quiz 4-6

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The Americans with Disabilities Act was approved in ________.


To end a filibuster requires ________ members present and voting to cut off the debate.


The legislative branch is the focus of ________ of The Constitution.

Article I

Laws that denied most legal rights to newly freed slaves and prohibited blacks from voting, sitting on juries, or even appearing in public places after the Civil War in the South were known as ________.

Black Codes

________ systems are designed to hire and promote members of the bureaucracy on the basis of merit and to create a nonpartisan government service.

Civil service

Former slaves were granted citizenship as well as the privileges and immunities thereof, and states barred from depriving anyone of life, liberty, or property without due process of law through the ________ Amendment.


Which United States First Lady has also been voted into office as a member of the U.S. Senate and has also served as the U.S. Secretary of State?

Hillary Rodham Clinton

President ________ incurred the wrath of many veterans' groups by granting unconditional amnesty to roughly 10,000 men who fled the United States or had gone into hiding to avoid military service in the Vietnam War.

Jimmy Carter

The first woman Speaker of the House was ________.

Nancy Pelosi

The agency created to police the stock market is the ________.

Securities and Exchange Commission

Abolitionists' support of the Fifteenth Amendment led ________.

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to form their own group

Slavery was banned by the ________ Amendment.


Which of the following would be a specific example of an appropriations bill?

a bill funding the Department of Interior for the fiscal year

When the House and the Senate pass different versions of the same bill, ________.

a conference committee is appointed to resolve differences

A senator might use ________ as a formal delaying tactic to prevent the passage of a bill once it has reached the floor.

a filibuster

In Reed v. Reed the Supreme Court concluded that the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment regarding administrative rights prohibited unreasonable classifications based on sex, therein ___________________.

allowing women administrators to execute authority over deceased relative's estate

Building on the successes of African Americans and Women's groups, other groups organized to litigate for expanded civil rights and to lobby for ___________________.

anti-discrimination laws

The president's fundamental authority over the military comes from ________.

being commander-in-chief

Presidents have relied on their inherent powers to ________.

circumvent the Constitution in times of war or crisis

Which of the following is NOT a power granted to Congress in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution?

create election schedules

Representatives vote as ________ about two-thirds of the time.


The ________ model of representation is based on legislatures mirroring the preferences of their constituents.


Agreements that the president enters into with foreign nations that do not require the advice and consent of the Senate are called ________.

executive agreements

A business established by government that performs functions that could be provided by private business is called a(n) ________.

government corporation

The Environmental Protection Agency is a(n) _____.

independent agency

The increasing complexity of the policy making process within bureaucracies most recently is reflected in the growth of ________.

interagency councils

When the NAACP began its litigation strategy to end segregation, it chose to begin by challenging segregation in ________

law and graduate schools

Members of Congress who trade votes on bills that are of little interest to legislators are engaging in ________.


Under the Constitution, the qualifications for president include that the president must be ________.

over 35 years old, a natural-born citizen, and a resident for fourteen years

According to political scientist Richard Neustadt, the president's power to persuade is crucial to his ________.

political leadership

In return for their votes on the Chinese trade bill, members of Congress got all kinds of goodies, including new zip codes for small towns and a natural gas pipeline for a town. These "goodies" are traditionally and most accurately called ________.


Equal political participation, such as the right to vote, and equal opportunities to seek education and employment have been advanced through all of the following pathways of policy change EXCEPT ________.

pressure from international governments

What are the three levels of scrutiny used by the Supreme Court to discover whether discrimination is permissible?

reasonable, inherently suspect, and the intermediate standard

Which one of the following is NOT a test the Supreme Court uses to analyze equal protection cases?

selective basis test

In Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) case, the Supreme Court ruled that ________.

slaves were not legally defined citizens of the United States

Classification based on gender has been ruled to be ________ by the decisions of the Court in the past several years.

somewhere between inherently suspect and reasonable

Which committees are the most important committees in Congress?


The Twenty-Second Amendment to the Constitution limits a president from serving in office more than ________ years.


In which model of representation do legislators feel free to follow their own judgment on matters where the public is silent?

the politico model

Under the Articles of Confederation, the bureaucracy consisted of ________.

three departments: Foreign Affairs, War, and Treasury

The primary goal of the president's legislative strategy is usually ________.

to set Congress's agenda

The idea that elected representatives should listen to their constituents' opinions and then use their best judgment to make decisions is called behaving as a ________.


The Missouri Compromise of 1820 ________.

was found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

Jim Crow laws were those that ________.

were enacted by southern whites in the late nineteenth century to segregate African Americans from whites

Bicameralism means that a legislative body is one ________.

with two houses, providing checks and balances on policymaking

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