Respiratory therapy 220

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How do you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?

F = (°C × 9/5) + 32 C = (°F − 32) × 5/9

what can cause bradypnea

Head injury, hypothermia, side effect of medications (narcotics), drug overdose

cardiopulmonary distress is suggested by?

Labored, rapid, irregular, or shallow breathing, Coughing, choking, and/or wheezing, Chest pain and/or cyanosis

how do you measure consciousness?

Measure cerebral oxygenation, Evaluation of time, place, and person(Oriented × 3), Deterioration from restlessness to coma(Cerebral hypoxia)(Side effect to medications or drug overdose), Status of sensorium (Directs treatment planPatient cooperation, coordination), Glasgow Coma Scale (Motor function, verbal function, and eye-opening response)

A 35-year-old, 54 kg woman with congestive heart failure enters the emergency department short of breath. An ABG shows the following results:pH 7.50, PaCO2 30 mm Hg, HCO3- 23 mEq/L, base excess +2 mEq/LThe patient's ABG results indicate which of the following?

Uncompensated respiratory alkalosis

what are afferent pathways?

Vagus, phrenic, glossopharyngeal, and trigeminal nerves

breath stacking can be treated by extending your what time and decreasing your what time?

extend the expiratory time and decrease the inspiratory time

whats often the first sign that suggests the presents of hypoxemia?

external dyspnea

whats febrile mean


Define diastolic pressure

force during ventricular relaxation

Rapid shallow breathing index (rsbi) is a good predictor of successful weaning, whats the maximum value for rsbi?

greater than 105

what can cause hypothermia?

head injury, cold exposure

name two conditions that may cause the Vt to be reduced

increase dead space/pna/obstructive diseases/CHF

whats something that can cause a pt to be febrile?

infection (usually over 102F)

to obtain the plateau pressure of a mechanically ventilated pt, what procedure would you do

inspiratory hold

phases of breathing

inspiratory, Compression, Expiratory

what is best performed in the personal space


which of the following clinical conditions is associated with the onset of pedal edema

left sided heart failure

we would use what strategy when mechanically ventilating a pt in ARDS

lung protective strategy (lps)

which of the following types of wheezing is likely to be heard over the chest of a patient with a tumor that is partially obstructing a single airway

monophonic wheezing

decrease ability for lung recoil points to what

obstructive lungs/ emphysema/ increase in compliance

anxiety could be suggested by?

restlessness, fidgeting, tense, difficulty communicating, cool or sweaty palms, worrying

the horizontal fissure that seperates the right upper lobe from the right middle lobe begins at what rib in the midsternal line

rib four

a rt examining a pt notes that on assessment of chest expansion with palpation, the right lower chest is found to lag behind the left lower chest. with which of the following problems is this finding consistent

right lower lobe pna

how will someone breath if they have hypothermia?

slow and shallow (reduces o2 consumption and CO2 production)

when a pt is ready to be weaned from mechanical ventilation, what should be attempted?

spontaneous breathing trial

What are the four classic vital signs?

temp, pulse, respirations, bp

Plasma Pco2 primarily reflects the metabolic component of acid-base balance.


whats the the appropriate distance for the social space from the pt


whats the normal beats/min for adults


whats a normal temp

98.6-99.5F (37C)

What defines acidosis in a human?


what can cause bradycardia?

Diseased heart, athletes, medication side effects

What is often the first clinical sign that suggests the presence of hypoxemia?

Exertional dyspnea

An acute increase in PaCO2 of 10 to 15 mm Hg causes a corresponding increase in plasma HCO3- of how many mEq/L?


if spontaneous minute ventilation is greater than ________l/min is needed to maintain a nornal Paco2, then weaning is not likely to be successful


For the test of collateral circulation in an Allen's test, "pinking up" of the hand is normal if it occurs within ____ s.


for the test of allens test, how long should it take for the "pinking up" to occur


pressure for suctioning for an adult


whats a normal bp?


whats the appropriate distance for the personal space


An arterial puncture site normally should be compressed for a minimum of ___ min after the puncture.


What can cause tachycardia?

Anxiety, hypoxemia, exercise, fever, anemia

what can cause tachypnea?

Atelectasis, hypoxemia, and hypercapnia, Anxiety, pain, exertion, and metabolic acidosis

Given the following ABG results, interpret the acid-base status:pH 7.44, PaCO2 25 mm Hg, HCO3-17 mEq/L, base excess -6 mEq/L

Compensated respiratory alkalosis

how do you calculate pulse pressure?

P systolic − P diastolic

What are efferent pathways?

Smooth muscles of larynx and tracheobronchial tree via phrenic, spinal nerves

normal vital signs for pt's depend on?

age, presence of chronic disease, treatments

if PIP is increasing, the the plateau pressures are not changing an increase in what is occuring?

airway resistance

___________ involves the measurement of CO2 concentration or partial pressures in the expired gases and their real-time graphic display during breathing.


to obtain the amount of auto-peep in a mechanically ventilated pt, what procedure would you do

expiratory hold

which of the following abnormalities would be associated with an increase in vocal resonance


Whats the fifth vital sign?


Define systolic pressure

peak force during ventricular contraction

normal range/values for mechanically ventilated pt

vt:6-8 (4-6 for ards lung) Ve-3-5 nif->20 Pvo2-38-44 PIP-30-35 plateau-<30 dead space-1ml/kg p/f ratio-ra:450 normal lactate-1-2 septic shock normal lactate->3 rr:12-20

can respiratory acidosis can be caused by hypoventilation


Do children have slower or faster heartrates than adults?

younger the pt the faster the hr

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