Present simple / Present continuous

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*How often do you study English? I study english every day *

*How often do you study English? I study english every day * ¿Con qué frecuencia estudias inglés? Estudio Inglés todos los días

*Use the present simple or the present continuous.* how often /you / study English / ?

*How often do you study English?* ¿Con qué frecuencia estudias inglés?

*Present simple or present continuous* I ___________ ( love) this photo! ___________(you / like) it?

*I love this photo! Do you like it? * ¡Me encanta esta foto! ¿Te gusta?

*Present simple or present continuous* I ___________ (remember) that l was in a good mood that day!

*I remember that l was in a good mood that day!* ¡Recuerdo que estaba de buen humor ese día!

I( 'm not speaking / don't speak ) english now.

*I'm not speaking english now.* No estoy hablando inglés ahora.

*Present simple or present continuous* In the photo, my friends ___________ (try) to carry me along the beach on a surfboard.

*In the photo, my friends are trying to carry me along the beach on a surfboard. * En la foto, mis amigos están tratando de llevarme a lo largo de la playa en una tabla de surf.

*Present simple or present continuous* It ___________ ( show ) me and my friends on holiday in Portugal.

*It shows me and my friends on holiday in Portugal.* Nos muestra a mis amigos y a mí de vacaciones en Portugal.

The sun (isn't shining / doesn't shine ) today.

*The sun isn't shining today.* El sol no brilla hoy

*Present simple or present continuous* We ___________ (enjoy / always) spending time together, and in this photo we __________ (have) fun.

*We always enjoy spending time together, and in this photo we're having (have) fun. * Siempre disfrutamos pasar tiempo juntos, y en esta foto nos estamos divirtiendo.

*Present simple or present continuous* We ___________ (go) to the same town every year and we ___________ (have I always) a great time.

*We go to the same town every year and we always have a great time. * Vamos a la misma ciudad todos los años y siempre lo pasamos genial.

We ( visit/ 're visiting ) York today.

*We're visiting York today.* Estamos visitando York hoy.

*Present simple or present continuous* what/ her friends / do / in it / ?

*What are her friends doing in it?* ¿Qué están haciendo sus amigos en eso?

*Use the present simple or the present continuous.* what / you / do / at the moment/ ?

*What are you doing at the moment?* ¿Qué estás haciendo en este momento?

*Present simple or present continuous* what / they / always enjoy / ?

*What do they always enjoy?* ¿De qué es lo que siempre disfrutan?

*What languages are you learning this year? I'm learning english, spanish and galician*

*What languages are you learning this year? I'm learning english, spanish and galician* ¿Qué idiomas estás aprendiendo este año? Estoy aprendiendo inglés, español y gallego

*Use the present simple or the present continuous.* what languages / you / learn / this year/ ?

*What languages are you learning this year?* ¿Qué idiomas estás aprendiendo este año?

*What time does your mum usually go to bed? She usually goes to bed at eleven o'clock*

*What time does your mum usually go to bed? She usually goes to bed at eleven o'clock* ¿A qué hora suele acostarse tu madre? Ella generalmente se va a la cama a las once en punto

*Use the present simple or the present continuous.* what time / your mum / usually / go to bed / ?

*What time does your mum usually go to bed?* ¿A qué hora suele acostarse tu madre?

When I (am going / go ) on holiday, I ( want / 'm wanting ) to relax.

*When I go on holiday, I want to relax.* Cuando salgo de vacaciones, quiero relajarme.

*Use the present simple or the present continuous.* where / you / usually / go on holiday in summer / ?

*Where do you usually go on holiday in summer?* ¿Dónde sueles ir de vacaciones en verano?

*Where do you usually go on holiday in summer? * *I usually go to Eibar on holiday in summer*

*Where do you usually go on holiday in summer?I usually go to Eibar on holiday in summer* ¿Dónde sueles ir de vacaciones en verano? Normalmente voy a Eibar de vacaciones en verano

*Present simple or present continuous* who / it /show?

*Who does it show?* ¿A quién muestra?

*Present simple or present continuous* why / she / love / this photo / ?

*Why does she love this photo?* ¿Por qué ella adora esta foto?

*Present continuous*

.Describe una acción que esté ocurriendo en el momento de hablar (*at the moment, now*) .Describe situaciones temporales que estén ocurriendo en un presente más amplio (*today, this year*, etc. ).

1 *Does/ Are / Is* Aaron usually get up early?

1 *Does* Aaron usually get up early? 1 * ¿Aaron * generalmente se levanta temprano?

d Which of the verbs can we not usually use in the present continuous? d ¿Cuál de los verbos usualmente no podemos usar en el presente continuo? 1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones.

1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones. . have y have got ???

c Which sentences refer to repeated actions? c ¿Qué oraciones se refieren a acciones repetidas? 1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones.

1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones. . 3,4,5

b Which sentences refer to actions happening now? b ¿Qué oraciones se refieren a acciones que suceden ahora? 1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones.

1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones. . La 1 y la 2

Which sentences are present simple and which are present continuous? a ¿Qué oraciones son presentes simples y cuáles son presentes continuas? 1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones.

1 I'm asking people about their morning routines. 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum. 3 I start school at nine. 4 I have cereal or toast. 5 You've got headphones. . Presente simple: 3,4,5 Presente continuo: 1,2

NEGATIVE 1 I'm asking people about their morning routines.

1 I'm not asking people about their morning routines.

1 I'm asking people about their morning routines.

1 Le pregunto a la gente sobre sus rutinas matutinas.

Order the words to make sentences and questions. There is one extra word in each sentence that you do not need. 1 what / time / you / are / do / leave / house / the / ?

1 What time do you leave the house? 1 ¿A qué hora sales de la casa?

2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum.

2 Estoy buscando un regalo de cumpleaños para mi madre.

Order the words to make sentences and questions. There is one extra word in each sentence that you do not need. 2 her / are / shopping / with / brother / she/is/?

2 Is she shopping with her brother? 2 ¿Está de compras con su hermano?

2 What time *are they wanting/ do they want / they want* to leave?

2 What time * do they want* to leave? 2 ¿A qué hora * quieren * irse?

NEGATIVE 2 I'm looking for a birthday present for my mum.

2.I'm not looking for a birthday present for my mum.

3 I start school at nine.

3 Comienzo la escuela a las nueve.

3 He *doesn't like/ not like / isn't liking *maths.

3 He *doesn't like *maths. 3 A él * no le gustan * las matemáticas.

NEGATIVE 3 I start school at nine.

3 I don't start school at nine.

Order the words to make sentences and questions. There is one extra word in each sentence that you do not need. 3 now / not / I'm / watching / TV / have

3 I'm not watching TV now. 3 No estoy viendo televisión ahora.

4 'Are you enjoying the book?' 'Yes, I* do/ enjoy / am*.'

4 'Are you enjoying the book?' 'Yes, I* am*.' 4 "¿Estás disfrutando el libro?" "Sí, yo * soy *".

NEGATIVE 4 I have cereal or toast.

4 I don't have cereal or toast.

4 I have cereal or toast.

4 Tengo cereales o tostadas.

Order the words to make sentences and questions. There is one extra word in each sentence that you do not need. 4 Sarah / school / to / where / go / going / does / ?

4 Where does Sarah go to school? 4 ¿A dónde va Sarah a la escuela?

5 *Does Julia have/ Has Julia / Is Julia having *more than one mobile phone?

5 *Does Julia have *more than one mobile phone? 5 * ¿Julia tiene * más de un teléfono móvil?

Order the words to make sentences and questions. There is one extra word in each sentence that you do not need. 5 like / likes / your / does / football / sister / ?

5 Does your sister like football? 5 ¿A tu hermana le gusta el fútbol?

5 You've got headphones.

5 Tienes auriculares.

NEGATIVE 5 You've got headphones.

5 You haven't got headphones.

6 Right now, she *chats / 's chatting / does chat* to her friends.

6 Right now, she*'s chatting* to her friends. 6 En este momento, ella * está chateando * con sus amigos.

Order the words to make sentences and questions. There is one extra word in each sentence that you do not need. 6 she / room / doesn't / her / tidy / isn't

6 She doesn't tidy her room. 6 Ella no ordena su habitación.

7 'When *does the bus leave/ the bus leaves / is the bus leaving*?' 'At 7.45 every morning.'

7 'When *does the bus leave*?' 'At 7.45 every morning.' 7 "¿Cuándo * sale el autobús *?" "A las 7.45 cada mañana".

8 They *usually go / are usually going / go usually* out on Saturday evenings.

8 They *usually go* out on Saturday evenings. 8 * Suelen salir * los sábados por la noche.

We often go out to a local café for breakfast - it's really nice.

A menudo vamos a un café local a desayunar, es realmente agradable.

Present simple or present continuous. 1 you/ enjoy/ this film ? Yes,/ I

Are you enjoying this film?Yes, I am. ¿Estás disfrutando esta película? Sí, lo estoy.

Claire But (7 Mr Macken / not / usually / check) our homework.

Claire But Mr Macken doesn't usually check our homework. Claire Pero el señor Macken no suele revisar nuestra tarea.

Claire (1 I / sit) on the bus. I'm nearly in town. (2 you / want) to meet at the shopping centre?

Claire I'm sitting on the bus. I'm nearly in town. Do you want to meet to meet at the shopping centre? Claire Estoy sentado en el bus. Estoy casi en la ciudad. ¿Quieres vernos en el centro comercial?

Claire OK ... Looks like I'm shopping on my own, then!

Claire OK ... Looks like I'm shopping on my own, then! Claire OK ... ¡Parece que estoy comprando solo, entonces!

Claire Oh come on, Erica! Take the day off!

Claire Oh come on, Erica! Take the day off! Claire ¡Vamos, Erica! ¡Tómate el día libre!

Claire Why (4 you / do) your homework now? It's Saturday morning!

Claire Why are you doing your homework now? It's Saturday morning! Claire ¿Por qué haces tu tarea ahora? ¡Es sábado por la mañana!

Present simple or present continuous. 4 Sara/ have/ a dog ? No,/ she

Does Sara have a dog? No, she doesn't. ¿Sara tiene un perro? No, ella no.

Él está escuchando a la maestra ahora.

He's listening to the teacher now.

Él está jugando basquetbol.

He's playing basketball.

Hi Cameron,I'm writing this postcard from Pisa!

Hola Cameron, ¡estoy escribiendo esta postal desde Pisa!

Present simple Expresa hábitos y rutinas .Se usa con adverbios de frecuencia :never, sometimes, always, etc.) . Se usa con expresiones como (every day, twice a week, etc.). Present continuous .Describe una acción que esté ocurriendo en el momento de hablar (at the moment, now) .Describe situaciones temporales que estén ocurriendo en un presente más amplio (today, this year, etc. ). . No se usan en forma continua. believe (creer ) belong (pertenecer) hate ( odiar ) imagine (imaginar) know(conocer ) like(gustar ) love (conocer ) and want (querer )

How are you? I *´m having* (have) a fantastic holiday in France and we *´re staying* (stay) in a nice new hotel. It´s really hot today and I *´m sitting* (sit) under a big tree at the moment! We *´re visiting* (visit) the same village every year and we usually *´re going* (go) to the same restaurant every night! My dad always *´s having* (have) traditional French food for dinner, but I *´m not liking* (not like) it - I prefer pizza! What *are you doing* (you/do) now? See you soon, Isabel. ¿Cómo estás? Estoy * * teniendo * (tener) unas vacaciones fantásticas en Francia y * nos estamos quedando * (estancia) en un nuevo y bonito hotel. ¡Hace mucho calor hoy y yo * estoy sentado * (sentado) debajo de un árbol grande en este momento! Nosotros * * visitamos * (visitamos) el mismo pueblo todos los años y usualmente * vamos * (vamos) al mismo restaurante todas las noches! Mi papá siempre * está * comiendo comida tradicional francesa, pero a mí no me gusta * (no me gusta), ¡prefiero la pizza! ¿Qué * estás haciendo * (tú / lo haces) ahora? Te veo pronto, Isabel.

¿Con qué frecuencia cocinas?

How often do you cook?

No cocino muy a menudo.

I don't cook very often.

Me voy de vacaciones a Portugal.

I go on holiday to Portugal.

Voy con mis padres y mi hermano.

I go with my parents and my brother.

Me gusta la pasta y la pizza, pero no me gusta el pescado.

I like pasta and pizza, but I don't like fish.

Me encanta tu nuevo smartphone

I love your new smartphone

*Present simple*

I study English I don´t study English Do I study English ? She studys English She doesn´t study English Does she study English ?

Almorzaré con Tim hoy.

I'm having lunch with Tim today.

I'm having problems sleeping *always / at the moment / yesterday*.

I'm having problems sleeping * at the moment*. Tengo problemas para dormir * en este momento *.

*Present continuous*

I'm studying English at the moment I am not studying English at the moment Am I studying English at the moment ? You are studying English at the moment Yoy are not studying English at the moment Are you studying English at the moment ? He is studying English at the moment He is not studying English at the moment Is he studying English at the moment ?

Present simple or present continuous. Ian/ usually/ have/ cereal for breakfast

Ian usually has cereal for breakfast.

Present simple or present continuous. 6 Jorge/ not do/ much this week

Jorge isn't doing much this week. Jorge no está haciendo mucho esta semana.

Then we go sightseeing. This evening we are watching a play at the theatre. Claudio is coming too.

Luego nos vamos de turismo. Esta tarde estamos viendo una obra de teatro en el teatro. Claudio también viene.

I'm staying here for ten days with my Italian exchange partner, Liliana, and we're having a lot of fun together.

Me quedaré aquí por diez días con mi compañera de intercambio italiana, Liliana, y nos estamos divirtiendo mucho juntos.

Mi papá está cocinando la cena esta noche.

My dad's cooking dinner tonight.

Mis padres están trabajando muy duro.

My parents are working very hard.

He _________ (start) in Italy now

Present continuous * He is staying in Italy now* Él se está quedando en Italia ahora

I_________ (study) English at the moment

Present continuous *I'm studying English at the moment* Estoy estudiando inglés en este momento.

The sun _____ (shine) today? Yes, it is/ No, it isn't.

Present continuous *Is the sun shining today? Yes, it is / No, it isn't* ¿Está brillando el sol hoy? Sí está/ No, no está

We__________( lie) on the beach at the moment

Present continuous *We aren't lying on the beach at the moment* No estamos mintiendo en la playa en este momento

I _________ (study) English three times a week

Present simple * I study English three times a week * Yo estudio inglés tres veces a la semana.

We _______( go not) usually to the beach in summer

Present simple * We don't usually go to the beach in summer * No solemos ir a la playa en verano

You_________( go ) abroad every year? Yes,we do/ No,we don't.

Present simple *Do you go abroad every year? Yes,we do./ No,we don't* ¿Vas al extranjero todos los años? Sí / No

He _________ (start) his job in June

Present simple *He starts his job in June* Él comienza su trabajo en junio

Ella abraza a su papá todas las mañanas.

She hugs her dad every morning.

Present simple or present continuous. 8 she/ usually study/ at the library

She usually studies at the library. Ella generalmente estudia en la biblioteca.

Her brother Claudio wakes up really early every day to go to college, but we're on holiday, so we don't get up before 9.30.

Su hermano Claudio se despierta muy temprano todos los días para ir a la universidad, pero estamos de vacaciones, así que no nos levantamos antes de las 9.30.

What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at half past seven.

¿A qué hora sueles levantarte? Normalmente me levanto a las siete y media.

Who are you sitting next to? I'm sitting next to Carlos

¿Con quién estás sentado? Estoy sentado al lado de Carlos

How often do you play sport? I play sport once a week.

¿Con qué frecuencia tu juegas un deporte? Practico deporte una vez a la semana.

When does the lesson finish? The lesson finishes at 10:10

¿Cuándo termina la lección? La clase termina a las 10:10.

How are you feeling today? I'm fine, thanks.

¿Cómo te sientes hoy? Estoy bien, gracias

Where does your best friend live? My best friend lives in Navia

¿Donde vive tu mejor amigo? Mi mejor amiga vive en Navia.

Why are you studying English? Because I'm in English class.

¿Por que estás estudiando inglés? Porque estoy en clase de inglés.

What are you doing this week? See you next Monday at school.Georgia

¿Que vas ha hacer esta semana? Nos vemos el próximo lunes en la escuela.

What are you doing now? I'm studying English.

¿Qué estas haciendo ahora? Estoy estudiando ingles.

*Are you wearing school uniform today? No, I'm not wearing*

*Are you wearing school uniform today? No, I'm not wearing* ¿Estás vistiendo el uniforme escolar hoy? No, no estoy usando

*Use the present simple or the present continuous.* you / wear / school uniform /today / ?

*Are you wearing school uniform today?* ¿Estás vistiendo el uniforme escolar hoy?

Helen usually ( works / is working ) in an office.

*Helen usually works in an office.* Helen generalmente trabaja en una oficina.

Erica Hi, Claire. Where are you?

Erica Hi, Claire. Where are you? Erica Hola claire ¿Dónde estás?

Erica I can't. (3 I / do) my history homework at the moment.

Erica I can't. I'm doing my history homework at the moment. Erica No puedo Estoy haciendo mi tarea de historia en este momento.

Erica I know. (5 I / not / usually / do) homework on Saturdays, but I've got a netball tournament tomorrow. (6 They / always / finish) late.

Erica I know. I don't usually do homework on Saturdays, but I've got a netball tournament tomorrow. They always finish late. Erica Lo sé. No suelo hacer tarea los sábados, pero mañana tengo un torneo de netball. Siempre terminan tarde.

Erica No, (9 I / not / come to town), Claire. Speak to you later, OK?

Erica No, I'm not coming to town, Claire. Speak to you later, OK? Erica No, no voy a ir a la ciudad, Claire. Hablamos más tarde, ¿de acuerdo?

Erica That's not true. (8 He / always / check) it!

Erica That's not true. He always checks it! Erica Eso no es cierto. ¡Siempre lo revisa!

*Present simple*

Expresa *hábitos y rutinas* .Se usa con adverbios de frecuencia :*never*, *sometimes*, *always*, etc.) . Se usa con expresiones como (*every day*,* twice a week*, etc.).

A typical day here is different from at home.

Un día típico aquí es diferente al de casa.

Present simple or present continuous. 2 we/ not like/ Indian food

We don't like Indian food. No nos gusta la comida india.

Present simple or present continuous. 7 we/ not often watch/ French films

We don't often watch French films.. No solemos ver películas francesas.

Nos relajamos y visitamos museos.

We relax and visit museums.

*USUALLY/ALWAYS* colocación

We usually go .... We don't usually go....

Present simple or present continuous. 5 what / you / do / now ? I / leave

What are you doing now? ¿Qué estas haciendo ahora? Me voy.

¿Qué haces ahí?

What do you do there?

¿Qué crees que están haciendo tus padres ahora?

What do you think your parents are doing now?

¿Qué comida te gusta y no te gusta?

What food do you like and dislike?

¿Qué está haciendo tu mejor amigo ahora?

What's your best friend doing now?

¿A dónde vas usualmente en vacaciones?

Where do you usually go on holiday?

¿Con quién vas?

Who do you go with?

Present simple or present continuous. 3 who/ he/ visit/ today ?

Who is he visiting today? ¿A quién está visitando hoy?

¿Quién cocina la cena esta noche?

Who's cooking dinner tonight?

Hay algunos verbos que generalmente no se usan en forma continua.

believe (creer ) belong (pertenecer) hate ( odiar ) imagine (imaginar) know(conocer ) like(gustar ) love (conocer ) and want (querer ). . I love your new smartphone

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