PY 101-QL

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Ami wants to buy a new Jeep but has not saved enough money. Her id would say:

"Get it on credit, you deserve it!"

Which of the following pairs of sentences have the same deep structure?

"Her birthday is in two weeks" and "In two weeks, it will be her birthday."

Which quote best reflects the actor-observer bias?

"I'm a victim of circumstance, but you're just lazy."

Which of the following utterances is most characteristic of a patient with Wernicke's aphasia?

"The dear football is dead but not dead that I'm happy that I'm not dead."

Which of the following correlations has the strongest predictive value?


The absolute threshold is the lowest intensity of a stimulus that can be detected _______ percent of the time.


The intelligence quotient (IQ) was originally defined as a child's mental age divided by his or her chronological age and then multiplied by 100. Using this formula, what was the IQ of a 12-year-old with a mental age of 9?


Which statement best describes what today's IQ scores represent?

A person's performance on intelligence tests relative to a comparison group of people

In general, which of the following images would receive the highest attractiveness rating?

A photo that combines the faces of twenty women

Which factor is a positive external motivating force?

A reward

Which of the following people is most likely to benefit from SSRI treatment?

A woman who cannot concentrate, feels unbearably sad, and has no appetite

Which hypothesis is consistent with Schachter and Singer's study of physiological arousal and emotional experience?

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system affects emotional experience.

What hypothesis did Schachter and Singer test in their experiment, in which they injected participants with epinephrine and manipulated the emotion that a confederate displayed?

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system will affect emotional experience.

Which of the following best supports the two-factor theory of emotion?

After exercising strenuously for thirty minutes, you decide your gym partner looks really good this morning.

Which of the following examples best captures the concept of sleep debt?

After staying up for three days, you will sleep much longer than normal.

In which of the following settings would a person having a heart attack be most likely to get help?

An office with only a few employees

Differentiate between anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia.

Anterograde amnesia occurs when an individual cannot encode new memories. Retrograde amnesia occurs when older details are lost but newer ones are remembered.

Which of the following best demonstrates observational learning?

Ben watched a skateboarder do a trick many times and now Ben can perform the trick, himself.

Which function is most directly controlled by the brainstem?


An individual who has developed difficulty speaking but can comprehend speech by others most likely has suffered damage to _______ area in the _______ hemisphere of the brain.

Broca's; left

You awake in the night to the sound of a crash nearby. Immediately your heart begins racing as you simultaneously experience intense fear. Which theory does this experience support?

Cannon-Bard theory

Every morning when Edwina goes to work, her dog lies on the floor and sulks. Over several weeks, Edwina notices that the dog becomes distressed whenever she picks up her car keys. Which phenomenon of learning best describes the dog's behavior?

Classical conditioning

focuses on how people think, remember, store, and use information.

Cognitive psychology

What type of behavior would you expect from a woman with a strong superego and a weak id?

Compliance with rules and a tendency to feel guilt and shame

Which of the following is a binocular cue for depth perception?


Which of the following research methods would be most appropriate for exploring whether childhood emotional abuse predicts higher levels of adult depression?

Correlational research

Which term refers to the branchlike extensions of the neuron that receive signals from other neurons?


Which of the following shows the correct sequence of information flow after a neuron receives input?

Dendrites → axon → axon terminals → synapse

Which side effect is most likely following the removal of a large tumor from a patient's cerebellum?

Difficulty with balance and motor coordination

Psychoanalysis emphasizes which of the following techniques for studying individuals?

Discussing personal feelings

On a summer day, two women walk from the outdoor heat into an air-conditioned office building. In this scenario, which of the following questions relates to the hard problem of consciousness?

Do both women perceive the air conditioning in the same way?

_______ is the most important neurotransmitter in the brain's reward pathway.


Schizophrenia most often presents itself at what stage?

Early adulthood, when people begin to face the world on their own

_______ is best suited to monitoring the activation of synapses.

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of hindsight bias?

Even though you had stated before a game that you thought your team would lose, after they win the game, you say that you knew that your team was going to win.

_______ is the combined stimulation provided to _______ receptors while eating something.

Flavor; taste and olfactory

What is a mainstream psychologist most likely to think about Sigmund Freud?

Freudian theory is untestable and not grounded in science.

Which of these events occurs first during an action potential?

Gated sodium channels open.

Which situation involves the concept of priming?

Grace read an article about her favorite actor, and later, when choosing a movie, she unknowingly chose to watch a movie with that actor.

Which factor is most closely associated with the eventual onset of schizophrenia?

Growing up in a big city

In the homunculus that corresponds to the mapping of the somatosensory cortex, which body part occupies the largest area?


Which emotion is recognized through facial expression by people in virtually every culture?


A teacher assigns his class a group project but wants to minimize social loafing. Which of the following strategies might he employ?

Highlight each student's individual contribution to the project.

Which process in the body is most like a thermostat?


Which statement about the capacity of long-term memory is most accurate?

Human memory has a nearly limitless capacity that is difficult to quantify.

Which of the following is true?

Humanistic therapy encourages creation of a safe, non-judgmental relationship.

How is natural selection related to psychology?

Humans behave as they do in part because that behavior promotes survival

If IQ performance is heritable, which of the following pairs should show the highest correlation between IQ scores?

Identical twins

Which statement best describes a valid gene-environment interaction on behavior?

Identical twins adopted by different families often display behaviors typical of their adoptive families.

Which of the following groups of children is most likely to have the most similar IQ scores?

Identical twins reared together

What would be Thorndike's response to the question: "What is the best way to predict the likelihood that an organism will repeatedly engage in a specific behavior?"

If a behavior provides pleasure, the organism will engage in the behavior.

From the following, identify the best summary of the law of effect.

If a response is followed by a pleasant consequence, it will tend to be repeated; if a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated.

Which of the following best distinguishes operant conditioning from classical conditioning?

In operant conditioning, a behavior elicits a stimulus; in classical conditioning, a stimulus elicits a behavior.

Which of the following factors would most severely reduce the usefulness of a placebo in a controlled experiment?

It is relatively easy for subjects to distinguish the placebo from a potentially effective treatment.

Which scenario describes a child who has mastered the concept of conservation of mass?

Jane knows that she has the same amount of clay in her round ball as Rico has in his flat disk.

Which of the following investigation types does not represent the descriptive method of scientific inquiry?

Laboratory experimentation

Which of the following people is relying the most on fluid intelligence?

Laura is able to recognize relationships among novel geometric figures.

Which option shows four motor milestones in the order in which they normally occur?

Lifting the head → rolling over → sitting upright → standing without support

After a long period of severe depression, Mike has been feeling on top of the world, speaking too quickly, acting impulsively, and overflowing with ideas. Which medication would be most likely to help?


_______ memory has a seemingly unlimited capacity and can store information for decades.


Which of the following illustrates a low level of emotional intelligence?

Lupe ignores her husband when he comes home from work stressed.

Among the various touch receptors, _______ have a role in sensing touch and _______ have a role in sensing vibration.

Merkel's discs; Pacinian corpuscles

What can be concluded from Solomon Asch's series of experiments in which participants were asked to judge the lengths of lines?

Most people will go to great lengths to fit in with others.

Which is an example of positive punishment?

NOT A student loses a "good behavior" token for not following directions.

With which of the following statements would Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg both agree?

NOT If a person is high in one component of intelligence, he or she will be high in all components of intelligence.

A toddler's fear at the sight of a dog is

NOT an unconditioned response.

Preoperational children are often called "egocentric" because they

NOT are not capable of experiencing empathy toward others.

Cognitive dissonance theory suggests that attitudes are changed when

NOT disagreeing with the group becomes too uncomfortable to tolerate.

According to the James-Lange theory, your psychological experience of fear, in reaction to the body sensation of a bear attacking you, is

NOT followed by physiological changes like an increase in heart rate.

When you eat a slice of pizza, your blissful experience, called _______, is the combined stimulation provided to taste receptors in the mouth and olfactory receptors in the nose.

NOT gustation

Studies of personality in monozygotic and dizygotic twins indicate that

NOT if one monozygotic twin is high in a trait, the other will generally be low in the same trait.

When you enter an old password to retrieve your email, rather than entering your new password, you are demonstrating _______ interference. On the other hand, not being able to recall your old phone number is an example of _______ interference.

NOT retroactive; proactive

Why is it difficult for an adult to explain to a child how to ride a bicycle?

Nondeclarative memories are difficult to verbalize.

Juan is thirteen months old and is no longer surprised when his mother hides his toy train, only to reveal it again in a different position in front of him. What cognitive milestone is Juan displaying?

Object permanence

Lila is 18 months old and is no longer surprised when her mother hides her ball, only to reveal it again in a different position in front of her. What cognitive milestone is Lila displaying?

Object permanence

Which of the following is the best example of test-retest reliability?

Patrick scores 115 on an IQ test; when he takes the same test one month later, he scores 117.

Which statement best summarizes an important finding of Stanley Milgram's experiment?

People will readily obey an authority figure, even when it injures others.

What does it mean to say that schizophrenia is heritable?

People with close blood relatives with schizophrenia are more likely to develop symptoms than the general population.

A piano student mastered a difficult piece of music after many hours of practice at home. At his next lesson, he played the piece for his piano teacher. He then performed it in front of an enthusiastic audience, and finally, in front of a critical panel of judges. According to the theory of social facilitation, which of these was likely to be his worst performance?

Performing for a panel of judges

_______ are the basic speech sounds that make up language, while _______ are the basic units of meaning in a language.

Phonemes; morphemes

What are the different levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, from most basic to least basic?

Physiological; safety; love and belonging; esteem; self-actualization

During a recent exam, Josh copied an answer from a neighbor. When he admitted this to a friend, Josh added, "Everyone does that once in a while. I'm just leveling the playing field." Based on Freud's ideas, which of the following defense mechanisms was Josh employing?


Pavlov placed meat powder in the mouths of dogs, and they began to salivate. The food acted as

Reinforcement can be distinguished from punishment in that reinforcement _______ a target behavior, whereas punishment _______ a target behavior.

Which need is assigned to the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs?


Which of the following shows Piaget's stages of development in the correct order?

Sensorimotor → preoperational → concrete operational → formal operational

_______ memory gives us a very brief impression of what we feel when we first detect a stimulus.


Which accurately reflects the path of information flow that takes place when child jerks his hand away from a hot pan?

Sensory neurons → spinal interneurons → motor neurons

Which confounding variable is teased out when psychologists study the traits of identical twins?

Similar environments shared by relatives

Which stage of sleep is characterized by K complexes?

Stage 2

Which is true of social stereotypes?

Stereotypes increase prejudice.

Which chain of events in emotional responses characterizes the James-Lange theory of emotion?

Stimulus → perception/interpretation → physiological changes → emotion

Which research finding, if correct, would cast doubt on the facial feedback hypothesis?

Subjects with facial paralysis respond emotionally to stimuli just as strongly as subjects without facial paralysis.

While you are having dinner at a restaurant, you hear another diner speak harshly to his server. Which of these illustrates the fundamental attribution error?

The diner is a mean, rude person.

Which factor was identical for all of the Genain quadruplets?

The genetic makeup that contributed to the onset of schizophrenia

A student reads a chapter in her textbook without much effort or interest, then is unable to identify any of the material when it appears on a test. What is the most plausible explanation?

The information from the textbook never made its way from STM to LTM.

A researcher is designing an experiment intended to study the effects of the physical environment on reading comprehension. Which of the following factors would be best characterized as an independent variable in such an experiment?

The level of lighting in settings where test subjects are asked to read

All of the following statements are true of large data sets with negatively skewed distributions except:

The mode is less than the median.

_______ is a paradox in decision analysis in which two individuals acting in their own best interest pursue a course of action that does not result in the ideal outcome.

The prisoner's dilemma

What is spontaneous recovery?

The return of a previously extinguished CR in response to the CS after a period of rest

Twin studies (studies of identical twins) are especially effective for examining the effect of what confounding variable in heritability research?

The shared environments of relatives

Which of these behaviors is an obsession?

Uncontrollable thoughts about contamination

The most widely used intelligence test for children today is the

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC).

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of confirmation bias?

You are a proponent of gun control. You seek out news sources and stories that affirm your beliefs about gun control.

In which situation is the sympathetic nervous system most likely to be active?

You are driving down the street when another vehicle comes out of nowhere and pulls out in front of you.

Which example best captures the concept of internal motivating forces?

You cannot wait to take a nap after a long, tiring day of classes.

Which scenario represents the concept of rehearsal?

You keep repeating a new friend's phone number while looking for your phone.

Which example best captures the concept of external motivating forces?

You offer your younger brother $20 to clean your room.

Which scenario best captures the concept of context-dependent retrieval?

You perform better on a driving test when you are in the car in which you learned to drive.

According to the facial feedback hypothesis, which of the following situations is likely to produce the desired effect?

You spend all day smiling in hopes of reducing your sadness about a recent breakup.

Which of the following constitutes a false alarm in signal detection theory?

You turn off the radio to answer your phone, but the phone is not ringing.

You wake up thirsty in the middle of the night and walk to the kitchen to get a drink without turning on the light. You are able to successfully make your way through the dark house, thanks to

a cognitive map.

An abstract idea or mental representation of an object or event is called

a concept.

The extent to which changes in one factor are accompanied by changes in another is called

a correlation.

Many people can recall very vividly what they were doing when they learned of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. This is an example of

a flashbulb memory.

Marijuana is

a hallucinogen.

While paying bills, Jen was suddenly overwhelmed by anxiety. Her heart pounded, she felt like she couldn't breathe, and she became dizzy. This was most likely

a panic attack.

Individuals who rate highly on measures of introversion are typically characterized by

a preference for solitude.

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is

a standardized measure of psychological problems.

In general, IQ scores most consistently predict people's

academic performance.

Psychoactive drugs classified as _______ aid stimulation of receptor sites in the brain, while those classified as _______ block stimulation of receptor sites in the brain.

agonists; antagonists

Some psychoactive drugs work as _______, meaning that they artificially stimulate receptors in a neurotransmitter system. Others work as _______, meaning that they block activity at particular receptors.

agonists; antagonists

A(n) _______ is a specific set of steps that will always solve a particular problem, whereas _______ are easy-to-follow rules that often solve a problem.

algorithm; heuristics

Myelinated axons are useful because they

allow action potentials to travel more quickly.

The framing effect in decision making is achieved by

altering the way information is presented to a person to make him or her more or less likely to choose one option over the other.

Ashley's mother, Janice, has noticed that her child gets very upset when she leaves her with her caregiver. When Janice returns home from work, Ashley often resists her attempt to hold her. Ashley is displaying

ambivalent attachment.

The almond-shaped brain region that is key in producing and recognizing fear is called the


Despite growing up in a low-income community, a teenage boy believes that his hard work and positive attitude will lead to a good job. His perspective reflects

an internal locus of control.

Morphine is a powerful _______ because it acts on neurons in the brainstem, enabling them to block pain signals coming from the body.


According to Robert Sternberg, _______ intelligence involves the ability to deal with abstract information, as in academic problem-solving tasks. This is the type of intelligence that is measured by traditional IQ tests.


Sternberg's three types of intelligence include

analytical, creative, and practical.

You want to earn a decent salary at a potential job. You know that there is room for negotiation, so you ask for a slightly higher hourly rate than you think the employer will accept. If the employer ends up giving you an hourly rate close to your initial asking rate, he or she has likely been influenced by the

anchoring effect.

Patient H.M., whose hippocampi and medial temporal lobes were removed, suffered from

anterograde amnesia.

Clinicians tend to associate psychopathy most closely with _______ personality disorder.


Frank is a charming, highly successful businessman who saves his company money by bribing factory inspectors rather than meeting manufacturing regulations. He has shown no guilt about factory injuries that have occurred as a result. Frank would be most likely to meet the criteria for _______ personality disorder.


An elderly man has had a stroke, and his language is now impaired as a result. By definition, he has


The concept of inattentional blindness is illustrated when you

are concentrating so hard on studying that you fail to notice your roommate leaving for class.

Diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders, depression, and schizophrenia involve very different symptoms, but these are similar disorders in that they all

are diagnosed only when people show clinically significant distress or impairment.

Prejudice is a(n) _______, whereas discrimination is a(n) _______.

attitude; behavior

Ava, a kind and talented 25-year-old, has no friends. She longs for close relationships, but her low self-esteem and fear of rejection keep her from speaking to people. Ava is likely to be diagnosed with _______ personality disorder.


A therapist is meeting with a young woman to help her gain confidence in social situations and to role-play how to engage in conversation with her neighbors. The client was most likely diagnosed with _______ disorder.

avoidant personality

Neurotransmitters are packaged inside _______, in microscopic spheres called _______.

axon terminals; vesicles

Babies string meaningless sounds—like "da"—together over and over again. Linguists call this


The drug class known as _______ is a category of _______.

barbiturates; depressants

Phonemes are

basic speech sounds that make up languages.

The use of _______ has been successful in treating a significant number of cases of _______.

benzodiazepines; generalized anxiety disorder

In cognitive psychology, a prototype is the

best example of a concept that fits a particular category.

As you and a friend throw a softball back and forth, you depend on _______ to help you determine how close the ball is getting to you and when and where to catch it.

binocular cues

The case of Phineas Gage would be best used to illustrate

biological roots of personality traits.

The typical neuroleptics are similar in that they all

block dopamine receptors.

The hypothalamus plays an important role in regulating

body temperature.

Sarah has a long history of impulsive behavior, depression, mood swings, and intentional self-injury. She threatens to commit suicide each time she fights with her boyfriend. She likely qualifies for a diagnosis of

borderline personality disorder.

Sleep apnea involves difficulty with _______ during sleep.


A neuron's refractory phase is defined as the

brief period during and immediately after an action potential when a neuron cannot produce another action potential.

One problem with the use of the polygraph to detect lying is that the test

cannot differentiate between stress-based physiological arousal and lying.

Though some people use the term short-term memory to refer to memory for recent events, like weekend plans, psychologists use the term to refer to memory that is limited in

capacity, and to a duration of a few seconds.

The hallmarks of psychology as a science are

careful experimentation and the application of critical thinking.

The DSM-5 is used for

classifying psychological disorders.

Hair cells of the ear are located on the


When we experience a disagreeable state of tension between two or more conflicting beliefs, we are experiencing

cognitive dissonance.

Attention is defined as a

concentration of the mind on a particular object or process.

Brad and George are twins whose parents both have blue eyes. Brad and George also have blue eyes, meaning that the twins are _______ for that trait.


Twins who share a certain physical or behavioral trait are _______ for that trait.


To increase diagnostic reliability, the DSM-5 bases psychological diagnoses on

concrete descriptions of behavior and emotions.

In the retina of the human eye, most _______ are concentrated in or near the _______.

cones; fovea

Your ability to perceive the color of a vibrant blue sky or a red rose depends on the responses of the _______ in your retina, and your ability to find your way to the bathroom in the dark depends upon the _______ in your retina.

cones; rods

Cases of spurious correlations are typically explained in terms of _______ variables that are _______ two correlated variables.

confounding; affecting

A friend asks you to help him steal a car so he can drive his roommate to a doctor's appointment. You refuse, reasoning that laws and rules are a part of society for a reason and you do not want to disrupt the status quo. According to Kohlberg's theory, you are using _______ reasoning.


The round, transparent front of the human eye is called the


The bending of light by the _______ and _______ focuses a sharp image onto the retina.

cornea; lens

Crystallized intelligence is reflected in your ability to

correctly name the members of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Contestants who do well on the game show Jeopardy, which involves using the store of facts that they have learned, are displaying _______ intelligence.


The concept of the availability heuristic is illustrated when you

decide that it would be safer to drive rather than fly to your vacation destination, given all of the recent media coverage of plane crashes.

The cognitive process of assessing information to select a course of action among several alternatives is called _______. One aspect of this process, called _______, is the cognitive process of forming an opinion or making an evaluation by comparing possible actions.

decision making; judgment

Memories for general facts and personal information are called _______ memories.


Barry's tendency to _______ best reflects a low degree of self-efficacy.

decline challenging projects that his supervisor offers to him at work

The easy problem of consciousness can be solved by

defining different conscious experiences in terms of different brain states.

Unusual beliefs that are not supported by evidence are _______, while sensory experiences that do not correspond to reality are _______.

delusions; hallucinations

For the past six months, Julie has been exhausted, hopeless, and unable to enjoy her normal activities. She has no interest in spending time with friends and is having a hard time keeping up at work. The most likely diagnosis is


The "visual cliff" test demonstrates that babies as young as two months old have some

depth perception.

The Binet-Simon scale was originally designed to

determine which children were mentally disabled and get them help.

Damage to Broca's area leads to an aphasia characterized by

difficulty in speech production, but not in speech comprehension.

Both parents of twins Mary and Shelly have schizophrenia. However, only Mary developed the disorder. This means that the twins are _______ for schizophrenia.


Twins who do not share 100 percent of their genes are called


A boss tells employees he will be cutting salaries by 20 percent. When employees protest, he says he will cut salaries by only 5 percent. This is an example of the _______ technique and employees are likely to _______ the 5 percent salary cut.

door-in-the-face; accept

If you were an artist drawing a cityscape, you would apply the linear perspective depth cue by

drawing the streets converging with the edges of buildings at the horizon.

According to the _______ model of motivation, a physiological need such as thirst stimulates an appropriate response.

drive reduction

According to the _______, a physiological need like thirst generates a drive, and the individual responds accordingly.

drive reduction model

Your professor has invented a device that can measure the change in brain activity of each student in her class, and she can now tell if you are dozing off during her lecture. She has solved the

easy problem of consciousness.

A woman continues to suffer from severe depression and suicidality after a year of cognitive-behavioral therapy and multiple medication trials. The next treatment recommendation is likely to be

electroconvulsive therapy.

The technique that detects voltage changes in the brain is

electroencephalography (EEG).

A subjective mental state that is usually accompanied by distinctive behaviors as well as involuntary physiological arousal is called


Reciprocal determinism involves the interaction of influences across an individual's

environment, personal factors, and behavior.

Episodic memory describes memory for

events and autobiographical knowledge.

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge, skill, attitudes, or understanding as a result of


A research team wants to know if sugar consumption is related to hyperactivity. Researchers give fifty children cupcakes made with real sugar and another fifty children cupcakes made with zero-calorie sugar substitutes. They then observe each child individually to assess his or her level of activity after eating the cupcakes. This is an example of

experimental research.

The goal of psychology is to

explain human thought and behavior.

Albert Bandura's Bobo doll studies found that

exposure to aggressive models led to increased aggression in nursery school children.

Cici does not bother to prepare for job interviews because she believes that getting hired is purely a matter of luck. This approach reflects

external locus of control.

A worker with an _______ locus of control is likely to attribute failure at a given task to _______.

external; bad luck

Assertiveness, talkativeness, enthusiasm, and excitement-seeking are most closely related to


Rather than rely purely on studies of words for emotional states to determine how many emotions humans experience, scientists have turned to studying

facial expressions.

The response activated by the sympathetic nervous system is sometimes called

fight or flight.

You work three hours a day Monday through Friday and receive a paycheck every Friday afternoon. You are being paid on a _______ reinforcement schedule.

fixed interval

A kindergartener receives a gold star on a classroom chart for every three books he reads. This is an example of a _______ reinforcement schedule.

fixed ratio

Todd's parents promise him a reward of his choice if his GPA is above 3.0 for three consecutive semesters. A _______ reinforcement schedule is being used by Todd's parents.

fixed ratio

Many people report vivid recollections of high-impact events such as the Kennedy assassination, the September 11, 2001, attacks, and the 2012 Newtown school shooting. These memories are referred to as

flashbulb memories.

Damage to Wernicke's area in the brain leads to an aphasia characterized by

fluent speech, which may be garbled.

The _______ technique suggests that we start with a small request before making a bigger one.


Writing down the names of all twentieth-century U.S. presidents from memory requires you to engage in

free recall.

The primary function of the outer ear, or pinna, is to

gather sounds and direct them to the middle ear.

For practical purposes, IQ scores reflect what Spearman considered to be _______ intelligence.


A new client indicates that for years he has been anxious about many areas of his life—school performance, personal relationships, his finances, and his parenting skills. These anxieties indicate

generalized anxiety disorder.

The belief that genes determine everything about us, including our behavior, is referred to as

genetic determinism.

Seeing mermaids would be a _______. Believing you are transforming into a mermaid would be a _______.

hallucination; delusion

The positive signs of schizophrenia include _______, while the negative signs include _______.

hallucinations; social withdrawal

Your friend comes home from a party in an altered state and mistakes your housecat for a lion. Your friend may have taken a(n)


Omar is talkative, confident, and easily bored. Eysenck would consider Omar to be

high in extraversion.

After observing baby Yvonne's responses to novel stimuli, a psychologist described her as being low reactive. Based on that characterization, if Yvonne takes a five-factor personality test when she is 20 years old, she will most likely rate

high on the extraversion scale.

Jay is a terrible singer, but believes that with practice he will improve enough to sing in public. His belief illustrates

high self-efficacy.

Someone Freud considered to have a strong superego would likely score _______ on the big five trait of _______.

high; conscientiousness

Babies that are _______ reactive are likely to become _______ adults.

high; reserved

Imagine that you know someone who developed a tumor that affected his or her ability to form new long-term memories. Though many parts of the brain are involved with memory, the part of the brain most likely affected by the tumor is the


Pleasure is to the _______ as reality is to the _______.

id; ego

The key difference between twin studies and adoption studies is that in adoption studies

identical twins are separated at birth and raised apart.

If human beings demonstrated _______, a newborn baby would think that the attending physician in the delivery room was her mother or father.


Short-term memory is sometimes referred to as working memory because

in order to hold information in short-term memory, we must use it.

An individual whose electroencephalogram registers significant numbers of delta waves is most likely

in stage 3 sleep.

Memory researchers define forgetting as the

inability to retrieve information from long-term memory.

Reinforcement can be distinguished from punishment in that reinforcement _______ a target behavior, whereas punishment _______ a target behavior.

increases; decreases

Hyperpolarizing a neuron _______ its polarity, making it _______ likely to fire.

increases; less

Motivation is most commonly defined in terms of forces that regulate behavior toward

individual goals.

If a trait is heritable, then by definition it is

influenced by one or more genes inherited from one's parents.

Problem solving is often described in terms of the situation at the beginning of the problem, or _______, and the desired outcome of the problem, or _______.

initial state; goal state

All internal motivating forces originate from

inside the body.

A sudden awareness of a solution in a problem-solving situation is called


Sometimes a solution to a problem suddenly comes to us. This event is called


The ability to acquire, retain, and apply knowledge is called


Your roommate tends to take credit for getting A's on tests and papers and also accepts responsibility for her low grades. This behavior pattern is an example of

internal locus of control.

The Rorschach test has been criticized because

interpretations are quite different across therapists.

In a psychology experiment, subjects listen to a variety of tones presented at different frequencies and then reflect on the experience, describing what they heard as precisely as possible. These individuals would have been using a process called


The condition in which people appear to have multiple, distinct personalities

is controversial and possibly nonexistent.

Fluid intelligence

is the ability to reason abstractly to solve novel problems.

One of the best sources of evidence that there is a sensitive period for human language development is that

it can be very difficult for adults who are learning a second language to become proficient in the grammar of that language.

The key finding of research on obedience to authority is that

it is surprisingly easy to get perfectly ordinary people to harm others.

Imagine your professor asks you to conduct an experiment in which you have to increase the intensity of a light several times and determine the smallest change in the intensity of light that your friend can detect. You are measuring your friend's

just noticeable difference (JND).

The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon describes the experience of believing that you

know something but cannot quite articulate it.

The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon describes the experience of believing that you

know something but you are not able to articulate it.

When a subject has learned something that is not immediately demonstrated, _______ learning has occurred.


A patient with damage to his corpus callosum was presented with an image of a house on one side of his visual field. When asked what was presented, he could not identify the object. It is likely that the image was presented on the _______ side, since the left side of the brain is primarily responsible for _______.

left; oral communication

Photoreceptors are the

light-sensitive receptor cells in the retina.

The adequate stimulus for the visual system is _______, and the adequate stimulus for the auditory system is _______.

light; sound

A _______ is a primary reinforcer, whereas a _______ is a secondary reinforcer.

lollipop; diploma

A therapist is using systematic desensitization to treat a client with a snake phobia. It is likely that her first step in treatment will be to ask the client to

look at a picture of a snake.

Jim has eaten dinner at the same restaurant every Friday night for the past decade. He has a practical, conservative haircut and enjoys having a predictable weekday routine. Jim is likely

low in openness.

People living in a traditional culture are likely to be

lower in openness.

An absolute threshold is the

lowest intensity of a stimulus that a person can detect half the time.

Kelly's friends have been waiting for her for more than thirty minutes. One says, "She's so absent-minded, she probably forgot we were going out." Another says, "She probably just got caught in traffic." These friends are

making attributions.

In humans, the _______ is located in the _______.

malleus; middle ear

The most common symptom among individuals with bipolar disorder is

manic episodes.

The primary finding of Milgram's shock experiment is that

many people obey unreasonable or unethical orders.

The hippocampus plays the most significant role in


The Binet-Simon scale was meant to reveal whether a child's _______ age matched his or her _______ age.

mental; chronological

The _______ and the _______ are connected in the dopamine reward pathway that is described in your text.

midbrain; frontal cortex

The dopamine reward pathway of the brain, a series of sites where excitation of neurons leads to feelings of intense pleasure, leads from the _______ to the _______.

midbrain; frontal cortex

The susceptibility of our memories to include false details that fit in with real details of an event is called the

misinformation effect.

Identical twins are called _______, while non-identical twins are called _______.

monozygotic; dizygotic

Lithium has proven to be effective as a

mood stabilizer.

Psychologists refer to the forces that regulate behavior toward a goal as


The three main functional types of neurons are

motor, sensory, and interneurons.

Jay expects his co-workers to handle all the menial work because he sees himself as vastly more talented. He is excessively focused on his appearance and expects the women he dates to idolize him. Jay likely qualifies for a diagnosis of

narcissistic personality disorder.

An individual who falls asleep for brief periods at seemingly random times throughout the day is most likely suffering from


Three weeks ago, you received a score of 115 on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). If you take the test again today, assuming there is test-retest reliability, you should score

nearly the same on the second test as you did on the first.

Suppose you dislike washing dishes. One afternoon, you volunteer to cut the grass before washing the dishes. When you finish cutting the grass, you find that your father has done the dishes for you. Your father has

negatively reinforced you for cutting the grass.

Because neurons are full of proteins that tend to be _______ charged, they tend to attract _______ charged ions.

negatively; positively

The process of shaping

not only speeds up learning, but it can also be used to teach very complex tasks.

Addiction to drugs related to dopamine release is especially strong when it involves the

nucleus accumbens.

Andre was unable to make a paper airplane until he watched his cousin Miriam make a few. Now Andre can fold his own paper airplanes. This is an example of

observational learning.

To demonstrate that brain stimulation can create visual illusions, a doctor would stimulate his patient's

occipital lobe.

In order for you to enjoy the smell of a flower, molecules called _______ from the flower must land on your olfactory epithelium, which lines the inside of the nose.


The olfactory epithelium, which lines the inside of the nose, houses the

olfactory receptor neurons.

A person who enjoys trying new foods from around the world and learning about unfamiliar religions would likely score high on


The _______ theory of color vision is the idea that color vision is based on a system of paired opposites of color.


The fact that we perceive color afterimages following prolonged viewing of specific colors supports the ________ theory of color vision.


The Stanford Prison Experiment revealed that

ordinary college students will quickly become cruel to innocent people.

Endorphins have the most significant impact on


Your brain's _______ lobe is most involved in allowing you to feel an annoying pebble in your shoe.


Modern-day IQ tests base their evaluation of IQ on

participants' performance compared to that of other individuals in the same age group.

Social loafing is least likely to occur when

people know their individual contributions will be evaluated.

When asked if she would steal food for a homeless person, Samantha balked, stating that she did not want to go to jail. According to Kohlberg's theory, Samantha's moral reasoning is consistent with the stage known as


The _______ is the region of the occipital lobe where most visual information first arrives.

primary visual cortex

A person who sees the word "yellow" will be slightly faster at recognizing the word "banana" than someone who sees the word "blue." This demonstrates the technique known as


The Monty Hall problem is an example of a decision-making error that is due to faulty

probability estimation.

Reliability refers to whether your measurement tool _______ and validity to whether it _______.

produces repeatable results; measures what it is supposed to measure

A(n) _______ is defined as the best example of a concept that fits a particular category.


The study of how physical events, such as lights and sounds, affect our senses is called


Stimulant drugs generally

quicken metabolic and neural activity.

Your roommate wakes up and reports that she was dreaming about a large insect chasing her around your dorm room. She was likely in _______ sleep.

rapid eye movement (REM)

The amount of time it takes a person to initiate some action after a predetermined signal is called

reaction time.

Categorization is the process of

recognizing similarities and differences among concepts.

Chunking information facilitates encoding because it

reduces the absolute number of items to be encoded.

The simplest way to maintain information in short-term memory is to repeat the information in a process called


Newer information that obstructs with the recall of older information is called

retroactive interference.

Imagine that you were in a car accident in which you hit your head on the steering wheel. The next day you could not remember anything that had occurred in the week before the accident. You were suffering from

retrograde amnesia.

Projective tests are designed to

reveal unconscious thoughts and feelings.

Sensory information from the left side of the body is processed in the _______ and mapped onto the cortex.

right hemisphere

A new mother is nursing her daughter and holds the baby to her breast. As the breast strokes the baby's cheek, the child turns her head, finds the nipple, and begins to nurse. Turning toward the breast is an example of the _______ reflex.


The term heuristic is a scientific term for a

rule of thumb or an educated guess.

According to Maslow's hierarchy, a person who is very uncomfortable in her surroundings might have problems concentrating because her need for _______ has not been met.


A 24-year-old accountant believes angels have instructed him to embezzle from his company and give the money to the poor. He believes the doctor who prescribed medication is under orders from demons to poison him. The most likely diagnosis for this man is


Hugh has been taking a medication that has caused rapid hand movement and facial grimacing as side effects. It is most likely that Hugh was diagnosed with _______ and prescribed _______ neuroleptics.

schizophrenia; typical

A tendency to obsess about highly improbable conspiracies is most characteristic of _______ personality disorder.


Brian believes that his employees are disloyal and plotting to undermine him, that his wife is having an affair, and that his bank is attempting to scam him out of his life savings. Others see no evidence to support his concerns. Brian would likely be diagnosed with _______ personality disorder.


Gina is very attached to her father, who is her primary caregiver. She is usually upset when he leaves her with her grandmother to go to work, but Gina is always happy when he returns in the evening. Gina is displaying

secure attachment.

In the board game Trivial Pursuit, players answer questions of general knowledge. To play the game, players tap into _______ memory.


To allow communication, neurons

send chemical messages across small gaps between neurons.

Detection of the sound of a bell ringing is referred to as a _______. Once you interpret the stimulus as the sound of your alarm clock, it is referred to as a _______.

sensation; perception

Vision researchers have shown that a person will fail to develop visual perception abilities if light does not stimulate the eye early in development. This is evidence of _______ during development.

sensitive periods

In 1935, the most likely treatment for a man who had been hospitalized for intense paranoia, disorganized speech patterns, and hallucinations of secret agents would have been

severing his frontal lobes from other parts of his brain.

You stop after reading two or three paragraphs of a magazine article to think about what you have read before continuing on. By doing so, you are trying to put the material into your _______ memory.


You volunteer for a sleep study and the researchers discover that your blood oxygen level drops many times during the night. It is likely that you have

sleep apnea.

Drugs classified as depressants typically

slow down neural transmission and behavior.

The way we affect the behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes of others and are, in turn, affected by them is the study of

social psychology.

The Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated the power of

social roles.

Your cat comes running as soon as she hears you open a can of food. In this example, the _______ is the conditioned stimulus.

sound of the can being opened

A food that excites the taste receptors that allow positively charged hydrogen ions to enter cells is likely to have a _______ taste.


Most _______ tastes, like that of vinegar, are chemically acidic.


Stimulant drugs generally

speed up mental activity and neural transmission.

As the number of pirates in the world has decreased, the mean global temperature has increased. This is an example of a

spurious correlation.

Ever since Ryan was bitten by a gray cat, he cries when he sees any gray cat. One day, he sees a gray squirrel scamper across his front yard and he begins crying. Ryan's behavior illustrates

stimulus generalization.

The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar, but not identical, to the original conditioned stimulus is called

stimulus generalization.

We can study how infants differ in their attachment styles by using an experimental procedure called the

strange situation task.

At about eight months of age, as a part of normal attachment development, infants begin to show

stranger anxiety.

A reinforcer is a consequence that _______ a behavior.


Psychologists currently define emotions as

subjective mental states that are usually accompanied by distinctive behaviors and involuntary physiological arousal.

As a young child, Min's parents responded to her aggressive behavior by telling her the rules she needed to follow and helping her understand that her aggression hurts other people. In doing this, Min's parents shaped her


The retina is the

surface at the back of the eye where the image is focused.

You are home alone when you hear strange noises in your house. This causes your _______ system to trigger your heart to race.

sympathetic nervous

The _______ is part of the _______.

sympathetic nervous system; autonomic nervous system

When we're escaping from danger, like a fire, our _______ nervous system, is active. When we're digesting food, our _______ nervous system is active.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

The process of reuptake removes neurotransmitter molecules from

synaptic clefts.

For a sentence that is grammatical and meaningful, the rules of _______ determine its _______ structure.

syntax; surface

Riva is so fearful of social judgment that she is unable to speak or make eye contact around new people. A cognitive behavioral psychologist would begin treatment by

teaching relaxation techniques and mindfulness strategies.

Imagine you have a sibling, Henry, who is two years old. When he is thirsty, he says "Henry milk." This is an example of

telegraphic speech.

The thematic apperception test (TAT) requires people to

tell stories about the thoughts and feelings of people in pictures.

A person's emotional makeup is called


Some of the free nerve endings in your skin are specialized to detect information about


Memory, as a general construct, is best defined as

the ability to store and retrieve learned information.

Your roommate shows you a picture of a new friend, Jason. Minutes later, you meet someone named Garrett waiting in line for dinner. Next time you see Garrett, you call him Jason. You may have been influenced by

the anchoring effect.

Galen suggested that personality traits were caused by

the balance between bodily fluids.

Heritability estimates tell us

the degree to which variations in a population can be attributed to genetics.

In a survey, more college students indicated that they would enroll in a particular course when they were told that 70 percent of students passed it last year than when they were told that 30 percent of students failed it last year. The results of the survey best illustrate

the framing effect.

A woman hardly speaks on a blind date because her date's frowns make her think he is unfriendly. He keeps frowning because her lack of conversation makes him think she is a snob. This is an example of

the fundamental attribution error.

Twin studies of the heritability of schizophrenia generally show that

the heritability of schizophrenia is about 50 percent.

During an action potential

the inside of a neuron's axon becomes more positively charged than the outside.

Psychology is best defined as the study of

the mind and behavior

Homeostasis is best defined as

the process of keeping a constant, stable internal environment in the body.

Key functions of the hypothalamus are

the regulation of hunger and thirst.

You get an A on an algebra exam and attribute it to your strong math skills. Later in the semester you get a D on an exam in the same class. This time you attribute it to your instructor not having explained the concept well enough. This is an example of

the self-serving bias.

The estimated heritability of 48 percent for neuroticism in the population supports the claim that

the variability in neuroticism is due partly to genetic variability in the population.

A _______ is a set of consistent _______ that have undergone successful testing.

theory; hypotheses

The Rorschach test is unreliable because

therapists score the same answers differently.

The reason that we have blind spots in our visual fields is that

there are no photoreceptors on the optic disc.

Saying that there is a sensitive period for human language acquisition in early life means that

there is a time during development when children must be exposed to a language in order to master it.

The most accurate explanation for the failure of neighbors to help Kitty Genovese is that

they assumed someone else would intervene.

A good scientific hypothesis is

tied to observable phenomena.

Random assignment to experimental and control conditions involves being assigned

to your condition by pure chance.

PET scans

track radioactive markers in the blood.

The corpus callosum is directly responsible for

transferring information between the left and right hemispheres.

The primary function of the three ossicles of the middle ear is to

transmit vibrations to the inner ear.

The fact that we have short-, medium-, and long-wavelength cones that each respond to lights of different colors is most supportive of the _______ theory of color vision.


Plato's allegory of the cave indicates that

truths about reality are not always obvious

A typical circadian rhythm has a duration of about _______ hours.


A child who is developing normally will most likely acquire telegraphic speech at _______ years of age.

two to three

Researchers are testing the hypothesis that high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood trigger panic attacks. Half of the participants breathe carbon dioxide-enriched air, and the other half breathe normal air, then measured panic attack symptoms. In this study _______ is the independent variable and _______ is the dependent variable.

type of air; panic attack symptoms

The development of modern personality theory has involved a shift in focus from _______ to _______.

types; traits

Researchers studying infants in the "strange situation" have found that most infants are

upset with their parents when they depart but are happy when they return.

A psychological test that measures the trait it is intended to measure is said to be


The cochlea relays information to the brain about sound when

vibrations in the cochlea bend the hairs of the hair cells, producing an action potential in a neuron underneath the hair cells.

The Gestalt rules of perception seek to explain the ways in which

vision organizes images.

According to the social brain hypothesis, each of us can deal effectively with social interactions with roughly 150 people. This implies that

we are capable of maintaining social networks of up to 150 people throughout our lives.

The first widely used intelligence tests for adults were developed by American psychologists to determine

which draftees should be officers versus ordinary soldiers in World War I.

A _______ would reflect light of all colors.

white shirt

A hypothesis is

a testable prediction about the relationship between variables.

The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is called


Which statement reflects a reasonable attitude for a good student of psychology to have toward any claim about human behavior?

Skepticism is advisable until an idea is proven right.

Which of the following approaches to psychology did Edward Titchener advocate in the late 1800s?


The year 1879 might be thought of as the beginning of psychology as a science because that is the year

Wilhelm Wundt developed and opened the first psychology laboratory.

Contemporary standards of informed consent require a psychologist using human subjects in an experiment to disclose the _______ before the experiment commences.

details of any risks the subjects will face

In a typical controlled experiment designed to test the effects of a new drug, _______ will be administered to the _______ group.

only the placebo; control

To learn more about the gaming habits of teenage boys, a professor randomly selected fifty boys from various high schools for a video game study. In this study, "all teenage boys" make up the


A child has an eight-ounce cup full of juice. While he watches, you pour the juice from the cup into a quart jar. He gets upset, because he thinks he now has less juice. The child is most likely in Piaget's _______ stage of cognitive development.


A psychological test designed to measure creativity is considered a reliable tool based on whether

the same subjects would score consistently over time.

Select the correct order of measures of central tendency, from lowest to highest, for a negatively skewed distribution.

Mean, median, mode

Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?


Which of the following perspectives argues that human behavior develops in certain ways because it serves a useful purpose?


Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the strongest correlation between two variables?


Which value represents a realistic measurement of a neuron's resting potential?

-60 mV

The median is better than the mean as a measure of central tendency for which of the following distributions?

3; 4; 12; 86

To which pair of siblings would the term "dizygotic" apply?

A brother and sister born at the same time

_______ activate receptors in the same way as the normal neurotransmitters do.


Which is the best description of habituation?

Babies show more interest in new things than in familiar things.

Which part of the brain relays information between the spinal cord and the cerebellum?


Which part of the brain plays the greatest role in controlling higher mental functions?


A researcher claims that the same area of the brain is active when we feel physical pain as when we feel hurt by social rejection. Which of the following would support her claims?

Images from fMRI scans that look similar for subjects experiencing physical pain and subjects experiencing social rejection

What do studies of maternal nurturing behavior in rats suggest about humans?

Maternal neglect early in life may have lasting impacts on a person's ability to cope with life's challenges.

Which of the following samples would produce a nearly normal distribution?

NOT Incomes in a small company with many low-level employees and two high-paid executives

The early history of psychology is most closely related to which of the following disciplines?

NOT Political science

Which is true of twins who are discordant for a certain trait?

One of them has the trait and the other does not.

A 14-year-old boy is browsing through a bookstore and thinks for a moment that he could easily tuck a book into his coat and leave the store without paying for it. He decides not to take the book because he is afraid he might get caught and punished. According to Lawrence Kohlberg, at what stage of moral development is the boy?


The procedure by which researchers test whether a child has developed a theory of mind is called the

Sally and Anne test.

Which situation is most consistent with the results of twin studies of schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is more likely to materialize in a twin who experiences extreme stress.

Which technology can be used most effectively to temporarily disrupt the function of specific brain regions?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

Gerard's mother has noticed that he becomes very upset when she leaves for work in the morning. When she gets home, he is resistant to her attempts to bond with him. Gerard is displaying

ambivalent attachment.

On a hike, you find branches arranged to form a three-foot-tall pyramid, surrounded by a circle of pebbles. Occam's razor would support the hypothesis that _______ created this pyramid.

another hiker

A neuron's _______ meets another neuron's dendrite at a(n)_______.

axon; synapse

Axons differ from dendrites in that

axons transmit information and dendrites receive information.

In cases where only one of two identical twins develops schizophrenia, all of the following factors may be responsible except

birth order.

Parents who agree with John Locke's notion of tabula rasa would most likely

expose their children to a rich variety of sensory experiences.

A research psychologist is most interested in discovering the answers to questions like, "Why is empathy helpful to people?" and "How does education contribute to social stability?" This approach is most consistent with the _______ perspective.


Your sister is very shy. An empiricist philosopher would say that her shyness is due to

her early experiences.

Scientific investigation of Clever Hans revealed that

horses respond to unintended cues from their owners.

The principle of Occam's razor compares _______ in terms of the _______.

hypotheses; assumptions they make

A researcher presents his participant with a series of flashing lights at varying intervals. After each presentation of a light, he asks the participant to fully describe her internal experiences, a method known as


When administered to subjects in an experiment, a placebo is a treatment that

is believed to be free of medical effects.

The study of the nervous system is called


Positron emission tomography (PET) uses _______ to show how the brain works.

radioactive markers

Kohlberg constructed his theory of moral reasoning by asking people to decide how a fictional character, Heinz, should respond to a moral dilemma. Kohlberg was most interested in the

reasoning by which people reached their decisions.

A cross-country runner wants to know how consistent her race times have been this season. The most useful measure of her race times would be the

standard deviation.

An important principle to remember when studying psychology is that

the act of learning changes the physical structure of the brain.

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