Religion - Chapter 7 - Witness
(or charity) is shown in the selfless service to others by your words and actions. Love is a sign that you love God and that you love others as Jesus loves you
A person showing this has the power to forgive instead of getting angry. Leads you to be gentle, peaceful, and gracious
Being faithful to one's sexuality in conduct and intention. Helps us to live out our sexuality in a proper manner
12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity
Discipline your physical and emotional desires by being modest and respectful of others. With this you can be in charge of your emotions and desires instead of the other way around
Flows from God's great love. It is a sign that you love all people without exception and do good to them.
What did Paul tell the Corinthians in his written letters?
He reminded them that they are all different from one another, but they are all baptized into the one Body of Christ. They all have different gifts to share that were given to them by the Holy Spirit and were meant to build the community, not divide it.
Rose Hawthorne(kindness)
Helped the poorest and most unloved of God's family. In the 1900s she began caring for neglected people in New York who were forced to die on Blackwell Island. She founded an order of Dominican Sisters who cared for patients with incurable cancer.
Works of Charity
Jesus showed us what a life of loving service means
Keep your promises. Your are faithful when you show loyalty to God and to those whom you have committed yourself. (These) people are dependable, trustworthy, and obedient.
Love that is willing to endure life's suffering, difficulties, and routine. It means not giving up in difficult situations
Luigi and Maria Beltrame Quattrochi(Chasity)
Married couple who raised 4 children. Together they were a family that was open to prayer, friendship, ad solidarity with those who were poor. Their shared feast day is Nov. 25, their wedding anniversary
Angelo Roncalli(patience)
Pope John XXII. He called the 2nd Vatican Council to renew the Church and help it address the concerns of the 20th century. Beautified in 2000.
Receiving God's love on a daily basis
The most important part of your week
You share a common vision & love for Christ and for other members of his body, the Church
Your relationship with God is nurtured through communication
Your growth in the Spirit will be
a lifelong journey
Pierre Toussaint(love)
an enslaved Catholic man who worked for the family hairdressing shop. He would speak to his customers about Jesus, Mary, and the importance of loving others.He used much of his money he made to buy the freedom of other enslaved people rather than spending it to buy his own freedom. Pope John Paul II declared him venerable in 1996.
After Paul began the Corinth church he left to begin...
churches in other cities
comes from knowing that all will work out well because God is with us
deep and constant gladness in the Lord that circumstances cannot destroy. Good relationship with God and others - a relationship of genuine love
moderation in all your actions, especially your conversation and external behavior. A sign that you give credit to God for your talents and successes. An attitude that protects what is most personal to us, refusing to reveal what should remain private. Guides the way a person looks at other and acts toward them.(respecting the dignity of others.
shown by generous acts of service, compassion, and consideration for others. See the best in others
12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit are..
the result of the Spirit's presence in a believing person
willingness to give even at a cost to yourself. Expresses concern for meeting the needs of others even if it means sacrificing something of your own.