RAH Exam 2 Barnett

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Volstead Act

"Define an intoxicant"; no person shall manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, furnish or possess any intoxicating liquor except as authorized by this act.It did not specifically prohibit the purchase or use of intoxicating liquors

Seneca Falls

(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written

Theodore Roosevelt

- president after McKinley- progressive- very wealthy family in NYC- health problems (asthma, eyesight, etc) as a child- 2nd floor of house turned into gym/he was taught how to box: scholarship to Harvard- never backed down from a challenge- Columbia University School of Law- fell passionately in love with Alice, but she died so he was devastated and moved to South Dakota - coped through/by being with nature- moved back to NY and got involved in gov. services (became Police Commissioner of NYC, really involved in Republican party, etc.)- went to war in Cuba- completed the Panama Canal- known as the "Trust Buster"

14th Amendment

1) Citizenship for African Americans, 2) Repeal of 3/5 Compromise, 3) Denial of former confederate officials from holding national or state office, 4) Repudiate (reject) confederate debts


1872 first national park established; home of Old Faithful geyser


1890 second National Park, where John Muir visited; giant redwood trees-- brought him back to his upbringing, he moves into this park, makes his own cabin -- life work dedicated to preserving and experiencing nature

Atlanta Compromise

1895-Booker T. Washington speaking to blacks and a few whites. Ends speech with "we must be patient and submissive until we prove our value to whites." DuBois is furious. He feels Washington is suggesting that racism is our problem.

W.E.B. DuBois

1st black to earn Ph.D. from Harvard, encouraged blacks to resist systems of segregation and discrimination, helped create NAACP in 1910

Aldo Leopold

24, college graduate, he saved 4 species and convinced gov't to suspend Pred. Kill Program, University of Iowa, graduates with no idea of what he is going to do, he works as Predator Hunter in New Mexico, he sent letters to all people in gov't; wrote the Sand County Almanac

Grandfather Clause

A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867.

Civil Disobedience

A form of political participation that reflects a conscious decision to break a law believed to be immoral and to suffer the consequences. written by Thoreau, anti-war novel

Niagara Movement

A group of black and white reformers who organized the NAACP in 1909


A lake in the Lake District

Poll Tax

A requirement that citizens pay a tax in order to register to vote

16th Amendment

Allows the federal government to collect income tax

24th Amendment

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1964) eliminated the poll tax as a prerequisite to vote in national elections.

Spanish-American War

April 1898-August 1898, 5000 died to Yellow fever with less than 500 casualties, no good medicine, takes place in Cuba and Philippines; Theodore Roosevelt joined the war effort and was sent to Cuba -- (Fought at San Juan Hill which was what J. Pulitzer made Roosevelt a star out of -- it didn't actually require much heroism)

John Quincy Adams

Author of Monroe Doctrine

Morgan-Guggenheim Syndicate

Ballinger allows land in Alaska that is known as public domain (untouched land) to be mined for coal (which upsets Pinchot), they are given a monopoly opportunity; this land was supposed to be held by the government and not by this syndicate - "Ballinger is rewarding his friends"

Literacy Tests

Blacks had to pass it to vote. Whites only had to sign their name. It wasn't constitutional but no one was willing to take them to task for it. Some had to prove that their grandfather had voted (grandfather clause). it was rigged to allow whites to pass and not blacks

William Wordsworth

Born/Lived in the Lake District for most of his life; wrote about the beauty of it; lived in the Dove Cottage by Grasmere (lake); friends with Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Woodrow Wilson

Chosen by democrats as their candidate; progressive, from a family of ministers--importance of faith, but didn't go into ministry; "called by God"Wants a peaceful, liberal, capitalist world, safe from dangers of traditional imperialismand revolutionary socialism based on international law and wants the US to model those principles"workers of the world unite. you have nothing to lose but change"

15th Amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude

Pinchot-Ballinger Dispute

Coal Mining Corp.; Richard Ballinger allowed access to this coal mine in Alaska; that land was held by Public Domain; Pinchot doesn't like that it was being used (or monopolies, because he was a progressive)


Controversy: Why the environment is important:2 perspectives:- Conservationism- Preservationism

Bull Moose Party

Created by Roosevelt (he leaves Republican party); strictly a Progressive party--supports 8 hour work day, workman's compensation law

Square Deal

Economic policy by Roosevelt that favored fair relationships between companies and workers

William McKinley

Elected president in 1896, Republican from Ohio, not a good president, but loved the perks of traveling and people, sought re-election in 1900, fires VP and Roosevelt has to take VP on ballot; visited New York for the New York Exposition, but was shot and killed as he was leaving by Leon Czolgosz at the train station

Carolina Parakeet

Extinct - Last known specimen died in 1918 - Declared extinct in 1939 - Was the only parrot species native to eastern U.S - were found from southern New York to Gulf of Mexico - lived in habitats of forests along rivers - Ate cockleburs and their seed (invasive plant species) - Extinction believed to be caused by: - Loss of habitat due to agriculture (cutting down forests) - Killed in mass for being pests to farmers - Colorful feathers desired for hats - Poultry disease

Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions

Northern Securities v.s. U.S.

Forced Northen Securities to disband; railroad monopoly, supreme court ruling, required to dissolve because it was in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust

Sierra Club

John Muir -- point is to protect the environment/encourage preservation of places like Yosemite and Redwood Forest

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers

Will Dilg

Leader of Izaak Walton League; convinced wilderness is most important

Cordell Hull

Member of the House of Rep.; introduced the Underwood Tariff(bring rates down); created rider--Graduated Income Tax, pressured to go make modifications to amendments added during Wilson's admin

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Monroe Doctrine = first foreign policy, established 1823, written by John Q. Adams, sphere of interest--whatever happens in our hemisphere effects us (this is restated by Roosevelt -- basically, the Western Hemisphere is "important" and the Eastern Hemisphere needs to "stay out"; in other words because of the ridiculous amount of debt in the Eastern hemisphere, the W. hemisphere didn't want the E. hemisphere coming into their side - this made sure all debts would be paid)


Movement that sprung from the Romantic era; begun by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau; relates to nature, peace, def.


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Underwood Tariff

New lower tariff by adding Rider; introduced by Cordell Hull; reduced average tariff duties (that Taft caused) and established a graduated income tax

Rule of Reason

New way Supreme Court interpreted Sherman Anti-Trust Act (anything that restrains trade is illegal); only "unreasonable" restrain of trade could be revoked, but it doesn't actually define "reasonable"; Supreme Court is supposed to be above prejudice

William Randolph Hearst

Newspaper Rivalry against J. Pulitzer; practiced yellow journalism to sell stories

Joseph Pulitzer

Newspaper Rivalry against William Randolph Hearst; practiced yellow journalism to sell stories (hired a photographer of war to go to Cuba and he would write, he described Roosevelt as someone more courageous than he really was -- made a star out of Roosevelt)


Nickname for Teddy Roosevelt because of his actions against monopolies including the breaking up of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.

Separate but Equal

Principle upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public facilities was legal.

Gifford Pinchot

Progressive; he was upset about Ballinger's work even though Ballinger was his boss; he oversaw forests in America, degree of forestry/scientific management from Yale, visited from Roosevelt in his return from Africa for dinner with him

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

Raised Tariff rates; William Howard Taft passed this--proved him untrustworthy; positive: main source of operating capital for government, negative: affects prices, hurt relationships with other countries, the prices of goods increase, American people suffer, violates progressive principle of Utilitarianism (doesn't help for the greater good)

Eugene Debs

Ran against Woodrow Wilson; was a Marxist/Socialist

Albert Bierstadt

Rocky Mountain school; artist, large scale paintings of mountains of West -- in operatic style (meaning it relies on the view to look through "opera glasses" - i.e. the tiny squirrel in the corner)

James Watt

Ronald Reagan's secretary to the interior, he tried to cancel the fourth of July celebratory tradition (thought Beach Boys were communist), he wanted to dam up the Grand Canyon for it to be a huge lake, defined that he could do anything, but the public outcry made him back down

William Howard Taft

Roosevelt chose to support him to replace him as president, but not as trustworthy, they find Roosevelt in Africa to try to replace him (he never backs down from a challenge), controls the Republican convention; he fired Pinchot and the progressives turn against him/want to find a new president


Roosevelt's wife, very supportive and a good relationship, deeply in love, Switzerland honeymoon, died and Roosevelt was devastated, but turns to nature instead of suicide to cope

That Damned Cowboy

The Republicans hated Roosevelt because of his "hero" status and popularity that drove him straight into the White House, so they called him this; they wanted to tuck him away into the Vice Presidency (basically to never be heard of again -- it's like a deep, dark hole)

Internal Revenue Service

The branch of the U.S. Treasury Department in charge of collecting taxes

Henry David Thoreau

Transcendentalist; inspired by Emerson, tired by routine in life, wanted to live deliberately; wrote Walden and Civil Disobedience; very contemplative

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Transcendentalist; wrote books: Self- Reliance, Nature; Unitarian minister, radical, He declares you have a more profound spiritual experience in nature than in a church; talks about the divine

William Jennings Bryan

United States lawyer and politician who advocated free silver and prosecuted John Scopes (1925) for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school (1860-1925)

San Juan Hill

Where Roosevelt/Rough Riders fought in the Spanish-American War; wasn't as intense as J. Pulitzer made it seem

Annette Vallon

Wordsworth French lover who he has a kid with.

Dorothy Wordsworth

Wordsworth's sister, lived in Dove Cottage with him; wrote down his words on walks; kept a journal of her adventures with William

The Fundamentals

a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based


a movement of reflecting nature, artistic, literature,music, subjectivity; started by William Wordsworth and S. Taylor Coleridge

Redwood Forest

a national forest that contains the worlds largest living trees, tallest trees in the world located in California

Tuskegee Institute

a school to vocationally train blacks to get jobs.

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

Monroe Doctrine

an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers

Richard Ballinger

appointed by taft to be the secretary of interior, controls environment, railroad/mine/timber background (companies that damage the environment), he is fired by Taft and progressives feel betrayed by him; Morgan-Guggenheim Syndicate

Rocky Mountain School

artistic school. Type of art was born here that romanticized the ruggedness of the West. Founded by Albert Bierstadt

Leon Czolgosz

assassinated McKinley, shot him twice, but he died because of infection of the bullet that they couldn't find, put on trial and clearly psychotic...found guilty and executed

William Dean Howells

associated with NAACP, author of Editha

John Dewey

associated with NAACP, education expert


based on something more personal/spiritual: "you can't explain the individual experiences and you cannot quantify them, but it does contribute to a quality of life that cannot be explained" (Romantic movement)


book written by Henry David Thoreau


book written by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Panama Canal

bought out a French company to complete it, the world becomes smaller and facilitates trade/travel (instead of going all the way around South America, cuts through Panama); Roosevelt completes it

Lyrical Ballads

collection of poems founded by Coleridge and Wordsworth

Plessy vs. Ferguson

dispute over train cars - the ruling decided people were allowed to be separated because of race as long as the accommodations are equal - separate but equal

Due Process

fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement.

John Muir

father of preservationism, son of Scottish immigrants, father is a traveling minister, got copy of book Nature, crisis- what is he going to do the rest of his life, took a road trip to California (Yosemite Valley--1000 mile hike) last decade of 19th century, dedicated his life to preserving what God had created and what/who He is

Great White Fleet

first great american Navy, was to protect trade, it served as a symbol that America was becoming modern, took a round the world voyage by Roosevelt's request

William B. Wilson

first secretary of labor - advocate for the working man

Booker T. Washington

founded Tuskegee Institute


fundamental interpretation of scripture/only one way to interpret/conserv. alcohol is a sin; narrow, rigid, conservative ("If you don't agree, you're wrong"); allied themselves with progressives

Winchester Firearms Company

gained a lot from the predator kill program movement and they financially supported the American Game Association

Old Faithful

geyser at Yellowstone, "upside down waterfall"

Rough Riders

group of soldiers commanded by Roosevelt at San Juan Hill in Cuba


have an open ended view of spiritual things, the Divine,

Voting Rights Act

law that banned literacy tests and empowered the federal government to oversee voter registration

Al Capone

mob king/gangster in Chicago who controlled a large network of speakeasies with enormous profits--bootlegging; his illegal activities convey the failure of prohibition in the twenties and the problems with gangs

Brown Decision

moved America from segregation to integration

American Game Protective Association

national organization, its agenda was to have a political voice to help those who are interested in fishing, lobbyist group, where does money come from?

Izaak Walton League

organization represented/encouraged the hunters/fishers of the middle west; leader was Will Dilg

Boone and Crockett Club

outdoors club, Roosevelt founded it in 1899 and first president; what promoted outdoor activities but also lobbied for environmental protection


place where alcoholic drinks were sold and consumed illegally during prohibition

Predator Kill Program

private hunters, government hired, deer/animals increase in numbers because of the decrease in predators, outcome: failed to recognize balance in nature, poor condition of animals/not good health, coyotes, wolves, bears, mountain lions: close to extinction

Keating Owen Act

prohibited the transport of goods made by children

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

romanticist and close friend to Wordsworth, became addicted to Opium

Cummings vs Board of Education

separate but equal is applied to education - the flaw lies with the fundamental idea of what education should be - diversity is a significant part of what the education process should be - segregation undermines the very goal of education - defining equal is also an issue

New York Exposition

showing the world what we have contributed to life, American inventions, opportunities, etc. (How far America had come -- William McKinley visited this)

Dove Cottage

small place, there that Coleridge and Wordsworth's friendship fell apart, Coleridge's career ended because of addiction; Wordsworth became more famous/successful

Operatic Style

type of artistry, way an artist wants you to view their art, large scale, how you are supposed to look at it, relies on the viewer to have "opera glasses"/magnifying glass/binoculars -- i.e. tiny squirrel in the bottom corner of Albert Bierstadt's painting


use natural resources but responsibly and efficiently, which helps create jobs

Passenger Pigeon

was a bird that existed in North America until the early 20th century when it went extinct due to hunting and habitat destruction.

19th Amendment

women's suffrage (1920)

Sand County Almanac

written by Aldo Leopold, important for the history of wildlife conservation/preservation, provides insight of letters sent to gov't and his passion behind stopping the Predator-Kill movement


written by William Dean Howells, short story about a husband going to war

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