Psych ch. 2

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dendrite soma myelin sheath axon axon terminal terminal button

Label the neuron


The _____ controls many of our vital bodily functions such as our heartbeat, our breathing, and our swallowing.


The _____ is a large swelling in the brain stem that controls sleep, dreaming, and arousal (consciousness).

nervous Central Peripheral

The _____ system is made up of a network of neurons throughout the entire body that are tasked with carrying information to and from all parts of the body, resulting in behavior and mental processes. It is divided into 2 systems, the _______ nervous system which consists of the brain and the spinal cord, and the ______ nervous system which consists of all nerves in the body.

frontal lobe

The ________ lobe is located in the front of the head behind the forehead and deals with higher mental functions such as decision making, problem solving, memory, language, and personality.

Sodium ions have the symbol Na+ Potassium ions have the symbol K+

What are the 2 primary types of ions involved in a neural impulse, and what are their symbols?


_____ is a family of neurotransmitters that prevent cells in the body from firing their "pain" signal

Aceytlcholine (ACh)

______ is a neurotransmitter that is located at the muscles in the body allowing the muscles to get commands from the brain. Too much of this neurotransmitter would likely result in convulsions- violent and irregular limb movements.


a _____ is a chemical messenger that carries messages across the synapse. Some examples include dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

neural impulse

a(n) ________ is a sequence of protein channels opening down the length of the neuron's membrane, and ions then rushing in or out of the neuron through the open protein channels.

Sodium (Na+) Potassium (K+) positive negative

during resting potential, the outside of the neuron has more ______ ions and the inside of the neuron has more _______ ions. Also, the charge on the outside of the neuron is relatively more _____ and the charge on the inside of the neuron is relatively more _______.

sodium-potassium exchange pump Na+ K+

finally, the _____ pumps _____ ions back out of the neuron, and _____ ions back into the neuron, returning that area of the neuron to resting potential. This entire process repeats itself over and over down the length of the axon.

brain spinal cord

in the CNS, the _____ is the core and central command of the entire body, receiving and perceiving (identifying and making sense of) information from the senses (eyes, ears, etc.), making decisions, and sending commands to the body. The _______ is a long bundle of neurons and is like a major highway where info travels quickly b/t regions of the body.


in the PNS, the ____ are like smaller roads that branch off of the major highway and carry info to/from the organs and systems in the body.

hypothalamus amygdala pons medulla thalamus hippocampus cerebellum

label the brain

pons (hypothalamus)

look at the picture on page 148 of your textbook. Which brain structure is most likely involved in the baby's current state?


look at the picture on page 75 of your textbook. Which brain structure is most likely allowing this girl to do what she is doing?

protein Na+ negative positive

once a neuron receives a message, a _______ channel opens, ________ ions rush into the neuron, and the channel closes. Now the charge on the outside of the neuron is relatively more ______ and the charge on the inside of the neuron is relatively more _______. The inside of the neuron in that area is crowded and the ions wish to diffuse and spread out.

1) protect and insulate the axon 2) speed up the neural impulse traveling down the axon.

the 2 primary purposes of the myelin sheath are:

sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system

the PNS is made up of 2 systems. The somatic nervous system, which controls the voluntary muscles in the body, and the autonomic nervous system, which controls the nervous involuntary muscles, glands, and organs in the body. When an individual is in a state of fear, their pupils dilate, breathing increases, and their heartbeat increases. This division of the PNS is called the ________. Similarly, when an individual is in a relaxed state, their pupils are constricted, and both breathing and heartbeat are steady and slow. This division of the PNS is called the _________.

myelin sheath

the _____ is a fatty substance that is wrapped around the axon of some neurons.

occipital lobe

the _____ lobe is located in the back of the head and deals with information coming from the eyes.


the _____ maintains homeostasis of many bodily functions including heart rate, hormones, food intake, body temperature, one's biological clock, etc.


the ______ allows us to maintain balance, coordinate our voluntary movements, and deals with motor learning (muscle memory).


the ______ allows us to remember which stimuli or events to be afraid of, and therefore--- for ex. a mouse w/ damage to this brain structure would not remember to stay away from cats

brain stem

the ______ connects the brain to the spinal cord and contains the medulla oblongata and the pons.

endocrine system hormones

the ______ is a collection of glands (e.g. the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland) that control and coordinate different bodily functions. They do this by producing _________, which are chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream to their target organ in the body.


the ______ is a major relay station for most sensory information (except smell) coming in from the spinal cord and brain stem. This structure receives sensory information.


the _______ is a seahorse shaped brain structure that is involved in the formation of memories of facts and personal experiences that are stored elsewhere in the brain. It is also involved in spatial memory and navigation, by monitoring where you are and where you are going.

pituitary gland hypothalamus

the _______ is also called the "master gland", as it controls and influences all of the other endocrine glands. This gland is regulated by the _________, a structure in the brain.


the _______ lobe is located behind the temples and ears, and deals with auditory information- processing and receiving information from the ears.

Cerebrum cerebral cortex

the ________ is the largest part of the brain, and is covered by a layer of folded gray matter about 3 mm thick called the _______.


the ________ lobe is located on the crown of the head and deals with information coming from the skin, including touch, temperature, and body position.


the cell _____ separates the interior of the neuron from the outside environment. It is made up of a lipid bilayer and proteins. Some proteins act as channels which allow some substances into the cell and prevent other substances from entering.

hemispheres corpus callosum

the cerebrum is divided into 2 cerebral _______, and they are connected via a bridge called the ______, which allows the 2 halves of the brain to communicate.

glial cell (glial)

the human brain is composed of a type of cell called ________ which are responsible for supporting neurons- holding them together, producing myelin sheath, providing energy, and responding to injury or disease.


the human brain is composed of a type of cell called a(n) ________ which is responsible for sending and receiving messages within the nervous system, much like a mailman receiving mail from the sender and delivering it to the recipient.

Potassium K+ positive negative

then, a ______ channel opens, a number of _____ ions rush out of the neuron, and the channel closes. Now the charge on the outside of the neuron is relatively more _____ and the charge on the inside of the neuron is relatively more ______. The electrical charge of this area of the neuron is now the same as when it was at resting potential. The inside of the neuron in the immediate area is no longer crowded. Yet, the 2 types of ions are not where they should be to return this area of the neuron to resting potential.

synaptic gap

when forming connections with other neurons, neurons don't actually touch one another. A ___ is a small gap b/t the neuron sending the message (presynaptic neuron) and the neuron receiving the message (the post-synaptic neuron)

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