Psychology Final

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their basal metabolic rate dropped and they lost weight.

A group of protesters went on a hunger strike and drastically lowered their caloric intake. It is likely that, in response to this semistarvation:

survive longer

A local religious organization has taken an interest in reaching out to community members with AIDS. They were prompted to do this when they learned that religiously active AIDS patients seem to _____ than do their nonreligious counterparts


A person from a culture that emphasizes _____ gives priority to the goals of the group and defines the self accordingly.

right frontal lobe.

A person who is prone to depression has increased activity in his:

have fewer sleepless nights

A person with very high self-esteem is likely to _____ than a person with low self-esteem.

posttraumatic growth

A positive psychological change that results from struggling with extreme challenging circumstances and life crises is called:

exposure therapy

A therapist helps Rebecca overcome her fear of water by getting her to swim in the family's backyard pool three times a day for two consecutive weeks. The therapist's approach to helping Rebecca best illustrates

operant conditioning procedures

A token economy incorporates _______ to modify behaviors by reinforcing desired behaviors with tokes that can be exchanged for various treats

dilation of his pupils.

A train is rapidly approaching, and Antonio's car stalls in the middle of the railroad tracks. His emotional arousal is likely to be accompanied by:


About _____ of all children whose lack of conscience becomes plain before age 15 become antisocial adults.


Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by the opinions of others display:

the feel-good, do-good phenomenon.

After receiving exciting news about his grandson's healthy birth, Mr. Haney was easily persuaded to contribute a generous sum of money to a neighborhood church. This BEST illustrates:

At at increased risk for antisocial behavior

Although the cause of antisocial personality disorder is unclear, some people do appear to have a genetic vulnerability. For example, twin and adoption studies indicate that biological relatives of those with antisocial personality disorder:

Phase 1, experiencing an alarm reaction.

Anders has just received devastating news about the copy shop he owns. Things seem very bleak because a nationally known competitor is opening a shop on the same block. Anders has many debts to pay off, and his wife is expecting their fourth child. When he hears the bad news, his heart rate zooms and he feels faint, like he is in shock. According to Hans Selye, he is in:

use the double-blind technique

Dr. Pimler is conducting a study on a new antipsychotic medication. In order to determine if the drug is effective, he should:


Earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and storms are all examples of:


Finn has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Which problem would he most likely NOT be exhibiting?

Antisocial personality

For which disorder have field trials on the new DSM-5 categories found less support?


Frieda is organized, careful, and disciplined. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


Frieda is typically very shy. However, while watching a rock concert with a huge crowd, she lost her inhibitions and behaved in a sexually provocative way. Frieda's unusual behavior is BEST understood in terms of:

positive growth in humans; the growth of healthy trees

Genuineness, acceptance, and empathy are to _____ as water, sun, and nutrients are to _____.

mindfulness meditation.

Gerri's psychologist has suggested that she take time to relax and silently pay attention to her inner state. This technique is called:

Hope for demoralized people

Good therapies seem to share much in common, including:


If shown an angry face in a frightening situation, how will most people judge the face?

the men who thought they were drinking alcohol will feel LESS guilty than those who did NOT think they were drinking alcohol, regardless of the true content of the beverage.

In a double-blind procedure, one group of men is given a beverage containing alcohol and a second group is given a similar-tasting beverage that contains no alcohol. In each group, half the men are told that they are drinking an alcoholic beverage and half are told that their beverage is nonalcoholic. All the men then view erotic movies. After watching the erotic material, research indicates that:

left frontal lobe.

In a positive mood, a person will experience increased activity in her:

This perspective focuses too much on the situation and fails to appreciate a person's inner traits.

In a psychology class debate on the social-cognitive perspective, the students are asked to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the social-cognitive perspective can they cite?

those who had expressed happiness and love in their autobiographies

In a senior writing seminar, students were asked to write a brief autobiography. Sixty years later, if a researcher were to analyze these autobiographies, which group is likely to live an average of seven years longer?

express heightened racial prejudice.

In a study, researchers temporarily deflated the self-image of participants by telling them they did poorly on a test. The participants were MORE likely to:

a token economy

In an eating disorders clinic, the patients receive merits for good eating behaviors such as finishing their meal, and not exercising after their meal. This best illustrates an application of:


In this form of therapy, a trained therapist may explore a client's early relationships, encourage the client to adopt new ways of thinking, or coach the client in replacing old behaviors with new ones.


In what way do different cultures vary the MOST in their expression of emotion?

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

It is an election year, and a volunteer asks if Jay would put a small sign in his yard. He agrees. The next week, Jay's wife cannot believe he agreed to put a 3-foot sign on the front lawn. This scenario is explained by:

reciprocal determinism

Katrina is a worrier. She worries about her family, her friends, and herself. She is particularly aware of potential hazards in the environment, and she sees the world as a dangerous place. Her personality is shaped by how she interprets and reacts to events. Albert Bandura called this process:

social facilitation

Lars is an excellent violinist. In front of an audience, he tends to play his violin even more beautifully than when he is alone. This is MOST likely caused by:

generalized anxiety disorder

Lenore is continually tense and plagued by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. Lenore MOST likely suffers from:

belongingness and love needs

Maia has plenty of food and lives in a nice house. Now she feels she needs to find a lover or even a close friend or two with whom she can share her life. According to Abraham Maslow, what is motivating her?


Mark's friend's father has just died. Mark tells his friend that he truly feels the pain that she is going through. Mark really understands her grief, and they cry together, as he can actually feel her loss. This is an example of:


Marsha has a very pleasant view on life. She always expects the best out of people and is confident that she will be successful. Marsha's attitude exemplifies:

learned helplessness

Martin Seligman strapped dogs into a harness and repeatedly shocked them. The dogs could not avoid the shocks. Later, placed in a situation where they COULD escape the shocks, the dogs cowered as if without hope. This passive resignation is known as:

Dorothea Dix and Philippe Pinel

Mental health reform came about from the efforts of individuals such as ____ and ____.

The behavior has been apart of Naima's upbringing.

Naima washes her hands about 50 times a day because she is afraid of the germs that seem to be everywhere. On the other hand, Rana washes her hands about 50 times a day because she is a nurse practitioner and she knows that it is an important part of her job. Which reason does NOT explain why only Naima's hand washing is considered part of a psychological disorder?

Ivan, who experiences sudden brief episodes of intense dread and panic

Of these individuals, who is MOST likely to benefit from the use of lithium?


Our characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is known as:


Our sense of competence and effectiveness is known as self-:


Psychodynamic theories are derived from Freud's concept of _____, which was his theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques.

B lymphocytes

These cells release antibodies that fight bacterial infections

biomedical therapy

This form of therapy offers medications as treatment for psychological disorders.

passionate love

This is an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship.

Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer.

To experience an emotion, a person must be physically aroused and cognitively label that arousal. This theory of emotion was suggested by:


Trina suffers from depression. Her physician has placed her on an antidepressant called Paxil that will help to increase her _____ supplies by blocking reuptake so that her receptor sites get enough of this neurotransmitter

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

We prioritize survival-based needs and then social needs more than the needs for esteem and meaning. Of which theory is this idea a major premise?


What are the odds of being hooked after trying marijuana?

words used in a blog post

What can be predicted from scores on the Big Five trait theory?

Happiness levels remain about the same.

What effect has economic growth in relatively wealthy countries had on citizens' happiness?


What percentage of Americans agreed that "increased government spending on mental health screening and treatment" would be a "somewhat" or "very" effective "approach to preventing mass shootings at schools?"

frustration-aggression principle.

When the temperatures go up in the summer, the rate of violent crimes increases. This is BEST explained in terms of the:

frontal lobe

Which area of the brain tends to be larger in individuals with higher levels of conscientiousness?

suffering from a mental disorder

Which factor is NOT a good predictor of acting violently?

social acceptance

Which of the following is NOT a component of prejudice?


Which of the following is NOT a theory of personality?


Which of these cultural groups has a lower rate of substance abuse as compared with the general population?

believing that their fate is decided by luck

Which of these is NOT likely to be exhibited by people with an internal locus of control versus people with an external locus of control?

How does temperature affect language perception?

Which question would a social psychologist be LEAST likely to research?

Make sure that you keep in touch online with all your close friends.

Which strategy is NOT a way to balance online activity and real-world connections?


White blood cells that work to destroy bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders in the body are called:

Marco, who has schizophrenia

Who is MOST likely to commit a violent criminal act?

religious faith

With which factor have researchers found happiness to be associated?

posttraumatic stress

Years after he barely survived a violent attack that killed his wife and two children, Mr. Puskari suffers recurring flashbacks and frequent nightmares of the event. They render him incapable of holding a steady job. Mr. Puskari is MOST clearly showing signs of _____ disorder.

chances are good that he will improve during this waiting period

Zander has been struggling with personal issues and has decided to seek help at a mental health clinlic. Unfortunately, he was put on a waiting list and told that he would have to wait several weeks before he could meet with a therapist. According to Hans Eysenck's findings, what will probably happen to Zander?

Carl Rogers

_____ emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in healthy personality development.


_____ psychologists explore how we think about, influence, and relate to one another.


_____ refer(s) to a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior.

Biomedical therapy

______ is a type of treatment that physically changes the brain's functioning.

viral infections

The relationship between the season in which people are born and their subsequent risk of schizophrenia BEST highlights the role of _____ in this disorder.


The risk of suicide is _____ times greater in individuals who have experienced depression.

the James-Lange theory

As she was riding her bicycle down a hill, Wendy hit a large rock and began to lose her balance. She managed to come to a stop without falling. Once she stopped, she noticed her heart was racing and she was shaking. After that, she realized she was frightened. Which theory of emotion BEST explains this sequence of events?


Brandon thinks that he is a great guy. He thinks he is good looking and smart and that any girl would be lucky to have him choose her to be his girlfriend. He knows that all girls are attracted to him. Brandon's example illustrates:


Bruce has been smoking since he was 15 years old. His doctor tells him that he needs to quit for his health. Bruce tells the doctor, "Look, smoking is the only bad thing I do, and besides, you have to die from something." This BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:

reaction formation

Bryce often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize that he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:


By which group is the tend-and-befriend strategy MOST often used?

They spend a greater-than-average amount of time online.

Compared with the general population, how much time do lonely people spend online?


Cultural differences in psychotherapy can be seen when therapists in North America, Europe, and Australia emphasize:

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Researchers asked homeowners for permission to install a large, poorly lettered sign in their front yards. Only 17 percent of the homeowners consented to the installations. Researchers then approached different homeowners and asked if they could post a small sign. Nearly all agreed. Then, when asked two weeks later if they could post the large, ugly sign, 76 percent consented. The results of this experiment support:

"Make sure you do not eat all day and just eat a large meal at night."

Sarah is overweight and would like to lose about 40 pounds. Which suggestion would you NOT give her?

multiple personalities

Schizophrenia is a severe disorder that is NOT characterized by:

becoming more anxious from the stress of the exercise program.

Shane's doctor suggests that he begin an aerobic exercise program in addition to the psychotherapy for his depression. As a result, Shane will NOT experience:

posttraumatic growth

Suffering can lead to _______; that is, a challenging crisis can lead to an increased appreciation for life, more meaningful relationships, and changed priorities


Susan has been diagnosed with panic disorder and refuses to leave her home without her husband. She fears any situation in which she cannot escape or find help when a panic attack would strike. Susan suffers from panic disorder with:

antisocial personality disorder

Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. Last week, he was shot while trying to rob a corner grocery. Tate then went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. Tate might be diagnosed as having:

sounds and voices

The MOST common hallucinations experienced in schizophrenia are:


The ability to cope with stress and recover from adversity is known as:


The concept of a set point is relevant to understanding the experience of:

underestimating situational influences on another's behavior.

The fundamental attribution error involves:


The instantaneous and automatic fear response people experience when unexpectedly stumbling upon a snake illustrates the importance of the:

social facilitation

The local basketball team seems to perform better in front of the home audience on their home court. This BEST illustrates:


The police brought Elaine to the emergency room after she was seen running down the street in her underwear and yelling that she "has the power!" Elaine was also spending large amounts of money across town and was rude and reckless over the last five days. In the emergency room, she would not be quiet long enough for the nurse to ask her questions. Elaine is MOST likely suffering from a(n) _____ disorder.

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