Psychology Exam 4

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awareness, arousal

2 parts to consciousness

higher-level, lower-level, altered states, subconscious, and no awareness

5 levels of consciousness

sexual attraction

According to Ellen Berscheid's research, ______ is the most important ingredient of romantic love.


According to Piaget, ______ involves: interpreting new experiences in terms of one's current understanding.

concrete operational

According to Piaget, during the _____ _____stage, a child is still unlikely to demonstrate: the ability to think hypothetically.


According to the ______-______ theory, dreams are the brain's attempt to make sense of the random firing of brain cells during sleep.

diminishes performance on difficult or new tasks

According to the social facilitation effect, the presence of others _____.

About 35 percent

Approximately what percentage of participants in Solomon Asch's study conformed to the group's pressure to select the incorrect line?


Benjamin loves putting together puzzles. He has recently mastered putting together a 10-piece Sesame Street puzzle. His mother claps at his accomplishment but wants to continue challenging Benjamin just beyond his current abilities. The next time they play, she gives Benjamin a 15-piece puzzle and offers some guidance on how to sort the pieces out. According to Vygotsky, Benjamin's mother is providing _____.

less vivid

Compared to REM dreams, non-REM dreams are MORE/LESS vivid?

self perception theory

Daryl Bem's theory on how behaviors influence attitudes, stating that individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their behavior

Lower-level consciousness

Daydreaming would be considered an example of which of the levels of awareness?

frontal lobes

Deficits in the functioning of the ______ are associated with aggression.


Developmental psychologists study physical, cognitive, and ______ changes throughout the human life cycle.

helping behavior

Diffusion of responsibility is most likely to influence _____.


From 2 weeks through 2 months after conception, the human organism is known as a(n):

Low levels of androgens

In a female embryo, what allows for the development of female sex organs?

cellular clock theory

Leonard Hayflick's view that cells become less capable of dividing

concrete operational

Most children successfully acquire conservation skills during the _____ stage of cognitive development.


Nageeb thought all nurses were young females until a middle-aged male nurse took care of him. Nageeb's altered conception of a "nurse" illustrates the process of:


Nicotine raises _____ levels in the brain.


Night terrors typically occur during _____ sleep.

the self-fulfilling prophecy

Parents warn a new babysitter that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous. As a result of this initial expectation, the babysitter starts calling Dennis "Dennis the Menace," and he behaves in ways that elicit aggressive and mischievous behaviors from Dennis. This example best demonstrates the phenomenon called ______.

sensorimotor stage

Piaget's 1st stage of cognitive development, lasting from birth to about 2 years of age, during which infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motor actions

preoperational stage

Piaget's 2nd stage of cognitive development that lasts from approximately 2 to 7 years of age; more symbolic than sensorimotor thought

concrete operational stage

Piaget's 3rd stage of cognitive development, lasting from about 7-11 years of age during which the individual uses operations and replaces intuitive reasoning with logical reasoning in concrete situations

formal operational stage

Piaget's 4th stage of cognitive development, which begins at age 11-15 and continues through adulthood; it features thinking about things that are not concrete, making predictions, and using logic to come up with hypotheses about the future

object permanence

Piaget's term for the crucial accomplishment of understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot directly be seen, heard, or touched


Shane, a straight-A student, remembers dreaming that he failed an important chemistry test. According to Freud, Shane's account represents the ________ content of his dream.


Sleeping pills are classified as a(n) ______.

Subconscious awareness

Sleeping would be considered which of the levels of awareness?

stage 3 and stage 4

Sleepwalking occurs during ______ of the sleep cycle.

stage 1 sleep

The brain waves associated with REM sleep are most similar to those of:

ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens

The brain's reward pathway is located in the ______ and ______


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is _____.

90 minutes

The human sleep cycle repeats itself about every:


The need to take increasing amounts of a drug to get the same effect that a lower dose used to bring is called ______.

the fundamental attribution error

The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of inner dispositions upon another's behavior is called ______.

Cerebral cortex

What part of the brain is typically most involved in awareness?


When you go to check on your sleeping child, you observe that his eyes are moving back and forth rapidly under his eyelids. It is likely that he is _____


Which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development is characterized by egocentric thought?

The basal ganglia and prefrontal cortex

Which of the following regions of the brain are involved in meditation?

life themes

____ ____ that involve activities, social relationships, and life goals


____ effects on the body can include dizziness, nausea, and tremors; acts primarily on the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, but can also affect dopamine


____ sleep is an active stage of sleep during which dreaming occurs


____ waves reflect concentration and alertness; these waves are the highest in frequency and lowest in amplitude

social cognitive behavior

_____ _____ _____ view of hypnosis is the perspective that hypnosis is a normal state in which the hypnotized person behaves the way he or she believes that a hypnotized person should behave

Central route

_____ _____ persuasion involves engaging someone thoughtfully with a sound, logical argument

Lev Vygotsky

_____ believed that cognitive development is very much an interpersonal process that happens in a cultural context.


_____ content is the dream's hidden content; its unconscious and true meaning


_____ content is the dream's surface content, which contains dream symbols that disguise the dream's true meaning

Jean Piaget

_____ did not believe that culture and education play important roles in children's cognitive development


_____ is a complex variable that is influenced by both nature and nurture


_____ social influence is based on a person's desire to be accepted by the group.


_____ subconscious awareness is when we are awake, and processes are going on just below the surface of our awareness


_____ waves are associated with relaxation or drowsiness; low frequency, increase in amplitude, and synchrouous


_____ waves are slower frequency and greater in amplitude than alpha waves; associated with stage 1 sleep

altered states

______ ______ consciousness can range from losing one's sense of self-consciousness to hallucinating; such states can be produced by drugs, trauma, fever, fatigue, sensory deprivation, meditation and possibly hypnosis


______ involve changes in an individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality


______ is the decrease in response to a stimulus after repeated exposure to the same stimulus


______ love involves strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and is often predominant in the early part of a love relationship.


______ meditation is technique used to focus on pain, to isolate the pain from emotional response


______ processes involve changes in an individual's biological nature


______ refers to the loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension. It occurs in group situations that foster responsiveness to group norms, good or bad.

divided consciousness

_______ ________ view of hypnosis includes, Hilgard's view that hypnosis involves a splitting of consciousness into two separated components, one of which follows the hypnotist's commands and the other of which acts as a "hidden observer"


_______ processes involve changes in an individual's thought, intelligence, and language


a _____ is purposely place in a study by the experimenter in order to manipulate the situation the participants must engage in

emergent property

a big entity (like a person) that is a consequence of the interaction of multiple lower-level factors

fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)

a cluster of abnormalities and problems that appear in the offspring of mothers who drink alcohol heavily during pregnancy


a frightening dream that awakens a dreamer form REM sleep


a generalization about a group's characteristics that does not consider any variations from one individual to another

gender schema

a mental framework for understanding what if means to be male or female in one's culture


a period of rapid skeletal and sexual maturation that occurs mainly in early adolescence


a person's ability to recover from or adapt to difficult times

explicit racism

a person's conscious and openly shared prejudicial attitudes

preferential looking

a research technique that involves giving an infant a choice of what object to look at

night terror

a sudden arousal from sleep and deep fear


according to Freud, _______ thought is a reservoir of unacceptable wishes, feelings, and thoughts, that are beyond conscious awareness


according to Piaget, ______ are people's conceptual frameworks for understanding their experiences.

social cognitive

according to ______ _______ behavior view of hypnosis: hypnosis is a normal state in which the hypnotized person behaves the way he or she believes that a hypnotized person should behave

external stimuli

all those things we see, hear, and respond to when we are awake and alert


an altered state of consciousness or a psychological state of altered attention and expectation in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestions

crystallized intelligence

an individual's accumulated information and verbal skills


an individual's adjustment of his or her schemas to new information


an individual's awareness of external events and internal sensations under a condition of arousal, including awareness of the self and thoughts about one's experiences


an individual's biological inheritance, especially his or her genes

stereotype threat

an individual's fast-acting, self fulfilling fear of being judged based on a negative stereotype about his or her group


an individual's incorporation of new information into existing knowledge

cognitive dissonance

an individual's psychological discomfort caused by 2 inconsistent thoughts


an unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a group


an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the person belongs to that group


any agent that causes a birth defect, and include chemical substances ingested by the mother


attachment style that describes adults who are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and once in a relationship tend to distance themselves form their partner


attachment style that describes adults who demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive


attachment style that describes adults who have positive views of relationships, find it easy to get close to others, and are not overly concerned or stressed out about their romantic relationships

lower level

automatic processes and daydreaming are part of ______-______ consciousness


behavior that complies with the explicit demands of the individual in authority


belief in the permanence of certain attributes of objects despite superficial changes

embryonic period

by the end of the _____ period, the heart begins to beat, the arms and legs become more differentiated, the face starts to form, and the intestinal tract appears


change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard


cognitive shortcuts that allow us to make decisions rapidly

individualistic cultures

cultures that value individuals and individual accomplishments and emphasize difference and uniquieness

collectivistic cultures

cultures that value the group, emphasize group harmony, and believe that accomplishments depend on individuals carrying out their roles in the larger social network

circadian rhythms

daily behavioral or physiological cycles that involve the sleep/wake cycle, body temp, blood pressure, and blood sugar level


depressant drugs that reduce anxiety and induce relaxation; Valium and Xanx


depressant drugs, such as Nembutal and Seconal, that decrease central nervous system activity; effects include impaired memory, sleep, and breathing difficulty

cohort effects

differences between individuals that stem not necessarily from their ages but from the historical and social time period in which they were born and developed

psychoactive drugs

drugs that act on the nervous system to alter consciousness, modify perception, and change moods

social loafing

each person's tendency to exert less effort in a group because of reduced accountability for individual effort


each time a cell divides, the ____ protecting the ends of chromosomes shorten


either a physical or a psychological dependence or both, on a drug

self fulfilling prophecy

expectations cause individuals to act in ways that serve to make the expectations come true

consensual validation

explains why people are attracted to others who are similar to them

positive illusions

favorable views of the self that are not necessarily rooted in reality


feeling of oneness with the emotional state of another perosn


formal term for sleepwalking is called _______, and occurs during the deepest stages of sleep (3 and 4)


genetic condition caused by 2 recessive genes, and results in an inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine


giving people a weak version of a persuasive message and allowing them time to argue against it


giving to another person to ensure reciprocity; to gain self esteem; to present oneself as powerful, competent, or caring; or to avoid social and self censure for failing to live up to society's expectations


hormone which is produced in the brain and is secreted to increase sleepiness

social exchange theory

idea of social relationships as involving an exchange of goods, the objective of which is to minimize costs and maximize benefits

social contagion

imitative behavior involving the spread of behavior, emotions, and ideas


impaired group decision making that occurs when making the right decision is less important than maintaining group harmony

social facilitation

improvement in an individual's performance because of the presence of others


in Piaget's theory of cognitive development, human beings use _____ to make sense of thir experience

"fringe" of the stream of consciousness

in addition to the info we receive from the world, we have private experiences that surround that info; William James referred to the feelings that surround our experiences as the _______ of the stream of consciousness


in stage ___ sleep muscle activity decreases, and the person is no longer consciously aware of the environment; theta waves continue but are interspersed with a defining characteristic called sleep spindles


individual's environmental and social experience

theory of the mind

individuals' understanding that they and others think, feel, perceive, and have private experiences

informational social influence

influence other people have on us because we want to be right

affectionate love

love that occurs when an individual has a deep, caring affection for another person and desires to have that person near

romantic love

love with strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and it often predominates in the early part of a love relationship

investment model

model of long term relationship that examines the ways that commitment, investment, and the availability of attractive alternative partners predict satisfaction and stability in relationships

Lawrence Kohlberg

much research on moral reasoning and thinking has revolved around ______ ______'s theory of moral development and reactions to it


natural state of rest for the body and mind that involves the reversible loss of consciousness

false consensus effect

observers overestimation of the degree to which everybody else thinks or acts the way they do

effort justification

one type of dissonance reduction, means rationalizing the amount of effort we put into something


opium and its derivatives; narcotic drugs that depress the central nervous system's activity and eliminate pain; morphine and heroin


our feelings or opinions about people, objects, and ideas; how the person feels about the world

cerebral cortex

part of brain associated with awareness


pattern of continuity and change in human capabilities that occurs through out life, involving both growth and decline


period beginning around ages 10 to 12 and spanning the transition from childhood to adulthood


period from infancy through childhood (birth to age 10)


period that is generally separated in to early (20s to 30s) middle (40s to 50s) and late (age 60 and beyond)

biological rhythms

periodic physiological fluctuations in the body, such as rise and fall of hormones and accelerated and decelerated cycles of brain activity, that can influence behavior

foot in the door

persuasion approach that relies on the notion that in agreeing to the smaller offer, the customer has created a relationship with the seller, expressing some level of truest

door in the face

persuasion technique that involves making the biggest pitch a the the beginning, which will probably be rejected, then making a smaller concessionary demand

social comparison

process by which individuals evaluate their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and abilities in relation to others


psychoactive drugs that modify a person's perceptual experiences and produce visual images that are not real


psychoactive drugs that slow down mental and physical activity


psychoactive drugs, including caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine, that increase the central nervous system's activity

implicit racism

racial attitudes that exist on a deeper, hidden level


reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a group

cognitive development

refers to how thought intelligence, and language processes change as people mater


refers to the operation of thinking and also to our cognitive skills and abilities

cross sectional design

research design in which a group of people are assessed on a psychological variable at one point in time

gender roles

roles that reflect the individual's expectations for how females and males should think, act, and feel

suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

small brain structure that uses input from the retina to synchronize its own rhythm with the daily cycle of light and dark; the body's way of monitoring the change form day to night


social behavior whose objective is to harm someone, either physically or verbally

three, four

stage ___ and ___ are characterized by delta waves; these 2 stages are often referred to as delta sleep


stage ___ sleep is characterized by drowsy sleep; person may experience sudden muscle movements called myoclonic jerks


state of consciousness that involves low level of conscious effort is ________; it is like dreaming while awake

automatic processes

states of consciousness that require little attention and do not interfere with other ongoing activities

frustration-aggression hypothesis

states that frustration-the blocking of an individual's attempt sot reach a goal-always leads to aggression

sleep spindles

sudden increase in wave frequency


sudden overpowering urge to sleep

Jean Piaget

swiss developmental psychologist _____ _____ traced cognitive development through childhood into adulthood

MDMA (ecstasy)

synthetic drug with both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties; users tend to feel warm bonds with others; it produces its effects by releasing serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine

fundamental attribution error

tendency to explain the behavior of others in terms of their personalities rather than aspects of the situation

stream of consciousness

term used by William James to describe the mind as a continuous flow of changing sensations, images, thoughts and feelings


the 1st part of consciousness is ______, and includes awareness of the self and thoughts about one's experiences


the 2nd part of consciousness is ______, it is the physiological state of being engaged with the environment


the ______ route involves non-message factors such as the source's credibility and attractiveness or emotional appeals


the ______ route to persuasion works by engaging someone thoughtfully with a sound, logical argument

fluid intelligence

the ability to reason abstractly

normative social influence

the influence others have on us because we want them to like us


the medulla, brain stem, thalamus, and reticular activating system are all parts of the brain associated with the physiological state of _____

mere exposure effect

the more we encounter someone or something, the more likely we are to start liking the person

controlled processes

the most alert states of human consciousness during which individuals actively focus their efforts toward a goal


the need to take increasing amounts of a drug to get the same effect

physical dependence

the physiological need for a drug that causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such a s physical pain and craving for the drug when it is discontinued


the social and psychological aspects of being male or female

group polarization effect

the solidification and further strengthening of an individual's position as a consequence of a group discussion or interaction


the specialization of function in one hemisphere of the brain or the other

psychological dependence

the strong desire to repeat the use a drug for emotional reasons, such as a feeling of well-being and reduction of stress

social psychology

the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people


the subconscious processing that leads to a solution to a problem after a break from conscious thought about the problem; info is being processed even if we are unaware of that processing


the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is located in the ________; it receives info from the retina about light, which is the external stimulus that synchronizes the SCN

risky shift

the tendency for a group decision to be riskier than the average decision made by the individual group members

bystander effect

the tendency for an individual who observes an emergency to help less when other people are present that when the observer is alone


the tendency to favor on'e own ethnic group over other groups

self-serving bias

the tendency to take credit for on'e own successes and to deny responsibility for on'e own failures

attribution theory

the view that people are motivated to discover the underlying causes of behavior as part of their effort to make sense of the behavior

social identity

the way individuals define themselves in terms of their group membership

elaboration likelihood model

theory identifying 2 ways to persuade: a central route and a peripheral route

cognitive theory of dreaming

theory proposing that we can understand dreaming by applying the same cognitive concepts we use in studying the waking mind

activation synthesis theory

theory that dreaming occurs when the cerebral cortex synthesizes neural signals generated from activity in the lower brain and that dreams result from the brain's attempts to find logic in random brain activity that occurs during sleep


thoughts about our thoughts


unselfish interest in helping another person

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