REL C 225 Final Exam Quiz Questions

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Joseph Smith's seer stones, including the interpreters or spectacles, are commonly referred today by the Church as the ________.

Urim and Thummim

Doctrine and Covenants 88 outlines multiple requirements for attendance at the School of the Prophets. Which requirement below was NOT a part of the Kirtland School of the Prophets?

Wear ceremonial clothing.

Other than Sidney Rigdon, whom does Doctrine and Covenants 124 name as Joseph Smith's counselor in the First Presidency?

William Law

What does it mean to have the "more sure word of prophecy"?

You have been sealed up and promised eternal life while in mortality.

What was the intended purpose of the Nauvoo House?

a hotel to host visitors

In a recent general conference, a member of the Seventy discouraged parents from allowing their children to have sleepovers. Based on the LDS Newsroom article "Approaching Mormon Doctrine," which of the options below best describes how one should consider this teaching?

a personal, well-thought opinion, but not binding on Church members worldwide

What is the burned-over district?

a phrase describing the result of high numbers of religious preachers and revival meetings in western New York

Zion has multiple definitions. Which of the following is NOT a definition of Zion?

any place where people feel happy and at peace

In historical context, to whom did Doctrine and Covenants 121:13-23, 34-40 primarily refer?

apostate Mormons who accused Joseph Smith of wrongdoing

A primary meaning of the term "endowment," in relation to the temple, means to ________.

be given the power and capacity to come into the presence of God

According to Doctrine and Covenants 132, which of the following is NOT a reason why the Church practiced polygamy in the 19th century?

because there were more women than men in the Church

Where did Joseph Smith first publicly introduce the doctrine of baptism for the dead?

during a public funeral held in Nauvoo

What is meant by the scriptural phrase "the new and everlasting covenant of marriage"?

eternal marriage wherein a man and a woman are sealed together for eternity

Which statement best summarizes Latter-day Saint doctrine about who will go to a kingdom of heavenly glory?

everyone ever born except the sons of perdition

Select all that apply: The Great Apostasy is a period of time when no one ________.

had priesthood authority had the fulness of the gospel

Although the available fragmentary evidence is debated by scholars, when did Joseph Smith begin the practice of plural marriage (as explained in the Gospel Topics essay)?

in Kirtland, Ohio, when he married Fanny Alger

In what context did Joseph Smith and the early Saints typically view "the gathering"?

in a temporal, apocalyptic context (preparing for the end of the world and the Second Coming)

How many Articles of Faith were included in the Pearl of Great Price during the nineteenth century?


When did Joseph finally obtain the plates?


What years does the Two Church Centers period of Church history cover?


Which of the First Vision accounts was written in Joseph's journal, centers on seeking forgiveness of his sins, and seems to only mention one heavenly being appearing to him?


Which of the First Vision accounts is from Joseph's official history and is canonized in the Pearl of Great Price?


Which of the First Vision accounts was written to a newspaper editor at the Chicago Democrat and also contains the Articles of Faith?


When was the Pearl of Great Price canonized?


When was the last time that new sections were added to the Doctrine and Covenants?


Although the exact number of women Joseph Smith married in his lifetime is debated, according to the Joseph Smith Papers about how many women did Joseph Smith marry?


According to the video, how many Doctrine and Covenants revelations were received during the Beginnings period?


Which of the following statements best describes the Latter-day Saint process of canonization?

A document can be canonized with the unanimous approval of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and with a sustaining vote from the members of the Church.

About how many of the altered Bible verses by Joseph Smith do we currently have printed in our edition of the Latter-day Saint scriptures?

About ⅓

According to President Russell M. Nelson's talk "The Gathering of Scattered Israel," what name (other than Jesus) is mentioned most in Restoration scripture and is linked to all members of the Church?


Who prevented the Missouri militia from executing Joseph Smith and several other Church officers?

Alexander Doniphan

According to Doctrine and Covenants 42, we are commanded to do what to remember the poor?

Consecrate of thy properties for their support

Which prominent Church leader was proposed by many of the discontented Church members in Kirtland to lead the Church instead of Joseph Smith?

David Whitmer

When were Joseph Smith and others confined in Liberty Jail?

December 1838 until April 1839

In Doctrine and Covenants 128, Joseph Smith said that participating in saving work for the dead is ________ to our salvation.

necessary and essential

How did Joseph Smith obtain the brown seer stone?

He found it while digging a well on a neighbor's farm.

For what activity did Joseph sometimes use his seer stone as a teenager?

He used it to find valuable, hidden objects like treasure.

What does it mean that Abraham desired "the blessings of the fathers"?

He wanted priesthood power and authority.

In Nauvoo, who was called as assistant president of the Church (to replace Oliver Cowdery)?

Hyrum Smith

Where is Zion, or the city of the New Jerusalem, to be located?

Independence/Jackson County, Missouri

As discussed in this unit, who does the planet Kolob (mentioned in the Book of Abraham) symbolize?


Which statement below best summarizes the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible?

Joseph Smith gave revelatory interpretation, rephrasing, restoring, and clarification for numerous biblical passages.

What is the adoption theory of the relationship between the temple endowment rituals and freemasonry?

Joseph adopted and reapplied effective Masonic ritual elements and used them to communicate spiritual truths.

Which of the following reasons does the article on plural marriage NOT list for Joseph Smith's practice of being sealed to women who were already married to other men (polyandry)?

Joseph fell in love with these women although they were married to other men.

According to the essay, which of the following best describes the Book of Mormon translation process?

Joseph placed either the interpreters or the seer stone in a hat, pressed his face into the hat to block out extraneous light, and read aloud the English words that appeared on the instrument.

When did Joseph Smith begin the translation of the Bible, and when did he finish?

June 1830-July 1833

Where was the first temple in this dispensation built?

Kirtland, Ohio

The Book of Commandments and Revelations and the Kirtland Revelation Book are also known today as ________.

Manuscript Revelation Books 1 and 2

The Abrahamic covenant may be summarized with three p's. Which of the following is NOT one of the p's discussed in this unit?


As described by Joseph Smith in Doctrine and Covenants 128, what is an "offering in righteousness" that the sons of Levi will make?

presenting a book in the temple showing that all vicarious temple work has been completed

Revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants were received in all of these ways except which of the following?

reprint of a newspaper article

Based on the reading "Doctrine: Models to Evaluate Types and Sources of Latter-day Saint Teachings," which of the following best summarizes an "esoteric" teaching?

something that is obscure or ambiguous or not taught openly

Which of the following was NOT part of the Kirtland Temple endowment?

teaching of priesthood keys, signs, and tokens

According to President Oaks's statement regarding there being "two channels of revelation," a revelation that defines Latter-day Saint doctrine, ordinances, or commandments will come through which channel?

the Church channel

Most of the Latter-day Saint settlers originally called to establish the city of Zion were from which branch of the Church?

the Colesville branch

According to Joseph Smith and others, which of the following are considered "Urim and Thummim"?

the Nephite interpretors or "spectacles" given to Joseph Smith with the Book of Mormon plates Joseph Smith's small oval seer stone the divining stones used by ancient Israelite priests

Which key does NOT belong to the Aaronic Priesthood?

the key of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven

According to Doctrine and Covenants 27:12-13 and 128:20, Peter, James, and John restored all of these priesthood keys, except one. Which priesthood key did they NOT restore?

the keys of sealing

What priesthood office was restored during the June 1831 conference of the Church?

the office of high priest

According to the video, which of the following best describes a priesthood key?

the rights of presidency and power delegated from God to direct, control, and govern God's priesthood here on earth

What is the Lord's stated point of the parable of a man with twelve sons in Doctrine and Covenants 38?

to be one

In Doctrine and Covenants 131, Joseph Smith revealed that those who do not enter the new and everlasting covenant of marriage will not be able to "have an increase" in the next life. According to the context when he taught this, what does the phrase "have an increase" mean?

to have children in the celestial glory

Which of the following best describes a major purpose of the Kirtland School of the Prophets?

to prepare a group of men to receive a spiritual endowment

What was the primary purpose of Zion's Camp?

to restore the exiled Missouri Saints to their rightful lands in Jackson County

Which of the following best describes the period in early America known as the Second Great Awakening?

when America experienced a revival of religious enthusiasm

According to the video, when did the restoration of the priesthood through Joseph Smith culminate or end?

with the revealing of temple ordinances in Nauvoo

During which Church history period was the Relief Society organized?


Where were the Saints called to physically gather to for the first time in this dispensation?


What was the name of the Illinois town that received the refugee Saints, who had been driven from Missouri?


Which of the following examples best summarizes a revelation that violates the Front-Door Principle?

Revelation regarding doctrine, policies, or direction that circumvents the authorized, established, and recognized order of the Church.

Which of the following examples best summarizes a revelation that violates the Brethren Principle?

Revelation that goes contrary to the united voice of the current First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

According to our class discussion, which of the following statements below best describes what "dynastic" sealings are?

Sealings that are performed to horizontally link unrelated families together for exaltation.

Which of the following was a key Joseph Smith gave to know if an angel who appears to you is a righteous resurrected angel from God?

Shake his hand. You will be able to feel the handshake.

What was the name of the Reformed Baptist minister who was converted by the missionaries and who later became Joseph Smith's scribe and counselor in the First Presidency?

Sidney Rigdon

Which of the following individuals did NOT assist in some way in the bringing forth of the Book of Mormon?

Sidney Rigdon

Who dedicated the temple lot in the city of Zion?

Sidney Rigdon

Prior to 1838, which of the following was one of the names used for the Church?

The Church of the Latter Day Saints

What was in the separate "doctrine" and "covenants" parts in the first several editions of the Doctrine and Covenants?

The doctrine was the Lectures on Faith, and the covenants were Joseph's revelations.

When the Aaronic Priesthood was restored by John the Baptist, what question from the Book of Mormon translation did Joseph Smith and his scribe have that prompted the visitation?

They inquired of the Lord respecting baptism for the remission of sins.

Which of the following best describes the Missouri group known as the Danites?

They were a group of Church members who were determined to use force if necessary to protect the Saints and their property.

Which of the following is NOT true about members of the early Relief Society in Nauvoo?

They were ordained to priesthood offices.

According to the revelation on the three degrees of glory, which statement is NOT true about the sons of perdition?

They will not be forgiven in this world but may receive forgiveness in the world to come.

Identify which one of the following is NOT one of the new commandments given in the revelation known as "the Law."

Thou shalt offer a fast with singleness of heart.

What was/were the stated covenant purpose(s) of the Lamanite Mission?

To identify the location for the city of Zion and to preach to Native Americans

According to witnesses of the translation, aside from the Book of Mormon "interpreters," Joseph Smith also used a small seer stone to translate the Book of Mormon.


Which of the following best summarizes where we got the book of the Pearl of Great Price?

Apostle Franklin D. Richards compiled the Pearl of Great Price while serving as president of the British Mission. The book was widely used as the Church grew, and in 1880 Church leaders voted it into the canonized standard works.

What best summarizes the message of W. W. Phelps's article "Free People of Color"?

Black Saints could freely gather to Missouri with the Church.

Why did the Relief Society cease for a period of time after Joseph Smith's death?

Brigham Young did not want Emma Smith to use the Relief Society to oppose him and cause confusion over who should succeed Joseph.

The offices of the priesthood developed gradually over time. Which of the following priesthood offices existed when the Church was organized in April 1830?


Who committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham to Joseph Smith?


Who became the second General President of the Relief Society once it was reorganized in Utah?

Eliza R. Snow

During the Kirtland apostasy, Joseph Smith said that something must be done for the salvation of the Church. The answer came by revelation to send the Twelve Apostles on a mission to which nation?


Where was the Church organized?

Fayette, New York

According to Doctrine and Covenants 101, why were the Saints forced to leave Jackson County, Missouri?

There were too many contentions among the Saints.

Based on the reading "Doctrine: Models to Evaluate Types and Sources of Latter-day Saint Teachings," which of the following best summarizes what is meant by an official teaching being found in the "harmonized scriptural canon"?

The teaching is found repeatedly and consistently in the scriptures.

Who were the temple ordinances initially administered to?

The temple ordinances were first administered to a small, select group of associates.

What occurred in the "chamber of old Father Whitmer" (D&C 128:21) related to the restoration of the priesthood?

The voice of the Lord authorized and instructed Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to ordain each other elders and confer the Holy Ghost.

According to the revelation on the three degrees of glory, which part—if any—of the following summary about those who go to the terrestrial kingdom is NOT correct?

There are no incorrect statements about terrestrial people in the above summary.

What caused the collapse of the Kirtland Safety Society?

There was a run on the bank that exhausted the resources of the Safety Society.

Joseph Smith made changes to the text of the Doctrine and Covenants revelations after they were originally recorded. Which of these is NOT one of the reasons why those changes were made?

There were mistakes in the doctrine.

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