Principles of Management Multiple choice

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In what decade did the US Congress pass the Fair Labor Standards Act that set standards for minimum wage and overtime?

*A. 1930s B. 1940s C. 1950s D. 1960s E. 1970s

How does an organization provide for its employees' self-actualization needs?

*A. By providing employees the opportunity to use their gifts and passions at work. B. By providing them with a retirement account. C. By providing them with a wage. D. By giving out employee-of-the-month awards. E. By hosting company parties and sports teams

Which of these is NOT an essential part of planning?

*A. Determining an organizational structure to implement your plans. B. Assessing where you are today. C. Determining how to get from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. D. Determining where you want to be in the future.

Pitching coaches often help the players identify and eliminate wasted motions that not only make the throw less effective, but also unnecessarily tire out a pitcher's arm. Which management thinker would be most excited by the pitching coach's work?

*A. Frank Gilbreth B. Mark Parker Follett C. Chester Barnard D. Henry Gantt E. Frederick Taylor

A female employee at a Minnesota-based laundry company (they do laundry for the health care industry) said she was subjected to repeated sexist insults, slurs, name-calling and physical aggression by a male coworker. Which type of sexual harassment was this likely to have been?

*A. Hostile work environment B. Disparate treatment C. Quid pro quo D. Unfair labor practices E. Adverse impact

On Thursday, President Trump announced new tariffs will be put in place on Chinese goods entering the US, in response to China's violation of intellectual property standards. These tariffs are designed to make Chinese goods more expensive, increasing the likelihood that US companies and consumers will buy US made goods. This is a form of _______.

*A. Protectionism B. Voluntary export restraint C. Direct foreign investment D. Nontariff barrier E. Quota

Which is NOT an advantage of satisficing in decision making?

*A. You can choose the absolute best option. B. It is efficient. C. It is a realistic way to make decisions. D. Your selection meets your needs

In class the other week, Theo said his older sister is currently working in India. While she is working in the foreign country, she can be classified as (assume it is a short-term assignment and she doesn't intend to move there permanently and change her citizenship):

*A. an expatriate. B. an immigrant. C. a change agent. D. a direct foreign investment. E. a resident alien.

When Kyle took ILA from me last year (Introduction to the Liberal Arts--Bethel's previous freshman seminar course), I had him read the story about how John Alexis Edgren founded Bethel. This was designed to help

*A. communicate and maintain Bethel's culture. B. reduce resource scarcity. C. provide adaptability in the culture. D. keep Kyle busy so he didn't get written up in the dorms.

One of Mary Parker Follett's main contributions to business was the understanding of how to manage ____.

*A. conflict. B. the social interactions of workers. C. the company as a whole. D. project schedules based on time. E. bureaucracies.

What's missing from our definition of motivation? "Motivation is the set of forces that initiates, __________, and makes people persist in their efforts to accomplish a goal."

*A. directs B. balances C. informs D. develops E. rewards

With ____ change, there is less risk because mistakes are smaller and less costly to fix.

*A. incremental B. transactional C. transformational D. reengineering E. prerequisite

Most years when the new car models come out there aren't any radical changes from the previous year. Instead, they make small minor improvements over the previous model. This is an example of:

*A. incremental change. B. technological substitution. C. resistance forces. D. unfreezing. E. transformational change.

Patterns of innovation over time that can create sustainable competitive advantage are called ____.

*A. innovation streams B. cyclical inventions C. innovation maps D. results-driven change E. organization development

Some people prefer working in tall organizations, especially those who:

*A. like to see a career progression through promotions. B. like to know the top leaders of the company. C. like a team-based atmosphere. D. like to feel like everyone is on the same level

Company X wanted to start using a different supplier for one of their main parts. They looked at every single possible supplier on the market, gathered complete information on all the choices, and choose the optimal supplier. They were ________ in their decision making.

*A. maximizing B. satisficing C. ineffective. D. optimizing E. efficient

Let's say the volleyball team has a game coming up and they learn the best player on the competitor's team won't be playing because of a sprained ankle. A SWOT analysis for our team would call this a(n):

*A. opportunity. B. competitive advantage. C. strength. D. weakness. E. threat.

Maslow's theory is fundamentally different than McClelland's because Maslow thought that _____________ and McClelland thought ______________.

*A. people's needs change over time; people's needs don't change B. equity mattered; equality mattered C. people's needs don't change; people's needs change over time D. equality mattered; equity mattered E. goals were important; goals weren't important

Hallmark has four departments. These departments are (1) Flowers and Gifts, (2) Cards and E-cards, (3) Hallmark Collectibles, and (4) Photo Albums and Scrapbooks. Hallmark uses ____ departmentalization.

*A. product B. customer C. matrix D. geographic E. functional

The purpose of a ____ strategy is to turn around very poor company performance by shrinking the size or scope of the business.

*A. retrenchment B. growth C. maturity D. repositioning E. stability

Prior to Scientific Management, most workers:

*A. used their own tools and did their job however they wanted to (including how fast they wanted to). B. were very efficient. C. were protected by really strong unions. D. were encouraged to socialize with each other so they would like their jobs more. E. applied the scientific method to business.

Which of these is an example of controlling?

A. A teacher determines what assignments her students will do for the semester. B. A teacher decides what she will do and what her TA will be responsible for. *C. A student changes her approach to the management assignments because she isn't getting as high of a grade as she'd like. D. A student decides what major is the best fit for their career goals and interests. E. A student copies all the assignments for the semester into a calendar to stay on track.

According to your book and your homework assignment, which is NOT one of the keys to an organizational culture that fosters success?

A. Adaptability B. Clear Mission *C. Artifacts D. Consistency E. Employee Involvement

_________ was a major trade agreement (1947-1995) that reduced and eliminated tariffs, limited government subsidies, and established protections for intellectual property, and was eventually replaced by the World Trade Organization.

A. Association of Southeast Asian Nations B. The Maastricht Treaty of Europe C. Union of South American Nations *D. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade E. North American Free Trade Agreement

How would you respond to the following statement? "Group conflict is always bad."

A. Both a-conflict and c-conflict are harmful, but b-conflict is not. B. Affective conflict is strongly associated with improvements in team performance. *C. Cognitive conflict is strongly associated with improvements in team performance. D. The statement is correct. E. All cognitive conflict is bad, but all affective conflict is beneficial to the group.

(From your Media Quiz) Which globalization hot spot has Holden chosen to produce its Portland, Oregon-based snowboarding apparel?

A. Brazil B. Greece C. Mexico D. India *E. China

Which is these is NOT one of the most successful ways to manage resistance to change?

A. Communicate the change to employees *B. Declare victory early because it will build employees' confidence C. Educate employees about the process D. Have those affected by the change participate in the process

____ forces support the status quo, and block change from happening.

A. Dialectical B. Experiential C. Generational D. Autonomous *E. Resistance

Which of these is an example of organizing?

A. Empowering your workers to make decisions for themselves B. Making a realistic assessment of where you are now *C. Deciding who has the authority to make a major purchase for your company D. Motivating your employees to increase productivity E. Realizing you're not going to make your goals and adjusting your approach

According to a 2016 article from USA Today, the head coach of a large university's football team received a $325,000 bonus because his team made the NCAA playoffs, which could have gone up to $525k if the team had won the national title. This is likely based on the belief that people are more likely to be motivated to put in more effort if they think it will cause them to performance better and that they will receive a desired reward. This is an example of:

A. Fiedler's contingency theory. B. the equity theory. *C. the expectancy theory. D. the self-fulfilling prophecy. E. Alderfer's ERG theory.

Which type of departmentalization needs the best and most skilled managers to run effectively (mostly due to their complexity and high need for coordination)?

A. Functional B. Geographical C. Customer *D. Matrix E. Product

Your book gave the example of Procter & Gamble, where a manager on the Pampers team reports to both a head of Baby Care and a head of Marketing. This is an example of ________ departmentalization.

A. Functional B. Product C. Geographical D. Customer *E. Matrix

A organization that exercises control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience is a:

A. Gantt company. *B. bureaucracy. C. constructive community. D. virtual company. E. scientific organization.

When Millard Fuller, who founded the world-renowned Christian housing ministry Habitat for Humanity International with his wife, ended his service as president his role was limited to that of a figurehead. After this change, what functions did Fuller most likely do until he retired?

A. He distributed critical information to employees. B. He monitored the environment. C. He negotiated salaries, raises, and promotions. *D. He performed ceremonial duties like greeting company visitors. E. He helped the organization adapt to incremental changes.

Which management thinker would most agree with this: I can encourage you to come to class, I can reward/punish you for coming to class, but the ultimate decision as to whether or not you come to class is yours. Additionally, you will be more likely to come to class if you respect me as a teacher enough to accept my authority.

A. Henri Fayol B. Frederick Taylor *C. Chester Barnard D. Frank Gilbreth E. Henry Gantt

Which of these is NOT true about a mission statement as compared to operational plans?

A. It shows our reason for existing B. It relates to more of the company C. It covers a longer time frame D. It is shorter *E. It is intended for an internal audience

After graduating from Bethel, Casey started a job in a leadership development program at General Mills. As part of the program, every 6 months he changed jobs and departments so he could get experience in a wider range of the company and he could develop new and various skills. What type of program is this?

A. Job Enrichment B. Job Enlargement C. Job Variety D. Job Characteristics *E. Job Rotation

A corporation sometimes expands through a buy strategy. Which of these is a buy strategy?

A. Joint Ventures B. Franchising *C. Acquisitions D. Departmentalization E. Exporting

____ occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.

A. Mental atrophy B. Stonewalling C. De-forming D. Self-limiting behavior *E. Social loafing

Which management idea first introduced the idea of pay for performance - that if employees meet pre-established levels of productivity they were paid more money?

A. Operations Management B. Human Relations Management C. Bureaucratic Management D. Administrative Management *E. Scientific Management

Which has a greatest impact on employee behavior and choices?

A. Our corporate strategy B. Our corporate code of ethics *C. Our corporate culture

In both in the book and in class we talked about the 4 different categories of workplace deviance. Which is not one of the 4 types?

A. Personal aggression *B. Profit minimizing C. Political deviance D. Production deviance E. Property deviance

Which was NOT one of the 4 categories of motivation theories that we talked about in class?

A. Rewards B. Goals C. Equity D. Needs *E. Team

The ____ is a portfolio strategy that managers use to categorize their corporation's businesses by growth rate and relative market share. This strategy helps them to decide how to invest corporate funds.

A. SWOT matrix B. portfolio management matrix C. Maslow grid *D. BCG matrix E. investment matrix

______ is defined as unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrong.

A. Shrinkage *B. Workplace deviance C. Soldering D. Culpability E. Ethical intensity

Which of these jobs is most specialized?

A. Spencer manages a marketing department where he develops new TV campaigns and negotiates with media outlets for air time for commercials. B. Danielle works at an elementary school where she teaches phy ed and health, plus she coaches the JV volleyball team and is responsible for the school concession stand. *C. Lucas works at a window frame factory where he puts glass into frames over and over again each shift. D. Allie is the CEO of a company where it seems like every 5 minutes she is doing something different from reviewing financial data to voicing her opinion on a new marketing campaign. E. Kysha works for a medical clinic where she greets patients, answers phones, files medical records and prepared exam rooms for the doctors.

Which of these is does NOT enable a larger span of control?

A. Subordinates are concentrated in a single location. *B. Managers perform functional tasks in addition to management tasks. C. Work performed by subordinates is stable and routine. D. Rules and procedures defining task activities are available. E. Subordinates perform similar work tasks.

____ is the extent to which team members are attracted to a team and motivated to remain with it

A. Synergy B. Autonomy *C. Cohesiveness D. Accommodation E. Empathy

Your book gives the example of how UPS was worried that the invention of the 3D printer would hurt their business--people would now be printing their own products at home instead of buying them hand having them shipped via UPS. Porter's 5 Industry Forces would label this as:

A. Threat of New Entrants B. Bargaining Power of Buyers *C. Threat of Substitute Products D. Technological Discontinuity E. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Cherokee Group (the clothing company) has been moving globally lately. They've done so by identifying a major retailer in a foreign country and selling that retailer the exclusive rights to sell Cherokee clothes in its stores. That retailer then gets to use Cherokee's name and logo in its advertising and Cherokee gets into the country more easily. This is an example of:

A. a buy strategy *B. licensing C. exporting D. a wholly owned affiliate

The desire to form close personal relationships, avoid conflict, and establish warm friendships, describes

A. a need for achievement. B. a need for power. *C. a need for affiliation. D. a need for authority. E. all of the above.

A former student of mine once told me about how her parents had been trying for years to start a new business in their native country of Nigeria. The problem was the leaders of the country changed frequently and with each new leadership team new policies and procedures were put in place and they'd have to start all over again. This is an example of:

A. a trade barrier. *B. policy uncertainty. C. an expatriate. D. licensing. E. local adaptation.

A large meat packing plant in Worthington, MN has over 2,000 employees who speak over 60 native languages. This is an example of ____.

A. acculturation B. affirmative action *C. diversity D. organizational structures E. cultural organization

The primary advantage of diversification in a company's portfolio is that it:

A. allows us to go global. *B. reduces the overall risk. C. supports global consistency as a strategy. D. places all the risk in one small area. E. increases our innovation.

You're interviewing for a new job. As you walk through the office you notice that it is really quiet and there seems to be very little interaction amongst coworkers. This is an example of the ____ level of organizational culture.

A. apparent *B. seen C. underlying D. believed E. heard

Which of the following methods for managing resistance to change should only be used as a last resort or under crisis conditions?

A. arbitration B. reinforcement modification C. mentoring D. negotiation *E. coercion

It is common and acceptable for people to come in late or leave early from the marketing department's weekly meetings. This is an example of:

A. authority. B. delegation. C. task identity. D. team storming. *E. a team norm.

Goals and plans tend to be set from the ______________ and implemented from the _____________.

A. bottom up; top down *B. top down; bottom up C. top down; top down D. bottom up; bottom up E. plants; corporate headquarters

Which of the following would be a component of Red Robin's general environment?

A. boycotts by the Chicago organization of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) B. meat processing companies that provide its ground beef C. local zoning laws that designate the appropriate distance from a residential district that a restaurant can be located *D. inflation E. consumers who will drive miles out of their way to eat a burger

Let's say Pancheros Mexican Grill can currently be classified in the BCG Matrix as a Question Mark--it is in the growth market of casual fast food, but has a small market share compared to its larger competitors of Chipotle, Qdoba, Taco Bell, and Taco Johns. If the market for casual fast food slowed down and no longer saw growth, and Pancheros still had small market share, it would now be classified as a:

A. cash cow. *B. dog. C. magnet. D. star. E. question mark.

Let's say Pancheros Mexican Grill can currently be classified in the BCG Matrix as a Question Mark--it is in the growth market of casual fast food, but has a small market share compared to its larger competitors of Chipotle, Qdoba, Taco Bell, and Taco Johns. If Pancheros started to dominate, stealing away the market share from the others and becoming the largest player in the market, they would turn into a:

A. cash cow. B. magnet. C. question mark. D. dog. *E. star

Performance appraisals are usually _________ by HR and _______ by managers.

A. cognitive; affective B. implemented; designed *C. designed; implemented D. classroom; on-the-job E. ignored; loved

Sometimes when a team has been together so long they start to have the same ideas and perspectives. They also sometimes just agree with each other so that they'll be liked. This is called:

A. cohesiveness. B. a team norm. *C. groupthink. D. team development. E. accommodation.

The Hawthorne Studies change the face of management because they showed that:

A. conflict can be eliminated through participation and inclusion. B. you can find the best way to do any job. C. things like lighting and temperature can affect productivity. *D. attention to the human factors of work is important to increasing productivity. E. you can motivate workers with pay.

Let's say that when Melissa, an employee in our San Diego office, wants to produce a new brochure she has to work through the communications and marketing department here in our headquarters of Arden Hills. This would be due to a high degree of:

A. decentralization. B. delegation. *C. centralization. D. organizing. E. unity of command.

At the end of the semester you will complete IDEA evaluations providing feedback about your experience in this class. My manager will review them to see if I did a good job or not. This is a form of ________.

A. development. B. compensation. *C. performance management. D. selecting. E. job analysis

You are working on a project in a group for a class. You're pretty sure your group isn't doing enough to get an A, but don't say anything because you really like your group and don't want to make the other people mad. This is an example of:

A. devil's advocacy. B. dialectic inquiry. *C. groupthink. D. the nominal group technique.

Although they had been very successful in the past, Sony refused to change to adapt to the new demands of consumers. This is an example of:

A. distinctive competence. B. competitive inertia. *C. strategic dissonance. D. core capabilities. E. a shadow strategy

Weber felt one of the main advantages of a bureaucracy is that it:

A. eliminates unnecessary motions. B. increases efficiency. *C. bases promotions based on qualifications instead of heredity. D. keeps workers happy. E. keeps the authority with a ruling class based on who you are, not what you know.

The purpose of a trade agreements like GATT or NAFTA is to:

A. establish joint ventures for increased market capitalization. B. protect domestic companies and citizens. C. restrict imports. D. minimize cultural differences to make global transitions smoother. *E. encourage trade amongst nations.

Where standardization and consistency is important, it is most common to ____.

A. evaluate interdependence *B. centralize authority C. decentralize authority D. have a flat organizational structure E. emphasize line authority

Mary Parker Follett encouraged managers to:

A. find the one best way to work. B. recognize that an organization is a system of two or more consciously coordinated activities. C. hire people based on what they knew not who they knew. D. find a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. *E. lead in a way that enabled workers to give their best

Where do we find information about our company's opportunities and threats?

A. from our internal core capabilities B. by identifying the things we don't do well C. in our financial statements *D. from the external environment E. in our company's mission statement

When Jay Barnes became president, Bethel had 6 different admissions departments, all reporting to different people. If you saw that on an organizational chart, you would know that, at the top level, the organization is structured:

A. functionally. *B. divisionally.

Various persons or groups with a legitimate interest in a company's actions are called ____.

A. gatekeepers B. indirect investors C. shareholders D. boundary spanners *E. stakeholders

According to Sue and Candice in the Boulder, CO location of Camp Bow Wow, one of their most difficulty thing is balancing effectiveness and efficiency in (1 is right, the other 3 I totally made up and weren't in the video at all--the main point of this question is to see if you watched the video for chapter 1):

A. hiring: they like to fill jobs within 1 week of posting them. *B. customer service: interacting with dog owners at check in/pick up to make them feel special but keeping the line moving. C. marketing: they've just put marketing posters on all public busses and are waiting to see if it provides results. D. supplies: buying the right type of dog food for a wide range of dogs.

As Malta got ready for its admittance into the European Union (EU), the EU removed all taxes on the importation of goods manufactured in Malta. In other words, the EU abolished ____ for Malta-manufactured merchandise.

A. import quotas *B. tariffs C. customs classifications D. import standards E. boycotts

According to the Cola Wars video, Pepsi made better use of the technological dimension of the environment by:

A. improving their manufacturing process over Coke's. B. showing the economical value of their product. C. using scientific instruments in their quality control process. D. buying old beer bottles to put their Pepsi in. *E. advertising on TV.

A strong advantage of a building a wholly owned affiliate as a form of global business is that it:

A. is quick. *B. fully reflects your values and culture. C. avoids trade barriers like tariffs and quotas. D. is a partnership with a different company so it shares the risk. E. is really low risk.

An advantage of transformational change is that:

A. it is the same as continuous improvement. B. there is less risk. C. costs are spread out over time. D. small changes can be fixed if they don't work. *E. it is usually very well planned in advance.

A fitness studio decides it wants to open 15 new stores over the next 3 year, to become the leading fitness change in its region. This is an example of:

A. leading. B. controlling. C. organizing. *D. planning. E. administration.

A manager regularly reads the Wall Street Journal to keep up to date with what is happening in the business environment. The manager is performing the role of a _______.

A. liaison B. negotiator *C. monitor D. disseminator E. leader

One of the things I do in my job is to update the digital display next to my office so that everyone can know what is going on in the Dept of Business & Economics. This is an example of Mintzberg's managerial role of:

A. liaison. B. monitor. *C. disseminator. D. figurehead. E. disturbance handler.

The term ____ refers to the degree to which someone is organized, hard-working, responsible, persevering, thorough, and achievement-oriented.

A. locus of control B. emotional stability C. empathetic D. agreeableness *E. conscientiousness

I sometimes walk through the commons and see students who have left their backpacks and even computers sitting there unattended for hours. This is a _________ that indicates Bethel's key cultural beliefs of trust and honesty

A. organizational story B. slogan *C. visible artifact D. mission E. expressed value

In practice, we can't always make decisions that are fully rational. This is because:

A. our faith and values influence our decision making. B. it is too inefficient. C. intuition comes into play. D. we have limited resources. *E. all of the above.

Reinforcement theory says behavior is a function of ____.

A. perception B. environment C. the situations in which it occurs *D. its consequences E. conscious choices

When Bethel decided to build a new fitness center, they first tried to determine the forces that drive the change and the forces that restrain the change. This is called a:

A. person-focused intervention. *B. force field analysis. C. creative work environment. D. stakeholder assessment. E. organizational impediments analysis.

In our class example we saw that General Mills significantly narrowed their product lines, selling off segments like Izod and Eddie Bauer. Their portfolio can now be classified as:

A. related differentiation B. unrelated diversification C. an integrated acquisition D. competency acquisition *E. related diversification

In our class video about Walgreens, Mike Arnoult had the idea of the Get A Shot - Give A Shot campaign, but he didn't actually have a way to implement. The head of the immunization department took the responsibility to guide the change effort and make it happen. The head of immunization can be seen as the:

A. s-curve initiator. B. dominant designer. *C. change agent. D. intervention.

The term ____ refers to both the financial and nonfinancial rewards organizations give employees in exchange for their work.

A. salaries B. wages C. fees D. value-added *E. compensation

Earlier this year Trout Lake Camp had a table in the commons to try to find students to work there over the summer. They were:

A. selecting. B. training. C. HR planning. D. developing. *E. recruiting.

In an article about BP Amoco, its CEO said that the company's commitment to ____ is all about trying to align its policies, values, and behavior with those of the societies in which it operates because, ultimately, superior performance means being in touch.

A. shareholder responsibility B. social consensus *C. social responsibility D. social munificence E. social proximity

The ____ model holds that the only social responsibility that businesses have is to maximize profit.

A. stakeholder *B. economic C. fiscal D. accounting E. shareholder

An organizational development initiative designed to implement change and increase the effectiveness of the organization is called a(n) _______.

A. standing plan B. force field analysis *C. intervention D. change force E. strategy

Top management is responsible for developing long-term ____ that make clear how the company will serve customers and position itself against competitors in the next two to five years.

A. tactical plans B. standing plans C. mission statements D. operational plans *E. strategic plans

Kolberg's 3 phases of moral development include:

A. temporal, proximity, and concentration levels. B. increasing concentrations of effect. *C. preconventional, conventional, and postconventional levels. D. high, medium, and low magnitudes of consequences. E. increasing levels of ethical intensity.

One of the reasons Bethel chose not to put lights on our tennis courts is so they wouldn't shine in the windows of our neighbors. This is an example of:

A. the Principle of Distributive Justice. B. the shareholder model of social responsibility. *C. the stakeholder model of social responsibility. D. ethical intensity.

Theo Chocolate measures its value to society by:

A. the ability to provide low cost goods. B. the efficiency of its chocolate making process. *C. the company's impact on consumers, farmers, and the natural environment. D. the ability to maximize profits. E. none of the above.

A main disadvantage of Scientific Management is that it:

A. was inefficient. *B. dehumanized the workers. C. was ineffective. D. was hard to fund during the Great Depression. E. focused on the organization as a whole and ignored the individual jobs.

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