Skeletal System

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D. Time

Besides alignment and immobilization of a fracture, what else is needed for optimal healing to occur? A. Fixation B. Reductoin C.Setting D. Time

D. Thoracolumbar

Besides in the neck region, intervertebral disk disease is usually seen in the __ region. A. Costochondral B. Lumbosacral C. Sacroiliac D. Thoracolumbar

C. Fossa

A depressed or sunken area on the surface of a bone is called a/an A. Articulation. B. Facet. C. Fossa. D. Head.

C. Hinge

A ginglymus joint is also known as a __ joint. A. Ball and socket B. Gliding C. Hinge D. Pivot

D. Rheumatoid Arthritis

An autoimmune disease in which joints become inflamed bilaterally and ROM is greatly reduced: A. Bursitis B. Gout C. Osteoarthritis D. Rheumatoid Arthritis

A. Calcium

Bones act as a storage site for primarily which mineral? A. Calcium B. Chloride C. Potassium D. Sodium

C. Osteoclast

Bones are constantly undergoing resorption for various reasons. Which of the following cells accomplishes this process? A. Osteoblast B. Osteocyte C. Osteoclast D. Stem cell

B. At the ventral end of a rib

Costal cartilage is found A. At the dorsal end of a rib. B. At the ventral end of a rib. C. On the caudal surface of a rib. D. On the cranial surface of a rib.

B. Cartilage

Endochondral bone formation takes place in a fetus over a __ template that is eventually replaced by bone. A. Adipose tissue B. Cartilage C. Fibrous connective tissue D. Membrane

B. Growth hormone

Growth of bones is controlled by a symphony of hormones. Which hormone is important for bone growth during infancy and childhood? A. Prolactin B. Growth hormone C. Somatomedins D. Thyroid hormone

C. Extension and flexion

Hinge joints are capable of only two movements. They are A. Abduction and adduction. B. Adduction and extension. C. Extension and flexion. D. Flexion and abduction.

D. By pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis

In the epiphyseal plate, cartilage grows ________. A. From the edges inward B. In a circular fashion C. By pulling the diaphysis toward the epiphysis D. By pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis

C. Extension

Increasing the angle between two bones results in A. Abduction. B. Circumduction. C. Extension. D. Rotation.

C. Nutrient foramina

Large blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves enter large long bones through channels called A. Canaliculi. B. Haversian canals. C. Nutrient foramina. D. Volkmann's canals.

C. Vestigial metacarpal bones

Splint bones in horses are A. Vestigial carpal bones. B. Vestigial distal sesamoid bones. C. Vestigial metacarpal bones. D. Vestigial proximal sesamoid bones.


Spongy bones are made up of a framework of tiny beams called ________.

D. A group of eight short bone united by ligaments

The "true wrist" or carpus consists of ________. A. The metacarpals B. The styloid processes of the radius and ulna C. The phalanges D. A group of eight short bones united by ligaments

A. Callus

The __ of a fracture is the healing tissue felt as a lump at the site of a fracture. A. Callus B. Clot C. Fracture hematoma D. Remodeling

The radius and the ulna

The antebrachium is composed of which of the following two bones?

A. Osteoblasts

The cells that secrete the matrix of a bone are the A. Osteoblasts. B. Osteoclasts. C. Osteocytes. D. Osteodentin.

B. At the ventral end of the bony part of a rib

The costochondral junction is found A. At the dorsal end of the bony part of a rib. B. At the ventral end of the bony part of a rib. C. Where the rib joins the sternum. D. Where the rib joins the vertebral column.

B. False

The dens of the atlas articulates with the axis. A. True B. False

C. Long shaft

The diaphysis is the __ of a long bone. A. Distal end B. Growth plate C. Long shaft D. Proximal end

B. Metacarpal and proximal phalanx

The fetlock joint in horses is located between the __ and __ bones. A. Distal phalanx and distal sesamoid B. Metacarpal and proximal phalanx C. Proximal phalanx and distal phalanx D. Proximal sesamoid and metacarpal

B. Occipital

The foramen magnum is located in the __ bone. A. Interparietal B. Occipital C. Sphenoid D. Temporal

D. Tarsal bones

The hock is made up of A. Carpal bones. B. Digits. C. Phalanges. D. Tarsal bones.

A. Calcium and phosphate

The hydroxyapatite crystals that infiltrate the matrix as a bone hardens are made up of A. Calcium and phosphate. B. Phosphate and potassium. C. Potassium and sodium. D. Sodium and calcium.

A. True

The ischium articulates with both the ilium and the pubis. A. True B. False

A. Cartilaginous

The joints found between the vertebrae of the spinal column are classified as __ joints A. Cartilaginous B. Fibrous C. Fused D. Synovial

D. Patella

The largest sesamoid bone in the body is the A. Hyoid bone. B. Incus. C. Navicular bone. D. Patella.

C. Extension and Flexion

The main movements possible in a gliding joint in four-legged animals are A. Abduction and adduction. B. Adduction and extension. C. Extension and flexion. D. Flexion and abduction.

C. Occipital bone

The most caudal external bone of the cranium is the A. Frontal bone. B. Interparietal bone. C. Occipital bone. D. Temporal bone.

B. Compact Bone

The outside layer of all bones is made up of A. Cancellous bone. B. Compact bone. C. Osteoblasts. D. Osteoclasts.

D. Appositional growth

The process of bones increasing in width is known as ________. A. Long bones reaching adult length and width B. Concentric growth C. Closing of the epiphyseal plate D. Appositional growth

A. Absorbs shock

What is the major function of the intervertebral discs? A. Absorb shock B. String the vertebrae together C. Prevent hyperextension D. Prevent hyperextension of the spine

C. Occipital

The skull bone that the foramen magnum passes through is the ________. A. Atlas B. Axis C. Occipital D. Parietal

D. Lacunae

The small spaces in compact bone tissue that are holes in which osteocytes live are called ________. A. Haversian canals B. Volkmann's canals C. Trabeculae D. Lacunae

B. Gaps between cranial bones in a fetus or neonate

What are fontanales? A. Structural component of spongy bone B. Gaps between cranial bones in a fetus or neonate C. Structural component of compact bone D. Nutrient sinuses in healing bone

A. Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone

What are the two calcitropic hormones involved calcium homeostasis? A. Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone B. Glucagon and calcitonin C. Parathyroid hormone and thyroid hormone D. Thyroid hormone and glucagon

A. Hyaline cartilage

What kind of tissue is the precursor of long bones in the embryo? A. Hyaline cartilage B. Fibrocartilage C. Dense fibrous connective tissue D. Elastic connective tissue

B. Ilium

What part of the pelvis can be seen as the point of the hip in cattle? A. Femur B. Ilium C. Ischium D. Sacrum


What structure is the "missing" body of the second cervical vertebrae?.

A. Hyoid bone

Which bone acts as a moveable base for the tongue? A. Hyoid bone B. Mandible C. Zygomatic bone D. Palatine

A. Humerus

Which bone contains areas of diaphysis and epiphysis areas, a tuberosity near its middle, and is proportionally more compact than spongy bone? A. Humerus B. Parietal bone C. Cervical vertebra D. Talus

A. Zygomatic bone

Which bone forms the prominence of the cheek? A. Zygomatic bone B. Sphenoid bone C. Palatine bone D. Temporal bone


Which bone is considered to be the keystone of the cranium?

C. Radius

Which bone is found in the antebrachium? A. Femur B. Humerus C. Radius D. Tibia

A. Ethmoid

Which bone of the cranium houses the pituitary gland? A. Ethmoid B. Frontal C. Occipital D. Sphenoid

D. Temporal bones

Which external bones of the cranium form the lateral walls of the cranium? A. Incisive bones B. Interparietal bones C. Maxillary bones D. Temporal bones

A. Mandible

Which face bone forms the lower jaw? A. Mandible B. Maxillary C. Temporal D. Zygomatic

B. Palatine

Which facial bone forms the caudal portion of the hard palate? A. Ethmoid B. Palatine C. Pterygoid d. Sphenoid

Parathyroid hormone

Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the bloodstream? A. Parathyroid hormone B. Calcitonin C. Estrogen D. Thyroxine

A. Ischium B. Ilium D. Pubis

Which of the following bones make up the hip? (Mark all that apply). A. Ischium B. Ilium C. Femur D. Pubis E. Sacrum

B. Storage of potassium

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system? A. Storage of calcium B. Storage of potassium C. Support D. Protection of fragile body organs E. Production of blood cells (hematopoiesis).

A. Perpendicular plate

Which part of the ethmoid bone forms the superior part of the nasal septum? A. Perpendicular plate B. Cribriform plate C. Orbital plate D. Crista galli

B. The lumbar region

Which part of the vertebral column receives the most stress by bearing most of the weight of the body? A. The cervical region B. The lumbar region C. The sacral promontory D. The sacrum

C. Lateral malleolus

Which portion of the fibula articulates with the talus? A. Head B. Calcaneus C. Lateral malleolus D. Medial malleolus

A. C1

Which vertebra has no vertebral body, but is made up of only a bony ring with two transverse processes sticking out laterally? A. C1 B. C2 C. T11 D. T12

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