Psychological Disorders Anxiety Disorders
phobia; specific phobias
When a person has an irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation, the diagnosis is a ___. Although in many situations, the person can live with the problem, some ___ ___, such as a fear of thunderstorms, are incapacitating.
generalized anxiety; free-floating
When a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and physiologically aroused for no apparent reason, he or she is diagnosed as suffering from a ___ disorder. In Freud's term, the anxiety is ___.
distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety; intensity, persistence
Anxiety disorders are psychological disorders characterized by ___. The key to Differentiating anxiety disorders from normal anxiety is in the ___and ___ of the anxiety.
generalized anxiety disorder; panic disorder; phobias; obsessive-compulsive disorder; post-traumatic stress disorder
Five anxiety disorders discussed in the text are
ulcers; high-blood pressure; panic disorder; panic attack
Generalized anxiety disorder can lead to physical problems, such as ___ and ___ ___ ___. In some instances , anxiety may intensify dramatically and unpredictably and be accompanied by chest pain or choking, for example; people with these symptoms are said to have ___ ___. This anxiety may escalate into a minutes-long episode of intense fear, or a ___ ___ .
smoke; panic attack; nicotine
People who ___ have an increased risk of a first-time ___ ___ , because ___ is a stimulant.