School laws

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National Collective Labour Agreement (CCNL - Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro) - signed by ARAN (Agency for the Negotiation Representation of Public Administrations) and teachers' unions in 2018 - Teachers' working hours

- 25 hours (nursery school) - 22 hours (primary school) + 2 hours (educational planning) - 18 hours (secondary school)

Law 296/2006 - Old norm on Compulsory education + IeFP

- Education is compulsory for ten years (6-16 years) - Compulsory education can be completed through home education or at private institutions - Compulsory education can be completed at vocational training courses (IeFP) organised by Regions - Parents or guardians are responsible for ensuring that children complete compulsory education - Local authorities have the responsibility for supervising the completion of compulsory education - everyone has a right and a duty to receive education and training for at least 12 years within the education system

Pr. Decree 89/2009, art. 5 par. 10 - English weekly hours (lower secondary school)

- English is taught 3 hours per week - At the request of parents and depending on the availability of school staff, the teaching of English language can be increased from 3 to 5 hours per week, using the two hours allocated per week to the teaching of a second foreign language. In this case the level reached by students at the end of lower secondary school is not A2 but A2+/B1. - These two hours can also be used for teaching Italian to foreign students

Second-cycle State Leaving Examination (Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017) - Old Examination

- School/work activities and 'Citizenship and constitution' were taken into account during the exam - school credit was attributed according to Annex A of L.D. 62/2017 - max 40 points COMMISSION: 3 internal members, 3 external, 1 president (external) The examination consisted of: - two written tests set at national level in the following subjects: a. Italian (different text types: artistic, literary, philosophical, scientific, historical, social, economic, technological) - max 20 points b. the fundamental subject(s) of the course of study (in written, graphic, practical, musical form) - max 20 points - an oral test assessing the level of acquisition of the knowledge, skills and competences listed in the Student's Profile at the end of the second cycle (analysis of texts, documents, ability of creating links among subjects + relation or project on school/work activities + questions on 'Citizenship and Constitution') - max 20 points School year 2019/2020 & 2020/2021 (changes due to pandemic): school credit - max 60 point + oral test (only exam test) - max 40 points

Second-cycle State Leaving Examination (Min. Decree 65 of March 2022) - New Examination (s.y. 2021-22)

- School/work activities and 'Civic education' - former 'Citizenship and constitution' are taken into account during the exam - school credit attributed according to Annex A of L.D. 62/2017 is converted according to Annex C of M.D. 65/2022 - max 50 points COMMISSION: 6 internal members, 1 president (external) The examination consisted of: - two written tests set (the first ste at national level, the second by the examination committee) in the following subjects: a. Italian (different text types: artistic, literary, philosophical, scientific, historical, social, economic, technological) - max 15 points b. the fundamental subject(s) of the course of study (in written, graphic, practical, musical form) - max 10 points - an oral test assessing the level of acquisition of the knowledge, skills and competences listed in the Student's Profile at the end of the second cycle (analysis of texts, documents, ability of creating links among subjects + questions on 'Citizenship and Constitution') - max 25 points

Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017 (Implementational decree of Law 107/2015) - Rules on the assessment and certification of competences in the first cycle and state examinations, according to article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181, letter i of law, n. 107, 13 July 2015 - Changes to previous norms - First-cycle State Leaving Examination & INVALSI

- The exam includes three written tests and an interview, always evaluated with marks in tenths - The final grade is no longer the arithmetic average of the results of the tests and the admission evaluation, but the average between the admission grade and the average of all the tests - the INVALSI national test was removed from the exam and is taken in April. It is a requirement to be admitted at the exam but it doesn't affect the final grade - an English INVALSI test is introduced (final year of the primary school and of lower secondary school) - INVALSI tests become computer-based (except for primary school)

Board of class/Class council (Consiglio di classe) - Upper secondary school - Composition

- all teachers of the class - 2 parents - 2 students - the school manager or a delegate teacher among the board members (chairperson)

Board of class/Class council (Consiglio di classe) - Lower secondary school - Composition

- all teachers of the class - 4 parents - the school manager or a delegate teacher among the board members (chairperson)

Board of interclass (Consiglio di interclasse) - Primary school - Composition

- all teachers of the classes - 1 parent for each class - the school manager or a delegate teacher among the board members (chairperson)

Board of intersection (Consiglio di intersezione) - Nursery school - Composition

- all teachers of the sections - 1 parent for each section - the school manager or a delegate teacher among the board members (chairperson)

School board/council or Association board (Consiglio d'istituto) - responsibilities

- approval of the TYPS (3-year program of studies-PTOF) - organisation and planning of activities - approval of the school diary - adoption of regulations (partic. supervision of minor pupils, discipline for upper sec. school students) - preparation of annual budget, final account (financial + asset account) The board is in charge for 3 years (students are elected every year - candidates who loose their requisites are substituted)

INDIRE - National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research

- develops new teaching models - experiments the use of new technologies in training courses for teaching, administrative, technical and auxiliary staff - develops actions to: a. support the teaching improvement processes b. raise learning levels - observes and documents the phenomena related to the transformation of the curriculum in technical and professional education through quantitative and qualitative monitoring, databases and research reports - supports the projects: a. Erasmus + b. eTwinning c. Epale d. Eurydice

Board of teachers/ Teacher Council (Collegio docenti) - Responsibilities

- formulation of the TYPS (3-year program of studies-PTOF) - review of teaching activities and decision on teaching methods - adoption of textbooks - division of the school year (3 periods of 3 months, 2 periods of 4 months, 1 period of 3 month and one of 5 months) - proposal of initiatives for a. teachers education b. support of students with disabilities or learning difficulties c. integration of foreign students d. composition of classes e. assignment of teachers to classes f. preparation of the timetable

National Collective Labour Agreement (CCNL - Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro) - signed by ARAN (Agency for the Negotiation Representation of Public Administrations) and teachers' unions in 2018 - Teachers' obligations

- individual work (lesson preparation, paper correction, relations with families) - collective activities planned in the annual programme (up to 40 hours a year for attending the Teacher council meetings and carry out its related tasks - including school/family meetings - and up to 40 hours a year for the activities of the Class council) - exams and final exams - reception and supervision of students

School manager

- legal representative - responsible for a. overall management b. financial management c. quality of the service provided

Presidential Decree no. 89, March 20, 2009: revision of the educational, organizational and didactic structure of the school system of nursery and primary school (according to the Decree Law no. 112, June 25, 2008, article 64, subparagraph 4)

- regulates the composition of classes including pupils with special educational needs. - Music-oriented courses take place beyond the compulsory lesson hours - Additional teaching of the English language, or the Italian language for foreign students, can replace the two hours of teaching of the second community language, if required by families and if staff is available - inclusion of the "Citizenship and Constitution" course in the historical-geographical disciplinary area (replaced by 'Civic Education' from school year 2020/2021) - Catholic religion is mandatory for schools but optional for students, who can carry out extra-curricular activities linked to the values of citizenship with the support of teachers. Schools include the alternative activities in their own curriculum.

Director of General and Administrative Services (Direttore dei servizi generali e amministrativi - DSGA)

- supervises General and Administrative Services - co-ordinates the relevant staff - has operational autonomy (within school manager's instructions) - formulates projects and improvement proposals - is responsible for a. agreements b. contracts c. conventions

Executive Committee (Giunta esecutiva) - Composition & Responsibilities

- the School Manager - the Director of General and Administrative Services (DSGA) - 1 teacher - 1 representative of non-teaching personnel - 2 parents (or 1 parent + 1 student at upper secondary school) The Committee is elected by the School Board (Consiglio d'istituto) choosing among its own members and is in charge for 3 years Responsibilities: - to prepare the work of the School Board - to propose the program of financial activities to the School Board (aims to achieve and use of the financial resources according to the TYPS) - to report on the results of the financial management

Art. 33 - Italian Constitution

- the State is obliged to provide a State-school system accessible to all young people; - organisations and private individuals are entitled to set up schools at no cost to the State and can issue certificates with the same legal value as qualifications from State schools - freedom of arts and sciences, which may be freely taught

Teacher Evaluation Committee/Evaluation board (Law 107/2015) - Responsibilities

- to decide whether to: a. positively evaluate the test year b. ask for a repetition of the test year (the candidate didn't achieve the necessary number of service days or had a negative evaluation)

Legisl. Decree 59/2004 - Implementational Decree of Moratti Reform

-introduces the study of a 2nd European language in lower secondary school

Law no. 107, July 13, 2015: Reformation of the national system of education and learning (La Buona Scuola) - Contents

1. TYPS 2. School autonomy staff (school workers are expected to complete their service hours to lessons first, then PTOF projects and cover absent colleagues only if no other tasks need to be completed) 3. extraordinary plan for recruitment 4. FIT formation 5. teachers' evaluation committee 6. remuneration for school workers' enhancement 7. teachers' formation 8. direct call 10. alternating school-work programme (Transversal Skills and Orientation Pathways: Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l'Orientamento - PCTO) 11. National Plan for Digital Education (PNSD)

Inclusion of students with disabilities: Law 517/1977, Law 104, February 5, 1992 + Presid. Decree 24 Feb 1994 + Operational Guidelines Miur Note 4274/2009 + Rules for promoting the scholastic inclusion of students with disabilities Leg. Decree 66/2017

517/1977: abolition of differential classes + support teacher 104/92: 'a handicapped person is a person with a physical, mental or sensory impairment, stable or progressive, which leads to learning, relationship or work integration difficulties and the outcome is a process of social disadvantage or marginalisation' - Introduction of Individualised Education Plan (IEP) DPR 1994: Medical Colleges of Local Health Units are entrusted for the certification of the disability

School board/council or Association board (Consiglio d'istituto) - Composition (upper secondary school)

<500 students: 14 members (6 teachers, 3 parents, 3 students, 1 representative of non-teaching personnel, school manager) >500 students: 19 members (8 teachers, 4 parents, 4 students, 2 representatives of non-teaching personnel, school manager) President: 1 parent

School board/council or Association board (Consiglio d'istituto) - Composition (lower secondary school)

<500 students: 14 members (6 teachers, 6 parents, 1 representative of non-teaching personnel, school manager) >500 students: 19 members (8 teachers, 8 parents, 2 representatives of non-teaching personnel, school manager) President: 1 parent

National Guidelines for the Curriculum of 2012 (Min. Decree 254/2012 acc. to art. 1, par. 4 of Pres. Decree 89/2009) and 'Student's Profile at the end of the first cycle'

A document stating: - the purpose of lower secondary education, i.e. to enable students to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to develop basic cultural competence, in keeping with the principles of the Italian Constitution and European cultural tradition - some basic methodological approaches (traditional lessons, exercises and group work) - Teachers become responsible for elaborating choices related to contents, methods and evaluation, identifying the most significant educational paths in order to encourage effective learning experiences - the use of textbooks in digital or mixed format - The "physical" horizon of the school has expanded thanks to the use of technologies (ICT & Internet) The document: - includes the 'Student's Profile at the end of the first cycle': a document which briefly describes, within the Guidelines, the skills that each student is expected to possess by the end of the first cycle of education in the subjects taught - is based on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning set up by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union through the Recommendation of 18 December 2006

Document of May, 15th (Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017, art. 17, par. 1)

A documterm-22ent prepared by the Class Council and setting out: - the contents, methods, means, spaces and times of the learning path - the criteria, the assessment tools adopted and the objectives achieved - the ways in which the teaching of a non-linguistic discipline (DNL) in a foreign language has been activated using CLIL methodology - tests carried out in preparation for the examination - PCTOs, internships and apprenticeships - activities, courses and projects carried out as part of the former teaching of Citizenship and Constitution and the teaching of Civic Education - any other element useful and significant for the purposes of conducting the examination

Teacher's trial period

A period of at least 180 days during which the teacher: - follows a path of training at work - receives professional assistance by a tutor appointed by the school manager - attends 50 hours of training It is: - programmed by the Teacher Council according to TYPS - defined by Law 107/2015 as: a. mandatory b. permanent c. structural

INVALSI (National Institute for the Evaluation of Education and Training System)

A research institute that has the task of carrying out periodic and systematic checks on the studies of Italian students (the INVALSI National Tests), elaborating the results, improving the evaluation activities of the school system and individual schools. It grants the Italian participation in international surveys on the quality of school systems. As part of the National Evaluation System, INVALSI elaborates the tools for the self-evaluation of school institutions

Rules on public employment for teachers

According to Art. 98 of Constitution public employees are exclusively at the service of the State, but: - employees that choose a part-time not exceeding 50% of the full-time, can have a second job - teachers can give private lessons to students of other institutions, as long as the School Manager is informed - a full-time teacher can practice the profession with permission of the school manager as long as it is carried out outside teaching hours and does not constitute a conflict of interest (Leg. Decree 297/94, art. 508, par. 15)

Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017 (Implementational decree of Law 107/2015) - Rules on the assessment and certification of competences in the first cycle and state examinations, according to article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181, letter i of law, n. 107, 13 July 2015 - Changes to previous norms - Evaluation

According to the definition of competence (the ability to use knowledge, skills and personal social and/or methodological abilities): SUBJECT OF THE EVALUATION: learning process and learning outcomes PURPOSE OF EVALUATION: to contribute to the improvement of learning and educational success Other changes: - Grades in tenths will be accompanied by a description of the process and the overall level of learning development achieved (according to the criteria and procedures for assessing learning and behaviour established by the Board of teachers and included in the TYPS) - The assessment of behaviour will no longer be expressed in tenths, but with a summary judgment linked to citizenship skills - There is no longer automatic non-admission to the next class for those whose behaviour grade is less than 6/10 Each educational institution must be able to: - certify the acquisition of the skills also in order to promote orientation for next studies

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) - Pr. Decree 275/1999 and Law 53/2003 - Pros&Cons

Advantages: - time-effective (content and language taught simultaneously) - authentic and motivated use of the language - encourages cognitive flexibility in learners - encourages the acquisition of linguistic competence Challenges: - appropriate teachers' training - mixed-level classes

Law no. 107, July 13, 2015 & Law no. 145/2018 + Operational Guidelines of Min. Decree 774/2019 - Alternating School-work programme - later Transversal Skills and Orientation Pathways: PCTO (school year 2018-19)

An alternating school-work programme is compulsory for all learners in the last three years of upper secondary schools: - 200 hours throughout the 3 years for licei (107/2015) now: 90 hours (145/2018) - 400 hours throughout the 3 years in technical and vocational schools (107/2015) now: 150 hours in technical and 210 in vocational schools (145/2018) This can be arranged either during the school year or in summer, and also abroad. The law foresees the creation of a number of tools and mechanisms, such as a statute defining rights and duties of students and a national repository of companies and organizations that offer places for alternating school-work programmes

Disciplinary measures

As autonomous entities, all schools establish which behaviours constitute a breach of conduct, taking into account the basic principle that disciplinary measures must have educational aims, must always be temporary and aimed at redressing an injury. Students can be offered the chance to convert disciplinary measures into services performed for the school community.

Presidential Decree no. 275, March 8 1999 - AUTONOMY of educational institutions (according to article 21 of Law no. 59, March 15, 1997) Implementational Decree: Min. Decree 234/2000 (Regulation, laying down rules on curricula in the autonomy of school institutions, pursuant to Article 8 of P.D. 275/99)

Autonomy to: - define curricula (85% national, 15% autonomy - M.D. 234/2000) - widen the educational offer - organize teaching (school time and groups of students) It exists in order to - ensure the student's potential - promote the maturation of skills that students will use in the real world It is defined in the Plan of Program Studies (Pr. D. 275/1999) extended to 3 years (TYPS) by the Law 107/2015

Citizenship competence

Citizenship competence is the ability to act as responsible citizens and to fully participate in civic and social life, based on understanding of social, economic, legal and political concepts and structures, as well as global developments and sustainability.

Rules related to compulsory schooling: Ministerial Circular no. 101, December 30, 2010 Ministerial Decree no. 139, August 22, 2007 Law no. 296, December 27, 2006, article 1, subparagraph 622

Compulsory education starts at 6 years of age and lasts for 10 years up to 16 years of age. It covers the whole first cycle of education and two years of the second cycle. The last two years of compulsory education can be attended either in an upper secondary school or within the regional vocational education and training system (Compulsory schooling: Obbligo scolastico) Everyone has a right and a duty to receive education and training for at least 12 years within the education system or until they have obtained a three-year vocational qualification by the age of 18 (Training obligation: Obbligo formativo)

Min. Decree 28 June 1991

Compulsory foreign language at primary school

Digital competence

Digital competence involves the confident, critical and responsible use of, and engagement with, digital technologies for learning, at work, and for participation in society. It includes information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, media literacy, digital content creation (including programming), safety (including digital well-being and competences related to cybersecurity), intellectual property related questions, problem solving and critical thinking

Teacher Evaluation Committee/Evaluation board (Law 107/2015) - Composition

Disciplinary measures/Bonus: - School manager - 3 teachers (2 selected by the Teacher Council and 1 by the School Board) - 1 parent (selected by the School Board) - 1 external member (selected by the Regional School office - USR) Teacher's trial period: - School manager - 3 teachers (2 selected by the Teacher Council and 1 by the School Board) - the tutor The committee is in charge for 3 years

Entrepreneurship competence

Entrepreneurship competence refers to the capacity to act upon opportunities and ideas, and to transform them into values for others. It is founded upon creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, taking initiative and perseverance and the ability to work collaboratively in order to plan and manage projects that are of cultural, social or financial value.

Inclusion of students with disabilities - GLO (different from GLI!)

Established by L. 104/92 and never changed (unlike GLI, see Min. Circular 8/2013) GLO: Operational Work Group, is composed by: - School manager - Teachers of the Class council - Health workers entrusted to work with the student - autonomy and communication assistant (if present) - parents Responsibilities: - drafting, updating and final check of IEP - indication of the amount of hours during which the support teacher is necessary for the next year to GLI - documentation about the State examination

Validity of the school year (Min. Circ. 20/2011)

For the school year to be valid, pupils must attend at least three quarters of the annual teaching time (150 out of 200 days). In exceptional cases, schools can autonomously provide for justified derogations (Teacher council)

Leg. Decree 297/1994

Governance of school institutions. - regulates the power of governing bodies at all education levels - regulates the management of state school distributed among collegiate bodies, students and students' families - describes the functions of collegiate bodies and the role of students and parents (together with Leg. Decree 275/1999)


ICF: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, based on 3 domains: a. Body Function and Structures Domain b. Activities domain c. participation domain DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ICD: International Classification of Diseases

Inclusion of students with disabilities - Documents (Legislative Decree no. 66, April 13, 2017)

In order to ensure the personalisation of the education pathways the following documents need to be drafted: > the functional diagnosis for which the medical specialists are responsible (they can: deny the existence of any disabilities - certify the disability - classify the disability as "serious"); > the functional dynamic profile, a result of the collaboration between the medical specialist staff and the teachers of the Class council (according to the criteria of the psycho-social model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health- ICF adopted by the World Health Organization - WHO). This document is released to the child's family which submits a copy to the local authority for the Individual project (an all-encompassing document of inclusion for all contexts of life) and to the school; > The Individual Project is drawn up by the competent Local Body on the basis of the Functioning Profile, upon request and in collaboration with parents. Performances, services and measures contained therein are also defined in collaboration with educational institutions > the Individualised Education Plan (IEP)

Law no. 107, July 13, 2015 - Teacher's Electronic Card

In-house teachers can use an Electronic Card charged with an amount of 500 euro to pay for the purchase of study or work tools or as a contribution for the registration in schools offering updating and training courses

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) - Pr. Decree 275/1999 and Law 53/2003 - Definition, HARD&SOFT CLIL

Introduced by David Marsh and Anne Maljers, it is an approach according to which students learn a subject and a second language at the same time through the teaching of a non-linguistic subject in a foreign language. It can be developed in every order of school. It integrates: Content: the curricular subject progression in knowledge Communication: using a language to learn a subject while learning the language Cognition: developing cognitive and thinking skills Culture: understanding yourself and the other better by becoming global citizen HARD/strong CLIL: lessons are driven by content, with little linguistic scaffolding SOFT/weak CLIL: lessons are more focused on the foreign language

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) - Pr. Decree 275/1999, Law 53/2003, Regulations 87-88-89/2010, Miur Note 4969/2014

Introduced on a voluntary basis by Pr. Decree 275/1999 (Autonomy) was made mandatory for upper secondary schools by Law 53/2003 (Moratti), according to which teachers must have a C1 level of language. 2010 Regulations: Liceo linguistico: from 3rd year (English) and from 4th year (second or third language Licei: 5th year (foreign language) Tecnici: 5th year (English) Miur Note 4969/2014 : Operational guidelines

Cultural awareness and expression competence

It involves having an understanding of and respect for how ideas and meaning are creatively expressed and communicated in different cultures and through a range of arts and other cultural forms. It involves being engaged in understanding, developing and expressing one's own ideas and sense of place or role in society in a variety of ways and contexts.

Comprehensive Institute - Law 97/1994, Law Decree 98/2011 converted into Law 111/2011

It is an administrative unit that groups one or more pre-primary, primary and lower secondary schools. Law 97/1994: introduced them as an alternative organisation of schools in mountain areas. Law-decree 98/2011 (converted into law 111/2011): established the comprehensive institute as the only form of organisation of schools up to the lower secondary level to assure didactic continuity within the same cycle of education. They: - are managed by a single school manager - gain autonomy when they have at least 1 000 students enrolled, lowered to 500 in schools in rural areas, small islands and areas with linguistic specificity. Schools that are not grouped in comprehensive institutes, i.e. upper secondary schools, gain autonomy if the number of students enrolled is likely to remain constant for five years and ranging from 500 to 900 students. - have administrative and accountancy autonomy, except for what concerns the school staff that falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of education

Presidential Decree no. 122, June 22, 2009: Regulation on the evaluation of students

It is in line with methods and criteria of TYPS - Periodic assessment: at the end of each term, focuses on: a. learning process b. behaviour c. learning outcomes - Final assessment: at the end of each school year and at the First-cycle State leaving examination, stated in the personal assessment document, including: a. marks in numbers for subjects b. marks in letters for Catholic religious education (optional) c. marks for behaviour (primary s: letters; lower ss: letters; upper ss: numbers) d. a report containing the interest shown and the results achieved - External assessment: carried out by INVALSI

NIV (Nucleus of Internal Evaluation); RAV (Self-Assessment Report); PDM (Improvement Plan); NEV (Nucleus of External Evaluation) - Presidential Decree no. 80, March 28, 2013

NIV is a nucleus made up of teachers and chaired by the school manager, dealing with: - the Institute's self-assessment - the drafting and/or updating of the RAV (Self-Assessment Report) - published on 'Scuola in chiaro', a section of the Ministry of Education's information system ; - the implementation and/or coordination of the actions foreseen by the PDM (Improvement Plan) based on the RAV and the monitoring in itinere in order to activate the necessary preventive and/or corrective actions; - the drafting and administration of customer satisfaction questionnaires; - the sharing of customer satisfaction results with the school community NEV is a nucleus made up of 2 external experts selected by INVALSI and chaired by a technical manager, whose main responsibilities are: - the inspection visits in schools - the proposal of improvement actions based on RAV objectives

Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017 (Implementational decree of Law 107/2015) - Rules on the assessment and certification of competences in the first cycle and state examinations, according to article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181, letter i of law, n. 107, 13 July 2015 - Changes to previous norms - Admission to the next class

PRIMARY SCHOOL: students are admitted to the next class and to the first class of lower secondary school even if competences in different subjects "are not fully consolidated or are in the process of being acquired" LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL: admission to the next year is allowed even if competences in different subjects "are not fully consolidated or are in the process of being acquired"; in any case, every school is obliged to undertake remedial courses and to improve learning levels. - There is no longer automatic non-admission to the next class for those whose behaviour grade is less than 6/10

Organisation of the education system

Pre-primary school (3-6 years) - First cycle of education [lasting 8 years]→ 1. Primary school [5 years] (6-11 years) 2. Lower secondary school [3 years] (11-14 years) - Second cycle of education - 2 pathways a. State upper secondary school - lasting 5 years (14-19 years) Licei, technical institutes, vocational institutes b. Three and four-years vocational training courses (IeFP) - organised by Regions (Law 296/2006) - Higher education a. Universities b. Institutes of the Higher Education in Art and Music system (AFAM) c. Higher Technical Institutes (ITS)

Law 148/1990

Reform of the primary school system

Responsibilities of local authorities

Regions are responsible for: - the general planning of the educational offer - the school network Provinces are responsible for: - ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of upper secondary school buildings (Law 23/96) Municipalities are responsible for: - ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of nursery, primary and lower secondary school buildings (Law 23/96) - transport

Board of teachers/ Teacher Council (Collegio docenti) - Composition

School manager (chairperson) and permanent and temporary teachers on duty

Law no. 107, July 13, 2015 - National Plan for Digital Education (PNSD: Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale) - Specific measures

Specific measures to support schools in developing digital education are: - internet connection for every school - interactive whiteboards in every classroom - environments for integrated digital education - a digital profile for teacher and students - an ICT Coordinator - the use of electronic register - the promotion of Open Educational Resources - the adoption of a BYOD programme (let students use their own device at school)

Civic education (former 'Citizenship and Constitution') - Law no. 92, August 20, 2019 - Operational guidelines: Ministerial Decree 35/2020

Starting from school year 2020/2021, the compulsory and cross-curricular subject 'Civic education' (entrusted jointly to all class teachers) replaces 'Citizenship and Constitution' and is also taught in pre-primary schools. Main issues: a) Constitution, institutions of the Italian State, the European Union and international organizations; b) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015; c) digital citizenship education; e) environmental education, eco-sustainable development and protection of the environmental heritage, identity, production and territorial excellences; f) education to legality and the fight against mafia; g) education to respect and enhance the cultural heritage and public asset; h) basic training in civil protection L. 92/2019 extends the "Joint Responsibility Agreement" between school and family also to primary school

Funzioni strumentali (Reference teachers)

Teachers who have received special assignments for the collaboration with the school manager or for the coordination of the areas of activity in the TYPS (e.g. inclusion of SEN students, website management, educational guidance - orientamento)

Presidential Decree no. 88 March 15, 2010: regulation related to the reorganization of technical institutes - 5 years, divided into two two-year periods and a fifth year

Technical institutes are divided into 2 sectors (compared to the previous 10) and 11 course types (compared to the previous 39). ECONOMICS - Administration, finance and marketing - Tourism TECHNOLOGY - Mechanics and energy - Transportation and logistics - Electronics - Informatics - Graphics and communication - Chemistry and biotechnology - Fashion system - Agronomics -Construction, environment and territory analysis

Key Competences for Lifelong Learning set up by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union through the Recommendation of 18 December 2006 - Council recommendation of 22 May 2018

The 8 competences are at the basis of the curriculum development: ● Literacy competence ● Multilingual competence ● Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering ● Digital competence ● Personal, social and learning to learn competence ● Citizenship competence ● Entrepreneurship competence ● Cultural awareness and expression competence In support of competence-oriented education, training and learning in lifelong learning context, three challenges have been identified: ● the use of a variety of learning approaches and contexts (inquiry-based, project-based, blended, arts- and game-based) ● support for teachers and other educational staff (to use digital technologies) ● assessment and validation of competence development

Erasmus+ Programme (Creation: January 2014)

The European Union program for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. It promotes learning mobility of individuals, groups, sport staff and offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in: higher education, vocational training, school education (including early childhood education and care), adult education, youth and sport. - Key Action 1, Learning Mobility of Individuals: to improve foreign language and digital competences, enhance intercultural awareness, increase self-empowerment and self-esteem; - Key Action 2, Cooperation among organisations and institutions: to increase capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level, awareness of the role of sport in promoting social inclusion, equal opportunities and a healthy lifestyle - Key action 3, Support to policy development and cooperation: to contribute to the development of new policies, which can trigger modernisation and reforms in the fields of education, training youth and sport

Law no. 107, July 13, 2015 - National Plan for Digital Education (PNSD: Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale) - ICT coordinator (Animatore digitale)

The ICT coordinator can: ● provide support to colleagues on how to integrate digital technologies into their teaching ● coordinate and organize professional development activities and training ● manage teacher networks and digital platforms; ● assist and advise school heads in drafting and implementing a school digital plan ● support the school management in promoting digital education events and activities ● involve families in specific training sessions to become familiar with digitalisation topics; As regards their technical role, digital coordinators may: ● ensure the installation and maintenance of IT equipment, as well as the installation and configuration of software; ● analyze ICT related needs and coordinate the purchase of new equipment

School calendar

The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) is responsible for defining the dates for the first and the second cycle leaving examinations and the calendar for nationwide holidays. The Regions are responsible for defining the school calendar (start and end of school activities, length of breaks for national holidays, other holidays) so that it reflects local needs. Every year, the Ministry publishes a summary table on its website showing all regional school calendars.

Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering

The ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking and insight in order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations (maybe using formulas, models, constructs, graphs, charts), to explain the natural world by making use of the body of knowledge and methodology employed and applications of that knowledge and methodology in response to perceived human wants or needs.

Personal, social and learning to learn competence

The ability to reflect upon oneself, effectively manage time and information, work with others in a constructive way, remain resilient and manage one's own learning and career. It includes the ability to cope with uncertainty and complexity, learn to learn, support one's physical and emotional wellbeing, to maintain physical and mental health, and to be able to lead a health-conscious, future-oriented life, empathize and manage conflict in an inclusive and supportive context.

Lisbon Strategy 2000 - European Council

The aim of the Lisbon Strategy, launched in March 2000 by the European Council, was to make Europe "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion". In 2000, the strategy was based on economic and social pillars. One year later, the environmental dimension was added

Directive of 27 December 2012 - Inclusion of SEN (Special educational needs) students

The area of special educational needs includes: ● Disabilities (Law 104/1992) - WELCOMING ● Specific developmental disorders and/or specific learning disorders (Law 170/2010) - INTEGRATION ● Disadvantage from socio-economic, linguistic and cultural factors, includes foreign students (Directive of 27 December 2012) - INCLUSION

Three Years Program of Studies (TYPS: PTOF) - Law 107/2015; previously Plan of Program of Studies (POF) - Pr. Decree 275/1999

The cultural and planning document describing the identity of each school It is: ● public, so it can be read by the families ● prepared by the board of teachers basing on the guidelines for school activities and on the management and administration decisions defined by the school manager ● approved by the School Board (Consiglio d'Istituto) It indicates: - the curricular, extra-curricular, educational and organizational projects that the school adopts according to the school autonomy regulations (including digital competences) - the compulsory curriculum offered by the school to its students, which arises from the overall national quota and the quota reserved to schools, including the disciplines and the activities freely chosen by the single institution to enhance the cultural specificity of the territory - the criteria for evaluation and those for the recognition of credits related to the activities carried out for the extension of the training offer It lasts: - three-year duration but can be reviewed annually

First-cycle State Leaving Examination (Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017, Min. Decree 741 of October 2017 & Min. Decree 64 of March 2022) - Examination

The examination consisted of: - three written tests set by the examination committee in the following subjects: a. Italian (Ss choose among: a narrative or descriptive text; an argumentative text, a track of understanding and synthesis of a literary, informative or scientific text) b. Mathematics and Rudiments of Science and ICT (problems articulated on one or more requests and open-ended questions) c. the two community languages studied (Ss choose among: reading comprehension with T/F and open questions; open cloze; rewriting or transformation of a text; guided dialogue; letter or email about family or daily life issues; guided summary) - an oral test assessing the level of acquisition of the knowledge, skills and competences required by the National Guidelines (argumentation, problem solving, critical and reflective thinking) !!! Min. Decree 64 of March 2022 (s.y. 2021-22): The examination consists of: - TWO written tests on: a. Italian b. Mathematics and Rudiments of Science and ICT - an oral test (particularly on competences in foreign languages and civic education)

Legislative Decree no. 66, April 13, 2017: Rules for promoting the scholastic inclusion of students with disabilities, in accordance with article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181, letter c of law no. 107, July 13, 2015

The law: - regulates the appointment of support teachers - regulates the qualifications to become a support teacher (university course specialisation) - regulates the appointment of the administrative and technical staff of the school in relation to the number of students with disabilities - recognizes the right to education of children who cannot attend school for health reasons - allocates a budget to be used for inclusion activities Local Authorities must: - appoint qualified staff for the communicative and assistance needs of the students - provide transportation services The Decree implements a system of appraisal for inclusion at school according to criteria set by Invalsi and aimed at measuring: - the implementation of Individualized, differentiated and personalized learning processes. -the participation of other stakeholders in the projects of inclusion - the training of teachers on the theme of inclusion - the sharing of specific tools and methods for the evaluation of students with disabilities - the accessibility of spaces and resources for the inclusion

Legislative Decree no. 76, April 15, 2005: Definition of general rules related to the right/duty of education (according to Law no. 53, March 28, 2003, article 2, subparagraph 1)

The right/duty to education starts when a student is enrolled in the first class of primary school, though every child is offered the opportunity to attend nursery school

Art. 34 - Italian Constitution

The school is open to everybody. Lower education, provided for at least eight years, is compulsory and free. Outstanding students, even if without means, have the right to reach the highest grades of education.

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) - Pr. Decree 275/1999 and Law 53/2003 - Teacher's role, HOTS&LOTS, CALP&BICS

The teacher's role in CLIL is: - to facilitate the transition from the use of Bloom's Taxonomy LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills : remembering, understanding, applying) to HOTS (High Order Thinking skills: analysing, evaluating, creating) - to allow students to develop CALP (Cognitive and Academic Language Proficiency) and not only BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication skills)

Presidential Decree no. 89 March 15, 2010: regulation related to the reorganization of licei - 5 years, divided into two two-year periods and a fifth year

There are 6 types of licei: - artistic - classic - linguistic - music and dance - scientific (with possible activation of the Applied Sciences option, as well as of the sports section) - human sciences (with the possible activation of an economic and social option)

Multilingual competence

This competence defines the ability to use different languages appropriately and effectively for communication. It is based on the ability to understand, express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral and written form (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in an appropriate range of societal and cultural contexts. Language competences integrate a historical dimension and intercultural competences. It relies on the ability to mediate between different languages and media, as outlined in the CEFR

Joint Responsibility Agreement (Pr. Decree 235/2007 & Law 92/2019)

This document details the rights and duties (e.g. use of mobile telephones and electronic devices at school) of all stakeholders in the school community, i.e. the school itself, the students and their families. L. 92/2019 extends the "Joint Responsibility Agreement" between school and family also to primary school

Legislative Decree no. 61, April 13, 2017: Revision of vocational education paths, in compliance with article 117 of the Constitution, as well as in connection to vocational education and training paths, according to article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181, letter d of law, n. 107, 13 July 2015

This law relaunches vocational education and radically redesigns the system, which should be based on: - New course types: from 6 to 11, they are increasingly consistent with the production system that characterizes the "Made in Italy"; - A new teaching model, based on personalization and a full integration of skills, abilities and knowledge; - Orientation didactics, aimed at accompanying female students throughout the whole path; - A common two-year period, followed by a three-year period aimed at deepening the students' training. The fundamental elements of the decree concern: - the exit profiles of the 11 study courses envisaged for the professional reform; - the learning outcomes expressed in terms of competences and related skills and knowledge; - the relationship between the Economic Activities (ATECO) and the related fields of study of Vocational Education; - the new timetables with precise articulations for the general area and the distinct areas for each course type; - the correlation between the five-year courses of professional education and the qualifications (three-year) and diplomas (four-year) provided by the IeFP (Education and Vocational Training);

Law no. 107, July 13, 2015: Reformation of the national system of education and learning (La Buona Scuola) - General changes to previous norms

This reform foresees changes in several aspects of education and reinforces the school-work relationship and the improvement of digital skills: - provisions for alternating school-work programme hours - support of post-secondary education at Technical Institutes (2-year programmes offering technical specialized training and managed by public-private foundations at local level) - boost competence-based didactics ('local laboratories for employability': organizations, involving public and private bodies, chambers of commerce, universities, employers' associations and trade unions and companie) - creation of school networks at local level managed by regional schools offices (better use of resources, realization of projects for didactics, sports or culture) - provisions for teacher training and evaluation (compulsory on-the-job training for teachers - FIT, formazione iniziale e tirocinio - never put into practice)

First-cycle State Leaving Examination (Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017, Min. Decree 741 of October 2017 & Min. Decree 64 of March 2022) - Admission

To be admitted to the State examination, students were required to: • have attended at least 75% of the annual teaching time • participate to the Invalsi test in Italian, mathematics and English The Class council decides by majority vote whether or not students can be admitted to the examination and assigns a mark out of ten. !!! Min. Decree 64 of March 2022 (s.y. 2021-22): To be admitted to the State examination, students are required to: • have attended at least 75% of the annual teaching time (but the Board of Teachers can provide for particular dispensations) !! INVALSI tests were not an admission requirement

Second-cycle State Leaving Examination (Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017, Min. Decree 741 of October 2017 & Min. Decree 65 of March 2022) - Admission

To be admitted to the State examination, students were required to: • have attended at least 75% of the annual teaching time • participate to the Invalsi test in Italian, mathematics and English; • have participated to the school-work programme during the last 3 years of school The Class council decides by majority vote whether or not students can be admitted to the examination and assigns a mark out of ten. !!! Min. Decree 65 of March 2022 (s.y. 2021-22): To be admitted to the State examination, students are required to: • have attended at least 75% of the annual teaching time (but the Board of Teachers can provide for particular dispensations) !! INVALSI tests and the completion of school-work programme were not an admission requirement

Certification of Competences at the end of the First-cycle State Leaving Examination (Legisl. Decree 62 of 13 April 2017 - Implementational decree of Law 107/2015 - Min. Decree 742 of October 2017)

Together with the first cycle diploma, students are given a certification of Competence with reference to European key competences. The eight key competences are certified by schools and for each competence, the achieved level must be indicated: advanced, intermediate, basic, initial. According to the National Guidelines for the Curriculum, the object of certification is the skills set out in the 'Student's Profile at the end of the first cycle' (within the National Guidelines). Competences: - Communication in the Mother tongue - Communication in foreign languages - Mathematical, Scientific and Technological competences - Digital competences - Learning to learn - Social and civic competences - Entrepreneurship - Cultural awareness and expression (identity - potentiality)

Presidential Decree no. 87 March 15, 2010: regulation related to the reorganization of professional institutes - 5 years, divided into two two-year periods and a fifth year

Vocational schools are divided into 2 sectors (compared to previous 5) and 6 course types (compared to previous 27). The weekly timetable is 32 hours. SERVICES - Agriculture and rural development - Social and health services - Enograstronomy and hotel hospitality - Commercial services INDUSTRY AND CRAFTS - Industrial production and crafts - Maintenance and technical assistance

Law no. 107, July 13, 2015 - National Plan for Digital Education (PNSD: Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale)

a policy launched for setting up a comprehensive innovation strategy across Italy's school system and bringing it into the digital age. It's organized into 5 areas: -tools - skills - content - staff training - supporting measures. The plan consists of 35 actions each focusing on a different topic: - students' information and data literacy - digital content creation and computational thinking; - the development of innovative school buildings - school digitalisation - research units on the impact of digital media and devices - training for school staff - the development of digital learning resources and OER (Open Educational Resources)

Art. 30 - Italian Constitution

established the duty and right of parents to support, raise and educate their children

Charter of Students in Secondary Schools (Presid. Decree 249/1998)

establishes the rights and duties of students Rights: - qualified education - freedom to learn - transparent and rapid evaluation - respect for cultural and religious values Duties: - attend school regularly - behave correctly - comply with rules - fulfil study requirements consistently

Scuola in Chiaro

is a portal created in 2011 whose main feature is to make available to families in a single web page all the general and specific information about the school to which they plan to enroll their child. Each school has its own online profile that contains the most important information, such as: - the services and activities - the TYPS - the participation in national or international projects - information on teaching, such as textbooks and school hours - facilities and equipment available, such as workshops and multimedia equipment, - types of certifications that are issued and on statistics relating to students - information on school staff and school buildings

School Education Gateway (included in Erasmus+)

is an online platform for teachers, researchers, teacher educators, policy makers and other professionals working in the field of school education to keep updated about European policy and actions for schools presented in 29 European languages

Board of intersection (nursery school) - interclass (primary school) - class (secondary school) - responsibilities

only-teacher modality: - to provide for educational coordination - to carry out the periodic and final evaluation teachers+representatives modality: - to promote educational collaboration - to assess the learning activity - to approve educational projects - to propose the annual plan of visits - to give an opinion on the adoption of textbooks - to favour the relationship among teachers, students and parents - to adopt disciplinary measures

Presidential Decree no. 80, March 28, 2013: Regulamentation on the national system of evaluation in education and training

started a process to introduce in the Italian school the culture of evaluation. The decree identifies the subjects of the National Evaluation System (that implements the quality assurance in school education). The evaluation process consists of four phases: ● self-evaluation of schools, ● external evaluation of schools (INVALSI and INDIRE) ● improvement actions ● public accountability of schools.

Eurydice (Greek: true judgement) - included in Erasmus+, Key Action 3

the European information network on education and educational systems in 37 countries. It publishes information on education systems and policies, descriptions of national education systems, thematic comparative studies, indicators and other statistical data in the field of education

Epale (included in Erasmus+)

the European online platform entirely dedicated to the adult education sector

Inclusion of students with disabilities - IEP (Law 104, February 5, 1992 + Presid. Decree 24 Feb 1994 + Operational Guidelines Miur Note 4274/2009 + Rules for promoting the scholastic inclusion of students with disabilities Leg. Decree 66/2017. Last changes to IEP: Interministerial Decree 182/2020 and Note 40/2021)

the Individualised Education Plan (IEP): - describes the integrated and balanced actions to implement in order to guarantee the right to education and training to students with disabilities in order to create a learning environment that promotes communication, interaction and social relationships - is drafted by the support teachers of the class and other outside experts in collaboration with the class teachers and with the family of the student in line with the functioning profile - is signed by the School manager, the parents and the teachers - must be produced at the beginning of the year and it can be updated in case new evidence exists on the functioning abilities of the student - teachers from the previous school grade inform the following school grade about the students' performance as indicated in the IEP - regulates the methods and procedures of the Transversal Skills and Orientation Pathways (PCTO)

Literacy competence

the ability to identify, understand, express, create, and interpret concepts, feelings, facts and opinions in both oral and written forms, using visual, sound/audio and digital materials across disciplines and contexts. It implies the ability to communicate and connect effectively with others, in an appropriate and creative way

eTwinning (born in 2005 and included in Erasmus+ in 2014)

the community of teachers to connect, collaborate and share ideas in Europe managed by European Schoolnet, a network of 33 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels, aimed at bringing innovation in teaching and learning. Teachers can connect with other teachers and eTwinner online to follow their activities or learning events on various subjects (coding, gender-stereoypes, inclusing education)

INVALSI tests - Law 53/2003 & Law 176/2007

● Italian & Mathematics: Primary school (2nd and 5th year), Lower ss (3rd year), Upper ss (2nd and 5th year) ● English (A1&A2 reading+listening): Primary school (5th year, 60 min), Lower ss (3rd year, 90 min), Upper ss (5th year, 90 min) - Introduced in 2003 with the Law n. 53 of 28 March (Riforma Moratti) in an experimental version for lower secondary schools - Their actual introduction was stated by Law n.176 of 25 October 2007, and were first administered in higher secondary school in 2008, while for primary school and lower secondary school in 2009. - They became computer-based since 2018, except for primary school (Legisl. Decree 62/2017) - Even though they have always been mandatory, since 2020 they don't represent a necessary requirement to access the final exams anymore (Min. Decrees 64 - lower ss - and 65/2022 - upper ss)

Competence: knowledge + skills + attitudes

● knowledge is composed of facts and figures, concepts, ideas and theories which are already established and support the understanding of a certain area or subject; ● skills are defined as the ability and capacity to carry out processes and use the existing knowledge to achieve results; ● attitudes describe the disposition and mind-sets to act or react to ideas, persons or situations Competence is the combination of knowledge + skills + attitudes

Law 53/2003 (Moratti Reform)

● takes into consideration of Lisbon Strategy 2000; ● promotes lifelong learning and the development of skills linked to a local, national and European dimension; ● introduces ENGLISH from the 1st year of the primary school and a SECOND LANGUAGE from the 1st year of secondary school ● redefines the age limits for compulsory education and guarantees to everybody the 'right to education and training for at least 12 years or until the acquisition of a qualification (18 years of age)' ● provides for the creation of a system of evaluation. A National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) will periodically examine the overall quality of education and training ● concerns the selection and training criteria for teachers. Teachers will have to attend training courses (never put into practice) ● provided for a new combined school/work path for students between the ages of 15 and 18

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