when you create a new layer, where does it appear in the layers panel stack?
a new layer always appears immediately above the active layer.
what is the advantage of using layers?
layers let you move and edit different parts of an image as discrete objects. You can also hide individual layers as you work on other layers.
one you've made a selection, what area of the image can be edited?
only the area within an active selection can be edited.
what is red eye, and how do you correct it in photoshop?
red eye occurs when the retinas of a subject's eyes are reflected by the camera flash. to correct red eye in photoshop, zoom in to the subjects eyes, select red eye tool, and then click the eye
what conditions provide the best results when using the content-aware move tool?
the content-aware move tool works best in images that have consistent backgrounds so that photoshop can seamlessly replicate the patterns.
how can you remove digital artifacts such as colored pixels from an image?
the dust&scratches filter removes digital artifacts from an image
what tools can you use to remove blemishes in an image?
the healing brush, spot healing bust, patch tool, and clone stand tools let you replace unwanted portions of an image with other areas of the image. the clone stamp tool copies the source area exactly; the healing brush and spot healing brush tools blend the areas with the surrounding pixels. the spot healing brush tool doesn't require a source area at all; it "heals" areas to match the surrounding pixels. in content-aware mode, the patch tool replaces a selection with content that matches the surrounding area.
describe how to fix common camera lens flaws in photoshop. what causes these defects?
the lens correction filter fixes common camera lens flaws, such as barrel an pin cushion distortion, in which straight lines bow out towards the edges of the image(barrel) or bend inward(pincushion); chromatic aberration, where a color fringe appears along the edges of image objects; and vignetting at the edges of an image, especially corners that are darker than the center. Defects can occur from incorrectly setting the lens's focal length or f-stop, or by tilting the camera vertically or horizontally.
how does the magic wand tool determine which areas of an image to select? what is tolerance, and how does it affect a selection?
the magic wand tool selects adjacent pixels based on their similarity in color. the tolerance value determines how many color tones the magic wand tool will select. the higher the tolerance setting, the more tones are selected.
what does the quick selection tool do?
the quick selection tool expands outward from where you click to automatically find an follow defined edges in the image.
what does resolution mean?
the term resolution refers to the number of pixels that describe an image and establish its detail. image resolution and monitor resolution are measure in pixels per inch(ppi). printer, or output, resolution is measured in ink dots per inch(dpi).
how do you add to and subtract from a selection?
to add to a selection, click the add to section button in the options bar, and then click the area you want to add. to subtract from a selection, click the subtract from section button in the options bar, and then click the area you want to subtract. you can also add to a selection by pressing shift as you dragger click; to subtract press Option as you drag or click.
how can you adjust the tone and color of an image in photoshop?
to adjust the tone and color of an image in photoshop, first the white point tool in a curves adjustment layer. then refine the one using a levels adjustment layer.
how can you apply a layer style?
to apply a layer style, select the layer, and then click the add a layer style button in the layers panel, or choose layer > layer style > [style].
how can you create a panorama from multiple images?
to blend multiple images into a panorama, choose file> automate> photo merge, select eh files you want to combine, and click ok
when you've completed your artwork, what can you do to minimize the le size without changing the quality or dimensions?
to minimize file size, you can flatten the image, which merges all the layers onto
how can you move a selection while you're drawing it?
to reposition a selection while you're drawing it, continue to press the mouse button as you hold down the spacebar and drag.
how can you make artwork on one layer appear in front of artwork on another layer?
you can make artwork on one layer appear in front of artwork on another layer by dragging layers up or down the stacking order in the layers panel, or by using the layer > arrange subcommands—bring to front, bring forward, send to back, and send backward. however, you can't change the layer position of a background layer.
what does the crop tool do?
you can use the crop tool to trim, scale, or straighten an image.