Restorative Justice

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One of the most difficult challenges an ex-prisoner encounters is finding employment. An other common problems are

Lack of money for food or clothes Reliable Transportation suitable shelter Adequate Education Psychological counseling Drug Treatment

In the RJ City justice process the victim can provide input, but the decision to allow a defendant such as David or Ed to choose the non-adverarail Option One, is made by the Investigating Magistrate

Not Correct

In the RJ city justice system, once an accused has decided to choose Option 2, an adverbial trial to choose Option 1's RJ centered proceeding

Not Correct

Is there universal agreement about the definition of Restorative Justice

Not correct

In the RJ city case study of a crime and its aftermath, what additional aspect significantly bothered your instructor

Not sure what the standard of proof is

One prerequisite of a restorative system is that consent, not coercion, is required for participation in its programs and practices. In other words, it offers but does not compel [articipation, and the social controls it exerts interfere as little as possible with the restoration of the parties


Research has shown that restorative justice reduces repeat offending more consistently with violent crimes than with less serious crimes


Restorative justice can produce ongoing transformation, but the transformation must begin with ourselves, for we too have recompense to pay, reconciliation to seek, forgiveness to ask, and healing to receive


The needs of victims and offenders are different but they often share at least one common problem: each I stigmatized and treated as an outcast


The stigma of victimization may have long-term, unexpected negative results in a victims life


What are considered critical elements of inclusion in restorative justice

invitation recognition acceptance of the interests of the persons invited willingness to adopt alternative approaches that fit the individuals and their situation

According to VNS, admission of guilt is the main thing that ensures an apology is genuine

not correct

According to the text, although victims should only engage in encounter programs voluntarily, its okay to use coercive incentives to get offenders to participate

not correct

In assessing the "restorativeness" of programs and policies, an important factor is whether the guide the parties toward restoration of the parties

not correct

Restorative justice is a distinct and compete alternative to the retributive and rehabilitative approaches to criminal justice

not correct

Restorative practices are being applied in a variety of settings, not only those that fall within in the domain of criminal or juvenile justice

not correct

Support for implementing restorative justice is most likely to be built upon a particular advocacy group or political party

not correct

When a case has not been closed by arrest, prosecution, and sentencing, can the victim still receive the benefit of all FULL restorative encounter, if they want it

not correct

According to the text, a hallmark of restorative justice is ongoing transformation of

of Perspective of Structures of Persons

Restitution requires the offender to recompense the victim, and it can be typically made how

returning or replacing property financial payment Perform direct services for the victim

Mildred's options in David's case clearly did not include

right to not limit circle participation

Mildreds options in Ed's case clearly did not include

right to the government providing her lawyer

Mildreds options in David's case clearly did not include

right to the government providinghlawyerer

According to the text, the most immediate need for victims of crime is


Evaluation studies of conferencing confirm what

victim satisfaction is very high

At what point does David arguably have a defense counsel


VNS suggest several essentials that would be present in any system that integrates restorative principles. these include

Consent Safety Foundemental

Reintegration is when victims and offenders are given the means and opportunity to rejoin their communities as whole, contributing members rather than continuing to bear the stigma of the harm and offense


The major problem your instructor has with Packers two models of criminal justice is that Packer fails to acknowledge that a proper Crime Control Model, includes die process


Three generally accepted ways for victims to be included in the criminal justice system are: getting information about their case; permission to be present at proceedings; and filling a victim impact statement


The corner post values of restorative justice are inclusion, amends, reintegration, and Transformation

Correct Statement

Amends includes

apology changed behavior restitution generosity

Grffths contended that Packer's dual models (crime control and due process) really constituted just one model, which he called the

battle model

According to Griffiths, Packers adversarial models assumed disharmony and fundamentally irreconcilable interests amounting to state a war. Griffths proposed assuming "reconcilable--even mutually supportive---interests, a state of love" which he called the "family" model


According to the text, giving victims a formal role in the criminal justice system would mean both an explicit recognition that crime is an offense against the victim and a distinction between the legal interests of the victim and the government


According to the text, in order to justly incorporate the interests of victims in reparation, victims could be granted legal standing to argue for restitution at sentencing and at any other stage on which that interests may be affected


According to the text, reintegration means re-entry into community life as a whole, contributing, productive person


According to the text, restitution is appropriate for those who have suffered the most direct and specific injuries. The more indirect or general the injuries, the less likely it should be for a judge to order restitution


According to the text, when we view the justice process through a different lens (to use Howard Zehr's analogy), old problems, issues, and solutions look different as new implications, questions, and possibilities come into view


Accordning to the text, if restitution is not feasible because of an offenders circumstances restitution should still be sentencing priority, along with a commitment to find ways to make it more feasible


After a circle process has produced a plan by consensus of the whole circle, are follow-up circles typically implemented to monitor progress


Because victims are in a different moral position than offenders(having been wronged as opposed to causing the harm), encounter process facilitators make sure the parties examine the moral implications of the offenders actions as well as the damage caused


Consistent with the common understanding of punishment, restorative justice insists on accountability even when that is painful for the offender


Justice structures-even restorative justice structures-may have flaws that result in less justice for some, According to the text, this is inevitable and must be accepted


Many crime victim advocates are cautious about restorative justice, fearing that victims interests will be subordinated by an overriding (even if not explicit) concern for the offender rehabilitation


One of the reasons crime victims give for becoming involved in restorative process is to help "turn the offender around" in order to keep others from becoming victims


Victim concerns and issues should be at the center of work for restorative justice


We learned from the Quakers development of the penitentiary that a good vision is only as effective as its outcomes


Restorative justice differs from contemporary criminal justice practice in that it views criminal acts more comprehensively. this includes

limiting crime to lawbreaking offenders harm victims, committees, or themselves

Effective victim-offender encounters includes

mediation conferencing circles victims meet with their own offenders

A hallmark of restorative justice is transformation, not just reformation, of

of perspective of structures of persons

Recompense means the obligation to pay for wrongful to a crime victim. the responsibility for recompense rests with


As laid out in the text, reintegration for victims focuses first on crisis intervention and help with the trauma resulting from the crime and then

ongoing support as life is resumed in the new "normal" patterns Stablizing or community in which the feel secure and cared for others Which to redefine and redirect his or her life

According to the text, in order to transform perspectives, we need to apply

opens to learning how to order our thoughts in a different pattern Creativity Study others culture or history Challenge assumptions

A mediation meeting allows the victim and offender to do what

opportunity to meet together with the assistance of a trained mediator to talk about the crime and agree on steps toward justice

According to VNS, the strengths of restorative justice begin with its more holistic view of crime. This includes recognizing the resulting harm and not just the law-breaking, as well as

recognizing the resulting harm and not just lawbreaking measures success, the amount of damage that has been repaired

There are several reasons for providing restorative processes n Prison. These include

Help prisoners develop an awareness of and empathy for victims Create culture Prisoners to meet their victims

What legal claim was noted by your instructor as to Ed's possibly being treated unfairly for something he did while in the closed workshop

His invention, should have gotten rights/money for it

In the RJ city study of a crime and its aftermath, what aspect bothered your instructor the most

Lack of Defense Council

In the usual practice of criminal justice, once a crime is reported, the victim and members of the community play central roles in the case

Not Correct

Restorative justice theory seeks to address and balance the rights, needs, and responsibilities of victims, offenders, communities, and the government.

Not Correct

While David never received a Miranda warning, Ed received one when it became clear he was going to an adverbial trial

Not Correct

According to the text, victims, offenders, and communities should have the opportunity for active involvement in the justice process only when their lawyers say its okay

Not correct

In restorative justice, inclusion means

The opportunity for direct and active involvement of each party in the procedures that follow a crime

At what point does Ed arguably have a defense counsel


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