Psychology Final PART 2

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Which of the following illustrates continuous reinforcement?

You become less thirsty every time you drink a glass of water

A variable ratio schedule is best described as providing reinforcement after

any number of correct responses have been made

Ivan pavlov is best known for his research in

classical conditionign

From the ______ perspective, the dog in Pavlov's experiments salivated in response to the bell because the bell became mentally connect to the meat powder.


After the bell became an effective CS, Pavlov then paired it with a light. Eventually, the light was able to elicit the response of salivation. What is this an example of?

higher-order conditioning

The term reinforcement was preferred over the term reward because Skinner believed that the latter suggested

mental processes were involved in learning

IN Pavlov's original experiments, the bell was at first a(n) ______ stimulus.


Individuals who buy lottery tickets on a regular basis are usually on a _____ schedule


The reason we are more likely to stop at a red light than at a green light is because

we learn that stopping at red lights is associated with avoiding accidents and tickets.

Operant condition can be effective in which of the following circumstances

-modifying one's own behavior -lowering blood pressure -disciplining children at school

What is a conditioned response?

A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.

Which of the following best describes giving a dog food after rolling over?

A positive, primary, immediate reinforcer was given.

Your dog starts to salivate when you use the electric can opener to open his can of dog food. After learning the principles of classical conditioning, it becomes obvious to you that the can opener has become an effective

CS (conditioned stimulus)

Who developed programmed learning?


Professor Fournier gives a quiz every Monday. His students would then tend to _____ because they are on a _______ schedule of reinforcement.

Study on Sunday nights; fixed- interval

A car dealer's summer and fall incentive programs are an example of what?

a fixed interval schedule

Generalization is to discrimination as

broader is to narrower

Psychologists and other researchers must protect and respect the privacy of research participants. This concern recognized the requirement for


When you are beginning to train your dog to "sit", it is most effective put him on

continuous reinforcement

Placing a disruptive child in time out where the child is in a restrictive environment and completely isolated from either teacher or peer approval illustrates the use of


Positive reinforcement is to increasing behavior as ______ is to decreasing behavior


Your child fears going to the doctor because on her las visit she received a painful treatment. Now every tine your child visits the doctor the nurse is with him. You notice the child seems afraid of the nurse even though she has never administered a painful treatment. What is this probably due to?

higher-order conditioning

Examples of a ____ would be the use of a "sugar pill" instead of real medication or tonic water instead of an alcoholic beverage. However, the individual must believe that he or she is experiencing the real thing.


Behavior therapists prefer systematic desensitization over flooding as behavior therapy to reduce fears because

the process of relaxation and gradual exposure to varied forms of the feared stimuli i more pleasant

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