Servant Leadership

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"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."

Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Characteristic of a servant leader: treating each follower as a unique person with intrinsic value beyond what he/she contributes to the organization; committing to help each person grow personally and professionally (e.g., career development, new skills, personal interest in ideas). Promote and encourage personal and professional growth in the people he/she leads so they are healthier, wiser and more likely to become servant leaders themselves. When a leader sees these qualities emerge in the followers, that person has become a successful servant leader

commitment to the growth of people

Characteristic of a servant leader: the ability to be a visionary for an organization; big-picture thinking


Servant leaders focus on the _______ of followers, _________ with them, and __________ them

concerns, empathize, nurture

Characteristic of a servant leader: "standing in the shoes" of another person and attempting to see the world from that person's point of view


Servant leaders __________ followers and help them _________ their full potential

empower, develop

Servant leaders are _________--


Servant leaders put ________ first


Characteristic of a servant leader: the ability to predict what is coming based on what is occurring in the present and what has happened in the past. Servant leaders have a better than average ability to predict the likely outcome of a situation. Closely related to intuition, foresight refers to a leader's ability to understand the past and present to predict the future


Servant leaders lead in ways that serve the _________ _________ of the organization, community, and society at large

greater good

A servant-leader focuses primarily on ________ and _________ of people and the communities to which they belong

growth, well-being

Servant leaders: A servant-leader focuses primarily on the ______ and ________ of people and the communities to which they belong

growth, well-being

Characteristic of a servant leader: caring for the personal well-being of followers; supporting followers; help them overcome personal problems; in helping followers become whole, servant leaders are themselves healed


Servant leaders: It is not about being servile (submissive or slavish), it is about wanting to ________ others


Servant Leadership Paradox: leaders _________ and servants ________

influence, follow

Servant Leadership Paradox: How can someone be both a _______ and a _____ at the same time?

leader, servant

Characteristic of a servant leader: acknowledging the viewpoint of followers and validating these perspectives; Communication through listening first . A servant leader's first response to any problem is to listen, not to multitask or interrupt, but truly strive to understand the speaker


10 characteristics of a servant leader

listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, building community

Servant leadership is a __________


Characteristic of a servant leader: creates change through gentle, nonjudgmental argument; persistent communication that convinces others to change (non-coercive). Instead of using the position to coerce others, a servant leader is able to convince their followers by demonstrating the compelling benefits of the vision


servant leaders are concerned about the "have-nots" and those less __________; help remove _________ and social injustices

privileged, inequalities

Servant leaders: the servant-leader is a _____ first


Frames the leadership process around the principle of caring for others

servant leadership

Characteristic of a servant leader: understanding oneself and the impact one has on others; view themselves and their own perspectives in the greater context of the situation, Possess an awareness of world history, current events, industry standards and their own organization. Must have a sense of self and of those they lead. In short, a servant leader must be awake


Characteristic of a servant leader: foster the development of community; allowing followers to identify with something greater than themselves that they value

building community

Servant leaders: It is about identifying and meeting the needs of _________, _________, and __________

colleagues, customers, communities

"Business at its best is not about just making a profit. It is about achieving the fragile balance between the fiscal responsibility that we have to our shareholders and our constituencies as well as our commitment to benevolence and to the people in the communities that we represent."

Howard Schultz

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others."

Jack Welch

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

Mahatma Gandhi

"We need to move from the leader as hero, to the leader as host."

Margaret Wheatley

"The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it."

Mother Teresa

"I stand here before you not as a prophet, but as a humble servant of you, the people."

Nelson Mandela

"It has generally been my experience that the very top people of truly great organizations are servant-leaders."

Stephen Covey

begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead...The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant - first to make sure that other people's highest priority needs are being served. The best do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servant? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or, at least, will they not be further deprived?

servant leadership

Servant Leadership Paradox: leaders aren't __________-


Servant leaders: The desire to ______ (the "servant's heart") is a fundamental characteristic of a servant-leader


Servant leaders: The servant leader __________ power, puts the ________ of others first, and helps people ________ and ________ as highly as possible

shares, needs, develop, perform

Characteristic of a servant leader: taking responsibility for the leadership role; carefully managing the people and organization one has been given to lead


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