Boyle's Law

- Temperature (in Kelvin) is kept constant - inverse relationship between P and V

convert K to C


Find the value of x: 2^-5 x 2^2=2^x


Find the value of x: (2^-4)^2 = 2^x


Find the value of x: 3^-5 / 3^3=3^x


Gay-Lussac and Charles Law:

-Pressure is kept constant -proportional relationship between T and V

Solubility is more for:

-a decrease in alkyl chain length -unsaturated -cyclization -for steroidal hormone more polar group at 17th C

Adhesive forces:

-attractive forces between dissimilar molecules (i.e.: molecules from different matter such as water and air)

Adhesive forces:

-attractive forces between dissimilar molecules (i.e.: molecules from different matter)

Cohesive forces:

-attractive forces between similar molecules (i.e.: molecules from the same matter)

Process of crystallization comprises of ______________&____________, which is influenced by____________________________________________________.

-comprises of nucleation & crystal growth, -influenced by: solvent, temperature, impurities, etc.

You can convert gas to liquid by ____________ ______________ or _____________ _______________, or both till critical temp. If critical temp is exceeded,

-convert by DECREASING TEMPERATURE or INCREASING PRESSURE, or both till critical temp If CT is exceeded, no matter how much greater pressure applied you cannot completely covert gas into a liquid, but you end up with a supercritical fluid.

Amorphous solids:

-dissolve faster -less stable -no well-defined conformation -flow easily, when subjected to pressure -range of melting points -isotropic

Crystallin solids:

-dissolve slowly -more stable -rigid conformation -no flow -fixed melting point -anisotropic


-existence of a crystalline solid in more than one crystal form or structure -existence of amorphous solids in two or more forms


-existence of an element in more than one crystalline form (i.e.: diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon)

Liquid Properties:

-greater kinetic energy than solid, but less than gas -intermolecular forces weaker than solid, but greater than gas -less compressible than gas -take shape of container -flow readily -characterized by boiling point & molar heat of vaporization

Gaseous Properties

-high kinetic energy -weakest intermolecular forces -easily compressible -no shape -fill all available space -characterized by Eqn. of state

Aqueous solubility of iodine in presence of KI is due to:

-interaction between ion-dipole and ion-induced dipole. -one has a permanent dipole, the other has an induced dipole

Solid Properties:

-low kinetic energy -strongest intermolecular forces -incompressible -has definite shape -tend not to flow -characterized by melting point


-one polymorph is stable but the other one is not stable or less stable

Clausius-Clapeyron equation states the relationship between:

-relationship between vapor pressure and absolute temperature. -Vapor pressure increases with increase in temp, until the liquid starts to boil (when it becomes equal to the external pressure/atmospheric pressure over the surface)

For a single component system, with three phases in equilibrium at the triple point, the degree of freedom is:


solve: 1000 x 0


In the case of liquid-gas interface, if the cohesive forces between liquid-liquid are equal to the adhesive forces of liquid-air, the surface tension would be?

0 (zero)

The lowest possible entropy of a substance can be seen at

0 degrees Kelvin

What is the specific gravity of a substance of density 10 Kg/m^3? Given that the density of water is 1 g/cc (cc = cubic centimeter)


What is the specific gravity of a substance of density 10Kg/m3? Given that the density of water is 1g/cc.


What is the specific gravity of a substance with a density 10Kg/m^3 at room temperature? Given that the density of water at room temperature is 1g/cc.


any number raised to the power of zero is equal to?


Applications of free energy functions are 1. calculation of equilibrium constant 2. Hess's law of constant heat summation 3. derivation of the Vant Hoff equation

1 and 3

1 erg is equal to ?

1 dyne x 1 cm

Joules (J) = __________ergs

1 joule = 10^7 ergs

1 joule is how many ergs?

1 x 10^7 ergs

Van der Waal's forces bond energies:


what is the pH range of the stomach?


Binding forces between molecules?

1. Attraction and repulsion 2. Van der Waal's forces 3. Ion-dipole and ion-induced dipole interaction 4. hydrogen bonds

Van der Waal's Forces?

1. Keeson forces (dipole-dipole interaction) 2. Debye forces (dipole-induced dipole interaction) 3. London forces (induced dipole-induced dipole interaction)

What equations are derived from the free energy considerations?

1. Van't Hoff equation 2. Clausius-Clapeyron

Two definitions for work:

1. Work = force x distance 2. Work = pressure x change in volume

Polymorphs are same substance but in different crystalline forms which are characterized by

1. different melting points 2. X-ray diffraction patters 3. solubility

Thermodynamics defines quantitative relationships between:

1. heat and mechanical energy 2. heat and electrical energy 3. heat and chemical energy

Aqueous solubility of iodine in presence of KI is due to

1. interaction between ion-dipole 2. ion-induced dipole

kinetic molecular theory (5)

1. molecules are in random motion, colliding with each other 2. rate of motion is invite temp in kelvin 3. molecules are completely elastic 4. large intermolecular distances 5. no attraction or repulsion between particles

Adiabatic processes can take place where?

1. thermally insulated system 2. an isolated system 3. A vacuum flask

What is the density of a substance having mass 20 g and volume 16 cc (cc = cubic centimeter)?

1.25 g/cc

What is the density of a substance having mass 20g and volume 16cc?


Calculate the density of a substance which has a mass and volume of 25g and 20ml


Density of a substance having volume 20 cm3 and mass 0.03kg=_________ gm/cc


Density of a substance having volume 20 cm^3 and mass 0.03 kg = __ gm/ cc (cc = cubic centimeter).


Spans, sorbitans esters have HLB values from

1.8 - 8.6

An Angstrom unit A is equal to

10 ^ -10m

Electrovalent bond energies:


1 angstrom is equal to ____ m


An Angstrom unit A is equal to

10^-10 m

One Angstrom is equal to

10^-10 m

An angstrom unit A is equal to:


1 millimeter is= _____________meters

10^-3 meter

one millimeter is equal to

10^-3 meter

1 millimeter is

10^-6 meter

1 joule is how many ergs?

10^7 ergs

The concentration of HCl in the stomach and blood are 0.135 and 5.18 x 10^-8 M, respectively. Calculate the energy required to transport 1.6 moles of HCl from blood to stomach at 37 degrees C

14,560 calories

A sample of calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2, with a formula weight of 164 g/mol, has 4.00 x 10^26 atoms of oxygen. How many kilograms of Ca(NO3)2 are present?

18.155 kg

A sample of calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2, with a formula weight of 164g/mol, has 4.00x10^26atoms of oxygen. How many kilograms of Ca(NO3)2 are present?


Which Law of Thermodynamics is described as the Law of Conservation of Energy?

1st law

Which law of Thermodynamics is described as the Law of Conservation of Energy?

1st law

Find the value of x: 2^5 x 2^-3=2^x


Compute the vapor pressure of water at 125 degrees C. The vapor pressure of water at 100 degrees C is 1 atm, and the delta Hv, is 9720 calories/mole.

2.279 atm

Compute the vapor pressure of water at 125 degrees C. The vapor pressure of water at 100 degrees C is 1 atmosphere, and the ΔHv is 9720 calories/mole

2.279 atm

Compute the vapor pressure of water at 125C. The vapor pressure of water at 100C is 1 atm, and the delta Hv is 9720cal/mole.


How many microgram (µg) in 2.5 milligram (mg)?

2.5 X 10^3

How many micrograms are equivalent to 2.5mg?


Velocity of Light in Vacuum?

2.99792 x 10^8 m/sec

Determine the volume of a substance having a density 1.5 gm/cc and mass of 0.03kg

20 cm^3

When 1 ml of a 0.009% (w/v) solution of stearic acid (Mol. Wt. 284.3) dissolved in a volatile organic solvent is placed on the surface of water in a trough, the solvent evaporates off, leaving the stearic acid spread over the surface as an insoluble monolayer film. If the surface area occupied by the film is 420 cm^2, calculate the area occupied by each molecule of stearic acid in the film

209.4 X 10^-17 cm^2

When 1mL of 0.009%(w/v) solutions stearic acid(Mol. wt. 284.3) dissolved in a volatile organic solvent is places on the surface of water in a trough, the solvent evaporates off, leaving the stearic acid spread over the surface as an insoluble monolayer film if the surface area occupied by the film is 420cm2, calculate the area occupied by each molecule of stearic acid in the film.

209.4 x 10^17 cm2

Determine the volume of a substance having a density 1.5g/cc and mass of 0.03kg.


What is the mass of a material having a density 1.25g/cc and a volume of 16cc?


298.16 degree Kelvin (K) is equal to

25 degrees C

Convert 298.16 degrees Kelvin to degrees Celsius

25 degrees C

298.16 degree K is equal to

25 degrees Celsius

Five individual weights of compounded amoxycillin capsules are 250mg, 260mg, 248mg, and 264mg. Average weight of the capsules is:

255.2 mg

Five individual weights of compounded amoxycilline capsules are 250 mg, 260 mg, 254 mg, 248 mg, and 264 mg. Average weight of capsules is:

255.2 mg

Five weights of compounded amoxicillin are 250mg, w260mg, 254mg, 248mg, and 264mg. The average weight of capsules is:


3^9 / (3^6 x 3^2) =


3^9/(3^6x 3^2)=


In the equation y = 3x + 6 representing a straight line, what is the value of the slope?


In the equation y=3x + 6 representing a straight line, what is the value of the slope?


determine slope: y=3x+6


solve: 3^9/ (3^6 x 3^2)


The contents of an aerosol are at a pressure of 2 atmospheres at 250 degrees C. What happens to the pressure when the aerosol is stored at 2000 degrees C? Given, the volume of the aerosol container is 0.05 liters

3.2 atm

The contents of an aerosol are at a pressure of 2 atmospheres at 25 degrees C. What happens to the pressure when the aerosol is stored at 200 degrees C? Given, the volume of the aerosol container is 0.05 liters.


The total pressure of an aerosol container at 25C is 2atm. What will be the pressure of this container at a temp of 200C?


A gas expands by 0.25 liter against a constant pressure of 1.5 atm at 25 degrees C. What is the work in joules done by the system?

38.0 Joules

A gas expands by 0.25liter against a constant pressure of 1.5atm at 25C. What is the work in joules done by the system?

38.0 joules

1 calorie is how many joules?

4.184 J

1 calorie =

4.184 Joules

1 calorie = __________Joules

4.184 Joules

1 calorie is how many Joules (J)?

4.184 joules

Convert 104 degreed Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius

40 Centigrade

Convert 104 degrees Fahrenheit to degree Celsius:

40 degree Centigrade

10 calories is equal to how many ergs?

42 x 10^7 ergs

10 calories=

42 x 10^7 ergs

Ten calories are equivalent to

42x10^7 ergs

When a capillary time is immersed in benzyl benzoate, the liquid rose to a height of 1.63cm at 25 degrees Celsius. The inside diameter of the capillary is 0.1cm and the density of benzyl benzoate is 1.1120g/cm3. What is the surface tension of benzyl benzoate?

44.45 dynes/cm

When a capillary tube is immersed in benzyl benzoate, the liquid rose to a height of 1.63 cm at 25 deg C. The inside diameter of the capillary is 0.1 cm and the density of benzyl benzoate is 1.1120 g/cm^3. What is the surface tension of benzyl benzoate?

44.45 dynes/cm

When a capillary tube is immersed in benzyl benzoate, the liquid rose to a height of 1.63 cm at 25 degrees C. The inside diameter of the capillary is 0.1 cm and the density of benzyl benzoate is 1.1120 g/cm^3. What is the surface tension of benzyl benzoate?

44.45 dynes/cm

When a capillary tube is immersed in benzyl benzoate, the liquid rose to a height of 1.63cm at 25 degrees Celsius. The inside diameter of the capillary is 0.1cm and the density of benzyl benzoate is 1.1120g/cm3. What is the surface tension of benzyl benzoate?

44.45 dynes/cm

When a capillary tube is immersed in benzyl benzoate, the liquid rose to a height of 1.63cm at 25C. The inside diameter of the capillary is 0.1cm and the density of benzyl benzoate is 1.1120g/cm3. What is the extension of benzyl benzoate?


Find the value of x: 5^3 x 5^2=5^x


Express 5 joules in terms of ergs and calories

5 x 10^7 ergs; 1.2 calories

what is the pH range of the duodenum


Covalent bond energies:


Plank's Constant?

6.6262 x 10^-27 erg/sec 6.6262 x 10^-34 J/sec

What is the entropy change accompanying the vaporization of 2 moles of water in equilibrium with its vapor pressure are e25C? (heat of vaporization required to convert water to its vapor=10,500 cal/mol).


What is the entropy change accompanying the vaporization of 2 moles of water in equilibrium with its vapor pressure are e25C? (heat of vaporization required to convert water to its vapor=10,500 cal/mol).

70.4 cal/degK

What is the entropic change accompanying the vaporization of 2 moles of water in equilibrium with its vapor at 25 degrees C? (Heat of vaporization required to convert water to its vapor = 10,500 cals/mole).


What is the entropiy change accompanying the vaporization of 2 moles of water in equilibrium with its vapor at 25 degrees C? (Heat of vaporization required to convert water to its vapor = 10,500 cals/mole).


7^7 X 7^5 X 7^2 =


solve: 7^7 x 7^5 x 7^2


The correct answers of 7^7 x 7^5 x 7^2, (9^4)^2, 1000x0, 1000xinfinity, and 1000/infinity are:

7^14, 9^8, 0, infinity, undefined

The correct answers of 7^7 x 7^5 x ^72, (9^4)^2, 1000 x 0, 1000 x ∞, and 1000 /∞ are:

7^14, 9^8, 0, ∞, undefined

You will use the surfactant having HLB values shown below to prepare an emulsion of olive oil in water:


Tweens, polyoxyethylene derivatives have HLB values from:


Gravitational Acceleration is equal to:

9.8 m/s^2



solve: (9^4)^2


A substance which is bound together by weak forces is said to have: a. Low heat of fusion and low melting point b. High heat of fusion and high melting point. c. High heat of fusion and low melting point d. Low heat of fusion and high melting point


In a pressure cooker, water boils at a. temperature significantly higher than 100oC b. temperature significantly higher or lower than 100oC c. temperature significantly lower than 100oC d. 100oC


In case of crystalline solids, changes in the freezing or melting point with pressure may be obtained by using: a. Clapeyron Equation b. Van der Waals equation c. Gay-Lussac Law d. Ideal Gas law


Select the correct statement(s) involving the 2nd law of thermodynamics. a. the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always zero b. the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always positive c. the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is sometimes zero d. the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always negative


The dipole moments of phenacetin, sulfanilamide, and testosterone are 5.67, 5.37, and 4.17. Which one do you expect to be most soluble in water? a. Phenacetin b. Sulfanilamide c. Testosterone


The glass transition temperature for an amorphous solid is the mid-point of the transition in which the solid converts from a glassy to rubber state. a. True b. Depends on atmospheric condition c. False d. There is nothing like glass transition temperature


A process where the heat transfer is zero is called?

A diabatic process

Compound A was recrystallized from isopropyl alcohol give a compound B, which had a rhombic crystalline appearance. The compound B showed a very high melting point as compared to compound A. Compound B is:

A polymorph of compound A

Compound A was recrystallized from isopropyl alcohol to give a compound B, which had a rhombic crystalline appearance. The compound B showed a very high melting point as compared to compound A. Compound B is:

A polymorph of compound A

Glass is an example of: a. Amorphous Solids b. Crystalline Solids c. Uncharacterized solid d. Liquids

A. amorphous solid

The closeness of a measured value to the correct value is called:


The commonly employed adsorbent as an antidote is:

Activated charcoal

A process, where the heat transfer is zero, is called:

Adiabatic process

A process, where the heat transfer is zero, is called:

Adiabiatic process

Charcoal helps in the treatment of drug poisoning via the mechanism of:


Thermodynamics defines quantitative relationships between i. heat and mechanical energy ii. heat and electrical energy iii. heat and chemical energy

All are correct

Thermodynamics defines quantitative relationships between which of the three following options? 1. heat and mechanical energy 2. heat electrical energy 3. heat and chemical energy

All are correct

Thermodynamics defines quantitative relationships between: i. heat and mechanical energy ii. heat and electrical energy iii. heat and chemical energy

All are correct

Adiabatic process can take place in: i. an thermally insulated system ii. an isolated system iii. a vacuum flask

All i, ii, and iii are correct

Which type of solids will dissolve at a greater rate ( crystalline or amorphous)?


Which type of solids will dissolve at a greater rate?


Which type of solids will dissolve at a greater rate?

Amorphous -because amorphous are faster, and less stable

The amount of iron determined today in your blood sample was found to be 100 µg per deciliter. Such iron content in a blood sample can be categorized as?

An intensive property

Attraction of molecules leads to increase or decrease in energy?

Attraction leads to decrease while repulsion leads to increase

Attractive forces increase when ______________ decreases, which results in decrease in ____________ ______________.

Attractive forces increase when DISTANCE BETWEEN ATOMS decreases, which results in decrease in POTENTIAL ENERGY.

A thermodynamic process, where the heat transfer is not zero, is called: a. Enthalpy driven process b. Isothermal process c. Adiabatic process d. Entropy driven process


Aqueous solubility of iodine in presence of KI is due to a. covalent interaction b. interaction between ion-dipole and ion-induced dipole c. electrovalent interaction d. ion-induced dipole forces only


Clausius-Clapeyron equation for liquids establishes relationship between a. freezing point and absolute temperature b. vapor pressure and absolute temperature c. vapor pressure and degree Celsius temperature d. volume and absolute temperature


Hydrogen bonds have characteristics of: a. Ionic force only b. Both - ionic and dipolar force c. Dipolar force only


Polymorphs are same substance but in different crystalline forms which are characterized by a. different melting points only b. different melting points, x-ray diffraction c. patterns, and solubility different x-ray diffraction patterns only d. different solubility only


Polymorphs have different melting point, X-ray diffraction pattern and solubility but same chemical properties. a. True b. False


Which type of solids will dissolve at a greater rate? a. Crystalline b. Amorphous


Select the correct statement(s) involving the 2nd law of thermodynamics: A) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is sometimes zero B) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always zero C) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always negative D) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always positive

B) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always zero

A molecule must be consisted of the following group(s) to possess surface activity: i: hydrophilic (water-loving) group ii: a lipophilic (oil-loving) group

Both i and ii are correct

Activated charcoal is used as an antidote drug-poisoning because: i: the adsorption by activated charcoal prevents bioabsorption by the gastrointestinal tract ii: the adsorption by the activated charcoal causes elimination of drugs from the tissues into the gi-tract by a process known as gastrointestinal dialysis

Both i and ii are correct

Micelles are used for drug delivery because: i. micelles can solubilize insoluble drugs ii. micelles may reduce antigenicity

Both i and ii are correct

The heat absorbed by an isolated system at constant volume is used for i. bringing about change in internal energy ii. bringing about change in internal energy as well as for doing some useful work

Both i and ii are correct

The heat absorbed by an isolates system at constant volume is used for: i: bringing about change in internal energy ii: bringing about change in internal energy as well as for doing some useful work

Both i and ii are correct

In a solution of NaCl, a little amount of a solid was added. Which of the following statements is/are true: i: Molarity of NaCl will change ii: Molality of NaCl will not change iii: Molality of NaCl may or may not change depending on the interaction of solvent and the added solids.

Both i and iii are correct

In a solution of NaCl, a little amount of solid was added. Which of the following statements is/are true: i. Molarity of NaCl will change ii. Molality of NaCl will not change iii. Molality of NaCl may or may not change depending on the interaction of solvent and the added solids.

Both i and iii are correct

The DuNouy tensiometer can be used to measure:

Both surface and interfacial tension

The crystalline and amorphous solids are characterized by a. melting point and heat of fusion, respectively b. freezing point and heat of fusion, respectively c. melting point and glass transition temperature, respectively d. glass transition temperature and melting points, respectively


In case of crystalline solids, changes in freezing or melting point with pressure may be obtained by using:

Clapeyron Equation

In case of crystalline solids, changes in the freezing or melting point with pressure may be calculated by using:

Clapeyron Equation

In case of crystalline solids, changes in the freezing or melting point with pressure may be obtained by using:

Clapeyron Equation

In cases of crystalline solids, changes in the freezing or melting point with pressure may be calculated by using:

Clapeyron Equation

In case of crystalline solids, changes in the freezing or melting point with pressure may be obtained by using:

Clapeyron equation

Paclitaxel is an anticancer drug which is solubilized by using a surfactant named:

Cremophor EL

Solubility applications: Paclitaxel is an anticancer drug which is solubilized by using a surfactant named

Cremophor EL

Energy of a radiation can be calculated by a. dividing product of velocity of light and Planks constant by frequency of the radiation b. multiplying product of velocity of light and planks constant by wavelength of the radiation c. adding product of velocity of light and planks constant to wavelength of the radiation d. dividing product of velocity of light and planks constant by wavelength of the radiation


Select the correct statement(s) involving the 2nd law of thermodynamics. a. the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always zero b. the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always positive c. the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is sometimes zero d. the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always negative


Sodium chloride and methane are a. electrovalent and electrovalent compound, respectively b. (b) covalent and electrovalent compound, respectively c. covalent and covalent compound, respectively d. electrovalent and covalent compound, respectively


The intermolecular distance in solid is a. Higher than that in gas but less than that in liquid. b. Higher than that in both liquid and gas. c. Higher than that in liquid but less than that in gas. d. Less than that in both liquid and gas


Select the correct statements(s) involving the 2nd Law of thermodynamics: A) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always negative B) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always zero C) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is sometimes zero D)the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always positive

D)the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always positive

Which of the following flow patterns exhibited by a drug-dosage form is extremely unacceptable? a. Pseudoplastic b. Plastic c. Thixotropic d. Dilatant


What is acceleration measured in?

Dyne (g x cm)/(sec^2)

Enthalpy (H) of a system is best expressed as where E=internal energy, P=pressure, T=temperature in Kelvin, q=heat, C= heat capacity.


The third law of thermodynamics deals with?

Entropy at absolute zero

Heat is an ___ property, while temperature is an ___ property.


Administering bentonite or magnesium trisilicate based antacid before a poorly soluble drug such as digoxin would result in excellent bioavailability (T or F)


Adsorption is a bulk phenomenon.


An unknown compound proceeds from the low melting metastable alpha form to the beta form having a higher melting point. However, in storage, it was observed that the beta form reverted to the metastable alpha form. this kind of polymorph would be called monotropic.


Charcoal adsorbs all drugs with equal efficiency


Charcoal adsorbs all drugs with equal efficiency (T or F)


Entropy of a system decreases with increases in randomness


For real gases, the collision between particles is perfectly elastic


For real gases, the collision between particles is perfectly elastic.


Helmholtz free energy equation should be used when a change in state is taking place at constant pressure


Helmholtz's free energy equation should be used when a change in state is taking place at constant pressure


Helmholtz's free energy equation should be used when a change in state is taking place at constant pressure.


In a physical or chemical process, if absorption of heat occurs it is called an exothermic reaction


Polymorphs have different melting point, X-ray diffraction pattern and solubility but same chemical properties (T or F)


Polymorphs have different melting point, X-ray diffraction pattern, and solubility but same chemical properties


The equilibrium state of system is always the most stable state


The equilibrium state of system is always the most stable state.


The higher the HLB value of an agent the more lipophilic it is.


The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the external or the atmospheric pressure is called melting point


The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the external or the atmospheric pressure is called melting point.


True or False: The equilibrium state of a system is always the most stable state.


True or False: Van der Waal's forces are strong attractive forces.

False - they are weak

True or False: Weight is mass not force.

False. Weight is force not mass

Polymorphs have different melting point, X-ray diffraction pattern and solubility, but same chemical properties.

False: -difference is how they absorb moisture, which affects stability. -can have different melting point, solubility, and mechanical properties.

Irreversible thermodynamic processes happen fast or slow?


charcoal is used of posting where it acts by

GI dialysis

Which of the following interface cannot be observed?


Enthalpy (H) of a system is best expressed where E=internal energy, P=pressure, T=temperature (K), q=heat, and C=heat capacity.

H = E + PV

Heat is an ___________ property while temperature is an _____________ property.

Heat is an EXTENSIVE property while temperature is an INTENSIVE property.

Latent heat:

Heat needed to change phase happening at constant temperature and pressure.

What law states that the heat change associated with any reaction is independent of the number of steps in which the reaction occurs

Hess's Law

Which law of thermodynamics states that "the heat change associated with any reaction is independent of the number of steps in which the reaction occurs"

Hess's Law

Which of the following laws state that "the heat change associated with any reaction is independent of the number of steps in which the reaction occurs"

Hess's Law

Which of the following laws state that "the heat associates with any reaction is independent of the number of steps in which the reaction occurs"

Hess's law

Which of the following laws state that "the heat change associated with any reaction is independent of the number of steps in which the reaction occurs"

Hess's law

The values of abscissa are positive in

I and IV quadrant

The values of abscissa are positive in

I and IV quadrants

Interfacial tension: Surface tension:

IT: tension at border between any two phases ST: tension at border between two phases where one phase is gas.

The amount of iron determined today in your blood sample was found to be 100 mcg/dL. Such iron content in blood sample can be categorized as an extensive or intensive property?

Intensive property

A thermodynamic process, where the heat transfer is not zero, is called

Isothermal process

What is a limitation of using the capillary method for measuring surface tension?

It cannot determine interfacial tension between two phases where none of the phases is gas.

Bond energy is measured in:


first law of thermodynamics

Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system.

A substance which is bound together by weak forces is said to have:

Low heat of fusion and low melting point

What is the significance of the critical micelle concentration (CMC)?

Micelles can form only if surfactant is added in a quantity more than CMC

In a set of data samples, the data that occurs the most is called


In a set of data samples, the data that occurs the most is called:


Avogadro's Number?

N = 6.0221 x 10^23 mole^-1

The critical temp and pressure for CO2 gas are 31C and 74.9atm. Can you liquify CO2 stored at 100C by applying pressure only?

NO: because if critical temp is exceeded, no matter how much temperature is applied you cannot completely convert gas -> liquid.

Can the efficiency of any system to do work ever be 100%?


The critical temperature and pressure for CO2 are 31 degrees C and 74.9 atm, respectively. Can you liquefy CO2 stored at 100 degrees C by applying pressure?


The critical temperature and pressure for CO2 gas are 31 degree C and 74.9 atm, respectively. Can you liquefy CO2 stored at 100 degree C by applying pressure only?


If a gas is existing at a temperature greater than its critical temperature, can you liquefy it by increasing pressure over it?

No, it cannot be liquefied no matter how much pressure you apply

Is it possible to boil water at a temperature greater than 100 degree Celsius? A. No, you cannot increase the boiling point of water beyond 100 degree Celsius at any condition B. Yes, if pressure over the water is greater than atmospheric pressure C. Yes, if pressure over the water is lower than atmospheric pressure

Only B is correct

If a gas is existing at a temperature greater than its critical temperature, can you liquefy it by increasing pressure over it? A. Yes, by applying pressure greater than its critical pressure B. Yes, by applying pressure lower than its critical pressure C. No, it cannot be liquefied no matter how much pressure you apply

Only C is correct

Solving (567^14)^1/7 is best stated as which of the following: i: anti log [(1/7) x 14 x log 567] ii: anti log [(1/14) x 7 x log 567]

Only I is correct

Solving (567^14)^(1/7) x 14 is best stated as which of the following: i: antilog[(1/7) x 14 x log567] ii: antilog[(1/14) x 7 x log567]

Only i is correct

Following are some statements about eutectic mixture: i. the bioavailability of drug would be more from a eutectic mixture than the pure solid form of the drug ii. eutectic mixture are useful for making topical formulations iii. eutectic mixture are useful for making capsules iv. eutectic mixtures are obtained at a temperature above eutectic point and at a specific ratio of the constituents. v. eutectic mixtures are obtained at a temperature above eutectic point and at any ratio of the constituents.

Only i, ii, and iv are correct

Ideal Gas Law:

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 or PV=nRT -all three parameters can change simultaneously

ideal gas law equation

PV = nrt

The dipole moments of phenacetin, sulfanilamide, and testosterone are 5.67, 5.37, and 4.17. Which one do you expect to be most soluble in water?

Phenacetin (5.67, because its the highest; higher the dipole, more H bonds, more H bonds more soluble)

Force per unit area is called:


Force per unit of area is called

Pressure dynes/cm^2 OR g/(cm s^2)

Delta G is equal to 0 =

Process is reversible or in equilibrium

Macroscopic property

Property which is being observed

If the distance between nuclei of two atoms is very short, instead of attractive forces, ____________ forces exist.

Repulsive forces

Density is commonly represented as:

Rho (ρ)

capillary rise is used to measure

ST only

The capillary rise method can be used measure.

Surface tension

The capillary rise method can be used to measure

Surface tension

The entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always negative (T or F)


The entropy change of reversible thermodynamics processes is always zero (T or F)


in boyles law _____ is constant

T i s kept constant


T/F Helmholtz's free energy equation should be used when a change in state is taking place at constant volume

how to convert Kelvin to Celsius

Temp K - 273.15 = Celsius

Entropy is the ratio of heat change and corresponding change in ____?


The second law of thermodynamics states what about entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes?

That the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always positive

The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals to the external or the atmospheric pressure is known as

The boiling point

Why is the first law of thermodynamics also called the law of conservation of energy?

The change in internal energy of an isolated system is equal to the heat absorbed or released minus work done.

The a capillary tube is placed in a liquid, the level in the capillary tube fell to a lower level the that of the liquid outside the tube. This is because:

The cohesive forces between the liquid-liquid are greater than the adhesive forces between liquid-glass.

When a capillary tube is placed in a liquid, the level of liquid in the capillary tube fell to a lower level than that of the liquid outside the tube. This is because:

The cohesive forces between the liquid-liquid are greater than the adhesive forces between liquid-glass.

Van't Hoff equation relates

The equilibrium constant of a reaction to the reaction temperature

Vant hoff equation relates?

The equilibrium constant of a reaction to the reaction temperature

Molar heat capacity

The heat required to raise the temperature of one mole of a substance by 1°

What would be the internal energy of a system which is absorbing heat adiabatically?

The internal energy of the system will increase

heat of formation of CO2 = heat of combustion of carbon

The relationship between heat of formation of CO2 and heat of combustion of carbon can be expressed by one of the following:

"W" or work, is negative when?

The system is doing some work

Dalton's Law Henry's Law Boyle's Law

The total pressure can be calculated by summing the partial pressure of each gas. At a constant temperature, the amount of given gas that dissolves in a given type of volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid. For one mole of an ideal gas at fixed temperature, the product of pressure and volume is constant.

The entropy of a pure crystalline substance is zero at absolute zero according to:

Third law of thermodynamics

The entropy of a pure crystalline substance is zero at absolute zero according to?

Third law of thermodynamics

An unknown compound proceeds from the low melting metastable alpha form to the beta form having a higher melting point. However, in storage, it was observed that the beta form reverted to the metastable alpha form. This kind of polymorphism would be called monotropic


Below the Critical Micelle Concentration surface properties are affected.


Digoxin is a poorly soluble drug. Therefore, its physical forms such as particle size would have a significant effect on its therapeutic outcomes (T or F)


Gibbs's free energy equation should be used when a change in state is taking place at constant pressure.


Iodine dissolves in water in the presence of KI. This is due to ion-induced dipole interaction


Iodine dissolves in water in the presence of KI. This is dust ion-induced dipole interaction.


Second law of thermodynamics states that entropy of a system, undergoing spontaneous irreversible change, always increases.


The concept and rules of significant figures should be applied only when a mathematical operation involves an approximation in a measured quantity.


The concept of latent heat is valid only if the heat absorbed or released by the system is resulting in a change of phase


The glass transition temperature for an amorphous solid is the mid-point of the transition in which the solid converts from a glassy to rubber state


The high boiling point of water is due to hydrogen bonding


The high boiling point of water is due to hydrogen bonding.


The molar heat capacity of a system is defined as the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a substance by one degree.


True or False: A statement such as "not more than 110.0 percent" in the official compendia of the U.S. Pharmacopia and National Drug Formulary may mean 110.1 or 110.2


True or False: Gibb's Free Energy equation should be used when a change in state is taking pressure


True or False: The concept and rules of significant figures should be applied only when a mathematical operation involves an approximation in a measured quantity.


True or False: The concept of heat capacity is valid only if the heat absorbed or released by a system is not resulting into a change in its phase.


True or False: The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy of a spontaneous system is always increasing.


True or false: Bond energy increases as electronegativity increases.


Using starch in oral rehydration mixture to replenish fluid during diarrhea is a better choice than increasing glucose (T or F)


When a liquid is placed in a container at a constant temperature, some molecules with the highest energies break away from the surface of the liquid and pass into the vapor state, and some of the molecules subsequently return to the liquid state, or condense. This statement is


True or False: If there is a dipole moment, the molecule will dissolve in water.

True - dipole moment indicates polarity

The required HLB (RHLB) value for making an o/w emulsion is 10.9. Calculate the amounts of Tween 20 (HLB value 16.7) and Span 80 (HLB value 4.3) for making 2 g of the required emulsifiers

Tween 20 = 1.06 g and Span = 0.94 g

Solubility applications: Steroidal ophthalmic solutions are prepared using

Tween Span

The equilibrium constant of a reaction is related to the reaction temperature by

Van't Hoff equation

when the system is doing work

W is negative

when work is being done on the system

W is positive

Two capillary tubes differing in internal diameter are placed in water. Which one of the statements is correct about height of the water level in capillary tubes?

Water level would be higher inside the capillary tube narrower in internal diameter

The attractive forces present between ____ molecules are called adhesive forces


What would be the weight and mass of a 70 Kg person in an elevator going down vertically at the acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2?

Weight = 0 kg x m/s^2; mass = 70 kg

What would be the weight and mass of a 70 Kg person in an elevator going down vertically at the acceleration of 9.81 m/s2?

Weight= 0Kg x m/s2; mass= 70Kg

What would be the weight and mass of a 70Kg person in an elevator going down vertically at the acceleration of 9.81m/s^2?

Weight= 0Kg x m/s^2, Mass= 70Kg

When do you use Helmholtz free energy (A) versus Gibbs free energy (G)?

When the volume of a system is constant use A and when the pressure of a system is constant use G

W is positive when?

Work is being done on the system

The equilibrium constant of a reaction is known at 25 degree C. Is it possible to determine the equilibrium constant of the reaction at 45 degree C?


The equilibrium constant of a reaction is known at 25°C. Is it possible to determine the equilibrium constant of that reaction at 45°C?


Can ion-induced dipole forces increase the solubility of insoluble compounds in water?

Yes, by inducing dipoles

.Is it possible to boil water at a temperature greater than 100 degree Celsius?

Yes, if pressure over the water is greater than atmospheric pressure


a bulk phenomenon

A process is called isothermal, if it takes place at

a constant temperature

10. The statement "in general the higher the temperature, the greater the solubility of a drug" is applicable only for those solids which possess:

a higher positive heat of solution


a surface phenomenon

Molecules are more stable than atoms and their formation can be explained by:

a. Valence bond theory (Octet rule) b. Molecular Orbit theory

endothermic process

absorbs heat, melting ice, evaporation

what happens when PSA is more than 140 A?

absorption is less than 10%

what happens when PSA is less than 60A

absorption is more than 90%

The closeness of a measured value to the correct value is called


what are barbituates, aspirin, and phenytoin?

acidic drugs

A process where the heat transfer is zero is called:

adiabatic process

Charcoal helps in the treatment of drug poisoning via the mechanism of:



adsorption occurs as monolayer

13. A concept of the partition coefficient is involved in following areas of pharmaceutical sciences: i. preservation of oil-water systems. ii. drug action in non-specific sites iii. absorption and distribution of drugs throughout the body

all are correct

17. Knowledge and understanding of the equilibrium solubility of a drug is absolutely essential because it plays a critical role in: i. the drug discovery process ii. drug formulation process iii. selection of a dosage form for a drug iv. drug dissolution in the gastrointestinal tract v. drug absorption

all are correct

The forces that bind molecules are: i: repulsive and attractive forces ii: van der Waals forces ii: ion-dipole and ion-induced dipole forces iv: hydrogen bonds

all of the above

Reversible thermodynamic process:

always at equilibrium; involves many infinitesimal small steps so that the system has sufficient enough time to counterbalance or offset the change

The equivalent temperature in degree Kelvin is:

always larger than the temperature in degrees Celsius


ammonium/chloride/bromide is in the name

supercooled liquids are

amorphous solids

4 types of surfactants

anionic, cationic, amphorteric, plutonic

Define Matter:

anything we can feel using our six senses including solid, liquid, gas, and any intermediate state


attractive faces between dissimilar molecules

give an example of hydrogen bonding:

attractive forces between partially positive charged hydrogens and partially negative charged oxygen of another water molecule


attractive forces between similar molecules

Select the correct statements involving the 2nd law of thermodynamics: a) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always zero b) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always positive c) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is sometimes zero d) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always negative

b) the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always positive

what are tetracycline, erythromycin, and ciprofloxacin?

basic drugs

Polymorphs are pharmaceutically important:

because it may be possible that one polymorph is therapeutically active and others are not

partially crystalline solids


Quaternary salts e.g. bephenium hydroxynapthoate and pyrvinium embonate are used in worm-infection of lower bowel because

being quaternary they are poorly soluble in both water and lipid

covalent bonds

between 2 nonmetals

electrovalent bonds

between a nonmetal and a metal

multicomponent system

both amorphous and crystalline

are ionized or unionized drugs better for therapeutic effect?

both can be depending on what the therapeutic effect is

Hydrogen bonds exhibit characteristics of:

both ionic and dipolar forces

The heat absorbed by an isolated system at constant volume is used for what?

bringing about change in internal energy

Select the correct statement(s) involving the 2nd law of thermodynamics: a) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always zero b) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always positive c) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processed is sometimes zero d) the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always negative

c) the entropy of reversible thermodynamic processes is always zero

heat is measured in?

calorie (c) or kilocalorie (Kc)

Define energy:

capacity to do work *Units in joules or ergs*

What is the median?

central point, 50th percentile

Define Molecules:

composed of atoms

Define Compounds:

composed of elements

Define Elements:

composed of molecules

henrys law

con. of gas in a liquid if proportional to its partial pressure over the liquid


constant pressure


constant volume

types of intramolecular bonds

covalent and ionic

Units of dipole?


solubility among isomers increases with

decrease boiling point for liquid and decrease melting point solid

the attractive forces increase when the distance between the molecules


The process by which a physically adsorbed gas is removed is called:


Polymorphs are same substance but in different crystalline forms which are characterized by:

different melting points, X-ray diffraction patterns, and solubility

Polymorphs are same substance but in different crystalline forms which are characterized by:

different melting points, X-ray diffraction patterns, and solubility. different chemical properties.

Polymorphs are same substance but in different crystalline forms which are characterized by:

different melting points, x-ray diffraction patterns, and solubility

anisotropic solids

different properties in different directions -crystalline solids

the concept of partition coefficients only applies to

dilute solutions

keesom forces


hydrogen bonds

dipole-dipole can be inter or intra and are ionic

debye forces

dipole-induced dipole

In what way does the equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction depend on the molar concentrations of the products obtained

directly proportional

London forces are AKA?

dispersion forces *induced dipole-induced dipole interaction*

what does the solubility and permeability of a drug influence?

dissolution, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination

what is the main challenge to class II drugs

dissolution; can be helped by concurrent food intake that creates more liquid volume and increasing residence time

Energy of a radiation can be calculated by

dividing product of velocity of light and planks constant by wavelength of the radiation

Energy of a radiation can be calculated by

dividing product of velocity of light and planks constant y wavelength of the radiation

Extensive variables or properties:

does depend on amount e.g. mass or # of moles, volume, and energy


does depend on amount of temp, pressure or density

Intensive variables or properties:

does not depend on amount e.g. temperature, pressure, and density


dont depend on about of temp, pressure or density

The force required to detach the ring from the surface/interface, in the DuNouy ring method is recorded in:


The increase in heat content, ΔH, of a system is equal to

either heat absorbed or released by the system at constant pressure

Primary valence bonds?

electrovalent and covalent

Sodium Chloride and methane are

electrovalent and covalent compound, respectively

Sodium chloride and methane are

electrovalent and covalent compound, respectively

Sodium chloride and methane are:

electrovalent and covalent compound, respectively

If a chemical reaction requires heat energy to proceed, it is called

endothermic reaction

What is defined as "a measure of disorder in a system"?


The 3rd Lae of thermodynamics deals with:

entropy at absolute zero

The 3rd Law of thermodynamics deals with:

entropy at absolute zero

The 3rd law of Thermodynamics deals with

entropy at absolute zero


everything else in the universe

What can supercritical fluids be used for?

extracting essential oils from plant parts

Find the correct value for log2500: a. log(50)^2 = 2log50 b. log250 + log 10 c. 3.398 d. log 25 + log 100 e. [ln2500] / 2.303 f. All of the above

f. all of the above

what does help class 3 drugs get absorbed?

faster gastric emptying rate

Smallest form of matter v smallest particle of matter?

form = atom particle = molecule

what does the lower pKa value for an acid mean?

greater hydronium ion concentration would be produced in water

Irreversible thermodynamic process:

happens fast.

Adiabatic thermodynamic process:

happens in an isolated system which temperature changes

Isothermal thermodynamic process:

happens in an isothermal system which temperature does not change

heat and temp are what kinds of properties

heat - extensive temp - intensive

what pH will a weak acidic drug dissolve more at?

higher pH

The surface and core of the micelles formed in an aqueous medium are:

hydrophilic and lipophilic, respectively

2. Below are some statements about the relationship between pKa of a weak acidic drug and pH of gastrointestinal tract: i. Generally, weak acidic drugs are predominantly in the un-ionized form at lower pH of the gastric fluid and, therefore, may be absorbed from the stomach as well as from the upper part (duodenum) or the intestine ii. Generally weak acidic drugs are predominantly in the ionized form at lower pH of the gastric fluid and, therefore, may be absorbed from the stomach as well as from the upper part (duodenum) of the intestine iii. Some very weakly acidic drugs, such as phenytoin and many barbiturates, having pKa values greater than 8.0 would get absorbed quickly which is not dependent on pH.

i and iii are correct

In a solution of NaCl, a little amount of a solid was added. Which of the following statements is/are true: i. Molarity of NaCl will change ii. Molality of NaCl will not change iii. Molality of NaCl may or may not change depending on the interaction of solvent and the added solid

i and iii are correct

4. Below are some statements about BCS class III drugs: i. Intestinal membrane absorption is the rate-limiting step in the absorption of class III drugs. ii. Class III drugs are better absorbed in the upper part of small intestine. iii. Any meal co-administered with class III drugs decreases their absorption proportionately to fat content of the meal. iv. Any meal co-administered with class III drugs decreases their absorption which is not influenced by fat content of the meal.

i, ii, iv

8. Below are some statements about BCS class I drugs: i. Class I drugs are well absorbed and are affected by a limited set of interactions that alter drug absorption ii. Interactions that delay gastric emptying will delay absorption of these drugs iii. Gastric emptying rate has significant effect on absorption of class I drugs.

i,ii,iii, not Gastric emptying rate does not affect absorption of class I drugs.

Micelles are used for delivering a drug because

i. micelles can solubilize insoluble drugs ii. micelles may reduce antigenicity

12. Any alteration in a drug delivery system is likely to alter the drug delivery rate and the amt of the drug delivered to the desired place in the body. Such alterations include:

i. the chemical nature of the drug (e.g. ester, salts, and complexes) ii. the particle size and surface area of the drug iii. the type of dosage form (e.g. solution, suspension, capsule, and tablet), and iv. the excipients and processes used in the manufacturing of the drug delivery system


if the solvent is H2O

Two capillary tubes differentiating in internal diameter are placed in water. Which of the following statements is correct about height of the water level in capillary tubes? i: water level would be higher inside the capillary tube wider in internal diameter. ii: water level would be higher inside the capillary tube narrower in internal diameter.

ii: water level would be higher inside the capillary tube narrower in internal diameter.

Increasing temperature increases or decreases entropy?


increase in temp ______ micellar size


london forces

induced dipole-induced dipole

any number multiplied by infinitive is?


any number multiplied by infinity is?


solve: 1000 x infinity


The amount of iron in each 5ml of blood is a sample of an extensive or intensive property?


Aqueous solubility of iodine in presence of KI is due to:

interaction between ion-dipole and ion-induced dipole

Ki with I is

ion-dipole and ion-induced dipole

electrostatic forces (3)

ionic ion dipole dipole-dipole

what 4 processes is equilibrium play an important role for pharmaceutics?

ionization of weak acids and bases, partition coefficient and lipid solubility of a drug, saturation solubility, and diffusion and dissolution of a drug

what does a partition coefficient of a drug affect?

its solubility and permeability

The increase in heat content, delta H, of a system is equal to i. only heat absorbed by the system at a constant volume ii. only heat released by the system at constant pressure iii. only heat absorbed by the system at constant temperature iv. either heat absorbed or released by the system at constant pressure

iv. either heat absorbed or released by the system at a constant pressure



What are the three fundamental dimensions?

length, mass, time

The greater the solubility of adsorbate, the ___________

less it will be adsorbed

Solubility applications: Iodophor (Providone-iodone)

less sublimation than in iodine-KI system

The intermolecular distance in solid is

less than that in both liquid and gas

The intermolecular distance in solid is:

less than that in both liquid and gas

The intermolecular distance solid is

less than that in both liquid and gas

log xy =

log x + log y

log xy equals

log x + log y

log x/y =

log x - log y

Find the correct value: log (4/25)


log xy=

logX + log Y

A substance which is bound together by weak forces is said to have

low heat of fusion and low melting point

A substance which is bound together by weak forces is said to have:

low heat of fusion and low melting point

Define density:

mass per unit of volume


mass x acceleration *rate of change of speed*


mass x acceleration due to gravity

The crystalline and amorphous solids are characterized by

melting point and glass transition temperature, repsectively

The crystalline and amorphous solids are characterized by

melting point and glass transition temperature, respectively

what provide buffering action in the stomach?

membrane bound proteins adn proteins from food

Higher the HLB values of a surfactant, more __________

more hydrophilic

higher HLB

more hydrophilic

greater dipole moment means

more soluble in H2O

What is the mode?

most frequent data

Can the efficiency of any system to do a work be 100%?


do digestion and absorption occur at seperate times in the small intestine?


does the hydrophilicity of a drug have to do with rate and extent of absorption of drugs?


is the passage of water through the biological membrane effecting the partition coefficient?


adiabatic process

no heat exchange - isolated temp in which heat changes

ideal gas law

no interaction between gas molecules collisions are perfectly elastic

18. Minocycline and doxycycline have greater logP value that other tetracyclins. Which of the following statements is/are correct about them? -Only minocycline and doxycycline pass through blood brain and blood ocular barriers while other tetracyclins do not. ii. Minocycline and doxycycline pass through blood brain barrier but not through blood ocular barrier. iii. Minocycline and doxycycline pass through blood ocular barrier but not through blood brain barrier.

only one


only one polymorph is stable at all temps below mp (others aren't stable

Give an example of an atom that will always instantaneously combine into a molecule:

oxygen: will always combine into O2

in guy and charles law____ is constant

p is constant

when will the transport of weak acidic drugs be influenced by pH?

pKa values between 3 and 7


part of the environment under study

what is the main challenge for class 3 drugs

permeability; concurrent food doesn't help

The dipole moments of phenacetin, sulfanilamide, and testosterone are 5.67, 5.37, and 4.17; Which one do you expect will be the most soluble in water?


what is the example of a co solvent?

phenobarbital is more soluble in a mixture of water, glycerol, and alcohol

pKa greater than 11 for bases causes what?

poor absorption because of ionization


positively charged end and a negatively charged end *dipole points toward the negative end*

Delta G greater than 0 =

process is not spontaneous

Delta G less than 0 =

process is spontaneous, irreversible

exothermic process

produces heat, freezing water, combustion

what are the factors that effect the rate of GIT?

properties of epithelial cells, segmental activity of bowel, degree of vascularity, effect of absorbing surface area by unit length of gut, surface and interface tensions of fluids, electrolyte content and concentration of fluid, enzyme activity in contents, and gastric emptying time

when converting log to ln

put 0.4343 in front

what are the 2 parts of the stomach and what do they do?

pylorus secretes acids and body secretes mucus

amorphous solids

random order, tend to flow, have a range of mp


rate of change of speed cm/sec^2


reduce ST


reduce antigenicity by stealth action, solubilize a drug

when electron clouds overlap instead of attractive forces we have

repulsion forces

isothermal process

same temp in environment and system/ open system/temp doesn't change

In a pressure cooker, water boils at a temperature

significantly higher than 100 degree C

isotropic solids

similar properties in all direction -amorphous

how can absorption of class 2 drugs be assisted?

slower gastric emptying rate or antiacids

Define Atoms:

smallest form of matter

Solubility applications: Cresol, chlorocrasol, and chloroxylenol are solubilized in



sodium is in the name


spans, tween, pluronic

Standard Deviation?

square root of variance * variance = the average of the squared differences from the mean*

3rd law of thermodynamics

states that the entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero.

2nd law of thermodynamics

states that the entropy of any isolated system always increases.

what types of bases show pH dependent absorption?

strong bases with pH between 5 and 11

HLB scale can be used to measure the following activity of a surfactant

surface activity

surfactants ____________ surface tension

surfactants REDUCE surface tension

Isobaric thermodynamic process:

system pressure remains constant

Isochoric thermodynamic process:

system volume does not change

ST decreases with an increase in


Surface tension decreases with increase in

temperature ST=1/2 (rhg x density)

In a pressure cooker, water boils at:

temperature significantly higher than 100 degrees C

Autoclave is an equipment used in hospital for sterilization of surgical instruments. This has a pressure valve using which user-selectable pressure greater than atmospheric pressure can be applied. Water boils inside an autoclave at:

temperature significantly higher than 100 degrees Celsius.

In a pressure cooker, water boils at:

temperature significantly higher than 100 degrees celsius.

In pressure cooker, water boils at

temperature significantly higher than 100C

interfacial tension

tension at a border between 2 phases

surface tension

tension between 2 phases were one is a gas

Bond length explain what?

that both attractive and repulsive forces are responsible for the formation of a molecule

Greater dipole moment indicates what?

that the substance is more polar or could be easily polarized


the amount above which surfactants sink and form micelles

The term "wg" in the Freudlich equation refers to:

the amount of gas adsorbed

Why does matter exists in different states?

the basic mechanism involved is intermolecular distance between molecules

Exact differential?

the change in a process depends only on initial and final states of the system

Specific gravity:

the density of a substance in comparison to water (ρ of a substance) / (ρ of water) * no units *

Select the correct statement(s) involving 2nd law of thermodynamics

the entropy change of irreversible thermodynamic processes is always positive

Select the correct statement(s) involving the 2nd law of thermodynamics

the entropy change of reversible thermodynamic processes is always zero

Van't Hoff equation relates:

the equilibrium constant of a reaction to the reaction temperature


the greater the P, the more adsorption of gas on adsorbent


the greater the pressure the more would be adsorbed of that gas on an adsorbent

the longer the aliphatic chain

the larger the micellar size, greater the solubilization.

degrees of freedom definitionF

the last # of variables which can be manipulated without altering the equilibrium state of phases

the greater the solubility of the adsorbate

the less it will be adsorbed

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