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the eventual weakening of the initial connections because of inactivity is ___

long term depression

A single, memorable case of welfare fraud can have a greater impact on people's estimates of welfare abuse than do statistics showing that this case is actually the exception to the rule. This illustrates that judgments are influenced by the:

the availability heuristic

this is the parietal lobe

(C) sort of the top

auditory sensor information is processed here

B (temporal, side)

The value of making a good first impression when you begin work for a new employer is best underscored by the research on

belief perseverance

a prototype is a:

best example of a particular category

The prevailing theory for how long-term memories are created involves initial neural connections that are formed between neurons in the _ and areas in the cerebral cortex


in the ABC's of attitudes, A stands for


Because she believes that boys are naughtier than girls, Mrs. Zumpano, a second-grade teacher, watches boys more closely than she watches girls for any signs of misbehavior. Mrs. Zumpano's surveillance strategy best illustrates

confirmation bias

research findings suggest that the best advice to give people who want to avoid belief perseverance is:

consider the opposite

Recall of what you have learned is often improved when your physical surroundings at the time of retrieval and encoding are the same. This best illustrates

context-dependent memory

people who have severed corpus callosum are likely to have difficulty

coordinating speech and action across the left and right sides of the body, because the connecting part of the brain has been damaged.

Why can't we infer a causal relationship from correlational research? hint: there are two important reasons

correlational research simply infers that there is a relationship between two sets of variables. Just because there is correlation does not imply that there is causation.

this part of the brain directs movement and conscious thought

frontal (A)

REM sleep is _

important for consolidating information into long-term memory

according to the research conducted by loftus and colleagues all the following are true or false memories except for what?

false memories are less emotional than true memories

this part of the brain processes color, form, and motion from visual stimuli

occipital (back, D)

What is a potential weakness of using empiricism as a way of gaining knowledge about the world?

A potential weakness of using empiricism is using a finite number of observations. For example, the sky is blue (true) but it can also be orange/pink at sunset or black at night.

An amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the surface of the brain is called a(n)


Science uses all of the following methods of knowing except which?


Imagine that you are a memory researcher and want to learn about memory errors... you show them a few photoshopped images of them in a sleeping bag and in the forest, they begin to remember details about the trip - how the family went berry picking or that an animal tried to get into the food supply. This phenomenon is referred to as:

false memory

John is testing the relationship between exercise and mood. He defines exercise as the number of steps a person takes in a day, and he measures it with a special watch that participants wear. What did John do to the variable "exercise" at the beginning of his study?

he operationalized it

As a general statement, the higher the _ coefficient, the stronger the influence of one's genes on a specific trait being examined.


Simple thinking strategies that allow us to solve problems and make judgments efficiently are called


which of the following questions about the word depressed would best prepare you to correctly remember tomorrow that you had seen the word on today's test?

how well does the word describe you?

the main difference between the brains of humans and other animals is that

humans have a more developed frontal cortex

A potential problem with the equal environments assumption in twin research is what?

identical twins may be treated more similarly than fraternal twins

Gary and Cole both see Ashley across the department store. They both find Ashley attractive so they decide to arm wrestle for the chance to talk to her. The winner will hopefully be able to ask her on a date. Gary and Cole's behavior is an example of the first process of sexual selection also known as what?

intrasexual competition

I want to know how intelligence relates to income, so I ask participants to report their yearly income and I have them complete a short test made up of questions from the math section of the SAT. What might you say about my measure of intelligence?

it has weak construct validity

the representativeness heuristic refers to our tendency to:

judge the likelihood of category membership by how closely an object or event resembles a particular prototype

if we try to understand this from a neural perspective, the strengthening of the connections between the neurons is the different areas of the cortex is due to __

long-term potentiation

semantic encoding refers to the processing of _


which of the following best captures how memory works?

memories are reconstructions of the event, which makes them susceptible to inaccuracy

what is the independent variable in this hypothesis: students who study for 7 hours over the course of a week will perform better than students who cram for 7 hours the night before the exam.

method of studying (spaced or cramming)

Professor Yorba asks, "What did I tell you about the Crimean War last Friday', which in fact she did not mention it at all. Several students claim to 'remember' her presentation of the war. This error demonstrates the _ effect


compared to cones, rods are

more light-sensitive and less color-sensitive

Jim watched a videotape of a woman talking about her life. Throughout the tape, the woman said many things that are stereotypical of a professor. She also said many things that are stereotypical of a waitress. Before watching the video, Jim was told that the woman was employed as a waitress. According to schema research, Jim will probably remember _

more waitress-consistent information than professor-consistent information

what is needed in order to overcome heuristic use?

motivation and ability

several organisms from a strain of bacteria infecting patients in a hospital setting inherited a mutation that increased their resistance to the hospitals' antibacterial drugs. Over time, the drug-resistant bacteria increasingly outnumbered the bacteria without the mutation. This best illustrates:

natural selection

which of the following statements accurately presents a major difference between operant and Pavlovian conditioning?

operant addresses voluntary behaviors while Pavlovian addresses automatic responses

After discovering that the shadows outside his window were only the trees in the yard, Ralph's blood pressure decreased and his heartbeat slowed. These physical reactions were most directly regulated by his

parasympathetic nervous system

the somatosensory cortex is located here

parietal (C, top)

In an experiment, researchers randomly assigned some participants to think of six times they had behaved assertively, and they asked other participants to think of twelve times they had behaved assertively....

people use the availability heuristic to make judgements about themselves as well as about other people

A researcher is examining the frequency of different argument styles (non confrontational, confrontational, and avoidant) in couples married for different lengths of time. he has grouped couples into 3 categories: newlyweds (1-3 years married), young couples (4-9 years married), and old timers (10 years and up). Every day for a week, he had them record how many of each type of argument they had, and he discovers that were more likely to have avoidant argument styles than either other group. What kind of research is this?


evidence reveals a positive correlation between the number of hours toddlers spend watching television and their level of hyperactivity in later childhood. What does this indicate?

that there is a relationship between television viewing a hyperactivity

Researchers have found that men generally are more likely than women to be willing to consent to sex with strangers and to require less emotional investment for sex to occur. From an evolutionary perspective this is likely because:

the investment cost of a pregnancy is much higher for a woman than a man

which of the following is not a guiding principle of evolutionary psychology?

the mind is a blank slate

After reading a newspaper report suggesting that drunken driving might have contributed to a recent auto accident, several people who actually witnessed the accident began to remember the driver involved as traveling more recklessly than was actually the case. This provides an example of

the misinformation effect

chunking refers to

the organization of info into meaningful units

In the above picture, what do the two arrows next to the neuron represent?

the path of the action potential

News media might report scientific claims as "proven." why is this a problem?

the scientific method is based on probabilities, not proof.

the basic idea behind _ is that people literally create their own realities from expectations

the self-fulfilling prophecy

Martha and Mary are sisters who were born 2 years apart. Eric and Merrick are fraternal twin brothers who were born 8 minutes apart. Which of the following would be the most accurate statement regarding their genetic similarities?

the sisters are as genetically similar as the twin brothers

the planning fallacy

the tendency to underestimate how long it will take to complete a task

part of the problem with horoscopes, scientifically speaking, is that ...

they are so vague, they often cannot be falsified

which example best describes the representativeness heuristic?

to decide if someone is a lawyer, I compare that person's characteristics to those of a typical lawyer.

the conversion of a fresh coffee aroma into neural impulses by olfactory receptor cells best illustrates


the implicit association test is one method that psychologists use to measure __

unconscious processing

Sheelah was able to jerk her hand out of the scalding water before sensing any pain because this withdrawal reflex

was activated by interneurons in her spinal cord

William James' description of attention states that it implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others. This highlights that _

we have limited mental resources for information processing

this is the occipital lobe

back (D)

multiple choice exams like this one mesure what kind of memory?


Ethan and Heather see a man stumbling around as he walks down the street. Ethan, who belongs to Alcoholics Anonymous, thinks the man is drunk, but Heather, who just watched a TV special on Michael J. fox, thinks the man has parkinsons disease. The differing interpretations of the same behavior seems to be caused by Ethan and Heather's difference in

the accessibility of different schema

related to classical conditioning, the UR would be _, the unconditioned stimulus would be _, and the conditioned stimulus is _. related to operant conditioning, you taking your dog on a walk when it brought you the leash is an example of _

the dog getting excited, going on a walk, picking up the leash, positive reinforcement

the ___ model of selective attention would have the greatest difficulty explaining the cocktail party effect.

the early filter model

research on easily learned taste aversions in animals like rats but not pigeons illustrates what?

the effectiveness of fear conditioning in getting animals to avoid certain stimuli.

of the three models of selective attention proposed in the reading, which would most readily account for the ability of subliminally primed words to influence behavior?

the late filter model

New professors often have to concentrate very hard to give a lecture, and monitor themselves carefully to make sure they're not talking too fast and that they are using appropriate and clear examples. More seasoned professors don't have to concentrate as much, and can talk clearly and engagingly, reorder the overheads, and keep an eye on students all at the same time. This example represents the transition from _______ processing to _______ processing as professors gain experience. A) controlled; automatic B) random; systematic C) automatic; controlled D) unconscious; conscious E) controlled; random

A) controlled; automatic

A researcher would be most likely to discover a positive correlation between

Amygdala activity and heart rate

in one of the lecture clips, Elizabeth Loftus showed an example of how the misinformation effect could influence the accurate recognition of faces. In this study, participants first were shown a set of faces to remember...

Because in the first recognition task, they had been tricked into incorrectly saying they had previously seen a new face that resembled one from the original list

Blair's co-worker, Susan, asks her, "Am I a good employee?" Blair hadn't really thought about it before, but using the availability heuristic, which of the following thought processes is she most likely to have?

Blair recalls the last few times she's seen Susan do a good job, and tells her yes.

If a researcher writes, "Efforts were made to ensure that the experiment had good internal validity," what do they mean?

Participants were randomly assigned to conditions, and possible procedural confounds were controlled for

Which neural center in the limbic system plays a central role in emotions such as aggression and fear?


opioid drugs like heroin and oxycodone mimic neurotransmitters, attaching to receptor sites on the postsynaptic neuron and increasing activity. When someone overdoses on these types of drugs, they may be given Naloxone. Naloxone is similar enough that it can attach the same receptor sites as the opioids, but it does not cause any activity in the postsynaptic neuron. Instead, it just blocks the receptor site. In this example, heroin is _ and naloxone is _

an agonist; an atagonist

episodic memory is the memory system that holds what kind of information?

autobiographical knowledge

During her psychology test, Kelsey could not remember the meaning of the term proactive interference. Surprisingly, however, she accurately remembered that the term appeared on the fourth line of a left-hand page in her textbook. Her memory of this incidental information is best explained in terms of

automatic encoding

you are listening to a radio broadcast which describes a person who donated a kidney to a complete stranger in need of a transplant, when the phone rings and the fireman's association asks you to make a donation. The idea of priming suggests that you will

be more likely to make a donation because the schema of being charitable has been made more accessible

why would it be accurate to say that neural communication is an 'electrochemical process'?

because the system is electrical within a neuron, but chemical between neurons

People with opposing views of capital punishment reviewed mixed evidence regarding its effectiveness as a crime deterrent. As a result, their opposing views differed more strongly than ever. This best illustrates:

belief perseverance

In a classic experiment, Rosenthal and Jacobson informed grade-school teachers that some of their students would show great academic improvement in the upcoming year. In reality, the bloomers were chosen randomly by the researchers, and were no smarter than any of the other students. Which of the following best describes the results of this study? At the end of the year,

bloomers improved more on an IQ test than did non-bloomers

researchers had participants memorize a number of words before reading an ambiguous passage about a character named Donald. the words participants read influenced how they interpreted Donald's somewhat ambiguous behavior. The take-home message of this study is that schema can affect our impressions of the social world if they are _

both accessible and relevant

In order for researchers to be able to say that Variable A causes Variable B, they must eliminate the possible influence of __

confounding variables

John, a recovering drug addict, has strong cravings for a fix whenever he passes the street corner where he used to buy the drug. In classical conditioning terms, the cravings are the ________ and the street corner is the ________. a) UR; US b) CS; CR c) CS; UR d) CR; CS e) UR; NS

d) CR; CS

among the examples below, which of the following is the strongest correlation coefficient? a. r=-0.3 b. r= 0.05 c. r=2.52 d. r=-0.9

d. r-0.9 (whichever is closest to 1)

variations of the Wason selection task which involves presenting people with four cards, and a rule that they need to test by flipping over some of the cards, suggest that humans are good at _ but poor at _.

detecting cheaters in social exchanges; abstract problems

lonnie needs to make a long business trip back to of Minnesota but is uncertain of when to leave. According to the weather report, there is a big storm starting that he may encounter. The cost of deciding to leave later will make him late for his meeting but the cost to leave too early might put him in a car accident on the slippery roads. Which theory would predict that because of evolution, Lonnie would choose the less costly or dangerous option and leave later in the day to avoid the storm?

error management theory

the most accurate research method of determining whether caffeine supplements improve memory performance is __

experimental study

Calvin is interested in measuring his school's willingness to do volunteer work around the community. He sends out a self-report survey that asks students to directly fill out their _________ attitudes on the topic.


The ability of some Alzheimer's patients to learn how to do something despite the fact that they have no conscious recall of learning their new skill best illustrates the need to distinguish between

explicit memory and implicit memory

Betty decided to conduct an experiment on the effectiveness of a new anti-anxiety pill. She decided that participants who had been diagnosed with anxiety would be in the treatment group and participants who had never been treated for anxiety would be the control group. Which aspect of proper research design did Betty ignore?

random assignment

In an experiment, when each participant has an equal chance of being in any of the different conditions, the research design uses __

random assignment

the testing effect refers to:

repeated self-testing as a way to enhance retention of information

when the pressures of natural selection and survival are at odds with those of sexual selection and reproduction, evolution appears to favor

reproduction over survival

During open-brain surgery, Adam's left ankle twitched whenever the surgeon electrically stimulated a specific area within Adam's

right frontal lobe

researchers want to know the average weight of people living in toronto. to accomplish this, they weigh 500 people of all ages who show up to a public park on Saturday. This is an example of a _


The use of heuristics rather than algorithms is most likely to

save time in arriving at solutions to problems

When most Americans walk into a fast food restaurant chain, they know they should walk up to the counter to order, pay, and pick up their food, rather than sit down and wait to be served. This knowledge of how to act in such a situation is called a


the spacing effect

spread out learning over time

After conducting a study, Ashley conducts a statistical analysis and determines that the results are highly unlikely to have been due to random chance, she can state that her findings are __

statistically significant

what would be the best descriptive correlation between variable A (the number of times a week someone brushes their teeth) and variable B (the number of cavities one has when the go to the dentist)

strong negative correlation

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