PSYC 101 Chapters 1 - 8

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Active monetary policy:

is the strategic use of monetary policy to counteract macroeconomic expansions and contractions.

The two types of sensory experiences that make up somesthesis are ________ sensitivity and _________ sensitivity.

kinesthetic and cutaneous

A totally secular view of origins simultaneously subsumes a view of _____.

moral relativism

The _____ system is the electrical and chemical communication system within our bodies.


Nerves are made up of bundles of ____.


One neuron can communicate with another neuron by sending little chemical messengers called ______.


Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine are examples of _____.


Neurons can carry impulses at speeds of nearly ___ per hour.

not 160, maybe 220 or 400? it depends on the type of neuron

______ models lead to treatments designed to eliminate the causes of malfunctioning.

not Behavioral

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can be linked to which of the following?

not Genetics

A major disturbance in an individual's thinking, feelings, or behavior that reflects a problem in mental function.

not Mental health

All of the following are explanations for aggression EXCEPT:

not Social learning

Physiologically, arousal is activity in the ____________ nervous system.

not Sympathetic

Triadic reciprocal determinism describes the three principal features of our social cognitive realities: our ________, ______and our ______ .

personal factors/actions/environments

Systematic processes for helping individuals overcome their psychological problems.


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Which of these are NOT a type of conditioning?


The goal of therapy for the A-B-C theory of disturbance is ____.

To replace irrational beliefs with rational

________ is the process through which a physical stimulus is converted into a meaningful and useful neural signal capable of being interpreted by the brain.


Redirection of feelings directed toward the therapist that are associated with important figures in the patient's life.


The incidence of obesity among children in the United States has more than _______ since the 1970s, suggesting that environmental factors may be more important than genetic or metabolic factors.


Bias can be evident in one's analysis of objective truth.


Theories are usually influenced by worldview beliefs.


A personality _______ is a related grouping of personality traits.


Changes in the quantity of money lead to real changes in the economy. If this is the case, why would the central bank ever stop increasing the money supply?

Although there is a short-run incentive to increase the money supply, these effects wear off in the long run as prices adjust and then drive down the value of money.

__________ behaviors are describing as self-sacrificing and helpful behaviors.


One instance of cognitive decline is _____.

Alzheimer's Disease

Dissociative ____ is a sudden and temporary loss of memory not attributable to any organic cause.


__________ corresponds to the brightness or intensity of a color. Frequency


The limbic system, associated with emotion, contains:

Amygdala and hippocampus

________ are the male sex hormone.


_________ is diagnosed when an individual weighs less than 85% of his or her expected weight.

Anorexia nervosa

A drug that blocks the effectiveness of a neurotransmitter.


Which of the following is NOT a type of sensory receptor?


Those who display high levels of ________ tend to exhibit a high degree of organization, self-discipline, thoroughness, and a need to achieve.


______ is defined as a general term for student-centered approaches to teaching, such as discovery-oriented approaches, reciprocal learning, or cooperative instruction.


Which type of research examines relationships among variables?


Random brain activity is also called _____.

Cortical noise

Research design that collects information from different groups of people of different ages.

Cross-sectional design

According to ______, morality reflects people's sense of fairness and justice.


______ adolescence can be characterized by an increased desire to have an impact and feel important as well as build recognition.


______ adolescence can be characterized by greater impulse control and greater ability to gauge risk and reward.


________ is defined as behaviors followed by reinforcement are more likely to be repeated and behaviors not followed by reinforcement are less likely to recur.

Law of effect

Fat cells produce this hormone, that signals to the hypothalamus to reduce appetite.


Listening to music can lead to the activation of _______ structures.


Research design that collects information from the same group of people across time.

Longitudinal design

What are the three stages of moral development?

Preconventional, conventional and postconventional

____ reinforcers: stimuli that are naturally rewarding for an organism.


________ tests of personality are tests in which stimuli are ambiguous and testee's responses are interpreted as reflecting unconscious aspects of personality.


Pattern of development from core out to appendages.


A chemical substance that has the ability to alter perception, mood, behavior, and/or physiological function.

Psychoactive drug

Defense mechanisms (i.e. denial, regression, sublimation, etc.) emerge to reduce this anxiety.


_____ is the main way to treat personality disorders.


The _________ is responsible for controlling the diameter of the pupil.

Pupilloconstrictor zone

The stage of sleep is which does most dreaming occurs.

Rapid eye movement

Therapist has the patient focus on his or her immediate interpretation of the meanings of environmental events, rather than obscure historical causes.

Rational emotive behavior therapy

The domain of _____ development studies the changes in the way our brains make sense of the world around us.


_____ therapies are directed toward altering individuals' perceptions of the world and of themselves.


The theory of _________ predicts that whenever there is conflict between cognitions (behaviors, beliefs, values, and desires, people will try to reduce the conflict.

Cognitive dissonance

An approach concerned mainly with intellectual events such as problem solving, information processing, thinking, and imagining.


The three aspects of Sternberg's theory of loving are:

Commitment, passion, and intimacy

Which is an example of intrinsic reinforcement?

Reading because you love to read

Which is an example of extrinsic reinforcement?

Reading to earn a reward

When a person experiences acute, immediate effects as a drug wears off, an equal but opposite effect generally takes place. This is known as ______.

Rebound effect

Specialized cells or groups of cells that respond to sensory stimulation.


______ is an explanation for altruistic behavior that asserts that organisms are helpful to others to because of the expectation that it will be reciprocated


_________ altruism is an explanation for altruistic behavior that asserts organisms are helpful to others to ensure survival of the species.


__________ study used a simple visual perception test to determine the effects of social pressure.

Solomon Asch's conformity

_______________________ would be hurt by unexpected inflation.

Someone who lent money out at a fixed interest rate

Which of the following figures illustrates the effects of contractionary monetary policy on the loanable funds market?

As the prices of goods and services decrease, the value of money:


Norepinephrine _____ blood pressure and triggers the release of ____ from energy stores.


If inflation is expected:

prices are not sticky.

Contractionary monetary policy:

raises interest rates, causing aggregate demand to shift to the left.

Finish the quote by Albert Einstein, "Science without religion is lame, ______."

religion without science is blind.

The process by which a nerve cell recaptures some of the neurotransmitters it has released is known as _____.


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis maintains_______

that language is essential for and determines thought.

Evolution is defined (in the text) as _____.

the adaptive progression of species from their origins.

Studying alternative theories of how people form expectations is particularly relevant to monetary policy because:

the effects of expected inflation are completely different from the effects of unexpected inflation.

Expansionary monetary policy can have immediate real short-run effects; initially, no prices have adjusted. But as prices adjust in the long run:

the real impact of monetary policy dissipates completely.

Psychology deals with how we perceive and understand the _____ and _____ is fundamental to the psychological study of perception.


What percentage of all Americans aged 12 and up have tried one or more drugs?


The space between the ends of one cell's axon and another cell's dendrites is a ____.


Erikson's theory has __ stages.


There are ___ stages in the theory of psychosocial development.


Stage 1 in the Theory of Psychosocial Development is _____.

Basic Trust versus Mistrust

Sound receptors are attached to the _______ membrane.


The idea that people are influenced by the consequences of their behavior and their immediate environmental circumstances are more relevant than early experiences or psychic conflicts.

Behavior modification

Two ______ approaches to learning are classical and operant conditioning.


In _____, the behavioral part helps people change the way they react to anxiety-provoking situations.


In _____, the cognitive part helps people change the thinking patterns supporting their fears.


The most researched and widely supported theory of intelligence.


_____ adolescence can be characterized by a tendency to have more concrete/black-and-white thinking.


In terms of physical development, this period is the least dramatic.

Early adulthood

_______, in Freudian theory, is the rational, reality-oriented level of human personality, developing as the child becomes aware of what the environment makes possible and impossible.


Stage 8 in the Theory of Psychosocial Development is _____.

Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Bandura's theory involving learning through observing and imitating models.

Either observational, copying, or operational

A type of rehearsal in which a person actively tries to tie new information to pre-existing information already in long-term memory.

Elaborative rehearsal

The ________ complex is a Freudian stage, around four years, when a girl's awareness of her genital area leads her to desire her father and to become jealous of her mother.


_____ is defined as imitative behavior in which the observer does not copy the model's responses but simply behaves in a related manner.

Eliciting effect

The Sympathetic nervous system, part of the autonomic nervous system, instigates the physiological responses that accompany _____ behavior.


Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of the subjective experience of emotion?

Emotions do not invoke passions, which are behaviors that you don't directly initiate

_____ system of is composed of glands secreting hormones whose functioning affects things such as growth, maturation, behavior, and emotion.


The _______ theory is the belief that intelligence is fixed and unchanging.


Three types of stressors are:

Environmental, psychological, and social

Who created the theory of psychosocial development?


Which of the following statements is true about monetary policy and the unemployment rate?

Expansionary monetary policy can decrease the unemployment rate in the short run but has no effect on the unemployment rate in the long run.

Which type of research might establish causation?


When a therapist exposes a patient to fear- or anxiety-producing stimuli.

Exposure therapy

Those who have high levels of _______ tend to be outgoing, to seek stimulation, and want to be in the company of others.


Eysenck's Biological Theory uses what three dimensions to describe human personality?

Extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism

______reinforcement: reinforcement to increase a behavior in the future that comes from an external source


_________ is a statistical procedure for reducing correlational data to a smaller number of dimensions by grouping closely related variables.

Factor analysis

Qualitative data involves information you can count, measure, and/or calculate.


Science is always objective/free from bias.


The scientific method ensures that results are bias-free.


Theories are one way scientists communicate proven facts.


Phobias are intense, irrational ____, recognized by the person as unreasonable, and often leading to avoidance of certain objects or situations.


How many major sensory modalities have been traditionally recognized?


Physiological drives are related actual needs with respect to the drives for _______ and _______.

Food and water

Evidence suggests that as people become hungrier, they pay more attention to ________.

Food cues

A technique used in psychoanalysis where the patient is encouraged to say whatever comes to mind without evaluating or discarding material.

Free association

The psychodynamic theory was developed by _____, and is based on the notion that behavior and personality are developed by unconscious urges and motivations.


The _____ lobe of the brain is responsible for complex aspects of cognition like attention, movement, and planning.


Stimulus _______ involves making the same responses to different but related stimuli.


A disorder marked by excessive anxiety and worry, as a general state rather than episodic subjective sensation of anxiety.

Generalized anxiety disorder

Contemporary cognitive models take into account the interaction of _____ and ____ events with cognitive problems.


________ psychology is the view that perception is not simply a reduction of complex forms, but a holistic, creative process.


Perceptions of experiences without corresponding external stimuli together with a compelling feeling that these are real.


High self-efficacy often correlates to _____ achievement.


Umami, the most recently discovered type of taste bud, can be detect the taste of foods that are:

High in protein

Psychological hedonism can best be defined as the approach that suggests

Humans are ultimately motivated by a desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain

________ is another term for overeating.


______, in Freudian theory, is all the instinctual urges that humans inherit, including eros and Thanatos


Stage 5 in the Theory of Psychosocial Development is _____.

Identity vs. Role Confusion

_________ motivation describes the sensation when the greater the subjective value of an item or reward, the more someone is motivated to achieve the item or reward.


As levels of glucose in the blood _______, hunger ________.

Increase, decreases

The ______ theory is the belief that intelligence is not fixed and can be improved upon with effort.


Stage 3 in the Theory of Psychosocial Development is _____.

Initiative vs. Guilt

A legal term defined by law and determined by a court in consultation with mental health experts.


The sudden recognition of relationships among elements of a problem is referred to as _______.


______ are defined as complex unlearned, behaviors.


________ are known as innate, consistent responses to stimuli.


Deficit in ______ functions involve such things as reasoning, problem solving, abstract thinking, judgment, academic learning, and learning from experience.


The global score derived from standardized intelligence tests.

Intelligence quotient

Emotions have two broad dimensions: _________ and whether they are positive or negative.


Being agents of our own actions requires three things:

Intentionality, forethought, and self-efficacy

Those who are ______ oriented tend to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions.


______ reinforcement: reinforcement to increase a behavior in the future that comes from an internal source


A central nervous system disease characterized by tremors, slow movement, and other symptoms; associated with low dopamine levels in the brain.


_________ can be best defined as the detailed process of interpreting and making sense of a combination of sensations.


The neural networks that fan out from the central nervous system to various parts of the body are called the _____.

Peripheral nervous system

Parenting characterized by high warmth and low demands.


_______ is a term used to describe the path that drugs take through our body, from start to finish.


________ can be defined as being concerned with appearance, that is, the world as it appears to the individual.


________ is an intolerance or insensitivity to light.


___________ needs satisfy the basic internal functions of an organism.


Who crafted/developed the theory of cognitive development?


What is the term for the outer funnel-shaped structure of the ear?


Wavelength in sound waves corresponds to ______.


A small endocrine gland found as a protrusion off the hypothalamus.

Pituitary gland

According to the figure, expansionary monetary policy will cause an economy that is initially at full-employment output to go from equilibrium ______ to equilibrium ______ in the short run.

A; B

_______ is defined as the ability to change.


Individuals with ____ may display repetitive patterns of behavior, interest, or activity.


The need for _________ is a strong desire to excel, meet some inner standard of excellence, and do well.


______ rate: rate of learning


______ involves a fear of social situations.

Social phobia

According to Carl Rogers's theory of personality, we have one basic tendency, which is ________.


Sensory _______ occurs when the sensory receptors become less sensitive when exposed to a constant stimulus for a certain amount of time.


Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are most common among _________

Adolescent girls

A substance produced by the adrenal glands, released in response to stress.


____ means fear of open or public places.


________ is a personality factor comprised of the traits friendly, compassionate, and cooperative.


Biologically based characteristics that distinguish females and males include different reproductive functions and differences in hormones and anatomy. These differences are:

All of these

Which of the following are physical stimuli?

All of these

The ________ theory of emotion suggests that when an individual perceives an emotion-related situation or object, the hypothalamus sends messages both to the cortex, where the emotion is felt, and to the body, where physiological reactions take place.


Piaget's theory has ___ stages


According to the figure, if the policy is fully expected, expansionary monetary policy will cause an economy initially in full-employment equilibrium to move from:

(not) point A to B and back to A.

Approximately how many olfactory receptor cells does a typical human have?

10 million

Experts recommend taking a break from viewing a computer screen at least every _______ minutes.


A classification of medications that treats depression through regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin.


According to the text, ____ is among the most devastating and the most baffling of human emotions.


A/an _______ is a universal thought or shared historical memory which is largely unconscious.


_____ concerns the bonds that tie two people together.


Contemporary models of _______tend to fall into two general categories: Theories as a causal mechanism, distinguishing between automatic and controlled processes and theories as a consequence of other processes.


Two ways of reducing cognitive dissonance are changing ________ and _______ behavior.

Attitudes and behavior

Parenting characterized by low warmth and high demands.


The ______ regulates physiological functions such as respiration, heart rate, temperature, and digestion and includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

Autonomic nervous system

Psychology deals mostly with ______ behavior


Who stated that "Man is nothing but a bundle of sensations."

David Hume (not listed) - I don't know what they want you to pick

The scientific measurement used to describe the loudness of a particular sound is called the _______.


The majority of young people report using drugs for the first time because of sociocultural factors, like peer-pressure, but continue because of _____.


A state of being characterized by the compulsive desire to have a substance, such as a drug, in order to feel "normal" and postpone the effects of withdrawal.


Which type of research examines behavior in a natural setting without involvement of the experimenter.


The process of visual perception can be simplified into these three basic tasks:

Detection, discrimination, identification

______ psychology can be defined as the study of physical, emotional, cognitive and social change across the life span.


Pupil diameter is affected by all of the following EXCEPT:


Results from the consequences of the act itself defines _____ reinforcement.


The type of imitative behavior resulting in either the appearance of previously acquired deviant behavior.

Disinhibitory effect

__________ attributions are causes of behavior related to characteristics of an individual.


A complex type of dissociation in which individuals are from time to time dominated by distinctly different, complex, highly integrated personalities.

Dissociative identity disorder

The ______ shift is the phenomenon where a stationary observer perceives a change in pitch emitted by an object moving horizontally.


Recent use of a substance that induces a maladaptive and impairing state but is reversible.

Drug intoxication

The magnocellular pathway receives information from M ganglion cells about peripheral vision and therefore _______ spatial resolution images from the retina.


The ________ provides scores on dimensions such as depression, hypochondriasis, hysteria, paranoia, schizophrenia, and social introversion.


What are the three tiny bones that constitute the middle ear?

Malleus, Incus, Stapes

The process of encoding, storage, and retrieval of any piece of information obtained through conscious experience.


The age given at which a child is currently performing intellectually.

Mental age

The ego's defenses against revealing sensitive issues.

Mental blocks

_______ needs are higher-level needs that relate to an organism's tendency toward psychological growth.


In ______ adolescence teens are more likely to be impulsive, misunderstand emotions and social cues, have more accidents, arguments, and fights,


______ adolescence can be characterized by questioning with a special focus on fairness.


______ adolescence can be characterized by the personal fable, as they see themselves as special and unique.


A pattern for behavior that can be copied by someone.


The type of imitative behavior that involves learning a novel response is called _______.

Modeling effect

Attitudes are distinguished from opinions because they have strong __________.

Motivational consequences

The _________ test is designed to specifically assess Big Five personality factors


______ reinforcer: unwanted or painful stimulus is removed and consequently, the probability that the behavior will be repeated is increased.


________ is characterized by fluctuating emotions, high anxiety, and a tendency toward negative moods, such as anger and depression.


Specialized receptors that can sense pain are known as _______.


An episode occurring for no apparent reason involving intense fear and anxiety, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and heart palpitations.

Panic attacks

The auditory cortex sends projections to which two lobes of the brain?

Parietal and temporal

________ tests measure personality through straightforward questions or statements on which individuals report.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder marked by excessive general activity for a child's age, attention problems, high impulsivity, and low frustration tolerance. This may be linked to _____ levels.


Disorders characterized by recurrent and unwanted thoughts and/or the need to perform repetitive physical or mental actions.

Obsessive-compulsive disorders

_______ is a phenomenon in which an object closer to a viewer appears to block another object that is farther away from the viewer.


"Quality of life" is a phrase used most often with what stage of life?

Older adulthood

Approximately what portion of the adult U.S. population is obese?

One third

The optic nerves meet at the ________

Optic chiasm

The arousal theory states that individuals behave in a way to maintain a/an ______ level of arousal.


_________ states that large external rewards reduce the intrinsic value of a behavior.


Sensory receptors for touch are located just below the surface of the skin and are known as ___________ corpuscles.


The process of repeatedly introducing new information in order to retain the information in short-term memory, or to introduce into long-term memory.


Parenting characterized by low warmth and low demand.


A muscular, glandular, or mental reaction to a stimulus.


The _______ test is a test in which the subject is presented with ten stimulus cards with printed figures resembling elaborate inkblots.


_________ theory of emotion states that one factor is an undifferentiated state of physiological arousal that underlies all emotions, and the second factor is the individual's interpretation in light of what caused it.

Schachter's Two-Factor

A psychotic disorder characterized by emotional, cognitive, and perceptual confusion and a consequent breakdown of effective contact with others and with reality.


___________ is the ongoing process by which an organism attempts to reach its full potential.


Judgments and personal evaluations of one's own competence are known as ___________.


Judgments we make about how effective we are in given situations.


Biologically based characteristics that distinguish males and females are referred to as _____ differences.


Maintenance rehearsal is defined as a _____ level of rehearsal typically characterized by repeating something many times


Examples of psychological needs can include all of the following EXCEPT:


A higher frequency means more pressure changes occur in a given second and occur closer to each other in space thus producing a _________ wavelength.


________ psychology studies the relationships among individuals or between individuals and groups.


An explanation of learning and behavior that emphasizes the role of social reinforcement and imitation as well as the importance of the cognitive processes that allow people to imagine and to anticipate.

Social cognitive theory

A developmental disorder marked by impairments in cognitive skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, or mathematical skills.

Specific learning disabilities

________________ is classical conditioning-related behavior referring to the rapid re-emergence of a previously extinguished behavior.

Spontaneous Recovery

________ are widely held beliefs about groups based on illogical reasoning or faulty generalization.


______ are drugs that speed up bodily functions, whereas _____ are drugs that slow down bodily functions.


Place the steps of the process from stimulation to perception in the correct order:

Stimulation, reception, transduction, transmission, perception

________ is a quantifiable pattern of physical energy, which is able to interact with an organism and produce a change in the condition of the organism.


The duration of a sensation is defined by the relationship between the _______ intensity and the _________ intensity.

Stimulus, perceived

______, in Freudian theory, is the personality structure that defines the moral or ethical aspects of personality.


What are two characteristics of the scientific method?

Systematic and Scholarly

________ is the metaphor that a mind is a blank slate.

Tabula rasa

Sensory receptors for gustation are known as ________

Taste buds

Infants' and children's biological predisposition to respond to the world in predictable ways.


Any substances ingested, consumed, or experienced by the mother that can cross the placental barrier and damage the developing organism during pregnancy.


What part of the brain is most responsible for processing fear reactions?

The amygdala

By using MRI recordings, Martin and associates found significantly increased activity in what part of the brain?

The medial prefrontal cortex

People are classified into one of three general stages of moral development, based on what?

The rationale for their moral decisions

The _________ system is responsible for equilibrium or balance.


________ is defined as the distance from peak to peak of a wave.


The _________ Law describes the optimal level of arousal that exists for different behaviors; this level varies both for different individuals and for different behaviors.


__________ studied the culture between prisoners and guards to understand how abuse and torture can occur under these circumstances.

Zimbardo's prison experiment

Central nervous system (CNS): The human nervous system, which includes the ____ and the ______.

brain/ spinal cord

According to the figure, if the economy started at full-employment output, contractionary monetary policy would cause real gross domestic product (GDP) to __________ in the short run.

decrease from Y2 to Y1

Expansionary monetary policy makes the aggregate demand curve:

shift to the right.

As expected inflation decreases, the short-run Phillips curve:

shifts to the left.

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