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Lord Baltimore began Maryland for the _____


Education was not important to puritans


South Carolina

Land grant to eight noblemen, became a colony of large slave owning estates

What industry did the Spanish establish in the American West?



One who rules a country or colony by the authority of his King.


Penn's woods

A main port city of the Middle Colonies was


A ____ is one who repairs or makes clothes to order


True facts of the relationship between governors and colonial assemblies by 1750-1760

The assemblies had gained experience and confidence, believed the colonists had a right to representation under their royal charters and the governor frequently could not control the assembly

Puritans chose to live in communities rather than on individual farms


The plantation waterway provided the following except

commercial fishing

New Amsterdam homes were one-story homes with Dutch doors and large yards.


Philadelphia had canals leading throughout the city


The main reason the London Company sponsored Jamestown was to form a colony allowing religious freedom


what crop John Rolfe first successfully plant


the three surplus crops of the south

tobacco, rice, and indigo

The lawmaking body of Virginia was called the:

House of Burgesses

____ is a plant from which blue dye is made


North Carolina

Land grant to eight noblemen, become a colony of small individual farms

In signing the ______, the pilgrims agreed to obey their government

Mayflower compact

The three main groups who settled in New France

Missionaries, traders, and fur trappers

Which part of the colonial government had members elected by the colonies?

The assembly


The condition or fact of being represented


A thing that urges a person on

The main product of the Middle Colonies was


Which part of the colonial government assisted the governor?

The council

Which part of the colonial government headed the colony and carried out the king's orders

The proprietor

Roanoke island is known as the lost colony


Spain protected its American settlements with missions and forts


The Puritan life centered around the church


When Virginians could help make laws, self government began in America


Europeans working in exchange for their passage were

indentured servants

Southerners enjoyed all of the following sports except

lawn bowling

The Southern family enjoyed all the following events except

market day

The following characterizes the geographical advantages of Southern farming

mild climate, many waterways, and level fertile land

The plantation included the following workshops except


the Middle Colonies had ___ soil and ____ winter than New England

more fertile and shorter

Since tobacco required space, the land was divided into large farms called


Plantation residents included all of the following people except


African captives who were forced to work were called


Both Philadelphia and New Amsterdam were port cities


Philadelphia was known for its country atmosphere because of the many large parks


Philadelphia's market days brought people from many countries together


Skilled craftsman travlers around the countryside offering their services


Some slave owners justified their use of slaves by claiming that the African slaves were accustomed to the warm weather


The Dutch enjoyed bowling, ice skating, and sledding


The many natural waterways provided cheap movement of goods to market


The people of the Middle Colonies practiced different lifestyles of different nations


Plantation children might be instructed by the following people except

village schoolmaster

Reasons why the Spanish colonists settled in America

Adventure, gold, and to spread Christianity to the Indians.

New Jersey

Colony named after sir George carteret's English home


Colony purchased from the duke of York by William pen

Thomas hooker established


Settlements by the Dutch were sponsored by

Dutch west India company

The vocabulary word meaning management of the money, materials, and resources of a government or community is



English Protestants who tried to simplify rituals in the Church of England

Because of persecution, the puritans held secret church services


Cabot started an English settlement along the coast of Newfoundland


Powhatan gave food and seeds to the Roanoke island colony


Puritans lived in communities for convenience to their businesses and protection from attack


Sunday was a time for church, fellowship, and cooking


The main occupation of the Middle Colonies was


Main exports of England are

Fish, lumber, furs, and ships

John white was governor of the settlement at Jamestown


Family farms grew ____ for making cloth.


What two rival nations threatened Spanish claims in the west?

France and Russia

How were the Dutch supported mainly

Fur trading

New France was ruled by____


Profits for growing crops _____ when the law was changed to allow lifelong African slavery


What were the benefits that Penn offered in order to draw settlers to his colony?

Inexpensive land, religious freedom, and fair government

Jamestown facts

It was founded to make a profit for the London company, 50 settlers died of starvation and exposure, help from the Algonquin Indians saves them, came for gold, adventure, and start a new life, built on a peninsula, and men did not act prudently when arrived

The written guarantee of New York colonists' rights was called the charter of ____.



Made fuller and more extensive; expanded; enlarged

What was bought by Peter Minuit for twenty-four dollars worth of trade

Manhattan island

Sir Fernando Gorges' land grant was never settled, and part of it was claimed by


Was money scarce when crops produced a good profit?

Money was scarce because whenever gold or sliver was earned from exported products, it had to be sent to England to pay debts or to import needed goods.

John Mason established

New Hampshire

The colonies given in payment of debt were:

New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Peter Minuit was named governor of the Dutch colony called

New Netherlands in 1626


Oglethorpe did not allow slavery there

The first settlement started by the pilgrims was on the New England coast at


True facts of the Massachusetts colonies

Puritans purchased a controlling interest in the Massachusetts bay colony, during the first winter, half the colonists at Plymouth died , the people who came were persecuted by the Anglican Church, the puritans wanted to stay in the Anglican Church and cities begun by the settlers included Boston and Salem.

The religious group that settled Philadelphia was the:


Roger Williams established

Rhode Island

Factor that made the Dutch colony successful

Rich soil, rivers with plenty of fish, the fur trade, and lots of wild game

New England's most profitable industries were fishing and


Which of the following were originally settled by Spain?

Southern California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, New Mexico, and San Diego


That which remains over and above what is needed

Areas that were settled by the French in America

The Great Lakes region, areas along the St. Lawrence River, and the Gulf of Mexico near the mouth of the Mississippi River

Market day was strictly for business


Middle Colony farms were very close together for visiting


Rhode Island and Connecticut had a self-government from the beginning because they were set up without the king's authority


Spanish settlements were ruled by viceroys appointed by the king.



A badge or emblem used as an identifying mark


A farm of many acres, worked by slaves or servants.


A formal document granting special rights or privileges to a person or company


A group Protestants who wanted to separate from the Church of England


A person with the exclusive title to something

Why agriculture was not very profitable in New England was

The winters were short and the soil was not very fertile.

Reasons why industries grew slowly in New England

There was not much money to invest in industries and the King did not encourage industries in the colonies.

Reasons why settlers left Massachusetts for Rhode Island and Connecticut

They were exiled from Massachusetts, they disagreed with the strict Puritan rule, and there was not enough land in Massachusetts


To impose or collect taxes by authority

Why did the Dutch send families to settle in America

To secure land and oversee the fur trade to the Indians

Why did French settlers come to the new world

To trade for furs and to bring Christianity to the Indians


To trade without the use of money by exchanging goods or services.

Which of the following are true of the developing colony at Jamestown

Tobacco became the main crop and made the colony profitable The first African slaves were brought in by the Dutch in 1619

The _____ acts of 1649 established religious freedom for both Catholics and Protestants



Total; unlimited

Jamestown was interested into gold than planting crops


John smith saved the Jamestown colony from destruction


Large projects, like house building, we're done together by the community


Which animal was hunted to make such products as oil and corsets?


The master's home had all the following features except

an inside kitchen

Plantation families got together for the following events except

exporting tabocco

Farmer knew little beyond agriculture


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