SOC 201 ch. 7-9

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In the United States, everyone has equal access to education. True or false?

False FEEDBACK: Sociologists explore how race and ethnicity impact life chances such education. According to the census bureau, Hispanic students have the highest rates for dropping out of high school.

General predictions can often be made about a person's life chances based on their socioeconomic status. In general, people of lower socioeconomic status are less likely to encounter the criminal justice system.

False FEEDBACK: In general, people of lower SES (socioeconomic status) are more likely to encounter the criminal justice system.

From a sociological perspective, a minority status is determined by numbers. True or false?

False FEEDBACK: In sociological terms, being a member of a minority group has more to do with equality and inequality than numbers.

In America, all citizens have equal chances of obtaining significant wealth during their lifetime.

False Feedback FEEDBACK: Due to hierarchies in every society, members of society are ranked differently and thus have different access to rewards such as wealth;

Which of the following is true of the upper class in the United States today?

It is a largely self-sustaining group and rarely adds new members.

Which of the following is one of the basic principles of social stratification?

It is maintained through beliefs that are widely shared in a society.

What do the examples of "third gender" explored in "Global Perspective: Different Societies, Different Genders" demonstrate?

Sex and gender in some non-Western cultures defy the binary classification of male and female.

What do functionalists generally believe to be true about gender?

Some social roles are better suited to one gender than the other.

How does social class relate to race, ethnicity, gender, and age in the United States today?

These multiple dimensions of status and inequality intersect to shape who we are and how we live.

Du Bois considered the question of whether one could be black and, at the same time, claim one's rights as an American to devise the concept of double-consciousness.


Male domination, or patriarchy, can be traced back to biological differences (particularly differences in physical strength) between men and women. True or false?


Men out-earn women at every level of educational attainment.


The process of socialization tends to emphasize heteronormativity.


How is Max Weber's idea of social class different from Karl Marx's?

Weber believed that wealth, power, and prestige could all affect a person's social class.

The "Jim Crow" laws, which mandated separate facilities for whites and blacks, were an example of

institutional discrimination

The perspective in sociology that is concerned with how gender is constructed and maintained in our everyday lives is known as


Social mobility that occurs over the course of an individual's lifetime is called ________ mobility.


What sort of jobs can support a middle-class lifestyle in America today

jobs in the service, information, and technology sectors

What does Pierre Bourdieu call the tendency of social class to be passed down from one generation to the next and consequently remain relatively stable over time?

social reproduction

When women are more likely than men to live in poverty, it is often referred to as

the feminization of poverty.

The upper class makes up just 1 percent of the total U.S. population, but its total net worth is greater than that of ________ percent of the rest of the population.


What has modern science determined about racial categories?

Biologically there is no such thing as a pure race.

Which of the following is an example of how teachers treat boys and girls differently in a classroom setting?

Boys are more likely than girls to be punished for misbehaving.

In the past, bank tellers were overwhelmingly male, but today they are mostly female. What could explain this shift?

Changes in technology made the work easier and less important, which drove down the wages and prestige accorded to the job.

Gender tends to shape our experiences in the workplace but has little impact on our experiences with health. True or false?


What do most Americans claim about their class status?

They are middle class.

Presenting yourself as a member of a different racial or ethnic group than the one you were born into is known as


The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 ended the concept of entitlements by requiring recipients of welfare to find work within two years of receiving assistance. How has this changed the lives of the poor?

Moving from welfare to work did not substantially increase income levels; it simply shifted the poor from welfare to low-paying jobs.

How is prejudice different from discrimination?

Prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is an action

At what age do babies become aware of their own gender

age two

When does gender role socialization begin?

before birth

Poverty can be defined in either relative or absolute terms. How is poverty defined according to relative deprivation?

by comparing the poor with more affluent members of society

At what point in children's school careers do gender norms become firmly established?

by fifth grade

What do sociologists call it when an individual changes his or her career but remains within the same social class?

horizontal social mobility

This system of stratification is based on status and family history. It cannot be changed.


What is it called when members of a minority group learn the cultural practices of the dominant group?

cultural assimilation

an action


According to Karl Marx, what social relations matter MOST in a capitalist system?

economic relations

The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, or national group is called


The changing representation of LGBTQ people in the media, such as their greater inclusion and more positive treatment on television shows, can lead us to conclude that

media representation of LGBTQ people is slowly changing to reflect increasing tolerance toward them.

Which term describes the slights, insults, and misperceptions directed at members of a minority group that play out in everyday interactions?


an attitude


Sociologists define _____ as a socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people, whereas _____ is a socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or another cultural factor.

race; ethnicity

A set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group compared to another is


an ideology or set of beliefs


Sociologists consider _____ to be biological whereas _____ to be cultural or social.

sex; gender

This system of stratification is based on the legal ownership of people.


This system of stratification is based on access to key resources such as wealth, power, and property.

social class

Consider the three major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theorist might explore racial inequality in terms of the creation of social cohesion within different social groups?

structural functionalist FEEDBACK: Functionalism focuses on how different aspects of society build or dislodge cohesion and help to maintain social order.

Consider the three major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theorist explores the ways in which poverty serves a purpose in our society by providing jobs to many people in the social service sector?

structural functionalist FEEDBACK: Functionalism focuses on how different aspects of society build or dislodge cohesion;

What do sociologists call it when large numbers of people move up or down the social class ladder as a result of changes to society as a whole?

structural mobility

Displays of ethnic identity that only occur on special occasions are called

symbolic ethnicity

Consider the major theoretical perspectives routinely explored throughout the text. Which theorist might explore the ways in which instrumental and expressive roles are fulfilled in relationships thereby ensuring cohesion within those relationships?

tructural functionalist

With what issue is first-wave feminism MOST strongly associated?

women's suffrage

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