SOC American and Ethnic Relations

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Dominique whistled at her brother to get his attention. Dominique is using __________.

paralinguistic signals XXXvocal communication

Hungarians became prominent through their __________.

participation in labor unrest

The occupation of __________ helped speed up Syrian acculturation.


Deviant behavior among minority groups occurs because of race or ethnicity.


Legislators in all 50 states passed laws against miscegenation to prevent Asians from marrying whites.


Social distance refers to how far away your relatives and friends live.


The value of Marianismo might be expressed in a Hispanic female's decision to prevent her husband from trying to dominate her.


Most Palestinian Americans are Hindus.

False (Muslim is the primary religion)

The Federalists were strongly pro-French during the early stages of the French Revolution.

False (They were pro British)

Stereotypes can be positive or negative.


The self-employment rate of Korean Americans is the highest of all ethnic or racial groups.


Prejudice is __________.

XXXan abnormal human attribute

Hector believes that race and ethnicity shouldn't matter because we are all Americans and we've created our own unique culture that all immigrants should participate in. He is a proponent of __________ theory.


Native-born blacks __________.

XXXare pretty homogenous as a group

Official estimates place the number of unauthorized foreign-born people currently living in the United States at __________ million.

XXXaround 9

Contrasts among Dutch, Quaker, and Puritan responses to cultural pluralism illustrate the __________ perspective.


With regard to labor force participation by wives, we can say that __________.

XXXthe younger the children's ages are, the more women participate in labor force

Men have the highest employment rate among __________.

XXXtruck drivers

The greatest increase in working women has been among __________.

XXXyoung unmarried women

As a result of Congress's termination of sovereign nation status for Native American tribes, __________ became responsible for the welfare of Native Americans.

XXinter-tribal councils

The Haymarket Affair in 1886 set in motion which dominant group response pattern?


Iranian immigration, which peaked in the 1980s, __________.

dropped in the 1990's before picking up again in the 2000s XXXXmore than doubled the number from the 1970s

Gypsies have kept their tribal codes and morals virtually unchanged in an urbanized and industrialized society by __________.

remaining outside educational institutions

Belief that a wrong had to be repaid, even if it took years, but not to a greater degree is called __________.

retributive justice XXXnoncompetitive revenge

Mormon values stress __________.

family togetherness

The Alcatraz Proclamation was a __________.

sarcastic commentary on forced assimilation and reservation life

Juanita blames her little brother for her failure to do her chores, but her brother was not even home. Juanita is clearly engaging in __________.


Denigrating another group to justify our maltreatment of them is called __________.


Culture is __________.


One limitation of census projections is that __________.

it assumes that conditions worldwide will remain constant

In a new social setting, strangers __________.

lack the natives' knowledge of shared realities

Federalist action toward the increasing foreign-born population took the form of __________.

legislative actions

Barack Obama's victory has lessened the scope of the race problem.


Many of today's Arab Americans are less sophisticated than other middle-class U.S. citizens.


Native Americans who leave their reservations and move to urban areas tend to be more successful than their peers who remain on the reservations.


Predominantly Arab nations are political enemies of the United States.


The 1992 Los Angeles riot was between blacks and whites.


The National Commission on Civil Disorders said a major cause of the 1960s riots was/were __________.

police practices

There are very few studies that examine the how much people like those who are similar in appearance to them.


he statement, "She didn't deserve that promotion, I did," is directly related to economic competition concept.


What is a core cause of the "tangle of psychology" in black communities?

Family deterioration XXXWelfare dependency

Which of the following is an example of an ascribed status?


While divided on preferences based on race and gender (blacks less in opposition than whites), most Americans seemed eager to support affirmative action based on economic class.


Women tend to make less than men in almost every field, including those dominated by women.


Women were considered sexual property in settlement areas with a shortage of women.


U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service launched a program in the 1950s called "Operation Wetback."

True (It was launched in 1954)

Turkish emigration to the United States was low because__________.

Turkish law barred any emigrant from ever returning

Polish peasants viewed education as a waste of time. After the second generation, though, Poles __________.

XXXbegan experimenting with homeschooling XXXtrailed behind other groups in terms of upward mobility

The three-generation hypothesis suggests that __________.

XXXit usually takes three generations to complete the assimilation process

Asians tend to have __________ than/as Hispanics

XXXless egalitarian sex roles XXXfewer sex roles

Middleman minorities are __________.

XXXmembers of a racial group other than the dominant group

Fostering separation instead of a cohesive society is called __________.


The major problem with the Bureau of Indian Affairs dealing with Native Americans is that __________.

XXXthe organization is not large enough to handle the many different tribes XXXXno Native Americans are in leadership positions within the organization

A very recent example of deviance in the Chinese community is __________.

XXXtongs XXXgambling

Many state labor laws__________.

fail to protect women from economic exploitation

In the 19th century, women __________.

had lives full of work and inequality

The 1.5 generation refers to __________.

immigrants who arrive under the age of ten

Social identity theory helps explain __________.

ingroup favoritism

With increased immigration comes the issue of __________.

interethnic marriages

Occupations overwhelmingly filled by women are often called __________ jobs.

pink collar

The differences in the Japanese experience in Hawaii and on the mainland are best understood by recognizing __________.

the differences in structural discrimination

Cultural differentiation refers to __________.

the differences that are present between two cultures

The most serious resource shortage for many Western tribes is __________.


Wilson maintains that denial of upward mobility to the black poor results from __________.

social class barriers that limit life chances

For recent ethnic tensions __________.

the fear of further terrorist attacks and racial profiling add to underlying tension

Milton Gordon's ethclass groupings represent __________.

the subsocieties resulting from the intersection of ethnicity and social class

__________ is one of the four social categories proposed by Milton Gordon that play a part in forming ethclasses.


New multiculturalists advocate "minority nationalism" and __________.

"separatist pluralism"

In terms of median income, Arab men earn an average of __________ more than the national median for all males.

$4500 XXX$3000

Immigration lowered wages for U.S. workers because immigrants and low-skilled U.S. workers fill the same roles in the economy.


Linguistic relativity of language means that every race has its own language.


New immigrants tend to shed their "cultural baggage" and choose to assimilate in their new home.


Since strangers experience a "lack of historicity," they often observe things that go unnoticed by the natives, such as natives' customs, social institutions, appearances, and lifestyle.


Since the Department of Defense has a "zero tolerance" policy on acts of sexual harassment in all branches of the military and acts quickly on complaints, such incidents have dramatically decreased.


Some ancient civilizations considered themselves superior to others, and they typically based their beliefs on race.


The Alien and Sedition Acts were designed to encourage political activity by pro-French immigrants.


The Amish typically support social security and all other forms of insurance, believing the country should be responsible for its people.


The Displaced Persons Act called for the expulsion of any immigrant without familial ties in America.


The Indian Removal Act recommended that all Native Americans in the northwestern states be relocated to the southeastern states.


The Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 was much less restrictive than The National Origins Quota Act of 1921.


The adjustment from stranger to neighbor moves along a continuum without friction.


The bracero program encouraged American-born Hispanics to sponsor recent immigrants to the United States.


The discovery of silver in California ended Mormon isolation because their settlement was located along the best route to the California silver mines.


The greatest increase in working women has been among single women with college degrees.


The industry with the highest percentage of undocumented alien workers is construction.


In what ways do Jewish Israeli immigrants maintain their identity?

Remain active in Israeli organizations

__________ is an example of deviance.

Sit-in demonstration

Unrestrained displays of affection or temper and the use of corporal punishment have rarely been part of __________ child-care practices.

Native American XXXEuropean

__________ is a social dysfunction that Asian immigrants experienced in the 18th and 19th century.

Negative legislation against Asian immigrants

What two metropolitan areas account for approximately half of all Israeli Jews living in the U.S.?

New York City and Los Angeles

During the Colonial Period religious differences caused social problems more frequently than nationality differences.


Echoing xenophobic fears of earlier generations, immigration opponents worry that U.S. citizens will lose control of the country to foreigners.


Ethnic identity and assimilation are both influenced by educational achievement.


Everyday ethnicity eventually yields to assimilation over the generations.


Flagrant sexism and sex role stereotyping abound in all forms of the media


Functionalists believe that society is a stable, cooperative social system in which everything has a function and provides the basis of a harmonious society.


__________ would likely lead to culture shock.

Not understanding the slang used by people around you

Greater acculturation appears to be associated positively with satisfaction with life in the U.S. for Arabs but negatively associated with family satisfaction.


Hispanics are the largest ethnic group in the United States and are steadily increasing in number all the time.


Hispanics generally have a more casual attitude toward time than do others in the United States.


In 1944, Myrdal noted a parallel between the position of women and blacks in U.S. society.


In the second half of the 19th century, Mexicans from south of the border helped fill U.S. labor needs for the construction of railroad lines and the expansion of cotton, fruit, and vegetable farms.


Israeli Americans typically experience a smoother transition to American life than any other immigrant group.


Low-income African American women at first did not identify with the Feminist movement because many of its demands seemed irrelevant to their needs.


Mainstream Americans often tolerate pluralism only as a short-term phenomenon, believing that sustained pluralism is the enemy of assimilation, a threat to the cohesiveness of U.S. society.


Many Jewish Americans today see religion less as an inherited ethnic identity and more as a personal choice of belief and practice.


Many Russian Americans who had worked hard to achieve some economic security in the United States found themselves jobless and unable to find work after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.


Mexicans and Central Americans are increasingly visible as employees in Korean-owned-businesses in metropolitan cities. This is an example of minority-minority relations.


Most Africans who arrived in America from 1619 until 1808 immigrated unwillingly.


Most Asian and Hispanic Americans are too recently part of U.S. society to apply the three-generation hypothesis.


Native American children grow up under the encouragement and discipline of the extended family, not just the nuclear family.


Native Americans first learned about scalping from white settlers.


Native Americans who object to Columbus Day parades and Afrocentrists who assert that Western culture was merely derived from Afro-Egyptian culture are the examples of minority nationalism and separatist pluralism.


Nearly all the early Asian Indian immigrants were Sikh males.


New Filipino arrivals tend to have better educational and occupational skills than most of their ethnic cohorts born in the United States.


Pretzels, kindergarten, and Pabst all were originated in the United States by German immigrants.


Protestants were dedicated to keeping Catholics out of office because they would supposedly take their orders from Rome.


Puerto Ricans became U.S. nationals in 1898 when the Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish-American War.


Push factors describe the motivation behind emigration to a new location.


Ralph Linton calculated that any given culture contains about 90 percent borrowed elements.


Rosa Parks' refusal to sit at the back of the bus eventually led a federal district court to rule against segregated seating.


Segregation, whether spatial or social, may be voluntary or involuntary.


Sociologists use historical documents, reports, surveys, ethnographies, and direct observation to systematically gather empirical evidence about intergroup relations.


Sojourners immigrated to America to earn money and then returned to their native land after a year or two.


Some parts of the U.S. economy are dependent on the labor of undocumented Latino migrants, and about 10 percent of the labor force of Mexico is now working in the United States.


Syrian males usually came alone and then sent for their wives and children.


The Chinese first came to the United States during the California gold rush in the 1850s.


The Filipinos did not establish the support institutions usually found in immigrant communities.


The Industrial Revolution brought rapid expansion to the New England factories.


The Syrian and Lebanese speak Arabic, and the Sinai Egyptians identify themselves as Syrian.


The United States is now probably the most religiously diverse country in the world.


The average American watches three years' worth of television ads during the course of a lifetime.


The idea of a model minority creates a harmful and unrealistic example for the dominant group to use as a cudgel to blame others for their difficulties in achieving success.


The immigrants from southern, central and eastern Europe arrived in large enough numbers to be able to preserve some of their old-country culture.


The median age at death of Aborigines in Australia is 53.


The median family income for Latino families has traditionally been higher than for black families.


The status of Asian American women rises with their level of education and degree of Americanization.


To ease their transition to a new land, other ethnic groups re-created in miniature the society they left behind; but the Africans who came to the Unites States were not allowed to do so.


Transnationalism refers to sustained ties of persons, networks, and organizations across national borders.


Undocumented aliens make substantial economic contributions as consumers and low-skilled workers.


Urban living conditions, particularly among the poor Irish immigrants, were substandard.


When a labor market splits along ethnic lines, racial and ethnic stereotyping is a key factor in labor conflict.


When children are treated harshly they may grow up and displace their aggression on those who are less powerful.


There is great concern that the Census Bureau projections will fall victim to __________.

XXXRegression toward the Mean XXXStandard Deviation

What strained relations between the "old" Jewish population and the "new" Jewish arrivals?

XXXReligious homogeneity XXXEthnic and nationalist prejudices

Which of the following was an action the federal government took against Mormons?

XXXRemoval from political office

The civic culture included strong beliefs in __________.

XXXSocialism XXXCommunism

What do sociologists call a minority group's establishment of its own clubs, organizations, stores, churches, newspapers, and schools?

XXXSubcultural networking XXXParallel social institutions

Which of the following could be reasonably drawn from the textbook's account of the Cherokee westward expulsion?

XXXThat ethnic pluralism has been a dominant culture value throughout American history. XXXThat the Cherokee were uninterested in assimilating with European American culture.

__________ reduces Puerto Rican involvement in the Catholic Church on the mainland.

XXXThe appeal of Lutheran churches XXXA closed church hierarchy

__________ was a Cherokee effort to attain assimilation.

XXXThe burning of sawmills

__________ is identifiable as an example of Robert Bellah's "civil religion."

XXXThe removal of prayer from schools XXXThe separation of church and state XXX"In God We Trust"

Social discrimination means the unequal treatment of subordinate groups inherent in the ongoing operations of society's institutions.


Which state was brought into the United States as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo at the End of the Mexican-American War?

XXXUtah (California tambien)

The Dillingham Commission recommended what dominant group response pattern?

XXXXForced assimilation

Federalist reaction to French and Irish immigrants illustrates which theory?

XXXXInternal colonialism

Anti-Turkish sentiment in the United States prior to World War I was due primarily to__________.

XXXXanti-American actions in Turkey XXXthe heroin traffic from Turkish poppy fields XXXTurkish support of the Russian pogroms

Many of today's professional Arab immigrants do not fit past acculturation patterns because they__________.

XXXXdo not fit into theories about behavior in the western world

The term used for the gradual replacement in a neighborhood of one group by another is__________.

XXXXgradated sequencing

The building of a society when large groups of people arrive to forge a civilization on undeveloped land is best understood with the __________ perspective.

XXXXinternal colonialism

Most Iranians living in the United States in the late 1970s were__________.

XXXXpolitical refugees

Santeria in the United States today is __________.

XXXa highly ethnocentric Cuban religion

In an Iraqi community in the Detroit area, Sengstock found __________.

XXXa persistent subculture despite changes in the homeland XXXXa village-oriented community nestled in an urban region

The study of Polish Americans by Thomas and Znaniecki showed that delinquency, divorce, prostitution, and crime were the result of __________.

XXXa strong desire to assimilate

The increase of hate groups in the 2000's is driven by __________.

XXXa weakened U.S. economy

When a labor market splits along ethnic lines, employers __________.

XXXactively manipulate the situation to keep the groups integrated

People of color typically affirm their identity and heritage by __________.

XXXadopting slogans

Malik thinks that if we truly want to have racial equality at some point in this country, we need to have institutions which are racially diverse in order to give all races an equal chance. He would support __________ programs.


African-born Americans tend to __________ than American-born African Americans.

XXXbe better educated XXXbe more represented in popular media

Immigration from Haiti will likely __________.

XXXbe limited in number and duration XXXsurpass that from Mexico

Variation in physical differences such as body build, hair texture, and skin color is due in part to __________.

XXXbiological race XXXXevolutionary physical adaptation

A sociological understanding of social norms stresses that __________.

XXXby learning and automatically accepting the prevailing prejudices, an individual is simply conforming to social norms

The fact that cultures owe a substantial debt to other cultures because of the spread of ideas, inventions, and practices is called __________.

XXXcross-cultural impregnation XXXcultural transmission

Their __________ helps Palestinians living in the United States maintain their ethnic identity.

XXXcultural institute program XXXpriests and churches XXXlanguage

Talcott Parsons developed a concept that linked the psychological and sociological aspects of frustration-aggression called __________.

XXXcultural irritation

A common reason for defiance as a minority response is __________.

XXXdifferent cultural norms

The Bakke decision __________.

XXXdisallowed the use of quotas and race for college admissions

Most Egyptian Americans __________.

XXXdo not marry outside their ethnic community

Throughout much of the colonial period, U.S. Catholics__________.

XXXdominated Maryland which was their power base at the Constitutional Convention XXXsettled mostly in New England where people were more hospitable

African American women are more likely to benefit from the Feminist movement in __________.

XXXethnic experiences XXXsocial identity

Interaction surveys of Americans and nonwestern newcomers in professional, managerial, or technical fields show__________.

XXXextensive social distance for Africans but not Asians XXXXmuch less social distance than in past years

"Repatriation" and "Operation Wetback" are examples of __________ efforts.

XXXforced assimilation XXXself-justification XXXAmericanization

In prime-time ads, __________.

XXXhere is a multi-dimensional view of people of color as key consumers XXXXAsians appear in ads for upscale beauty or home products XXXpeople of color appear in ads for low-cost, low-nutrition products

Frustration-aggression theory __________.

XXXhighlights the role of culture

The Hmong __________.

XXXidentify with a national identity XXXtechnically are Laotians

Utah leads the country in__________.

XXXilliteracy XXXhigh school dropout rates

Iranian Americans experiencing mixed feelings about no longer living in the homeland call themselves __________.


Japanese-Americans' emphasis on conformity, aspiration, competitiveness, discipline, and self-control has resulted in __________.

better school performance than other American students

Rastafarians believe themselves to be__________.

black Israelites

Today's second-generation Iranian Americans are mostly__________.

born to middle-class professional parents

Statements such as "African Americans are good musicians" and "Asians are good engineers" support the fact that stereotypes __________.

can sometimes be positive

When a visiting Korean asks for pizza rather than sushi, the host may conclude that all Koreans like pizza. This is an example of __________.

categoric knowing

Natives usually perceive strangers __________.


Malik and his immediate family came to the United States a few years ago. They have managed to carve out a nice, middle class lifestyle that they could never have imagined for themselves in their home country. Over the course of letters and phone calls, they convince some of their friends and extended family to come as well. This is a pattern known as __________ migration.


One function of telling an ethnic joke is __________.

challenging stereotypes

In advertising and music, __________.

characters enjoy more prominence and exercise more authority if they are white males

The term "mommy track" refers to the __________.

choice working women make to put family ahead of career XXXreality that most mothers also work at a paying job

U.S. Catholics and Protestants fundamentally differ on the issue of __________.

clerical celibacy

Mormons forbid __________.

coffee or tea

An important social center for the Greek community was the __________.


When talking with his friends, Jimmy states that "Jews are intrusive and acquisitive." Jimmy's statements are an example of __________.

cognitive prejudice

Michael sees a strong correlation between a group's economic position and the intensity of negative interactions with the dominant society. Michael's views are in line with __________ theory.


Karl Marx believed that the elite exploited the masses and that this exploitation created tensions and disagreements. Marx's theory is best known as __________.

conflict perspective

Matt believes that the frustrations and struggles between social groups and classes are what structure and determine society. He is a __________.

conflict theorist

A __________ would stress the undercurrents of resentment and tension against the visible presence of nonwestern minorities and their successes.

conflict theorist XXXinteractionist

The split-labor-market theory belongs to __________.

conflict theory

According to the text, what do Americans need to do in order to gain "greater appreciation and tolerance for one another"?

Recognize that race and ethnicity are simply other people's humanity.

Miranda is Catholic and her family has lived in the same working class neighborhood in Boston for four generations. Miranda could be considered to be part of a(n) __________.

dominant class

The Zoot Suit Riots of 1943 illustrate __________.

dominant-group tolerance of violence against a minority

Myths about Black racial inferiority __________.

emerged as a rationalization for U.S. slavery

Jose, who is Mexican, moves to San Antonio from Mexico City. This is an example of __________.


Margaret's departure from her homeland to the United States filled her with hope and anxiety, illustrating how the transition to a new land is a(n) __________ decision.


The General Allotment Act of 1887 attempted to __________.

end communal ownership of Indian lands and encourage private ownership

When marrying, members of a minority group usually practice __________.


Aronson and Osherow's experiments on the jigsaw method __________.

enhanced peer liking and successfully taught content

Split labor market theory holds that __________.

ethnic antagonism is specifically produced by the competition from a wage differential

According to Alba, __________ help sustain a strong sense of ethnic identity.

ethnic neighborhoods

Susan, a Texas cattle rancher, thinks the Japanese custom of eating raw fish is disgusting. This is an example of __________.


Sociologists Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales maintained that the efficient functioning of a society, indeed its very survival, depends on satisfying both __________ and __________ needs.

XXXinstitutional; functional XXXfunctional; institutional

Immigration from Africa __________.

XXXis down to a small trickle

In the early 20th century, migrants from India were __________.

XXXmiddle class XXXprofessionally trained XXXcollege educated

The nineteenth-century German immigrants were __________.

XXXmostly political refugees living in the eastern cities

Arguing against the nativist position in 1852, a Massachusetts senator argued that the __________.

XXXnativists were being bigoted XXXnativists needed to recognize that they, too, were once immigrants

Despite the removal of more assimilated groups and the addition of less assimilated groups to the list in 2001, __________.

XXXno significant differences were found XXXthe upward trend in social distance continued

Ethnicity is __________.

XXXnot found among any racial groups XXXAscribed status

Prejudice __________.

XXXoften arose even before groups came into contact

Juan believes that Hispanic families are superior to white families. This belief is an example of which theory?

XXXoutgroup discrimination theory

The number of religious groups in the United States today numbers __________.

XXXover 2,000

Looking at the TV news about inner-city black adolescents' delinquency problems, John thinks that blacks are the cause of social problems in the US. This is an example of __________.

XXXovert racism

Jennifer believes in racial equality, but she does not do much to actively support efforts aimed at racial equality and she still makes decisions that negatively impact minorities. She is a(n) __________.

fair-weather liberal

Asian Indians did not experience dominant group aggression as other Asian groups had.


Convergent subcultures come together to create a brand new culture.


Italian immigrants continued to stress the value of __________.

family cohesion

In Puerto Rico, as in all Latin American countries, an individual's identity, importance, and security depend on __________.

family membership XXXmigration patterns

In 1880-1920, migration "push" factors included __________.

famine and poverty

Previously, many women of color who were legal scholars__________.

felt excluded by white feminist legal scholars

The growing number of female-headed households living in poverty has led to the creation of the concept of __________.

feminization of poverty

Black men are more likely than white men to be employed as __________.

food-service workers

With regard to interracial dating, __________.

geographic region does not matter

One way the Gentlemen's Agreement improved the personal lives of U.S. Japanese was __________.

giving permission for wives to enter the United States XXXthe liberalization of immigration regulations

The main focus or unit of analysis for sociologists is the __________.


Chinatowns today are __________.

growing larger than in earlier years

The black middle class __________.

has earnings that are comparable to the white middle class XXXhas businesses that are more susceptible to failure because of government intervention

Compared to Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans __________.

have a lower proportion living in poverty

The "Alien Phase" is when immigrants __________.

have a political locus that remains with the country of origin

The contact hypothesis strongly emphasizes __________ as a path toward reducing prejudice

having outgroup friends

A common aspect of all Amish communities is their __________.

high degree of integration and harmony

The Thomas Theorem states that __________.

if people define a situation as real, it becomes real in its consequences

Public concern about sexual harassment began__________.

in the mid-1970s

According to economic-competition theory, __________.

in times of high unemployment, nativist movements against minorities have flourished XXXmany working class and middle class whites feel threatened by Asians entering their socioeconomic group

A 2001 study of social distance found __________.

increased diversity in society

Since the mid-1960s, the number of elected black officials has __________.

increased dramatically

The Civil Rights Movement __________.

inspired Native Americans

Gary runs a bank. He is only interested in giving loans to people with an excellent credit history. As a result, he ends up loaning to very few racial minorities. Gary is participating in __________ even if he is not aware of it.

institutional discrimination

When Americans say "hello" or "how are you?" this is an example of __________.

intersubjective understanding

Mills states that an issue is a public matter when it is __________.

intricately connected to the larger historical context of society

Expulsion __________.

is an effort to remove a problem rather than resolve it

A minority group __________.

is characterized by a feeling of group identity

A minority group __________.

is determined by a group's relative power in society

When a labor market splits along ethnic lines, __________.

it fuels anti-immigration sentiments

Opponents of multiculturalism argue that __________.

it undermines the assimilation ethic XXXit creates a common bond of identity

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is significant because __________.

it was the first federal legislation against a particular race of immigrants

According to Miller, Americans are leaving mainstream churches in droves to __________.

join nondenominational churches

Many Japanese settled in rural areas instead of urban regions because __________.

labor union hostility prevented their finding much work in the cities

A 2001 study showed that more than 50 percent of newlyweds met their spouses in the workplace. Sociologically, meeting a spouse at work would be considered a __________.

latent function of workplaces

An important component of adjustment, acceptance, and assimilation is__________.

length of U.S. residence

For the Indians, cultural diffusion usually meant __________.

less self-sufficiency

Women earn __________ men in almost every occupation.

less than

A common social center for working-class Palestinian Americans is the__________.

local coffeehouse

Working conditions from 1880-1920 included __________.

long hours and low wages

The __________ the residence in the U.S. for a group, the __________ the percentage of naturalized citizens.

longer; higher XXXshorter; higher XXXshorter; lower

Harry meets the criteria for Adorno's authoritarian personality, therefore he is probably __________.

lower class

Researchers note that whites tend to categorize __________.

lower-class blacks by race

In fields of study in college today, we find__________.

males significantly outnumbering females in engineering and physical sciences XXXfemales outnumbering males in the sciences

Hispanics are heavily underrepresented in __________.

managerial positions

When minorities move out of their neighborhood but still feel outside the societal mainstream, this is an example of __________.


Tommy has made progress toward fitting in with the dominant group but he hasn't completely broken away from his minority group. More likely than not Tommy is bound to feel __________.


The __________ had implications far beyond slavery as it produced a system which replicated social inferiority throughout generations.

master-slave social system XXXJim Crow laws

Technological improvements in communication and transportation __________.

may actually delay assimilation XXXaccelerate the assimilation process because they make for a smaller world

According to recent public-opinion polls, Americans have __________ opinions about immigration.


In explaining what her life as an immigrant is like to her U.S. friends, Shariz stresses the importance of the __________, which serves a religious purpose, an educational purpose, a social purpose and acts as a kind of social service agency.


As male dominance continued over the generations, a sexist ideology evolved to justify the existing order as __________.


In 1923, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that Asian Indians were__________.

non-white and ineligible for citizenship XXXeligible for citizenship

When people create meaning and significance in life through the use of language or symbols, they are creating __________.

nonmaterial culture

Students who sit quietly in class and take careful notes are fulfilling societal expectations of behavior, which are called __________.


According to Robert Merton, discrimination against a particular group is __________.

not always the result of prejudice

Joe's family has had uneven experiences in their new country with some people having tremendous success while others who immigrated are stuck in ethnic enclaves and have enjoyed very little prosperity, lending support for __________ theory.

XXXpaternalism iXXXmmigrant assimilation XXXinternal-colonialism

According to Hansen, the process of assimilation is__________.

XXXpermanent XXXdifferent for every single person

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 __________.

XXXplaced a five year limit on government assistance XXXacknowledged that most living in poverty also have jobs

Current migration patterns offer clues about the __________ of future Americans.

XXXpolitical party domination XXXlegal implications of citizenship

Today, many African Americans still lack __________.

XXXpolitical representation XXXeducational opportunities

Hindus are __________.

XXXpolytheistic XXXvegetarians

Lacking the same standard of living compared to most members of society is called __________.

XXXpoverty XXXvalue-deficiency

The basic U.S. value of __________ is at odds with the value of "individualism."

XXXprogress XXXefficiency

According to the text, recognizing a "white culture" would likely __________.

XXXpromote the idea of a single "American" culture

High levels of church involvement among Korean immigrants was the result of __________.

XXXreligious beliefs XXXstronger religious foundations

Bias-motivated hate crimes against Pacific Americans have __________.

XXXremained virtually non-existent XXXremained at about the same moderate level XXXXremained virtually non-existent

Changes in the U.S. economy affect Puerto Rico because __________.

of its economic dependency on the United States

Language may subconsciously encourage racial prejudgment __________.

of the negative connotations of some

Deviance among minority-group members is __________.

often due to poverty and lack of opportunity

Syrian-Lebanese assimilation is nearly complete because they now have __________, which is what Milton Gordon calls the last stage of assimilation.

XXXrepresentation in all jobs and professions

Urban Native Americans __________.

XXXtend to settle in ethnic enclaves as have most immigrant groups

According to the interactionist view, __________.

XXXthe question of who benefits is the most significant issue in black-white relationships XXXoppression of blacks is the result of American capitalists' exploitation XXXskin color often triggers negative responses about busing, crime, housing, jobs, and poverty

Opponents of slavery reparations argued that __________.

XXXthe statute of limitations has not expired XXXunlike other reparation payments, no victims are alive today

The median age for Native American males is about __________ than the median age in the U.S. population.

XXXthree years younger XXXthree years older XXXsix years older

The term "inscrutable" is __________.

XXXused almost exclusively to describe Hispanics, especially the Mexican and Puerto Rico immigrants XXXa way of describing the lack of acculturation and assimilation of minority groups

The Pan-Indian movement has been of limited success primarily because of __________.

XXXweak leadership XXXgovernment resistance XXXXreservations scattered among many states

If educational levels are equal, it is true that __________.

XXXwhite women earn less than black women XXXblack women earn about the same as white women while working longer hours

The education of Native-Americans __________.

XXXwill enable the next generation to enter the mainstream

Immigrants following the Bolshevik Revolution were most likely to be __________.

XXXworking class people

La Raza Cosmica refers to __________.

a common bond and great destiny for the Hispanic peoples

With respect to parenting style, authoritarian personality theory reports __________.

a correlation between early childhood experiences and the development of a prejudiced personality

Social distance studies have found __________.

a fairly consistent pattern over the decades

In convergent subcultures we tend to see __________.

a gradual assimilation process

Jessica is a woman who lives in the United States where females outnumber males. She is __________.

a member of a minority group

Gypsies in the United States today can be described best as __________.

a persistent subculture

Ethnicity is __________.

a set of learned or acquired cultural traits shared by a people

Symbolic ethnicity refers to __________.

a sociological theory XXXpublic displays such as marching in ethnic parades

In a larger context, the fundamental difference in values that separate European Americans from Native Americans is that European Americans __________.

see the world from a linear perspective

Chinese immigrants utilized the minority group response of __________ when they formed Chinatowns.


Native Americans experienced __________ from the dominant group.


African immigrants and black Americans __________.

seldom interact because of the cultural differences

Whites viewing Native Americans as cruel, treacherous, lying, dirty heathens is an example of __________.


The traditional gender roles within immigrant minority subgroups deflect recent advances in__________.

sexual equality

Many Italians participated in __________ patterns.

shuttle migration

Studies measuring the impact of television on children's attitudes indicate __________.

significant correlations between amount of television viewed and children's attitudes

Asian Indians have a __________.

significantly lower birth rate than any other Asian group XXXsimilar birth rate to other Asian groups XXXsimilar birth rate to other Asian groups XXXhigher birth rate than any other Asian group

In Latin American countries, __________.

social class, not race, is the primary basis for differential treatment.

Erik, who is white, has recently purchased his first house. In an effort to ensure his property value would stay high, he looked for the best neighborhood he could afford in the best school system. As it turned out, his neighborhood was nearly all white. This is an example of __________.

social discrimination

Talcott Parsons provided one bridge between psychology and sociology by introducing what concept as a variable in frustration-aggression theory?

social forces

In the Puerto Rican American communities, bodegas serve as __________.

social gathering places

The generally shared rules defining what is and is not proper behavior in one's culture is/are __________.

social norms

Achieving economic success, but not public acceptance, is known as__________.

social ostracism

The process by which we learn and internalize prejudicial attitudes about others is called __________.


Koreans have utilized __________ to successfully immigrate to the United States.

sojourning XXXchain-migration

Racism emerged as an ideology __________.

sometime in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

Defiant actions are __________.

sometimes peaceful

In his ecological model of Chicago's growth and development, Robert Park (1926) noted the linkage between social mobility and __________.

spatial mobility

Symbols of Amish group identity include their __________.

specially styled jewelry XXXmonotheistic beliefs XXXclothing

Women have the highest employment rate among __________.

speech pathologists

As acculturation takes place, __________.

strangers' consciousness decreases because the freshness of their perception is lost

Generally, traditional Asian values emphasized __________.

strict control of aggressive or assertive impulses

Relationships between majority and minority groups are influenced by differences in culture, as well as __________.

structural conditions

Following 1820, shipmasters were required to __________.

submit a passenger list to custom officials

Sexism is a term and concept has been a public concern since __________.

the 1960s

For Asian Indians, __________.

the Asian-Indian population in the U.S. has increased dramatically in recent years

With respect to the Asian American populations __________.

the Chinese is the largest population

The Intelligence Project identifies __________ as a hate group.

the Nation of Islam

After the Gentlemen's Agreement Act of 1908 curtailed Japanese emigration, the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association recruited laborers from __________.

the Philippines XXXVietnam

Many Iranians kept to themselves for fear of__________.

the SAVAK XXXreligious persecution

In the United States, machismo causes a culture class because it often involves __________.

the belief in male dominance and female submissiveness

By "ingroup," sociologists mean __________.

the group to which an individual belongs and feels loyalty

Social identity theory explains that

the ingroup almost automatically views the outgroup as inferior

Blauner's "internal-colonialism" refers to __________.

the large number of African Americans trapped in ghettos

U.S. Catholics today are __________.

the largest single religious denomination in the United States XXXdeclining in numbers, except for Hispanic immigrant additions

Conflict theorists believe that the North Korean communist regime __________.

was created to act against false consciousness XXXwas created by shared expectations among individuals

As the U.S. experienced a slow-growth economy, affirmative action __________.

was viewed negatively by the public

Syrian adjustment, acceptance, and upward mobility were fairly rapid because of their __________.

wide dispersal which negated any significant opposition to their presence

Settlement patterning of recent Arab immigrants tends to be__________.

widespread and in loose clusters XXXin rural and suburban areas XXXXin tight clusters in the inner city

The term "second shift" refers to __________.

working women also doing most household chores

Julie has been afraid of all Middle Easterners ever since 9/11. This is an example of __________.


__________ is an example of material culture.


What percentage of Arab Americans have a post graduate degree?


Pluralist advocates criticize __________.


__________ are routinely denied refugee status in the United States.


__________ is the formula for explaining the amalgamation (melting-pot) theory.


Between 1980 and 2009, the number of school-age children who spoke a language other than English at home decreased from 19 to 9 percent.


Bipolarization refers to the economic gap among blacks only.


Cross-racial friendships on college campuses are increasingly rare.


Arab Americans are more likely to be married than the total U.S. population.


Studies show that immigrants __________.

do not take jobs away from American workers

Both Puerto Ricans and Mexican Americans have had steadily declining poverty rates in recent years.


A Hispanic male's felt responsibility to protect his family's honor might be identified by which term?


Most Palestinian Americans are __________.


Attitudes about a group may result from people's value judgments about social class.


__________ is/are identified in the text as an identifying symbol for Rastafarians.

XXXDietary habits

__________ might have drawn second-generation Italian adults to la via nuova.

XXXFamily traditions

Which of the following countries encourages cultural diversity?

XXXFrance XXXSaudi Arabia

__________ brought an end to the forcible detention of the Japanese in 1945.

XXXKorematsu v. United States of America

__________ is one of the factors that lowers the price of labor.

XXXLimited language skills and customs

Which religious group has grown the most vigorously in recent years?


When __________ it is an example of prejudice.

XXXMs. Y says "I don't really care about minorities at all."

Social distance studies capture social acceptance of groups __________.

at a given moment in time

__________ are banned in French schools.


Which worldwide religion is second to Christianity in membership numbers?


The adjustment from stranger to neighbor is __________.


Since the Immigration Act of 1965, Filipino immigration has __________.

been quite high

Racial profiling is __________.


__________ have the highest rate of female headed households.

Black families

__________ explains ethnic riots as a social dysfunction.

Functionalist theory

The epithet "honky" evolved from an ethnophaulism for what group?


Which country was among the top 10 sources of newcomers to the United States in 2012?


Between 1980 and 2009, percentage of schoolchildren who speak a language other than English at home increased by __________ percent.


Over __________ million immigrant children who speak a language other than English at home presently are enrolled in public schools.


The Haymarket affair resulted in __________.

12 people being sentenced to death

Congress gave women the right to vote in __________.


In what year did the Mormon church announce that blacks could become priests?

1978 XXX1969

How long do most sojourners remain in the U.S.?

2 to 5 years XXXX1 year

What was the difference between other ethnic groups and African immigrants in the U.S. during the years of slavery?

200 years of master-slave relations shaped values and attitudes about whites and blacks that still linger today.

Approximately what percentage of the Mississippi Choctow perished in their march to Oklahoma?


As of January 2013, how many states have passed English-only legislation?


As of 2013, what percentage of legislators in the U.S. congress was Jewish?


What percentage of blacks believe that major conflicts still exist between the races?


When specifically asked in a CBS News/ New York Times Poll about the seriousness of the immigration problem, __________.

61% viewed it as "very serious"

Between 1820 and 1900, fewer than __________ immigrants came to the U.S. from India

800 XXX750

About how many Americans speak Arabic in their homes?


How much did immigrant spending contribute to the North Carolina's economy over the last decade?

9.2 billion dollars

In 2012, how many athletic director positions did white males hold at Football Bowl Subdivision schools?

92 XXX62

What did the first "Droodle" represent?

A bear climbing a tree

Arguing Western civilization derives from the black African influence on Egyptian civilization is a bolder form of __________.


The local and regional association that helps Palestinian immigrants adjust to life in the United States is called the__________.

American Federation of Ramallah

An __________ is a person who is a member of both dominant and minority groups.

American white woman who is a Buddhist

Which group illustrates a persistent subculture?


For Asian and white Americans it is generally true that __________.

Asian poverty level is lower than that of the white population

Between 1990 and 2000, which ethnic groups had the highest proportion of people becoming citizens?


The expulsion of religious dissident Roger Williams from the Massachusetts colony led to the founding in 1639 of which denomination in Rhode Island?


Public funding for bilingual education began in 1968, when Congress passed the __________.

Bilingual Education Act

In terms of income, which group has benefited most from all the civil rights actions?

Black middle class

Which of the following presents the conflict view of ethnic competition for jobs?

Blacks in Harlem and Brooklyn urging boycotts of Korean stores

Cambodians and Laotians, like the Vietnamese, came from the area of Southeast Asia formerly colonized and administered by England.


Which social caste is considered to be the elite?

Brahmins (The four major social divisions in India's caste system: the Brahmin priest class, the Kshatriya warrior/administrator class, the Vaishya merchant/farmer class, and the Shudra laborer class.)

__________ are an ethnic group.

Bulgarian Americans XXXBlack Americans

How can employers persuade a group to work for a lower price?

By tempting another group coming from a more favorable economic resource position.

What is the largest U.S. denomination?


The sanctuary movement that hid Salvadoran refugees from immigration officials involved __________.

Catholic clergy and parishioners

Chicano power was promoted by __________.

Cesar Chavez

The Trail of Tears refers to the deadly expulsion of the __________.


The largest concentration of Palestinian Americans is in __________.

Chicago XXXAtlanta

__________ likely slowed upward mobility for Slavic immigrants.

Child labor XXXTheir backgrounds in factory labor

An excellent example of economic competition breeding conflict is that of the __________.


Which Asian immigrants first came to the United States during the California gold rush in the 1850s?


Islam incorporates many beliefs and practices of__________.

Christianity and Judaism

The pottu or dot on the forehead for Hindus is similar to __________.

Christians wearing a cross

An ascribed status is one that someone has given to us as a gift.


Anti-Semitic behavior in the United States largely disappeared after World War II.


Most immigrant groups were forced to live in substandard housing. What was a typical response of dominant society?

Condemnation of the immigrants for living as they did

__________ theory explains ethnic conflict as economic exploitation of minority groups.


__________explains ethnic struggles as economic exploitation of minority groups.

Conflict theory

__________ is a function of social capital.

Cultivation of hope, trust, communication, and mutual assistance

Who is associated with the Brown Berets?

David Sanchez XXXCesar Chavez

The 1960s sit-ins and freedom rides are examples of which minority response pattern?


The 1973 Wounded Knee incident illustrates which minority-response pattern?


__________ is a type of ethnophaulism?

Disparaging nicknames

What groups have low intermarriage rates with non-Hispanics?

Dominicans and Puerto Ricans

Why did most Egyptians leave Egypt?

Economics and educational reasons XXXPolitical and religious reasons XXXPolitical unrest

The greatest conflict between Catholics and Protestants was on the subject of __________.


Which of the following is a goal of the Official English Movement?

Eliminate bilingual education

Underrepresenting non-European material in textbooks and classes exemplifies __________.


A "No Trespassing" sign would most likely be found in which culture?


__________ is/are least likely to have a favorable view of Islam.

Evangelical Protestants

What primary motivation prompted the Mormons to move westward from New York?


What is the main "hot button" issue that that triggers nativists' ire more than any other ethnic manifestation by Hispanics?

Extensive use of the Spanish language

According to the concept of "persistent subcultures," all ethnic groups avoid any assimilation with the dominant culture.


According to the text, religious differences fan the flames of intense bigotry and acts of mob violence in the United States.


Although popular in the 19th century, today the Ku Klux Klan is considered a relic from the past.


In which of the following ways did Cubans respond to discrimination in Miami in the early 1980s?

Forming an ethnic enclave XXXMoving in large numbers to Pensacola

Affirmative action originated with an executive order by President __________.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

_________ is a basic U.S. value.


The nation's inability to absorb quickly the large numbers of Germans and Irish, resulting in a temporary societal disruption, illustrates which theory?

Functionalist XXXSplit labor market

Bill believes that assimilation is the key to understanding racial and ethnic differences and that economic equality will follow. His views are in line with __________ theory.

Functionalist XXXinteractionist

Which state historically provided the most opportunity and protection for Asian immigrants?


Early Korean immigrants were recruited by the __________.

Hawaii Sugar Planters' Association

__________ is the field of study that has the largest number of female bachelor's degree earners.

Health professions

__________ is a current pattern in Asian-American assimilation.

High residential segregation

The percentage of Americans in which group is predicted to increase the most by 2050?


Census Bureau projections for 2050 include __________.

Hispanics becoming the largest minority group

According to Bonacich, how might higher-paid groups respond in a split-labor market?

If the higher-paid labor group is strong enough, it may be able to block the cheaper competition through exclusion.

What was the nature of the attacks launched on immigrants by Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson, prior to World War I?

Immigrants were chided to stop being "hyphenated Americans".

It was not until the passage of the __________ that the Chinese were able to enter the United States under regular immigration regulations.

Immigration Act of 1965

Use of an immigrant quota system ended when Congress passed the __________.

Immigration and Nationality Act

What factors have changed the perception of race in the 2010 census?

Immigration and higher birth rates XXXImmigration and cultural identity

When did sex inequality become marked by disparities in economic contributions?

Industrial societies XXXPastoral societies XXXAgrarian societies

The Bell Curve says the best explanation of wealth, status, poverty, and social pathologies is __________.


Racism __________.

Is a human invention XXXprevails when people believe that a small group of races is superior in some aspects to others

In what way can we say that Hinduism is like most Western religions?

It reflects a diverse set of practices and philosophical concepts.

Which country supplied more immigrants than Canada and Newfoundland between 1820 and 2009?


__________a legislative effort to control a minority.

Jim Crow Laws were

__________ was a migration "pull" factor in the 1800s

Job opportunities in industrial America

What are identified in the text as "the basic building blocks" of Native American societies?

Kin relationships

What feature of language may connote both intended and unintended prejudicial meanings?

Linguistic relativity

__________ identifies the status of second-generation Italian-Americans prior to 1940.

Marginality XXXapid upward mobility

Today, most undocumented migrants are coming from __________.


__________ has the highest percentage of Hispanic residents.

Miami XXXHouston

Which former president sought to return to office on the Know-Nothing ticket?

Millard Fillmore

Early German immigrants settled in __________.


Through the __________, the United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba if necessary to protect U.S. interests.

Platt Amendment

Which push factor was responsible for the majority of German immigrants?


__________ would be likely in the Gypsy subculture.

Posing as another ethnicity to evade authorities

Acceptance as a minority response is less common in the United States than it once was.


Dominicans commonly co-exist in neighborhoods alongside those of the __________.

Puerto Ricans

Which of the following is an example of self-justification.

Puritans burning witches, whose refusal to confess "proved they were evil."

The greatest number of U.S. hate crimes result from __________ bias.


Minority women encounter prejudice and discrimination on what two fronts?

Race and gender

__________ is a cause of conflict between minority groups.

Seeing the other as gaining an unfair advantage

__________ is a key focus of the sociological approach to studying prejudice.


__________ is one of the French population segments identified in the text.

Settlers in Louisiana

__________ was a major social problem affecting most Asian immigrants up through the 1940s.

Shortage of women

In order to strengthen the group by removing errant members and silencing ideas which do not conform, the Amish may __________ a member.


Aristotle said we like "those like ourselves ... of our own race or country or age or family, and generally those who are on our own level." Which of the following concepts best represents Aristotle's statement?

Similarity and attraction XXXGroup identification preference

In Rumbaut's study, more than 97% of the third-generation immigrants preferred to do what?

Speak only English only at home XXXSpeak both languages at home

Irish conflicts with Blacks, Chinese, and Germans all illustrate which theory?

Split labor market

__________ helps to explain the ethnic antagonism in the workplace.

Split or dual labor theory

The "German Triangle" consisted of Cincinnati, Milwaukee and __________.


Which of the following is a social or economic condition that would likely foster conflict between minority groups?

Stagnant economy

__________ assimilation is much more likely for Arab Americans to the extent that they have lived in the U.S. for a long time, were younger at the age of immigration, and are Christian.


What factors make it easy for recent immigrants to have plural identities, including dual citizenship?

Technology and global economy

__________ was a part of the argument for Anglo-conformity in the excerpt from an early 20th century educator.

That new immigrants were taking jobs from Americans

__________ is a historical example of ethnocentrism.

The "white man's burden" in England

__________ represents a minority-against-minority clash over limited resources.

The 19th-Century race-baiting riots on the West Coast

Why did the U.S. Supreme Court deny the Cherokee the right to sue Georgia?

The Cherokee were not considered a foreign nation.

__________ was a societal reaction to the Irish presence in the nineteenth-century.

The burning of Irish Catholic houses of worship

__________ was/were a hindrance to upward mobility for Italian immigrants?

The decision of many families to remain in a Little Italy for long periods of time XXXDominant group acceptance

Although African Americans found greater freedom in the North, the dominant group's animosity toward them led to majority patterns of avoidance and discrimination.


Arab Americans appear to be generally unconcerned about racial differences in the United States.


"Little Arabia" is located in Dearborn, Michigan.


A gemeinschaft society is regulated by custom and habit.


A group that is denied the ability to fully participate in mainstream society, such as African slaves in the U.S., will typically forge their own identity.


Other than Russia, which country has led all former-Soviet republics in U.S. immigration since 1992?


Which is part of the Rastafarian behavior code?

Using only natural foods without chemical processing

Which of the following is an example of Anglo-Conformity?

Using schools to socialize all children into Anglo-Saxon culture.

In American culture, such things as freedom, individualism and equal opportunity are deemed to be highly desirable. In sociological terms these concepts are __________.


What happened in 1990 that led an 11-year-long exodus of Nicaraguan refugees to subside?

XXXImmigration services denied entry to all Nicaraguan refugees. XXXThe contra war began.

__________was/were often a push factor for nonwestern immigrants.

XXXJob opportunities

In what ways were Asian immigrants in the United States similar to the first European immigrants?

When encountering hostile natives, they chose to settle in homogenous communities near their port of entry.

__________ is a paralinguistic signal.

Whistling at someone of the opposite sex

According to Benjamin Franklin's account, which of the following did the Iroquois consider to be elements of European education?

XXXKnowledge of cabin building

The __________ are arguably the most assimilated of all Asian groups.


Which group experiences more direct racism?

Whites married to Blacks

__________ are barred from becoming elders in the Mormon church.


__________ has contributed the greatest number of immigrants to the United States.


The turning point when the total of immigrants from northern and western Europe was surpassed by the total from South, Central and Eastern Europe occurred in __________.


What is the approximate percentage difference between all races and Native Americans for motor vehicle accident deaths?


Between 1820 and 2011, about how many British people moved to the United States?

XXX2.9 million

Based on the U.S. Census Bureau, 2011, approximately what percentage of American Indians own their homes?


How many legal South American immigrants entered the United States between 2000 and 2009?

XXX502,247 XXX576,831

__________ is/are identified in recent studies as a suicide risk factor for Native American youth.

XXXA lack of firearm safety

The 1911 Dillingham report concluded that __________.

XXXAll immigration should be restricted, without exception

Before European colonization, approximately how many Native Americans lived in what would become the United States?

XXXBetween one and six million

__________ have the highest rate of labor force participation.

XXXBlack men

As their length of time in the country grows, Mexican immigrants close the earning gap with __________ but not with non-Hispanic whites.


Today, third and fourth generation Italian Americans are __________.

attending colleges and universities in large numbers

Efforts to overcome chronic unemployment among Native Americans now emphasize __________.

attracting light industry and business to reservations XXXincreasing tourism to reservations

Melissa has been referring to the Japanese as a race because they stand out as an identifiable group to her. She is __________.

using the term "race" incorrectly

Jeremy knows very little about his family's heritage, and as a fourth generation Irish-American, most people simply assume he is a white American. It is safe to say that Jeremy's family has been __________.


With regard to acculturation processes, __________.

acculturation functions as a trade-off between traditional Hispanic tendencies and white practices

Megan has recently joined a white supremacy group in order to try and do something about her beliefs that nonwhites are inferior races. Megan is a(n) __________.

active bigot

The Amish allow __________.

adolescent rebelliousness prior to adult church membership

If you were concerned about the Hispanic dropout rate, you would do well to focus on __________.

age at the time of entry into the United States XXXattendance

Holden believes that all races are equal and goes out of his way to support programs and legislation that are aimed at achieving social equality even if it costs him money and/or job opportunities. He is a(n) __________.

all-weather liberal

Immigration legislation after 1965__________.

allowed more non-Western immigrants to gain approval to migrate

In the early twentieth century, U.S. policy toward Puerto Rico was __________.

an attempt at Americanization XXXmostly to encourage economic investment

An ethnic group held up as a role model for a newly arrived group was probably __________.

an object of scorn and condemnation itself at one time

German Jews were embarrassed by the __________ of the Sephardic Jews.


The reputational method involves __________.

asking people how they thought others compared to them

Sexual bias in schools __________.

continues to exist

Television __________.

continues to promote traditional sex stereotypes XXXsignificantly improved its realistic portrayal of women

The gradual and pervasive change in the values of a people is known as __________.

cultural drift

The culture of poverty refers to __________.

cultural traits of the poor transmitted from one generation to the next, creating a perpetual underclass

Mead's study of the Arapesh, Mundugamor, and Tchambuli found __________.

cultural variance in male-female role behavior

Barry believes that most poor people are caught in a cycle where they end up developing bad habits and belief systems which keep them in poverty. He is a supporter of Moynihan's interpretation of the __________ theory.

culture of poverty

When Juan arrived in Milan he was surprised to find that people drank wine during working lunches. This is an example of __________.

culture shock

Myrdal called the intensification of discrimination resulting from Jim Crow laws __________.

cumulative causation

Stereotypes __________.

deny individuals the right to be judged and treated on the basis of their own personal merit

Franklin's account of the Indian response to the offer of scholarships for educating Indian youth at Williamsburg illustrates __________.

different value orientations

Studying race and ethnic relations is __________.

difficult because the subject defies a logical or scientific explanation

Acceptance maintains the superior position of the dominant group, the subordinate position of the minority group and __________.

diminishes conflict between the two groups XXXeases the passage of the next group of minorities into mainstream society

Some ethnophaulisms about the Chinese dealt with perceptions of them being __________,


The term "glass ceiling" refers to __________.

discrimination against female upward mobility

Mexican Americans may be described as __________.

diverse in values, socioeconomic status, and assimilation

Muslims are concerned about __________ interfering with their ability to maintain the integrity of their way of life.

divorce XXXtelevision XXXthe government

George is trying to understand prejudice. His professor tells him to consider that __________.

prejudice may be the result of frustration XXXprejudice can only be negative XXXprejudice exists on seven distinct levels

Recent government studies reveal that bilingual education __________.

primarily benefits native English speakers

A "push" factor spurring early Japanese migration was__________.

primogeniture XXXpolitical unrest XXXreligious persecution

I and I is used among Rastafarians to __________.

promote equality and oneness with everyone

The measurable impact of the massive civil rights legislation was its __________.

provision of equal life opportunities for African Americans

According to Parrillo, a category of people who share visible biological characteristics and are regarded as a single group is a(n) __________.


Asian Indians in the early twentieth century experienced __________.

racial prejudice XXXXforced assimilation

Cuban cultural values emphasize __________.

readily displaying kindness and generosity XXXXliving in order to work and achieve physical comfort

Dignidad refers to __________.

reciprocal respect in human interaction

The accommodation (pluralistic) theory __________.

recognizes the persistence of racial diversity where the government adopted multiculturalism policy XXXsuggests that only in the institution of religion did minority groups alter the national culture

Jim Crow Laws __________.

reflected southern states' embracing the notion of separate but equal upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson

During the colonial period, one of the most frequent causes of social problems was __________.


Many Federalists believed that the large foreign-born population was the root of all evil in the United States. This is __________.


In 1954, the landmark desegregation order covered __________.

schools only (Brown vs Brown)

Anti-Jewish stereotypes included characterizing Jews as __________.


The major criticism against using intelligence testing to compare the capabilities of races is __________.

the presumption that genetic factors explain differences in scores

Variances in the Hispanic experience in the United States are due to __________.

the regions in which they settled

In 1847, Mormon migration to the Great Salt Lake Valley resulted from __________.

the threat of extermination or forced assimilation

As the text suggests, white values and behavior patterns might be unrealized by group members because __________.

the values and behaviors are taken-for-granted

Calling Jews "clannish" when they went to their own resorts after being denied access to public resorts illustrates __________.

the vicious circle

The fact that __________ contributed to the success of some first and many second-generation Jewish Americans.

they brought to America skills useful in an industrial society

A recent proposal suggested that many reservations be used as __________.

toxic dumping grounds XXXindependent municipalities

Controversies over abortion and school prayer __________.

unite people of many different faiths in a common cause

Alfred had no prejudices towards Blacks but when his friends make derogatory comments to Black kids he does nothing to stop them. Alfred is a(n) __________.

unprejudiced discriminator XXXunprejudiced nondiscriminator

The principle of "separate but equal" was __________.

upheld by the Supreme Court in 1896 (in the case of Pessy vs Ferguson)

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