Psychology Test #1 Questions

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A researcher wants to know whether noise level affects workers' blood pressure. In one group, she varies the level of noise in the environment and records participants' blood pressure. In this experiment, the level of noise is the __________ __________.

Independent variable

As the night progresses, what happens to the REM stage of sleep?

It increases in duration

A study finds that the more childbirth training classes women attend, the less pain medication they require during childbirth. This finding can be stated as a __________ (positive/negative) correlation.


Which dream theory best explains why we often dream of daily things we've seen or done?

The information-processing explanation of dreaming proposes that brain activity during REM sleep enables us to sift through the daily events and activities we have been thinking about.

How do different neural networks communicate with one another to let you respond when a friend greets you at a party?

The visual cortex is a neural network of sensory neurons that connect to other neural networks, including auditory networks. If you can see and hear, then both of these networks work together to process visual and auditory information so you can respond.

In a sending neuron, when an action potential reaches an axon terminal, the impulse triggers the release of chemical messengers called _________.


A mental health professional with a medical degree who can prescribe medication is a _________.


For your survey, you need to establish a group of people who represent the country's entire adult population. To do this, you will need to question a _______________ sample of the population.


In the early twentieth century, _________ redefined psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior". a. John B. Watson b. Abraham Maslow c. William James d. Sigmund Freud

a. John B. Watson

What branch of psychology was promoted by Wilhelm Wundt? a. structuralism b. functionalism c. behaviorism d. humanistic psychology

a. structuralism

Regarding a neuron's response to stimulation, the intensity of the stimulus determine a. whether or not an impulse is generated b. how fast an impulse is transmitted c. how intense an impulse will be d. whether reuptake will occur

a. whether or not an impulse is generated

A cat's ferocious response to electrical brain stimulation would lead you to suppose the electrode had touched the _________________.


Which of the following is an explanation using principles that organize observations and predict behaviors or events? a. theory b. hypothesis c. operational definition d. correlation

a. theory

The autonomic nervous system a. is also referred to as the skeletal nervous system b. controls the glands and muscles of our internal organs c. is a voluntary system under our conscious control d. monitors sensory input and triggers motor output

b. controls the glands and muscles of our internal organs

inattentional blindness is a product of our ________ attention


An 8-month-old infant who reacts to a new babysitter by crying and clinging to his father's shoulder is showing __________ __________.

stranger anxiety

From the very first weeks of life, infants differ in their characteristic emotional reactions, with some infants being intense and anxious, while others are easygoing and relaxed. These differences are usually explained as differences in ___________.


Chemicals that the placenta isn't able to screen out that may harm an embryo or fetus are called _________.


The _________ _________ describes the enhanced memory that results from repeated retrieval (as in self-testing) rather than from simple rereading of new information.

testing effect

The threadlike structures made largely of DNA molecules are called __________.


Our body temperature tends to rise and fall in synch with a biological clock, which is referred to as ________ _________.

circadian rhythm

Developmental Psychology examines our physical, cognitive, and social development a. during early childhood b. during childhood and adolescence c. from childhood to adulthood d. across the lifespan

d. across the lifespan

In defending their experimental research with animals, psychologists have noted that a. animals' biology and behavior can tell us much about our own b. animal experimentation sometimes helps animals as well as humans c. animals are fascinating creatures and worthy of study d. all of these statements are correct

d. all of these statements are correct

As scientists, psychologists a. keep their methods private so others will not repeat their research b. assume the truth of articles published in leading scientific journals c. reject evidence that competes with traditional findings d. are willing to ask questions and to reject claims that cannot be verified by research

d. are willing to ask questions and to reject claims that cannot be verified by research

A psychologist treating emotionally troubled adolescents at a local mental health agency is most likely to be a(n) a. research psychologist b. psychiatrist c. industrial-organizational psychologist d. clinical psychologist

d. clinical psychologist

What are the three key elements of the scientific attitude? a. observation, skepticism, experimentation b. skepticism, exploration, experimentation c. curiosity, observation, humility d. curiosity, skepticism, humility

d. curiosity, skepticism, humility

Neural impulses are received by the _________, and then transmitted to other neurons by the ________. a. cell body; dendrites b. dendrites; cell body c. axon; dendrites d. dendrites; axon

d. dendrites; axon

Jess has Parkinsons' disease. Of what neurotransmitter does Jess have an undersupply? a. serotonin b. endorphins c. norepinephrine d. dopamine

d. dopamine

the complete instructions for making an organism, consisting of all the genetic material in that organism's chromosomes, is known as _______ a. DNA b. heredity c. genes d. genome

d. genome

In interpreting dreams, Freud was most interested in their a. information-processing function b. physiological function c. manifest content, or storyline d. latent content, or hidden meaning

d. latent content, or hidden meaning

If a neurosurgeon stimulated your right motor cortex, you would most likely a. see light b. hear a sound c. feel a touch on the right arm d. move your left leg

d. move your left leg

The thalamus functions as a a. memory bank b. balance center c. breathing regulator d. sensory control center

d. sensory control center

Melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, is secreted by the ________. a. amygdala b. pituitary gland c. reticular formation d. suprachiasmatic nucleus

d. suprachiasmatic nucleus

The text recommends that students employ the SQ3R method to help them learn, remember, and thrive. The acronym SQ3R stands for _______. a. survey, quiz, read, relate, revise b. scrutinize, question, read, record, reflect c. summarize, query, recite, reason, review d. survey, question, read, retrieve, review

d. survey, question, read, retrieve, review

Which structure is NOT part of the limbic system? a. amygdala b. hypothalamus c. hippocampus d. thalamus

d. thalamus

To explain behaviors and clarify cause and effect, psychologists use _________.


Why can't people consciously recall learning to walk?

we have little conscious recall of events occurring before age 4, in part b/c major brain areas have not yet matured

Between ages 3 and 6, the human brain experiences the greatest growth in the __________ lobes, which enable rational planning and aid memory.


Judging and planning are enabled by the _______ lobes.


A small segment of DNA is called a __________.


Freud defined the healthy adult as one who is able to love and work. Erikson agreed, observing that the adult struggles to attain intimacy and ________.


The initial reward center discovered by Olds and Milner was located in the _________.


A theory based prediction is called a(n) ____________.


Failure to see visible objects because our attention is occupied elsewhere is called

inattentional blindness

Use Piaget's first three stages of cognitive development to explain why young children are not just miniature adults in the way they think.

1. Sensorimotor Stage - in this stage, children tend to be focused on only their perception of the world, and may be unaware that objects continue to exist when unseen. 2. Preoperational Stage - still egocentric and incapable of appreciating simple logic 3. Concrete Operational Stage - beginning to think logically about concrete events but not about abstract concepts

How can critical thinking help you evaluate claims in the media, even if you're not a scientific expert on the issue?

Because critical thinking makes you think about the facts before jumping to conclusions. Using critical thinking, you can see if a claim has any evidence from experts/credible sources to back it up and if there are any studies proving the claim

In a series of experiments, the Harlows found that monkeys raised with artificial mothers tended, when afraid, to cling to their cloth mother, rather than to a wire mother holding the feeding bottle. Why was this finding important?

Before these studies, many psychologists believed that infants simply became attached to those who nourished them

How do cross-sectional and longitudinal studies differ?

Cross-sectional studies compare people of different ages at one point in time. Longitudinal studies restudy and retest the same people over a long period of time.

The brain emits large, slow delta waves during _____ sleep.


An experimenter flashes the word HERON across the visual field of a man whose corpus callosum has been severed. HER is transmitted to his right hemisphere and ON to his left hemisphere. When asked to indicate what he saw, the man says he saw ________ but his left hand points to __________.


"Nurture works on what nature provides." Describe what this means, using your own words.

Our environment has an effect on us but within the limits of our biology.

The tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation is referred to as ________ ________.

REM rebound

In 1879, in psychology's first experiment, _________ and his students measured the time lag between hearing a ball hit a platform and pressing a key.

Wilhelm Wundt

What is the difference between narcolepsy and sleep apnea?

With narcolepsy, the person periodically falls directly into REM sleep with no warning. With sleep apnea, the person repeatedly awakens during the night.

Here are some recently reported correlations, with interpretations drawn by journalists. Knowing just these correlations, can you come up with other possible explanations for each of these? a. Alcohol use is associated with violence. (One interpretation: Drinking triggers, or unleashes, an aggressive behavior.) b. Educated people live longer, on average, than less educated people. (One interpretation: Education lengthens life and improves health.) c. Teens engaged in team sports are less likely to use drugs, smoke, have sex, carry weapons, and eat junk food than teens who do not engage in team sports. (One interpretation: Team sports encourage healthy living.) d. Adolescents who frequently see smoking in movies are more likely to smoke. (One interpretation: Movie stars' behavior influences impressionable teens)

a. People who are drink and are violent are just predisposed to those things b. People who can afford better education are also then able to afford better healthcare c. Having an official activity to do that requires you to be disciplined could cause this correlation. The adolescents who do these things may not do any activities in their freetime. d. adolescents who are allowed to go to the movies unsupervised and see people smoking already have less supervision so are more likely to be rebellious and smoke.

Although Piaget's stage theory continues to inform our understanding of children's thinking, many researchers believe that a. Piaget's stages begin earlier and development is more continuous than he realized b. children do not progress as rapidly as Piaget predicted c. few children progress to the concrete operational stage d. there is no way of testing much of Piaget's theoretical work

a. Piaget's stages begin earlier and development is more continuous than he realized

Knowing that two events are correlated provides ________. a. a basis for prediction b. an explanation of why the events are related c. proof that as one increases, the other also increases d. an indication that an underlying third factor is at work

a. a basis for prediction

Stroke a newborn's cheek and the infant will root for a nipple. This illustrates a. a reflex b. nurture c. preference d. continuity

a. a reflex

In an experiment studying the effects of caffeine on alertness in college students, the independent variable is the __________. a. amount of caffeine b. level of alertness c. age of the college student d. gender of the researcher

a. amount of caffeine

Which brain regions are involved primarily in higher mental functions such as learning, remembering, thinking, and speaking? a. association areas b. temporal lobes c. corpus callosum d. amygdalae

a. association areas

William James would be considered a(n) _________ William Wundt would be considered a(n) __________ a. functionalist; structuralist b. structuralist; functionalist c. evolutionary theorist; structuralist d. functionalist; evolutionary theorist

a. functionalist; structuralist

Maggie has learned that her favorite toy does not disappear when it is covered with a blanket, but that it remains underneath the blanket. According to Jean Piaget, Maggie has an understanding of _________. a. object permanence b. conservation c. theory of mind d. assimilation

a. object permanence

The most influential endocrine gland, known as the master gland, is the a. pituitary b. hypothalamus c. thyroid d. pancreas

a. pituitary

Studies of people with split brains and brain scans of those with undivided brains indicate that the left hemisphere excels in a. processing language b. visual perceptions c. making inferences d. neurogenesis

a. processing language

By age 65, a person would be most likely to experience a cognitive decline in the ability to a. recall and list all the important terms and concepts in a chapter b. select the correct definition in a multiple choice question c. recall their own birth date d. practice a well-learned skill, such as knitting

a. recall and list all the important terms and concepts in a chapter

The __________ _________ secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine, helping to arouse the body during times of stress.

adrenal glands

The "uncommitted" areas that make up about 3/4 of the cerebral cortex are called _________ __________.

association areas

The sympathetic nervous system arouses us for action and the parasympathetic nervous system calms us down. Together the two systems make up the ________ nervous system.


The neuron fiber that passes messages through its branches to other neurons or to muscles and glands is the _________.


Which of the following is true regarding gender differences and similarities? a. Differences between the genders outweigh any similarities b. Despite some gender differences, the underlying processes of human behavior are the same c. Both similarities and differences between the genders depend more on biology than on the environment

b. Despite some gender differences, the underlying processes of human behavior are the same

Andy has many toys and books; his parents keep him engaged in stimulating and fun activities throughout the week. How will this affect his developing nervous system? a. He will have a smaller cerebral cortex b. He will have a heavier brain cortex c. He will have few but effective neurons d. His neurons will have short dendrites

b. He will have a heavier brain cortex

Which of the following is responsible for secreting hormones to help arouse the body in times of stress? a. hypothalamus b. adrenal glands b. pituitary gland d. parasympathetic nervous system

b. adrenal glands

Nature is to nurture as a. personality is to intelligence b. biology is to experience c. intelligence is to biology d. psychological traits are to behaviors

b. biology is to experience

Adoption studies seek to understand genetic influences on personality. They do this mainly by a. comparing adopted children with nonadopted children b. evaluating whether adopted children's personalities more closely resemble those of their adoptive parents or their biological parents c. studying the effect of prior neglect on adopted children d. studying the effect of children's age at adoption

b. evaluating whether adopted children's personalities more closely resemble those of their adoptive parents or their biological parents

In Erikson's stages, the primary task during adolescence is a. attaining formal operations b. forging an identity c. developing a sense of intimacy with another person d. living independent of parents

b. forging an identity

Margaret decides that, after her son leaves the house for college, she will go back to school to obtain her Master's degree in a new field because she is bored with her job. According to Erik Erikson, Margaret may be struggling with the psychosocial issue of _________. a. initiative versus guilty b. generativity versus stagnation c. identity versus role confusion d. competence versus inferiority

b. generativity versus stagnation

Two parts of the limbic system are the amygdala and the a. cerebral hemispheres b. hippocampus c. thalamus d. pituitary

b. hippocampus

Which area of psychology emphasizes growth potential of healthy people? a. behaviorism b. humanistic c. cognitive neuroscience d. social-cultural

b. humanistic

The neural structure that most directly regulates eating, drinking, and body temperature is the a. endocrine system b. hypothalamus c. hippocampus d. amygdala

b. hypothalamus

According to Erikson's theory, ________ is the development achievement required to form close, loving relationships. a. social identity b. intimacy c. moral reasoning d. attachment

b. intimacy

Damage to the brain's right hemisphere is most likely to reduce a person's ability to a. recite the alphabet rapidly b. make inferences c. understand verbal instructions d. solve arithmetic problems

b. make inferences

The part of the brainstem that controls heartbeat and breathing is the a. cerebellum b. medulla c. cortex d. thalamus

b. medulla

During the NREM-1 sleep stage, a person is most likely to experience a. deep sleep b. night terrors or nightmares c. hallucinations d. rapid eye movements

b. night terrors or nightmares

Endorphins are released in the brain in response to a. morphine or heroin b. pain or vigorous exercise c. the all-or-none response d. all of the above

b. pain or vigorous exercise

The ability of our brain to change, and thus adapt to our changing world, is known as __________. a. flexibility b. pliability c. fluidity d. plasticity

b. plasticity

Adolescence is marked by the onset of a. an identity crisis b. puberty c. separation anxiety d. parent-child conflict

b. puberty

The laboratory environment is designed to a. exactly recreate the events of everyday life b. re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions c. re-create psychological forces under random conditions d. reduce the use of animals and humans in psychological research

b. re-create psychological forces under controlled conditions

_________ parents would not care if their children played in the cold weather with no warm and protective clothes on. a. authoritarian b. permissive c. negligent d. authoritative

c. negligent

Although development is lifelong, there is stability of personality over time. For example, a. most personality traits emerge in infancy and persist throughout life b. temperament tends to remain stable throughout life. c. few people change significantly after adolescence d. people tend to undergo greater personality changes as they age

b. temperament tends to remain stable throughout life.

Which of the following is true of motor skill development a. it is determined solely by genetic factors b. the sequence, but not the timing, is universal c. the timing, but not the sequence, is universal d. it is determined solely by environmental factors

b. the sequence, but not the timing, is universal

From the 1920s through the 1960s, the two major forces in psychology were __________ and __________ psychology.

behaviorism and psychoanalytical psychology

Which of the following is NOT one of the descriptive methods psychologists use to observe and describe behavior? a. A case study b. Naturalistic observation c. Correlational research d. A phone survey

c. Correlational research

Joe and Kate are fraternal twins and have several other siblings. Which statement is FALSE regarding their biology? a. Joe and Kate developed from separate fertilized eggs b. Joe and Kate are just as genetically similar to each other as to their non-twin brother Nate c. Joe and Kate developed from the same fertilized egg d. Joe and Kate shared the same womb

c. Joe and Kate developed from the same fertilized egg

Taylor went for a head examination in which the technologist tracked his brain's activity in response to a radioactive sugar (glucose). What kind of neural scan did Taylor have? a. EEG b. MEG c. PET d. fMRI

c. PET

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, which focus in present in the preconventional morality stage? a. upholding laws and rules b. believing ethical principles c. avoiding punishment d. maintaining social order

c. avoiding punishment

Which division of the nervous system contains the brain? a. peripheral b. autonomic c. central d. somatic

c. central

The structure in the brain that processes sensory input and coordinates movement and balance is the ________. a. thalamus b. reticular formation c. cerebellum d. medulla

c. cerebellum

According to Jean Piaget, during which stage of cognitive development does the law of conservation begin to emerge? a. senorimotor b. preoperational c. concrete operational d. formal operational

c. concrete operational

Which aspect of American Psychological Association ethics explains the true nature of the research after the research has been completed? a. informed consent b. protection from harm c. debriefing d. confidentiality

c. debriefing

Body organs first begin to form and function during the period of the _______; within 6 months, during the period of the _______, the organs are sufficiently functional to allow a good chance of survival. a. zygote; embryo b. zygote; fetus c. embryo; fetus d. placenta; fetus

c. embryo; fetus

Which research method involves exploring cause and effect? a. descriptive b. positive correlation c. experimental d. negative correlation

c. experimental

Baby Tara was born with a small, out-of-proportion head and abnormal facial features. Baby Tara has ________. a. been born prematurely b. no abnormality, and will normalize in a few days c. fetal alcohol syndrome d. down syndrome

c. fetal alcohol syndrome

Which of the following body regions has the greatest representation in the somatosensory cortex? a. upper arm b. toes c. lips d. all regions are equally represented

c. lips

During which stage of life does fertility begin to decline? a. late adulthood b. young adulthood c. middle adulthood d. adolescence

c. middle adulthood

In a double blind procedure, a. only the participants know whether they are in the control group or the experimental group b. experimental and control group members will be carefully matched for age, sex, income, and education level c. neither the participants nor the researchers know who is in the experimental group or control group d. someone separate from the researcher will ask people to volunteer for the experimental group or the control group

c. neither the participants nor the researchers know who is in the experimental group or control group

Andy lost his sight after suffering a head injury in an accident. What area of his brain was most affected with the accident? a. temporal lobe b. frontal lobe c. occipital lobe d. parietal lobes

c. occipital lobe

Contrary to what many people assume, a. older people are significantly less happy than adolescents are b. people become less happy as more from their teen years into midlife c. positive feelings tend to grow after midlife d. those whose children have recently left home -- the empty nesters -- have the lowest level of happiness of all groups

c. positive feelings tend to grow after midlife

Harry Harlow and Margaret Harlow's experiment with monkeys showed that the monkeys a. stayed with the mother that provided food b. preferred contact with the wire mother c. preferred contact with the cloth mother d. showed no preference for either the cloth or wire mother

c. preferred contact with the cloth mother

The lower brain structure that governs arousal is the a. spinal cord b. cerebellum c. reticular formation d. medulla

c. reticular formation

_________ is the process by which excess neurotransmitters in the synapse are taken back by the sending neuron/ a. repackage b. recycle c. reuptake d. reabsorption

c. reuptake

_________ is a sleep disorder characterized by the temporary cessation of breathing. a. insomnia b. narcolepsy c. sleep apnea d. night terror

c. sleep apnea

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that have been proposed to explain why we need sleep? a. sleep has survival value b. sleep helps us recuperate c. sleep rests the eyes d. sleep plays a role in the growth process

c. sleep rests the eyes

A(n) _________ is a culture's definition of "the right time" to leave home, get a job, marry, have children, and retire. a. internal clock b. mental clock c. social clock d. intuitive clock

c. social clock

The tiny space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite or cell body of another is called the a. axon terminal b. branching fiber c. synaptic gap d. threshold

c. synaptic gap

Fraternal twins result when a. a single egg is fertilized by a single sperm then splits b. a single egg is fertilized by two sperm and then splits c. two eggs are fertilized by two sperm d. two eggs are fertilized by a single sperm

c. two eggs are fertilized by two sperm

The flexible brain's ability to respond to damage is especially evident in the brains of a. split-brain patients b. young adults c. young children d. right-handed people

c. young children

The neurons of the spinal cord are part of the ________ nervous system


The part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movement and enables nonverbal learning and memory is the ___________.


By using random assignment, researchers are able to control for ______________ ______________, which are other factors besides the independent variable(s) that may influence research results.

confounding variables

The three major issues that interest developmental psychologists are nature/nurture, stability/change, and _________/_________.


__________ __________ is the principle that our mind processes information on two tracks at the same time -- one with our full awareness and the other outside of our awareness.

dual processing

Some developmental psychologists refer to the period that occurs in some Western cultures from age 18 to the mid-twenties as _______ ______.

emerging adulthood

Epigenetics is the study of the molecular mechanisms by which ___________ trigger or block genetic expression.


According to Piaget, a person who can think logically about abstractions is in the ___________ __________ stage.

formal operational

__________ __________ refers to our tendency to perceive events as predictable and obvious after the fact.

hindsight bias

To test the effects of a new drug on depression, we randomly assign subjects to two groups. Those in the first group take a pink pill containing the new medication; those in the second group take a pink pill that contains no medication. This pill is a ___________.


Martin Seligman and other researchers who explore various aspects of human flourishing refer to their field of study as _________ __________.

positive psychology

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