Route 66: Lessons 52-62

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Our real enemy is not of what?

Flesh and blood

How can we build unity between our churches and other churches?

Follow Christ, not men; love each other; be orderly in worship

How did Paul hear about the Colossians' faith?

From a man named Epaphras who had taken the gospel to Colosse and had built a church there

Where did Paul write the book of Colossians?

From prison in Rome

What does the story about Onesimus teach us about forgiveness?

We should be more willing to forgive others when they wrong us.

What did Paul call Timothy?

"My own son in the faith"

How did Paul feel about the Philippians?

He loved them and longed to be with them; they were his joy and crown

What did Paul urge Titus to do?

Teach sound doctrine with authority

To bring us back to himself, God presented Jesus as a propitiation. What does the word propitiation mean?

That Jesus payed the price

Who was 1 Corinthians written to?

The church of God at Corinth

Who was 2 Corinthians written to?

The church of God at Corinth and to all of the saints throughout Achaia

Who was 1 and 2 Thessalonians written to?

The church of Thessalonica, in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

Who was Colossians written to?

The saints and faithful brothers at Colosse

Who was Philippians written to?

The saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi together with the overseers and deacons

Where is Crete?

A large island south of Greece in the Mediterranean Sea

What should be characteristics of all overseers?

Above reproach (blameless); not given to much wine; not a lover of money/covetous

What did Paul ask Philemon to do?

Accept Onesimus back back as a favor to Paul and also because Onesimus had repented

How are people justified or made right with God?

By faith in Jesus Christ

What are Christians united by?


Paul left Titus in where, and to do what?

Crete; set in order the things that were lacking and to appoint elders in every town

What are some principles from 1 and 2 Corinthians that instruct believers about giving to God's church or providing what others need?

Excel in the grace of giving; share equally as Christians have needs; God loves a cheerful giver

The images of dark and light are to contrast what?

Good and evil; as Christians, we were once in darkness, but now we are the light of the world and are to live as children of the light

In what ways did Jesus show His humility?

He became a human with the attitude elf a servant; he obeyed God the Father even to the point of laying down his life

What is the difference between why Paul wrote to the Ephesians rather than the Galatians?

He wrote to the Ephesians to praise and encourage them, and the Galatians to scold them

How does Paul prove he has authority to teach as an apostle of Christ?

His conduct among them was holy; their lives proved he taught good things; he opened his heart to them

What two men "shipwrecked their faith"?

Hymenaeus and Alexander

Why does Paul say he is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

It is the power of God for salvation to all who believe

What is the main theme of Philippians?

J O Y :)

When a husband lives in the light, what does he do?

Loves his wife like Christ loves the church

According to Romans 6:3-5, how is a believer united with Jesus Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection?

We are buried with Him and raised to walk in newness of life

What was one of the things Paul wanted the Galatians to know?

We are justified by faith

Who wrote 1 Corinthians?

Paul and Sosthenes, while they were in Ephesus

Who wrote Colossians?

Paul and Timothy

Who wrote Philemon?

Paul and Timothy

Who wrote 2 Corinthians?

Paul and Timothy while they were in Macedonia

Who wrote Philippians?

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ

Who wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians?

Paul, Sylus, and Timothy while they were in Corinth

Who wrote Titus?

Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ

Who wrote Ephesians?

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of the Gods

Who wrote Galatians?

Paul, and apostle sent by Jesus Christ and God the Father

Who wrote 1 and 2 Timothy?

Paul, while he was in prison at Rome for the second time

Who wrote Romans?

Paul, who described himself as a servant of Christ

What does the word Gentiles mean?

People who are not of the Jewish religion or nation

Who was Philemon written to?

Philemon ( a dearly beloved friend and fellow laborer of Paul) and to Apphia and Archippus and the church that met in their house

Where did Paul write Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians from?

Prison in Rome

Where did Paul write Philippians from?

Prison in Rome

What does being dead to sin mean?

We do not let sin reign in our bodies so that we will obey its evil desires; we do not yield the members of our bodies to be instruments of unrighteousness; sin does not have domain over us

How do we "think eternity"?

Seek eternal things; fix your desires on things above; put to death our sinful desires; put on the good things from above; do everything in the name of Christ, giving thanks to God

When a wife lives in the light, what does she do?

Submits to and respects her husband

What are the pieces of the spiritual armor that we are to use to stand against the devil?

The helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, sword of the Spirit, shield of faith, belt of truth, and shoes equipped with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace

Our real enemy is really what?

The principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places

What seven reasons does Paul give for unity in the church?

There is ONE : body, spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, God the Father of all

Why did Paul write to the Corinthians?

There were divisions in the church; they were acting worldly;they misused and abused the Lord's supper

How do you think 1 and 2 Timothy can help us?

They can teach us how to be good leaders in the church

Why does Paul write to the Galatians?

They were turning to a different gospel because of the influence of false teachers who preached a gospel of works

Who was Titus written to?

Titus, Paul's son in the sense they shared a common faith

Who was Romans written to?

To all who are in Rome, beloved of God

What was another reason Paul wrote to Thessalonians?

To answer questions about Christ's second coming

What was one of the reasons Paul wrote to both 1 and 2 Corinthians?

To ask for their help in raising a special offering

What does the word reconcile mean?

To bring back together; make peace in a relationship

Why did Paul write to the Christians at Thessalonica?

To commend (praise) them

What does the word justify mean?

To declare righteous; put into a right relationship with God

What was Paul's goal in life?

To know Christ, and become like Him

What was to focus of Paul's ministry?

To preach reconciliation

Who did he send the letter to Philippians with?

Tychicus, who also delivered letters to Ephesus and Colosse

What is the theme of Paul's first letter to Corinth?


What does being alive to God mean?

Yield yourself to God; yield yourself as instruments to God; free from sin and slaves to righteousness

Why did people sometimes look down on Timothy?

because he was young

What should be characteristics of all deacons?

blameless; not given to much wine; not greedy for dishonest gain

What does edify mean?

build up; encourage

What are the fruits of the spirit?

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

What does minister mean?


Why did Paul tell Timothy to stay in Ephesus?

so that he might instruct some not to teach other doctrine

What does doctrine mean?


Who was 1 and 2 Timothy written to?

to Timothy

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