PSY Final Exam

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Tony Buzan believes there are several ways to increase creativity. Which of the following did he propose?

Utilize your imagination and associations to make links between things. Work on your speed of thought and fluency, and be flexible enough to view your creative potential from different perspectives. realize you can be creative and increase creativity by utilizing both hemispheres of your brain.

According to the text, anxiety about death is highest among those who _______

are unsure or inconsistent about religion

Which of the following is a progressive thickening of the lens causing vision to become cloudy, opaque, and distorted?


Paul Bates on Selective Optimization and Compensation Theory

- The theory that successful aging is related to three main factors: selection, optimization, and compensation. - Selection: The theory that successful aging is related to three main factors: selection, optimization, and compensation. - Optimization: suggests that it is possible to maintain performance in some areas through continued practice and the use of new technologies. - Compensation: becomes relevant when life tasks require a level of capacity beyond the current level of the older adult's performance potential

Cranial Nerve VIII deterioration

- The vestibulocochlear nerve known as the eighth cranial nerve, transmits sound and equilibrium (balance) information from the inner ear to the brain

Free Radicals

- Unstable molecules that cause damage to the DNA - Causes damage to other required structures for the cell to function

Deterioration of the Senses

- Your senses become less sharp, and this can make it harder for you to notice details. - Sensory changes can affect your lifestyle

Wisdom Creativity

- concerns about oneself (self-interest), concerns about others, and concerns about the broader society. - Channel their intelligence into avenues that benefit others. Come to appreciate alternative points of view, even as they may disagree with them. Marked by an awareness of our biases and cognitive fallibilities

Executive functioning and Frontal lobes

- include basic cognitive processes such as attentional control, cognitive inhibition, inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility


A condition in which the body's bones become weak and break easily.


A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life

A type of thinking in which there is a right and wrong thought, answer or opinion; and that there is no in between; a statement that is either true or false regardless of the nuances of the situation.

dualistic thinking


- Alternative to hospital care at the end of life - Emphasizes the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of dying persons and their families

Kubler-Ross and Stages of Grief

- Denial: many people with a diagnosis of terminal illness initially refuse to believe it - Anger: "not fair" anger may be felt towards family members, God, etc. - Bargaining: tries to bargain for extra time, usually directed towards God Depression: condition steadily worsens, person realizes death is near - Acceptance: finally, the person accepts death, May feel peace, or little feeling at all.

Palliative Care

- For terminally ill persons - A type of care that focuses on relieving the patient's pain and suffering and allows the person to die with dignity

Erikson's Integrity vs. Despair

- Integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erik Erikson's stage theory of psychosocial development - the key conflict centers on questioning whether or not the individual has led a meaningful, satisfying life. - stage begins at approximately age 65 and ends at death


- Passive euthanasia involves ceasing medical interventions that would prolong a person's life - Active: not just ceasing treatment but taking steps to hasten death -- practice of ending the life of a person who is suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability

Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

- States that older adults maximize their emotional well-being by becoming increasingly selective in their social contacts

Cochlea Deterioration

- The cochlea is a tiny, snail-shaped structure. It is the main organ of hearing and is part of your inner ear

____ believes in the importance of "faith" versus "works" that determines what happens in the afterlife.


By the end of their college years, many young people reach a stage in which they adhere to certain points of view they believe to be the most valid, while being open to re-evaluating their views if new evidence is presented to them. What stage is this?

Commitment stage

William Perry

He is known for his work in adult cognitive development, specifically with college students. He worked a lot with the concept of "dualistic thinking" among college students, where everything is either black or white. (Memory technique: think of Katy Perry's song Hot and Cold to associate Perry with dualism.)

You are watching a documentary on how various religions honor their deceased relatives. In this program, the family members are preparing a meal of dishes the deceased person enjoyed in life and the food is served as an offering in a ritual ceremony led by the eldest son. There is an additional ritual honoring the dead called the Fortnight of the Ancestors that last 16 days. What religion performs these rituasl each year?


You are speaking to your grandfather who is 70 when you notice that his hearing aid has a sharp noise coming from it. The noise is soft but irritating. Your grandfather does not seem to be bothered by it or even hear it. Why?

It is a high-pitched noise, so he probably does not hear it.

You and your high school friend are discussing your religious beliefs. After some discussion, it becomes apparent that your friend has a strong belief that living a morally good life on earth and following his religion's beliefs and practices is important. He talks about morning rituals that he and his family do every morning up to a year after death. The afterlife does not play a large role. Which of the following is most likely his religion?


implicit memory

Memories we don't deliberately remember or reflect on consciously

Which researcher studied creativity and is associated with the term "flow" as a heightened state of pleasure experienced when engaging in mental and physical challenges that absorb us?

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Hearing Loss

Not being able to hear the normal range of sounds associated with normal hearing can affect anyone at any age, but it's most common among people older than 60

Several aspects of aging in late adulthood contribute to sleep disturbances. ____ for men can lead to frequent urination and disrupted sleep.

enlargement of prostate gland

Your grandfather died a month ago. Your grandmother is having a great deal of trouble coping with his death. She is experiencing ____.


Erikson proposed that late adulthood is when the central challenge is

integrity versus despair

explicit memory

memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare"

Most children understand that death is inevitable by _______.

middle childhood

According to the text, in Buddhism, the release from the cycle of death and rebirth is _______.


During late adulthood, ____ are related to poor diets, ones that are high in fat and sugars.

obesity and cardiovascular disease

George is in late adulthood and was diagnosed with a disease where his bones are very brittle, his spine is compressed, he has decreased in height, and he is susceptible to major bone breakage if he falls. George most likely has which of the following diseases?


fluid intelligence

our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood

Crystallized intelligence

our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age

Subsequent research that has examined Kübler-Ross's theory has found the theory ____

overlooks a very common response to a diagnosis of terminal illness—fear

What type of care focuses on relieving the patient's pain and suffering and providing care in a way that allows the person to die with dignity?

palliative care

An expertise is analogous with ____, whereas creativity is analogous with ____.

problem solving, problem finding

The name of the funeral service in Catholicism is a _______

requiem mass

Which of the following is used to describe the decline in physical functioning that takes place due to lifestyle behaviors such as unhealthy diet, insufficient exercise, and substance use, as well as environmental influences such as pollution?

secondary aging

When renowned pianist Arthur Rubinstein was asked how he managed to maintain a reputation as one of the world's top concert pianists well into late adulthood, he explained that he had reduced the range of pieces he played, practiced each of the remaining pieces more often, and learned to play very slow just before beginning a fast passage to increase the contrast between them, as he could not play as fast as when he was younger. Arthur Rubinstein's behaviors are an illustration of __________.

selective optimization with compensation

How Long does it usually take to develop expertise in a specific field?

10 years

According to Perry, emerging adults in college begin to develop reflective judgment skills around age _____.


Your grandmother is quite upset. She is 82 years old and has been having some serious vision problems. You have suggested quite a few times that she needs to see her doctor. She finally went and she was told that she has cataracts. She feels like she is the only one her age that does. What percentage of adults her age have cataracts?

50 percent

Most developmental psychologists would state that age ____ usually marks the beginning of late adulthood.


____ percent of individuals who are 70 years old report some degree of hearing impairment.

75 percent


An abnormal condition marked by multiple cognitive defects that include memory impairment.

Sarah's mother has recently passed away and she has called upon spiritual leaders to lead mourning rituals. During the ceremony, Sarah burns incense and places food for her mother's spirit. Sarah believes that her mother's spirit will come to visit and accept her offerings. In doing so, Sarah knows that her mother is still with her and taking care of her. Sarah's religious faith proposes that the cycle of death and rebirth will lead to nirvana. Which of the following religions can we assume Sarah subscribes to?


Researchers believe that continued maturity of the ____ lobe during young adulthood is responsible for cognitive changes such as focusing attention and goal-directed behaviors that lead to expertise


____ is used to illustrate the actual competence and performance of older adults.

Functional Age

____ is when fluid builds up in the eye and the pressure damages the optic nerve, which causes loss of peripheral vision.


After about 50-70 (depending on the research study) replications cells lose their ability to replicate. This is known as what principle?

Hayflick Limit

Tony Buzan on creativity

He developed the technique of using concept maps out of his own need for a way to deal with the large amounts of information

____ involves ceasing medical interventions that would prolong a person's life, whereas ____ involves not just ceasing treatment but also taking steps to hasten death.

Passive euthanasia; active euthanasia

What concept explains why some adolescents who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness refuse to believe they really will die soon?

Personal fable

Which of the following is a Hindu special dish made of rice balls that is prepared for the remembrance of a loved one and set out for the spirit of the ancestor?


What is the inevitable biological aging that takes place in all members of the human species, as it takes place in all living organisms?

Primary aging

Yama, _______, is believed to appear as a crow in remembrance of a loved one in Hinduism.

The god of the dead

Hayflick Limit

The number of times a human cell is capable of dividing into two new cells. The limit for most human cells is approximately 50 divisions, an indication that the life span is limited by our genetic program.

secondary aging

The specific physical illnesses or conditions that become more common with aging but are caused by health habits, genes, and other influences that vary from person to person.

Your mother has quite a bit of gray hair. She told you that she first started getting gray hair when she was 52 and it keeps getting grayer each year. Which of the following explains why your mother's hair keeps on getting gray?

There is a loss of pigment that provides color to hair.

Which of the following did Baltes define as "expertise in the conduct and meaning of life"?


Which of the following has been found in research about wisdom?

Wisdom is generally unrelated to age.

In Jewish tradition, the custom of _______ is commemorating the death of parents, siblings, spouses, or children each year on the anniversary of the individual's death.


Living Will

a document in which a person states his or her wishes about life support and other treatments Has no power after death

Health Care Proxy

a document that names someone you trust as your proxy, or agent, to express your wishes and make health care decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself.

A person who is designated to make treatment decisions on behalf of a dying person in the event of incapacitation is ____.

a health care proxy

Alzheimer's disease

a progressive and irreversible brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and, finally, physical functioning

Beyond infant and child mortality, which of the following makes up the vast difference in life expectancy between developed and developing countries?

access to health care in late adulthood

Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison were all great American inventors. It is clear that these individuals were highly ____ in their ability to put ideas together in new and culturally meaningful ways.


Which of the following is the correct order of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross' stages that people go through as a response to death?

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance

Postformal thinking described by Basseches that involves a growing awareness that problems often have no clear solution and two opposing strategies or points of view may each have merit?

dialectical thinking


hormone involved in muscle growth

What program aims to address not just medical issues but also the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of individuals who are dying and their families?



inflammation of a joint - the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints - symptoms include joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age

Cellualr clock

intristic limit to the number of times cells can replicate themselves

Your co-worker was talking about how, after the academic year, he is going back to Japan. His grandmother is turning 60 years old and they have a ritual that symbolizes the person's freedom from previous responsibilities and elevates the individual to a new and respected status as elder. What is the name of this ritual?



lengths of repeating DNA; timekeepers for the cells - once used up the cell stops dividing - Portion of cell DNA at the end of chromosomes that become slightly shorter with each cell replication - Chromosomes eventually become so short that replication can no longer occur

cognitive impairment

loss of ability to think logically; concentration and memory are affected - Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in addition to conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and developmental disabilities, can cause cognitive impairment. - when a person has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life

functional age

measure of a person's ability to function effectively in his or her physical and social environment in comparison with others of the same chronological age

primary aging

the universal and irreversible physical changes that occur to all living creatures as they grow older

Your grandfather is 78 and just found out that he has osteoporosis. His birthday is coming up and you thought you would get him a gift that would also help improve his bone density. What gift should you give him?

weight lifting equipment

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on "Flow" in creativity

what you are experiencing in that moment is known as flow, a state of complete immersion in an activity. He describes the mental state of flow as "being completely involved in an activity for its own sake.

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