Quiz Answers

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The following type of vote is permitted by the consensus process

"Fist-to-five" (aka quality) vote

According to Richard's "Engineering Design Primer," this formula estimates the duration of actual projects well. (here "o", "p", and "m" stand for optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely.)

(o + 3m + 2p)/6

Level-zero (L-0) decomposition of a system typically comprises that many functional elements


1-unit lecture requires an out-side-of-class effort of at least that many hours per week ...

2 hours

According to G. Bothun, that much water resource is being used to produce 0.5L of bottled water:


Archie Carroll's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Pyramid has that many levels

4 (From Low to High: Economic, Legal, Ethical, Philanthropic)

Kohlberg defines that many stages in the moral development of an individual.

6 stages Three Levels Level 1: preconventional - Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation - Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange Level 2: conventional - Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships - Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order Level 3: postconventional - Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights - Stage 6: Universal Principles

According to Richard's "Engineering Design Primer", each task in the WBS should not exceed this duration.

80 hrs

The inventor of TRIZ, Genrich Altshuller a patent investigator, studied 200,000 patents and concluded that this percentage of new inventions is based on known principles:


Conversion is a common system function. This converter type is subject to quantization noise.

Analog-to-digital converter

This Compliance Method is used to verify the reliability of a product without the use of destructive testing:


A person on a team is called a "strategic dissenter" when they are

Appointed to play 'Devil's advocate'

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a mathematical approach for doing this

Assign weights to criteria

The systematic comparison of one's own products or processes with those of other companies is called:


"There is a fundamental problem with the core of the proposal that has not been resolved. We need to look for a new proposal." In a consensus-seeking discussion such a position would qualify as:


These are some tools for divergent thinking (mark all that apply)

Brainstorm, Mind Mapping, SCAMPER, 635 Method, TRIZ

In their book "Absolute Essentials of Business Ethics", the authors examine the operation of various business entities. These are some institutions whose practices are perceived ethical

COSTCO Nehemiah Barefoot College

Tom Kelly, in his 3 min. video, uses this example to demonstrate the importance of 'field observation':

Children tooth brush

These are some of the characteristics of a team (mark all that apply)

Collective Work Products Runs open-ended discussions and problem-solving meetings Temporary organizational structure

A system functional element identified during partial function decomposition implements as a Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) component. The functional element exhibits this property.


The "Vee" model of system engineering typically covers the following stages of a system/product life cycle

Concept, development, Exploratory Research

The EE460/1/2 senior design sequence typically covers the following stages of a system/product life cycle

Concept, development, Exploratory Research

Decision-making by delegation relates closely to this decision-making strategy:


Among the listed ethical frameworks, this one is the closes to the so-called rules-based ethics:


Deontological frameworks focus on the obligation or duty of the individual in order to determine whether the actions by the individual are right or wrong. These are some of the ethical frameworks that fall into this category

Contractarianism and Existentialism

Kano's model is a questionnaire that ranks the desired features of a product (or service) using these two dimensions:

Customer Satisfaction and Degree of Achievement

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) has the following dominant flow:


Priority encoding has the following dominant flow:


Display is a function (verb) most likely associated with this functional category:

Data Elements

When resolving a personal conflict it is important to

Encourage a dialog offer alternatives that work for you Accept the possibility that the solution involves a compromise

In the House of Quality, customer requirements are often called Customer Attributes (CA). The CAs include input derived from

End-user and Vendors

Torque and thrust are words most often associated with this functional category:

Energy Elements

This category of items in the House of Quality receives 'target values'.

Engineering Characterisics

An estimated 70% of contaminated waste sites are located in low-income neighborhoods and upwards of 2 million Americans live within a mile of sites that are vulnerable to flooding — the majority of which are in Black and brown communities. This is an example of:

Environmental Injustice

These are all appropriate strategies that help a group avoid bias and group-think

Express comments as suggestions (in comparison to a mandate), collect opinions independently, Reduce Group Size

A single-person project cannot have a schedule that creates floats.


A system consists of 8 functional elements and 30 element-to-element connections. The functional elements have high cohesion.


A well-developed project plan favors slippage over float because the existence of floats implies the under-unitization of resources.


All stakeholders (of a project) are interested in the successful completion of a project


All stakeholders of a project benefit financially (directly or indirectly) from the project.


An aluminum can has lower embodied energy than a plastic bottle with the same capacity.


An important step to achieving team cohesion is assimilation.


Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) Trees are not concerned with the verifiability of product specifications.


Derived requirements are to be avoided because they lack traceability.


Each functional element identified during partial function decomposition has only one embodiment.


Every stakeholder of a project conducted by a company is also a shareholder of the same company


For the best decision-making outcome single divergent phase followed by a single convergent phase is recommended.


Having a Code of Ethics document ensures no illegal or unethical practices.


In a functional decomposition, one needs to capture the Dominant Flow ONLY.


In relation to decision-making, consensus and consent are synonymous.


In the design process brainstorming always precedes partial function decomposition.


Items with 'zero activity", such as waiting for parts to arrive, need not be included on the EE460 Gantt chart.


Producing products overseas reduces their embodied energy.


Recent studies show that it takes less than 3 years for a solar panel to offset its "embodied energy." This means PV are a sustainable product.


Since students do not receive salaries, EE 460 projects only need to account for the cost of materials.


The 635 method supports convergent thinking.


The CSR Pyramid suggests that anything legal is also ethical.


The CTQ Drivers have the property of being verifiable.


The House of Quality does NOT include information about competing products.


The House of Quality is an integral part of a Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) tree.


The Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) uses activity-on-node (AON) diagramming.


The embodied energy in a typical passenger car exceeds the energy of its 'use phase'.


The enclosure is NOT a functional element.


To produce a meaningful Gantt chart one must use specialized software.


The 3 pillars of sustainability are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

False (economic viability, environmental protection and social equity)

These two methods are commonly used to identify the root cause of problems customers need resolving

Field Observations and 5 Whys Questions

These are a few of the 4 stages of team development (mark all that apply)

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing (Conforming is the real one)

Describe the Value Pyramid

From Bottom to Top: Functional, Emotional, Life-changing, Social Impact

Describe Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

From Bottom to top: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Belonging and Love Needs, Self Esteem Needs, Self-actualization needs

Archie Carroll's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Pyramid has this responsibility at its foundation:

From Low to High: Economic, Legal, Ethical, Philanthropic

Descibe Carroll's Social Responsibility Pyramid

From Low to High: Economic, Legal, Ethical, Philanthropic

One needs a complete set of THESE engineering specifications to adequately describe a functional element.

Functional and Interference

Dwayne Phillips, in his short chapter on system requirements, provides definitions for the following categories of requirements

Functional and Non-Functional

According to Richard's "Engineering Design Primer," this tool was used during the construction of Hoover Dam

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart has the following deficiencies when compared to the Critical Path Method.

Gets cumbersome when a large number of dependencies are present; The floats are not apparent;

In the House of Quality the Engineering Characteristics (EC) are sometimes called:


Cal Poly Institutional approval of projects is needed when concern exist with these requirements:

Human-factor Requirements

Requirements that address health, well-being and satisfaction classify as:

Human-factor Requirements

Descrbe the Power Triangle

I have no clue, I sure hope he doesn't put it on :)

In their book "Absolute Essentials of Business Ethics", the authors speak of an ethical cycle that contains six components: moral problem statement, problem analysis, options for actions, ethical judgment, reflection, and morally acceptable action. The ethical cycle is closely related to this acronym:

ICARE Identify relevant facts Consider the Alternative courses of action Rate the various alternatives in terms of moral criteria Enact a decision based on rating

In addition to schedules and resource allocation, project planning also deals with risk reduction and mitigation. You could address the risks using the following (mark all that apply).

Identify equipment needed during EE460 and discuss availability with your EE 461/2 advisor. Prototype and test critical portions early and plan for 2 iterations of a design-build-test. After PMA, explore not only the winning concept but also the runner-up;

The efficiency of California electric energy grid ranks

In the bottom 10 in the nation

Unequal level of influence within a team might indicate (mark all that apply)

Inadequate assimilation Inadequate inclusion Lack of Trust

This category of functional elements is subject to the Shannon-Hartley theorem

Information Elements

EE460, EE461, EE462 models with a 4-phase generic project life cycle. During EE460 you will complete these phases (mark all that apply)

Initiation and Planning

Students argue they do not need to perform functional decomposition b/c their project involves writing software for image processing. How should the EE460 instructor respond; select the two best responses.

Interesting. Are you familiar with the term "pseudocode"? Have you used a flowchart to represent an algorithm before? Your system has a dominant data flow. The overall system function seems complex; to flash out the algorithm, functional decomposition is appropriate.

Requirements that define how the system is required to interact with external systems including humans are called:

Interface requirements

This tool can be used to rank and prioritize product or service features.

Kano's model

This product has over 70% recycling rate (in the US).

Lead-acid batteries

Almquist-Senior-Bloch "Elements of Value" relates to this framework structure:

Maslow's Pyramid of needs

These categories of functional elements are subject to conservation laws (mark all that apply)

Material Elements and Energy Elements

Among the five S.M.A.R.T. properties the one (nearly) synonymous to verifiable is:


The House of Quality, a.k.a. Quality Function Deployment (QFD), originated within this company:


These are some of the rules of Brainstorming (mark all that apply)

No immediate judgement or analysis, Clearly identified problem to solve, Document all ideas, and Build on the ideas of others

Requirements such as portability, reliability, transportability, and other 'ilities' are typically classified as:

Non-Functional Requirements

Weight, physical dimensions, and aspect ratio impact transportability of a product. Such requirements are therefore classified as:

Non-Functional Requirements

Modern nanomaterials and composites are favored for their

Performance Characteristics

Photo-voltaic Systems should NOT be called a 'green technology' because of issues related to these stages of their life cycle:

Production and Retirement

The so-called Product Requirements Document (PRD) is a key deliverable associated with this part ('leg') of the "Vee" model:

Project definition

This convergent thinking tool requires explicitly stated criteria:

Pugh Matrix Analysis (PMA)

These are some tools for convergent thinking

Pugh Matrix Analysis, Multiple Voting, Gantt Chart

Describe the Iron Triangle

Quality is affected by Time, Scope, and Costs

According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 a well-formed system requirement must be traceable. The traceability relates most closely to this property in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym:


To determine the robustness of a decision based on a Pugh matrix, S. Burge recommends you do this (mark all that apply)

Remove criteria and Enable (or remove) weighting of criteria

Generic 4-phase System Development life cycle consists of Requirements, Design, Construction, and Implementation. The system fails validation. This phase of the development was executed poorly:


Russian-developed TRIZ method for creative problem solving is reminiscent to this method:


These tools are found useful for practicing creativity.


The "S" used in a Pugh Matrix stands for:


ABET defines a number of terms including Student Outcomes, Complex Engineering Problems, and Engineering Design. After reading the definition of Engineering Design identify the course sequences you have taken that teach design.

Senior Project

Select the appropriate word so that the following sentence is correct. "The tenets of agency theory are that managers are legally required to make decisions that best serve the needs and wants of the ( .... )"


Teleological frameworks examine the results of the ethical or unethical conduct of an individual. These are some of the frameworks that fall into this category

Sidgwick's dualism and Ethical Egoism

This category of functional elements is subject to the Nyquist Noise theorem :

Signal Elements

The acronym S.M.A.R.T. (for project objectives) was introduced by Doran, Miller, and Cunningham in 1981. What does SMART stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound

The so-called Design Verification Plan and Report (DVP&R) is a common deliverable typically associated with this leg of the "Vee" model

Test & integration

Which of the following is harder to change once the project is approved?

The Engineering Specifications

This scenario guarantees your project does not require a review by IRB (mark all that apply)

The advising faculty says so

A system passes the verification phase of the development but fails the validation phase. This means that (mark all that apply):

The performance does not meet customer requirements. The Engineering specs do not reflect customer requirements.

Which of the following network architectures exhibit an almost linear relation between the number of elements and the number of connections

Tree, Line (Cascade), Star, Ring

A well-designed Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) Tree captures the traceability of the specifications.


AI and autonomous vehicles give rise to an ethical dilemma similar to the well-known dilemma of the runaway trolley.


All graduating students must meet Cal Poly sustainability learning objectives.


Applying different frameworks to the same ethical dilemma may produce different outcomes.


EE 460/1/2 uses PERT's 3-point formula to produce both duration and cost estimates.


Fairtrade certification forbids the selling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).


If a functional element is significant, singular, and common its embodiment also has the same properties.


Large groups are more likely to make biased decisions than small groups.


The "criteria" in the Pugh matrix are typically related to non-functional and performance requirements.


The "options" in the Pugh matrix are some of the possible embodiments of partial functions.


The House of Quality provides a "common language" for inter-functional teams such as those comprising marketing, design, and manufacturing professionals.


The Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), developed by the US Navy in the 1950s, is a Critical Path Method (CPM).


The commonality of a system functional element is an important consideration when the cost is a CTQ driver.


The energy required for the transportation of raw materials and finished products factors in the calculation of embodied energy.


The existence of a NIMBY implies the existence of environmental injustice.


The materials used in alkaline batteries are abundant and non-toxic so presently it is unclear that recycling is better than (landfill) disposal.


The requirement states what is required, not how the requirement should be met.


The word "just" in "Just sustainability" refers to elements of social justice.


To speak of a 'float' one's project must permit parallel execution of work packages.


When dealing with signals, one must think of power and energy b/c most signals are conjugate variables of energy.


The ability to relate a well-formed system requirement to a customer need is called:

Upwards traceability

These product design and assembly methods exemplify Design for the Environment (DfE) - mark all that apply.

Use of (standard) connectors Fewer number of colors Use of fasteners Labeling of materials

A runaway trolley is heading down the track toward five workers who would be killed if the train keeps its present course. The only way to save the five workers is to pull a switch that would transfer the train to another track which has one worker on it and that worker would die if the train proceeded on this altered path. Pulling the switch is justified by this ethical framework.


An electric vehicle is considered a 'green technology' based on the following stage of its life cycle:


In the House of Quality the Customer Attributes (CA) are sometimes called:


Describe J. Wooden Pyramid of Success

Way too many terms to add

Teams use these approaches to resolve conflicts

Withdrawing, Smoothing, Forcing, Confronting, Compromise

A student lists on their resume they have installed 120VRMS & 240VRMS equipment (fuse boxes, receptacles, etc.) but no certifications are mentioned. Have they violated any IEEE cannons?

Yes they have violated IEEE cannon, specifically 6. to maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations; They said to have installed equipment without the proper certifications.

ABET defines a number of terms including Complex Engineering Problems, Engineering Design, and Student Outcomes. After reading the seven (7) students outcomes (ABET Criterion #3) identify three criteria you are LEAST LIKELY to meet based on course work completed to date.

an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.

Level-1 (L-1) decomposition of a system typically comprises that many functional elements:

at least 2

Which of the following is most problematic for SMALL teams?

inadequate diversity

When compared to the life cycle of a project the life cycle of a product is typically:


A person who resorts to "smoothing" as a method of dealing with conflicts ...

prioritizes relationships over the task

When compared to the life cycle of a product the life cycle of a project is typically

shorter and well defined

Which of the following actions helps build team cohesion?

spending time socializing and verbally recognizing the good ideas and contributions of others

Describe the Triple Bottom Line

venn diagram of economic, social, and environmental wellfare

Multiple voting is practiced by large groups and typically allocates each voting member that many votes:

½ of the options presented

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