Professionalism and work ethics

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honesty and integrity

- (strong moral principles) are vital to resident safety -if you make a mistake, must always tell the truth about what happened -resident's health and well-being depend on your honesty -never leave out details or info about patient's condition or about care given when reporting or documenting

respect and compassion

--respectful attitude will help succeed in your position -having positive regard, or attitude that's supportive and accepting of others, another way of demonstrating respect -may encounter difficult situations that require dignity and respect -being compassionate when caring for residents who are dealing with difficult life events can ease their pain

-use following guidelines to maintain boundaries:

-Act and communicate professionally, at all times. -Do not visit or spend extra time with a patient or resident who is not part of your work assignment -Do not use offensive language -Do not make sexual comments or jokes -Use touch appropriately -Do not accept gifts, loans, money or other valuables -Do not give gifts, loans or money. -Do not share personal or financial information

examples of sexual harassment can include

-The administrator makes sexual advances when you deliver reports to office. A coworker rubs your neck as you document completed tasks in nurses' station. -A coworker repeatedly tells off-color jokes in your presence even though you have asked them not to do so. -A coworker makes remarks related to size of your breasts, buttocks, or genitalia. -Sexually explicit cartoons are posted on the staff bulletin board. -A coworker reads and shows pornographic magazines during lunch. -A charge nurse tells you that your assignments will be reduced if you agree to a date.

compassion fatigue (CF)

-a form of burnout that can affect persons in healthcare professions -affected caregivers spend large amounts of physical & emotional energy day in & out because they "care too much" --find it difficult to balance objectivity and empathy, dont take time to "recharge" --feelings associated with CF dont subside after taking vacation or change of activity --physical and spiritual fatigue and exhaustion take over and caregiver can experience feelings of apathy to surroundings --CF can be prevented; caregivers should allocate some time for activities other than those that focus on caregiving

personal boundaries

-allow you to protect and take care of yourself -some are rigid and absolute -others are more flexible and often need to be worked out between people in relationship -setting personal boundaries lets others know what is acceptable and what consequence may be if crosses

maintaining boundaries

-always the HNA's responsibility to maintain both personal and professional boundaries -HNA are expected to act in best interest of those they care for and to always respect dignity of others -a NA should never seek personal gain at anyone's expense -be aware of and knowledge about appropriate boundaries, to have integrity, and work as a professional


-always work toward being a productive, helpful and supportive member of healthcare team -be aware of, and sensitive to, ways you can assist other staff --supporting coworkers will help increase quality of your care --also pays off when other staff members reciprocate and help you when you need assistance


-an accountable person accepts responsibility for his or her actions and the results of those actions -being accountable means that you accept criticism that is intended to help improve, admit a mistake and work to correct the situation


-being able to complete a wide range of duties and being able to work independently, when appropriate, are important qualities for any HNA --become accustomed to adjusting to change and to working with new people --also be flexible about schedule


-being able to cooperate , or work as part of a team, is essential in healthcare field -making effort to get along with co-workers will make work easier and will ease the burden on coworkers as well

physical stamina

-being an effective CNA requires that you take care of your own health, so you have physical stamina, or strength, to perform duties of job --make sure that you eat correctly, exercise, and are mindful of own well being


-being punctual means that you are on time or slightly early -many people at work are relying on you to be punctual


-both coworkers and those in your care will appreciate working with someone they can trust -keep info confidential and record it in the proper place --it is your legal and ethical responsibility to protect personal and medical info

mental/emotional health

-caring for others is an emotionally demanding job for many reasons --many facilities are understaffed, employees are often overworked; not all patients or residents are appy or respectful; and may be difficult to work with; will also be facing death of residents which can be difficult if you have established relationship with patient --one must focus on keeping emotions in check and preventing burn-out

work ethic: competence

-competent NA are able to do their jobs well -have learned everything need to know to feel comfortable completing required procedures safely and appropriately -also strive to keep knowledge and skills up to date

being professional requires

-consistent, daily demonstration of very specific qualities, attitudes and behaviors


-demonstrates your respect for healthcare facility where you work and staff with whom you work -Professional qualities/work ethic, attitudes, and behaviors that make difference in providing holistic care are those that show you are thoughtful, caring person. Possessing these characteristics will help deliver safe, quality care.

crossing and violating boundaries

-difference between crossing and violating boundary, tho both are inappropriate --brief, non helpful acts or behaviors= cross --acts or behaviors that meet your needs, but not the needs of those in your care = violate ---are unethical, harmful and in some cases, considered criminal behavior

physical health

-duties of cna require much physical effort -will constantly be lifting, bending, walking and reaching as you perform daily tasks at work --exercise: staying physically fit will allow you to perform your assigned tasks and duties; also prevent injuries --diet: need balanced diet to provide energy for shift --sleep and rest: most adults need 7-8 hrs of sleep daily --body mechanics: will bend, carry heavy objects & move/ turn patients; place stress on body must use muscles correct --avoid smoking, drinking and using drugs: subject to drug tests and must avoid anything that can affect physical and mental health

thoughtful and caring

-important to be aware of your approach, be upbeat and see the positives in what you do -having easygoing attitude and friendly face sends message to others that you are open and approachable --lets others know you can be trusted and may help residents feel more comfortable with you -often decreases resident stress -remember not to spread rumors, share gossip or act disrespectfully at work

work ethics

-is a person's attitude or outlook toward their work and behavior in workplace -it involves how you look, what you say, how you behave, how you treat others and how you work with others


-it is mental and emotional- and sometimes physical- fatigue --people who work with sick or infirm often experience it --can reduce stress that leads to burnout by balancing work with rest and recreation

to practice good personal hygiene

-maintain clean and neat appearance; wearing ironed, clean wrinkle-free scrubs is required and underclothing should not be visible -hair must be clean; if long hair, must be pulled off collar and away from face -if makeup worn, should be limited to simple, neutral application of cosmetics -body art should be covered by clothing -jewelry should be kept to minimum and piercings must be removed -fingernails should be clean and trimmed short; if nail polish is worn, usually require to be clear or neutral --artificial nails are never allowed in healthcare setting

recap professionalism

-means putting resident first; never let personal feelings and needs get in the way of providing quality care -means maintaining high standards -will allow you to relax during free time, known you have done a good job -must demonstrate professional qualities, attitudes and behaviors you would want to see in somebody who was caring for you or loved ones


-means that others can count on you to work everyday as scheduled and to remain there during your entire shift -have emergency plan in place for transportation and childcare before the need arises --poor attendance is another major reason people lost jobs --also means that others can count on you to do your job well with minimal supervision

avoid gossip

-means to spread rumors or talk about private matters of others -it is unprofessional and hurtful -remove yourself from group or setting where pele are gossiping -don't make or repeat any comment that can hurt person, family member, visitor, coworker or shool/agency -don't make or repeat any comment that you don't know is true --making or writing false statements about others is defamation -don't talk about patients, residents, family members or coworkers -don't send or post hurtful, false or private comments about others or school or agency by any form of communication or social media

speech and language

-must be professional -never swear or use foul, vulgar, slang or abusing language -speak softly and gently; control the volume and tone of your voice -speak clearly and do not shout or yell -do not fight or argue

professional appearance

-others often judge us based or appearance -practice good personal hygiene and dressing neatly and professionally -to practice good personal hygiene helps prevent spread of infections and promotes and neat, clean appearance

sexual harassment

-people cant perform at best when subjected to insensitive remarks or inappropriate behavior by coworkers/supervisors -the anxiety these situations produce is increased by fear of losing a job if action is taken against the person responsible -may be expressed by actions, words or implied threats -create an environment that is hostile and nonproductive

work ethic: attendance

-report to work and clinicals when scheduled and on time --entire unit is affected when just one person is late -if know will be late or unable to go to work, must notify unit with plenty of notice -be ready to work when shift starts, be prepared to begin work at least 5-10 min prior to the start of shift -poor attendance can cause you to lose your job

professional language

-seek to understand differences and diversity of those in your care -be courteous and communicate clearly and directly when interacting with others in person, phone or email -also ensure that documentation is well written and easily understood -nonverbal communication must be considered and should be appropriate people you're speaking with and to situation


-show that you enjoy work and listen to others -be pleasant and respectful -must believe that you and your work have value

professional boundaries

-specific to delivering care and are part of CNAs legal scope of practice -distinguish helping behaviors from behaviors that arent helpful -not helpful cross or violate professional boundaries -when crossed or violated, and unhealthy relationships can develop

First, be sure that the situation is truly sexual harassment. Then:

-tell offender that you are displeased with the action -be blunt and ask them to "Stop" -document incident so the details stay fresh in your mind -report the situation to your supervisor -if offender is your supervisor, follow the chain of command upward

these statements signal a bad attitude:

-thats not my resident/patient -i cant, im too busy -thats not my job -i didnt do it -i did more than she/he did -i dont feel like it -i work harder than anyone else -its not my fault -no one appreciates what i do -dont blame me -im so tired of this places -its not my turn, i did it yesterday -nobody told me -is it time to leave yet -you didnt say that you needed it right away -good luck! I had a horrible day

the following are some signals that indicate you may be crossing or violating a boundary

-think a lot about patient when you are not at work -choose sides with patient against their family or other staff members -trade assignments with other staff members so you can provide care for specific patient -share inappropriate personal info -flirt or make sexual comments -share secrets -receive personal gifts after patient has left the facility -act in verbally or physically abusive way

self care

-to care for your patients or residents to the best of your ability, you must first care for yourself, both physically and emotionally -by taking care of yourself, you demonstrate that you're professional who takes responsibilities seriously

professional and personal boundaries

-will be expected to demonstrate professional behaviors and establish helping and caring relationships with residents -boundaries, or accepted and expected limits on behavior or actions, are a fundamental aspect of all relationships -both exist for everyone -will help establish appropriate relationships with patients and their families

a professional is

a person who has credentials, obtained through education, that enable them to become licensed and practice a profession with the correct attitude and work ethic

work ethic

a person's qualities and attitude toward his or her work and what distinguishes an average employee from a great employee


the side of ourselves that we display to the world, communicating outwardly how we feel about things

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