RDN Exam

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What does MCH stand for?

mean corpuscular hemoglobin

The largest portion of the food budget is spent on what types of food?

meat, fish, poultry (unless it's a vegan restaurant)

What are good sources of niacin?

meat, fish, poultry, enriched bread products, peanuts, rice, yeast, milk

What are good sources of zinc?

meat, liver, eggs, fish

What are good sources of phosphorus?

meat, milk, poultry, eggs, fish, cheese (animal proteins), processed foods

What are good sources of vitamin B6?

meat, wheat, corn, yeast, pork, liver, fortified cereals

For what population is the NRS used?

medical-surgical hospitalized patients

What is the term for the model that focuses on both the popularity and the contribution to profit of menu items? (goal is to encourage people to buy certain items)

menu engineering

What is the most important aspect to consider when controlling food costs?

menu planning

What is the limiting amino acid in soy protein?


What substance is used to make decaf coffee?

methylene chloride

What is efficiency of a process?

minimization of resources you must expend to achieve the desired level of exchange (doing things the right way)

What is the issue causing galactosemia?

missing enzyme that converts galactose-1-phosphate into glucose-1-phosphate

How do you prevent lumps in a starch slurry?

mix starch well with fat, small amount of cold liquid, or sugar

Why are propionate and sodium benzoate added to foods/beverages?

mold inhibitors

What is the goal of PedNSS?

monitor growth and nutrition status in low-income high-risk children, birth-17 years; infant-feeding practices

How often are budgets usually reviewed?


What does fat do in ice cream?

more fat --> smaller crystals --> smoother ice cream

Why is fudge creamier than fondant?

more ingredients that interfere with crystallization (milk, chocolate, corn syrup)

This work simplification procedure uses the shortest and straightest routes to move materials to reduce motion and and time required.

motion economy

What is fluorosis?

mottled teeth due to excessive fluoride

Which types of fire extinguishers are most often used in food service?

multi-purpose dry chemical (can be used on all types of fires)

How do you determine the number of relief workers needed to cover full-time positions for a year?

multiply the number of full-time positions by 0.55

What is the FIFO method of determining the value of the inventory?

multiply the number of units in inventory by the most recent price; tends to price inventory high

What does "entitlement program" mean?

must give payment of benefits to ALL eligible people

What happens when a unionized member has a grievance?

must make a written formal grievance

Why does meat change color over time? (not when cooked)

myoglobin gets oxidized red-->brown-->green

What are the symptoms of norovirus infection?

nausea, diarrhea, vomiting

What are the symptoms of c perfringes infection?

nausea, vomiting, pain, diarrhea

What adjustment must be made when substituting butter for lard in pastry?

need to use more butter (it's only 80% fat, compared to lard's 100%)

What is NPU?

net protein utilization = (N in - N out)/N in measures amount of protein actually used; higher for animal protein than plant

What is gross profit?

net sales - cost of goods sold

What is used to assess ability to meet long term debt?

net worth ratios (show total assets and liabilities)

What happens in lenolenic acid deficiency?

neurological changes; numbness, blurred vision

What vitamin is needed in all cells for energy production and metabolism?

niacin (B3)

What are the main components measured in renal solute load?

nitrogen and electrolytes

Should HIV positive women breastfeed?


How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: meat?

no carb, 7 g pro, 2-8 g fat depending on leanness, 45-100 kcal

When would you use a fixed budget?

no expected major change in patient or customer count throughout the year

What is important to know about the Kosher diet?

no meat and dairy at the same meal; no pork; no shellfish

What does "low calories" mean?

no more than 40 cal/serving

What are the sodium rec's for pregnancy induced hypertension?

no restriction; sodium is needed to maintain adequate plasma levels during pregnancy

Can acetyl-CoA be converted back to glucose?

no; pyruvate --> acetyl-CoA is irreversible

What's another name for Celiac disease?

non-tropical sprue

What is paralinguistic communication?

nonverbal messages (gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, whispering)

What food borne pathogen can come from contaminated water, human contact, veggies fertilized in manure, manufactured ice cubes, ready-to-eat foods?


What could high BUN:creatinine ratio indicate?

not getting enough blood to kidneys (dehydrate, CHF, GI bleeding)

What is the MNT for MSUD?

restrict BCAAs; avoid eggs, meat, nuts, dairy (except for a little milk to promote growth)

What circulating protein has a half-life of only 12 hours?

retinol-binding protein

What is responsible for gravy separating when it thaws?


What deficiency might a magenta tongue indicate?


What might you consider if someone has swollen, red, dry, cracked lips?

riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin deficiencies

What does "incidence" indicate?

risk of newly developing a disease

What are secondary prevention programs?

risk reduction; recruiting those with elevated risk factors into treatment program

What is perpetual inventory management?

running record of what is on-hand; updated every time items are put into or taken out of storage

The thresholds for rate-based indicators are ______ to ______.

1 to 99

At what age should eggs be introduced?

1 year

What are the 5 federal block grant areas?

1) Maternal and child health 2) Community Services 3) Social Services 4) Preventive Health Service 5) Primary Care

What is the onset time for norovirus infection?

1-2 days

How long can food be held after blast chilling?

1-5 days

What is the onset time of staphylococcus aureus?

1-7 hours after ingestion

What does BTU stand for?

British Thermal Unit; useful for comparing energy requirements

What are the 3 basic steps at the very beginning of education/training?

1. assess what they know 2. assess their level of skill 3. assess language skills

How does Orlistat work?

Inhibits pancreatic lipase reducing intestinal fat absorption

What agency conducts research and provides education and training for individuals working within the area of child nutrition?

Institute of child nutrition

What agency maintains a standards manual for higher education colleges and university food service operations?

National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS)

What does NCAHF stand for?

National Council Against Health Fraud

What does NFCS stand for and track?

National Food Consumption Survey; tracks food intake of individuals and total households across entire U.S; 7 key nutrients: protein, Ca, Fe, B1, B2, vit C, cit A

What does NHANES stand for?

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

What law guarantees workers the right to organize and join labor unions?

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

What agency inspects and certifies fishing vessels, seafood processing plants, and retail facilities?

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

What is NNMRRP?

National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Program; includes all data collection and analysis of fed gov't about health, nutrition status, food consumption, attitudes about diet

What agency develops restaurant standards and promotes foodservice training (i.e. ServSafe)?

National Restaurant Association (NRA)

What organization does voluntary inspections of equipment to make sure it complies with food safety and sanitation standards?

National Sanitation Foundation International

What does NSLP stand for?

National School Lunch Program

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

Nausea, dizziness, sunken eyes, fever, hyperventilation, excessive sweating, concentrated urine, dry inelastic skin, increase in solutes (BUN), tachycardia, headache, fatigue, decreased appetite, rapid weight loss

What are the symptoms of salmonella?

Nausea, vomiting,chills, diarrhea, FEVER

What does PCMH mean?

Patient-centered medical home; the person (ideally PCP) who takes responsibility for all aspects of the health care for the patient and coordinates and communicates with other providers as needed

What are statutory benefits?

Payment required by law to ensure income in event of unemployment, injury, or death

What does PedNSS stand for?

Pediatric nutritional surveillance system

What agency is concerned with infectious and contagious diseases transmitted through shellfish, milk, vending machines, and restaurants?

Public Health Service; under DHHS

What is the funding from federal gov't given to states/local communities for broad purposes?

block grants

How is Hep B transmitted?

blood and body fluids (sexually transmitted)

What are the symptoms of shigella?

bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain

What are the symptoms of e coli infection?

bloody diarrhea, severe cramping

What is the fat content of butter and margarine?

both are 80% fat

From where does the American Red Cross receive funding?

both federal gov't and private funds/donations

From where does the National Research Council receive funding?

both the federal gov't and private funds/donations

What food borne illness can come from improperly canned foods, sous-vide and tightly wrapped foods, smoked and salted fish, cooked root veggies held at warm temps for too long?


Why is honey dangerous for infants?

botulism; their immune systems can't handle it yet

What is MNT for acute Crohn's flare-up?

bowel rest, TPN or minimal residue

Name the flour: hard wheat, strong gluten, highest protein content (11.8%)

bread flour

What is the purpose of glycolysis?

break down of glucose into pyruvate for the Kreb's Cycle

How can you tell if a fresh fish with head attached is acceptable upon delivery?

bright red gills, bright shiny skin, flesh is firm and springs up when pressed

What is the par stock method?

bring stock up to a par number every time you place an order (if par is 10 and you still have 8, order 2)

What enzymes break down gelatin and prevent gelation?

bromelain from pineapple and papain from papaya

What high-purine foods should be avoided if you have gout?

broth, anchovies, sardines, organ meats, sweetbreads, herring, mackerel

What is decentralized delivery?

bulk food is delivered; trays are set up in areas separate from production, close to customer

What happens in an informal, open market?

buyer requests quotes on specific items for specific amounts from one or more suppliers; place order after considering price, quality, delivery

What food borne pathogen can produce toxins under anaerobic conditions?

c botulinum

What pathogen can come from improperly/slowly cooked and reheated foods, meats, soups, gravies, stews, casseroles, foods held at room temp in large quantities for several hours?

c perfringes

What are class K fire extinguishers used for?

commercial kitchens that use appliances and oils operation at much higher temps than previous equipment and oils

What type of budget includes plant facilities, equipment, computers, cost of improvements/repairs?

capital budget

What gas do grease fires release?

carbon monoxide

What is the major extracellular buffer system in the body?

carbonic acid (H2CO3) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

Which pigment does not change color in an acid or an alkaline solution?


What do VLDLs do?

carry TAGs from liver to tissue

What do HDLs do?

carry cholesterol from tissues to liver

What do LDLs do?

carry cholesterol to tissues

What hormonal changes are seen as a result of trauma?

-catecholamines: epinephrine & norepinephrine (glycogenolysis) -Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): releases cortisol; mobilizes AAs from muscle -aldosterone: Na retention, gluconeogenesis -ADH: water reabsorption

What are the differences between hyper- and hypothyroidism?

-hyper: excess thyroid hormone; increased BMR; wt loss -hypo: deficiency of thyroid hormone; decreased BMR; wt gain

What are the calorie and protein rec's for patients on hemodialysis?

-if <60 yo: 35 kcal/kg; if >60 yo or obese: 30-35 kcal/kg -protein: 1.2 g/kg (at least 50% HBV)

What are the calorie and protein rec's for peritoneal dialysis?

-if <60 yo: 35 kcal/kg; if >60 yo or obese: 30-35 kcal/kg -protein: 1.2-1.3 g/kg (at least 50% HBV)

What is the MNT for end stage liver failure?

-if not comatose: 1-1.5 g/kg protein -30-35 kcal/kg 30-35% of kcals as fat with MCT if needed -low Na if ascites

What does ASP stand for?

Afterschool Snack Program

What law prevents discrimination due to age?

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

What is the most glucogenic amino acid?


At what serum albumin level do you see physical signs of fluid accumulation?

Alb < 2.8

What entity has proposed quality standards for the review and monitoring of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs?


What is another name for BMI?

Quetelet index

What is the difference between RMR and BMR?

RMR is resting metabolic rate; usually about 10-20% higher than BMR because it is not measured first thing in the morning, after fasting for 12 hours; still use indirect calorimetry to measure oxygen consumption

What is the equation for RQ?

RQ = volume of CO2 expired / volume of O2 consumed

What term is for the goals for healthy individuals to prevent deficiency diseases? (includes gender, age, life phases)

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

What law does the CHIP fall under?

Social Security Act

What does SMP stand for?

Special Milk Program

What type of budget projects revenues and expenses, showing an inflow and outflow of cash over time?

cash budget or cash flow budget

What is included in a fish diagram?

causes-->even-->effects; can increase worker involvement in decision making

What is non-tropical sprue?

celiac disease, gluten-induced enteropathy

In what type of delivery system are trays set up close to production?


What is the biggest advantage of commissary style food service?

centralized, large-volume purchasing

What is the deduction of union dues from pay called?


What is the most energy efficient type of oven?

convection (can bake at lower temps because the heat keeps circulating)

In what type of production system is all prep done on premises where meals are served on the same day?


What does renin do?

converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I; stimulates aldosterone to increase Na reabsorption

What is the main nutrient carried by ceruloplasmin?


What nutrient helps with hemoglobin synthesis and iron absorption?


Excess zinc can result in _____

copper deficiency

What are ecological studies?

correlation studies that compare frequency of events or disease rates in a population with some variable of interest (like amount of consumption of a particular food)

What is the difference between cost benefit studies and cost/effectiveness studies?

cost benefit: determines whether it's worthwhile to complete a project; cost/effectiveness: assumes the goal of the project is worthwhile and tries to figure out the best method

What is the most readily controlled item in a food service establishment? (subject to greatest fluctuation)

cost of food

What are some common things people with low income focus on, regarding nutrition counseling?

cost, traditional food habits (what they know), solving current problems

What management style is low in concern for production but high in concern for people?

country club management; employee-centered; seeking approval/acceptance

What is an injunction?

court order preventing a certain activity

What is the big macronutrient difference between cow's milk and human milk?

cow's milk has way more protein (20% vs 7% in human milk)

What is cheilosis or angular stomatitis?

cracks at the corner of the mouth; can be due to riboflavin deficiency

What is the key ingredient that keeps angel food cake white and airy?

cream of tartar (acid prevents Maillard browning and stabilizes egg white foam)

What do you eat to prevent alkaline kidney stones?

create acid ash: increase anions (Cl, Phos, sulfate) by adding meat, fish, eggs, cheese, corn, oats, rye

What do you do to prevent acidic kidney stones?

create alkaline ash: increase cations (Ca, Na, K, Mg) by adding veggies, fruits, brown sugar, molasses

What is CHI (lab)?

creatinine height index; ratio of creat excreted in 24 hours to height; 80% is normal; lower can indicate muscle depletion

This work simplification procedure studies work motions, efficiency of equipment placement, number of movements between pieces of equipment

cross charts

What does CPT stand for and what is it?

current procedural terminology; used to describe tests, surgeries, evaluations, and any other medical procedure performed by a healthcare provider on a patient

Which amino acids contain sulfur?

cysteine, homocysteine, methionine

What is the conversion between milliequivalents and milligrams?

mEq = (mg*valence)/atomic weight

Pheophytin results when what mineral is removed from chlorophyll?


What cofactor is needed to produce G6P?


What nutrient is found as part of chlorophyll?


What nutrient stabilizes the structure of ATP?


Tell me about Garlic as a supplement.

main use: lower cholesterol and blood pressure interaction: reduces clotting time; avoid too much with Warfarin

What is CDC STEPS?

major federal level grant, focused on community-based health initiatives related to obesity; direct funds to address obesity, asthma, and diabetes prevention

What does gelatin do to crystal size?

makes smaller crystals by interfering with union of small crystals together to make bigger ones

What are some symptoms of non-tropical sprue?

malabsorption, deficiency in fat-soluble vits, anemia, wt loss, diarrhea, steatorrhea

What waist/hip ratio is indicative of central adiposity?

males: 1 or greater females: 0.8 or greater

What is the normal range for serum ferritin?

males: 12-300 ng/ml females: 10-150 ng/ml

What is the normal range for hemoglobin?

males: 14-17 g/dl females: 12-15 g/dl

What are the AIs for fiber for adults?

males: 38 g females: 25 g

What are the AIs for fiber?

males: 38 g females: 25 g

At what waist circumference is there increased risk for disease?

males: 40 inches females: 35 inches

What is the normal range for hematocrit?

males: 42-52% females: 37-47%

What are the protein RDAs for adults?

males: 56 g females: 46 g

What is the EER for infants 0-6 months old?

males: 570 kcal females: 520 kcal

What is the EER for infants 7-12 months old?

males: 743 kcal females: 676 kcal

What is the recommended daily iron intake?

males: 8 mg females: 18 mg

What's the threshold for HDL cholesterol in metabolic syndrome?

males: <40 mg/dl females: <50 mg/dl

What criteria would cancer patients have to meet to be put on TPN?

malnourished, on therapy, anticipated to be unable to ingest and absorb adequate nutrients for 7-14 days

What does MBO stand for?

management by objectives

What are the main pillars of Drucker's theory?

management should be democratic, provide control from within; goals/objectives should be set with employees; participative leadership

What is equifinality?

many different ways to achieve the same goal

What does MSUD stand for?

maple syrup urine disease

What type of schedule serves as an overall plan; days on and off, vacations; basis for developing weekly schedules?

master schedule

What does the OAA nutrition program provide?

one hot meal/day (5 days/week) (1/3 rec intake); congregate meals for ambulatory elders with transportation; Meals on Wheels for homebound elders; counseling, nutrition ed, referrals, social interaction

At what age should birth length increase by 50%?

one year

At what age should birth weight be trippled?

one year

What type of molecule is in waxy starches?

only amylopectin (branched chains)

What is a forecast of revenues, expenses, and profit for a specific period of time?

operating budget

This work simplification procedure depicts the movement of hands; reduces transportation and re-plans work areas; pushes using both hands simultaneously and effectively.

operation charts

What is achalasia?

opposite of GERD; LES doesn't open, so there's a bottleneck in the esophagus; causes dysphagia

What is Medicare Part B?

optional outpatient insurance

What is the first step of disciplinary action?

oral warning: discuss the nature, cause, and corrective actions of the incident

What is a class A fire, and what is the symbol?

ordinary combustibles: wood, paper, cloth; symbol: triangle

What shows how the employee fits into the organization?

organizational chart

What causes surfaces of poached egg yolks to turn green?

overcooking or allowing to cool too slowly; creation of ferrous sulfide

what hormone moves milk through the mammary ducts?


What vitamin makes up coenzyme A (as in acetyl-CoA)?

pantothenic acid

What nutrients are essential for the synthesis of fatty acids?

pantothenic acid, biotin, magnesium

What coenzymes are needed for energy production?

pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin (B1-3, 5)

What is a popular meat tenderizing enzyme that comes from a fruit?

papain (from papaya)

What is candling?

passing eggs over light to see the size of the air cell- distinctness of yolk and imperfections

Name the flour: soft wheat, fairly weak gluten, best for pie-making

pastry flour

What theory says motivation to behave in a particular manner is the result of an expectation that a behavior will result in a particular goal and how strongly a person desires the goal?

path-goal theory

This work simplification procedure is a scale drawing showing the path of a worker during a process.

pathway chart/flow chart

What does gynoid obesity mean?


Who does Medicare cover?

people over 65, anyone with end stage renal disease

What does hematocrit measure?

percentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood

What does the Food Code say?

person in charge must be able to ID food allergens and associated symptoms

What does proxemics refer to?

personal space; how far you are from a person, whether there is a physical barrier between two people

What is centralized purchasing?

personnel in one office does all purchasing for all units in that organization

What is an early sign of essential fatty acid deficiency?


Tyrosine can be synthesized from which other amino acid?


What does thyroxine do?

regulates metabolism and rate of oxidation; influences physical and mental growth; stimulates liver glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis; raises blood sugar

What are some main goals of HIV MNT?

preserve LBM, prevent wt loss, prevent HIV wasting

How do BHA and BHT work as preservatives?

prevent oxidation of fatty foods

What are the USDA grades of meat, in order?

prime, choice, select, standard

Type of response in which counselor attempts to clarify or gain more information as the client recalls details


What does "impaired nutrient utilization" indicate?

problems with the metabolism of nutrients once they have entered circulation; endocrine functions of live, pancreas, pituitary, parathyroid

This work simplification procedure lays out the steps involved in a process using symbols

process charts

What are the 4 P's in the marketing mix?

product, place, price, promotion

What type of schedule shows the time sequencing of events required to produce a meal; employee assignments and menu items; quantity to prepare and timing? (what to do and when)

production schedule

What is the difference between a profit center and cost center?

profit center has both expenses and revenue (cafeteria); cost center does not generate revenue (patient meals) but helps other dept's contribute to generation of profit

What is net profit?

profit shown after ALL expenses have been deducted from sales (salaries, benefits, utilities, supplies, depreciation, taxes, etc.)

What hormone develops the placenta after implantation?


What does PERT stand for (in context of food service management)?

program evaluation and review technique

This informs and educates consumers about the existence of a product or service

program promotion

How can erythromycin and metoclopramide be useful for MNT?

prokinetic agents; useful for constipation; increase stomach contractility for gastroparesis

What hormone stimulates milk production?


What is the Peter Principle?

promote someone to a level of incompetence

What might you consider if someone has easily pluckable hair?

protein deficiency

What is PBI?

protein-bound iodine; measures the activity of the thyroid gland; can be used to measure BMR changes (when PBI is elevated, so is BMR)

Where does oxaloacetate come from?

pyruvate (carbohydrate metabolism)

What does grading of meat indicate?

quality based on maturity of animal, marbling of fat, color and texture of lean portion

How often does TEFAP distribute food?


What theory is used in analyzing flow of customers in a cafeteria? (balances the cost of waiting in line with the cost of preventing waiting lines through increased service)

queuing theory

What is a correlation coefficient?

r; -1 indicates perfect inverse relationship; 1 indicates perfect positive relationship; 0 indicates no relationship (data totally scattered)

What is the error of central tendency?

rate as everyone as average; obstacle to effective performance eval

In what type of production system is food not prepared for immediate service but for inventory and subsequent withdrawal?

ready-prepared (cook-chill, cook-freeze)

Need for fewer highly skilled employees, more liberal production schedule, and decreased production-related job stress are advantages of what types of food service systems?

ready-prepared (cook-chill, cook-freeze), assembly-serve

What's the difference between ready-prepared and assembly-serve food service?

ready-prepared is prepared and chilled/frozen on-site; assembly-serve is when food arrives at location already made...it just needs to be reheated and served

Type of response in which counselor suggests the problem doesn't exist and doesn't make much attempt to understand client's needs


What is the best material for kitchen floor?

red clay (unglazed)

How do you adjust IBW for someone with quadriplegia?

reduce by 10-15%

How do you adjust IBW for someone with paraplegia?

reduce by 5-10%

What are the goals of Healthy Start?

reduce infant mortality, improve health of low income women/kids/families

What effect do plant sterols and stanol esters (in fortified margarine) have in the body?

reduce total and LDL cholesterol

What does BUN:creat ratio <10 indicate?

reduced BUN reabsorption due to renal damage (may need dialysis)

What does resveratrol do in the body?

reduces platelet aggregation

What are tertiary prevention programs?

rehabilitation efforts; as disease progresses, intervention to reduce severity, manage complications

If food is in the danger zone for 2 hours or less, what should you do?

reheat it to 165

What does specific gravity measure?

relative density of a substance compared to water

What is the MNT for adult diarrhea?

remove the cause if possible; bowel rest; replace fluids and electrolytes; when diarrhea stops, start with low fiber, add protein, no need to limit fat

What is the first goal in MNT for a new burn patient?

replace fluid and electrolytes

What type of planning covers a period of 1 year or less?

short range or operational planning

What are some things to keep in mind when counseling elderly?

short sessions work best, stay on topic, use written material

Proportion of people who don't have a condition and test negative


What does sugar do to egg white foam?

stabilizes it and makes it smoother

What are the parameters for cooling leftovers?

stage 1: cool from 135 to 70 within 2 hours stage 2: cool from 70 to less than 41 within another 4 hours

At what stage of CKD do you need to restrict protein?

stage 3 and 4

What protects against deception through use of containers that appear to hold more than they do?

standard of fill of containers

What defines what a product must contain in order to be called by a certain name?

standard of identity

What specifies minimum quality below which foods must not fall

standard of quality

What are SOPs?

standards of practice; describe in general terms a competent level of nutrition care practice; for RDs working in direct patient care

What are SOPPs?

standards of professional performance; describe a competent level of behavior in the professional role

What infection often comes from human hands, nose, intestines, cuts, sores; reheated foods, high in protein (meat, poultry, eggs, dairy), stuffing, prepared salads?

staphylococcus aureus

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with Adderall and Ritalin?

suppressed appetite, nausea, weight loss

What does leptin do?

suppresses appetite, enhances energy expenditure

What is the difference between a nutrition survey and nutrition surveillance?

survey: examination of a group at a certain time (cross-sectional); determines prevalence of condition at specific time surveillance: ongoing data collection; health data include wt, Hct, Hgb, cholesterol; linked to active programs, like WIC; IDs needs and necessary intervention(s)

What are the cutoffs for hypertension?

systolic > 130 mmHg and/or diastolic >80 mmHg

What causes astringent mouthfeel of under-ripe bananas and tart flavor of some fruits?


What is andragogy?

teaching adults

What is pedagogy?

teaching children

What style of management is high in both concern for people and concern for production?

team management; most desirable; common stake in purpose

What are inferential statistics?

techniques to determine the probability that results can be applied to a larger group, what can you infer from results of your study

What does BRFSS do?

telephone interviews with adults to collect info about ht, wt, smoking, alcohol use, preventable health problems, diabetes, food frequency for: fat, fruits and veg

What are the paper models of equipment that are cut to scale and used in layouts to determine floor space needed?


What is the leniency of error?

tendency to rate everyone higher than they deserve

What does hygroscopic mean? What does it have to do with sugar?

tending to absorb moisture; sugar is hygroscopic and absorbed some moisture that gluten needs in order to form and strengthen; adding sugar makes baked products more tender

What parts of a job do work simplification procedures look at?

the smallest parts (hand movements, steps taken)

When designing a kitchen, what does a flow chart show?

the steps, in sequence, the work must take; the relation of working units to each other; should have little cross traffic and no backtracking

Why are calcium compounds added to foods for canning?

they act as humectants: retain moisture, increase firmness and tenderness

What is the benefit of beating room temp egg whites?

they whip more quickly and yield more volume due to lower surface tension

What nutrient is required for decarboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate in the Kreb's cycle?


What vitamin is needed for the oxidation of carbs and the metabolism of pyruvate?

thiamine (B1)

What vitamin is least stable in heat?

thiamine (B1); often lost when heat or pH increase (but stable in acid); vitamin C is very similar

What nutrients are required for the Kreb's cycle?

thiamine (TDP), niacin (NAD), riboflavin (FAD), pantothenic acid (CoA), magnesium

What micronutrient may need additional supplementation in peritoneal dialysis?

thiamine (due to losses)

What is the purpose of a cash flow budget?

to determine if funds will be available when they're needed

What is the best use of an employee evaluation?

to improve their performance

true or false: CACFP provides both food and education


true or false: SFMNP also provides nutrition education


What amino acid is a precursor for serotonin and niacin?


What are essential amino acids?

tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine, valine, histidine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine

What is isoniazid used for?


How does cornstarch change properties of a white sauce?

turns it clear, shiny, translucent (as opposed to flour, which makes it opaque)

Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase antibodies are a risk factor for _______

type 1 diabetes

What is terrazzo?

type of flooring material made from marble or other stone chips set in cement and polished when dry; use in dining rooms, not kitchen

People with PKU cannot convert phenylalanine to what?

tyrosine (becomes essential)

What is the term for eroded mucosal lesion?


What is infant hyperbilirubinemia?

unconjugated bilirubin levels elevated within first week of life; due to increased breakdown of RBCs or decreased intestinal motility; developing liver has trouble clearing bilirubin efficiently

Type of response in which counselor tries to recreate the client's message in their own frame of reference; helps client feel accepted and safe in expressing their feelings

understanding (one of the best ways to respond)

What is the insurance against loss of income?

unemployment compensation

Why should you not heat baby bottles in the microwave?

uneven heat; outside may be really hot while inside is cold

What are blue sky demands?

union asks for twice as much as they actually want/expect and then bargain down from there

What is group or co-op purchasing?

union of separate units (hospitals), not related to a single management, for joint purchasing; economic advantage because of discounts on large volumes

What is the term for when you must join a union after being hired somewhere?

union shop

Who is the employee who represents fellow employees as the union representative? (elected by union members)

union steward or shop steward

What is a two-tier menu?

upscale menu items prepared for those willing to pay extra for them

What is hydrolytic rancidity?

uptake of water by butter which can hydrolyze (break apart) fat molecules and cause flavor changes

Open-door policy, suggestion boxes, grievance procedures are examples of what type of communication channel?

upward communication

What is the Lean method?

use less human effort, space, capital, and time to make products with few defects; use video cameras and stopwatches to analyze work processes and how to improve

What is cryogenic freezing?

use liquid nitrogen or liquid CO2 to free at very low temps (-238"F)

What is induction cooking?

use of electromagnetic vibrations to excite molecules of metal cooking surfaces; burner surface doesn't get hot

How do you enhance tenderness in pie crust?

use oil, soft fat, or fat cut into very small pieces

What vitamin, other than D, plays a role in Ca metabolism?

vitamin K

What anthro tool helps distinguish between android and gynoid obesity?

waist/hip ratio

What is cantilever equipment?


What are the major steps in cheese making?

warm milk, add lactic acid-producing bacteria, add enzyme rennet to help coagulate casein into curds, separate curds from remaining whey liquid

What gets absorbed in the colon?

water, electrolytes, vitamins made by colonic bacteria

What are the symptoms of botulism?

weakness, double vision, fatigue, diarrhea, paralysis, inability to swallow, slurred speech, possibly death

What is syneresis?

weeping - liquid released from a coagulated product that occurs when cooked at too high of a temperature or too low a temperature for too long - creates a tough, watery product

What is the typical goal for kids with obesity?

weight maintenance as they grow taller; weight loss only if there are other medical concerns

What does gauge of metal measure?

weight of material per square foot; low gauge = stronger metal

What are the differences between spastic and non-spastic CP?

-spastic: stiff movements, limited activity; need lower kcal diet, high fluid, high fiber -non-spastic: constant wormlike movements; need higher kcal diet, high protein, finger foods to avoid needing utensils

What is the diet therapy for GI ulcers?

whatever food doesn't aggravate the ulcer; avoid late-night snacks and pepper spices

What starch is the least effective thickener?


When transitioning from TPN to EN, at what point should you start tapering TPN?

when EN is providing 1/3 to 1/2 of nutrient requirements

When is an informal, open market used?

when a small amount is needed quickly

When does jaundice occur?

when bile ducts are blocked

When is a deck oven the best option?

when production is high and space is limited (units are stacked to save space)

When are BCAAs given to liver disease patients?

when they have encephalopathy and standard therapy and regular protein aren't working

When might you use the LIFO method of determining the value of inventory?

when you pay taxes on inventory

Name the flour: entire grain, use freshly ground, spoils quickly due to fat in germ

whole wheat

What are the steps of collective bargaining?

1. union steward speaks with management 2. mediation with a neutral person plus union steward and management; not binding 3. arbitration: hearing to dissolve dispute; decision is usually binding

What is the activity factor for sedentary?


What is the activity factor for active?


How many cups in a #1 can?

1.33 cups

What is the activity factor for "stressed?"


What is the normal range for serum magnesium?

1.5-2.5 mEq/L

How many employees are necessary for everyday coverage of full-time positions?


Within the NSLP, lunch must provide _____ of the recommended intake for protein, vit A & C, Fe and Ca


Breakfast from the NSBP must provide at least ______ daily recommended levels of protein, vit A & C, Fe and Ca


What percentage of fat can be converted to glucose?

10% (glycerol)

What is a significant weight loss for a 6 month period?

10% or more

What gets added to eggs before freezing them?

10% salt or sugar; added as stabilizers

What is the toxic level of vitamin A?

10,000 IU

What is the normal range for BUN:creatinine ratio?


What is the normal range for BUN?

10-20 mg/dl

What is the biologic value of egg protein?


What is the equation for mark-up factor?

100/ food cost percentage

What is the recommended daily calcium intake?

1000-1200 mg

How many ounces in a #1 can?

11 oz

What is the normal range for prothrombin time?

11-12.5 seconds

What is the appropriate weight gain during pregnancy for an obese mother?

11-20 pounds

What is the required temp range for the wash sink?


What is the required temp for pre-rinse, pre-wash stage of dish machine?


What is the normal range for urinary creatinine clearance?

115 +/- 20 ml/min

How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: 2% milk?

12 g carb, 8 g pro, 5 g fat, 120 kcal

How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: skim milk?

12 g carb, 8 g pro, no fat, 100 kcal

How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: whole milk?

12 g carb, 8 g protein, 8 g fat, 160 kcal

What is the onset time for shigella?

12-50 hours

What are the required concentration and pH of iodine sanitizing soln?

12.5-25 ppm, pH <5

How many cups in a #10 can?

13 cups

What is the normal range for serum sodium?

135-145 mEq/L

How high should ceilings be in a kitchen?

14-18 feet

What is the required temp range for the wash stage of a dish machine?

140-160"F (lower temp leads to greasy dishes)

What does "low sodium" mean?

140mg or less per serving

ADA covers employers with at least how many workers?


How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: starch/bread?

15 g carb, 3 g protein, 1 g fat, 80 kcal

How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: sweets/desserts?

15 g carb, everything else varies

How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: fruit?

15 g carb, no pro, no fat, 60 kcal

What is the recommended daily vitamin D intake?

15 mcg (600 IU)

What is the appropriate weight gain during pregnancy for an overweight mother?

15-25 pounds

What are the required concentration and pH of quaternary ammonia sanitizing soln?

150-400 ppm, pH 7

What is the recommended sodium intake for someone with HTN?

1500-2300 mg/day

How much water should athletes drink during/after physical activity?

16 oz for every pound lost

What % of body weight would be subtracted with a whole leg amputation?


What percentage of protein is nitrogen?


What is the normal range for prealbumin?

16-40 mg/dl

What is the temp range for transporting hot held food?


What is the required temp for a non-chemical sanitizer sink?

170"F for 30 sec

What is the required temp range for the sanitize stage of a dish machine?


What is the best temperature range for brewing coffee? What happens if you brew it hotter?

185-203"F; tannin is extracted at higher temps --> bitter coffee

How many cups in a #303 can?

2 cups

What is the maximum weight loss per week to recommend?

2 pounds

At what age should birth weight be quadrupled?

2 years

What is the normal range for serum phosphorus?

3-4.5 mg/dl

What is the onset time of campylobacter jejuni?

3-5 days

What is the onset time for e coli infection?

3-8 days

In an acute care, conventional food service system, what is the average meals per labor hour?

3.5 meals/hr (17 minutes per meal)

What is the normal range for serum albumin?

3.5-5 g/dL

What is the normal range for serum potassium?

3.5-5 mEq/L

How much is a serving of veg for grades K-5 in the NSLP?

3/4 cup

What is the onset time for bacillus cereus infection?

30 min-6 hours

What is the normal range for alk phos?

30-120 U/L

What are the calorie needs for someone with paralysis and pressure ulcers?

30-40 kcal/kg

What's the onset and duration of short-acting insulin? (regular/Humalin R)

30-45 min onset; 3-6 hour duration

How wide must doors be (ADA)?

32 inches

At what temperature should meat, dairy, and eggs be stored?


What is the normal range for pCO2?

35-45 mmHg

How wide must aisles be? (ADA)

36 inches

What is the atomic weight of potassium?

39 g/mol

What is the hang time for open enteral feeding systems?

4 hours

Fruit juice should be limited to _____ per day until age 6.

4 ounces

What is the maximum a dextrose infusion rate should ever be?

4 to 5 mg/kg/min

What is the normal range for ALT?

4-36 U/L

What is the onset time for botulism?

4-36 hours

At what age should birth weight be doubled?

4-5 months

At what age should peanuts be introduced

4-6 months at the earliest

What is the atomic weight of calcium?

40 g/mol

What is the MNT for chronic nonspecific infantile diarrhea?

40% calories as fat, balanced with limited fluids; restrict or dilute fruit juices with high osmolar loads (apple, grape)

What is the MNT for GDM?

40-45% of kcal from CHO; 3 small-medium meals and 2-4 snacks; fewer carbs at breakfast than other meals

What is the temp range in which food should not be held?


What is the temperature danger zone for bacteria?


How long can food be held after being tumble chilled?

45 days

How many g carbs, protein, fat, kcals in: non-starchy veg?

5 g carb, 2 g pro, no fat, 25 kcal

How many milliliters in a teaspoon?

5 mL

What % of body weight would be subtracted with a whole arm amputation?


How high do glazed tiles need to go up on kitchen walls?


What's the onset and duration of rapid-acting insulin? (Aspart, Lispro)

5-15 min onset; 4 hour duration

What is the lactose tolerance test? What threshold is the cutoff?

50 g lactose given orally; if intolerant, blood glucose will rise <25 mg/dl; normal tolerance raises glucose >25 mg/dl

What percentage of the daily allotment of fruit can be taken up by 100% juice in the NSLP?


Where in the body is magnesium found?

50% in bone, 50% in cells

What proportion of union members must be in favor before a change in policy can be made?

50% plus one person

What temp does the dry storage room need to be?


What are the required concentration and pH of chlorine sanitizing soln?

50-90 ppm, pH <8

What percentage of protein can be used to make glucose?


How long can grade A eggs last in cold storage?

6 months

At what age should you start fluoride supplementation?

6 months (if water supply contains <0.3 ppm)

What % of body weight would be subtracted with a below-knee amputation?


What is the onset time for salmonella?

6-48 hours

How many wet diapers should an infant have per day?


How wide must a main traffic lane through a kitchen be?

60 inches

What are the properties of evaporated milk?

60% water removed at least 7.9% fat brown color due to caramelization during canning

At what level of exercise does carbohydrate become main energy source?

60-65% VO2 max (under that, fat is primary source)

What percentage of all observations fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean in a normal distribution?


2 kcal/ml formulas are what % water?


What is the main progression of vitamin D activation?

7-dehydrocholesterol --> D3 cholecalciferol --> D2 ergocalciferol

What is the required temp for a chemical sanitizer sink?

75"F (lukewarm) with appropriate concentration and pH and dishes in there for 60 sec

1.5 kcal/ml formulas are what % water?


What are mold's preferred conditions?

77-86"F, damp, dark, acidic or neutral pH, sweet foods

What is the onset time for c. perfringes infection?

8-18 hours

How much water is removed from dehydrated fruits?


1 kcal/ml formulas are what % water?


What is the normal range for MCV?

80-95 fL

What should phos intake be for people with stage 3-4 CKD?

800-1000 mg/day

How much humidity do fresh fruits and vegetables need?


What are the recommended reading levels for general population and audiences of lower literacy?

8th grade for general population; 6th grade for lower literacy

How quickly should cooked food be chilled for storage below 37"F?

90 minutes or less

In a ketogenic diet for epilepsy, what are the macro breakdowns?

90% kcals from fat, 1 g/kg pro, rest of kcals carb

How much water is removed from dehydrated vegetables?


What percentage of all observations fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean in a normal distribution?


What is optimal LDL cholesterol?

<100 mg/dL

What is optimal total cholesterol?

<200 mg/dl

At what temperature should fresh fish arrive?


What is the target A1c for most people with diabetes?


What's the threshold for fasting glucose in metabolic syndrome?

>100 mg/dl

What's the threshold for TG in metabolic syndrome?

>150 mg/dl

What is the normal range for total lymphocyte count?

>2700 cells/cubic mm

What agency grades fruits and vegetables?


What agency monitors animal health, sanitation, and product labeling?


What agency regulates and inspects meat, poultry, and eggs?


What agency regulates food transported between states or is associated with more than one state?


Who runs NFCS?


What are the major, credible nutrient analysis softwares/databases?

USDA National Nutrient Database; Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies; FDA Toatal Diet Study Database; NIH Dietary Supplements Database

Who comes out with the dietary guidelines?


Who runs NSLP?

USDA's Food and Nutrition Service

riboflavin is susceptible to loss when exposed to _____

UV light

What is Addison's disease?

Under secretion of the adrenal cortex; reduced cortisol (glycogen depletion, hypoglycemia), aldosterone (Na loss, K+ retention, dehydration), androgenic hormones (tissue wasting, wt loss)

What organization does voluntary inspections of electric equipment?

Underwriter's Laboratory

What causes pernicious anemia?

Vitamin B12 deficiency due to lack of intrinsic factor (post-gastrectomy or removal of ileum)

What is the most easily destroyed vitamin?

Vitamin C

Who qualifies for CHIP?

children without health insurance whose parents make too much to qualify for Medicaid

Which pigments are insoluble in water?

chlorophyll and carotenoids

What enzyme breaks down cholesterol? Where is it made, released?

cholesterol esterase; made in pancreas, released in small intestine

What is the component of lecithin that helps with transporting lipids?

choline (as in acetylcholine)

What trace mineral plays a role in glucose metabolism?


What are the largest lipoproteins?


What is the MNT for diverticulitis?

clear liquids, low-residue or elemental, gradual return to high fiber

24-hour recalls should be used in what setting?

clinical, counseling

What are the 3 domains of nutrition diagnostic labels?

clinical, intake, behavioral-environmental

What is the term for when you must already be a union member before you can get hired somewhere?

closed shop

What food borne illness affects the central nervous system?

clostridium botulinum (botulism)

What is commonly called the "cafeteria bug"?

clostridium perfringes

What happens when too much sugar is added to a dough?

coarse cells, thick walls, shiny crust, crumbly product

What is the most saturated oil?

coconut oil

What happens to chlorophyll in acid, heat, and base?

acid and heat turn it to pheophytin (olive green) base turns it to chlorophyllin (bright green, mushy)

What is physical inventory management?

actual count of all goods on hand at the end of accounting period

For what population is the MST used?

acute hospitalized adults

What are some potential causes of failure to thrive in infants?

acute/chronic illness, restricted diet, poor appetite, lack of fiber (can lead to chronic constipation)

How do you make cultured buttermilk?

add lactic acid bacteria to skimmed or partially skimmed milk OR add 1 Tbsp of acid to a cup of milk

What recipe modification is needed if you're replacing regular milk with buttermilk?

add more baking powder

What is food synergy?

additive influence of foods and constituents that have a good effect on health when eaten together

What is used when there is insufficient evidence to come up with RDA or EAR?

adequate intake (AI)

What is a flexible budget?

adjusted to various levels of operation with varying level of sales throughout the year

At what stage of the life cycle do most dietary deficiencies occur?


What was the target population of NHANES II?

adults 65 and older

Who can participate in SFMNP?

adults over 60 years old

For what population is the MUST used?

adults; hospitalized or in community

Equipment for a kitchen should be selected before or after menu development?

after menu; menu always first!

What is the term for when all workers must pay agency fees but aren't required to join the union?

agency shop

What is the MNT for acute diarrhea in infants and children?

aggressive, immediate rehydration; can be orally with Pedialyte or similar, not necessary to do IV

What is the factor pricing method?

aka mark-up method or traditional method; use a mark-up factor to determine how much to price your food items

What are some characteristics of nephrotic syndrome?

albuminuria, edema, malnutrition, HLD

What happens in alcoholic liver disease?

alcohol converted to acetaldehyde and hydrogen; H replaced fat as fuel in Kreb's cycle; fat accumulates in liver and in blood; shift in NAD/NADH ratio inhibits beta oxidation and promotes TAG synth

What enzymes are included in liver function tests?

alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, lactic acid dehydrogenase (LAD)

What micronutrient needs are increased in alcoholism?

all B vitamins, C, folate, Mg

What is the straight dough method?

all ingredients are added before dough is allowed to rise; long proofing time required

What is the opposite of reward power? (ability to punish an employee for not carrying out requirements)

coercive power

What is CBT?

cognitive behavioral therapy; change in thoughts/perceptions can lead to change in behavior

structural part of tendon that surrounds muscle


Name the flour: blend of hard and soft wheat, 10.5% protein content (high but not the highest)

all-purpose flour

What is another term for HDL?


What are the 2 main brush border enzymes involved in protein digestion/absorption? What products do they yield?

aminopeptidase: di-/tri-peptides and amino acids; dipeptidase: amino acids

What is ischemia?

an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, especially the heart muscles.

What are the main differences between colostrum and mature milk?

colostrum has more protein, less fat and carb; contains antibodies

What type of research is case study, case series, case report?

descriptive; can include qualitative and quantitative data, but no cause/effect can be determined

What is summative evaluation?

designed at planning stage; conducted at end of program; example: post-test; purpose is to ask whether program resulted in the desired changes

What is a performance budget?

details what it costs to perform an activity (i.e. how much to supervise the cafeteria)

What is the hydrogen breath test used for?

detecting lactose intolerance; bacteria ferment lactose and produce hydrogen, which gets absorbed and exhaled after ~60-90 min

What is the fixed order quantity inventory system?

determines when you must reorder an item order point = (avg daily use) x (lead time) + safety stock

What are the pillars of Motivational Interviewing?

develop discrepancy (between where client is and wants to be); avoid arguments and confrontation; roll with resistance (offer new info or alternatives to consider); express empathy; support self-efficacy

What is the Community Food Security Initiative?

development of community-based strategies to ensure that all have access to culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate food at all times

What products does carboxypeptidase yield?

di-peptides and amino acids

What is the term for a patient's present patterns of eating?

diet history

Which type of fiber increases fecal bulk?

dietary fiber, insoluble, non-fermentable

What is the common CHF drug that strengthens heart muscles?

digitalis (digoxin)

What is maltose?

disaccharide; glucose+glucose

What additive gets put into processed cheese to prevent fat from separating out and to add smoothness?

disodium phosphate

What additive is used in quick cooking cereals?

disodium phosphate (increases pH, so particles swell faster)

What is gout?

disordered purine metab; increased serum uric acid; deposit in joints

Where in the kidney does acid/base balance get largely regulated?

distal tubule

What is the best way to gain 1st hand information on the appearance and flavor of canned goods?

do a can-cutting analysis

What are fixed costs?

do not change with sales volume (rent, taxes, insurance)

What is a nonparametric test?

does not depend on a normal distribution

Procedure manuals, policy statements, and memos are examples of what type of communication channel?

downward communication

What is significant about isoniazid?

drug that treats TB; can interfere with vitamin B6 metabolism

What type of cooking is best for tender cuts of meat? Why?

dry heat (i.e.frying) tender cuts near the backbone, like loin and sirloin, have less collagen so they need less time for cooking

What is broiling?

dry heat--form of radiated heat, usually from above the food

What is dehydrofreezing?

dry the food to 50% of original weight and volume, then freeze

What issue tends to follow gastrectomy surgeries?

dumping syndrome

What food borne pathogen can come from rare or raw ground beef, uncooked fruits and veggies, raw, milk, unpasteurized apple juice?

e coli

What can happen with linoliec acid deficiency?

eczema, poor growth rate, petechiae (red, purple skin spots)

Low serum protein (albumin) leads to...?

edema, ascites; when albumin drops, pressure inside blood vessels drops, causing fluid to leak out into interstitial space

What do EP and AP stand for?

edible portion (cost) and as purchased (price)

What basic ingredients provide structure for quick breads (muffins, biscuits)

egg and flour

What are the thresholds for sentinel event indicators?

either 0% or 100% (always or never)

What is a class C fire, and what is the symbol?

electrical; symbol: circle

What is the MNT for acute UC flare-up?

elemental diet, limit fat if steatorrhea, supplement vitamins, iron; may consider MCT oil; frequent feedings

What does healthy obese mean, in terms of cholesterol?

elevated LDL, normal to low HDL

What is the condition where alveoli lose elasticity, thin out, and collapse, and exhaling becomes difficult?


What are the requirements to receive unemployment comp?

employed for a specific time, able & willing to work, unemployed through no fault of their own

What category of food additives do monoglycerides, diglycerides, lecithin, and disodium phosphate fall under?


What happens to dough when bran is added?

end product loses volume because bran weighs down the structure; combat by adding more flour and liquid (to increase the gluten)

What is CSM?

engineered food; corn, soy, milk (plus micronutrients)

What is incaparina?

engineered food; mix of maize, sorghum, cottonseed flour

What is treatment for bezoar formation?

enzymes or endoscopy

What condition occurs when blood can't enter liver?

esophageal varices; increased pressure (portal HTN) forces blood back into collateral veins; outpouching of thin blood vessel walls is called varices (very fragile; can easily tear)

What is the first step in evaluating whether goals are being met?

establish standards

What's the goal of NHANES?

evaluate clinical, chemical, anthropometric, and nutritional data

Type of response in which counselor makes judgement about person's feelings or implies how he/she should feel


What is an antecedent?

event or environment that triggers specific behavior or response

What is Beer & Vroom's theory?

expectancy theory; rewards serve as motivators only under certain circumstances; employees must feel effective performance leads to certain rewards and that rewards offered are attractive

What type of forecasting gives more weight to more recent data and uses software?

exponential smoothing

What behavior change strategy uses the absence of reinforcement following undesirable behavior (ignoring)?


What is typical of Russian style serving?

family style; food prepped and portioned in kitchen and brought to table on big serving platters

What signals CCK release?

fat entering duodenum

What are the 4 categories of nutrition intervention?

food delivery, education, counseling, coordination of care with other providers

What is a good tool for quickly determining intakes of large numbers of people in a community setting?

food frequency questionnaires

What are illnesses caused by a toxin formed in food prior to consumption?

food intoxications

How do you calculate food cost?

food purchases + foods removed from inventory OR beginning inv - ending inv + food purchases

What is the unit of measure of brightness for light fixtures?

foot candles

What is the NDD level 2?

for mild to moderate dysphagia; moist, soft-textured, ground meats, well cooked veggies, canned fruits

What does the MNA evaluate?

for people 65+; independence, meds, # full meals consumed daily, protein intake, fruits and veggies, fluid, mode of feeding

What is the NDD level 1?

for severe dysphagia; pureed, homogeneous, cohesive foods, pudding-like

What is NDD level 3?

for transitioning to regular diet from dysphagia; avoid very hard, sticky, crunchy foods

What conflict resolution method says "I'm the boss; do it my way"?


What is the first step in creating an operating budget?

forecast the sales/revenue/income portion

What are the main differences between formula and human milk?

formula has more iron and more protein; formula doesn't have the antibodies and other bioactive substances

What are good sources of folate/folic acid?

fortified cereal, liver, kidney, green leafy veggies, citrus fruits, lentils, beans

What does FIO2 stand for?

fraction of inspired oxygen

What is the MNT for dumping syndrome?

frequent small, dry feedings; fluids between meals; limit concentrated sweets; give 50-60% complex carbs; protein @ every meal; moderate fat; B12 injections; maybe limit lactose

What does FFVP stand for?

fresh fruit and vegetable program

What is important to know about the diets of Latin Americans?

fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, spices

What's the MNT for galactosemia?

galactose and lactose free diet

What natural supplements should you avoid if taking Warfarin?

garlic, gingko, ginger, high-dose vitamin A & E

What is a #60 scoop used for?

garnishes (it's only 1 Tablespoon)

What hormone stimulates gastric secretions and motility?


What is a Billroth I?

gastroduodenostomy; removes part of stomach and attaches remainder to duodenum

What is a Billroth II?

gastrojejunostomy; removes part of stomach and attaches remainder to jejunum

What financial statement records transactions by account numbers? (summary of all expenses and revenues for the month by category)

general ledger

What is external validity?

generalizability to a larger population

What is atopy?

genetic predisposition to produce excessive IgE antibodies in response to an allergen

What is coddling an egg?

gently cooking it whole in a small dish placed in a hot water bath; similar to poaching eggs

What should you focus on with patients who have anorexia nervosa?

health benefits and life-sustaining aspects of food (reason to eat)

What are primary prevention programs?

health promotion; reduced exposure to a promoter of disease (early screening for risk factors)

What is an HRA?

health risk appraisal; survey categorizing a population's general health status

What is the main symptom of a hiatal hernia?


What destroys botulism spores?

heat and acid

How do you pasteurize milk?

heat at 145"F for 30 min OR heat at 160"F for 15 sec

What do cofactors do?

help enzymes and substrates bind; often minerals

What can happen in vitamin E deficiency?

hemolytic anemia

Contaminated shellfish can transmit what pathogen?


What does HBV stand for?

high biological value; refers to quality of protein; all of the essential AAs are present in sufficient quantity to maintain body tissues and promote growth

What is the MNT for diverticulosis?

high fiber

What is MNT for when IBD is in remission?

high fiber to stimulate peristalsis

What is the MNT for COPD?

high kcal, high protein, but don't overfeed (just want to replete losses and maintain LBM)

What piece of equipment might you use for batch cooking small batches of veggies quickly for fresh service?

high pressure steamer

What is the MNT for pediatric HIV?

high protein, high kcal, vitamins, minerals

What is the MNT for Addison's disease?

high protein, high salt, frequent meals

Who does YRBSS target?

high schoolers

What is dumping syndrome?

high-CHO meals get rapidly hydrolyzed and dumped into jejunum; water gets drawn in to GI tract from blood; blood pressure drops; cardiac insufficiency; CHO absorbed; insulin spike; blood glucose drops; reactive hypoglycemia

What does a higher luster measurement mean?

higher polish

What condition is characterized by severe elevations of methionine and homocysteine in plasma and excessive excretion of homocysteine in urine?


What is Medicare Part A?

hospital insurance

Type of response in which counselor expresses uncontrolled anger or frustration and may antagonize or humiliate the client


What is recovery time of a deep fat frier?

how long it takes to get back up to proper temp after a batch of food has been cooked

What are some roles sorbitol plays in food?

humectant (retains moisture), sweetener, bulking agent, limiting mold

What does a hygrometer measure?


What happens to collagen when it is heated?

hydrolyzed to gelatin; becomes tender

What are characteristics of the flow phase of response to trauma?

hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, little to no ketosis, increased glucagon

What is the satiety and feeding center of the brain?


Where does vasopressin come from?

hypothalamus; stored in posterior pituitary

What are characteristics of the ebb phase of response to trauma?

hypovolemia, shock, tissue hypoxia

What is the first step in the marketing process?

identify a need that's not being filled (market niche)

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with monoamine oxidase inhibitors?

if taken with high-tyramine foods, could cause hypertension

What is Mayo's theory?

if you involve people in the process, they become more productive; more special attention, being well-treated by supervisors, and getting involved in an interesting experience increase productivity

What does iatrogenic mean?

illness caused by medicine, hospitalization, or treatment

What is mellorine?

imitation ice cream; butterfat is replaced by hydrogenated vegetable oil

What is the difference between "imitation" and "substitute"?

imitation is often nutritionally inferior, may cost less, but taste pretty much the same; substitute is nutritionally equal or superior in some ways and inferior in others

What is blanching?

immerse in boiling water then cold water to cook slightly then stop the cooking

What management style is low in both concern for people and concern for production?

impoverished management; exert minimum effort to get work done; indifferent

What is the 6 sigma approach?

improving quality by removing defects and their causes (6 SDs from the mean with very little variation)

What happens to anthocyanins in acid, base?

in acid: bright red in base: blue-ish

What happens to anthoxanthins in acid, base?

in acid: colorless (bleaching effects) in base: yellow

What does vasopressin do?

increases water reabsorption; increases blood pressure

What are the clearly defined markers that can be observed and measured when doing nutrition assessments?


Why are nitrites added to meat?

inhibit spores of clostridium botulinum

Why do old eggs float?

inner membrane contracts, leaving space for air; more air gets in over time as shell becomes more porous

What is farina?

inner portion of wheat kernel (used in cream of wheat)

What are the 3 most basic components of a system?

inputs, transformation, outputs

What might you consider if someone has brittle, thin, spoon-shaped nails?

iron or protein deficiency

What nutrient needs are elevated for pregnant teenagers?

iron, calcium, zinc, folate

What might you consider if someone has pale, dry, scaly skin?

iron, folate, zinc deficiency

What is significant about methotrexate?

it depletes folate

Why is prealbumin more helpful than albumin in measuring short-term changes in visceral protein status?

it has a shorter half-life (2-3 days); STILL NOT A GOOD SCREENING TOOL

What happens to whey protein when milk is heated?

it precipitates out on bottom of pan or on surface of milk (can prevent by covering or beating the milk or heating it over water

Why is gelatin an incomplete protein?

it's low in methionine and lysine and has NO tryptophan

What are loss leaders?

items priced lower to draw people in in the hope that they will purchase other items at normal markups

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass connects stomach pouch to the _____

jejunum (beware of dumping syndrome)

The _______ studies all aspects of a job; it's done by the worker and their supervisor.

job analysis

What is the guide that gives instructions for what to do and how to do it?

job breakdown

The ______ reflects required skills and responsibilities for a job; it matches applicants to jobs and can be used for orientation, training, and performance appraisals.

job description

What upgrades a job by adding motivating factors, like increasing the number of tasks and the amount of control employees have over the job?

job enlargement

The ______ lays out duties involved in a job, working conditions, qualifications (education, experience); written for each job, not each position.

job specification

What is JIT purchasing?

just-in-time; purchase things as needed; they never go into inventory, just straight to production

What do crystal inhibitors do?

keep crystals small and smooth

What is deossification?

loss of the mineral content of bone

What is a negative result of using old baking powder in baked goods?

loss of thiamine, due to increased alkalinity

What are bacteria's preferred conditions?

lots of moisture, neutral pH, 68-113"F

What is important to know about the diets of Southeast Asians?

lots of pork, few dairy products; need non-dairy calcium sources like tofu, fish paste

A pressure cooker is good for canning what type of vegetables?

low acid

Who does EFNEP target?

low income homemakers with young children

Why are people with PKU at higher risk for dental carries?

low protein diet is often high in carbs

What do isofavones do in the body?

lower elevated cholesterol

What are cross-sectional studies?

"Snapshot": Looks at prevalence of disease and/or exposure at one time point; can be descriptive or analytical

What can you do to increase water-holding capacity and subsequent tenderness of meat?

"age" it for ~10 days in cold storage, add acid (vinegar), add salt

What is the Kaizen philosophy?

"good change" continually on a daily basis, rather than big revolutionary changes

What does BUN:creat ratio >20:1 indicate?

"pre-renal state;" BUN reabsorption in increased due to acute kidney damage (may be reversible and may not need dialysis)

What is the equation for determining incidence of disease?

# NEW cases over pd of time / total # ppl @ risk

What's the equation for popularity index?

# of servings of an item / total # of servings of all items

How is tenderness of custard measured?

% sag (higher = more tender); if tough/overcooked, the surface will break instead of sagging

At what temperature should frozen foods be stored?


What are nutrients of concern after Billroth II?

-fat (malabsorption possible because panc isn't stimulated because duodenum bypassed); -Ca and Fe (usually absorbed in duodenum and better absorbed when acidified) -B12 (lack of intrinsic factor --> pernicious anemia) -folate (needs B12 for transport; Fe also a cofactor in folate metabolism)

What is Herzberg's two-factor theory?

-maintenance (hygiene) factors: satisfiers & dissatisfiers -motivators: call forth energy and enthusiasm, job enrichment

What are the normal ranges for Hgb A1c?

-most people: <5.7% -over 65 and healthy: <7% -over 65 and frail: <8%

What are the components of the Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC) from the Adult Treatment Panel III?

-up to 35% of calories from fat; <7% from sat fat; 5-10% from PUFA; up to 20% from MUFA; <200 mg cholesterol -25-30 g fiber -2-3 g stanols and sterols to inhibit cholesterol absorption -prevent wt gain -30 min moderate intensity PA most days

What is the MNT for cirrhosis?

-usually 0.8-1g/kg protein; when stressed: 1.5+ g/kg -25-35 kcal/kg dry wt or 1.2-1.5 x BEE -moderate to low fat; MCT if needed; <40 g/day if malabsorption; include omega-3 -low fiber if varices; low Na if edema/ascites -fluid restriction and moderate Na if hyponatremia -supplement B vits, C, K, Zn, Mg; monitor A & D

What is the MNT for acute pancreatitis?

-withhold all feeding at first, IV hydration -progress to easily tolerated, low-fat foods -consider elemental jejunal feeds

At what temperature should frozen fruit be stored?


At what age do people have the highest BMR?

0-2 years old

What is the normal range for AST?

0-35 U/L

What is the normal range for serum creatinine?

0.6-1.4 mg/dl

What is the RQ of someone consuming only fat?


What is the equation for determining calories from alcohol?

0.8 x proof x ounces

What is the protein recommendation for nephrotic syndrome?

0.8-1.0 g/kg

What is the RQ of someone consuming only protein?


What is the RQ of someone consuming a mixed intake of macros?


What is the RQ of someone consuming only carbs?


How much water is required to keep in stock for disasters?

1 gallon of water/person/day for minimum of 3 days

What is the typical recommended weight gain pattern over the course of a pregnancy?

1 lb/month for first 3 months; then 1 lb/week for rest of pregnancy

What are the 7 principles of HACCP?

1. Conduct a hazard analysis 2. Determine the critical control points 3. Establish critical limits 4. Establish monitoring procedures 5. Establish corrective actions 6. Establish verification procedures 7. Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures

Which types of cream have the most fat?

1. Heavy or thick (36% fat) 2. Medium (30-36% fat) 3. Whipped cream (35% fat)

What are the four categories in menu engineering, and what do they mean?

1. Star (high profit & popularity); promote it! 2. Dog (low profit & pop); consider removing 3. Puzzle (high profit, low pop); consider removing or changing price 4. Plow horse (low profit, high pop); increase the price or decrease portion size

What pathways are possible for glucose-6-phosphate?

1. continue through glycolysis to pyruvate 2. glycogen synthesis 3. back to glucose in liver to be exported to other tissue 4. pentose phosphate shunt (generates NADPH and ribose for nucleotide synth)

What are the first 3 steps in program planning?

1. develop mission statement and problem statement 2. set goals (broad direction, general purpose) 3. set objectives (specific, measurable tangible actions/outcomes within a time frame)

What are the steps, in order, for planning a cycle menu?

1. dinner entrees first 2. lunch entrees 3. salads, sides, appetizers 4. desserts for lunch and dinner 5. breakfasts

What conditions are necessary to transform a dept, according to organizational change theory?

1. leader recognizes there's need to make a change, helps others recognize the need 2. team has to buy in to the leader's vision for change

What is the order of development of enzymes needed for carbohydrate digestion in infancy?

1. maltase, sucrase @ 30 wks gestation 2. lactase @ birth 3. pancreatic amylase @ ~6 months

What is the onset time for listeria monocyogenes?

2-30 days

What's the onset and duration of long-acting insulin? (glargine, determir/levemir)

2-4 hour onset, 18-24 hour duration

What's the onset and duration of intermediate-acting insulin? (NPH/Humulin N, Novolin N, ReliOn)

2-4 hour onset; 10-16 hour duration

What is the normal range for fat in stool?

2-5 g; >7 g indicates malabsorption

How long does gastric emptying of a meal usually take?

2-6 hours

What is the onset time for steptococcus infection?

2-60 hours

What % of body weight would be subtracted with a forearm + hand amputation?


What is the recommended daily B12 intake?

2.4 mcg

How much formula does a baby need per day?

2.5 oz/lb/day

What are the physical activity rec's for HIV/AIDS?

20 min/day, 3 days/week

What is the atomic weight of sodium?

23 g/mol

How many days does a full-time employee generally work per year?


All hospitalized patients should undergo nutrition screening within ______ of admission.

24 hours

What is the normal range for HCO3- (bicarb)?

24-28 mEq/L

What is a healthy BMI range for most elderly?


How many people can a cafeteria serve if it uses the scramble method?

25 (as long as people understand the flow)

What is the appropriate weight gain during pregnancy for a normal weight mother?

25-35 pounds

What is the normal birth weight range?

2500-4000 g (5 lb, 9 oz - 8 lb, 15 oz)

What is the normal range for MCH?

27-32 pg

How many grams in an ounce?

28 g (28.35)

What is the appropriate weight gain during pregnancy for an underweight mother?

28-40 pounds

What does "low fat" mean?

3 grams or less per serving

How many people does a typical cafeteria serve per minute?


How long can food be held after it's been cooked and then quickly frozen?

3-4 months

What is the purchase order?

A document sent from a buyer to a vendor to request items for purchase.

What is the grading scale for canned fruits?

A-desserts, salads (fancy) B-processed (choice) C-puddings, pies (standard)

Who runs NSIP?

Administration on Aging

What is ANOVA and what does it do?

ANalysis Of VAriance; asks whether the difference between samples is a reliable one that would be repeated; used when several products compete against each other; determines if there are 1 or more significant differences ANYWHERE among the samples

What agency sets policies and standards for food sanitation?

American Public Health Association (APHA)

How does irradiation kill bacteria?

By exposing food to gamma rays

What does CMS stand for?

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

What are the nutritional differences of egg substitutes compared to regular eggs?

lower in fat, calories cholesterol (also color and flavor differences)

Pork is a good source of what vitamin?

B1 - Thiamine

What vitamin is a coenzyme in protein synthesis?


Which vitamin contains cobalt?


What vitamin is crucial for amino acid metabolism: transamination and deamination?

B6 - pyridoxine

What is the equation for the break-even point? (BE)

BE = fixed costs/ (selling price - variable cost)

How does outside temperature affect basal energy expenditure?

BEE increases in hotter temperatures (5-20% increase in tropical climates)

What is the difference between BEE and BMR?

BEE is calculated using equations; BMR is measured using oxygen consumption

What are the main risk factors for gestational diabetes?

BMI > 30; hx of GDM

For whom is bariatric surgery indicated?

BMI > 40 or BMI >35 with comorbidities

What is formative evaluation?

Begins with assessed need for program; on-going as program is implemented; allows for revision to improve process; client should be involved

What does BRFSS stand for?

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

Who came up with the leadership grid?

Blake, Mouton, MCanse

What are semi-variable costs?

Both a fixed and variable component. Ex: "labor", "maintenance", "utilities"

What does calcitonin do?

lowers blood calcium by inhibiting bone resorption

What hormone contracts gallbladder, releasing bile; also stimulates pancreas?

CCK (cholesystokinin)

Who runs NHANES?


What supplements are needed for someone on a keto diet for epilepsy?

Ca, vit D, folate, B6, B12

What is a nominal variable?

Categorical variables with no measurement scale and no ranked order. if numbers are assigned to nominal variables there is no inherent meaning, it is just coded (single = 0, married = 1)

What does CACFP stand for?

Child and Adult Care Food Program

What does CHIP stand for?

Children's Health Insurance Program

What agency inspects food service operations?

City, county, state, and tribal agencies

What agency issues licenses and permits and approves foodservice construction?

City, county, state, and tribal agencies

What agency regulates foodservice for restaurants and retail food operations, vending operations, schools and day care centers, hospitals, and nursing homes?

City, county, state, and tribal agencies

What agency reviews and approves HACCP plans?

City, county, state, and tribal agencies

What agency writes or adopts regulatory codes?

City, county, state, and tribal agencies

What law prevents discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin and prohibits sexual harassment?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

What are cohort studies?

Cohort is a group of people with common characteristic or experience; studies follow a group and notice differences of incidences (Ex. Female nurses who smoke vs female nurses who don't)

What does a viscosimeter measure?

Consistency (e.g. of batters); uses incline plane or rotation

What happens to cholesterol when linoleic acid replaces carb?

LDL goes down, HDL goes up

What is the Cori Cycle?

Lactate is released from tissue, transported to liver, and converted back to pyruvate (--> acetyl-CoA for Kreb's cycle)

What agency assesses healthcare facilities for sanitation issues?

Joint Commission

What body mandates that hospitalized patients be screened for malnutrition within 24 hours?

Joint Commission

What is the formula for UUN?

N balance = N in - N out = (protein in/6.25) - (UUN +4)

Who came up with the leadership effectiveness model?

Hersey, Blanchard, Johnson

What is the first step in decision making/problem solving?

Determine what the problem is

Who came up with the maintenance and motivation approach to motivational theories?

Herzberg (two-factor theory)

What are the symptoms of staph aureus infection?

NO FEVER; nausea, vomiting, pain, diarrhea

What law provides 12 workweeks of unpaid, job-protected leave during any 12 months for certain medical event?

Family and Medical Leave Act

What is CPM?

Critical Path Method; identifies the most critical activities to best allocate limited resources

What law covers national and international nutrition education, research, and funding?

Farm Bill

What does the Subject Global Assessment include?

History Intake GI symptoms Functional capacity Weight change Edema Physical appearance

What does the leadership effectiveness model say?

How you lead depends on whom you are leading and their readiness & ability to follow.

Who run PedNSS?


Who runs BRFSS?


Who runs Headstart?


Who runs Healthy Start?


Who runs Medicare and Medicaid?


Who runs PNSS?


Who runs YRBSS?


Who runs NNMRRP?


What is Wilson's disease?

Decreased ceruloplasmin and excessive deposition of copper in the liver and brain due to deficient copper-transporting protein; low serum copper

What is Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?

Degenerative brain disorder associated with alcoholism; thiamine deficiency!

What is oxidative rancidity?

Development of off-flavors and odors in fats as a result of the uptake of oxygen at double bonds

What is the umbrella term for nutrient guidelines?

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)

What law established regulation of herbals, botanical, and supplements?

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA)

Who came up with management by objectives?


What agency is responsible for certain areas of sanitation and pollution reduction?


What agency regulates chemical cleaning supplies?


What is (not anymore) added to enteral formula for ARDS patients?

EPA and GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) and extra antioxidants

What does EOQ stand for? What is the goal?

Economic Order Quantity; goal is to find quantity that minimizes both purchasing and inventory costs; determines the order size that's most economical

What is the difference between enriched and fortified?

Enriched: add nutrients back that were lost in processing Fortified: add nutrients that were never in the food

What law prevents discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation?

Equal Employment Opportunity Act

What does EEOC stand for and what does it do?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; oversees the Civil Rights Act and Equal Employment Opportunities Act

What law prohibits salary differences based on sex?

Equal Pay Act (amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act)

What term is the estimated average requirement for 50% of the population? (used in planning meals for healthy people, assessing group nutritional adequacy)

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

What is EER?

Estimated Energy Requirement, average dietary intake predicted to maintain energy balance in an adult of defined age, gender, weight, height and level of activity

Who came up with the path-goal theory?

Evans & House

What does EFNEP stand for?

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

What is the equation for food cost percentage?

FC% = daily food cost / daily income

What agency analyzes food to detect microbiological and chemical toxins, adulterations, and incorrect labeling?


What agency controls all "imitation" labeled foods?


What agency controls food additives?


What agency enforces the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, along with amendments on pesticides, food additives, and labeling?


What agency enforces the Nutrition Labeling and Education act?


What agency inspects all food (except meat, poultry, and eggs)?


What agency issues Food Code, which are recommendations for city, county, state, and tribal agencies?


What agency regulates and inspects food transported between states?


What agency supervises the Bioterrorism, Fair Packaging and Labeling, and Tea Importation acts?


Who runs the Health and Diet Survey


What law makes it illegal to ask about a job candidate's race, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status before hiring them?

Fair Employment Practice Law

What law sets the minimum wage?

Fair Labor Standards Act

How is Hepatitis A transmitted?

Fecal-oral route - usually through contaminated food.

Where can you find notices of public hearings, proposed and final rules, agency decisions, and lists of changes in USDA food programs?

Federal Register

What agency regulates content of food ads, enforces truth-in-labeling, and challenges product claims when product crosses state lines?

Federal Trade Commission

Who regulates internet, TV, and radio advertising?

Federal Trade Commission

Who came up with the contingency approach to leadership?


What is braising?

Flour meat, brown it in skillet, then cover and simmer in liquid; can be done in oven or stove

What agency inspects canned product manufacturing?

Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)

What agency manages Poultry Products Inspection, Egg Product Inspection, and Federal Meat Inspection acts?

Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS); under USDA

What does FAO stand for, and what is it?

Food and Agricultural Organization; it's an international effort to increase efficiency of production and distribution of foods worldwide

What law covers all interstate (domestic and imported) food other than meat, fish, poultry, and eggs?

Food, Drug, Cosmetic Act; enforced by FDA

Sorbitol can be converted to _____ by ________

Fructose by sorbitol dehydrogenase

In what situations would you find positive nitrogen balance?

GROWTH (infant, teenager, pregnancy, healing)

What intestinal hormones stimulate insulin synthesis and secretion when glucose and fat are present?

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP)

What is HALS?

HIV associted lipodystrophy syndrome; high cholesterol, high TG, insulin resistance

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with cyclosporine (immunosuppressant)?

HLD, hyperglycemia, HTN, hyperkalemia

What's the difference between hard and soft skills?

Hard skills can be taught (how to run dish machine); soft skills must be developed and nurtured (how to talk to patients empathically)

What does HACCP stand for?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

What does HIPAA stand for?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

What initiative focuses on disease prevention by changing behaviors of Americans?

Healthy People 2020

What do the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Public Health Service (PHS) do regarding food systems?

Help FDA, USDA, and state/local health departments Conduct research on the causes of foodborne outbreaks Help with outbreak investigations

What's the goal of the PNSS?

ID and reduce pregnancy-related health risks

What is the main goal of nutrition screening?

ID people who are malnourished or at risk of becoming malnourished

Where should fire extinguishers be placed?

In an accessible area/location, near risky areas/equipment

What does Fiedler's contingency theory state?

In highly favorable and highly unfavorable situations, task-oriented leader is most effective. In moderately favorable situations, a relationship-oriented leader is more effective.

What is the dawn phenomenon?

Increased need for insulin at dawn; lots of glucose produced in liver after overnight fast

Who came up with the conflict management theory that says there are 4 basic systems of organizational leadership when it comes to resolving conflict?

Likert (the 4 styles are exploitative autocratic, benevolent autocratic, consultative, and participative)

Who came up with the achievement-power-affiliation theory?


Who came up with theory X and theory Y?


Bulgar is a staple of what area's diet?

Middle East

What law requires the pasteurization of milk

Milk Ordinance Code

Which nutrition screening tools focus on elderly?

Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), Nutrition Screening Initiative (NSI), Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI)

What is pellagra?

Niacin deficiency: Dermatitis, Diarrhea , Dementia , Death

What does NETP stand for?

Nutrition Education and Training Program

What does NSIP stand for?

Nutrition Services Incentive Program

What does OSHA stand for?

Occupational Safety and Health Act

What does OAA stand for?

Older Americans Act

What does PHR mean?

Personal Medical Record; used by consumer to maintain health information

What is the PDCA cycle?

Plan, Do, Check, Act; problem solving technique for process improvement

What does PNSS stand for, and what does it monitor?

Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance Program; low-income, high-risk pregnant women

What are PPFPs?

Prepared and Perishable Food Programs; nonprofit programs that link sources of unused, cooked and fresh foods with social service agencies that serve the hungry

What is avoidance learning?

Prevent the unpleasantness of something that has yet to happen (i.e. avoid future criticism by improving performance)

What is the best way to cook bottom round?

Stew in water for several hours lots of collagen because it's a tough cut; needs time to break down

What is cash basis accounting?

Record revenues when we receive cash and expenses at the time we pay cash

What is accrual accounting?

Recording revenues when we earn them and expenses when incurred (regardless of when cash is received/dispersed)

What is the largest entitlement program for food assistance in US?


What test is conducted to determine presence of pernicious anemia?

Schilling Test

What does SFMNP stand for?

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

What does SFSP stand for?

Summer Food Service Program

What does SNAP stand for?

Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program

What law amended the Wagner Act to be more pro-management? (outlawed the closed shop, limited union shop to one year; specified unfair labor practices of the union)

Taft Hartley Labor Act (Labor Management Relations Act)

Who came up with the leadership continuum?

Tannebaum and Schmidt

Who came up with the idea of scientific management?


Who implements School Meals Initiatives for Healthy Children?

Team Nutrition

What does TANF stand for?

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

What does a penetrometer measure?

Tenderness or firmness (e.g. of baked custards)

What does TEFAP stand for?

The Emergency Food Assistance Program

What is significant about waxy starches?

They don't make gels; they are stable to freezing and thawing

What are critical control points?

The points in a process where identified hazard(s) can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to safe levels.

What is the ABC inventory classification system?

The relative importance of each inventory item is measured by how much the total value of purchases is for that item each year. "A" items are vital, high value, and take up 15-20% of inventory and constitute 75-80% of total annual value of purchases. . "C" items are trivial, low value and take up 60-65% of inventory. "B" items are moderate, medium value.

What are some of the least toxic vitamins?

Vitamin E, vitamin K

As energy expenditure (calorie needs) increase, the need for these vitamins also increases

Vitamins B1-3, pantothenic acid

What does WWEIA stand for and what does it track?

What We Eat In America; tracks dietary intake; it's the nutrition component of NHANES; two 24-hour recalls

What is carry-over cooking?

When meet is removed from the oven and temperature still rises 15-20 F over ~10 minutes

What law assures consumers that the animal was healthy at the time of slaughter and the meat is fit for human consumption?

Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 (assures wholesomeness and requires inspection and grading by USDA at slaughter)

What is theory Z and who came up with it?

William Ouchi; the value of the company is the people; importance of consensus decision making

What is important to know about the diets of Chinese people?

Yin foods are cold; Yang foods are hot; rice is neutral

What does YRBSS stand off?

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System

What is the formula for adjusted body weight?

[(actual weight - IBW) x 0.4] + IBW

What are sunk costs?

a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered

What is consonance?

a fit between the program and the expected outcomes based on the objectives

What is the Hawthorne effect?

a study's results are affected by participant's knowledge that they are taking part in an experience or being treated differently than usual

What is in self-rising flour?

baking powder, flour, salt

How many oranges go into a quart of OJ?

about 12

What is the difference between absolute and adjusted FTE?

absolute counts productive hours only (hours actually worked); adjusted also accounts for benefit days and days off

What are the treatments for tropical sprue?

abx, high kcal, high protein, B12 shots, folate supplementation

what is most pyruvic acid converted to?

acetyl CoA (active acetate)

What is the intermediate breakdown product of carb, protein, and fat metabolism?


What are examples of crystal inhibitors?

acid (cream of tartar, vinegar); fat (chocolate, milk); protein (milk, egg whites, gelatin)

What is colonic salvage?

anaerobic fermentation and absorption of end-products of carbohydrate, fiber, and amino acid breakdown

What nutrition-related side effects are concerning with HIV medications?

anemia, loss of appetite, low B12, copper, Zn, carnitine

What are good sources of pantothenic acid?

animal foods, grains, legumes

What are good sources of sulfur?

animal proteins (S in amino acids)

What does AWV stand for?

annual wellness visit

What is the major symptom of concern with acute viral hepatitis?


What does selenium do?

antioxidant, helps with tissue respiration; cooperates with vitamin E

What are vitamin E's main functions?

antioxidant; resist hemolysis of RBC

What is the Delaney clause?

anything causing cancer in animals or humans must be removed from market

What is Phentermine/Topiramate?

appetite suppressant; releases norepinephrine

What does android obesity mean?


What needs to get passed in Congress to provide funding?

appropriations bill

What is a central ingredient room?

area where dry menu ingredients, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables are stored, assembled, weighed, measured, packaged, and if possible, pre-combined according to standardized recipes; saves on food costs because you only take out what you need; less waste

Which amino acids are conditionally essential during catabolic stress?

arginine and glutamine

What is a good anthro measurement to indicate somatic protein status?

arm muscle area (AMA)

What are the components of baking powder?

baking soda (sodium bicarb), a dry acid, and corn starch

What condition occurs when blood can't leave the liver?

ascites; blood builds up in liver; increased pressure forces fluid (almost pure plasma) to sweat out into peritoneal cavity; fluid has high osmolar load so more water and electrolytes get pulled into cavity

Which type of food service has the fewest critical control points?


What provides the basis for nutrition dx?


What must the acidity level of vinegar be for pickling foods?

at least 5%

When is USDA grading determined for meat?

at slaughter

What is the scalar principle?

authority and responsibility flow in a direct line vertically from highest to lowest positions

What management style is high in concern for production but low in concern for people?

authority, obedience, autocratic management; focus on production; managing tasks, domination, mastery, control; people are commodities like machines

How do you prevent reactive hypoglycemia?

avoid concentrated sweets; spread small meals throughout day; adequate protein along with carbs

What is the MNT for thrush?

avoid spicy, acidic, strongly flavored foods; give bland liquids, soft foods, chilled/frozen foods

In what conflict resolution method does the manager avoid taking a position, so no one is satisfied? (pretends to be unaware that a conflict exists or postpones action)


What financial statement is static and shows financial position as of a particular date? (lists assets, liabilities and equity)

balance sheet

What are good sources of potassium?

banana, orange, tomato, potato, cantaloupe, meats

What does BBTD stand for?

baby bottle tooth decay

What pathogen can come from fried rice, starchy foods, casseroles, sauces, puddings, soups, pastries, meats, milk, veggies, fish?

bacillus cereus

In meat, where is the T bone found?

back and ribs

What is the funnel sequence (context: patient interviews)

begin with broad open-ended question and proceed to more specific/restrictive ones

What are compensatory benefits?

benefits or pay for time not worked

What is another name for LDL?


In gluconeogenesis, what nutrient helps convert pyruvate to oxaloacetate?


The conversion of Pyruvate to Oxaloacetate relies on what cofactor


What nutrient is synthesized by gut bacteria and inactivated by avidin?


What events are covered by FMLA?

birth or placement of child for adoption, care for an immediate family member, medical leave for a serious health condition

What demographics are most at risk during pregnancy?

black women and teenagers

What is the sponge method of bread-making?

combine liquid with yeast and part of flour and allow this batter (sponge) to ferment for several hours; then add sugar, salt, fat, rest of flour; knead final proofing time is reduced

What are some goitrogenic foods?

cabbage, brussels sprouts

Name the flour: soft wheat, least and weakest gluten, more starch, least amount of protein (7.5%)

cake flour

Anticonvulsants phenobarbital and phenytoin interfere with absorption of what?


Besides vitamin K, what nutrient plays a big role in blood clotting?


Deficiency in what nutrient can lead to tetany?


What might you consider if someone has missing or lost teeth or loss of enamel?

calcium deficiency, poor intake ability

In elderly, decreased HCl can lead to poor absorption of...?

calcium, iron, B12

What supplements are recommended for people who are lactose intolerant?

calcium, riboflavin, maybe vit D

What supplements might be necessary for HIV/AIDS?

calcium, vit D

What food borne pathogen is a common cause of gastroenteritis?

campylobacter jejuni

What are the basic principles of PERT & CPM?

can calculate total amount of time to complete a project; need the order of steps to perform and how long each step will take; network diagram (circles=events, straight lines=activities, arrows=sequence); critical path is the longest path through all steps: determines minimum time for completion

What is another term for neoplastic disease?


What is the most unsaturated oil?


What is the continuous bread-making method?

commercial process that substitutes intense mechanical energy to a large degree for traditional bulk fermentation; reduces processing time; not as affected by fermentation time and temp

Which type of food service has the most critical control points?


In what type of production system is food production in a separate facility from patients? (centralized procurement and production, then food is carried - frozen, chilled, or hot-held - to the service units)

commissary-satellite; think airplane food!

What is the role of sugar in gelatinization?

competes with starch for water results: reduced viscosity, decreased gel strength, and increased translucency

Yoga, meditation, herbs and botanicals, traditional healing practices fall under what category?

complementary and integrative therapies

What are engineered foods?

composed of variety of natural and/or synthetic ingredients, texturized and modified to simulate appearance and taste of particular product

What are on the axes of the leadership grid?

concern for people and concern for production

What is the first step when designing a community nutrition program?

conduct a needs assessment; always need to know the starting point first!

Cooking steak on a grill and braising meat in a steam kettle use what type(s) of heating?

conduction AND radiation

What is integrative problem solving?

conflict is converted into a joint problem solving situation; parties openly try to find a solution they can all accept

What are some signs/symptoms of hypoglycemia?

confusion, disorientation, clammy skin, sweating, slow pulse, weakness

What is a food broker?

connects buyers with sellers; does not own any of the food (no warehouse); just makes the deals

What is the Delphi technique?

consensus of experts; designed to probe expert minds in a series of written interviews; participants don't meet

What is the prime cost method?

considers raw food cost and direct labor cost involved in making the item prime cost = raw food cost + direct labor cost selling price = prime cost x markup factor

What management theory says different techniques should be used in different situations?

contingency/situational leadership theory

What is CQI?

continuous quality improvement; part of TQM that focuses on the process, not people, to improve performance; systems can always improve

What is the main purpose of a budget?

control; estimate future needs

What do biguanides do?

decrease glucose production in liver; increase insulin sensitivity in muscles (metformin)

What is tropical sprue?

damage to small bowel villi due to an organism (bacteria, virus, parasite) resulting in chronic GI disease

What are some high-oxalate foods to avoid if you have kidney stones?

dark green leafys, chocolate, strawberries, nuts, beets, tea

When does discharge planning begin?

day 1 when a patient is admitted to a health care facility

What's the first step in protein catabolism?

de-amination; hydrolysis to split off the NH2; happens in liver

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with thiazide diuretics?

decreased K and Mg, enhanced Ca reabsorption

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with corticosteroids?

decreased bone growth; impaired CHO metabolism --> hyperglycemia

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with methotrexate?

decreased folate

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with phenobarbital?

decreased folate, B12, D, vit K, B6

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with oral contraceptives?

decreases in folate, vit B6, and vit C

What does epinephrine do to blood glucose during catabolic stress?

decreases release of insulin --> blood glucose rises

What is the issue causing glycogen storage disease?

deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase in liver; impairs gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis; causes hypoglycemia

What is beriberi?

deficiency of thiamine; muscle weakness, nerve damage, foot drop, memory loss, tachycardia

What is the effectiveness of a process?

degree to which an exchange helps to achieve objectives (doing the right thing)

What are two key signs/symptoms of acute ketoacidosis?

dehydration, increased pulse

What is the main disadvantage to commissary style food service?

delivery and safety issues (9 critical control points; food must be transported at the right temps)

What does a Brix hydrometer measure?

density of syrup added to canned fruit (% weight of sucrose)

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with isoniazid?

depletes B6 --> peripheral neuropathy; interferes with vit D, Ca, and phos; need to supplement Ca

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with loop diuretics?

depletion of B1, potassium, Mg, Ca, Na, Cl

What is Elavil used for?


What does climacteric mean?

describes fruits that ripen post-harvest (peach, pear, banana, apple, tomato)

What is McGregor's theory?

describes managers' attitudes towards employees -Theory X: people inherently dislike work and will avoid if possible; need authoritarian, autocratic leadership; motivation by fear -Theory Y: work is natural; management should arrange conditions so workers can achieve goals by directing their own efforts; positive, participative leadership

What is descriptive research?

describes state of nature at a point in time; generates hypotheses regarding determinants of a condition or disease; establishes associations (NOT cause/effect)

How is vitamin D added to milk?

feeding the cow vit D, irradiating the milk, or chemically adding to vitamin to the milk

How does yeast work?

ferments sugar, releasing carbon dioxide, causing rise in dough

What is the common food form of iron?

ferric (Fe3+)

What is the best parameter for evaluating iron status?


What is the absorbable form of iron?

ferrous (Fe2+)

What is a class B fire, and what is the symbol?

flammable liquids, gases, greases; symbol: square

What is asterisix?

flapping, involuntary jerking motions in ESLD, sign of impending coma

Which pigments are soluble in water?

flavonoids (anthocyanins and anthoxanthins/flavones)

What happens when you add salt to a food before freezing?

flavor gets lost; increased rancidity of items containing fat

What is something that is crucial to cleanability of a food service establishment (especially around steam kettles)?

floor drains

What is bleached flour?

flour to which an oxidizing agent has been added; results in white color

What 4 ingredients define a pastry?

flour, fat, liquid, salt

What is third space fluid?

fluid that is extracellular and extravascular (not in cells or blood vessels), so it is in interstitial spaces (edema, ascites, peritonitis)

PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) is a precursor to _____


Megaloblastic/macrocytic anemia can be caused by deficiency in ____

folate and/or B12

What are illnesses due to activity of large numbers of bacteria carried by food into the GI tract?

food borne infections

What is the equation for inventory turnover rate?

food cost (or COGS) / avg inventory cost

What is the blind check receiving method?

give receiving clerk a blind invoice or purchase order listing incoming merchandise but omitting quantities and weights; clerk inputs the numbers when going through the delivery; forces them to make a serious check of the delivery instead of just glancing over it

Which specific protein affects the jejunum and ileum in non-tropical sprue?


What is the first irreversible step of glycolysis?

glucose --> glucose-6-phosphate via hexokinase

What amino acid is found in young vegetables and used in a form of salt?

glutamic acid (in MSG)

What happens when too much sugar is added to cake batter?

gluten weakens too much; strands snap, and cake falls in the center (gummy, crystalline appearance)

What two proteins make gluten?

glutenin & gliadin (they make gluten through process of adding water and mixing)

What is GMS?

glycerol monostearate; common humectant (retains moisture); thickening, emulsifying, anti-caking, and preservative agent

What lipid substances can get absorbed directly into portal blood?

glycerol, short-chain fatty acids, some phospholipids, MCTs

What are good sources of vitamin B1?

grains, wheat germ, pork, liver

What is GALT?

gut associated lymphoid tissue; provides 50% of total body immunity; 70-80% of total body antibody production is secreted across GI mucosa to defend against pathogens in lumen

What is important to know about the diets of Muslims?

halal dietary laws; prohibited foods are called haram: pork, alcohol, gelatin, congealed salad); fasting when sun is up during Ramadan

What is a roux?

half fat, half flour

Where is most of the thiamine in grains located?

in the germ, specifically in the scutellum

What financial statement is dynamic and shows operating results over a period of time? (displays revenue, expenses, and profit (or loss or break-even)

income statement

What should you do if you have a scramble system that's too slow?

increase # of food stations

What is the purpose of nutrition education in a community program?

increase awareness, knowledge, options; help clients understand reasons for the changes you're recommending

How do you create a deeper brown crust on baked goods?

increase baking soda and sugar

What do glucocorticoids do to protein metabolism?

increase catabolism; protein --> amino acids --> glucose

What do you need to do if you are washing dishes with hard water?

increase detergent because the minerals that build up can be more difficult for surfactants in soap to form lather

What do you need to do with a low-energy chemical dish machine, compared to a regular one?

increase detergents, rinse aids, water, drying time (since there is no boost heater)

What is the MNT for acute viral hepatitis?

increase fluids; 50-55% CHO to replenish glycogen and spare protein; 1-1.2 g/kg protein; only limit fat if steatorrhea; small frequent meals; encourage coffee; multivitamin with B's, C, K, Zn

What is overrun?

increase in ice cream volume from freezing and whipping; determined by weight. should be 70-80%

What do sulfonylureas do?

increase insulin production and secretion

What does job enlargement entail?

increase the number of tasks an employee is assigned; goal is to alleviate boredom.

What can you do to speed up Maillard browning?

increase the pH, increase temp, decrease water content

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with lithium carbonate?

increased appetite --> weight gain; toxicity if sodium/caffeine intake are inconsistent; potential hyponatremia

What nutrition-related side effect(s) might you be concerned about with Elavil?

increased appetite, weight gain

What are the properties of rich cake?

increased fat, sugar, egg; results in better keeping quality

What is the MNT for homocysteinuria?

increased folate, B6, and B12; if that doesn't work, low protein, low methionine diet

What is azotemia?

increased urea in the blood (high BUN)

In general, as the particle size of starches decreases, GI _______


When costs increase, break-even point ______.


What does ghrelin do?

increases appetite

What does serotonin do to appetite?

increases appetite for carbs

What does aldosterone do to potassium excretion?

increases excretion

What does "aging" do to meat?

increases tenderness; enzymes change muscle protein to increase water-holding capacity (hold in cold storage for ~10 days)

Which domain should you usually consider for writing a nutrition diagnosis?

intake; it's more specific to the nutrition professional and most likely to be able to be improved

What is IBT and who is eligible?

intensive behavioral therapy; provided by physicians, not RDs; for people with obesity (BMI > 30) who have Medicare Part B

What is a purchase requisition?

internal form used to request items from the purchasing manager

What are the symptoms of tropical sprue?

intestinal lesions, diarrhea, malnutrition, B12 & folate deficiencies

What does Headstart do?

introduces low income children (age 3-5) to new foods and teaches good food habits

What is sweeter: invert sugar or sucrose?

invert sugar

What is the vendor's delivery slip that accompanies an order?


What does organoleptic mean?

involving the use of the sense organs

Spoon-shaped nails are a symptom of what mineral deficiency?


What deficiencies are most concerning in Crohn's disease?

iron and B12

What are renal calculi?

kidney stones

What is the end product of anaerobic glycolysis?


Why do symptoms arise with lactose intolerance?

lactose stays undigested (and not absorbed) in the intestines, which draws water in to dilute the load; causes bloating, cramps, diarrhea; bacteria in colon ferment the lactose when it gets there; causes gas

What does LAGB stand for?

laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding

What does inventory rate below 2-4 times/month indicate?

large amount of money are tied up in inventory

How should you cook acidic vegetables (like cabbage)?

large amounts of water, uncovered at least initially (allows volatile acids to escape)

What should be avoided with IBS?

large meals, excess caffeine, alcohol, sugars; specific things that the patient has identified as making symptoms worse

Increased free erythrocyte protoporphyrin indicates what?

lead toxicity; can lead to anemia as lead replaces iron in hemoglobin

What does Tannebaum and Schmidt's model depict?

leadership continuum; related to degree of authority used by the manager and the amount of freedom available to subordinates in reaching decisions tells decision-->delegates responsibility for decision

How do you promote flakiness in pastry?

leave solid fat in large, coarse particles

In meat, where is the round bone found?


What are some examples of soluble fiber?

legumes, oats, barley, carrots, apples (inside), citrus fruits, strawberries, bananas

What happens when you bake at high altitudes?

less atmospheric pressure --> gas expands faster, steam forms earlier --> may not stabilize structure before starch gelatenizes correct by increasing liquid, decreasing baking powder, increasing baking time

What is the standard to be considered jumbo shrimp

less than 25 shrimp per pound

What are the 2 levels of the NSI?

level I: screens ppl who need more comprehensive assessments level II: provides more specific diagnostic info on nutrition status (RD gets involved here; more serious nutrition concerns)

What are supplementary benefits?

life and health insurance

What is the MNT for NAFLD?

lifestyle changes: weight loss of 7-10%, Mediterranean diet, physical activity

What is the Delbecq technique?

like brainstorming but better: more structured & controlled; participants come up with ideas silently; round robin reporting of ideas; leader records everything; group ranks in priority order and then votes

What is the MNT for ileal resection?

limit fat, use MCT (doesn't require bile salts or as much intestinal surface area), supplement fat-sol vits plus Ca, Mg, Zn; B12 injections; 1 liter water plus whatever is excreted in ostomy bag

What does an inventory turnover rate above 2-4 times/month indicate?

limited inventory is being kept

What type of dispersion is custard?

liquid in solid (gel)

What is used to assess ability to meet short term debt (pay bills when due)?

liquidity ratios (show current assets and liabilities)

What food borne pathogen is highly fatal in immunocompromised people?


What food borne pathogen may harm fetuses; can cause flu-like symptoms, encephalitis, meningitis?


What pathogen can come from hot dogs, lunch meat, coleslaw, raw milk, soft cheees?


Which food borne pathogen can grow in the refrigerator?


Where is prothrombin produced?


Where is glucose-6-phosphatase found?

liver and kidney; NOT in muscle cells, so muscle glycogen can only be used in that muscle

What might increased alk phos indicate?

liver disease, bone disease

What is the threshold for hepatic failure?

liver function decreased to 25% or less

What are good sources of biotin?

liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast

What are good sources of riboflavin (B2)?

liver, kidney, meat, milk, eggs, fortified grains

What are good sources of copper?

liver, kidney, shellfish

What are good sources of vitamin B12?

liver, meat, milk, kidney, eggs, fish, cheese

What type of planning covers a period of up to 5 years and focuses on goals and objectives?

long range planning

What does "altered GI function" indicate?

looks at problems inside the GI tract; exocrine functions of liver and pancreas, changes in digestion, absorption, elimination

Where in the kidney does sodium and water balance get largely regulated?

loop of Henle

What happens to the pH of eggs kept in refrigerator too long?

loss of carbon dioxide makes eggs more alkaline

What happens when you overmix a batter/dough?

loss of carbon dioxide, overdeveloped gluten; tunnels from top to bottom, tough/heavy product

What happens to elastin when it is heated or acidified?

nothing really; it is resistant to heat and acid

What is a null hypothesis?

null means zero; states that two variables are NOT related in population of data

What is the equation for labor turnover rate?

number of employees replaced/total positions at the end of the period

Style of dish machine you purchase should depend on what?

number of meals you serve per hour

What brings people into the nutrition care process?

nutrition screening

What type of fibers decrease serum cholesterol, how?

oat bran and some soluble fibers; bind bile acids and forcing more cholesterol to convert to bile

What are the modifiable factors in primary prevention and treatment of HTN?

obesity, salt intake, physical activity, alcohol consumption

What are two types of formal evaluation?

objective test; performance test (better for community setting)

This work simplification procedure observes random samples (intermittent observations) to determine percentage of time working or idling.

occurrence sampling

What type of emulsion is egg yolk?

oil in water

What are some good sources of monounsaturated fats?

olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil

What does scientific management focus on?

physical aspects of the job (as opposed to human aspects); systematic approach to improving worker efficiency

What are the basic needs in Maslow's hierarchy?

physiological (survival needs) and safety/security needs

What is the basic function of management?


What is a prospectus?

planning guide, formal summary of proposed work, for a kitchen

What are general decision-making guidelines, boundaries within which you must operate?


What products does chymotrypsin yield?

poly- and di-peptides

What products does trypsin yield?


What is typical of French style serving?

portions brought to table on platter; waiter completes the prep at the table

What are the major INTRACELLULAR electrolytes?

potassium, magnesium, phosphate

What starch is the most effective thickener?

potato starch

What is referent power?

power that comes from subordinates' and coworkers' respect, admiration, and loyalty

When CRP increases, ______ decreases.


What is PIH?

pregnancy induced hypertension; can progress to pre-eclampsia and eclampsia; HTN, edema of face and hands, proteinuria, rapid wt gain after 20th week, may have convulsions

What populations are WIC's main priorities?

pregnant & breastfeeding women, infants up to 1 year old

What are conjugated proteins?

proteins with covalently attached molecules (ex. lipoproteins)

What does the Commodity Food Donation/Distribution Program do?

provides food to help meet nutrition needs of children and adults; strengthens agricultural market for products produced in US

Where in the kidney does major nutrient reabsorption take place?

proximal convoluted tubule

What types of companies must adhere to FMLA?

public agencies and private agencies that employ more than 50 people

What is the first control in the receiving process?

purchase order

What is the first document in the purchasing process?

purchase requisition

What is the MNT for achalasia?

pureed moist foods

What is surimi?

purified and frozen minced fish with a preservative, used in analogs, may have egg white or starch added to create desired structure (like Krab)

If NH3 from protein metabolism is not converted to urea, what else could it be used for?

purine synthesis or making a new amino acid via transamination of a ketoacid

What nutrient is required for the transport of amino acids?

pyridoxine (B6)

What is the most polyunsaturated oil?


What is the best source of linoleic acid?

safflower oil

What are some good sources of polyunsaturated fats?

safflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, palm kernel oil, sunflower oil

What pathogen can come from raw and undercooked meat and poultry, eggs, raw dairy, seafood, melons?


What foodborne illness is carried in the blood and intestinal tract of humans with typhoid fever?

salmonella typhi

What is a pilot study?

scaled down version of larger investigation, includes every step in the study, but done on small test group

What might decreased alk phos indicate?

scurvy, malnutrition

What does secretin do?

secretion of bicarbonate from pancreas, inhibits gastrin, tighten pyloric sphincter

What does the Health and Diet Survey track?

self-perception of relative nutrient intake levels, use of food labels, knowledge of fat/cholesterol, prevalence of supplement use, awareness of diet and disease

What is the equation for the selling price when using the mark-up method?

selling price = mark-up factor x raw food cost

What is the equation for cost of profit pricing?

selling price = total food cost / desired food cost % desired food cost % = 100 - all other costs (including profit cost) as percentages

Unions primarily promote based on ___


Proportion of people who have a condition and test positive


What is Lorcaserin?

serotonin agonist; enhances satiety

What is the best assessment parameter for fluid status?

serum sodium

What is anasarca?

severe generalized edema; associated with heart, liver, renal failure, and extreme malnutrition

What type of schedule shows staffing patterns for a particular operation; position and hours worked, number of days worked per week, relief assignments?

shift schedule

What food borne pathogen can come from cold mixed salads (chicken, tuna, potato), raw vegetables, water melon?


What's the difference between signs and sympotms?

signs: objective data with observable/measurable changes; symptoms: subjective data, changes the patient expresses

How is alcohol absorbed?

simple diffusion in stomach and small intestine

What is Bloom's Taxonomy?

six levels of comprehension: remember understand apply analyze evaluate create

What is sweet acidophilus milk?

skim milk plus acidophilus bacteria which reduces lactose (less lactose milk)

What are vitamin A's main areas of function?

skin, vision

What is the MNT for hiatal hernia?

small, bland meals; avoid nighttime snacks, caffeine, chili powder, black pepper

In what conflict resolution method does the manager minimize the extent of disagreement and try to talk one side into giving in?


What are the higher needs in Maslow's hierarchy? (motivators)

social, self-esteem, self-actualization

What is the difference between social marketing and business marketing?

social: use of marketing principles to advance a social cause, idea, behavior; business marketing: filling a customer's needs/desires

What are the major EXTRACELLULAR electrolytes?

sodium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate

What are good sources of selenium?

soil, grains, meat, fish, poultry, legumes

What type of dispersion is gravy?

solid in liquid

What do solid and dotted lines mean on an organizational chart?

solid: lines of authority; chain of command dotted: advisory (staff) positions

What type of fiber slows gastric emptying?


Which type of fiber delays gastric emptying?


What is the term for the number of individuals or departments under the direction of one individual?

span of control

Why do old potatoes have some different properties than fresh new potatoes?

starch turns to sugar over time, so old potatoes taste sweeter, cook to softer texture, and brown better when cooked

Who determines eligibility for TANF?


What early anthropometric marker can reflect long-term nutritional status?

stature/length for age; determines stunting

What cooking method is more energy efficient than electric or gas?

steam cooking

What does acid do to egg white foam?

stiffens/stabilizes it by tenderizing protein and allowing it to extend more easily; think cream of tartar specifically

What role do glucocorticoids play in glucose metabolism?

stimulate protein conversion to glucose (must have pyridoxine to work!)

What is the mini-max method?

stock is allowed to deplete to a safety level before a new order is placed; amount ordered will be the same each time an order is placed

What is the best shape of a work area layout from a time and motion point of view?

straight line

What type of planning is a continuous systematic process that involves decisions about intended future outcomes and how success is measured and evaluated?

strategic planning

What type of planning sets directions for the organization?

strategic planning

What is the process of formal competitive bid buying?

submit written spec's and quantity needs to vendors who submit a price in sealed bid; bids opened together and lowest bid wins

What common sweetener does not have GRAS status?


What are the basic components of fondant?

sugar and water

What is McClelland's theory?

suggests all people have 3 needs: -achievement: desire to do something better or more efficiently -power: enjoy competition and seek confrontation -affiliation: desire to be liked by others, join groups

What are good sources of vitamin D?

sunlight, egg yolk, fortified milk, some fish

What is analytical research?

tests hypotheses concerning the effects of specific factors of interest and allows causal associations to be determined (RCTs, follow-up studies, case-control studies)

What does the "finish" of a meat refer to?

the amount of fat covering the carcass

What is internal validity?

the degree to which data in a study reflect a true cause-effect relationship (Is the difference between the groups real?)

In written medical records, how should you correct mistakes?

to remove error, draw a single line through it, then initial and date with correction; to add something, write "see addendum" next to it, then initial and date that and write the addendum in chart sequence with date and reference the original entry

What is the equation for determining prevalence of a disease?

total # ppl with dx during pd of time / avg # ppl

What happens to cholesterol when linoleic acid replaces sat fat?

total cholesterol goes down, including HDL

What is another name for assembly-serve?

total convenience

What is TEE?

total energy expenditure; sum of basal energy expenditure + physical activity + thermic effect of food

What is TIBC?

total iron binding capacity; measure of transferrin saturation levels; INCREASED in iron deficiency;

What is TLC (lab)?

total lymphocyte count; measures immunocompetency

What is TQM?

total quality management; processes are refined with the goal of improving performance in response to customer needs and expectations

What is solanine?

toxin found in the green areas on a potato that causes illness

What type of budget uses the existing budget as a base and projects changes for the ensuing year in relation to the current budget?

traditional budget (aka incremental or baseline budget)

What is the flavor profile method of gathering food quality data?

trained panel analyzes and writes observations about aroma and flavor in great detail

Besides cite infections, what is another bacterial concern with TPN?

translocation of gut bacteria; GI walls break down, bacteria move out --> sepsis

How do lecithins function in the body?

transport and utilization of fatty acids and cholesterol through enzyme LCAT (lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase); help prevent fat accumulation in liver

What is transferrin's main job?

transport iron to bone marrow to incorporate into hemoglobin

What is another name for prealbumin?

transthyretin (TTHY)

What components are needed to determine AMA?

triceps skin fold and mid-arm circumference

What can you do to prevent flour-containing products that will be frozen from having undesirable texture when thawed?

use starch or flour from a waxy grain (waxy corn, sorghum, rice); prevents severe retrogradation of amylose

Tell me about ginger as a supplement.

use: antiemetic interaction: avoid with drugs that effect bleeding

Tell me about black cohosh.

use: ease menopause pain interaction: may cause clotting

Tell me about ginseng.

use: immunity, endurance interaction: high blood pressure, avoid with warfarin

Tell me about ginkgo biloba.

use: vasodilation interaction: avoid with warfarin

What is prime vending?

using a single vendor for the majority of purchases; usually high-volume purchases

What does calcium do to iron absorption?

usually inhibits iron absorption, but if oxalates are present calcium binds those and actually helps iron absorption

What is sous vide storage?

vacuum packing meat in oxygen-impermeable film, stored at 0"C; anaerobic, so extended storage life

What are the 3 branched chain amino acids?

valine, leucine, isoleucine

What are direct/variable/flexible costs?

vary directly with changes in sales (revenue). Ex: china, silver, food, uniforms, laundry, "repairs", benefits

What are good sources of vitamin E?

vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, wheat germ, soybeans, whole grains, green veggies

What is important to know about the diets of Seventh Day Adventists?

vegetarian; no caffeine, no alcohol

How is sorbitol absorbed?

via passive diffusion; slower absorption than glucose

What does the line-spread test measure?

viscosity of liquids or semi-solids; uses a flat surface

What is flour enriched with?

vit B1-3, iron, folic acid

What might you consider if someone has smooth, slick, purple, or white coating on their tongue?

vitamin (unspecified) or iron deficiencies

What might you consider if someone has pale, dry eyes or poor vision?

vitamin A, zinc, riboflavin deficiencies

Increased plasma pyruvate is a sign of deficiency of what nutrient?

vitamin B1

Bleeding gums indicate deficiency of what?

vitamin C

What vitamin facilitates proline --> hydroxyproline --> collagen?

vitamin C

What might you consider if someone has sore, red, swollen, bleeding gums?

vitamin C deficiency

What vitamins should be supplemented in burn patients?

vitamin C for wound healing, all the water solubles, vit A 10,000 IU, K if on antibiotics

What might you consider if someone has thin, sparse, dully, dry hair?

vitamin C or protein deficiency

What supplements do breastfed babies need?

vitamin D: 400 IU/day iron: 1 mg/kg/day fluoride: 0.25 mg/day AFTER 6 months

Why might ileal and/or ileocecal resection be more concerning than jejunal?

with jejunal resection, ileum can adapt and take over functions; ileal resection: distal ileum is with B12, intrinsic factor, and bile salts get absorbed; ileum normally absorbs a lot of fluid; when bile salts don't get recycled, liver can't make enough; lipids get malabsorbed; those lipids can combine with Ca, Zn, Mg, leading to "soaps;" higher likelihood of renal oxalate stones

What is winterized oil?

won't crystallize when cold; clear, not cloudy; corn, soy, and cottonseed oils are winterized

What is the insurance covering employers' liability for the costs of any accident incurred by an employee in connection with their job?

workman's comp

What does EFNEP do?

works with small groups to teach skills needed to obtain healthy diet (how to budget, meal plan, shop, cook); includes training from home economists

How should you check the placement of feeding tube tips?

x-ray or aspirate gastric contents

What are good sources of vitamin A?

yellow & orange fruits; dark green leafy veggies; cantaloupe; fish; liver; carrots; fortified milk; apricots; sweet potato

Does graham contain gluten?


Does orzo contain gluten?


Is graham flour considered a whole grain for the NSLP?


does coucous contain guten?


What are chalazae?

yolk anchors in an egg

What is the protein composition of egg yolk and white?

yolk: higher protein concentration - 17.5% by weight white: 11% (contains higher total amount of protein but dispersed in greater volume)

What does table d'hote mean?

you get a complete meal for one set price (opposite of a la carte)

Alopecia and hypoguesia can be symptoms of what kind of deficiency?


Folate from food needs what nutrient to help cleave it for absorption?


What nutrient enhances insulin action?


What nutrient increases taste acuity?


What nutrient is essential for cell division?


What nutrient stabilizes DNA and RNA?


Reduced immune function and poor wound healing may result from deficiency of what nutrient(s)?

zinc, vitamin C

How many milliliters in a fluid ounce?

~30 mL (29.6)

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