Real Estate Investments and Business Brokerage

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John wants to do a 1031 tax exchange. He just sold his property. How many days does he have to close on a new property?


Your client Joseph has a commercial income-producing property. How long does he depreciate this property?

39 years

What's an income shelter?

An income shelter is a deductible allowance from net income.

What is the three-property rule as it relates to tax-deferred exchanges?

An investor can identify up to three replacement properties and not encounter a restriction regarding fair market value as long as debt load requirement is met.

The difference between what an investor plans to make and spend and what actually happens is known as ______ risk.


The numbers on the residential apartment building Tony bought looked great on paper. However, expenses have been far more than what he originally budgeted. This is an example of what type of risk?


What is one fundamental difference between real estate brokerage and business brokerage?

Business brokerage may or may not involve real estate.

During periods of inflation, $10,000 today will be worth less tomorrow. This is an example of what type of risk?

Buying power

Business Enterprise Brokers

Deals with the sale or purchase of larger businesses

business opportunity broker

Deals with the sale or purchase of smaller businesses

Investors may be allowed to deduct operating expenses, real estate taxes, mortgage interest, and what else?


To determine debt coverage ratio, ______.

Divide net income by debt service

Daniella's rental property is barely covering her expenses. Two of her six tenants have moved out, and she has had to upgrade the building's heating and air conditioning systems. This is an example of which type of risk at work?


What phrase describes the amount that today's dollars grows to over time?

Future value

Which kind of industrial property is typically located away from residential and central commercial areas?

Heavy industrial

What advantage does the 1031 tax-deferred exchange offer?

It allows investors to defer capital gains taxes when selling a property, provided they buy another property.

What is a leasehold mortgage?

It is a long-term estate for years where the interest in the estate is pledged to the lender instead of the property.

Which type of industrial property is often converted into living spaces?

Loft/warehouse buildings

Anthony lives in a two-story apartment building. What type of building is it?


Which type of retail space usually has businesses offering general merchandise and fashion and is typically enclosed with inward-facing stores connected by a common walkway?


In which commercial category are raw materials converted into useful objects?


What is the best definition for "the time value of money"?

Money gains or loses value over time.

Real Estate Syndicate

Organizations with many investors who participate in real estate investment. They sometimes meet the definition of "dealing in securities" and therefore must adhere to the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules.

Flynt has a loan for a shopping center and is required to pay not only his mortgage payment but a percentage of the income he earns from the shops. What kind of a mortgage is this?


What type of real estate investment is similar to collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs)?

Real estate mortgage investment conduit

Safety Risk

Risk of losing earnings and/or capital; includes market risk and risk of default.

Which type of risk refers to the chance that an investor might lose earnings or capital?


Loft/warehouse buildings

Space where inventory is stored prior to being shipped out

Real estate is a _______, unlike stocks or bonds.

Tangible asset class

Financial Risk

The ability of the investment to cover operating expenses through operations, borrowing, and equity.


The computed value of a company's reputation

Business Risk

The difference between what you thought you'd earn and spend, and what you actually earned and spent.

Liquidity Risk

The risk that an asset cannot be sold on short notice without incurring a loss

Buying power

This risk is caused by inflation. If an investor owns a rental property with fixed rents for a long period of time, this risk is present because the income is fixed, yet its buying power is diminished due to inflation.

Uses sales prices of similar businesses to arrive at a market value

comparable sales analysis

Estimates the cost to exactly duplicate the business

cost approach

Value of a business as an income-producing property

going concern value

Examines the anticipated income of a business

income analysis

A non-physical asset that can't be touched

intangible asset

Estimates the proceeds that could be generated as a result of liquidating all assets

liquidation analysis

A physical asset that can be touched

tangible asset

interest rate risk

the risk of capital losses to which investors are exposed because of changing interest rates

Results in a price that an average buyer might pay for a business


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