Psychology Chapter 2

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A __________________ sample of a group is one that includes all the different types of people that are the members of that group


A correlation coefficient with the relationship close to 0


Any factor that is capable of change


Arranges data to indicate how often soemthing occurs


Ethical standards for the conduct of psychological test have been set by ______


How do people unconsciously make their expectations known to others through their behavior

Statistical Significant

If the likelihood that results are due to chance is very low, the results are considered __________________

Naturalistic Observation

Research method in which the pyschologists observes the subject in a natural setting without interfering


To start a new research project on subjects, a psychologist must obtain _______ from an ethics committee


What type of correlation occurs if A increases and B decreases


What type of correlation occurs when A increases then more B increases


________ study examines a large number of subjects for a limited purpose

Placebo Effect

a change in a participant's illness or behavior that results from a belief that the treatment will have an effect, rather than the actual treatment

Double-Blind Experiment

an experiment in which neither the experimenter nor the participants know which participants received which treatment

Inferential Statistics

numerical methods used to determine whether research data support a hypothesis or whether results were due to chance

Longitudinal Study

research method in which data are collected about a group of participants over a number of years to assess how certain characteristics change or remain the same during development

Cross-Sectional Study

research method in which data are collected from groups of participants of different ages and compared so that conclusions can be drawn about differences due to age

Case study

research method that involves an intensive investigation of one or more participants


A __________ sample consists of choosing people by chance, like drawing names from a hat

Inferential Statistics

-determining whether or not results are due to chance -used to determine if the findings from the experiment support the hypothesis -results showing statistical significance

Descriptive Statistics

-listing and summarizing data in a logical way -frequency distributions -a positive correlation showing that both variables are changing in the same direction -the mean, medium, and mode -the normal curve


A _______ study focuses in depth on a small number of subjects


A ________ is a common method of gathering data that often consists on interviews and questionnaires


A ________ variable is one that an experimenter changes to observe its effect on subjects


A __________ variable is one that an experimenter doesn't change, but changes as a result of the effect of the other variable

Normal Curve

A graph of frequency distribution shaped like a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve; a graph of normally distributed data


A large number of people that isn't typical of the members of a group is a _________________ sample

Standard Deviation

A measure of variability that describes an average distance of every score from the mean


A measure of variability that is the mean of the squares of the deviations from the mean of the set of data

Central Tendency

A number that describes something about the "average" score of distribution variance


A sample of a group that consists of deliberately selected members of various types of subgroups is a ___________ sample

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A situation in which a researchers expectations influence that person's own behavior, and thereby influence the participants behavior

Frequency Distribution

An arrangement of data that indicates how often a particular score or observation occurs


An educated guess about the relationship between variables

Single-Blind Experiment

An experiment in which the participants are unaware of who received the treatment

Correlation Coefficient

Describes the direction and strength of the relationship between two sets of variables

Frequency Polygon

Is a type of graph in which data are arranged by means of dots connected by lines


Is a type of graph in which data are arranged by means of rectangles


Is how likely results are due to chance


Many researchers consider ut unlikely the results of a test are due to chance if only ____ percent occur by chance, while other researchers use a stricter level of 1 percent


On a corrélation coefficient (r) scale, an r near +1 or -1

Central Tendency

On a test, the mean is the average score; the median is the middle score; and the mode is the score that occurs most often


The commonly used measures are range, variance, and standard deviation

Control Group

The group that is treated in the same way as the experimental group except that the experimental treatment (the indépendant variable) is not applied

Experimental Group

The group to which an independent variable is applied

Descriptive Statistics

The listing and summarizing of data in a practical, efficient way


The measure of a relationship between two variables or sets of data


the branch of mathematics concerned with summarizing and making meaningful inferences from collections of data

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