Q1 Exam

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One's wealth/rank was determined by the _____ __________________ (shorten); those who didn't have slaves had __________ farms that used ________________'s labor too; with slaves, people had ____________ kids, kids went to _________________, wives stayed ______________; the south associated ______________ with slaves which prompted ________________________ -- black labor, white leisure and gentlity

# slaves; big; women; fewer; school; inside; work; laziness

1815: At the coasts, farmers farmed for only ______; shipping was ________________ so the __________ didn't get any goods and the trans-Appalachian community wasn't important to the economy

$; expensive; west

reasons for why slavery is OK: (just make sure you can list 3)

-needed for national economy -need social hierarchy -educates, helps blacks -makes government more politically stable -unites whites -slaves are happy -slaves are just inferior -slaves are beastlike and need to be tames -s. helping north by taking them out of society -*5 black stereotypes*

Bill of Rights Amendment _______: freedom of speech/press/religion/etc


Bill of Rights Amendment _______: All power not specifically given to the federal government goes to the state government


Jamestown was created in the _______s at the ________________________; they came mainly to look for _____________________/________________ but were surprised by Powhatan's _____________________________________ village below the ___________________

1600; James River; gold/silver; Tsenacommach; fall line

__________: General Jeffery Amherst decided to stop ________________________________ to natives; this marked the beginning of ____________________________ (___________) was when Indians fought British posts in the west after ___________ had a vision from God that said natives should return to their ancestral ways; to combat this, Amherst introduced a ___________________ epidemic

1760; giving gifts; Pontiac's War; 1763; Neolin; smallpox

After the French and Indian war in _____________, there was a larger _______________ empire but also more ________; the Brit felt ______________ for the colonies; Americans felt entitled to more _______________ and it ended the period of _____________________, when Britain turned a blind eye to the US

1763; British; debt; contempt; land; salutary neglect

In ________________, ____________________ passed the _______________ which imposed duties on wine/coffee/molasses; this began a "war" with ___________________________

1764; Grenville; Sugar Act; smugglers

Resistance against the Stamp Act began in _________with _________________________________________, who was from ______________________________________

1765; Patrick Henry; House of Burgesses

__________: the Sons of Liberty hung an _____________ of __________________, a stamp distributor; this marked the start of chaos caused by the Stamp Act

1765; effigy; Andrew Oliver

In _____________, angry farmers, with the help of the Sons of Liberty, protested their leases and this led to the creation of the state of _____________; this illustrated an instance when urban and countryside men were united

1766; Vermont

MA began to petition king in ___________________ when they sent a _______________________________ to other assemblies, and then they ______________ and implemented __________________________________ (to harm trade) about the Townshend Act

1768; Circular Letter; united; nonimportation;

After the Sons of Liberty argued more and more with the redcoats and threatened merchants and redcoats with nonimportation, the chaos escalated in __________________ which led to the ________________________________, where it was shown that Britain's military coercion failed and was the American equivalent of England's __________________________________

1770; Boston Massacre; St George's Fields

In _________, Lord North called Parliament with the intention of repealing the _____________________ especially after the Boston massacre and nonimportation, and there was a _________________ which led to a surge of ____________________ of ______________ goods in ___________

1770; Townshend Acts; partial repeal; imports; british; America

Colonists began to feel tension during the years of 1770-73, like in Rhode Island in ______ with the ______________________ incident, which marked the beginning of violence without justice. This scared the 12 colonial assemblies, so they made a permanent ______________________________

1772; Gaspee; Committees of Correspondence

in ______________________, Bostonians were really fed up with the Townshend duties so the ________________________ happened

1773; Boston Tea Party

In ________________, Parliament passed 4 ___________________: 1) ______________________________ - closed port until Boston paid for tea 2) ______________________________ - soldiers could be quartered with civilians 3) Stated that British soldiers arrested during duty could be ______________________; this was heavily influenced by the Boston massacre 4) ___________________________________ - modified the 1691 MA charter, made MA basically a royal colony and was led by General Gage

1774; Coercive Acts; Boston Port Act; Quartering Act; tried elsewhere; MA government act;

There was a native conflict in the Ohio River Valley in ___________ called ____________________________ that Brits couldn't stop

1774; Lord Dunmore's War

The First Continental Convention was held in _______________ at ________________________'s Carpenter's Hall; this extended _____________________________________________________

1774; Philly; nonimportation to molasses

The Second Continental Congress happened in __________ and cranked out the ______________________; ______________________________ was to lead it

1775; Continental Army; George Washington

In early ___________, ______________________ went to ________________________________, bluegrass county; it was initially empty because of ____________________ until ___________________

1775; Daniel Boone; Kentucky; Native raids; after the war

______________: Lord North sent troops to arrest John Hancock and Sam Adams and to also introduce their own Conciliatory Proposition where Parliament wouldn't tax colonies that paid their imperial defense and royal officers; they also introduced the ________________________________________ which said that they couldn't trade with anyone but Britain

1775; NE Restraining Act

in __________________, Congress sent an _______________________________________________ to George II to end the war; but he ended up refusing it... :(

1775; Olive Branch Petition

At the beginning, Britain was weak; then, in ___________________, Dunmore promised to give freedom to the slaves of rebel planters if they joined redcoats which was an immense (success/failure); this was the ________________________________________ and marked a large _____________________

1775; failure; Dunmore's Proclamation; slave emancipation;

______________: VA, with George Mason, created its first permanent constitution (and excluded slaves); inland colonies and middle class men had increased power, government had less power; PA rejected Quaker and British government; was instead ruled by artisans and farmers with president...it was radical; the supporters were _______________________________________ and refusers were ____________________________________

1776: Constitutionalists; Republicans

in ____________, Congress passed Henry Lee's freedom resolution, and on __/__ they passed Jefferson's ____________________________________ (which was also kind of an Enlightenment text!)

1776; 7/4; Declaration of Independence

In ______________, Congress created ________________________________________________________ which was worked on by John Dickinson (who preferred state equality) and Thomas Burke (meant was committed to state sovereignty); it was ratified in _______________ which increased state power and decreased Congress' power;

1776; Articles of Confederation; 1781

In __________________, Thomas Paine wrote his pamphlet __________________________

1776; Common Sense

In ___________, the new US wanted a constitution to limit government power because they didn't want British Parliament's ____________________ over Britain and overseas (complete control); instead, the US individual colonial assemblies were sovereign and were governed by ____________________________ which meant power was derived from the people

1776; sovereign power; popular sovereignty

in ____________, the British suffered a debilitating loss at the Battle of __________________ when their entire army surrendered and demonstrated to the ______________ that the US were worthy of their help (especially with the aid of FRANKLIN); therefore, the French and US signed 2 treaties in ______________ stating that 1) French and US could _______________ and 2) they would ally with US and wouldn't take US territory

1777; Saratoga; French; 1778; trade

In _________________, Congress sent _________________________ to North and South Carolina, and he allied with Francis Marion and beat ____________; helped by the fact that Brits were overwhelmed with malaria... in *1781*, he reclaimed the __________________

1780; Nathaneal Greene; Cornwallis; deep south

In the *1780s*, there were multiple ___________________ movements

1780; Secessionist

In the ____________, states began making _______________ (postpone due dates for debts), but MA didn't follow this which led to a __________ (time) ________________________________ that protested the high taxes

1780s; stay laws; 1787; Shay's Rebellion

The _________ Treaty of Paris determined that America was _____________, that the US now owned land that was from the _______________________ to the east coast, received ___________________________ rights off ___________, would honor debt to ____________________ and would restore _______________________----

1783; independent; Mississippi river; fishing; Canada; British merchants; loyalist property

___________: Washington hosted reps from VA, MD, DE, PA at Mount Vernon and decided to hold another convention


______________: _____________________________ Convention; decided they needed a greater convention which would be held in Philly

1786; Annapolis

In _________ Jefferson passed a _____________________________________________ in VA that declare church was voluntary; NE Congregationalists paid ministers with public tax for a while... tolerance of other religions was increasing; also, in ____________s, the Church of England became the ____________________________________ which had a written constitution

1786; Statue for Religious Freedom; 1780s; Protestant Episcopal

In ________, Washington and James Madison called a MD conference which led to the ________________________________________ which was presided by Washington. Here, Gov Edmund Randolph proposed the _________________________ ("large state" plan, bicameral legislature, population based); William Paterson made the ___________________________________ (states had 1 vote each; Congress could tax and trade); then you had this weird dude _____________________ who thought it'd be cool if people didn't have term limits, but even he realized how crazy that idea was

1787; Philadelphia Convention; Virginia Plan; New Jersey Plan; Hamilton

_________: _______________ Convention; attended by all states except RI to discuss the creation of a better _________________

1787; Philadelphia; constitution

The French Republic declared war on Britain in _____________ (year); the French were supported by the ______ during the ________________________________________

1792; US; French Revolution of 1789

In ___________, the French _______________ (a revolutionary faction that declared war on all monarchies) sent ___________________________ to the US with the goal of enlisting American help against the British: they had US privateers attack British ships and they opened French Caribbean trade to Americans

1793; Girondists; Citizen Genet

In ________, the French decided to kill counterrevolutionaries and declared war on all monarchies; GW made the ________________________________ to protect the __________________

1793; Proclamation of Neutrality; economy

In __________, GW sent a representative to Britain, and he created the ____________________ where Britain removed their troops from the Northwest if they would get better trade; it was ratified by the Senate. It was liked by the __________________ and ________ because it helped Hamilton's national state and prevented ___________; it was abhorred by the _______________ but it was defended by GW: GW said he could be _______________ if they really didn't want it

1794; Jay's Treaty; seaport cities; NE; war; south; impeached

In ___________, GW introduced the treaty made between ____________________ and _____________________________ -- his namesake ____________________________ -- where they set the US border, let US use ________________________, Ohio and ___________________ port; this led to an increase in favor of the previously disliked ________________________ which increased American __________________

1796; Spain; Pinckney; pinckney treaty; Mississippi River; New Orleans; Jay Treaty; unity

The first contested election was in ___________; this showcased the idea of ____________ ______________ and demonstrated that the american idea of _________________ ___ ______________ would work...also, they decided to _______________ the constitution from this to prevent 2 ppl from different parties from being POTUS and VP

1796; party spirit; freedom of speech; amend

In ________, Napolean declared war on _________________; most Americans ______________________; at first the US ______________ increased a lot

1803; Britain; neutral; economy

In _________, Jeff sent _______________________________________ and ____________________ to explore the Missouri River; they became the first people to reach the Pacific (with the help of ___________________)

1804; Merriwether Lewis; William Clark; Sacajawea

In _______, Britain and France reached a stalemate and they began to vie for American help with the British ____________________________________ (seize US ships in re-export trade with France); _________________________ (US can't trade with Britain); _____________________________ (neutral trade ships have to be inspected by British); _____________________________ (complying ships would be seized by French)

1805; Essex Decision of 1805; Berlin Decree; Order in Council; Milan Decree

The international slave trade ended in ________, so the _______________________ exported slaves to the south with the _________________________________________, which included people like the "Georgia Traders"

1808; chesapeake; interstate slave trade

In early __________, Congress passed the __________________________________________ which imposed a trade ban with Britain and France but not with other countries; this let the president reopen trade if the countries cooperated -- this was a (success/fail)

1809; non-intercourse act; fail

In ________, Congress based __________________________________ which rescinded the trade ban with Britain and France (but the Non-Intercourse Act could come back if they felt like it); therefore, Napolean "repealed" his Berlin and Milan Decrees to push US into war with Britain

1810; Macon's Bill No. 2

In ___________, the Congress, which was controlled by the ______________________, declared war, especially with Madison's suggestions of Britain's "crimes" against America: 1) ______________________ into the British navy 2) ______ planted in the US 3) Chaos in the _________ because of British allies with ______________ 4) The creation and maintenance of the __________________________________

1812; War Hawks; impressment; spies; NW; natives; orders in council

In _______, US attacked and burned Canada; they controlled ______________________ which cut off British supplies; then they attacked British and natives at _________________________ where they killed Tecumseh

1813; Lake Erie; Battle of Thames

In ________________, Britain defeated Napolean; this allowed them to concentrate their efforts on America; they raided Chesapeake Bay and DC and attacked Baltimore; this inspired the Star Spangled Banner; however, US and Brit came to a ____________________ after Brit regained controlled of _____________________

1814; stalemate; Lake Champlain

Between _______________ and ________________ , state governments prompted _____________________________________________ with transportation; this _______________ communities and this was called the __________________________________________________ - it helped the _____________ society because it decreased the price of ____________________

1815; 1850; internal improvements; connected; transportation revolution; market; shipping

In __________, VA's ___________________________ who was a Baptist lay preacher and Christian prophet spread a vision of fighting, which led to violence that really terrified white men

1831; Nat Turner

1st big wave of immigration: _________s


Congress said that each state had _________ vote; they ______________ tax; therefore they couldn't pay __________ so they became mutinous until Congress made executive departments in ___________-

1; couldn't; army; 1781

Bill of Rights Amendment _______: freedom to bear arms and have a state militia


Bill of Rights Amendment _______: the quartering of soldiers


The Hartford Convention wanted to get rid of the ______________ because it favored the south, they didn't want to let naturalized citizens _____________________; they wanted to make it harder for new states to _____________________________ and they wanted ________ majority to declare war; however, this plan backfired because everyone thought they were _______________________; everyone was too busy fawning over _____________________________

3/5 compromise; take office; join Union; 2/3; traitors; andrew Jackson

Bill of Rights Amendment _______- __________ (range): what to do when accused of a crime


Bill of Rights Amendment _______: People have rights other than those listed in the BOR


USE < AND > WITH SEMIS TO DICTATE RELATIONSHIP OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: men, women poor/rich, middle class farmers, city west, east north, south

>; >; <; >; <

_________________________ met in 1754 where the delegates urged the Crown to control Indian relations beyond the settled boundaries of the colonies; Ben Franklin, in particular, drafted a plan of confederation for the continental colonies and ________________ ratified it

Albany Congress; nobody

1816: ___________________________________ formed because whites were scared by the number of free blacks and they wanted to colonize free blacks in Liberia; this plan (((((((((((was/wasn't))))))))))))) liked by blacks

American Colonization Society; wasn't

1826: ___________________________________ with ________________ preached for abstinence from alcohol and this worked!

American Temperance Society; Lyman Beecher

Cultures from the _____________ used __________________ (sharp black stone); grew/freeze-dried food on ____________________ with diff climatic zones; collapsed by *11C* from drought and internal conflict

Andes; obsidian; terraces

_____________________: won battles of horseshoe creek and new orleans, became major general

Andrew Jackson

General ________________________ beat the natives at the decisive __________________________; this, along with the earlier ___________ battle ended native power east of the Mississippi

Andrew Jackson; Battle of Horseshoe Bend; thames

__________________ killed the Bank of US so ______________ governments controlled it

Andrew Jackson; state

King James II tried to reorganize New England to be like NY's absolutist's society; sent ________________ to Massachusetts to rule the "__________________________________" to govern with council and court, religious toleration and voting rights

Andros; Dominion of New England

______________________________: settlers became more and more British; but while the south couldn't import enough ______________________, the north _______________

Anglicization; clergy; adapted

________________________ thought everyone was only preaching covenant of works; challenged gender roles and had large female following; she went to Narragansett Bay and made __________________ and ____________________

Anne Hutchinson; Newport: Portsmouth

the 1819 ___________________________ was a reform for prisons that advocated for compete silence...always. it also decreased expenses for running the prison

Auburn system

1632: _______________________ was the "lord _________" of Maryland

Baltimore; proprietor

Hamilton really wanted Congress to create the _____________________________, which would be used by the government and privately controlled; it'd made currency, increase security and government fiscal stability; this idea passed in __________ although it was very similar to the ____________________________--

Bank of US; 1791; bank of england

___________________: only converted adults (not kids) could be baptized


____________________ rose a lot with the democratic sects because of localism and congregational democracy; so did ____________________ and they became a national organization that sent out ________________________________ to make new churches; welcomed simple common people and said individuals had responsibilty

Baptists; Methodists; circuit-riding preachers

At the ________________________________, which was really the first true battle, prominent ____________________________ saved the day; the country came too!

Battle of Lexington; Paul Revere

Andrew Jackson gained importance at his bloody victory at the ____________________________, which happened after the peace treaties (lol fail)

Battle of New Orleans

15K years ago, people from *Asia* that were *healthy* and *mobile* crossed over ____________, located between *Siberia* and *AK*, and was created during ____________________

Beringia; ice age

MA had ______________________ in the 1640s; they had a _____________________________ which served as a sort of "lower house" and had a ______________________ which was a kind of "upper house"

Bicameral legislature; Chamber of Deputies; Body of Liberties

The ___________________________ were the first 10 constitutional amendments

Bill of Rights

General Edward B________________ was sent by London who brought _________________ (professional soldiers); he put Mass gov. *Shirley* into power, and this governor had ______________________________ (young volunteers) to help him fight

Braddock; redcoats; Shirley; provincials

Finally, they solved the disagreements with the _______________________________ where one house was by population, the other was equal; government of laws, term limits, had president chosen by __________________; 3/5 slaves counted, "necessary and proper"

CT Compromise; Electoral College

Maryland was created by Sir George ___________________ and was seen as a _______________ __________________

Calvart; religious refuge

_______________________: not bound by social classes in this kind of a mass conversion; irritated rich whites in the South but whatever

Camp meeting

New France was later managed by *Louis XIV* and minister *Jean Baptiste Colbert* and they created peace with natives and stuff; _____________ began to prosper! also there were SEIGNEURS, which were the new gentry class; they were later disregarded though because of French investments in island colonies


The American strategy of 1812 was basically just to invade _____________________ ; this was because they thought it wouldn't be heavily _____________________, and it was from where Britain armed ______________ who were causing a ruckus (yup, I wrote that) in the NW; also, it was an important British ______________ because they gave Britain farm goods

Canada; guarded; natives; colony

The main issues in 1812 were 1) _____________________ 2) _______________ ________________ 3) ______________ _________________ 4) ______________ ______________

Canada; maritime rights; native threat; national honor

1663: ____________ was founded


In the 1640s, king _____________________ fractured England because he rejected Parliament and was later executed

Charles I

New Yorkians really wanted an elective assembly so in 1683 the Duke made the ______________________________ which allowed government by consent

Charter of Liberties

China under the Ming Dynasty was super powerful; they invented the compass, gun powder, printing, paper $; tea, silk; 1405-1434 _____________________ who was a royal eunuch led 6 fleets to explore world but was unimpressed

Cheng Ho

1820: many Chesapeake slaves were _______________; they listened to itinerant preachers and joined Baptist/Methodist congregations although they interpreted the bible differently -- they combined ______________________ with ________________ ways; they also sang _____________________________ which were religious songs

Christian; Christianity; traditional; spiritual

_____________________________ was a talented Genoea navigator who took the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria to find Asia but actually ended up seeing north america in ______

Christopher Columbus; 1492

Joseph Galloway, a PA loyalist, proposed a plan of imperial union and it didn't pass; Congress didn't really know what it was doing; all it knew was that it wanted to repeal _____________________, ________________________ and ______________________________________ acts; they believed in no _________________________ without consent

Coercive; Quebec; revenue; legislation

___________________________________: worldwide ntwork of ecological changes and changed both America and Europe; influenced by 1) _________________ (ideas could spread across Eurasia because e/w axis); 2) _____________________ (European microbes, invasive species);

Columbian Exchange; geography; biology

The 1648 Cambridge Platform defined ________________________________ worship/church, which abandoned traditional practices


_________________ = conquerors


__________________________ is the idea that government doesn't have powers that aren't specifically listed in the Constitution


_____________________________, like Jamestown, were operated by joint-stock companies

Corporate colonies

State politics = ________________ (merchants, professionals, etc) vs ____________________ (farmers, rural); but Congress was super duper (yup I just used that phrase) poor

Cosmopolitan; localists

____________________________ produced a bunch of cotton; it was helped along by how the government gave them more land, military security and increased market access

Cotton Belt

England had a ___________________ (ruling government) and _______________ (out of power); but in America, oftentimes, _____________________ > _________________, especially in the South

Court; Country; Country; Court

The _____________________________ meant that NY and Iroquois pulled away from France and attacked which was terrible for both sides

Covenant Chain of Peace

In the ________________________________________, colonists couldn't use paper money; this was important because the Sugar and Stamp Act paid in _________________ (silver/gold) --> paid army but restrained trade

Currency Act of 1764; specie

*Inca*: power in Andes, capital at mountainous _____________; fastest growing empire, (((literate/nonliterate))))))); connected by ROADS and BRIDGES; used the ____________ with the decimal system to encode info; began at around *1400CE*

Cuzco; nonliterate; quipu

FILL IN THE BLANK: JAMESTOWN WAS A ______________________________________-


______________________; opposed war but denounced New Englanders who wanted to secede

Daniel Webster

WHO SAID IT??? we hold these truths to be self - evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries.. on the part of man toward women"

Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

The ______________________________ said that Parliament still controlled the colonies and made laws for them

Declatory Act

*Rockingham* spearheaded the repeal of the Stamp Act in Britain by promising the creation of a _____________________________________________ and having merchants claim that the Grenville program was a(n) ___________________________________ disaster

Declatory Act; economic

Britain attacked the _____________________ and massacred Continentals ("Tarleton's quarter") which basically caused a ______________________ in _________; Brits controlled this for a little while

Deep South; civil war; 1780

_____________________________ included Jefferson and Madison; directly contradicting Hamilton (and unfortunately GW) they believed Congress shouldn't be able to make the _______________________

Democratic Republicans; national bank

__________________________: advocated for moral treatment for insane; safe, nurturing

Dorthea Dix

Women got ____________ from father with ___________, husband made all decisions for wife; also, later on, women had to work harder ____________________________ especially at ______________________________

Dowry; coverture; for family status; spinning wheel

There was a ________________________________ and a ___________________________ which were 2 really wealthy companies founded in 1602 by the States General

Dutch East India Company; west india company

_____________________: 2mil ppl in Europe, top $/shipping/trade; local liberties, religious toleration, decentralized political power, POLYGLOT CONFEDERATION, had a STATES GENERAL which was a weak central government

Dutch Republic

*Giovanni da Verranzano* went to America to find NW passage to Asia; *Jacques Cartier* explored St. Lawrence Valley; also, this guy *Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles* was a strong Spanish dude that made a naval base also, this is kinda random but the 1598 _______________________ was something created by the politique King Henry IV to limit toleration to Huguenots and end civil war

Edict of Nantes

In 1674, Major _________________ came to rule NY and he was autocratic, caused chaos

Edmund Andros

1793: ___________________ made the ________________________ which cleaned cotton and sparked a boom in cotton planting

Eli whitney; cotton gin

1848: ____________________________________ made the _______________________________ where white, women abolitionist gathered to get voting rights with their ________________________________________________ (which modeled the DOI) -- this was a big, important feminist movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton; Seneca Falls Convention; Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

______________________, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, accepted ________; the English church she ruled embraced _________________ structure and ______________________ doctrine

Elizabeth I; Catholic; Calvinist

Congress passed the ______________________ in ______ to get other countries to respect US neutrality but it failed; its main target was fine and America crashed, which led to ___________________ opposition to it so _______________________ was elected president

Embargo Act; 1807; federalist; James Madison

The English _______________________ rejected wrathful God for man's capacity for knowledge and social improvement


The _____________________ emphasized rationality and talked about other subjects; embraced by the famous _____________ who made PA Gazette

Enlightenment; Ben Franklin

_______________ meant that a landowner/heir can't divide/sell part of his estate during his life


______________________________, like sugar and tobacco, were shipped only to England or other colonies

Enumerated commodities

1825: __________________________ was built to link New York and NW; marked the beginning of a boom of building projects like it

Erie Canal

The middle colonies split into New Side (_____________________) __________________ and Old Side (_______________________) _____________________ ________________________

Evangelical; Presbyterian; antirevival; nonevangelical Anglicans

______________________________ were those who strongly supported central government and the Constitution; _______________ opposed it; finally they said yes (large states were actually more nervous...weird, huh?) and they passed the _____________________________ a year later in ________

Federalists; Anti-federalists; Bill of Rights; 1791

Prince ________________ from Aragon married Princess _________________ of Castile in *1469* and they made _______________; then, in *Jan 1492* they implemented the _____________________ which caused a bunch of Jews to leave

Ferdinand; Isabella; Spain; reconquista

PA had (many/few) clashes with natives


1690: MA made ________________, which was paper money backed by the government to ensure tax reduction but this later failed and caused _________________________

Fiat money; deep economic recession

________________________ was a religious revival that gave power to the Baptists and Methodists (1730s)

First Great Awakening

Pro war of 1812: list 3 -list 3

For: impressment, nationality, territory, better trade agreements, british aggression, put down natives Against: britain is very powerful, trade with Britain is important, expensive to fight, similar to US (culturally)

_______________________ destroyed the Incas in 1521 and kiled Atahualpa

Francisco Pizzaro

____________________________ were voluntary associations that had a religion of manliness and was weiiiirdd


Gov-Gen *Vaudreil* of France allied with the natives and defeated the Brits but was nevertheless replaced by *Louis Joseph* during THIS important war

French and Indian War

*John Locke* helped create the __________________________________________________________ which explained how to organize the Carolinian government, and this was inspired by the famous philosopher *James Harrington*, and this (((((did/didn't)))))))))) work out very well; (((((((((((yes/no))))))))))) in favor of slavery

Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina; didn't; yes

England had/created ______________________________________________________________ which meant that the state paid interest to creditors first, which gave Britain borrowing power and made financial revenue and was rich

Funded national debt

Visionaries: in 1800 ______________________________________ was a slave revolt inspired by Haiti; they wanted to be represented but they failed; in 1822, SC's _____________________ led a slave revolt after he read political docs and the Bible

Gabriel's Rebellion; Denmark Vessey

Chesapeake tobacco planters made the _____________________________ where slaves were supervised by a white overseer and were either in the field all day or train to be artisans

Gang system

___________________________ preached the conversion experience, very popular, covered by media; distrusted by Anglicans; acted out roles; super popular in America (1739)

George Whitefield

_______________ was made originally to protect SC


King tried to made Lord _________________ war minister, then tried hiring ____________________ and then ____________________ (people bought from north German states)

Germain; mercenaries; Hessians

__________________ (1720)spread Bible with emotions and trained young men to be evangelical preachers; he dominated the Presbytery which made the PA ___________ (the overall governing body of the Presbyterian Church) mad and later this caused a ________________

Gilbert Tennent; Synod; split

Parliament elected William and Mary which marked the beginning of the ________________________________ and preserved by changed monarchy, secured Protestant throne succession/etc

Glorious Revolution

1st Great Awakening: salvation is between you and god; _________ decides EVERYTHING 2nd Great Awakening: "____________________________________" - you can choose to save __________________ and whether to be good or not; ______________________ were among the most converted; _____________________________ provided publicity

God; moral free agent; yourself; women; camp meetings

After King William's War was when the French and Indians worked together to block the English, but in 1701, the Iroquois created the _________________________ which stopped raids

Grand Settlement

The ___________________________ was a clergy compromise that said unconverted but baptized parents could have their kids baptized in the NE

Half-Way Covenant

______________________ wrote the famous ___________________________________ which demonstrated that slavery conflicted with domesticity and Christianity; it was very controversial

Harriet Beecher Stowe; Uncle Tom's Cabin

____________________ system was where settlers would be rewarded with land by paying for people's passage over the Atlantic


____________________: war hawk congressman; named house speaker in 1811; helped negotiate Treaty of Ghent

Henry Clay

______________________ was the leader of the War Hawks

Henry Clay

The English King ______________ became Protestant because he wanted a male heir; he divorced and then married ______________________

Henry VIII; Anne Boleyn

_________________________ destroyed the Aztecs and Montezuma along with the help of ________________

Hernan Cortes; smallpox

Hamilton and his cronies became known as _____________________________________; Adams allowed Hamilton to become the de facto commander of the ___________________ but he commissioned only his own friends and wanted to keep a ____________________ (which many disagreed with); Adams was mad so opened negotiation with France to stall; France refused to pay for 1793 attacks which was why Federalists even wanted war; French peace decreased the power of the people talked about in the first blank

High Federalists; US Army; standing army

During his presidency, Jeff stopped the ________________'s plan to __________________ the government, increase _________________ power, defend against their opponents by sticking them with _____________, refused the creation of a _______________; however, his initial want for a nation of _____________ that was helped along with ___________________________ failed and was replaced with an acceptance that they needed ____________________

High Feds; militarize; central; jail; direct tax; farmers; westward expansion; manufacturing

Republicans in Congress began impeaching ______________________________________ like John Pickering; there was a radical states rights lawyer named John Randolph who took on Samuel Chase but Chase was ok

High federalist judges

Settlers of Jamestown created their own assembly, which they named _________________________, to meet with the governor and council to make laws

House of Burgesses

In 1776, the British _____________ came and overwhelmed American forces; they attempted to compromise with Congress; they only demoralized the colonists and decreased the size and power of the American army


After the Yamasee War, the Carolinas began using fewer _________________; SC began planting _______________

Indian natives; rice

Quakers embraced their ____________________, which meant God was within; they were (warmongers/pacifists), (did/didn't) endorse the use of slaves, had (many/no) oaths, called everyone "_________" and wouldn't _________________ to others

Inner light; pacifists; didn't; no; thee; doff hat

1493: Spanish pope made the __________________ which divided all non-christian land between Spain and Portugal; then the ______________________________ adjusted this line; this inadvertently took away Spanish access to African slave trade

Inter Caeteras; Treaty of Tordesillas

Direct tax, which was also called _________________ tax vs. Indirect (_________________) tax -- idea important to Parliament's various taxing acts

Internal; external

Quebec Act + Coercive Acts = __________________________

Intolerable Acts

____________________ was owned by England and when English tried to impose their customs on this place, they revolted


mid1840s: lots of ______________ and _______________ immigrants came; not many came to school because 1) parents needed kids to ____________; 2) they were ______________________ and didn't like Protestantism

Irish; German; work; Catholic

1400s: ___________ was expanding a bunch; during the middle ages, __________ got better so the population increased and so did the economy but then there was a famine when the climate cooled; in the late 1340s, there was the European ______________________________ which killed 1/3 pop; however, after this there was the ________________ which revived classical interest and ________________ created the printing press (1430s)

Islam; agri; Black Death; Renaissance; Gutenberg

1746: Many evangelicals created the ___________________ (it's colloquial name is acceptable)


What principle did Marbury v. Madison establish????????


__________________________ preached by candlelight and created a New London Shepherd's Tent in 1743; did book burning but was declared as mad; came after the Transatlantic Revival (I guess)

James Davenport

French was mad at the US because of _____________________, so Adams tried to fix it by sending reps to France, but France was still angry so they said they'd only be received if they paid $250K, 12mil loan and apologized; America was like "No, not a sixpence" which then became "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute" but anyways that's random -- this was the _____________________, which began what was called a "_____________________________" between America and France

Jay's Treaty; XYZ Affair; Quasi-War

Society of Jesus = _________________; Catholicisms;s most educated and militant; converted natives


1570: _____________ went to VA and tried to convert natives; they were later replaced by the ________________ who wanted to do __________ ______________; then, King Philip II made the *Royal Orders for New Discoveries* in 1573

Jesuits; Franciscans; cultural modification

The two candidates during the election of 1796 were the federalist ________________________ and the democratic republican ________________________; _____________________ tried to alter the outcome and failed; ________________________________ became president and ___________________________ was vp (just put nickname)

John Adams; Thomas Jefferson; Hamilton; Adams; Jeff

mid1630s: _________________________ caused people to begin assessing others' religious validity, which prompted _______________________ to leave to the CT river and create a (strict/lenient) society whereas ___________________________________ left to New Haven, which was a ____________ society

John Cotton; Thomas Hooker; lenient; John Davenport; strict

____________________________ wrote "Letters from a PA Farmer" and declared that there was no difference between __________________ and __________________________

John Dickinson; internal; external tax

Chief Justice _________________________ loved the federalist idea of ________________________ but he was unbiased; he presided over ___________________________________________ which established _________________________ (the Supreme court could rule on the constitutionality of Congress); he also freed _______________________ who killed Hamilton and wanted to conspire; this was an important event because Marshall drew the line between _____________________________________ and _________________

John Marshall; national power; Marbury v. Madison; judicial review; Aaron Burr; internal dissent; treason

_____________________ developed a good relationship with __________________ which allowed this settler's Jamestown people to survive, but after this settler left, the English warred with the natives and this war ended after the English captured _________________________________ and used her as a peace hostage

John Smith; Powhatan; Pochahontas

___________________________ created the Holy Club (High Church with lots of fasting) led to this religious group, the "____________________"

John Wesley; Methodists

_______________ was a radical journalist banished for libel against the king and was henceforth kicked out of his seat in the government, causing riots in _____________________ that were called the _____________________________________

John Wilkes; 1768; Massacre of St George's Fields

_________________________ made the NY Weekly Journal and helped get freedom of the press

John Zenger

________________________: minister to russia; chief negotiator of treaty of Ghent;

John quincy adams

1606: King James I from England made the Virginia Company to colonize North America which was a ___________________________________ company of small investors


____________________________ introduced a _______________ (emotional response to God and lots of converts); he was very popular

Jonathan Edwards; revival

1827: __________________ had a vision that led to the Book of Mormon and the formation of the _____________________ Church, which was ruled by a hierarchy of adult men, inclusive, angry at decrease of patriarchy; persecuted

Joseph Smith; Mormon

In NY, ________________________ established the Mormon church; established diplomatic sect with a diplomatic style: little education, no formal clergy because thought ________________________________ was more important (spiritual transformation because direct experience with Holy Ghost); more stories, only Bible is true author --> led to ______________________________________ (all theological changes since end of biblical times are bad)

Joseph Smith; crisis conversion; Restorationism

With the ______________________________, Congress established a 6 person Supreme Court, 13 district courts and 3 ____________________________ of appeals

Judiciary Act of 1789; circuit courts

Congress' ___________________________________ created new circuit courts and didn't let Jeff appoint a new Supreme Court justice; Jeff also made Congress repeal it to get rid of the _____________________________ that Adams appointed to ensure that Feds had a long term dominance on ______________________

Judiciary Act of 1801; midnight judges; federal courts

During the First Continental Congress, they wrote a letter petitioning the __________________; and they made ____________________________ which was a citizen community that would enforce trade sanctions

King; the Association

Congress also passed the important _________________________________________________ that split up the NW territory

Land Ordinance of 1785

1675: Crown made the agency _______________________ to check the Navigation Acts and this made England powerful again

Lords of the Trade

1755: John Campbell, or more referred to as _________________, was sent to America and disliked by all because he forced the assembly to quarter redcoats, promoted the redcoats more than the provincials and forced the provincials to obey harsh British discipline


_______________________ was a fort built by the French; its fall marked the end of the Seven Years' War and France lost its holdings in North America whereas Brits gained land during the war named _______________________________

Louisbourg; King George's War

North Anglican clergy and high colonial officials tended to be more _______________________; Nova Scotia and the West Indies were _______________________; the Quakers were ___________________________, and the Sons of Liberty said people who didn't love the resistance were _____________ so they set up committees to monitor consumption behavior

Loyalist; Loyalist; de facto loyalists; tories

______________ were those who loved the king and Britain, and they made up ___________ of the population

Loyalists; 1/3

General _________________________ defeated natives in the northwest in ______________ at the battle of ______________________________; this destroyed the ______________________________ (a multi-tribal native group that befriended and traded furs with Britain and restricted white settlers' expansion) and led to the _____________________________ which made natives give up land and the US gave them _____________________________ in return (along with domestic animals)

Mad Anthony Wayne; 1794; Fallen Timbers; Miami Confederacy; Treaty of Greenville; annuity payments

_____________________: North American farmers --> internal improvements, factories, self-sustaining economy

Market revolution

_________________ (1553-58) reimposed Catholicism and persecuted Protestants

Mary I

1620: the ____________________ came and founded ________________________________, which was governed by the ______________________ _________________________ which stated that everyone had to listen to the majority

Mayflower; Plymouth; Mayflower Compact

During the _______________________, north american urban centers underwent agri takeoff; europeans moved long distances; ie the ________________ who were Germanic people that came into the Atlantic with longboats and occupied Iceland and Greenland; ______________________ was an important one; he founded a colony named _________________ on Newfoundland; eventually these poor guys had absolutely NO INFLUENCE on future

Medieval Warm Period; Norse; Leif Ericsson; Vinland

17C: _____________________ meant that power came from a country's wealth and the country needed to have a positive ______________________________ with other nations, which means they should ______________ less than they ___________________, and the things they do export should be _____________________________

Mercantilism; balance of trades; import; export; luxuries

____________________ declared war on the settlers with the Wampanoags and prompted a war named "______________________________________" against Bostonians

Metacom; King Philip's War

Anglicans became __________________________ or _____________________________________; Congregationalists became __________________ ______________________________ and ___________ ______________________________; Presbyterians became ________ or _______________ ______________ _________________________

Methodists; Latitudinarians; pro-revival New Lights; anti-revival Old lights; New; Old Side Synods

The ____________________ portion of the US resisted independence; elsewhere, ____________________ supplanted colonial assemblies from 1774-5; however, this led to ________________ and _______________ competing for people's loyalty

Midatlantic; provincial congresses; assembly; congress

The Louisiana Purchace would give US access to ______________________, get rid of the b_______________t___________, give US _______________ land which would help increase the strength of the US as an ______________________ republic; so Jeff bought it even though he technically lacked constitutional power to do so; however, the Feds thought it'd increase settlement of the __________________ and would increase ___________ strength and barbarism

Mississippi river; border threat; farm; agrarian; backcountry; republican

As the economy in NE declined, the colonists began buying a certain good from French islands so Parliament made the _________________________ to combat this

Molasses Act

In _______ (place), its Federalists hated war; this led to the _________________________________ in __________ with the goals of amending the constitution in their favor

NE; Hartford Convention; 1814

1674: _______________________ split (you can use the abbreviation) and the Quakers bought half


With the ______________________, they could add states to the original 13; they'd initially have Congressionally appointed government, public education and no slaves

NW Ordinance of 1787

1820s: Ppl in NE went to ____; they had intense market-oriented __________(everything was about __________!); the north was ((more/less)) receptive of new tech than the s (like horsepower, cast-iron plows, etc)

NW; agri; $; more

_________________________'s rebellion in ________ was a turning point that convinced many whites that BLACKS WERE DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!

Nat Turner; 1831

_______________________________ led a revolution against Virginia and its governor __________________________

Nathaniel Bacon; William Berkley

___________________: backlash against immigrants because US scared; this led to _____________ movements (temperance, schools)

Nativism; reform

English Parliament passed 3 ________________________ (1651-73) to weaken the Dutch

Navigation Acts

__________________________________: first agricultural revolution; means new/late stone age; women used __________________________ technique so they _________ often

Neolithic revolution; slash and burn; moved

1637: Puritans created the ______________________________________________ to protect against the native population

New England Confederation

__________________________ exercised ethnic and religious pluralism; mostly commercial, no immigrants, diverse, DIVERSE DIVERSE DIVERSE ; governor = Pieter Stuyvesant

New Netherland

1664: James, duke of York, created ___________________ ; it was a mediator between settlers/Iroquois

New York

1828: _____________________________________: women united to combat prostitution because of male lust; Female Reform Society failed but it was a nice starting point

New York Magdalen Society

_______________________ spread Enlightenment


______________________________, or _________________________, hated Calvinists and wanted to eradicate Catholic vestiges

Non-Separatists; Puritans

In colonial families, they were very __________________ and they aimed to be _______________ because therefore they'd be more respected

Patriarchal; independent

The ___________________________ from ____________ were a group of PA Scots-Irish who tried to kill all natives; they represented a part of the constant attacks on natives (without punishment) in PA and VA

Paxton Boys; 1763

1763: ___________________ ended the Seven Years' war and land was divvied up among French, Spain and England with ___________________ getting the most land at the end and _______________________ angry and unsatisfied with the deal

Peace of Paris; England; Natives

___________________________ found Brazil for Portugal; Brazilian BANDEIRANTES (frontiersmen) enslaved natives

Pedro Alvares Cabral

In the _______________________, states began to count ________ of a slave for representation and tax

Philadelphia Convention; 3/5

_________________________ was a Christian black servant who wrote outstanding poetry

Phillis Wheatly

The ____________________ were Separatists who left England for the ___________________ but left THERE because there was TOO much religious pluralism

Pilgrims; Netherlands

___________, who was a San Juan Pueblo medicine man, created the best native revolt ever with the _______________ people

Pope; Pueblo

People were beginning to suspect "______________" which was the idea that blacks would kill whites and overthrow society


Spain was rich from American silver and then King Philip overtook _______________ as well and it was HUGE


_____________________ was a small kingdom that lacked maritime strength, $, etc but they were peaceful and wanted to reach Asia but were thwarted by Cape Bojador for a while until they got around and went to Africa; they became super powerful on the sea and ended up creating the _________________, a very powerful vessel

Portugal; caravel

______________________ = midclass evangelicals; thought Christ's Second Coming = at end of missionary conversion of world; __________________________ = methodists, disciples of Christ; thought 2nd coming would bring world-destroying violence; included __________________________ and his ____________________ who thought world would end March 1844; it didn't so they quietly disappeared back into society except for a few crazies who became the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Post-millenialists; Premillenialists; William Miller; Millerites

1835: radical abolitionists began the ____________________ when they flooded the south with abolitionist material and petitioned Congress; _______________ played a large role here

Postal Campaign; women

Massachusetts government tried to protect converts, which they called ___________________; who were evacuated from King Philip's War to safety

Praying Indians

George Washington's new title was the _______________________ and this was an important step because it dramatized the power and grandeur of the executive


____________ were sent by an admiral in 1747 to get people to serve in the military but the people revolted during THIS namesake revolt?

Press gangs; Knowles Riot

______________________ meant that all land went to his eldest surviving son


______________________ were Brits and provincials who were on private ships with government consent with the mission to attack/plunder enemies; they later on resulted in some _________________________ among natives; this peace with natives allowed them to focus all of their energy on attacking the ____________________

Privateers; interfighting; French

_________________________________ explained Britain's plan to govern North America; based off of this they made the ____________________________________________ to prevent western expansion

Proclamation of 1763; proclamation line

____________________________________, like MD and PA, were under the authority of individuals granted charters of ownership by the king

Proprietary colonies

__________________________ destroyed Europe's religious unity; Nov 1517 ____________________ nailed his _________________ to a church door and this began the ______________________ (salvation thru faith alone); another important member of this was __________________________ (he also managed Geneva); England stuck to their __________________ which prompted the __________________ to leave to New England; also dunno why i'm going to put this here but France had a War of Religions in 1560s

Protestant Reformation; Martin Luther; 95 Theses; Reformation; John Calvin; Anglican Church; Puritans

Maryland was predominantly ________________________ (religion?); Virginia was mostly ____________________________ (religion?)

Protestant; Anglican

Henry VIII was significant because he gave ___________ power


Northern churches were similar in their value of individual experience over church authority; thought democracy = important; as well as _______________________ (god's will)


The Quakers who were most vocal at weekly meetings were the "_____________________________", who had special sets

Public Friends

Also, Hamilton, Jay and Madison wrote 85 essays, called themselves __________________ and published ________________________________________ in which they claimed that a (big/small) republic was more powerful than a (big/small) republic

Publis; The Federalist Papers; big; small

Covenant Theology was developed by the ________________________ and stated that God made the ________________________________ (everyone deserves damnation) and __________________________ (God saved chosen people); then added the ______________________________ (to make God's "ideal" churches)

Puritans; Covenant of Works; Covenant of Grace; Communal Covenant

_________________: Salvation to everyone who embraced the __________________ ___________________ (God's internal presence)

Quakers; Inner Light

1758: _______________ condemned slavery 1780: First ___________________ society formed (in Philly) 1804: slavery ended in last ______________ _____________ 1807: _______________ ended Atlantic slave trade

Quakers; antislavery; northern state; britain

1675-90: The _______________ led ____________-based ________________ migration and was founded by George Fox, who also made the ________________________________ (which came to made an ideal society)

Quakers; family; religious; Society of Friends

The _____________________________ created with Thomas Gage gave Parliament authority to quarter soldiers in private homes

Quartering Act of 1765

The _________________ established French civil law and Roman Catholicism in Quebec, increased land and this angered the colonists because they thought Britain was trying to destroy them (ik, wth colonists?!)

Quebec Act

1702: Europe's War of the Spanish Succession became more known as ____________________________________________, in which English colonists fought with the French and Spain

Queen Anne's War

the _____________________ was also known as the family system; they built countryside factory villages to control workers; they used power looms which led to self-contained factory towns and little household independence

RI system

The Quakers were believed to be very (orthodox/radical)


____________________________ were general Germans who were indentured servants who (with their families) were bound to their masters in the Mid-Atlantic colonies


Hamilton's 1790 ___________________________ was the proposition that Congress combined state debt with government's foreign and domestic debt which led to a consolidated national debt

Report on Public Credit

______________ was a form of government with elected officials


___________________ = native villages outside French alliance system that traded with cheap Brits


During the ___________________ (1660-88), six new colonies (proprietary, social experiments) were founded by poor men where land was cheap and there was religious toleration

Restoration Era

The ___________________________________________ decreased the molasses duty but this now applied to ALL molasses

Revenue Act of 1766

____________ destroyed religious unity in Europe when Evangelicals seceded and some became ________________

Revivals; Baptist

Later, Newport, Providence and Portsmouth combined to create ____________________________ which had religious liberty and a separation between church and state

Rhode Island

____________________ appointed Comptroller of the Treasury in 1811; close advisor to Madison; became Attorney General in 1814; namesake of treaty that demilitarized Canada boundary on Great Lakes

Richard Rush

________________________ was a separatist who didn't like people who didn't directly repudiate Anglicans and he argued for church/state separation in his Providence

Roger Williams

By the 1730s, the __________________________ were the norm: there was a monarch and a representative government

Royal colonies

_________________________, like Virginia after 1624, were to be under the direct authority/rule of the king's government

Royal colonies

Virginia was/became the first ____________________

Royal colony

________________ demilitarized Canadian boundary on Great Lakes

Rush-Bagot Treaty

Spanish Florida gave slaves from ________ (initials are OK) freedom if they ____________________; they had ________ (first community of black slaves) which led to a 1739 __________________________________ among British slaves

SC; converted; Mose; Stono Rebellion

The ________________________________ involved young girls accusing others of being possessed by Satan but it marked the end of the _____________________; 20 people were killed as a result of it

Salem Witch Trials; Puritan era

_____________________: example - Britain didn't heavily enforce Navigation Acts; allowed smuggling

Salutary Neglect

______________________ thought Catholics and Huguenots could work together and he carried these views to Canada but it failed; also, COUREURS DE BOIS (itinerant traders) ran around in the woods and traded furs with natives which caught them in politics; our guy sided with the ___________ confederacy but this wrapped the colonists into the ________________ War (the "beaver wars" and the "mourning wars") where grieving clan matriarchs had warriors capture other places' soldiers to replace their dead loved ones

Samuel Champlain; Huron; Iroquois

WHO SAID IT??? "men and women are CREATED EQUAL!"

Sarah Grimke

_______________________ said that men = women; this raised eyebrows (wtf cassie no one says that) and split the _______________________ movement

Sarah Grimke; abolitionist

_______________________________ taught women and blacks and led to a revival and increased abolitionism

Sarah Osborn

Main turning point of Revolutionary war = ___________


1790s-1830s = __________________________ : hell for nonconverts; main figurehead = evangelist ______________________________ who preached to northern middle class; main idea = man = ____________ ______________ _______________; had the choice between right and wrong; used revival Methodist techniques like with the _________________________________ (reserved space for most likely converts); kept Puritan Old Testament sense of cosmic history; 1825+ midclass culture based on private, emotional family life

Second Great Awakening; Charles Finney; moral free agent; anxious bench

Adams <3 ________________________ into 3 branches; said legislative branch must be ____________; however, Thomas Paine, GA, PA and VT preferred ________________________ (single legislative body); government was designed to make people happy and was ruled by ____________________ (patriotism)

Separation of power; bicameral; unicameral legislature; public virtue

_______________________ = extreme Protestants who said English church wasn't a church


__________________________ was between the British and French and is another name for the French and Indian War and complicated relationships between the Protestants and Catholics

Seven Years' War

Spanish Crown established center of imperial bureaucracy in ______________ to control conquistadores in 16C: they used a ___________________ system

Seville; viceroyalty

Mid16C: English economy was based off ________________


Proprietary colonies all had similar ___________________ ___________________

Social ideas

The _________ was angry with the Alien and Sedition Acts so Jefferson and ____________ and Madison with ______________ created the __________________________________, which nullified the acts

South; Kentucky; VA; VA and Kentucky Resolves

1790-1860 was the _____________________________: big plantation biz; economic ______________, no more _____________________; they were marginal to the market economy - they exported plantation staples and paid outsiders for shipping and finished goods; it involved a heavier dependence on _____________ because they planted more ______________; they had SOME ____________(shorten) but not much because slaves didn't really like it; the state government also ((((did/didn't))))) implement internal improvements; people lived near _____________; no ____________________________ (unlike in the north); southern cities' sole purpose was to process _________________ (northern's were for ________ (shorten)); south was still basically just __________________ and was _________________ due to its dependence on ___________ and _______________; the north was the center of the _______________ because they did ________ (shorten)

Southern Market Revolution; inequality; diversification; slaves; cotton; tech; didn't; river; urban cities; trade; manu; colonial; isolated; slaves; cotton; economy; manu

The ________________________________, which was passed in _____________, declared that all legal documents were void unless they were printed on special paper

Stamp Act; 1765

The colonies resisted the ___________ Act and the supposed difference between ___________________________________ because they preferred the traditional method of requisition, where the Crown asked the colonies for money and the ___________________ found a way to pay up

Stamp; internal and external tax; Assembly

__________________: US painter; father of US portraiture; painted fancy wealthy portraits like *Atheneum Portrait* (on US $1 bill); it became a _____________________ if you could have one of his GW paintings in your house

Stuart; status symbol

Lord North tried to save the East India Company but didn't want to repeal the Townshend Act so he created the ____________________________ which repealed import duties on English tea but retained the colonies' Townshend duties; this (was/wasn't) loved by the merchants

Tea Act of 1773; wasn't

*Aztecs* settled on Lake Texcoco and built a city _____________ on lake; connected to mainland with causeways; created ______________ to plant; ___________________ a bunch of people, which is probably their most distinctive quality

Tenochtitlan; chinampas; sacrificed

Jamestown finally began to get better once it began exporting __________________


In Baltimore, the ________________________________ granted all Christians free worship

Toleration Act of 1649

Parliament was supported by the _____________ (Stuart followers who wanted legitimate succession), which reinforced royal power


The __________________________________________________________ imposed new duties in colonial ports on imports that could only come from Britain; the main goal of this was to use American money to pay ____________________________________; he also gave _______________power to the vice-admiralty courts and made the American Board of Customs Commissioners to enforce trade laws; furthermore, the British army left the _________________ and came to the ______________________ which angered the colonists

Townshend Revenue Act of 1767; colonial governor and judges; appellate power; frontier; coast

Britain and US came to peace with the _____________________________________ which was created in _________; this most importantly _______________________________, also left the __________________________________; didn't make mention of British _____________ or ___________________;

Treaty of Ghent; 1814; ended war; US/Canada Border; maritime; natives

NE slaves sided with _________, not NE slaves sided with _____________; later, when most slaves fled, most became _________ and established a safe haven in Sierra Leone; also, many ______________ moved like in the year __________ when many "late loyalists" went to ______________________

US; Britain; free; loyalists; 1783; Canada

_______________ = Scots-Irish; lived in the ____________________

Ulsters; backcountry

____________________ believed that there was no divine Jesus/hell; liked religious tolerance


_____________________________ were most dangerous because it allowed states to believe they could deem federal laws as invalid because they were unconstitutional

VA and Kentucky Resolves

Sugar Act was dangerous because of the creation of __________________________________ which didn't have a jury

Vice Admiralty courts

_________________________was the idea that everyone had a voice in Parliament and everyone was represented equally, even if not everyone was present

Virtual representation

The _____________________________ were republicans from the south or west that wanted to go to war with England to protect US rights

War Hawks

During the __________________________________ which was between Britain and Spain, Britain lost badly but patriotic fervor increased

War of Jenkin's Ear

1833 ________________________________________ gave US shared history; started 1848 and finished 1884, located in DC and super tall; Horatio GREENHOUGH made a statue for GW after appointed by Congress but it was rejected because it made GW look too much like a God; 1800 _______________________________________________: bestseller, very important; used symbolism to raise up GW

Washington Monument; Weems Biography

1840: ______________________________________ formed; consisted of people from ___________________, had no ______________ affiliation, no _____________________ dependence; didn't really fit ideal Whig standard because it was a chaotic experience that wanted to restore man's morality and self respect: it created a fear of ___________________ that led to a rise in ___________________ _________________________

Washington Temperance Society; laboring class; religious; political; alcohol; domestic responsibility

17C: most English went to the __________________________ where they transitioned to planting ____________________ and this marked the beginning of a transition to a dependence on _________________

West Indies; sugar; slaves

With the Articles of Confederation: 1) could only be ratified if ________________________________ were relinquished 2) was __________________________, where each state got _____ vote 3) needed ________ votes for legislature; __________ votes to amend 4) had power to __________, create ________________, send out _____________________ and borrow __________________ 5) Didn't have power to _____, regulate _____________; no way to enforce laws --> ___________

Western land claims; unicameral; 1; 9; 13; war; treaties; diplomats; $; tax; trade; requisition

The ________________ were an opposition group to Parliament


The ____________________ in ____________ was when frontier whites refused to pay whiskey tax, which was an _______________________________, which led to chaos; this was the first time the federal government put down a revolt (contrasts their inability to take action during _________________________)

Whiskey Rebellion; 1794; internal tax; Shays Rebellion

__________________________ created Pennsylvania (1681) and his constitution, which was inspired by James Harrington, had a _____________________ government, _____________________ freedom, easy ______________________ with a ________________________ system where one paid annual fees

William Penn; representative; religious; land access; quitrent

1757: _______________________ came to power and used voluntaristic ideas to persuade men to join the army; said colonies could get share of wealth if they helped out in the war and this was a very effective lure

William Pitt

Georgia was created to make use of England's _______________________; it was sponsored by _______________________

Worthy poor; James Oglethorpe

The _________________________ was important bc it showed that the US could defend themselves against the French and other foreign powers

XYZ affair

on _______________, Washington crossed the DE and attacked at the Battle of ______________ to restore morale, then had another quick victory at the Battle of ____________________; this showed that the Howes made a fatal flaw and made _________________ feel abandoned, effectively losing that trust

Xmas 1776; Trenton; Princeton; loyalists

During the __________________________________________, the Carolinas went to war against a native group and later on the Carolinas split into ____________ and _________________ (initials are fine); and while ______________ was more naval stores and farms, __________________ was plantations; and this was also the so-called "_______________________" between the settlers and natives

Yamasee War; NC; SC; NC; SC; Long Peace

____________________ were small time farmers that didn't usually have slaves

Yeoman farmers

Washington and Rochambeau besieged _______________________ in this super important battle in _______________ which brought down the British government and ended the war, along with the ____________________ (created ______________), which determined that Americans got land east of Mississippi Riv

Yorktown; 1781; Treaty of Paris; 1783

1790-1830: rise in popularity of consumption of _____________________, particularly _________________ which was cheap and clean

alcohol; whiskey

3 main reasons for American Colonization Society: 1) want to send blacks to make America ___________ _________________ 2) ______________ ___________________ won't have fair shot in society 3) don't want _______________ but don't want ____________ ______________ in society either

all white; free blacks; slavery; free blacks

4 big questions of the Philly Convention: 1) whether to ______________ or __________________ the existing constitution 2) what to do with ________________ 3) how to have each state receive _________________ 4) Allay fears of ______________________________

amend; overthrow; slaves; representation; strong central government

FED OR ANTIFED: farmers, poorer


FED OR ANTIFED: french lovers


FED OR ANTIFED: jefferson


FED OR ANTIFED: low tariff


FED OR ANTIFED: strict constructionist


FED OR ANTIFED: weak central government


The ___________________ were more supportive of the French Revolution


In 1790, __________, who were a kind of "middling class" that were skilled manual laborers, began to hire ______________________ (wage earners); ___________________ decreased because artisans were replaced with cheaper, subcontracted, semi-skilled "slop workers"

artisans; journeymen; patriarchy

The government in the 19C included the rise of the ______________ and the ________________ _____________________ which basically became an ideological contest where everyone tried to avoid ______________________

assembly; royal governor; factions

In his report on the Public Credit, Hamilton wanted to ___________________________ state ________________ war debts -- this was ___________________ (accepted, yes/no?); wanted to pay Rev war debts at _______________________ -- this was ___________________ (accepted, yes/no?); wanted to impose high _____________ on ____________________; form a ___________________________ -- this was ___________________ (accepted, yes/no?);

assume; rev; yes; face value; yes; tariff; imports; national bank; yes

Urban working class men had a bachelor culture of manliness that really liked ________________________ (ie dogfighting, cockfighting, etc); there was a lot of violence in this time period (1840-50s) and as immigrants and street gangs came, there was ______________

blood sports; boxing

Baron von Steuben wrote the ________________ which made the Continental army more soldierly

blue book

In 1789, Hamilton reported debt to French government and citizens which prompted businessmen to _____________________________

buy all notes

Later on, after the war of 1812, ______________ represented the S; ___________________ for the north and ______________ for kentucky/west

calhoun; webster; clay

In 1830s, Northern rural areas had fewer forests and animals and more houses; people paid debts with ___________; decreased amount of __________________ ____________________ - people instead just sold stuff and used that cash to pay _________; they were dependent on the outside world

cash; neighborhood cooperation; debt

What's a "sachem"? A native _________________


The children of Puritans had difficulty finding God and convincing elders they were authentic so their _____________ could not be __________________

children; baptized

high cost of rent led to the making of ______________________ becoming a sweat trade; there were a few males and then the women did the bulk work with the _________________________________ (or cottage industry); this was similar with shoemaking; this instituted the idea that _____________ > ______________

clothing; putting-out system; head; hands

___________________=spear point used in Americas to _______________ and was developed in about *13K BCE*

clovis tip; hunt animals

for the first half of 19c, NE had more c___________________________ f___________ and there were f_______________ in _______, _________; the US countryside was a market for __________ ____________ (shorten); US towns/cities = market for ____________ ____________

commercialized farms; factories; NE; NW; US manu; US food

_______________________ were tax-supported public schools run by local and state government

common schools

__________________: a farmer's ability to meet neighborhood standard and protect their long term independence; this led to a ________________________________ of animals and plants/cash crop

competence; diversification

1830+: South defended keeping slaves because they said giving slaves a chance at ________________________ was a gift; said the Bible justified slavery and there was nothing in there about equal rights


Puritans like Thomas Mayhew and John Eliot worked to ______________________ _____________________

convert natives

SC planters began to leave to a safe distance because there was malaria in the marshy rice field (they didn't bother trying to _____________ the slaves unlike those in _________________) but slaves were resistant because of the _______________________

convert; north; sickle cell

_________________ really boosted cotton production

cotton gin

The rebels destroyed the royal government so they controlled the ammo and militia, and the militia was key to political allegiance because it kept the ______________________________ committed


Early 2nd millenium: Europe began a _____________ to conquer Holy Land from Islam; didn't too well so resorted to ISLANDS and they made a ________________________ with _______________________ that they'd sell in Europe

crusade; staple crop; slave labor

whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- GET RID OF ALL THE IMMIGRANTS


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- activist government leads to privilege and inequality and corruption


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- cynics


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- didn't approve of private and government alliances


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- equal opportunity (for white, native-born males)


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- equality for all


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- hate banks


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- hate centralization of school district


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- hate high tax


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- hated activist government


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- immigrants


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- laborers


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- local rule


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- old republic way of life


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- schools equalized opportunity


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- small, limited fed govt


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- suspicious


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- white patriarchy


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- yeoman farmers


__________________________, a native prophet, joined with his brother _______________________ and united them to create a confederacy that would counter the US (kind of like with Neolin!); they defeated the US at the Battle of Tippecanoe options: a) Tasquantum b) Tecumseh c) Agaidika d) Tenskwatawa e) Sitting Bull

d; b

The Seven Years' War left Britain in DEEP ____________ so they made the colonists pay for _______________________________________ (where and what?)

debt; N American protection

Madison and the South opposed Hamilton's plan for dealing with debt because it favored the North; they compromised by keeping the ___________ but ____________________ the _________________ to the _________________, which is modern ______

debt; moving; capital; potomac river; DC

Since George wanted war, trade ____________, tax and debt ______________, people were ___; they needed soldiers which led to _____________________, which sparked the Protestant riots in _________ called the ____________________________

decreased; increased; mad; religious leniency; 1780; Gordon Riots

___________________(shorten) in Congress prevented federal roads and canals from being built


After Trenton and Princeton, Washington (with Congress' help) increased army __________, enlist time, created a much more solid army; however, the _________________________ (who were quite __________) > ___________________________ (who had _____________ place in community and were more ________________)

discipline; Continentals; poor; militia; secure; religious

Spanish brought _____________ with them which caused a pandemic because of ____________ _______________ and a lack of ________________; this DESTROYED the native population

disease; genetic similarity; immunity

______________________ and __________________________ (in alphabetical order) were enlightened professions

doctors; lawyers

While Europe __________________ _____________ , Americans didn't; americans didn't really have immunity to diseases as a result

domesticated animals

MA favored ____ towns over ___ town (geo location? just put letter); failed to compromise; had separation of powers, elective governors, all free men could vote -- this was ratified in ______________________

e; w; 1780

In _______________________ (early/late; century?) Africans came to Virginia; and here, t__________________ s________________ transitioned to l_____________________, h_________________________ s______________________ because fewer i____________________ s__________________ came

early; 17; temporary servitude; lifelong, hereditary slavery; indentured servants

At first, the _________ (((upper/lower/east/west)))) invasion of Canada was ((((good/bad)))), but NY wouldn't cross the river to help which made them ___________; this (along with a previous fail) caused Canada to _____________

east; good; fail; unite

Spanish rulers used the _____________________ labor system where they got labor from native districts; the king later limited this to only crown projects and colonists were angry until they began adopting the countryside ____________________, a big estate with crops and herds

encomienda; hacienda

Power defined in the constitution was _________________: federal; ______________: state; or ____________________: shared

enumerated; reserved; concurrent

During GW"s presidency, Congress also made _______________ _______________ whose heads were appointed by the president

executive departments

FED OR ANTIFED: brit policy


FED OR ANTIFED: hamilton


FED OR ANTIFED: high tariff


FED OR ANTIFED: loose constructionist


FED OR ANTIFED: manufacturers


FED OR ANTIFED: strong central govt


washington was more of a __________________ (fed/antifed)


Hamilton also made a ________________________ which was a tax on goods like wine, tea, coffee, spirits, etc; to fund the national debt and it also established that the government had the power to pass _________________; this was passed in _______________

federal excise tax; internal tax; 1791

In 1798, Congress first passed a ____________________________ (which was a _______________!)(it was graduated, equal and justified by military necessity); then it passed 4 __________________________________________: the first three increased __________________ time, let president detain enemy aliens during war and deport dangers; 4th = _______________________ (jail/fine those who committed libel/slander; people like William Duane and Matthew Lyon were punished by this)

federal property tax; direct tax; Alien and Sedition Acts; naturalization; sedition act

The ________________ wanted national bank


1730-50: the countryside had a __________________________________ when they began to use old charters to get money from settlers; also, settlers launched more and more attacks on __________________ such as the ________________________________' uprising in ______________, or the _________________________ which was from ___________; this led to the creation of ____________ who were vigilantes, in _______________; government collapsed and there was violence in the Carolinas

feudal revival; natives; Paxton Boys; 1763; Cherokee War; 1759-61; regulators; 1765-67

list 2 MAIN IDEAS of Washington's farewell address

foreign neutrality; no political parties

After War of 1812, US became obsessed with _____________________________ and especially _______ (initials are good)

founding fathers; GW

Adams successfully found peace with ____________________ and established a US _________________________, but he also put in _______________________ with the ______________________________; presided when the ________________________ (which led to a __________________________) occured; approved and implemented the _________________________________________; allowed the _______________________________ to thrive; imposed a ____________________; kept a ___________________________________ and prompted the creation of the ___________________________________________

france; navy; midnight judges; judiciary act of 1801; xyz affair; quasi-war; alien and sedition acts; high federalists; direct tax; standing army; va and kentucky resolves

While in MA and NH, slaves were just ___________, PA had a _____________________________ system in which said that kid slaves were freed @ 28 (although they were disadvantaged by this a little); in MD and VA there was ______________________________ where owners freed individual reforms; however, the south needed slaves because the planters liked humane reforms like conversions but needed slaves to plant ____________________; however, the ___________________ still partook in the Atlantic slave trade

free; gradual emancipation; manumission; cotton; Deep South

In the lowcountry, the overseers were more lenient; in the _____________________, all slaves were directly under whites and they were forced to c _____________f_______________; everything was very _________________________ and they only made ________________; there was no more _____________________ and they worked from dawn to dusk, there was an increase of the supremacy of masters; after 1820, masters had more control but there was also more "___________________" since slaves had better clothes, food, lifespans; material standards increased but slaves were still NOT people

frontier; clear forests; commercialized; cotton; task system; humanity

In reaction to the postal campaign, the south began the _____________ which meant that they prevented their politicians from discussing slavery in Congress, and they censored mail; meanwhile in the North, there were ____________ against blacks and abolitionists

gag rule; riots

there were increased ______________________ for working; men should concern themselves with making ________; women should increase p__________________n________________ which led to the creation of a ___________ --- housework was tied to p__________, d__________________ and d____________ comfort; they had neat yards, oil lamps, wallpaper, etc

gender roles; $; personal neatness; broom; privacy; decency; domestic

After a while, gentlemen who did no manual labor with $ and lineage and education began to dominate __________________________ in the NE; this marked the decline of _____________________________________

government; household autonomy

British government had 3 major "branches": a monarchical ____________________, a wealthy people's ________________/_______________________ __________________/____________________ _________ _______________________; and a democratic ______________________/_________________________ ______ _________________________________

governor; council/upper house/House of Lords; assembly/house of commons

With the Townshend Acts, colonists were upset by their decreased power over the _________; also, the ______________ came to the coast in order to protect THEIR customs officials

governor; military

1804: North instituted _______________________ of slaves while the south wouldn't even think about it; free blacks went to _______________________ and took stable, low paying jobs and assimilated into city life which was disturbing to many

gradual emancipation; cities

In NE, the farming of _______________ decreased but _____________ replaced it as a cash crop (along with ___________ and __________________); as there were an increased production of _______________, the amount of ___________________________ needed decreased and improved methods changed _____________ to ___________________ and resulted in mass deforestation

grain; beef; dairy; sheep; livestock; cultivation land; woods; pastures

_______________ was a loose constructionist; ______________ was a strict one

hamilton; jeff

PA had a very (homogenous/heterogenous; denote answer as "ho" or "he")


In rural communities, most people __________________ each other; used _________________ system in the NE; in the S and W, people used a ___________________________ where they just remembered debt used; _________________________ helped people keep track of credit - they were the brokers for neighborhood debt

helped; barter; changing system; storekeepers

While men went out to work, women stayed at ___________ to rear kids; they were a huge market for literature and ____________________________________'s "Godey's Lady's Book" magazine for women was immensely popular; sentimental ____________________ ___________________ was very popular and they sacralized middle class homes and Christian women...tried to domesticate world and get rid of sin

home; Sarah Joseph Hale; sentimental domestic fiction

Henry _______________ sailed up to Hudson river for Dutch in 1609; Deacon Pierre ______________ bought Manhattan in 1626

hudson; Minuit

18-19C: blacks were i___________________ but l________________; by 1820+ they were t____________________ and h_________________

ignorant; loyal; treacherous; horrible

1840-50: _________________ brought in more alcohol, and the resulting surge of _____________________ caused prohibition movements

immigrants; nativism

Jefferson allowed the ________________________ of two important judges, Chase and Pickering; reduced m__________________ _________, d_________________ ____________ and most importantly n____________________ ___________; performed the ___________________________ ___________________________; allowed _____________________________________ to happen; implemented the ________________________________ and the ___________________________ and had the __________________________ incident happen

impeachments; military size; diplomatic corps; national debt; louisiana purchase; marbury v. madison; nonimportation act; embargo act; chesapeake

British navy searched US and seized; they had ___________________________ (forced US citizens into British navy); along with the _____________________________ (or the Leopard Affair)_ which happened in ________ (Britain opened fire and killed British deserters), there were anti-British riots and Jefferson banned _______________________________ from US

impressment; Chesapeake affair; 1807; British ships

During GW's presidency, James Madison led the Congress and (increased/decreased) the power of the national government and passed a ______________ on imports to gain money

increased; tariff

1793-1815: west indian, european market for US farmers was good which led to increases of household ___________________ and stricter __________________________, which contributed to an increase of _____________________ in diets

independence; gender roles; nutrition

big ideas of the antebellum period: -I_________________________ in the ______ and _______ -B___________________ in the ___________ -Better/more ____________________________ systems in _______ and _____ -Creation of ________________________________ -S_____________________________________________ -R____________ movements in _______ and _________

industrialization; n; w; banking; NE: transportation; n; w; cult of domesticity; second great awakening; reform; n; w

____________________: war hawk elected to congress in 1810

john calhoun

winners (w) or losers (l)? just put the letter and a semicolon: Anglican church


winners (w) or losers (l)? just put the letter and a semicolon: natives


winners (w) or losers (l)? just put the letter and a semicolon: slaves


winners (w) or losers (l)? just put the letter and a semicolon: women


*9K* years ago, many large ________ ___________ went extinct because ______________ decreased, climate ________________ and _____________, and this extinction caused ______________ _______ _________________

land mammals; glaciers; warmed; overhunting; human pop decrease

America had an extremely high _______________ rate; the government encouraged reading


Women became more ASSERTIVE; in 1830 in NE, there was an increase in _________________ and philosophers and clergy bean to suspect that women were more ____________________ superior; also the ideas of a "___________________" and "_______________________" popped up, and these raised up the increased role of women in the education of their family; there was an increase in the production of novels as well

literacy; morally; republican wife; republican mother

Puritan families had (long/short) lives, were very __________________; had little _______________________ and rejected __________________ to keep their communities pure

long; patriarchal; migration; slavery

3 big plants of 2K BCE: _______________ (or ________ ___ _____________), _____________ and _______________; they were planted by the *Hohokam* and *Mogollan* people; also, the _____________________ were cliff-dwellers with 5-story apts and KIVAS (religious meeting rms); they were great ____________________ and ancestors of the ___________

maize; maiz de ocho; squash; beans; Anasazi; astronomers; pueblo

With the war of 1812, the US gained: increased __________________________ at home, reaffirmed ________________________ (note: the War of 1812 is also referred to as the 2nd war for independence); ____________________ and ___________________ leadership; increased holdings on _______________ (taken from natives); __________________________________ where the Federalists wanted to ______________; reaffirmed the ________________________ _________________________; increased American ________________

manufacturing; independence; military; political; land; hartford convention; secede; canadian border; nationalism

Most women in the slave moments belonged to the ____________ or _____________ class

mid; upper

The market revolution led to the formation of a northern _______________________, who were comprised of commercial farmers, merchants and manufacturers; especially popular in NE; they believed in self ownership, freedom of action and ambition, equal opportunity, autonomy, privacy and ________________-centered domestic life

middle class; mother

___________________ began developing their new, own values but there was an overall increase in _________________________-

middle class; stratification

1840-80: racist blackface ______________ shows (beginning with 1831 Thomas Rice's Jim Crow); involved singing, political satire, vulgar jokes and these increased __________________________ but also introduced _______________ _________________ to the general American audience

minstrel; stereotypes; black culture

Eastern woodlands' _____________________ lived near Mississippi and Ohio rivers; built huge mounds (duh); their first society was the _________________________________________ (500BCE-400CE) and they had widespread commerce, later developed and flourished with the _____________________________________ with really grand earth mounds; their main city was at _____________ which was near St. Louis and was the center of it all

mound builders; adena-hopewell; mississippian culture; cahokia

Communication and transportation rev. happens mostly in __ and ______; this made ___________________ easier and was prompted by ______ _________________________

n; nw; communication; w expansion

Caused by _______ emancipation, the _____________________________________ slave revolt, termination of the _____________________________________ and the fact that _______________ no longer kept slaves led to the real start of American __________________________ with _______________________________________ (1831); he claimed that slavery was a ___________________ _______ and he wanted _________________________ for all

n; toussaint l'ouverture; atlantic slave trade; britain; abolitionism; william lloyd garrison; national sin; equality

________ and ____________; ____________________ ______________________: protestant, republican, entrepreneurial faith in progress --> morally accountable, sentimental domestic unity; ____________ ________________ dwellers and _____________ _________________ were unsentimental, patriarchal, new religious sects, providence, disliked market revolution; ____________________ __________________ = neighborhood, evangelical, conservative, valued family, depended on slave labor and code of honor; ____________________ = loved family, republican promise of liberty, adapted evangelical Protestant God

n; w; middle class; poor urban; n farmers; s farmers; slaves

_____________________ was a rep who favored War of 1812; namesake had bill even though wasn't author and didn't even support it; chaired foreign relations committee right before war

nathaniel macon

During Jeff's presidency, he decreased n_______________________ d________, increased the size of US with _________________ ___________; got rid of the a________________ a_________ s___________________ a___________; prevented __________________________ expansion in N. America; kept i_____________ p__________ (shorten first word), led an inexpensive, unobstructive government --> he was reelected in ________

national debt; coerce; Louisiana purchase; alien and sedition acts; French; int'l peace; 1805

During GW's presidency, he created a ____________________________, gave the US _______________________, didn't have to deal with any ___________; he also set a _____________________

national government; western land; war; term limit

1816: congress resumed construction of the ______________________, which linked the Potomac River and the Ohio River; this made it easier to __________ ______________ but ____________ was still expensive

national road; move west; shipping

_______________________: ethnic, shared history, culture, religion (country = boundaries, govt)


Frontier whites were angry with the national government because they were faced with constant ___________________________ and couldn't use the _____________________________ in 1794

native attacks; Mississippi River

Bacon's goal was to eliminate all ______________________


In the US, there were raids completed by the ______________ and ______________; Congress and people didn't have _______ so the value of __________________________ depreciated until Congress stopped using it, but they were still poor so many ________________ suffered

natives; loyalists; money; paper money; farmers

The _________________________ clause in the constitution gives congress the power to make all laws it thinks should be made

necessary and proper

Yeoman neighborhoods were founded on n_____________________ cooperation, no c________________________ or s________-a_____________________; few f_________________; didn't use _____________ (used the _______________ system); they were pretty s______-s__________________ and relied on f_________________ for labor

neighborhood; commercialism; self-ambition; fences; cash; barter; self-sufficient; family

Although the natives at first tried to remain _________________, most of them (under the ideas of Joseph Brant) decided to help the ________________

neutral; British

list 2 PRECEDENTS washington set for future american presidents:

neutrality, term limit

The most important accomplishment of the national government under the AOC was that it determined how _________________________ would be admitted to the Union

new states

The market revolution increased the amount of ___________________________ distributed; N&W city workers ate them up; there was lots of ________________________________ and they portrayed people as terrible and demonic, like in Lippard's 1845 "The Quaker City"; popular fictions were a melodramatic version of ________________ vs. _____________; midclass sentimental novels said that the __________________ was good and that ______________ would eventually defeat ________________

newspapers; sensationalism; good; evil; world; good; evil

Merchants began to adopt ____________________________________________ in response to the Stamp Act

nonimportation agreements

_____________________ were state teachers' colleges

normal schools

After the Rev War, the ____________ had a lot of debt and the __________ was debtfree

north; south

3 main purposes of the Declaration of Independence: 1) convince ___________________ that America was __________________ 2) convince other ___________________ to believe in America 3) to address ___________________________

other European powers; independent; colonies; britain

In 1790, people didn't really care about the appearance of the _________________ of their house; but increased money from foreign markets led to a higher ________________________________

outside; standard of living

Slavery changed from a _______________________________ into a ______________________________

peculiar institution; positive good

________________________ in the south rejected slaves and loved _________________ (river trade, free range livestock > cultivated fields); they raised and hunted "razorbacks", which were wild ________; they relied HEAVILY on _________________________ ________________________

poor whites; folkways; hogs; neighborhood cooperation

Women were supposed to be... p_________________, s__________________, c___________________________, p________________, m_________________; men were supposed to be c_______________, p________________, d_____________________, s_______________ and e____________________ BUT women were able to reform society under the guise of advocating for __________________ which allowed them to even go in public! (gasp) - but for real, this is important

private; submissive; cooperative; pious; moral; competitive; public; dominant; secular; economic; morality

The countryside was tense because of the 1) revival of old ____________________________ 2) increased _______________ 3) settlement of ____________________

proprietary claims; immigration; backcountry

Colonists created __________________________________, or conventions, to organize resistance, and these were big and powerful; this also got rid of __________________; therefore, the MA provincial congress became the de facto government of the colony; they decided to purge unreliable _______________; made a special force of _____________________; paid their taxes to _____________________

provincial congresses; royal gov't; militia; minutemen; Congress

After the canal boom was a ________________ boom, which connected rising cities to rivers, canals; this later overpowered the use of canals


The creation of the Half-Way was (apparently?) a sign that people were beginning to loosen _______________________________________ in order to ___________________________

religious regulations; make money

Calverts believed in ______________________ _______________ for ________ _______________________

religious toleration; all Christians

In southern families, most important was one's __________________ and the defense of ___________________________; they had a ________________________________________ and people had to adhere to social norms to maintain this

reputation; family honor; code of honor

During the "_______________________________________," ____________________ killed the economy and showcased diplomatic issues, Jeff broke free from his constitutionalism with the ______________________________ (began a __________ push); _________________________ established judicial review

revolution of 1800; embargo act; louisiana purchase; w; marbury v madison

Clash between men and others led to wage labor and tenancy which decreased *independence* and led to white superiority; early 19C = discrimination in work force; whites refused to have the same title as blacks; whites, especially less privileged whites, said blacks weren't citizens; committed acts of violence under symbols of the American ________________________; this led to govt s_________________________ and r__________________ of blacks

revolutionary; segregation; removal

1790-1820: Lowcountry SC and GA began planting _____________________: it was profitable but they had a lot of competition; they needed ______________ so they imported TONS of them; they used the ____________________ and had a very intense lifestyle with overseers; but they let them have ______________________________ because they didn't need too much supervision and needed food

rice; slaves; task system; private fields

TRANSPORTATION REV: 1800-10: __________________ 1810-30: _______________ 1840+: ______________________

roads; canals; trains

_________________________invented the commercial steamboat in 1807; flat-bottomed steamboats made _______________________ _________________ in the ___________ and ___________ possible which transformed an isolated frontier into commercial trading network

robert fulton; commercialized agriculture; north; west

Congress became a sort of _________________________ for the people, even though it didn't collect/supervise ____________, ________________, ________________; it commanded the __________________________; thought of self as plural executive to continenent

royal government; taxes; trade; laws; Continental Army

Democratic Republicans were strong in the ______ but weaker in the _______; to be elected, Jeff needed _____ so his running mate _______________________ created a truce and basically played the system a little bit which worked; him and his mate each got 73 votes and Congress threw a fuss but finally Jeff was made pres (like he was supposed to)

s; NE; NY; Aaron Burr

The richest men were either _________________ merchants or _______________________; the middle class was comprised of wholesalers, processors, consumer goods merchants and tailors and clerks; there was a differentiation between _____________________ and _______________________; merchants/clerks used quiet offices while seaport merchants had counting rooms and warehouses in new counting house style

seaport; businessmen; retail; manufacturing

During the war of 1812, the population of americans at the ______________ exploded, which ______________________________ US and led to the formation of _______________ with better docking; ________________ began making business..... cities became ___________________ but the poor became ____________

seaports; commercialized; warehouses; bankers; richer; poorer

Westward expansion causes social norms to change which results in anxiety and society; this kinda causes the ____________________________________ because people tried to bring church to the frontier... also, this made the ________ worry about the _________'s morals and ideas

second great awakening; n; w

Systems of labor: Spain used ________________ (peasants and lord); W. Europe used ____________________ (dense, high population, expensive land); New Spain used the _______________________ system (natives tied to haciendas bc unpayable debts); Andes used ________ (forced 1/7 labor); Anywhere making staple crops used _______________

serfdom; free labor; encomienda; mita; slavery

THOUGHTS ON WOMEN: midclass: wanted ppl to institute s_____________ s______-c_____________ Traditional Church: women are s_________________ whig evangelicals: women are d__________-f_____________; men are t______________

sexual self-control; seductive; desire-free; tempted

decreased cost of ___________ encouraged the ___________________________ which caused the market economy that was where people bought others' goods; people produced thins for market and bought stuff for selves)

shipping; market revolution

NE built _______ and had a good _____________________ industry

ships; whaling

In the Chesapeake, people lived ____________ (short/long) lives


Spain was rich because of Mexican and Bolivian ___________


In 17C, many s_________ y__________________ _________ crossed the Atlantic to come to Virginia to work as ___________________________ ______________________

single; young; men; indentured servants

Samuel _____________ built the ______________________ in RI in 1790 and ran it with kids and women; didn't need a factory town and helped people increase their household money; he later began using ___________ _____________ which marked the creation of __________ ____________ -- this was the #1 industrial espionage

slater; arkwright spinning mill; poor kids; mill towns

As the number of ____________ ___________ increased, their need decreased which led to ___________________ in MD and DE

slave kids; manumission

With ___________________ and tension between them and __________________, ___________________ ___________________ offered to sell ______________________________________ to Jeff for $15mil, which would effectively double the size of the US in ___________

slave revolt; Britain; Napolean Bonaparte; louisiana territory; 1803

a ((((((((big/small))))))))))) # of people in the south actually owned slaves


Evangelicals sorta supported the strict southern ____________ ____________________ as well as __________________ because they said ___________ was part of God's plan because people are imperfect

social hierarchy; patriarchy; pain

In the south, _________________________________ increased but farmers were still important though many ___________________________ still moved out; __________________ continued the traditional non-plantation, neighbor-loving way

social stratification; poor whites; yeomen

1820s marked a shift to s___________________________ market agriculture; US began to _________________ everything else one needed and the popularity of the __________________________ dropped; the __________________________ rose but so did the _________________________________________

specialized; import; spinning wheel; standard of living; dependence on market

1830+: people like CHARLES JONES said that social position doesn't determine __________________ worth; this basically meant he wanted _______________ to convert their _________________

spiritual; whites; slaves

Right after the Treaty of Paris, the main focus was still each ___________; they demanded ____________________ and were quite selfish and didn't think of selves as ___________________

state; state sovereignty; united

*Olmecs: 1200-400BCE*: made huge ___________ _____________ to honor rulers; first urban culture in Americas; *Teotihuacan: 4C-8C* had a __________ govt; fell because grew too fast; *Maya* was made of many competing _____________________, main city was __________ and had _________________ canals; *Toletcs* prospered from ___________ trade; left legacy of ___________________

stone heads; senate; city states; tikal; irrigation; cocoa; conquest

While employing women, managers had to implement ______________________ _______________________

strict rules

Federalists believed in (strong/weak) central government for ____________________ (reason); Anifeds believed in a (strong/weak) gov't because it would negate the entire ____________________________ ; they thought _______________ would have no rights and needed to protect ______________________________, especially through a ___________________________________

strong; economy; weak; revolution; states; individuals; bill of rights

Charleston had white artisans with black slaves, where rice planters used the ________________________ where slaves did x amount of work per day, then could do whatever they wanted; this allowed for the continuation of _____________________; also, imported slaves spoke _________________ which was a _______________ language

task system; black culture; Gullah; pidgin

Jefferson didn't want to enter the war with Britain and France because it would increase ____, _______________________, cause dissent and could destroy the US so he tried to use ____________ of US farm goods and market for _____________ goods as a *peaceable coercion* technique to have other countries respect US _____________________ (________)

tax; government debt; trade; imported; peaceable coercion; neutrality; 1807

In *1733-34*, blacks began to offer their allegiance for their freedom while women helped the resistance by giving up ___________ and spinning their own _______________

tea; clothes

Outside of the NE, there was an increase of farm ______________ which is when established farmers bought and rented out farms, then gave them to their sons or used them to pay for their son's education; this, along with ___________________ in the north (which led to increased prices of land and a decreased inheritance for sons) led to __________________ ____________ leaving farms, so farms were more ________ and had more ______________ while the frontier was filled with ____________ _______

tenency; overcrowding; young men; old; women; young men

Native american women mutated _________________ (a wild mountain grass) to form ___________ which caused a population boom

teosinte; maize

_____________________________ - stereotype of an Irish woman as ugly, horrifying, clumsy

the Bridget

___________________ - stereotype of Irish man; doglike, uncivilized, oafish, stupid, argumentative

the Paddy

After 1815, American _______________'s popularity increased but these caused violence because their characters were too Anglican and not American enough


As the ____________ and _________ of shipping decreased, markets were connected and although _______________________ continued to increase its importance decreased; the market revolution was at first a regional phenomenon and helped the ________ (initials are ok); but it ultimately resulted in an ____________________________________________________________________

time; cost; foreign trade; nw; integrated market community

In the Chesapeake from 1790-1820, as the price of ____________ decreased, people moved _________ and there was _______________________________, which decreased the need for _________________; therefore, more ___________________ became specialized artisans and _______________________ did closely supervised farm work

tobacco; west; diversification; slaves; slave men; slave women

The war caused depression, debt and ______________________ (decrease export, increase debt); in the _____________ there was an increase of paper money

trade deficit; 1780s

Most of Portugal's revenue was from _____________ in Africa and Asia (specifically, ______________)

trade; spices

__________________________ in labor to try to ensure fairness and safety


Jeff said he wanted u___________, a (big/small) government; he preached by a "wise and frugal" style of governing and wanted to increase ______________ (nickname) and get rid of a __________________________; basically, he wanted _____________________

unity; small; agri; standing army; simplicity

The US army, led by General William Hull, attacked _______ (upper/lower/east/west) Canada in _______ and they (WON/FAILED) which led to Britain ________________________

upper; 1812; failed; taking NW

Merchants and craftsmen hired people to make goods which led to the formation of an ________________________________________________

urban working class

whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- NE


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- banks have limited liability to protect CEO from debt


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- big fed govt


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- character building schools; tackled social questions


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- clay's American system


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- cosmic order


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- critical of immorality


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- government should increase economic development - build roads, schools, etc


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- help the immigrants!


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- hired female teachers


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- legislated morality


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- love commerce


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- love market economy


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- love transport


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- loved banks


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- material progress


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- midclas, urban professionals


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- moral improvement


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- normal schools


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- reformers


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- schools were protestant


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- state centralization of schools


whigs or democrats? (w or d) --- supported Garrison in NE


winners (w) or losers (l)? just put the letter and a semicolon: Congregational Church


winners (w) or losers (l)? just put the letter and a semicolon: expansionists


War was declared by congress in 1812 with the goals to defend the ____, American ______________ and America's _______________ rights; however, Congress (somewhat counter intuitively) strengthened the American _______________

w; sovereignty; maritime; army

In 1813, Francis Cabot ... built mills with the _______________________________________ which was different from the RI system because 1) was very ______________ and was as ___________________ as possible and 2) took ____________, _________________ ___________ from NE farms, who were named the _______________________________________ and were respectable; this actually made women more ________________ and it succeeded at making a profit without establishing a permanent working class; however, it didn't succeed with making women more in love with patriarchy

waltham-lowell system; capitalized; mechanical; single; young; women; lowell mill girls; indpt

SOUTH: (during mid19C) schools were ((((strong/weak))))); ((((religious/nonreligious)))) prisons used the _______________________ No legal ______________ but used religion ways didn't readily accept ______________ because of ________________________, _______________-based acceptance of suffering and having an indpt, white male householder

weak; religious; auburn system; temperance; reform; conservative; bible

Chesapeake slaves were treated relatively _______________; this ended with the south -- slaves prioritized _________ but they were broken apart because slave traders and cotton belt; later, in like the 1820s, masters encouraged ____________________ because it was an "investment" that prompted _______________ even though it conflicted with slaves as ___________________ idea; slave families were very __________

well; family; marriage; stability; property; close

After the Louisiana purchase, people went ____________; Ohio, Indiana and Illinois were henceforth known as the __________________ instead of as its previous name, the ___________________________

west; frontier; backcountry

As the market revolution progressed, the # ppl in orphans, insane, criminals increased; ______________ believed in rehab while _____________ believed in violence, forced labor and no institutes

whig; democrats

mid1830s: _____________ began attacking alcohol; they tried to cancel _________________ ______________________ but failed; on the other hand, the __________ party didn't really care!

whigs; alcohol licences; dem

1790-1820: all ______________ _____________ had citizenship rights because most people were unable to meet ___________ qualifications; this led to increase of _______________ but still only white men could vote; later took away all ______________ votes

white men; property; democracy; black

___________________________: governor of indiana territory; war hero after defeated natives at battle of tippecanoe in 1811; general in war of 1812; led victory at Battle of Thames and ended war in old NW

william henry harrison

__________________ began to work like in textile industries --> reform


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