Psychology Final pt. 1

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social conflict

According to Durlez and Stangor & Crandall,__________is a source of prejudice. a. similarity b. social conflict c. altruism d. reciprocity

it involves fascination for the loved one, sexual craving, and the desire for exclusiveness

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, identify a true statement about passion. a. It involves fascination for the loved one, sexual craving, and the desire for exclusiveness. b. It involves closeness and caring—championing the interests of the loved one, even if it entails sacrificing one's own. c. It refers to the enhancement and maintenance of a relationship. d. It is absent in romantic love.

post traumatic stress disorder

Disaster victims may experience debilitating anxiety reactions months and years after the actual disaster. These patients are diagnosed with: a. illness anxiety disorder. b. dissociative identity disorder. c. generalized anxiety disorder. d. post traumatic stress disorder

psychological factors

Many health problems are affected by__________such as attitudes, emotions, and behavior. a. psychological factors b. sociocultural factors c. biological factors d. environmental factors

are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive

Type A people: a. readily delegate authority in the workplace and thus decrease their own workload. b. eat, walk, and talk slowly. c. are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive. d. are not prone to getting into auto accidents

psychological needs differ markedly from one person to another

Which of the following is true of psychological needs? a. Psychological needs include the need for pain avoidance and proper temperature. b. Psychological needs are always based on states of deprivation. c. Psychological needs differ markedly from one person to another. d. Psychological needs are the basic needs required for survival.

housing people with psychological disorders

Asylums were intended primarily for: a. housing new slaves in America. b. housing people with psychological disorders. c. ensuring that people with psychological disorders reentered society after being treated. d. treating individuals with psychological disorders through therapies that did not involve violence.


According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, _____ involves closeness and caring championing the interests of the loved one, even if it entails sacrificing one's own. a. commitment b. intimacy c. passion d. reciprocity


Nadine works for an accounting firm. She makes enough money for herself and has bought a house with a top-notch security system. In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Nadine has fulfilled her _____ needs. a. esteem b. safety c. self-actualization d. social


Delmar believes that he has been sent to earth to save mankind. He believes that women are evil and that any male who speaks to a female is doomed to be a slave. He often tells people of his grand plan to save males from the influence of females. Nothing one says or does can convince him that his ideas are absurd. Delmar's behavior best exemplifies _____. a. hallucinations b. waxy flexibility c. delusions d. catatonia

phallic stage

Feud believed that the Electra complex develops in the__________of psychosexual development. a. anal stage b. genital stage c. oral stage d. phallic stage

dissociative identity disorder

Harry is least interested in music. He tells his friends that playing a musical instrument is a waste of time. However, on several occasions, Harry's friends have noticed that he plays the guitar like a professional. When his friends question him on such occasions, Harry replies, "I am Joe and playing the guitar is my passion." In this scenario, Harry exhibits: a. depersonalization-derealization disorder. b. bipolar disorder. c. dissociative identity disorder. d. illness anxiety disorder.


In addition to his normal duties, a professor actively participates in the extra-curricular activities of the college where he teaches. According to Suzanne Kobasa, which of the following characteristics of psychological hardiness does the professor exhibit? a. Commitment b. Challenge c. Control d. Humor

both positive and negative symptoms

Mary has schizophrenia and exhibits symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, lack of emotional expression, and social withdrawal. Mary exhibits: a. positive symptoms but not negative symptoms. b. negative symptoms but not positive symptoms. c. both positive and negative symptoms. d. neither positive nor negative symptoms.

parasympathetic arousal

Richard has not been successful in getting a job despite several efforts. Thinking about his failure, he feels helpless, hopeless, and even feels suicidal at times. What other symptom is most likely to be associated with Richard's condition? a. Parasympathetic arousal b. Adaptive thermogenesis c. Hyperphagia d. Nervosa bulimia

Disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood

Schizophrenia is characterized by: a. an inability to be alone. b. negative symptoms such as flat, emotionless voices but not by positive symptoms. c. disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood. d. positive symptoms but not negative symptoms

oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of stages in Sigmund Freud's theory of psycho sexual development? a. Oral, phallic, anal, genital, and latency b. Phallic, oral, genital, latency, and anal c. Anal, oral, phallic, latency, and genital d. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital

tendencies toward perfectionism and rumination, which are found among many people with somatoform disorders, are thought to be at least partly heritable

Which of the following statements is true of somatoform disorders? a. Schizophrenia is a type of somatoform disorder. b. Tendencies toward perfectionism and rumination, which are found among many people with somatoform disorders, are thought to be at least partly heritable. c. Somatoform disorders are characterized by the separation of mental processes such as thoughts, emotions, identity, memory, or consciousness. d. Somatoform disorders are characterized by the presence of two or more personalities in one person.

is psychologically hardy

Carole is a healthy teenager. She is able to resist illness despite being severely stressed at times. She believes that change is normal and can face adverse situations well. Psychologists would say that Carole: a. exhibits low self-efficacy expectations. b. is psychologically hardy. c. is indulging in irrational beliefs. d. is catastrophizing.

the beginning of the third month of pregnancy until birth

In the context of prenatal development, the fetal stage lasts from: a. the conception to the implantation. b. the implantation until about the fourth week of development. c. the beginning of the third month of pregnancy until birth. d. the second month of pregnancy to the third month.

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