Principles of Fitness - Nutrition
How many essential minerals are there?
What percent of the body is composed of water?
What are free radicals?
A chemically unstable, electron-seeking compound that can damage cell membranes.
What is a saturated fat?
A fat with no carbon double bonds; solid. Found primarily in animal products (ie. meats and dairy).
What is a monounsaturated fat?
A fat with one carbon double bond; liquid Found in plant products - oils and nuts.
What is a polyunsaturated fat?
A fat with two or more carbon double bonds; liquid Found in plant products - oils, nuts and fish.
What is an antioxidant?
A substance that protects against the actions of free radicals. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants (ie. vitamin C, vitamin E).
What is the recommended fat intake?
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range = 20-35% of total daily calories as fat. Most of the fats should come from unsaturated sources.
What is the recommended protein intake?
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range is 10-35% of total daily calories as protein.
What is the recommended carbohydrate intake?
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range is 45-65% of total daily calories as carbohydrate - most as complex carbohydrates.
What is the best choice when it comes to fat?
Best choices are monounsaturated (olive, canola oil, many nuts) and polyunsaturated (omega-3) fats. Thought to lower risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
What minerals are commonly lacking in the American diet?
Calcium = low intake linked to osteoporosis. Iron = low intake can cause anemia.
What are the essential nutrients?
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Water, Vitamins, and Minerals.
During high intensity exercise, muscles get most their energy from _______?
What are complex carbohydrates?
Complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides consist of many sugar units in each molecule.
What are processed grains?
During processing, the germ and bran are often removed, leaving just the starchy endosperm.
What are fats?
Fats are found in animal products such as meats and dairy; also in plants in the form of oils.
What is dehydration?
Fluid loss in extreme conditions.
Where are proteins found?
Found in animal products such as meats and dairy; also plants such as nuts, legumes and grains.
What are the 13 essential vitamins?
Four vitamins are fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) Nine vitamins are water-soluble (C and the eight B-complex vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin B-12, biotin, and pantothenic acid).
Sports drinks are _____?
Good for hydration and rehydration. Toleration (pre-game nerves). Not a health drink. Helps prevents hyponatremia (low blood sodium resulting from water overload) and muscle cramping.
Why are whole grains healthier?
In addition to more nutrients, whole grains take longer to digest, which makes people feel full sooner, and causes less rise in blood glucose.
What is dietary fiber?
Indigestible portion of fruits, vegetables and grains.
What are minerals?
Inorganic (non-carbon-containing) compounds needed for regulation, growth, and maintenance of body tissues and functions.
What is fatigue?
Loss of blood volume and shunting of blood away from skin as needed for muscles. Wet blanket effect.
What is glycogen?
Major energy storage form of carbohydrate in animals and humans.
What is starch?
Major energy storage form of carbohydrates in plants.
Are nutrients made by the body?
No, this is why you must get them from food and supplements.
What are vitamins?
Organic (carbon-containing) substances that promote and regulate chemical processes in body cells.
What is a complete protein?
Protein sources that supply all the essential amino acids in adequate amounts. Essential amino acids (9 of the 20) are amino acids that must be acquired by the diet, the body cannot make them from other compounds. Animal products including meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, and soy.
What is an incomplete protein?
Protein sources that supply most but not all essential amino acids. Plants including legumes, grains, and nuts. Vegetarian diets are high in incomplete proteins.
What do amino acids have to do with proteins?
Proteins consist of amino acids - dietary proteins contain 20 different amino acids arranged in different orders.
What are the primary functions of proteins?
Proteins form key parts of the body's main structural components—muscles and bones—and of blood, enzymes, cell membranes, and some hormones.
What are simple carbohydrates?
Simple carbohydrates contain one or two sugar units in each molecule.
What are monosaccharides?
Simple carbohydrates that contain one unit per sugar molecule (ie. fructose and glucose).
What are disaccharides?
Simple carbohydrates that contain two units per sugar molecule (ie.sucrose and lactose).
What are often associated with food of low nutrient value and high calories?
Simple carbohydrates.
What mineral is consumed in excess the in American diet?
Sodium - high intake may lead to hypertension.
What are the 3 types of polysaccharides?
Starch, glycogen, and dietary fiber.
What is the food pyramid?
Suggests a number of servings for five major food groups Grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein foods. Serving number based on age, gender, activity level and caloric intake.
What is the primary function of carbohydrates?
The primary function of carbohydrate is to supply energy to body cells.
Where are complex carbohydrates found?
They are found in plants, especially grains (cereal grasses with eatable seeds ie. wheat and barley), legumes (plants with pods ie.peas and beans), and tubers (plants with fleshy roots ie.potatoes).
What are major minerals?
Those that the body needs in amounts exceeding 100 mg per day, include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chloride.
What are trace minerals?
Those that the body needs in amounts less than 100 mg per day, include copper, fluoride, iodide, iron, selenium, and zinc.
What are the primary functions of fats?
To supply energy, absorb fat-soluble vitamins, add flavor and texture to foods.
What are trans fats?
Trans fats are produced by a process called hydrogenation - hydrogens are added to unsaturated fats to produce trans fat. Purpose to extend shelf life and make product more user friendly. May increase risk of heart disease by raising cholesterol.
Where are vitamins found?
Vitamins are abundant in fruits, vegetables, and grains; they are also added to some processed foods.
What are whole grains?
Whole grains consist of an inner layer of germ, a middle layer called the endosperm, and an outer layer of bran.
What is the ideal intake of water to stay hydrated?
Women need to drink about 9 cups of fluid per day. Men need to drink about 13 cups of fluid per day.